Forums / In game politics / Fant 75

Fant 75
12:53:45 Feb 24th 21 - HorusPanic (Darth Panic):

Oh hey

12:57:54 Feb 24th 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Holy22Exalted Samwise The Brave191
Berzerkerz15Death God Please Dont Cry100
Order of the Dragon6Dragon Prophet Theophilus5
Mad and Dangerous3Sir Aloysius XCV3
Fishcake3Mr. Tiny Trader2

14:16:11 Feb 24th 21 - Princess Eowyn:

Hi Horus! 

Nice to see you're still around
Been a long time :)

Hope you're all good :)

15:14:37 Feb 24th 21 - HorusPanic (Darth Panic):

We're all good - not sure how much I'll be able to stay, but I happened to catch a Fant start and I'll give it a whirl

This is Aisha right?

16:14:34 Feb 24th 21 - Princess Eowyn:

Yes :) Joined Holy this era

Almost everyone active did :P

16:47:03 Feb 24th 21 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

What is the challange in joining the biggest team ?

17:42:11 Feb 24th 21 - Princess Eowyn:

Are you asking why did we all go to Holy?

To fight cheating basically...

You guys (Zerkers and Mad) are two kingdoms who have an unfair advantage over others as you guys plunder each other and swap cities (as confirmed by MAD member in the previous thread).
Not to mention other instances of cheating; and there were many, which I rather not go into again. 

There are people who have quit the game after playing for +15 years like Bogdan, and sole reason is because of the cheating


I don't really care about revenge, but I don't really like the fact that basically the game got to a point where there aren't so many players remaining and nearly half of them enjoy playing with a semi cheating style

Apologies Bog for showing a private message, but just wanted to show reason why he's no longer playing. There are at least six others who have planned to take a break from the game, but decided to do one more era to beat cheaters, and thats why we are here. There is a chance game loses several more players after this era, so lets make this a fun one. 

18:10:39 Feb 24th 21 - Ryan the Archion (Duke Ryan The Archion XXXII):

When people are getting dumber and dumber. Yes, I got tantrum for one era that ended feeding PDC. But would that mean I had cheated in the past or will cheat again? That's the first time I did it after playing for 14 years. So stop dragging the name of a KD when it was just one member did it.

You knew Aisha that I was always been honorable when it comes to playing the game given by our numerous RPing (hence, I got this title, Duke). That's why I admitted my fault and I did apologized for feeding PDC. So please, have a common sense.

18:20:06 Feb 24th 21 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Gets caught, I only did once sir, honestly.

18:44:03 Feb 24th 21 - Ryan the Archion (Duke Ryan The Archion XXXII):

Oh, sorry. Who are you?

19:31:36 Feb 24th 21 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Lol that’s my line 

19:35:26 Feb 24th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Tom Bombadil of The Old Forest):

Please ryan, you're asking Stirlin who HE is?

I think your irrelevancy will find out soon enough.


12:10:39 Feb 24th 21 - Ryan the Archion (Duke Ryan The Archion XXXII):
When people are getting dumber and dumber. Yes, I got tantrum for one era that ended feeding PDC. But would that mean I had cheated in the past or will cheat again? That's the first time I did it after playing for 14 years. So stop dragging the name of a KD when it was just one member did it.

> Koops admits feeding Exps, no ban.

> Ryan admits feeding PDC, in his own words, no ban?

WTF Zeta?

21:46:24 Feb 24th 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Can't we all just get along?

21:46:24 Feb 24th 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Can't we all just get along?

01:38:59 Feb 25th 21 - Mr. Koops:

I can just hear the facepalms resonating throughout the solar system...

04:24:34 Feb 25th 21 - Ryan the Archion (Lord Arc):

Konstant noun. idiot, stupid, brainless, whiner

04:27:24 Feb 25th 21 - Ryan the Archion (Lord Arc):

@Stirlin, ooh. Really? Been playing for 14 years but your name never struck in my memories. Me? I'm nobody.

