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Mr. Talon Vir

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Talon Vir Ghorta) and was a member of The Alliance

It was the third day of march when it all began. There were so many wars, so many people dying. It was then on which Talon Vir decided to leave the ruined battle grounds on which he once called his home. The man took 50 of his best soldiers to drift off on a specially made sea vessel to the new world. The world of Zetamania...

It was there on the 11th day of sailing through the crude seas that they saw land. They quickly turn through and drifted down a river and started a colony. 20 men of Talon's small force scouted the area.
They quickly started a settlement deep into Zetamania, where there
not only the numbers in their army grew, but the numbers of their peoples. Soon, the settlement of Talon grew more and more, then they started seeing other settlements around theirs. As Talon walked up a guard tower to investigate the situation, he met a stranger with a bow slung around his back. The stange fellow walked passed Talon, giving him a note into his hand. From which read to join The Alliance, a kingdom of great allies. And so
Talon joined The Alliance, gaining in power for his people, and continuing a legacy.

March 30th, 3 years later. Journal #14 of Talon Vir

The next series events have been tragic, and I am not sure at all on how i survived them. They came in the night, stalking the kingdom of Valandir from behind. Our gates were closed and we weren't able to set up guard towers. With our year old guard tower in the city of Gu'Tonth we could see right above the tip of the mountain pass, a ravaging war! An army of thousands of soldiers came charging at a large settlement. Arrows Rained down and it was all so close that we were able to hear the cries of men.. and Orc. The battle massed for half a week and after that there were hardly any more orc left, but none-theless, the orc had conquered again. Another day came to pass, we sent a small group of one hundred soldiers to help defend Valandir and i was there to accompany them, yet we knew it wasn't enough for long, for at least three miles away we saw the banners of another army, bearing the same crest as the orc, north east of Valandir and Gu'Tonth. Bearing this, we set up a new training post and our blacksmiths made much stronger, better armor and weapons. We did this for Valandir aswell but we did not have enough buildings and that city was less advanced than us. Then it happened. A spawn of three hundred Orcs jumped at the city walls from behind. our thirty archers fired from that great distance and they all were able to get at least one shot. thirty orcs down, two hundred more to go. Valandir already had one hundred fifty soldier to start with so it wasnt that bad. The orcs Charged at us with such force they shattered my soldiers shields.
I drew my blade and yelled as hard as i could, drawing my strength to my arms as i hit a backhand slash at an orc, tumbling it down to the soil. Another volley of arrows came hissing from above downward to the orcs. Two swordsmen fell to the ground and perished as i went back, i felt a sharp jolt in my chest. I looked down to see a sword sticking out of me! The pain was unbearable i turned around, pulling the sword with me and sliced the orc in two. I grabbed the sword and pulled it out as quick as i could, to spare the pain. My head was spinning as i saw squads of orcs raid the city of Valandir. No, i wont let this happen, i thought as i threw my royal helm to the ground. I made another battlecry and ran forward the orcs. I slash as much as i could, hoping my strength would last for another day aswell. I threw an iron knife at a charging orc, then picked my sword up and thrusted my blade into the guts of a busy orc. just then i looked pass the broken wall. I heard something, something like footsteps, only a thousand times as much. Then i realized it was footsteps, a thousand times as much. A massive army from behind the broken wall emerged. They wore armor different from our and the orc, and their weapons were razor sharp and were forged from iron. Then something came up from the center of the army. A banner. The banner leading to our doom. A banner of the Dwarfs. To this, the orcs fled out of the city while the Dwarfs moved in. I stood up and was about to go and thank them when i realized that they weren't here for exchanging pleasantries. They were here to conquer us. seventy five of my men stood, and i didnt think we would make it. There were probably one thousand soldiers moving toward us with giant axes. They had enhanced weapons and their armor was thick and strong. "Reform!" I yelled as i rallied my troops. They stood in one line, all facing the Dwarven army, drenched in blood and sweat. "My people! My great, brave men, I am sorry to have lead you here, on our judgment day, " I spoke loud and clear, "But if we weren't here, these people would not be alive!" I pointed toward the citizens in their houses."Now we may not be many, but every man thats standing here in front of me, every soldier here that is killed, will take down ten soldiers with him! My brave men, we came here to do a job, to protect the people of Valandil, and that we will do! Brothers, charge with me!" With that I yelled as hard as i could with my blood painted sword drawn, i ran toward the army of dwarves with all my might, knowing that our fates had been sealed. My soldiers, bless theiri bravery, yelled as they ran with as much fury and strength they could muster from their minds and bodies. Then all heck broke lose. Fifteen archers behind my small company fired, with flaming arrows soaring above us, landing at their targets. The arrows kept leaving their bows until my soldiers and I were fifteen paces away. They threw legions of legions of throwing axes, one after another, and one after another my soldiers fell. Fifty men left, i thought. The ten there was the collision, as sparks erupted from metal against metal, swords against spears, helms against spears, armor against arrows, and force against force. A thought came out finally, after dwindling in my mind in the darkness for so long, it finally came out. We were going to lose. i pulled the last thirty swordsmen and ten archers out and we gathered all of the resources we had left. As we retreated out of the conquered city we saw another city to the north. It was large, but most of all, it had the banner of The Alliance. It was time to prepare for liberation, i thought, as i saw the reinforcements of Gu'Tonth heading toward the new city. Then it all came crashing down on us. A swift legion of men, shogunates as they call them selves, swept straight through the new city, destroying. I saw my people fight the shoguns but lost. Those that did survive returned to the city of Valandil, and they accompanied me one thousand peasants on a journey to the center of The Alliance. The Cities of Gu'Tonth and Valandil were later destroyed in mere minutes by a devastating magic attack. It was a miracle that we were able to escape.

