Forums / In game politics / Fantasia - Era of Agent Smith

Fantasia - Era of Agent Smith
21:07:22 Apr 27th 09 - Mr. Formatieduiker:

yup, Fate is definately not to be trusted, can't say much more, nice to see others finally start noticing it aswell :-D

21:24:04 Apr 27th 09 - Prince Mielo:

Mr. Garlic


4/27/2009 8:19:54 PMPengy. I'm here. And I'm in no way responsible for whats going on. Truth be told, people acted on their own in this matter, the only thing I regret is that we didnt admit to our fault quick enough - but we did admit our fault. And you did get through the blockers in question, so blame someone else if you dont think its going as good as you would have hoped in your war.
gotto stop now. gf is strangling me.

> Where exactly did you admit your fault? All you said in PM was this: "It was tactical better to hold off you guys a bit, while Fate is busy killing MAD armies." And then you start acting on the forums like you've done nothing wrong.

If you admitted it you could at least given an apology, or start treating your NAP with some respect ... All your members started doing was slamming Juicy into the ground with lame accusations. I gave your kingdom way to many chances, where I should have ended the NAP ...

21:27:46 Apr 27th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

From what I see, you're arguing over a blocker that doesnt block. Great to see Fant is still as crappy as always.

21:38:40 Apr 27th 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Lord Primate Death


4/27/2009 9:27:46 PM
From what I see, you're arguing over a blocker that doesnt block. Great to see Fant is still as crappy as always.

You see fking wrongly then
Get some better glasses

21:41:40 Apr 27th 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Note : I know I've been told to cool off on the forums, but sometimes the plain idiocy and incompetence of people forces me to reply

Note 2 : Until you know what the Arguement/Disscussion/Point is about, keep your mouth shut, that would solve half of the Crap that is spoken on this forum

21:45:11 Apr 27th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

yup tbl is talking like an imbecile while he should have admitted that you guys did wrong. he was going like reverse psychology  that we did wrong and what you guys did is everything normal...

21:45:53 Apr 27th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

oh yeah rambutan :) onex :)
i was sir Perkunas that era

22:46:29 Apr 27th 09 - Mr. Rambutan:

      =D      I hoped you hadn't forgotten about me already     :P

23:21:19 Apr 27th 09 - Mr. Garlic:

Mielo, we said you could take Brick didnt we? So how long where you delayed? 24h? I dont think so. Either way, on the behalf of my kd, I appologize. It was a stupid move that was not thought trough nor necessary in any capacity.

23:28:09 Apr 27th 09 - Sir Watermelon:

they werent delayed any there just acting the part

23:44:01 Apr 27th 09 - Prince Mielo:

Then why did you start taking over blockers from fate in the south as well? And Watermelon, you can save your ignorance for your own tiny individual ...

23:45:22 Apr 27th 09 - Sir Watermelon:

lol tell me which blocker please

23:55:08 Apr 27th 09 - Prince Mielo:

Zul Smurfystopp
City Info
Owner: Mr. Rambutan Kingdom Banner
Size: 220 building(s).
Kingdom: Fruits and Vegetables
Gates: closed

City Info
Owner: Mr. Rambutan Kingdom Banner
Size: 14400 building(s).
Kingdom: Fruits and Vegetables
Gates: closed

We only got the cities opened because we reacted immediately after you took them from Fate ... obviously you guys forget we have eyes.

+ the 'Ant blocker' you guys made ... it delayed our reinforcements for another 2 days, which lead our merge to a smack down. We were only able to pass once MAD took it. You build that blocker after we made the NAP-terms.

There is also another blocker you took from Fate to prevent us getting beyond the area where 'Ant blocker' held us out.
You guys really showed us how you respect your NAPs and how narrow minded most of you are by ignoring all this and even putting the blame on us ...

23:59:46 Apr 27th 09 - Mr. Rambutan:

   Actually I wasn't ordered by any veggie kingdom leader to take those. A fate member contacted me and asked for me to take them (I was already in the area heading to chocolate) I said ok.  When I took and closed them I immediately got messages telling me to open them (a couple from Juicy members and one from Kobuskan). I opened them, there was only one juicy army in the area, and it wasn't delayed at all by the move.

