Family History

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Sir Shadow

Lived in Era 24 and got 1 heir(s) (Disdyakis Hexakis).

Shadow was the illegitimate child of Dargow. The history of Dargow is fragmented. Although little is known it has been determined that he was of humble roots, and only obtained leadership through anarchy.
After survivng the turbulent times created by the anarchy he developed into a well received leader, and thrived in the world of Mantrax, becoming the strongest in all the land. However, his past treacheries would not be forgotten. In the last days of the era the gods of utopia smote all of Dargow's cities, armies, and even direct family line from existence. As a result, he is all but forgotten.
Shadow's name came about as a result of his father's legacy. He fled to Fantasia in hopes of determing his own destiny, and chose his name because he was so determined to leave the shadow his father had cast over him and the expectations of those who had known him.
On the world of Fantasia he joined the kingdom Vendetta. Although the skill of the kings comprising Vendetta varied greatly, there were many of immense power, and Shadow learned much.
Under the leadership of Auspex he comprised several powerful armies in the North, but they were inevitably crushed by the much more powerful and wizened member of Legacy, Dvsmasta.
Despite his less than glorious life, his membership in the most powerful kingdom in the world left a burden to better on his son. As such, his son left for Mantrax, leaving his father and Vendetta behind.

Prince Disdyakis Hexakis

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Ipple) and was a member of Diamonds

Here begins the tale of Disdyakis Hexakis, known simply as Hex by many:

Disdyakis Hexakis was the son of Shadow. He fled the world of Fantasia and went to Mantrax, just as Shadow had fled Mantrax for Fantasia to escape his father’s shadow (the very source of his name!) and forge his own destiny.
As is the custom with Dwarves, Hex would be called by his father’s name until a message from the gods would reveal his true title. For several days the son of Shadow wandered the foreign hills and valleys of Mantrax without direction.
On the third night of his traveling, as he sat camped with his personal bodyguard, a bright flame shone in the sky. Soon the ball of fire had a sprouted a tail of equal brilliance as it hurtled toward the world. The son of Shadow saw this meteor, and knew the gods were sending his sign. His gaze followed the meteor until it passed beyond the mountains. That night, he slept the best of his life, for he knew his purpose.
In the morning, the son of Shadow roused his men and set off toward the impact site. Marching double paced, they reached their destination in the evening, darkness falling all around them. Even in the dark, it was not hard to determine where it had landed for the great heap of metal still glowed with heat.
The son of Shadow founded a city by the mountains where the meteor had crashed and quickly set about creating a forge. When the forge was ready he took the mysterious metal of the gods (which was still warm to the touch) and shaped it with legendary craftsmanship. During the shaping of the metal, he discovered that in the center was a massive diamond, and he lined the edges of his weapon with shards of this material, making it the hardest blade in all the land.
For two days straight he labored in the forge crafting his axe as much with the fire in his heart as the fire in his forge. Finally, he emerged, with the mighty double-headed axe, called Dresden. Not only had he created a legendary weapon, he had received inspiration from the gods and emerged with the name Disdyakis Hexakis, a tribute to the structure of the axe he held so dear.
So central to his life was this meteor and the diamond within its own center that he was inspired to form a kingdom, devoted to it. This kingdom he called Diamonds.

The Diamonds cleared the land around them and established a strong core. For a time, they knew peace; but peace only knows war. And so when Armageddon was cast from Shadow Dragon of Bones, Hex rallied his generals, and rallied his troops, and together they marched west. Although Bones outnumbered them more than four to one, the Diamonds had no fear, for few numbers allowed them to better organize their efforts while the masses of Bones knew not what to do or who to follow.
The first army led by Disdyakis Hexakis experienced little resistence but was still hindered by the fact it could only attack one city at a time. So, Hex launched three more respectable armies from his stronghold. Upon reaching the Bones, they laid waste the land, sparing no one. Having burned or taken over 15 cities in two days, he spent a brief period resting (and speaking with the peasants of his new lands) before continuing the attack (for one cannot rest long with Armageddon looming over them).
On the third day, all the Bones were destroyed on the west side of the river, but everyone in Diamonds knew that their true stronghold lay east of the river. So, the great city of Jade was set as a defensive outpost, and through it pored the armies of Borazon, Lithos, and Hex while Excelsior bravely fought in the southlands.
Excelsior and Hex set up outposts close to the heart of the beast. These outposts were purely for training troops and gaining intel, but the training was slow as there was not an adequate supply of peasants. Still, they were able to amass a respectable force by bringing troops they had trained from the west. Sir Hex led the most powerful army at the time, but by the time it reached the cities surrounding Armageddon it was outforced and forced to retreat to these outposts.
Just as the Diamonds prepared to launch their second attack on Armageddon the darkness looming over the world passed. It appears that Mr. Dimmler, the most powerful ruler in the world of Mantrax at that time, had stopped Armageddon.
And so, the Diamonds turned the attention from the east once more. Now, they made ready armies at the southern edge of their core. Soon, Disdyakis Hexakis, Excelsior, Borazon, Lithos, Evermeet II, Hannibal, and Apache will all lead armies deep into the heart of the southlands for there are many tales of the wealth and unknown riches of that land.