One month later.

We created a settlement near a friendly city of Stoneforge, lead by Eredon Stonebeard, a fellow member of The Alliance. As our people grew, we got enough to continue our expedition to the far center of The Alliance. Four days passed until we saw that we were being followed by a regiment of three thousand, five hundred men of the USSR. We quickened our pace and they quickened theirs. Finally they were one day behind us, we were approaching a gate through a mountain pass. We sighed in relief as we knew that meant resting in a keep and full bellies of food. We were happy until one moment. I looked at the banner and saw the same insignia of the USSR regiment that was following us
It was just then when i noticed it. The thing that was both bad and good. A burst of light came out from the east like an explosion. It stretched until it finally reached us, annihilating everything around it. I'm not sure how i survived this and i don't think i even did, which doesn't explain how i'm writing this journal, which is all out of pure memory...

(Thank you for reading the lost journals of Talon Vir. We will continue our search for the heroic stories about he and his men
written of the old scrolls of the past. To be continued.)

Mr. Talon Vir Ghorta

Lived in Era 25, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Slovaknia

Journal #14

(The beginning of the message was found burnt and not legible. However, we recovered the rest of the journal.)

Thursday, June 3rd.

Now, i believe i should talk about my father, Talon Vir. He started my kingdom, and for that i am thankful. He had fought bravely during the last Era. He was a member of The Alliance, but now, i no longer am. I have lost contact with The Alliance a few years ago. Anyways, my father was at war with a kingdom called the GoDs. I don't know why they named it that, but from my father, it meant the Gods of Destruction. They weren't gods, but far from it. My father was able to defeat two armies of them with the same battalion. During that war, a cruel wizard had cast a spell on the world. That spell being Armageddon. I was one of the few that had survived the complete havoc that Armageddon had unleashed upon are worlds. That spell had enough power to either destroy a city, or destroy the world. It seemed, it almost destroyed all of both. Me and a friend, heir of my fathers friend, are now both leaders of our own settlements. His name is Icerendash, Heir of Vieskna. The same Vieskna that had allowed my father into the Alliance. The same Vieskna that had saved my fathers life. But now we are starting our own alliance. A kingdom called Slovaknia.

(End of Journal entry)

Journal #13

(We are proud to say we have found the complete fifteenth Journal entry of Talon Vir Ghorta, son of Talon Vir in tactic and completely legible.)

Thursday, May 27th

My new army of fifty has moved out of Icerendash's city Warsaw, and we are completely grateful of his hospitality. I have finally started a new colony named Traslavan. My armies are growing. Now my great friend Icerendash has made his brand new kingdom of Slovaknia and is appointing me prime minister to be at his side. Now, me and my friend will start a new empire.

(End of Journal Entry.)

Journal #19

(The end of this entry was ripped off, but as we search the ruins of Traslavan, we may find the ripped half.)

Friday, August 12th

The recent events have been great and tragic. Me and my friend Icerendash, heir of Vieskna, went out looking on the landscape. We sent our scouts out to the north and found our a man. A man named Matthew II. He had his new colony set up near the mountains and was surrounded by small platoons north of him. We weren't sure who this man was until he revealed that he was THE Matthew's son, the leader of our fathers' Alliance. We immediately let him into our new kingdom, and now he is part of the council ---

(The bottom of the entry is ripped.)

Journal #19 Continued

(We have recently found another piece to the entry #19 of Talon Vir Ghorta's journals. Though we have found it, pieces have been ripped of, and unfortunately, some of the words have been smudged. We apologize for lending this in in this condition.)

--- but more good new comes. We have finally obtained a new banner of red and white, and now we can finally recognize each others armies without approaching with caution. Now, the colonies of Slovaknia flourish, Matthew II, Icerendash, and mine to, Talon VIr Ghorta. I hope i can live up to my fathers name...-------smudged off.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------smudged off.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So much has happened during the last few days that i'm practically thoughtless, though i will try to maintain writing. Anyways, here is the bad news. Armies and armies of a kingdom called Mirror, though i don't know why they call it that, have been pouring into our waypoints. From the north, five armies came and now their are many cities in that area, dangerously close to Matthew II's colony of New Sthelens. From the south, three armies have sprouted and i fear----------smudges off------may there be no conflict. If there is, we know that they are planning to go to war with the Shogunates, a kingdom that Matthew, Vieskna, and My father fought in the last era. But once that has happened we-----------------------------------------------
and they will be ----------------------------------------------------------------
armies and ---------------------------------------------------------------------

(The rest of the Journal entry will have to wait, we are trying our best to restore it.)

