Forums / In game politics / Dorian Empire Dishonorable???

Dorian Empire Dishonorable???
14:09:05 Feb 16th 09 - Sir Santa of Macedon:

I don't know if its a good thing when that comes from the Lord of Lies... :S
But thanks anyway ;)

21:07:23 Feb 16th 09 - Sir Bane:

Well I respawned or I would have had more battle times to post but It will be my goal for the rest of the era to personaly see to DE's destruction.

21:56:54 Feb 16th 09 - Sir Santa of Macedon:

Bane. May I please point out your stupidity? If you haven't noticed yet, DE is fighting MAD, Glory and DMC(And WP) so unless you can get the others to stop fighting, please do try :) , then you can't personally see to our destruction. Also, holding a grudge is ussualy considered a weakness instead of a strength so you might want to think about giving that up.

01:03:30 Feb 17th 09 - Sir Bane:

My I also point out that what your Kd has done is also usualy considered a weakness. What I hold is not a weakness but someething that gives me a greater drive and strength that I would have not had, had this not happened. So in turn thank you for doing this and creating a stronger foe that you will have to deal with this era.

And I am far from stupid you will find that out soon enough.

01:53:44 Feb 17th 09 - Sir Death Proof:

That last statement is from a kid who wears a:

Part-time Zombie Hunter t-shirt with fake blood all over it to work XD.

LOL. Bane FTW!

02:18:07 Feb 17th 09 - Sir Bane:

That is Porfesional Zombie Hunter, Proof get it right.

03:07:31 Feb 17th 09 - Sir Death Proof:

Sorry :P

08:06:50 Feb 17th 09 - Mr. Dramborleg of Troezen:

Alright Bane, I just restarted. I hope to have a nice OOP War =D

I would love to see your fighting skills.

08:15:56 Feb 17th 09 - Sir Santa of Macedon:

Damm, the North is now simply a mix of kingdombanners :O :D We should all start making paintings on VU, with cities ;)

And Bane, if we die, it wont be because of you. Maybe you helped a little, but MAD and DMC have fought so well already that you could never ever even try to match up to them. But go ahead and try. I'm looking forward to it :)

19:07:08 Feb 17th 09 - Sir Bane:

I think that it shows just how little you know about me Santa, you don't even know where I am or who I am with and you don't know what I am capable of.

20:11:36 Feb 17th 09 - Sir Santa of Macedon:

What your capable of is whats on discussion...
Ow and did you mean this:
Sir BaneDendarii Mercenary Corps38

I think I do know where you are and who you are with. So unless you've got anything better than words, shush! :)

11:42:52 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion:

Hi! I'm back! LOL!

Well, this time I'll end the Ryan vs DE thing.

For what I saw now with my own eyes and not just by hearing it with someone. I, Ryan of the noble Kingdom of MAD take back what I had said before that caused insults to the Dorians. I humbly apologizes to my misconduct before. I've been a little carried away by the fighting and ended to enter politics war.

I honor the Dorians with their great playing style that made them survive this long against 3 KDs. You we're all great.

Honor and Respect

11:59:09 Feb 18th 09 - Sir Evans of Sparta:

Thank you Ryan , you fought well yourself, and respect you for your admittance to a listening to a rumour

12:10:54 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion:

Your welcome!
I've always wanted to play this game honorably. :)

16:48:59 Feb 18th 09 - Sir Santa of Macedon:

I know Valentines day has come and passed but Ryan, I just want to say I am actually starting to like you :) (just my way of saying thanks ;) )

17:00:11 Feb 18th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion:


Thanks pal!

20:59:00 Feb 19th 09 - Mr. Lord V of Tartarus:

yeah- we almost had it, was tough... 

had we the time to focus on only your two kingdoms we would have pushed through and taken the era.

coulda changed a few things around here n there would have come out of it differently...maybe...


21:07:27 Feb 19th 09 - Sir Roheran:

good war Dorian. You have my respect

21:34:34 Feb 19th 09 - Mr. Hephaistos From Lemnos:

Sir Roheran


2/19/2009 9:07:27 PM
good war Dorian. You have my respect

Of course we have.

Regards McMax and Kevin..............


Edit: And now being back in the old days..... wonder if Ms. Bluelight is Noa...

21:40:45 Feb 19th 09 - Sir Santa of Macedon:

"Of course we have."

So true :)

06:57:52 Feb 20th 09 - Duke Herodotus of Halicarnassus:

Yes, MAD and DMC proved to be worthy and honorable opponents, Congrats and hope you had fun, I know many of us did.  Hope to see you all in the future, either on the same side or not, either way would be an honor... Thanks

08:02:59 Feb 20th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion:

Well, I hate to say this but some of members seems not listening to their leaders.

Having a CF and taking our cities was really a dishonorable move.
*pointing at Herodotus, Child and Heracles*

Still I honor Santa and Evans. You were great. I hope you play with my side sometimes. If that happens we could be unbeatable. ;D

09:50:10 Feb 20th 09 - Mr. Nate River:

Im starting to like you santa.. ill make a snowman for you someday.. :)
those 3 were not... >:(

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