Family History

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Mr. Draven

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Draven) and was a member of Flames

Scott a.k.a. Draven was a very good looking man. A poet, a scholar, a lover, and a soldier. He had many wives and offspring to come later in the ages a.k.a. era's. It is believed that Brad Pitt is his great,great,great,great,etc.. grandson since they looked a lot alike. He struck fear into the hearts of his enemies and quickly dispatched them from the living world. But he'll mostly be remembered because of his stunning good looks. Even though his exploits on the battlefield's are legendary and mimicked by children of today, he will always live on in our imaginations and hearts. The world seems brighter to even mention his name. Some argue he was the father of democracy and that Rome itself learned from the teaching of Draven. Little is known about his parents, but rumors spun that he was the son of Zeus, king of the god's himself. We may never know the entire story of his life and what made him or whom made him what he was. The story of Draven may be clouded with mystery but the man was real, flesh and blood, and a free thinker the likes we may never see again. What more can be said? What more needs to be said? Oh and I almost forgot to mention, his adopted little brother was the mighty and very good looking Tak The Naked as well. Together in the kingdom of Flames they brought the world of Mantrax era 23 to their knees like true warrior poets of olden times and long forgotten honor.

Mr. Draven

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Draven) and was a member of Carnage

A shorter and more handsome version of his father. Also more vicious in battle.

Mr. Draven

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Draven The Naked) and was a member of Carnage

And yet the good looks live on in this wee member of the family tree.

Mr. Draven The Naked

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Draven) and was a member of Carnage

Scott a.k.a. Draven The Naked is now the new and improved troll version 1.0. Six times the looks, intelligence, and, strength. Made to envelope the world of Fantasia going on our 5th era straight. Carnage is in route of ruling all of the known world.

With one of his best buds beside him (Tak The Naked), we don't know if there is anyway to stop him. All Fantasia can do is hope for the best.

His enemies now tremble at this bigger version of the Draven bloodline. Don't ask me how he came to be *shutters at the thought of a dwarf and a troll making a baby, ouch* But being brought into a world of pain, it's time to bring even more pain to the world. Maybe his anger is from the fall of his father or maybe it sparked from being born at all.

He has but one saying to offer his foes "Bring it! Don't sing it!" Only time will tell if he fulfills his destiny and cleanses the pain and anger in his heart. He brings one word to mind (Fear). That is all i have to say about that.

Let his deeds speak for themselves on the battle field and let the black and orange banner horde the world of Fantasia. Carnage is due it's biggest victory, let the Lords of Carnage claim it and proclaim it. The era of Carnage is nearing and can't be stopped, maybe slowed, but not stopped.

Mr. Draven

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Draven) and was a member of Carnage

Born into the world of Fantasia we have the new and improved model Draven 2.0 , more improvements done from our earlier model. Let's see what happens this time around and live in fear of the thought of what might could be.

One thing is for sure, the world of Fantasia shall never be the same, shall never see as much blood, or shall see as much Carnage as this improved model will bring. This is actually the third troll in the family tree but only the second in a row. The earlier one was many era's ago.

Still having his close family ties with the Tak the Naked clan, these two families have been lifelong blood allies 6 era straight now. With the new and improved version of the Naked clan by his side, Draven and Ares set out to make the legends of them a reality.

We shall see if the Lords of Carnage shall rule and conquer this world in this generation of it's long and honored history. Fantasia's conquest is at hand, if not then then later, all that is known is it can't be stopped.

A long bloodline of brutal warriors is still intact ans heading toward's their destiny. There can be only one true king of the era and they have always known their goal. Will they reach it, only time will tell. But if they don't it will be a great shame.

If when you see his warlords on the field take heed to these words. Don't underestimate him or them. Many have and many have fallen to the wayside after doing so. The hunter is on his prowl for prey, may god be merciful and let it not be you.