Prince Ipple

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Bashful) and was a member of Diamonds

Prince Ipple was the second eldest son of Prince Disdyakis Hexakis. It appeared the curse of the gods was not erased from the family line. This son, in all his evil, stole the mighty battle axe Dresden, Disbanded the fledgling kingdom his father had created, and fled to the lands of Fantasia. For what reason, none can say.
When Disdyakis Hexakis's eldest son heard of these treacheries he immediately prepared to leave the lands of Mantrax and head to Fantasia in order to regain his father's glorious weapon. It took him nearly fifty days of hard travelling to reach these unknown lands and find his cursed brother.
When Ipple saw him he knew that he would lose his life for his treachery. He faced his brother in battle but even with the mighty Dresden he was no match for his brother's superior skill. Soon, Ipple lay dead, and his older brother rode off into the night to return to his homelands and reform his father's glorious kingdom.

Prince Bashful

Lived in Era 26 and got 1 heir(s) (Tharok Bonecrusher).

Having reclaimed his father's battle axe Bashful returned to Mantrax. Upon arriving he was most pleased to see that the glorious kingdom of Diamonds still survived, led by Sir Doc. Doc was an admirable leader and valiant warrior. At the side of Grumpy, the two swept eastward across the lands, making safe the way for so many other Diamonds to found their own empires.
The struggles to create a safe land were great, and somewhere in the confusion leadership returned to Bashful, with Doc being a trusted Vice. Bashful greatly desired to expand his kingdom, but The Great Tree Famine stunted his efforts. War rages with the Knights of Luna and the various nomads to the south.
Bashful is yet young in this world, and his tale nowhere near complete. Only time will reveal whether Bashful and the Diamonds will become legends, or fading wispers of the past.
Originally, the Diamonds received an offering of peace from Guinness Pool (GP), the descendents of an honorable kingdom that Hex had allied in the past; however, Bashful denied this request because, at the time, they were already allied with Cannabis, and did not wish to ally with everyone they were near, as that brings great dishonor to a kingdom.
A fallen scout and the following correspondence soon resulted in GP attacking from the south, with The Red Hand, their allies, joining in less than a day. The blockers in the south were newly founded, and poorly defended. Several wise moves on the part of Doc and Muffinman destroyed a few armies from GP, but in the end their numbers were too great, and they poored through.
To make matters worse, the Diamonds failed to take the blocker belonging to the Knight's of Luna, a kingdom they had been at war with since the start of the era. They began to amass troops on the bridge, but just when it appeared victory was in sight Cannabis and Drug Lords merged their kingdoms to make Cannabis Lords, thereby destroying the NAP between the two kingdoms, and hostile actions were soon taken on both sides.
So, in just a few short days, Diamonds had gone from one enemy with one powerful friend to four enemies with not a friend in the world. Despite Bashful's best efforts, he could not achieve the organization and communication his father had achieved, and even with over twice as many members, he and the Diamonds were unable to attain victory.
Prince Bashful became so distraught with the state of affairs - his lack of diplomacy, war tactics, or any sort of finess, largely due to his pride led him to consider suicide. Eventually, he could find no hope to go on. With armies knocking on the gates, and the mighty battle axe Dresden staring him in the face, he could not help but feel the curse of the gods had returned to his family. According to our most trusted historians, this is the note found by his death bed.

"I cannot help but feel that the curse of the gods has returned to my family. Perhaps this is due to Ipple's sins, but I rather think my pride brought about my fall, just as Odysseus' pride led to all his suffering. I am sorry, for I have failed to fulfill what is expected of my family name. But even this cannot compare to the great sorrow I feel at having failed my kingdom mates, my friends. I cannot stand to bear this sorrow any longer. I can feel its darkness within me, and I can feel it spreading about me. I fear that if I live it should infect those around me and all will feel the great pain I harbor within my heart. I cannot allow this to happen. I have failed too many times, I will not fail again. With this blade I shall end this suffering, and prevent the suffering of all those around me. Good bye and Godspeed my friends."

Here ends the lineage of Mr. Dargow, a humble peasant who strove only to make his name known. He was the father of Shadow, father of Disdyakis Hexakis, father of Ipple and Bashful.

Prince Tharok Bonecrusher

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Peach) and was a member of Luna Wolves

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