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Mr. Biggerboom

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Biggerboom) and was a member of The Kingdom of Greatness

Mr. Biggerboom was a very wealthy man. He had millions of troops and millions of slaves working for him everyday. Until one day he was transported to a strange world called visual-utopia where he had to regain his powers once again.

Mr. Biggerboom

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Biggerboom) and was a member of Dark Riders Empire

-The Beginning of The Kingdom of Greatness-

The Empire of Biggerboom the 1st fell into despair after he died. Biggerboom's city called The Great Colon had fallen to the hands of Bogdan I of The Dark Riders Empire. Biggerboom the 2nd fleed from his father's lands to create another city which would be called The Great Ones, named similar to his father's city. Soon after he had set up the city and had control over thousand of peasants, biggerboom decided to make sure his father's name would be known throughout the ages so he created the kingdom known as The Kingdom of Greatness.

-The Growth of the empire-

Weeks had gone and biggerboom still didn't have any members in his kingdom. Everyone had laughed whenever he talked about his kingdom and whenever he had asked someone to
join they'd always decline his offer. His father had never told him how to manage a kingdom and how to get people to join it so he didn't know what to do. Fortunately for him, one day this all changed. He met a man named Moses who told him exactly how to handle a kingdom and also taught him how to become a great ruler. After being an apprentice of Moses for a year, he finally decided he would not give up and keep seeking power.

-The Man who changed everything-

One day while Biggerboom was looking arround for members to join his kingdom, he found a man named Burre who was being almost wiped out by a kingdom known as VampireFreaks. VampireFreaks were the second strongest kingdom at the time but Biggerboom knew he had to do soemthing about these mennace so he decided to invite Burre into his kingdom. Burre knew that if he joined Biggerboom, emogirl (who was the leader of VampireFreaks) would kill him and the kingdom he was going to join. Burre decided it would be best if he declined Biggerboom's offer to save his life and his curtious friend's. Biggerboom would still not budge. He would do almost anything to get this man to join him and so finally Burre decided that he'd join The Kingdom of Greatness.

-The kingdom of Greatness into The Kingdom of Demolishers-

Though biggerboom loved the name he had given his kingdom, he fealt that others thought of it as a very arrogent name. Soon he began to think that he should change it. Finally, he decided he would do just that, but what would he change the name into? It had to be something that sounded cool but not too arrogent, so he chose the name "The Demolishers"

-Rise of The Demolishers-

After succesfuly defending his kingdom from the wrath of VampireFreaks, The Demolishers began to rise in power. Soon other kingdoms began to think of them as a bit of a threat so they became offensive against Biggerboom's kingdom. The Demolishers already had VampireFreaks as an enemy, but the Vampires weren't attacking them at the moment. Now they had a new threat called The Gods of Destruction. Both GoD and The Demolishers were neighbours so GoD was a big threat.
Burre and Biggerboom began to think what they would do about it.

-The attacks from GoD-

There came many attacks from GoD. The first one was an attack on biggerboom's main city called Chi Town which was taken while he was asleep in his other city 10 days away from Chi Town. When he woke up a messenger arived with one of GoD's members saying they were now at total war. Biggerboom knew this would happen so he gathered all his men to fight off the GoD.

-The Gathering of Armies-

After all the attacks that came from GoD, it was time to go offensive. All of the members of The Demolishers gathered their armies. Especially Biggerboom, Diegothe Killer and Gage. Burre was away for 30 days at one of his friend's cities so he could not help with the attacks, but Biggerboom knew that these 3 members of his kingdom could obliterate GoD.

-Final Battle against GoD-

The Final battle was about to happen. All of GoD men at the border and all of The Demolsiher's armies at the border. It was a match of sheer strengh. GoD had better troops in their armies.. But biggerboom's army alone outnumbered their armies 10 to 1. Soon the attack began and Achille's Blocker was Taken. Soon after that Ajax blocker was taken by one of the spies that Biggerboom had assigned in GoD. After both GoD blocker's were destroyed, so were their armies since their armies were all at the blockers. Now all of GoD cities were wide open and all they had to do was wait till their armies reached them all. Gage attacked from the north, Gilesthefoog from the south, and all the rest of The Demolishers attacked from the east. It was a long battle that lasted for 61 days, but in the end The Demolishers conquered The Gods of Destruction.

-A new enemy-

A few days had gone and the kingdom of The Demolishers were at peace with all the other kingdoms until one day The Legion attacked. The Demolishers were unprepared for this sudden attack and couldn't hold back their armies so their northern core was taken. Fortunately... the northern core only had a few cities and it didn't make much difference anyways. Now The Demolishers and The Legion were at war.

-The Counter attack-

The Legion's armies were mostly all inside our northern core.. So Burre decided to attack them all. He managed to defeat most of their armies and then we made a counterattack against The Legion. For a few days their cities were taken by The Demolishers' forces but The Legion managed to take them all back. Soon all of The Demolisher's counter-attack armies were bliterated by their defence.

-The Betrayal-

The Legion had all their forces ready to attack and armageddon was very near. Predetors thought of this as a very good time to attack The Demolisher's main core. Predetors were actually NAP'd with The Demolishers but decided they didn't care and wanted to be dishonourable. While Biggerboom was sleeping all of The Predetors sent their armies to The Demolishers' east gate.