Long live these warrior poets and may their deaths be meaningful. Because the way of the warrior leads to only one road in the end. Let's hope all of Fantasia goes out fighting, no matter who turns out to be on top. All hail Havoc and show your respects, or be bullied over like an out of control locomotive.

Carnage will envelope Fantasia, all see'ers have seen. All warriors shall fight with pride and bloodied swords and torn chain mail. Arrows will fly blackening the sky for a brief period prior to an all out hand to hand contest for conquest of all Fantasia. This is how the legend goes for the end of all times. Let's see if this is the time to end them all or will the generations keep rolling into an unknown abyss. Without the light there can be no night or vice versa.

Praise be these great warriors and may their names live on. Let's us not forget them, and if the time comes, let us not forgive them. These are the words i leave for you to read, to feel, to know, and, to care about. Off in the distance will be the sound of thunder and crashing of swords, oh, glorious day it be brothers. We were born to fight and shall die in the same way. Freedom isn't a gift, it's a responsibility.

Mr. Draven

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Stonefly) and was a member of Carnage

Yet another installment of the Dravenator model warrior. Fantasia shall see how this one prevails. Nobody should envy Fantasia I tell you.

Mr. Stonefly

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Clone X X X) and was a member of Carnage

For a change we have a bug/troll version born from the fires of Fantasia. Born to kill and wreck havoc on all whom gets in his way. May the blade guide his way.

Mr. Clone X X X

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Draven) and was a member of Carnage

Now we have the clone version, as if straight out of Star Wars. The Draven model keeps getting weirder and weirder but also more powerful and more attractive each generation.

This is one wicked little dwarf king sent onto Fantasia to wreck havoc and kill all whom are in his way. If you think you're strong enough, give him a try.

Mr. Draven

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Draven) and was a member of Carnage

Again the Fantasian universe has reason to fear even waking to the morning light. Donning this ancient name is yet again the human version of the Draven bloodline.

The night is the only sanctuary some may know from his vendetta to spread the Carnage gospel. And it is only due to his constant wine and women that his nocturnal hunger hasn't been established.

Almost immediately the world has been shaken by the mere thought the accidental whisper of his name. His bloodline is well known throughout the Fantasian world. His deeds and battles will be that of legend in times to come. But for now, pray you don't see his armies come knocking at your gates.

There is a destiny to be for filled and an ache longing to be soothed. Will Carnage be merciful and not kill all whom they cross? We shall see my brothers and sisters.

The dogs of war can come from nowhere at times. Or they may be standing right in front of you with tails wagging and teeth not showing. May we see whom is the best.

Death Lord Draven

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Draven) and was a member of Carnage

Defying life itself so arose the Death Lord Draven. The newest installment into this wonderful world of Fantasia. Cross him and learn his name quickly, learn his sword even quicker. Into the night he and his fierce armies ride. The death bringer has awaken. May his bloodline be long.

Fear is your companion in his presence. Death will be your fate by his sword if you cross him. If you have value on your life stay clear. But if you're brave enough give him a go.

Tortured souls are all that is left in his wake and freedom only from life is all he gives. Black and cold is his heart. Feeling no pain, only giving pain. The demon bloodline begins and seems to be never ending.

The dogs of war yet again are to be set unto this Fantasian world. The orange horde will consume all it sees and despair is all they will bring. Let the ground quake and the women and children run for their lives. The machine has started.

A long bloodline of brutal warriors is still intact and heading toward's their destiny. There can be only one true king of the era and they have always known their goal. Will they reach it, only time will tell. But if they don't it will be a great shame.

If when you see his knights on the field take heed to these words. Don't underestimate him or them. Many have and many have fallen to the wayside after doing so. The hunter is on his prowl for prey, may god be merciful and let it not be you.

Long live these warrior poets and may their deaths be meaningful. Because the way of the warrior leads to only one road in the end. Let's hope all of Fantasia goes out fighting, no matter who turns out to be on top. All hail Havoc and show your respects, or be bullied over like an out of control locomotive.

