Family History

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Mr. Mageguy

Lived in Era 24 and got 1 heir(s) (Mager).

Hello I was a small boy once but now I understand, and we shall unite and conquer they who stand in our way to having fun!

Mr. Mager

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Mcmaggio).


Mr. Mcmaggio

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Wizzy) and was a member of The Legion

(elves) Ay I will try to avenge the death of my fathers as I rock in ma wee crib, nought but a small laddie withoot his parents, waddling aroond a rubbish orphanage foor ages every day till forever. Nay tis now I shall strike those evils!
MOTTO: Life is unfair...
Hmm... This is boring... You know my first city (I had 2) was taken and then someone else took it and now someone else has taken it!!! The new owner is kind though, and will let me pass through if necessary. He is High Lord Kland of Red Hand.
After my unsuccessful part in Dark Riders, I have joined THe Legion, and we are at war with Phi! Near my village there are many cities of Overcome and Paracelzus, but recently Sir Aelgar of Phi Reloaded invaded our territory and has taken many of our cities. What to do?

Mr. Wizzy

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Mager) and was a member of The Legion

Oh shoot, stuck in Fantasia with the leader of my kingdom. Must get to Mantrax when I can. Same goes for leader Dael Drathor. My father survived till the end of the era, but I face exctinction if I cannot follow Dael Drathor to Mantrax in a few days.

Mr. Mager

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Wizzy) and was a member of The Legion


Mr. Wizzy

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Mager) and was a member of The Legion


Mr. Mager

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Wizard Boy) and was a member of Predators

(elves) woowoo!!! I have finally got into zetamania with my kingdom, and we all good. I got seven cities now all getting in resources :-)
We expecting a war with DR even though they our allies... now we got NAP with preds.
Oh yeah I took a DR city!!!
OMG thats so unfair! We hadn't started the war yet so Domses Drathor the leader of The Legion kicked me out!!! Now there's armies going to all my cities!
Took two new cities but now only have 4.
I joined the demolishers, but I wanna join preds soon.
Now from the legion Mr. Garsden has a corpse and a division sieging my main city :-(
Suddenly I fought them off and sent a huge army to slay them, while considering my life story while pondering a move to predators.
"Once I was a small boy with a rusty crooked dagger, but suddenly armies of evil swordsmen with bloody gashes on their crude faces escaped the city taking my father away with them against his will, so I grew up wishing revenge against these slave pirates and set out upon my quest to find and slay them all. After weeks of searching and continuing my ongoing quest I found an old disused cave and crept in when suddenly the swordsmen jumped out. Using my quick wits and fearsome agility I slayed them in triumph!" Now I am an all powerful sorceror! "Muhuhuhuhahahahaha!"
Finally after building numerous more cities, Predators have accepted me after considering for a LONG time.
The ARMAGGEDON has started and we are at war with the demolishers!!!! I am all powerful!!!
Fighting off two demolisher armies, one with twice the number of troops in to defend Eatfoodminegold was my honour.
I shall live again!
Creating an enormous fort amidst a large grassy area, I sent off large armies to push mysterious paladins away from threatening my home. Soon Fort Biggus was the largest mass producer of resources in the land, but one day a dragon with a rider clad in dark clothes astride it began terrorizing the peasants in the streets.
As I was king it was my duty to protect. I raised many men as brave elven fighters and when they were slaughtered in battle their ghosts haunted the enemy for eternity.
Finally I was left with no choice. After disguising myself as a scout, I rode forth and sneaked into the enemy city. From there I began to destroy all of use to them, but as I was on my way, the supreme leader caught me.
"Why are you doing this?" he said, "And do you realise that this is not allowed?"
In replying about the attacks, my argument was torn into shreds by his greatness.
But unbeknown to him, I sent a small group of 50000 brave men down a hidden path through a rocky landscape to fend off others.
I will never be defeated!

My cities at the end of the era...
Fort Biggus: Lv8 (built myself)
Motown: Lv6 (taken from no kingdom at Lv5)*
Feliz Pueblo: Lv5 (taken from Legion at Lv5)*
Final Destiny: Lv5 (built myself)
Mountain City: Lv4 (taken from Dark Riders at Lv2)
Eatfoodminegold: Lv4 (built myself)
More Mines: Lv4 (taken from Peacekeeper at Lv4)*
Imma Flirt: Lv4 (taken from no kingdom at Lv4)*
Survival HQ: Lv3 (built myself)
Furstenburgham: Lv3 (taken from no kingdom at Lv3)*
Boulevard Park: Lv3 (taken from no kingdom at Lv3)*
Mining Magic: Lv2 (built myself)
Mountainside: Lv2 (built myself)
Calypsos Secret: Lv2 (taken from Dark Riders at Lv2)

Cities of mine that were taken:
Mages and Witch: Lv4 (built myself)(taken by Legion)
Toxica: Lv3 (took from no kingdom)(taken by Legion)
Lumberjack King: Lv3 (built myself)(taken by Predators)
Name of City: Lv3 (took from no kingdom)(taken by Legion)
Gold: Lv2 (took from Dark Riders)(taken by Legion)
Funpu Wall: Lv1(wall) (took from no kingdom)(taken by Legion)

Military Lv6
Farming Lv4
Mining Lv4
Forestry Lv5
Medecine Lv5
Magic Lv4


*these were taken with the fifty bonus turns that were randomly given at the end of the era and don't count.
51 in zeta!!! preds 1 in zeta!!!

Mr. Wizard Boy

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Mager) and was a member of Predators

(dwarves in Fantasia) I WILL SURVIVE LOL!!! (Mebbe not)
Predators roamed the land, searching for prey, but there was none left in the area. So predators attempted to get on with life, cowering in the shadows of Abydos. While entertained by fearsome Jesters, Wizard Boy wandered through the fields, hoping against hope that he would survive. After many he had known had fallen to the darkness of Jester, I lost my shield and fell as prey. The predators became the hunted.
Jesters came and took my cities, as I rejoiced at being higher ranked than Army of Anubis. Finally we decided that this land was harsh and food and hospitality could not be found. I commited suicide, but first took my son to a foreign land where he would be safe. I raised my sword...
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