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Mr. Allah

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Allah) and was a member of Knights of Honor

born in the city of mecca Allah was an outsider so in a desperate need to find friends fast he did he found the knights of honor, with there help allah was able to take over his city and rule it so far even thing was easy ruled his homeland, surronded by fellow friends. what could go wrong

-----------------personal journal of allah during era 27-------------------
*now that the era of crissxcross has ended i will wonder how are glorious kingdom will due for the fact we will all be together only time will tell for me and right now the stars are in my favor

Mr. Allah

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Allah) and was a member of Knights of Malta

--------personal journal of allah during era 27----------------------------
*day 1, era 27-it seems that my farther did not make it through armongedom
i am seeking a place to put my few people that did survive.

*day 17, era 27-things are looking good for my people we have settle on the eastern edge of our kingdom i took the liberty of asking two people two join our kingdom for i notice they where alone i may be wrong but i asked them anyways.I hope things go better for me than it did for my farther.

*day 34, era 27-the city and kingdom are looking promising i have been promoted to a vice in the kingdom soon i hope to move some people to build a mining city for gold and make mecca the center of my army and its getting there

*day 43, era 27-my 100 peasents have reached there site to begin there city but one promblem has arisen i didnt have enough money to start building a new city so i must wait for a couple of more days and see what will happen i hope not to many peasents leave the expedtion force

*day 56, era 27-our glorious leader has given orders to the whole kingdom to group up and attack thekillerskingdom, which is one of the cities south of us i hope it goes well i am hoping to send 200 troops to the cause only time will tell

*day 66, era 27-i have taken killerskingdom and am now looking to populate the city i asked the rest of the armies surronding the city to merge into mine so that i can attack the dark city and the black tower when it comes out of protection i am also sending 200 more troops to the battle from mecca

*day 79, era 27- i hope my reiforcements get here soon for i have an aggresor on my new city i just took over i hope i survive this i also called for help from my kingdome

*day 83, era 27- i have succefully defended my new city now that my kingdom is angered by the other kingdom assualt we are wiping them out i am to take the city blacktower once the proction ends my friend mr. pawelotti is to take the dark city which has no army to defend itself since the lord decided to attack my city soon it will be all over. And on the other note it seems we are attacking the kingdom up north too i hope mr.slayerlife jr can pull it off by himself if not i have 100 troops plus 10 catupalts to back him up
*day 113, -era 27- the mighty empire of carnage is coming i feel that this is the end of me let my son live on forever i guess as long there is muslim and christians there will always be war

Mr. Allah

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Allah) and was a member of Knights of Malta

my farther held out for anthor 50 days deafeating the armys of carnage then they came back with to many men so i am going to a safe place to build our new empire
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