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Mr. Efrandor

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Efrandor) and was a member of Stormys Dungeon

Efrandor fell out of bed. His attempts to keep himself in it had clearly failed. Efrandor blamed the booze, of which there was no doubt had caused his incredible lack of balance, even qhen laying down.

Efrandor looked at the big clock on the southern wall.

- 19.20, Saturday?

Seems about right, Efrandor thought to himself. He had picked up the bottle the Sunday before and things as picking up a bottle usually took about a week out of his life. Efrandor checked the clock again to make sure tjere was im fact just a week since he had last been sober.

- 19.21, Saturday. Age 0 of Latha. Wait, what?

Efrandor sprung up from the cold hard floor.

- Year 0!? Latha!?

Could this be true, or had his servants played him a late april fools? Had he really dozed of for millenia? Efrandor collected hia thoughts, the last thing he could remember was sitting next to some Mielo in a drunken tavern, but that must have been era 23, or 24.

- When did they start counting backwards, or, did they reach the end of numbers and started over again?

Efrandor quickly decided to not figure out the plans of the Gods, they count in mysterious ways.

- Guards!

Efrandor still new how to scream magnificently like a schoolgirl.

- Yes, sir?

Wondered the squire who walked in through the squeeky wooden doors.

- Status update. Said Efrandor.

- Right. You've lost your empire, your wife has left you and taken the kids and the dogs. Your mother wonders why you never return her doves. Your dad and all your friends past away millenia ago. We're now in the low world of Latha where we just started a colony as demanded by yourself.

- Me?

- Yes, sir. Continued the squire. You have a habit of shouting out orders every now and thrn in your drunken sleep. This time it was to settle a colony and preserve our empire instead of, thank God, "have at it" at another round of naked poker as you put it. Once we started hammering you woke up. We're ready to move you in to your new empire hall, sir.

Efrandor was shocked. Apparently a lot of things had happened during his drunken escapades. But not all was lost.

- Very well, Georgie..

- John.

- Not anymore, Georgie. Take me to my new chambers. Let's rebuild our glorious empire once again. Without booze this time.

And so days turned into weeks and weeks into months, and before anyone knew it Efrandor had crushed the most powerful rulers in the world and enjoyed the rest of his days at the beach ubtil armageddon happened and Latha was no more.

- Right! Let's move to a nicer world, Efrandor said.

He took out his big suitcase, packed all his belongings in it along with all his servants, cities and chocolate and left Latha.
Mr. Efrandor
Lived in age 27 of Mantrax

No known history.
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