Family History

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Mr. Sycrese

Lived in Era 44, got 1 heir(s) (Vaelaeli) and was a member of The Federation

As the last of his cities begins to fall, Sycrese stands with the few troops he has left to defend what is still his at this time. Vulnera, the oldest of his cities will be the final resting place for these brave men. Sycrese smirks as the gates burst open to reveal the massive army that he and his men now face. "My son has escaped in his mother's womb... I may fall here, yet I do not fear death for I know that my son will learn from the mistakes of his father, returning to smite the enemies we face even now!" Sycrese charged into the flood of swords and shields.... A blinding pain makes him shudder as he falls to the ground. The wound was fatal.... that much he knew. As the blood pours through his hand out of his stomach, he stared at the shields. Bear machine was this enemy that they had faced without fear. The last thing he saw was a blinding light, Through the light a beautiful woman appeared. The woman lifted her sword and swiftly swung it straight through the neck of the fallen Lord.
Many miles away in a forest of elves, The elven maiden gave birth to the heir of Sycrese. As she drew her last breath, she spoke to the leader "Vaelaeli"
The name of the child was Vaelaeli.... the Elven word for revenge

Mr. Vaelaeli

Lived in Era 45, got 1 heir(s) (Draekos) and was a member of The Federation

The orphaned elf grew stronger each day, as his training became more dangerous. Vaelaeli knew of his father's past, and of the life that had been planned out for him. He often wondered how his life as a ruler would begin after his training was complete.... His answer came on the day of his final test. Lord Uther Pendragon was preswnt as he became a man. Vaelaeli watched as he and the Elven chief exchanged harshly toned words in a language that he was not familiar with. As Lord Pendragon disappeared into his tent, the Elven chief spoke to Vaelaeli.
"Lord Pendragon has made it very clear that you are to take up your fathers place as one of the members of The Federation.... I'm sorry lad but he has more power than our tiny clan could ever hope to have."
Vaelaeli spoke, careful not to sound overly pleased about leaving this god-forsaken clan in the middle of nowhere " I shall miss you all terribly my lord, but I fear that he is right to take me in and make me fill the shoes that my father could not."
Lord Uther Pendragon rode out from the elven camp late that night followed closely by the young but stouthearted elven halfbreed, Vaelaeli.

Mr. Draekos

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Jarlath) and was a member of The Federation

Mr. Jarlath
Lived in age 2 of Tutorial X

No known history.
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