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Mr. Aangelus

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Angelus).

Omnimodus satraps was once the official title of a Mongol warrior named Murajin, a 13th century ruler who founded an empire that included parts of Fantasia, the Mantrax, Zeta mania. After a childhood of violence and enslavement, Temujin became a powerful tribal chieftan.
By 1206 he had unified rival clans and taken the title Aangelus (or Omni modus satraps), meaning "universal ruler." Over the next three decades he led a constant military campaign that ravaged vast areas and subjugated millions of people, earning him a reputation in the history books as a brutal monster.
His successful military tactics included quick cavalry attacks and novel methods of siege warfare, and he is famous for adapting his methods to meet new challenges.
In recent years his image in the West as a warmonger has been tempered somewhat with the acknowledgment that under his rule there was a beneficial transfer of culture and technology as his armies moved through Fantasia, Zeta mania and Mantrax.
An able administrator, Omni modus satraps established an empire that lasted more than 450 years.
Over time his empire was divided and weakened and most of his conquests were lost.

Soon after Aangelus was forced to resort to different means.
Many who had not faced Aangelus or his Immortal armies thought of him as a myth but those few who had faced his might were considered insane, the way they spoke of him; as an invincible creature nor animal or human, but a creature of great power, with tenfold a humans intelligence and tenfold a tigers strength. With great long beautiful fangs and features of a human, and eternal life.
These creatures are known as "Vampires" and are only mythical creatures to the humans.
Wether you believe it or not is up to you but beware there is only one way to find out, are you brave enough?

Mr. Angelus

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Angelus).

A breed of a Legendary Vampire and a troll, you may think yuck!,
a troll but this is not any ordinary troll it a blend between elf/human and a troll, those that had seen her beauty thought of her as the most beautiful "elf" they had ever laid eyes on!
But her secret was that her blood was of the trolls...
Aangelus was the son of Angelus, the one and only heir to the throne.
Angelus was born with the trolls tremendous strength and the intelligence,agility and quick reflexes of an elf the open minded subconscious of a human he is the perfect creature.
His name is known throughout Angelucia the world was named after him to please him.
He was merciless unlike his ancestor, and had low tolerance for stupidity and clumsiness and rewarded it with excruciating pain.
Unlike Angelus he was loud and spoke of matters that did not concern him as if they were his own.
As Angelus was not there to teach and tame Aangelus, he did things in a rebellious and merciless matter.
But "I" to this day do not believe that Angelus is "dead" but merely grieving after so many years of destruction and havoc that he had caused he was given a soul, a gift/curse that many believe to have killed him, because of all the brutal murders rapes and destruction.....the soul had given him a conscience and he now had to endure the pain of destroying so many lives, raping plundering slaughtering drinking the blood of so many innocent people that he isolated himself from the rest of the world......but that is my theory.....I find it hard to believe that The Legendary Angelus is dead...
He will some day walk this world again, who knows what has become of him.

Mr. Angelus

Lived in Era 26 and got 1 heir(s) (Connor).

Was killed at birth....

Mr. Connor

Lived in Era 26 and got 0 heir(s) .

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