Family History
Mr. Gandhi
Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Gaia).
Mr. Gaia
Lived in age 26 of Tutorial X and got 0 heir(s) .
442 days of VU rest before resurrection
boring world
Mr. Gaia has won 5 battles, captured 4 cities and killed a total of 102914 men and women.
and that’s only because I deliberately sent my first horde to it’s death… it survived, then was ownaged as compensation for mt attempt to get off world
Final Frontier
Choose army Morale Exp. Located Upkeep
100% 0 on mission 4585337
Look at the army New army Retire injured
Merge options Settle colony Scout Terrain
Ready: 0
Injured: 0
Ready: 0
Injured: 0
Ready: 288001
Injured: 0
Ready: 760000
Injured: 0
Ready: 200000
Injured: 0