00:51:02 Apr 28th 09 - Sir Watermelon:

think what you want about Ant it was built for spag and mad  and brick didnt delay you any

01:03:26 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Garlic:

Listen Mielo, I'm really sorry for how things went down. But it wasn't a "planned conspiracy" from our side. Mistakes where made for various reasons and in the end we corrected them without you loosing due to them.
Correct me if I'm wrong(I'm not that active, my gf has me on a leash) but wasn't the "ant blocker" the route you used to enter Fantasia? From my understanding it doesnt even block. And if infact you where delayed becouse of it, why did you engage your merge against a larger opponent?(no offense, but seems to me like your own tactics are to blame for you taking losses but you are trying to pin it on someone else)

01:17:30 Apr 28th 09 - Lady Quietone:

Yes it was the route we used to enter Fantasia and yes when you first planted the town obviously it didnt block but since you continued to increase the size of it even after we talked to your kingdom about it of course it started blocking which was your plan from the beginning or excuse me one of your "mistakes for various reasons" as you put it-- our merge would have been reinforced had you not stalled us there period.   Your account of what happened and questioning as to how we dealt with the cards we were handed and thus judging us we can do without.   You stalled us on two seperate areas on purpose and attempted on a third you dont do that to people you asked for a NAP from......

Who knows Fate could have beat our merge even with the reinforcements then it would have been bad on us... not really the same had we been given the chance eh?  Enough with your apologies attached with an underhanded insult.... either you didnt do it on purpose or you did? either you're apologizing for it or your not?  Otherwise just stop talking eh? 

02:37:23 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Rambutan:

  <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

02:42:11 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Rambutan:

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="

02:47:04 Apr 28th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

As if this thread wasn't bad enough already.. Now we've got sh!tty music, too!

03:58:09 Apr 28th 09 - Duke Playaaaa:

Nap Breakers and scum and country oh my!

04:39:20 Apr 28th 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

Penguin - you being in JUICY, your own eyes are shut to the dishonourable and detestable tactics that they employ. While JUICY are very clever not to do anything dishonourable on the surface, they employ the most subtle of moves to get the situation to their advantage, and most of the moves I have seen are dishonourable. Some of these moves came up against us before in a past era, and that is why, to this day, I have never liked or respected JUICY - a bunch of posers who are merely just the better kingdom at disguising their dirty moves.

And Penguin, you also forget one thing. Don't you think that if JUICY was our trusted and valued ally instead, we would have also gone to great lengths to help and aid you out as well? Thank god though, there are too many self-righteous clowns in your kingdom to make that come true :)

Quietone girl, your outbursts on the forums are nothing but a pathetic attempt to cover up for the utter embarassment JUICY suffered at the hands of one Fate player. JUICY thought that, with Fate and Revelation locked in a life and death struggle in the west of Fantasia / eastern Starta, it would be able to profit immensely by hitting Fate in the less defended parts of its region. Thus, you guys made a HUGE show of bringing in your armies from Mantrax, etc. But guess what.... you guys never expected, in a million years, to have your huge bunch of armies taken out by Fate, and worst still, 2/3rds of them by ONE PLAYER!

Having now had your easy chance at the Fate pie delayed by probably 72 - 96 hours (and in such a delightful show of utter butt whooping as well ^_^), you now try to camouflage JUICY's embarassment by claiming that it was a cause of us delaying you guys at that one blocker. Diverting the attention to us so that the spotlight is not on your beloved kingdom for the embarassment they suffered ^_^

Nice attempt there, but while camouflages, smokescreens and diversionary tactics may work on the kids and the internet-glued geeks, there are people who can see the actual picture for what it is.

This is the internet, so you are able to flex alot of your online muscles and influence in a game which you spend all your life upon. Come out into the real world for a while however, and you will find that there are alot more adults who can see through your tricks, outbrain you, and outflame you, and that the world is a much more ruthless and competitive place than an internet game.

OK, enough wasting my time on the irrelevant. I'm off to work now (see, Quietone, I have another aspect to my life other than VU.... what about you? ^_^). Tata.

05:15:58 Apr 28th 09 - Lady Quietone:

loser..... how bad does your life have to suck that you have to keep telling people on the internet that you have one for real promise you do?? are ya sure?? cause you spend an awful lot of time here posting about it...not sure you're convincing me

far as the rest of your post.... LOL

06:39:41 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Rambutan:

    Actually him and Rob met in real life, so he has vouchers now  0_o

       I didn't bother reading the rest of that wall of text though... so no comment on that

06:46:41 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

If what JUICY claims here - F&V has a MAP with FATE and then a NAP with JUICY (without discussing the MAP they have) - then shame on you F&V. The same thing happened last era with Predators - however you claim to be a FANTA KD - and that's not acceptable.

