Forums / In game politics / Era of Bill: Mantrax Wars 2

Era of Bill: Mantrax Wars 2
06:59:05 Aug 21st 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

it is lews kd and is more open :) but just because you can make suggestions does not mean they will be used or that kd votes will be held on everything

07:02:30 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Gravity:

if I go research old combat logs...
there is no doubt, I've killed over 1.5 million troops.


who's braggin now?

07:34:29 Aug 21st 08 - Prince Sprout:

I know some of those are  mine :p

 I also give credit to oxygen and Carbon  U guys cremed everything I put at you :p

09:08:31 Aug 21st 08 - Sir Revenge:

Rofl, that Mage your talking about was Sloth ;P

09:34:09 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Helium:

LDK wasn't made from other kingdom. It was made from new players (almost all of them were lithuanians), that was invited to VU by few experienced players (lithuanians also). I made bit of this job too.

11:36:07 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

Trio wannabees have done F all...i had 200k troops headed your way which would have finished your core off. At that moment, Earth launched his HoH, which forced me to hold that army back. I ran circles around you for 3 days with 50 ogres you nubs. So take a VERY long walk off a cliff. I had my pc down for a day and a half and you still cant kill me.

And Earth, which part of this acceptance dont you understand...

You (8/18/2008 11:54:03 AM)
Sounds good.

11:58:37 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

this coming from a leader that runs like a coward after we broke in to there kd core at least we dont give up and if we were not sperated you wouldant have been able to crush or core we had 8 players there out of 16 and 2 of them began late we didnt have a chance GG on that but we did fight back and we did survive and here we are second and first is our ally that did help us alot by attaking you elements didnt not defend us but helped out by attaking and diverteng army to them that is how they helped.

nice rainbows you got in ur kd


Casting Eye in the sky from Warlord Bob The Builder upon County with 56% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about County, owned by Mr. Gillead[Preds]:
Magic Towers:0

and dont say *beep* and crap BOB i have ets from your best players that still got lvl1s and 2s def there citys.

12:05:43 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

ahh konw i see what sprout is talking about eraths 2 xxxx armys lol i dont know but i think he came bec he just likes you.

13:24:36 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

I got 10k nazzies and mu's ...where the fck you see lvl 1' army would walk through you and you would have scattered nubs. It killed earths HoH had *beep* all on me. Again, Elements saved your ass by claiming "I never agreed the NAP"....else i'd be pawning you all over again...*beep* both of you cause im coming for you...with lots of firepower...i killed over 3m of you trio lvl1's already...gonna kill anoth 3m more by end of this week.

14:19:21 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Earth:

You (8/18/2008 12:26:58 PM)
Well sorry 'bout it :P

Hows your crusade going?
Mr. Bling Bob [Hell] (8/18/2008 12:54:03 PM) GOOD BAD
Sounds good. Its Bling 3 Ret 0

I figured your good was a reply to my question "hows it going?" considering you give a score 3-0 after!

And please dont leave out half your pm!

14:32:56 Aug 21st 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

hmm... Bling 3 Ret 0...


15:07:23 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Bling Bob: was Bling 3 Ret 0...but you too chicken *beep* to admit you wrong Earth...scared of a one man kd??? I made it crystal clear in our chats on my full of it...and you can piss off Pirate...this is a dispute between Earth and *beep* all to do with you same as the discussion I had with Air last era had *beep* all to do with you but you stick your nose in where is does not belong

15:14:48 Aug 21st 08 - Lord Wraith:

Hmm.. I (may) be wrong but when you talk about a Kd, it becomes the Kd leader's business... -.-

15:21:33 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

Lord Wraith


8/21/2008 2:14:48 PM
Hmm.. I (may) be wrong but when you talk about a Kd, it becomes the Kd leader's business... -.-'re wrong...stay out of it...Os wears the pants in that KD obviously...start your own Ret flaming thread and I'll join you in dissing them there.

15:24:27 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

Earths Question: Hows your crusade going?

Blings Answer: Sounds Good????

What language do you think i speak....fking Cherokee????