There were attacks from Predetors and Legion happening at the same time. Armageddon was also only 24 days away. Now was the final stand against Predetors and Legion. Biggerboom spent alll his saved money on training as much troops as possible and got ready for the greatest battle in Zetamania.

-The Final Battle of Zetamania-

The final battle had finally come. Armageddon had been cast and suddenly all the armies' strengh multiplied by 2. This gave Predetors enough power to totally destroy all the men at The Demolisher's gate and make Biggerboom totally vurnerable.
Biggerboom still had 1 of his main armies in his core which wasn't destroyed so he sent it to destroy all the Predetor's armies. Burre was handling Legion by protecting the northern core and Biggerboom was protecting the main core. Both were doing a very poor job since all their armies were outnumbered and outpowered. Biggerboom knew that this was the end.

-The end of Biggerboom the 2nd and the Beginning of Biggerboom the 3rd.-

With all of Biggerboom's armies obliterated, all his cities burned to the ground, he decided that this was the end. It was either surrender or die. Biggerboom would never think of surrendering so he decided he'd rather die. Biggerboom escaped to one of his friend's cities where his son was born and his son's name was Biggerboom the 3rd. The only choice Biggerboom had to regain his glory and remake his kingdom was if he could make sure his son could escape to a new world called mantrax.

-Escape to mantrax-

Mantrax was a palce which no human, orc, troll or dwarf knew how to get to. The only people who knew a way to get to mantrax were the elves. Fortunately for Biggerboom, he had an elf in his kingdom so he asked the elf if he could transport his son to mantrax along with one of his most trusted generals who's name was General Achnived. The elf told Biggerboom that his son could not go to mantrax until there was 1 hour till armageddon ended and the world came to an end. Biggerboom hid his son in a secret city where the elf would go 1 hour before the world ends and make sure his son, and General Achnived would make it to mantrax safely. Biggerboom also made sure that the generals of all The Demolisher kingdom's members would send their sons so that General Achnived could make sure they carry out the name of The Demolishers to the next era.

Mr. Biggerboom

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Biggerboom) and was a member of Dark Riders Empire

-His Father's Death-

Biggerboom the 2nd died a horrible death in the hands of Predetors and The Legion. His son Biggerboom the 3rd was hiding in the city of Phantoms Den where he will wait till the era ends. All his father's kingdom mates had died including the elf that was suppose to transport Biggerboom to mantrax next era. Fortunately for Biggerboom the 3rd, there was a person in Dark Riders named Qassim who was an elf. All of Dark Riders kingdom was going to transport to mantrax next era.

-The Portal to Mantrax-

It was now 1 hour before the world ended and armageddon was over. Qassim the elf gathered all his spellweavers to create a portal to send all of Dark Riders to mantrax. It was now time for General Achnived to escort Biggerboom to mantrax where Biggerboom the 3rd will grow up to be the leader of The Demolishers and take over Mantrax with the help of The Dark Riders.

Mr. Biggerboom

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Biggerboom) and was a member of Dark Riders Empire

-The bad start to a new era-

Biggerboom the 3rd had entered the portal to mantrax. Not knowing he entered too quickly, he suddenly appeared in another world known as fantasia. Now Biggerboom has to find a way to get to mantrax from this weird world.

-The 2nd Portal to Mantrax-

Biggerboom asked his friend diego to open yet another portal to the new world. This time he would make sure he arrived right at mantrax. (hopefully)

Mr. Biggerboom

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Biggerboom) and was a member of Dark Riders Empire

-Arrival in mantrax-

The Portal had opened and Biggerboom finally stepped inside with his eyes closed. When he opened his eyes he found himself in the middle of nowhere with only 1 army and 300k gold by his side. It was now time to rebuild The Demolishers.

-The only one-

Biggerboom the 3rd was the only Demolisher member in mantrax. Everyone else had betrayed him and joined someone else. Luckily nobody was surrounding him and he was all alone so he could rebuild his own cities without the help of his kingdom mates.

-Old Friends-

Biggerboom sent many scouts out into the wilderness to find out information on his surroundings. He soon found out that there were some old kingdom mates around in this area. Most of them applied to another kingdom though so Biggerboom never got a chance to recruit them.

-Enemies become friends-

While searching for people to join his kingdom, Biggerboom recruited 3 people into his kingdom who used to be his enemies. 1 of them was Tooty, who used to be in the kingdom Predetors whom his father died fighting with. Tooty's brother also joined him. Another enemy of his was a man named Ahmad. He used to be known as Nazi and Biggerboom the 3rd's father had captured many of Nazi's cities.

-Another Betrayel-

Biggerboom started hearing rumours that Predetors were coming to mantrax and when they actually came all of The Demolisher members betrayed Biggerboom and went to join Predetors. Outraged by their betrayal, Biggerboom set out to destroy everyone in mantrax.

-Back in Zetamania-

Biggerboom began to wonder whether he was ready for a higher world like Mantrax or Fantasia yet. He decided that Zetamania was the best world for him at the moment so he set out for Zetamani.
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