Family History
Mr. Kalkan
Lived in Era 24 and got 1 heir(s) (Vieskna).
Kalkan a family of slovaks from poland that came here to fight and win honor. lost to the mongols our land had been destroyed we are the last polish poeple of the land of poland.
When we came here I was amazed. We found a spot close to the woodlands and mountains so we are protected and we Made our new kingdome named Slovaknia. It was harsh for a bit but we became strong and we have our first taste of glory with our provinces to controle. My words are this here and My life will continue here for a long time. I wish my land well and to be protected as long as possible.
Kalkan the great- 875
Slovaknia the new polish land is a land where the pesants are free to chose careers and to be helped in many ways. I am here to concour the opponents who appose me. right now my buggest is mostly in constructing and we are treated equal. 50% is to the construction 25%military 25%poeple.
tis is what the bugest is going into. Kalkan: The master mind of strategy born halve man halve elf. I use a syth sword mad out of gold and the finest steel made. knows the arts of every sword thechnique used.
The land that i controle are not poor but middle class. I set a time in wich pesants may work and when they relax. they get a 1hr break and the night from 8:00.
sientific knowledge is high many poeple go to school on sunday. Arts and our meicen against plauge is also high.
We concure land for our poeple and to protect ourselves .
I will die soon of sickness and my Son Vieskna will take over my lands they will head to a new land.Vieskna the greatest strategist has been holding dundal deep for over a week now and ill see to it he will hold it for months. until he has lost he will travel to the land to make slovankniaagain. The Dark riders are falling. Vieskna 18 earas ago the first player i made. and now i will have him once more. One day the Dark Riders Will fall and im shure of it garenteed. They have lost many soo far. and im growing old. Slovaknia will rise again. this will be my last log untill the my son takes controll. Vieskna - 879
Vieskna I am the son of the famous king Kalkan he has died. I am now the next king. Vieskna the Polish king. my son of ice and my my son of fire. both of them are named Icrendash and Firendash. I will make slovaknioa again after the hatefull dark riders took over our last kingdome. I noiw must travel and settle on a new empire. a new land. the Slavniia Dynasty shall become strong.
Mr. Vieskna
Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Icerendash) and was a member of The Alliance
Vieskna I am the son of the famous king Kalkan he has died. I am now the next king. Vieskna the Polish king. my son of ice and my my son of fire. both of them are named Icrendash and Firendash. I will make slovaknioa again after the hatefull dark riders took over our last kingdome. I noiw must travel and settle on a new empire. a new land. the Slavniia Dynasty shall become strong.
my father has died and im sent here to make my land again.
Alliance is my home untill the era has ended an arrmeggedon will soon come if it fails we have lost. Evryone will die. and my sons will take over the throne. Icrendash and Firendash my sons. I trust you both to keep peace in our kingdome and fight off the enemies till the end.
Vieska is an extram leader always happy and strong dosent give up and takes action when needed. the elven king and his human son and elven son will take the trone and become one. Gods are at the poinmt of beng attacked and i gave an army to both of my sons to share to take their first city. We are a very happy family and with my wife we are united.
Senthrosof solstiss (Spring morning) 890
The allegiance has won the war. I am proud of this achevment. I am now 34 and in fair health. I have the sickness my Father had. A strange curse in the family. It has been in the family for 1000 generations. and i am the 1001. The last of this desiese has ended and i will not be able to cure my slef. when i reach the age of 55 ill die. My sons dont have this sickness called Neddreniii. A curse after we survived to survive i found the cure and only enough for my sons. My rank as a strategic officer is at point my greratest acheivment yet. And when i have my KIngdome Slovankia will rise again.
My Long lost cousin Mathhews i found from england and helped out in his fight. I am the only one who knows the last of the chapters that was missing.
after he was almost defeated his wife died he and a few of his soliders were still alive. Me and my 50 battalions charged into batle saveing his kingdome for dyeing. His son is alive and well along with him. I have the scar from that battle on my head. on the left cheek theres the sign of an eye. Meaning in my society Wisdome and Knowledge. I am the last man to know of Mathews tablet. because i was there.
The alliance has been strong and more powerfull then ever. We are one of the super powers of now. My kingdome will have me and my friends fighting for one thing only. That this is our empire.
Mr. Icerendash
Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Firendash) and was a member of Slovaknia
I am the son of Vieskna of the new era. I am he oldest of my brother.I am now 21 and my brother is 15. My father died from the dreaded curse that only the elvish slovakniia dynastey get. I am part of that dynastey but only the human side of the dynasty has none of it. I have green eyes and dark blond hair. I rest my cases with both war and diplomacy. I studied the arts of strategy by my father and have been in many baattles. When he died i left to Matrax to become stronger than ever. I know 30 languages and mastered warfare. I was said to be unbeatable in chess, but my father was the only one who ever beat me. I have named my land and i live to grow. I came here by magic from my fathers sign. I started a small colony by the mountains and grew many crops and all the poeple are happy. and then my friend came next to my city and started our dynasty. He is my prime minister and friend of all.
My father help Talon Vir escape the attacks of shogunate. After that he started our wars with Shogunate takeing controll of almost the main core. My father and his father were very good friends untill that fatefull curse killed him. The Slovaknia family has been friends with the Talon Vir family for awhile ive met my friend here while my scout spoted a town a mile from ours. I knew it was him. we finnaly saw each other after a few years. I felt we could and can do anything if we both where set strong. my next journal will come soon enough.
- Icerendash
Ireelen Star(summer)
We have found out that Mirror will attack shoganets and this will weaken them dramaticly.
in the city we have seen scounts crossing and looking and building cities around the main core. I ask them to leave and they will soon. my neighbor feels the same way and we will stay cautious for this reason.