15:27:54 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

Mr. Oxygen [*beep*] (8/18/2008 10:35:53 PM) GOOD BAD
so whats the deal? did you accept the CF or not? there is nothing official yet but looks like gravity is not attacking
You (8/18/2008 11:02:02 PM)
yes...i accepted with earth
Mr. Oxygen [*beep*] (8/18/2008 10:42:24 PM)
scrap that message, apparently we are not fighting you

15:28:01 Aug 21st 08 - Lord Wraith:

If you want a private conversation, use PMs. This is a public forum and I'll post what I want, where I want addressed to who I want.

And when you diss my friends, it becomes my business. ;)


Oh, and if thats wrong, show us the real message then

15:29:57 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

Fuking twats..make up your minds for *beep* sakes

15:37:53 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomwowowowowowowo:


16:16:14 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

and Trio is so far up elements ar$e that Earth now speaks 4 octaves higher

16:16:51 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Air:

There was some confusion until everyone had their voices heard bob, nothing more. Apparently you where offered a CF but since you speak cherokee and never say anything out clear there was no reason to let you have one.

16:21:50 Aug 21st 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

Bling, the way you're acting is childish, you might be older irl. than me, but ingame you sound like you're 9.

not commenting on your posts, since you just keep arguing. so bling, you're a prick and about everyone agrees to that.

16:30:41 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

Pirate Lewatha


8/21/2008 3:21:50 PM

Bling, the way you're acting is childish, you might be older irl. than me, but ingame you sound like you're 9.

not commenting on your posts, since you just keep arguing. so bling, you're a prick and about everyone agrees to that.

and your point is???

16:31:16 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

Mr. Air


8/21/2008 3:16:51 PM
There was some confusion until everyone had their voices heard bob, nothing more. Apparently you where offered a CF but since you speak cherokee and never say anything out clear there was no reason to let you have one.
Blow me

16:31:47 Aug 21st 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

that you'll never get anywhere with the way you're behaving.

16:32:35 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

Pirate Lewatha


8/21/2008 3:31:47 PM
that you'll never get anywhere with the way you're behaving.
In English this time

16:35:36 Aug 21st 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

will elements turn on trio ?

lol plz!!??

if they take out trio then they will be in full control of mantrax


16:46:32 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

They got to get them out their A$$ first to smack em...maybe they enjoy it too much???

17:09:28 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Plutonium:

Ofc we won't turn on them. We won toghether and if the map is cleared before era ends we will just have to have a HoH-pump-race with them.

17:24:57 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

bling bob do you think every one is like you turn on there allys and i was not meaning u that had lvl 1s and 2s another one of the leaders of preds he even has rainbows.

17:39:05 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

Mr. Khalifa


8/21/2008 4:24:57 PM

bling bob do you think every one is like you turn on there allys and i was not meaning u that had lvl 1s and 2s another one of the leaders of preds he even has rainbows.

Elements broke the which allie did i turn on? And since I am a one man KD, when you say you got lvl 1's youre talking to me...and next time you make a post, get your heads out of your boyfriends backsides and learn to use punctuation.

17:54:07 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Earth:

CFs can always be broken.

NAPs can be broken if the terms allow it.

17:57:53 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

yeah...except you're too much of a dipshyte to have the guts to pm me and say "CF over"...scared i'd pawn your crappy hoh's again? or just trying to cover up the fact that you were wrong

17:58:02 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Air:

i still wouldnt call
"You (8/18/2008 12:26:58 PM)
Well sorry 'bout it :P

Hows your crusade going?
Mr. Bling Bob [Hell] (8/18/2008 12:54:03 PM) GOOD BAD
Sounds good. Its Bling 3 Ret 0"

a CF agreement

No bob we wherent scared of you, some wanted a CF with you some did not, thus confusion, thats why you where offered it in the first place, but you never gave a straight out answer so there was no use in assuming you accepted.

17:59:32 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

Mr. Oxygen [*beep*] (8/18/2008 10:35:53 PM) GOOD BAD
so whats the deal? did you accept the CF or not? there is nothing official yet but looks like gravity is not attacking
You (8/18/2008 11:02:02 PM)
yes...i accepted with earth


Mr. Oxygen [*beep*] (8/18/2008 10:42:24 PM)

scrap that message, apparently we are not fighting you

How bout that.


