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Mr. Donut Forsakeme

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Donut Forgotme) and was a member of Peacekeeper

As the Glorious Peacekeepers reformed in Era 22, to bring peace and harmony to the world of VU, a decendant of one of the old Peacekeepers returned to the realm.

Taking his Great Great Grandfather's name, though not his penchant for lacy underwear, he soon established himself as a truly mediocre explorer, an almost average warrior, and a lamentably non-descript member of the Diplomatic Corps.

Despite these admirable talents, he found time (in between running round like a headless chicken looking for a safe place to build a Shrubbery) to antagonise, flame, and generally irritate rulers from all parts of VU.

Some of them bit so damn easily that he took to flaming them in his sleep. Most notable amongst these was War God of BoW - a truly unsavory character who Donut chose as his mission in the era to make a laughing stock of on the forums. Unfortunately for Donut, even in this his talents were way below par.

Indeed, War God himself proved so much more capable at making a fool of himself that Donut retired to a quiet bakery in the country to continue making pickling vinegar and to try to improve his yeast-line for future generations:

Mr. Donut Forsakeme
- we can't allow him [WG] to continue to assist our enemies against us, thereby breaking the NAP agreement between our Kingdoms.
Mr. Cobra
- stop your hissy fit like Osi put it.
Sir Naholo Imastabi
- I hope BoW kicks him out and you guys beat the crap out of him. I know Lgc's asses are probably sore from War God kissing them so much.
- It's not that I don't like the guy...well, okay it is. :P
Mr. War God
- for the nubs in pks [...] you havent realized what you can do instead of crying like anyone really cares about what you say but thats your own fault
Mr. Kilelrz of Doom
- Contrary to what some may think, Arien is actually one of the biggest Legacy supporters in the game. [...] In fact, Arien is like an extra lgc diplomat, and we can always trust her to come thru for us in the end!
Mr. War God
- yes i play only for myself [...] and i play for lgc because u know i protected lgc because they needed it i stand with them because swifty is lgc and he helped me
Mr. Vengeance
- shame on yout wargod
Mr. War God
- donut is just to stupid to realize you dont need to go through my blockers to get into the south thats not my fault
Princess Ginger Rogers [a.k.a. Arien]
- Roxy, seriously, if you want to spread malicious lies, find someone more believable than me for being a supporter of you guys. Seriously, that is the most bull *beep* to ever come out of Legacy. Seriously.......
Mr. Andrei
- Pks will soon be removed from the map thus rendering any nap void and useless hahahaha GO HOME PKS SCUM.
Mr. Fordius
- he [WG] said that I was the biggest *beep* in the game [...]
that guy lives in a dreamworld :) [...]
I think he is by far the worst player in vu :) he even beats hayabusa or hamish on stupidness :P lol
Mr. War God
- ates[a.k.a. Fordius] my little peon [...] all u do is think your the best when your really nothing [...] you can say w/e you like atleast im not a cheater like you are nubs
Mr. Abijad
Lord Efrandor
- [WG] don't make it any more silly then it already is, so here is a cookie little one.
Mr. War God
- ur lives are so meaningless you come into forums and talk about me cuz u want to be me dont deny it if you didnt you wouldnt make threads about me *beep*
Lord Mielo
- could we make a threads with the most stupid, meaningless, biggest self esteem, ... threads ?? I'm sure we'll have a winner ... WAR GOD!!
Lord Efrandor
- Want another cookie or have you had enough [...] I mean damn nigga, that is some tough sheit you are pulling
Mr. War God
- do you know what sarcasm my little peon [...] and btw dont try to be something your not little one its not my fault ur kd and pks are cheaters
- nub
Wolflord Karac
- I dont think he [WG] knows what nub means, cause he is saying it to all the wrong people.
Mr. Smuff VI
- are you[WG] a multi?
Mr. War God
-u [Smuff VI] believe everything PKS says your a puppet you play for them not for your kd so get over yourself [...] it is fun when u have LGC haters and nubs sitting in here flaming
Mr. Finwe[a.k.a. Osi]
- swifty is ghey
Mr. Smuff VI
- get your head out of your ASSE HOLE! [...] DO NOT question my loyalty AT ALL! *beep*.
Mr. War God
- good job now heres a cookie puppet [Efrandor]
Mr. War God
- smuff let the big boys talk ok heres a cookie go have fun with the other puppets [...] oh WG use commas oh WG you suck oh WG you cheat OH MY *beep*ING GOD SHUT THE *beep* UP YOU STUPID ASS MOTHER *beep*ING *beep*S
Mr. Smuff VI
- prick
- he[WG] has friends?! ;P
Wolflord Karac
- you [Ghouma] made up crap to attack BoW, it is petty, but hey if it makes you feel like a man at the end of the day, then by all means, do it. But dont count it as the same, you are a petty liar, and a pretty crappy player.
Mr. War God
- u [Donut] came whinning in vu public about me because your getting owned by KoH and LGC and you needed someone to blame it on so seriously shut up u and ur puppets can go play on mant where you belong
Mr. Finwe
- omgzors lgc scum!
Mr. Donut Forsakeme
- Probably a waste of bandwidth "discussing" further as you're not capable of understanding teamwork. At last any KD foolish enough to accept you in future has had a lot of warning from a lot of people - on all sides of VU politics - about what a bad KD player you are ;)[/quote]

Mr. Donut Forgotme

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Donut) and was a member of Peacekeeper


Mr. Donut

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Donut Forsakeme) and was a member of Peacekeeper


Mr. Donut Forsakeme

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Pastry Bolt) and was a member of Peacekeeper

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