04:55:58 Feb 25th 21 - Mr. Kool:

Stirlins been hiding for the last 10 or so years lol he was part of the crew that taught me to play the game... problem is he ended up joining  the zergers!!! 

06:52:18 Feb 25th 21 - Exalted Samwise The Brave:

lol maybe that's not the problem 🤔

07:39:41 Feb 25th 21 - Mr. Kool:

its definetely the problem he should have come to zerks!!

05:22:20 Mar 2nd 21 - HorusPanic (Darth Panic):

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Holy23Exalted Samwise The Brave1807
Berzerkerz15Death God Please Dont Cry1197
Mad and Dangerous3Sir Aloysius XCVI205
Order of the Dragon6Dragon Prophet Theophilus141
Darth Panic1Darth Panic100

11:40:23 Mar 2nd 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Looks like Zerkers are closing the gap. ;)

12:31:23 Mar 2nd 21 - Stewie Griffin (Prince Stewie Griffin):

Which corner of the map is the warehouse plundering taking place this era? 

18:55:40 Mar 2nd 21 - Ryan the Archion (Duke Ryan The Archion XXXII):

At your backyard. Haven't noticed it yet?

06:15:00 Mar 5th 21 - HorusPanic (Darth Panic):

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Holy22Exalted Samwise The Brave1983
Berzerkerz15Death God Please Dont Cry1417
Mad and Dangerous3Sir Aloysius XCVI259
Order of the Dragon6Dragon Prophet Theophilus175
Darth Panic1Darth Panic100

06:22:57 Mar 5th 21 - Mr. Koops:

So basically if Stewie somehow managed to take my city, he's a cheater right? Coz my city is named Free City?

06:42:38 Mar 5th 21 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):


06:46:39 Mar 5th 21 - Stewie Griffin (Prince Stewie Griffin):

Cool story cheaters. 

06:57:32 Mar 5th 21 - Mr. Koops:

Wow youre really worked up huh, imagine a 40-day farmer like you tryharding to send an army this early...

07:31:24 Mar 5th 21 - Mr. Kool:

haha its funny watching stewie cheat.. hes obviously in league with koops.. we have been watching for a day or so now.. well done zerg-cheatz

07:37:37 Mar 5th 21 - Stewie Griffin (Prince Stewie Griffin):

Ah, classic. Bercheaterz spreading fake news once they realize that they're about to get their a$$es handed to em this era. 

08:19:10 Mar 5th 21 - Mr. Kool:

 Seriously stewie do you think we care if we lose? you need a zerg kd to defeat us.. all this crap about cheating.. in my books you guys werent good enough when we had even numbers.. look at that koops guy now.. you are prepping him he has a city named free city it looks like your cheating.. we all know your not... but what about last era the exact same thing happens though with naz and suddenly we are cheating...

 Nothing would have changed the fact that we were going to win simply because you guys are a bash and barge kd with absolutely no tactics.. now you got 25 or whatever players you will simply roll over us.. but who cares theres always next era and you guys wont stay together for ever im pretty sure of that..

09:29:53 Mar 5th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Troll of The Five Real):

Whiners can't cheat this era, and now making their whining excuses.

You have no skill, only feeding. You can't feed, you get ran over. Just like 2 eras ago. Just like this era. Just like in future eras.

You can only "win" by cheating...and you say you 'don't care". Get your priorities straight, I think you care a bit too much about a game.

You've been tainted. Confirmed cheaters era, after era. No one is going to forget that.


09:33:31 Mar 5th 21 - Mr. Kool:

we never cheated last era and still kicked your konstanlty complaining ass.. stick to zerging.. we will stick to skill..

09:34:32 Mar 5th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Troll of The Five Real):

You know you cheated.

The greater VU community knows you cheated.

Everyone knows you cheated.

You guys can't play this game straight.

Your "Best" players between PDC/Mav couldn't even do a core drop right. Everyone knows you come out with 30k+ Gaia OOP. They barely mustered 10k.

I especially enjoyed Mav running around with his army. Going from city to city, until he finally gave up and suicided. Literally the most embarrassing core drop I have ever seen.