19:41:17 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

i mean preds my god u just left a day ago now ur not a part of them all that crap about preds this preds that and now u say this...

19:43:39 Aug 21st 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

+ he'll be rejoining next era -.-

20:28:29 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

thout they said they will disband and when i say u are a traitor i meant to ur own kd and to ur cf or nap wtv u call it with ret.

20:35:16 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

Mr. Khalifa


8/21/2008 7:28:29 PM
thout they said they will disband and when i say u are a traitor i meant to ur own kd and to ur cf or nap wtv u call it with ret.

The reasons I left Preds got F all to do with you. We had an internal matter I felt of exceptional importance to deal with, and dealt with it as i promised the person concerned I would.

The CF/NAP with RET was non existant because they sat back and farmed, not sending a single troop to the front line. They stalled on our offer, claiming they needed time to vote and decide, and in the meantime, tried to strike a CF/NAP with elements to screw us. So *beep* them...and dont say it never happened because we received a copy of the PM sent to elements.

21:07:35 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

and dont say it never happened because we received a copy of the PM sent to elements.

Funny - early in this age, we also got a completely (and correct) copy of our relationship with other kingdoms.... a few days old, but still very valid...... "One" had informed "some" in elements that had informed Lew. And she told us (in other words) that we had a parrot in our middle.....

I thought that was a single episode, but now I'm not that sure. It seems like information is "floating" quite freely among the kingdoms in this world.....

21:45:51 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Knigh:

lol trio cant talk *beep* bout lvl 1's cos had an aelmo army come at me wich had 8k nazzies and 2k ogres, with NO mu's, now thats a recipe for a bbq :)

22:25:16 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Earth:

*is thirsty*

*Drinks some evian*

Tnx lew!

22:26:22 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

sorry...what?? oh nvm...more lies

23:30:10 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Knigh:

u talking to bob, fine here is the eits


Casting Eye in the sky from Stoped upon Playtime with 98% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about The Playtime from Mr. Elmo[TRIO]:
Playtime from Mr. Elmo

You lost 38 Mages and 14 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.


00:41:15 Aug 22nd 08 - Prince Sprout:

Man my mages would have fun with that one :p


00:55:22 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

yes we have newbes in our kd...

you want somthing ok..

Casting Eye in the sky from Backup upon Tong Castle with 84% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about Tong Castle, owned by Sir Darkmarsbar[Preds]:
Magic Towers:0

Armies in the city: 0(Total of 0 men)

When casting the spell 8 of our Magicians died and 3 got injured.


Eye in the sky results brought by Mr. Khalifa 0 hours ago:
Casting Eye in the sky from Zug Zug upon Cease with 79% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about Cease, owned by Sir Darkmarsbar[Preds]:

Magic Towers:0


Casting Eye in the sky from Preds Pwner upon Gilead with 10% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about Gilead, owned by Mr. Gillead[Preds]:
Magic Towers:0

Armies in the city: 1(Total of 67111 men)

When casting the spell 20 of our Runemasters died and 6 got injured.

00:59:54 Aug 22nd 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

LDK wasn't made from other kingdom. It was made from new players (almost all of them were lithuanians), that was invited to VU by few experienced players (lithuanians also). I made bit of this job too.

Uhmmm, I know your wrong here, as BDE did become LDK, as the Leader and the vices were all Lithuanians, and wanted to show their patriatism.  Yes many new Lithuanian players joined, but about 90% of BDE was in the first LDK.

01:05:54 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Knigh:

lol i rofed them all sprout, it was very fun, my army only had 1% chance if i ha fought them

01:09:59 Aug 22nd 08 - Prince Sprout:

I just love the smell of roasting nazi :p


 WTF is with those builds :


 lolI my towns dont look like that :p

 My towns are very nice.. I hope the new owners enjoy a good producing build :p


01:33:29 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Knigh:

hmmm at worst i have a few lumber in with food, but nothing like them

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