Carnage will envelope Fantasia, all see'ers have seen. All warriors shall fight with pride and bloodied swords and torn chain mail. Arrows will fly blackening the sky for a brief period prior to an all out hand to hand contest for conquest of all Fantasia. This is how the legend goes for the end of all times. Let's see if this is the time to end them all or will the generations keep rolling into an unknown abyss. Without the light there can be no night or vice versa.

Praise be these great warriors and may their names live on. Let's us not forget them, and if the time comes, let us not forgive them. These are the words i leave for you to read, to feel, to know, and, to care about. Off in the distance will be the sound of thunder and crashing of swords, oh, glorious day it be brothers. We were born to fight and shall die in the same way. Freedom isn't a gift, it's a responsibility.

Death Lord Draven

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Draven) and was a member of Carnage

Defying life itself so arose the Death Lord Draven. The newest installment into this wonderful world of Fantasia. Cross him and learn his name quickly, learn his sword even quicker. Into the night he and his fierce armies ride. The death bringer has awaken. May his bloodline be long.

Fear is your companion in his presence. Death will be your fate by his sword if you cross him. If you have value on your life stay clear. But if you're brave enough give him a go.

Tortured souls are all that is left in his wake and freedom only from life is all he gives. Black and cold is his heart. Feeling no pain, only giving pain. The demon bloodline begins and seems to be never ending.

The dogs of war yet again are to be set unto this Fantasian world. The orange horde will consume all it sees and despair is all they will bring. Let the ground quake and the women and children run for their lives. The machine has started.

A long bloodline of brutal warriors is still intact and heading toward's their destiny. There can be only one true king of the era and they have always known their goal. Will they reach it, only time will tell. But if they don't it will be a great shame.

If when you see his knights on the field take heed to these words. Don't underestimate him or them. Many have and many have fallen to the wayside after doing so. The hunter is on his prowl for prey, may god be merciful and let it not be you.

Long live these warrior poets and may their deaths be meaningful. Because the way of the warrior leads to only one road in the end. Let's hope all of Fantasia goes out fighting, no matter who turns out to be on top. All hail Havoc and show your respects, or be bullied over like an out of control locomotive.

Carnage will envelope Fantasia, all see'ers have seen. All warriors shall fight with pride and bloodied swords and torn chain mail. Arrows will fly blackening the sky for a brief period prior to an all out hand to hand contest for conquest of all Fantasia. This is how the legend goes for the end of all times. Let's see if this is the time to end them all or will the generations keep rolling into an unknown abyss. Without the light there can be no night or vice versa.

Praise be these great warriors and may their names live on. Let's us not forget them, and if the time comes, let us not forgive them. These are the words i leave for you to read, to feel, to know, and, to care about. Off in the distance will be the sound of thunder and crashing of swords, oh, glorious day it be brothers. We were born to fight and shall die in the same way. Freedom isn't a gift, it's a responsibility.

Again the Fantasian universe has reason to fear even waking to the morning light. Donning this ancient name is yet again the human version of the Draven bloodline.

The night is the only sanctuary some may know from his vendetta to spread the Carnage gospel. And it is only due to his constant wine and women that his nocturnal hunger hasn't been established.

Almost immediately the world has been shaken by the mere thought the accidental whisper of his name. His bloodline is well known throughout the Fantasian world. His deeds and battles will be that of legend in times to come. But for now, pray you don't see his armies come knocking at your gates.

There is a destiny to be for filled and an ache longing to be soothed. Will Carnage be merciful and not kill all whom they cross? We shall see my brothers and sisters.

The dogs of war can come from nowhere at times. Or they may be standing right in front of you with tails wagging and teeth not showing. May we see whom is the best.

Death Lord Draven

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Fate) and was a member of Peacekeepers

Defying life itself so arose the Death Lord Draven. The newest installment into this wonderful world of Fantasia. Cross him and learn his name quickly, learn his sword even quicker. Into the night he and his fierce armies ride. The death bringer has awaken. May his bloodline be long.