Journal #21

So many bad things have happened, but i hope, so many good things will come. I am writing this entry from a tent at my armies camp, the fourth doom legion. Before i go on, let me explain. I may the doom legions to fight against our kingdom wars, but i never thought it would come to this. Anyways, the doom legions are spectaular soldiers, far better than the normal man, infact, the reason they are better is because they aren't men. Unlike their human comrads, they are elven soldiers, ghosts if i reckon, well most of them, not all of them. They are by far cheaper and better at fighting and could win a war against any army, unless they are twice their size. I formed six doom legions, but in total, only three of those legions are left today. I lost two of those legions in a battle against Mirror, taking over the city of Minan. I merged them, but unfortunately, not even the power of both of them was enough to take over a city of 5000 men. Those legions were small, about two thousand each. It took til the third legion was sent in, though it wasn't the actual third legion, it was the fifth i made. That Doom legion is the one riding next to us. Oh sorry, i forgot, the last legion that i lost out of the total six, was Doom Legion VI. It was lost in the dead of night, in Traslavan. I created it with four thousand men, very quickly if i might add, but anyways, in the morning, every single soldier was gone, all that remained was their weapons and belongings. I quickly hope that that particular legion is still living, because they were dead on good at fighting. Now, where i left off before the doom legions. A few months ago, the generals of Slovaknia thought that Mirror wasn't going onto the offensive, not until they launched an attack on King Icerendash, the very leader of our Kingdom. He didn't have his defensives set because he thought that the Mirror kingdom was just settleing around, we all did, except me. At the current time I had already set two of my Doom Legions, Doom Legions II and III. I started off with Doom Legion II and left III at my capital, Traslavan. We set off with close to two thousand men, a great thing to have on your side of the battle. When we arived at our destination, Warsaw, a great city of the high king, we thought their fates had been set. A massive army was set upon their door step. We thought that they were doomed, until we got the numbers. Ahhh.. numbers, they saved us from leaving the city we thought would be gone. My scribes gave me their army count, and they had only thirteen hundred soldiers, and they even had wooden swords! It was a great relief to my army as we charged down the hill side toward the army and the city, bolting them down with my trust riders. I was there, i saw the blood, and i saw dwarves. Now i will recount every detail down at that war. As i rode down there i saw fires at the city. The Army may only have had wooden weapons and armor, but they were still an army. As weak as they were to my soldiers, they could do devastating things to the city of Warsaw. I rode my horse down the grassy plains with my sword drew quickly, as the sun drew high behind us with the light of dawn, blinding the enemies. I yelled out my battle cry, then raced at the soldiers with my shield at my side. It was time to save the king, i thought, sweat trickling down my forehead. I shook my dark brown hair from my view and slashed down at the dwarves, slicing one's helmet in half. I just off my horse, landing my sword into the chest of an enemy. I quickly pulled it out and kicked away the dwarf charging at me with its massive axe. As i jabbed at another Dwarf, i realized that we were winning already. Half of the dwarves were still their from the total, and i saw dozens of my men on the ground, blood on their garments and armor. I thrusted my blade up into the air, looking at the sky and yelled.
"For the King!" I rallied up a few soldiers and charged with them at the dwarves at the broken gate of the city. I stabbed a dwarf leting him slide off my blade and felt and felt a sudden intense pain at my back. I turned around and saw two throwing axes stuck at me as i yelled in pain. I threw myself down to the ground and ripped them off my back. My god, that was extremely painful! I can still remember the sudden jabs of pain i felt. I quickly wrapped the back wound with a rag to stop the bleeding and threw myself at the dwarf with my blade at my side. As i finished off two more enemy soldiers, I felt a sudden force behind me, kind of like a tap, and i turned around as fast as an arrow, sword at ready. Then i realized it was one of my men. I quickly lowered my guard and wiped the sweat and blood off my face, smearing it on my hand. I then saw that we had won. No dwarf had survived that and i still had about fifteen hundred soldiers left. I sighed in relief and lead my soldiers into the almost destroyed city of Warsaw. I was quickly greeted by Icerendash, who was grateful of my save. I let my men rest, and then left with some of his soldiers to Minan, for revenge of Icerendash, which i may add that his city has quickly grown. With a new total of two thousand men, we assaulted the city of minan, taking control over it, and may i say that it gave me good profit too. After that we burned down the brother city of Farm. We quickly returned to Minan to rest, letting Icerendash's soldiers return to his keep. My Guard towers had alerted me with a scroll that battalions and regiments were journying to our kingdom, and so far, two of our cities had been taken over, the city of Cyrus and Matthew II. There were too many soldiers, so i sent out the three Doom Legions, Doom legion II, Doom Legion IV, and Doom Legion V to go and set an escape route with Icerendash and Cyrus, Which will quickly lead to where I am Today. Right now My armies are about five days away from Minan, which had quickly been taken over by the armies of Mirror along with Traslavan and warsaw. So right now, I am in a field shared with about one thousand eight hundred men camping on our way through an escape route to quickly get away from Mirror. As you can say, We Are Retreating.
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