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Mr. Killer

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Killer) and was a member of The Jester Empire

He built a colony and from then on he was at war. His colony was destroyed but unbeknown to the enemies he sent out an army and made a new colony. But another person found him and destroyed him

Mr. Killer

Lived in Era 23 and got 1 heir(s) (Killer).

Killer may have fallen but a troll scrambled out before the enemy had taken him. He recruited trolls out of the forest. He chopped down trees and mined stone. He sold them and got money. He then had enough to make colony and make a colony he did. He would avenge Killer eventually, who had promised the young troll his throne after he died because the troll saved his life from a near defeat before, but alas could not do it again. He built colonies around the world, but was waiting for the right moment to avenge the great Killer. He adopted the name so he could exact his revenge... Then as he was about to avenge Killer great big chunks of rock fell from the sky and destroyed his cities. A great mage had cast armageddon. Killer died from it, as well as all his people apart from a few that hid underground. There were ten left, no trolls, all of them had been destroyed fighting, but 2 dwarfs, 2 humans, an orc, an elf and 4 halfings.

Mr. Killer

Lived in Era 24 and got 1 heir(s) (Killeriv).

Something horrible happened. A planet collided with Fantasia and all Killer's men died. Everything just went black...

Mr. Killeriv

Lived in Era 24 and got 1 heir(s) (Killer).

His head was spinning, what had happened? Few of his men had survived. He build up his colony in this strange new world, different from his old world, yet he found out what trees to cut down, what stone to pick and how to fend off the natural creatures. Yet the strange new intellectual beings were smart and at home. They picked on him, and tried to take over his colonies. He fended them off but he knew his father would have done better and driven them back and taken their cities. But he couldn't, he just couldn't manage it in this new strange world.

Mr. Killer

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Killer) and was a member of Checkmate


Mr. Killer

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Killer).

"Bring me my father's history" said a voice with authority."We cannot find it lord." "How couldn't you find it? He told ten writers to write it down for him." "It was burned lord, they destroyed his history." The young orc's face contorted with rage. "How dare they, my father, who had taken a whole city on his own, when all his men ran off. He who single-handedly fought a battle with one thousand men and won. He, the greatest orc whoever lived. The only reason those slithering cowards beat him was because they all joined together, all eighteen of them. I shall avenge his death." "No you won't, you shall go to the hell that you deserve with him." A dwarf swung his mighty axe at the orc and chopped off his head. "I am leader now. I am Killer now. Kill all the orcs in this city, and enslave all but the dwarfs... Stop gawking at the body and do as I said you runt." "B-b-b-but sir this city has always elected their leader, and always been a mixed race city." The dwarf swung his mighty axe at the speaker and killed him. "Now listen you" pointing to the only other dwarf in the room and only being, "if you don't do as I say you will end up like him. You will say that it was the orc's last wish." "The orcs are half the population sir, and us dwarfs are only a tenth of the population. We will never be able to kill all the orcs." "Then send all the orcs into a battle against the neighbouring city. Make sure they meet an unexpected end. As for the elves,trolls,halflings and humans, tell them that the orcs are planning a rebellion and get them to kill them. That will be their unsuspected end." "Yes sir, ingenius sir."

"Sir we found a spy elf in the city." "What are you waiting for, bring him in here."

"It's a monster. Kill it." "He says he is an albino elf sir." "What have you got to say for yourself albino?" "Nothing" replied the albino elf. "What is your name?" Killer asked. "Killer" replied the albino elf. "Are you questionning my right to the throne? You good for nothing elf,you snivelling liar. You there take this monster to the whip. Fifty times." "Yes, of course sir."

"He didn't groan or squeal once sir. He just endured the pain." "Huh. Now albino what is your name?" asked Killer. "Killer."
"You are not Killer you are just an ugly monster. You will never get to this throne. The only reason you haven't cried out is because you are so unfeeling." roared Killer. "I have already been on this throne. It is unfortunate that it is ruled now by a murderous dwarf who murdered the next leader" the albino spat. "Already on this throne? When was that? Never I should think. Not even a monster like you would look up to you as a king, let alone a whole town of decent citiznes." "I believe it was one hundred and thirty-six years ago. It was much better ruled then." "Not even an elf would live for that long and still look as young as you. And where did you hide coward, when the armies came to destroy the cities? You weren't there, and you never were in this kingdom. Not one of my people would have an ugly creature brought up. Don't lie to me. Take him to the dungeons. He can be executed in three days time."

"He's gone sir." "Who is gone?" "The albino sir." "We don't have time to be worrying about that, there is an army heading our way, 1,000,000 orcs!" "I'm afraid you do.", said the albino elf, and with that, plunged his rapier into the dwarf's back. "You there, I want all archers up on the walls. All the humans,halflings,orcs,trolls and elves are coming back to here, 500,000 trained soldiers left. With the extra 100,000 here it should be enough." "Yes sir, where did they come from?" "They didn't kill each other off, now go." " Yes."

"Sir we have won, but our loses are huge." "Well let us make them up,I shall lead them better than that dwarf."

Mr. Killer

Lived in Era 26 and got 1 heir(s) (Killer).


Mr. Killer

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Killer) and was a member of Southern Rising

"What did you do?, the cities were fine, until you started leading them!" shouted Killer at his deputy. "I kept one city left, sir." "I had fifteen, and you kept one while I was sick, aren't you great. You are not my deputy any longer."

And with that Killer built his empire back up, but not to quite the same size. But his armies had been ruined, and the peoples' morale ruined. He got it back, but he didn't do any better than it had been.

"Sir, how are you feeling?" "Terrible, I think I shall die soon." "We will have to sort out the next ruler." "The people have always voted, let them vote. You there, sweeper of floors, come here. What are you?" "I'm a cross between an orc,elf,human,dwarf,halfling and troll, your majesty." "I amn't a king, and you will receive my vote for the next ruler." "But sir, he's a monster!" "Well, I'm sure he can handle the rulership better than you, you who lost all my cities save one." "But,but this is outrageous. He's a monster, a mongrel!" "He will receive my vote, not everyones. I am just giving my vote to him." replied Killer. "But I'm not worthy sir." exclaimed the floor-sweeper. "You are more worthy than me. Please, at least go in for the votes, as my last request." These were Killer's final words.

The floor-sweeper went in for the votes, and won with 74% of the votes, as a lot of people voted for him, when word got out that the previous ruler had voted for him. The elf who had ruled while Killer had been sick was enraged, and challenged the new Killer to a duel. He used magic upon Killer, but it didn't work, as Killer was a powerful mage, even if he did not know it. He parried with the elf, and though the elf was a good swordsman, Killer was better. He delivered the final stroke. It was fatal, despite the best mages trying to heal him, they failed. A cheer went up,"All Hail the new Killer!" from the people.
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