Fear is your companion in his presence. Death will be your fate by his sword if you cross him. If you have value on your life stay clear. But if you're brave enough give him a go.

Tortured souls are all that is left in his wake and freedom only from life is all he gives. Black and cold is his heart. Feeling no pain, only giving pain. The demon bloodline begins and seems to be never ending.

The dogs of war yet again are to be set unto this Fantasian world. The orange horde will consume all it sees and despair is all they will bring. Let the ground quake and the women and children run for their lives. The machine has started.

A long bloodline of brutal warriors is still intact and heading toward's their destiny. There can be only one true king of the era and they have always known their goal. Will they reach it, only time will tell. But if they don't it will be a great shame.

If when you see his knights on the field take heed to these words. Don't underestimate him or them. Many have and many have fallen to the wayside after doing so. The hunter is on his prowl for prey, may god be merciful and let it not be you.

Long live these warrior poets and may their deaths be meaningful. Because the way of the warrior leads to only one road in the end. Let's hope all of Fantasia goes out fighting, no matter who turns out to be on top. All hail Havoc and show your respects, or be bullied over like an out of control locomotive.

Carnage will envelope Fantasia, all see'ers have seen. All warriors shall fight with pride and bloodied swords and torn chain mail. Arrows will fly blackening the sky for a brief period prior to an all out hand to hand contest for conquest of all Fantasia. This is how the legend goes for the end of all times. Let's see if this is the time to end them all or will the generations keep rolling into an unknown abyss. Without the light there can be no night or vice versa.

Praise be these great warriors and may their names live on. Let's us not forget them, and if the time comes, let us not forgive them. These are the words i leave for you to read, to feel, to know, and, to care about. Off in the distance will be the sound of thunder and crashing of swords, oh, glorious day it be brothers. We were born to fight and shall die in the same way. Freedom isn't a gift, it's a responsibility.

Again the Fantasian universe has reason to fear even waking to the morning light. Donning this ancient name is yet again the human version of the Draven bloodline.

The night is the only sanctuary some may know from his vendetta to spread the Carnage gospel. And it is only due to his constant wine and women that his nocturnal hunger hasn't been established.

Almost immediately the world has been shaken by the mere thought the accidental whisper of his name. His bloodline is well known throughout the Fantasian world. His deeds and battles will be that of legend in times to come. But for now, pray you don't see his armies come knocking at your gates.

There is a destiny to be for filled and an ache longing to be soothed. Will Carnage be merciful and not kill all whom they cross? We shall see my brothers and sisters.

The dogs of war can come from nowhere at times. Or they may be standing right in front of you with tails wagging and teeth not showing. May we see whom is the best.

Carnage will envelope Fantasia, all see'ers have seen. All warriors shall fight with pride and bloodied swords and torn chain mail. Arrows will fly blackening the sky for a brief period prior to an all out hand to hand contest for conquest of all Fantasia. This is how the legend goes for the end of all times. Let's see if this is the time to end them all or will the generations keep rolling into an unknown abyss. Without the light there can be no night or vice versa.

Death Lord Fate

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Draven) and was a member of Foundation

the beginning......

Death Lord Draven

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Draven) and was a member of Foundation


Death Lord Draven

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Draven) and was a member of Foundation


Death Lord Draven

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Draven) and was a member of Foundation

and continuing on......

Death Lord Draven

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Cable) and was a member of Foundation

.......and on and on.......

Death Lord Cable

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Draven Mcwhattha) and was a member of Foundation

.......and on and on.......

Death Lord Draven Mcwhattha

Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Draven) and was a member of Foundation

.......and on and on.......

Death Lord Draven

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Draven) and was a member of Foundation

.......and on and on.......

Death Lord Draven

Lived in Era 43, got 1 heir(s) (Draven The Pitbull) and was a member of Fate

.......and on and on.......