War of the Converters
*note this is a old story way back when the Slavaniia was at its normalency in 121*
followers of the shawen Cult had been ravageing throughout the land the cults had joined forces and made strange armies and magics. Vodan (king at that time of my dynastey) was concerned about this. He sent out an army to see what was going on. he send over 20,000 men only 5 came back ever alive. They said it was soo horrible with the magic they casted on them. The worst of the attacks was converting them. the enemie had 5,000 men but when they converted 19,000 of our men and chaged sides. They soon after left never to be seen again. I asked assistance from Tilon Var *note i used talon vir but chaged 2 letters* He send me his finest archers and magic users to help me in this war.15 months after continuous battles fought we where at a stand off of all our men versus all of their men. The enemie had about 3 hords of men. agains my armies we where out numbered 1 to 3. we only had 1 mill of men. we seperated them all to this 50% knights, 10% pesants, 25%archers, 10% calvery, and last 5% mages. We ask for renforcments from the south. Tribes of the dwarfs and the Prospherous elves. Vodan himself was known to be a mix of dwarvenHuman. He was only 4ft 4in. so he was preatty short. anyways the battles when on for 100 days untill we where forced to retreat to the city of Vodanski the main capital. Wee did heavy damage to them with only 1hord left and us only 8000 we where makeing our last stand. on the 98 day the dwaefs came on 500,000 and elves in 800,000. We opened the gates and our swarms of men left ravageing the covonent. With soo much power in their armies. Their leader exposed himself. In the golden blue colors and the smell of blood. We thought it was the devil. the last days where fought and their leader destroyed himself causing armmegedon. Destroying the era. After the armegedon was casted almost everyone died. The king died and only 3 of the 1000 cities that we controled lived. luckily the capital was the most imporant city to survive because this is the only script found in the city.
SloMir war
After we settled here soon after we tried makeing peace with Mirror. Soon after they start the Campainge to attack. so we whent to the defesive positions. I havent made a good defense so i was at the disadvantage. my friend came and saved me from destruction. We started the attack on Mirror. I asked for help from old allies back in era 24. So far we are at our highest main. most of mirror have no walls so they are weak at defence. We Start the Capmpage and we won many battles but when Keltas unleashed his force. we have no choice but to retreat to the top core. after over a few months of battles we still havent gotten through. This is our longest battle yet to run.
Its been monhs and still warsaw is standing pround and tall nothing has gottin in yet. At least 10000 of their men are dead and are loseing moral. I told the enemie they wouldent get in and they just kept on going. my great escape was a faliure and i shall stay untill death its been 10 months now of seige and noone has gotten in. Talon has helped me for alot of a time and i shall repay it by keeping this city alive for awhile. i dont have much time left before they destroy me so i will make my stand here. I had enough fighting and this hopeless battle wont continue anyfarther. I write my last saying here afterr i was hit with a dwarven sword then losed my hand by an ax. I lost i die here and have my brother the true son and heir to the throne. I die here. I die for honor and i die for my country.
I die here today. This is my last script.
Mr. Firendash
Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Firendash) and was a member of Slovaknia
I have son of Vieskna and brother of Icerendash. Master or war and strategy i use the sythe as my weapon. I am 5ft 11in and where most of the time elven armore the best armore you could make. My brother died in combat and i had no choice but to destroy everything that was with him. i took all valubals and found this weird stone. the stone of Viiishinaak. A beautifull magic stone that lets all who wear it get a second chance of life.i wore it now and i will have it on. but there was a catch i couldent eat for a month and if i survied then i got the second chance. days go by and i have to get out of the mirror core the only chance to live. I found a lovely elven woman who we have met many times and so we are engaged im sad that my brother died and he wont see our marriage. we stayed at our friends lands for awile and headed off we will go around lands to get out of mirror. The is a trip that might have us die. We named our child today because she gave birth. We named him Zou Ci. his last name if you havent known for some time is the Slovakniia dynastey and family. I studied the ways of my cultures and a foriegn one from a place called japan. my second weapon the friend is doeing a suicied mission to try destroying his own city but i know he will lose.
i have gotten the stone and i am at the point of teleporting to zeta or matrax after we make our camp. it will be long and hard. i hope i see my friend there soon. my son Hanachi is doeing well and im in no position of war. Im hot and my home land is usualy in a cold land like when i was in my last home land. i dont have much time to talk about my life my my friends son has mad a land and we are best of friends for a long time. Alliance will come back a powerfull kingdome back then but left.
I sadily found out that cloudy sky our Allie had been lost gone destroyed. Said I had to go on with my life and move out. My wife and my son where at last at peace. we would go to anouther land and stay in that land untill we had left and let the ruins be.
Mr. Firendash
Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Zechlofski).
The Evil santa clause had killed my wife but I had to go with my life. i had found my Grandfather Strangly he was alive. Kalkan the Dynastey of the old Slovakniia. He has joined me and he has told me about everyone knew i was alive and that the only reason that they didnt tell me is because that he was the one to create the next dynastey. The Zechlofski Dynastey. Change the name of your son to Zechlofski to start the Regien. I will not make the journy to Zeta at all. My son and my grand father will.
Journal 1 The Plan
All 3 of us the had gone. matthews had gone to zeta while talon frankly i dont know about him. I saw him with a scout of men. a few days from here. i gave him directions to get on. but he hasnt answered. I will go to zeta and ask him to get on more untill he answers. The last i saw his own city get destroyed by a buch of mirrors troops. Allkiance will commemorate talon for his bravery and light.