Family History

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Mr. Pronboy

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon) and was a member of Eccleziastez


Mr. Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Honey Badger) and was a member of Lesbocy


Mr. Honey Badger

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Thebornloser) and was a member of PETA


Mr. Thebornloser

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon) and was a member of Starcraft II


Mr. Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Penguin Wants Smoosh Smooshy) and was a member of Coitus Interruptus


Mr. Penguin Wants Smoosh Smooshy

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Elizabeth Patton) and was a member of Forgotten Warriors


Ms. Elizabeth Patton

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Penguin The Niugnep) and was a member of Forgotten Warriors

penguin ftw!

Ms. Elizabeth Patton has won 216 battles, captured 155 cities and killed a total of 4226814 men and women.

Total: +8,132,788 -927,379 +3,016,080 +747,219 3,293,552
Army Upkeep: -4,428,789
Building Upkeep: -2,825,025
Total Income: +878,974

Military Science
Current level 8

We are currently using: Magic weapons and mithril armor that gives +80% more defensive and offensive power.
Upgrading will cost 74,484,048,000 gold, 7,448,404,800 stone and 7,448,404,800 tree.

Current level: 5

Upgrading will cost 1,146,534,000 gold and 114,653,400 food.

Current level 6

Upgrading will cost 7,596,544,500 gold and 759,654,450 stone.

Current level 2

Upgrading will cost 211,742,000 gold and 21,174,200 tree.

Current level 5

Upgrading will cost 3,440,271,000 gold.

Magic Level
Current level 8

Upgrading will cost 335,080,287,000 gold, 29,784,914,400 stone, 29,784,914,400 tree and 29,784,914,400 food.
Mr. Penguin The Niugnep
Lived in age 80 of Mantrax

No known history.
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