Death Lord Draven The Pitbull

Lived in Era 44, got 1 heir(s) (Draven) and was a member of Fate

.....a dwarf pops up.......

Death Lord Draven

Lived in Era 45, got 1 heir(s) (Draven) and was a member of Fate


Death Lord Draven

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Draven) and was a member of Black Flag

The End of the story. Later Peepz.

Death Lord Draven

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Draven).


Death Lord Draven

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Draven) and was a member of Spasticus Autisticus

Defying death itself so arose the Death Lord Draven. The newest installment into this wonderful world of Fantasia. Cross him and learn his name quickly, learn his sword even quicker. Into the night he and his fierce armies ride. The death bringer has awaken. May his bloodline be long.

Fear is your companion in his presence. Death will be your fate by his sword if you cross him. If you have value on your life stay clear. But if you're brave enough give him a go.

Tortured souls are all that is left in his wake and freedom only from life is all he gives. Black and cold is his heart. Feeling no pain, only giving pain. The demon bloodline begins and seems to be never ending.

The dogs of war yet again are to be set unto this Fantasian world. The orange horde will consume all it sees and despair is all they will bring. Let the ground quake and the women and children run for their lives. The machine has started.

A long bloodline of brutal warriors is still intact and heading toward's their destiny. There can be only one true king of the era and they have always known their goal. Will they reach it, only time will tell. But if they don't it will be a great shame.

If when you see his knights on the field take heed to these words. Don't underestimate him or them. Many have and many have fallen to the wayside after doing so. The hunter is on his prowl for prey, may god be merciful and let it not be you.

Long live these warrior poets and may their deaths be meaningful. Because the way of the warrior leads to only one road in the end. Let's hope all of Fantasia goes out fighting, no matter who turns out to be on top. All hail Havoc and show your respects, or be bullied over like an out of control locomotive.

Carnage will envelope Fantasia, all see'ers have seen. All warriors shall fight with pride and bloodied swords and torn chain mail. Arrows will fly blackening the sky for a brief period prior to an all out hand to hand contest for conquest of all Fantasia. This is how the legend goes for the end of all times. Let's see if this is the time to end them all or will the generations keep rolling into an unknown abyss. Without the light there can be no night or vice versa.

Praise be these great warriors and may their names live on. Let's us not forget them, and if the time comes, let us not forgive them. These are the words i leave for you to read, to feel, to know, and, to care about. Off in the distance will be the sound of thunder and crashing of swords, oh, glorious day it be brothers. We were born to fight and shall die in the same way. Freedom isn't a gift, it's a responsibility.

Again the Fantasian universe has reason to fear even waking to the morning light. Donning this ancient name is yet again the human version of the Draven bloodline.

The night is the only sanctuary some may know from his vendetta to spread the Carnage gospel. And it is only due to his constant wine and women that his nocturnal hunger hasn't been established.

Almost immediately the world has been shaken by the mere thought the accidental whisper of his name. His bloodline is well known throughout the Fantasian world. His deeds and battles will be that of legend in times to come. But for now, pray you don't see his armies come knocking at your gates.

There is a destiny to be for filled and an ache longing to be soothed. Will Carnage be merciful and not kill all whom they cross? We shall see my brothers and sisters.

The dogs of war can come from nowhere at times. Or they may be standing right in front of you with tails wagging and teeth not showing. May we see whom is the best.

Carnage will envelope Fantasia, all see'ers have seen. All warriors shall fight with pride and bloodied swords and torn chain mail. Arrows will fly blackening the sky for a brief period prior to an all out hand to hand contest for conquest of all Fantasia. This is how the legend goes for the end of all times. Let's see if this is the time to end them all or will the generations keep rolling into an unknown abyss. Without the light there can be no night or vice versa.

Death Lord Draven

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Draven).

Death Lord Draven
Lived in age 19 of Mantrax

guess i'm old :P
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