09:46:09 Mar 5th 21 - Mr. Kool:

 You can keep dreaming.. my skills here are better than most of you here and  i dont care what anyone says.. i simply dont need to cheat to beat a bunch of dropkicks especially some newb.. take a good look at yourself.. who gives a rats shit what your vu comunity thinks..

 Also what about your so called sal dropping into our core? he was out soo fast we didnt even need to use magic on him.. BUT you guys spent DAYS freezing PDCs  arms. yet you have the nerve to say he only dropped 10k gaia? fark he sat there for days before you finally got him out.. you even lost a few cities.. go ask sal how many he took?



13:13:17 Mar 5th 21 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

It was Stirlin vs mav and pdc

Stirlin won, the end.

13:54:29 Mar 5th 21 - Ryan the Archion (Duke Ryan The Archion XXXII):

Konstant noun. idiot, stupid, brainless, whiner

14:12:30 Mar 5th 21 - Penguin (Clown Biggus Dikkus):


They kicked me out and took all of my towns... now im dead. Filthy bastards... 

Samwise The Brave kicked you from the kingdom!

17:38:26 Mar 5th 21 - Exalted Samwise The Brave:

lol peng you've always been dead 🤣

19:38:50 Mar 5th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Tom Bombadil of The Old Forest):

You don't need to cheat Kool? Prove it. Cheater. And even if you don't cheat, a good lot of your cronies cheat. Cheater.

This "newb" kicked your "vets" asses out. Without cheating. So much for "10+ years of experience". Pathetic. No cheating, and your "skillful vets" get their asses handed to them.

I've seen actual first-time honest to god newbs with better drops than PDC and Mav had.

You know why? Because all they're used to doing is cheating. No winning. Cheater.

21:18:58 Mar 5th 21 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

I don't think Holy actually thinks you guys are cheating.

I thought there was some sort of union against cheaters thing happening, but they'd rather pick on a Kingdom with three or four semi active players.

00:59:18 Mar 6th 21 - Mr. Kool:

 lol seriously do you think your that good? why do i need to prove myself to you.. btw who are you anyway? if im not mistaken didnt we destroy you fools last era? even without the so called naz cheating, your guys had some of the worst tactics we ever saw..

09:48:47 Mar 6th 21 - Lord Caedus:

This spectacle in the forums has been fun to watch, definately some good entertainment during lockdown. 

At least, I hope its entertainment - because otherwise, it's coming across like a bunch of pre-pubescent children arguing in much the same way they would over fortnite... gunna give the benefit of the doubt and assume it's for show.

11:41:14 Mar 6th 21 - Mr. Kool:

 Sorry but this konstant guy goes on and on about cheating... but heres a fact bogdan the so called non cheater, was clearly caught city swapping with penguin.then has the nerve to call us cheats and quit the game...

 It does not matter what excuse zergers come up with its blatant cheating... also the fact that every single era someone goes thru a blocker that does not actually block as its supposed to.. raises my question.. are you cheating the game by doing this? the obvious answer is yes.. will you stop doing it? no you will continue doing it.. so please do us a favour all you so called non cheaters and stfu..

22:05:57 Mar 7th 21 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Darth panic / Horus opening his gates for Holy to give a free passage.

Cheating or just dirty play? 

11:08:20 Mar 8th 21 - heroix (Conqueror Demogorgon):

You see the blocker was accidentally built correctly so now they have to actually coordinate the movement with allies now. It should have been with a convenient gap, and when we walked around it'd have been screams of cheating.

12:49:06 Mar 8th 21 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

City swapping gping on. 

City Wrath was taken by Darthpanic from berzerker and now given to Holy for free. 

13:12:28 Mar 8th 21 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

Order of the Dragon declares victory.

We are the winners, unilaterally. No cheating required.

Cast arma already.

17:34:14 Mar 8th 21 - HorusPanic (Darth Panic):

Wrath was not given voluntarily

06:09:38 - We have lost command over Wrath!

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