Family History
Mr. Greatfelix
Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Greatfelix) and was a member of The Cloudy Sky
hey. i have no idea whats going on in this game so all im gonna do is build my army and dont mess with me i learn more by the second...
Mr. Greatfelix
Lived in Era 24, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of The Cloudy Sky
i once lived on a farm....thats about all i can remember as my mum then knocked me over the head repeatedly with a abseball bat.......which hurt like hell! but anywho then i killed my mother and walked into a pile of cattle poo which i then ate...and realized i should of tkaen the nice farmers offering of bread and i went inside and got drunk........he got annoyed so i pulled out my knife and stabbed him....then i took over his farm...being young i had to wear a fake moustache at first before he wife thought tweice about me...she told me to take it off....we sent the children to bed and then went to our own ;) now that night we had a big pillow fight and made tents! it was SOOOOOO fun! WEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!