Family History

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Mr. Connor

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Shannon).

Early in his life his family was taken by sickness. He wandered the land on his own for a while, eventually being taken in by a band of performers. The years with the troupe were the happiest in young Connor's life.

Unfortunately they were not to last.

The same sickness that had claimed his family started to take the performers, one by one, and once again Connor was left alone.

He now battles to protect those who are near to him. This is one fight he doesn't plan to lose easily.

Mr. Shannon

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Lukas).

This is the story of how I came to be in Nirvana, and how my heir was chosen, and of the geas lain across me and my descendants..

I had been on patrol with some of the men, we knew the enemy was closing in, but we weren't aware of just how close they were.

We tried to return to the capital, but we were too late. The city was in flames and The enemy's flag was flying high above the palace.

It appeared that the enemy had already left the city to burn and die as it was, so we did the first thing that came to my grief stricken mind. We launched a rescue mission. I directed my men to move through the city save as many people as possible. I told them to get them away from the dying city so that our kingdom could one day live again. I myself headed straight for the palace.

And my father, Connor.

He was lying bleeding on on the ground when I found him.

These were my father's dying words:
"My son, I am sorry. I had hoped that we would be able to coexist peacefully with our neighbors, but I was a fool. Please, take everyone you can find and lead them away from this broken place. Lead them to a new land where they will be able to live once again. Do not waste your lives in blind vengeance. Go to the promised land, the land of Nirvana. I wish I could go with you. My son, Shannon, I am sorry. Lead the people and they will follow. Just be careful not to lead them astray."

With those words he departed the mortal realm. I returned to the men and women of my father's kingdom as dawn was approaching. Many weeped when they saw that I carried my father's sword.

The men who had followed me through the night to find our city in this state stepped forward and kneeled before me and pledged fealty to me. There was a young lad among them, by name of Lukas. I asked him to stand and come closer. When I asked him his age he replied:

"I'm 17 sir, but I will be 18 in two moons."
"Lukas, you have been serving under me for how long now?"
"About three moons sir."
"Now tell me, what have you learned in your time under me?"

And he answered. he told me of all things that he knew. Political, Martial, and Economical.

"Lukas, I wish to adopt you as my son and name you my heir. Should I falter while leading these people, I xpect that you shall help me. Together you and I shall lead these people to a new land, a promised land. The land of Nirvana."
"Nirvana? I have never heard of this land."
"It is very far away, we may never see our land again, but if there should ever be a chance that we may have vengeance, so be it. It shall be had, for all who come after us will know if it is not. They will strive to correct the imbalance that they feel, but cannot see. for the sake of our successors, we must have our vengeance."
"As you wish."
"Now Lukas, let us gather the people, we have a long journey ahead of us."

Mr. Lukas

Lived in Era 26 and got 1 heir(s) (Kewyn).

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