This is the 2nd dishonourable act for you this era guys - you have to change your name again for the next era - and lose your identity - so that honourable KDs may forget you exist. This is the only way you can practice the same strategies again.

06:56:30 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Rambutan:

 glad you make yourself look like more of an *beep* with every post. Once again, I don't think I even need to respond.

 you clearly don't remember what preds did last era (despite you being IN Retribution 0_o).   I would let Quietone argue if I were you.

 "honorable kingdoms"  like MAD?  psh, they can kiss my pot-smoking asss

07:00:29 Apr 28th 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

Lady Quietone


4/28/2009 11:15:58 AM

loser..... how bad does your life have to suck that you have to keep telling people on the internet that you have one for real promise you do?? are ya sure?? cause you spend an awful lot of time here posting about it...not sure you're convincing me

far as the rest of your post.... LOL

No need to convince you. Hey, if you think I am a real loser and I am an internet geek flexing imaginary internet muscles and waving an imaginary 12 inch equipment, then all power to you I guess :)

On my part, I do think you really need to smell the fresh air and sunshine outside of VU :)

07:03:06 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Rambutan:

do think you really to smell the fresh air and sunshine outside 

*points*   I see typo  lol,   you need sleep tbl  0_o    

           oh wait... isn't it like morning where you are?

07:05:37 Apr 28th 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

It is afternoon Nic ^_^ I just got back from a business meeting, so one half of my mind is working out certain business details, while the other half was paying minimal attention to Quietone :)

07:09:03 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Rambutan:

        I know you said you WERE a lawyer or something  (it shows in your epically long walls of text)  but what do you do now?  Aside from hang out with Rob in weird skyscraper bars    (I'm very tempted to post the picture on public forums ^_^)

07:09:57 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Nate River:

then Veggies is not organize as rambutan did... it affects the name of the whole KD for being careless of one member.. bec of that Veggie did a dishonourable act for this era.. enough of your reasonings..

07:13:12 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Rambutan:

    Go away creepy lurker, we weren't even talking about that anymore.


07:15:13 Apr 28th 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

Nic, I am now a corporate consultant, and I take on special development projects as well. That is why I am on the internet alot, because I do alot of research and reading from web based sources.

Thus, VU, and especially, a certain lady, is a nice source of ... relaxation and amusement, in times like this ^_^

07:38:47 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Rambutan:

   Don't you have a fiance?  Shame on you!  :O


07:51:35 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Rambutan:

    I could be thinking of someone else though :S   the kd forum gets messy...

08:13:39 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@Rambutan - every time when you open your mouth you get the same 5 neuron scream. If I look closer to you UN - I get the fact that you actually misspelled it and it meant to be Urangutan (if you know what that means in Romanian). And believe me - that would have been a good fit for you.

By now you are the most insistent iiddiioott I have met in VU forums - you only standing in one leg but with your mouth largely open - and bbuullsshhiitt coming from it. You see I'm not using any Past Perfect Tense to make it easy for you and your friend (Mr P) to understand my wording - but you fail every time.

You may be thinking your proof of intelligence is the fact how to use a spellchecker – poor boy - how far can iiddiiooccyy travel.



That was the long answer you have been prepared over night – pure failure; why don’t you let the sshheett buried – and save us from wasting time by reading your nonsense.


We are now wondering how could a ‘so called’ fanta KD (such as yours) can make so many mistakes in a single era. What do you have to say about it – use your undeveloped brain, before answering.

08:21:04 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Garlic:

His fiance is stupendously HOT. Certainly much too hot for TBL, and if I didnt have gf already I would have to fly over there and save her. But enough about TBL, back to the flaming will ya!

08:21:52 Apr 28th 09 - Sir Atomic Pepper:

@Glad- (VU Day 692, 589 days left)

there is a long way to go my friend, now that our war is about to start, lets see how many mistakes YOU make.


08:27:42 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Pepper, why do you change the subject - why not one of your leaders give us (the VU comunity) an explanation based on real facts - not only iiddiiooccyy from some of my members.

Mistakes from me - what do you want to see? A failed ROF over your army? If that would make you happy you may see it soon.

08:30:00 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Garlic:


08:32:29 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

And I've been talking about 'dishonourable diplomacy mistakes' which are irritating other KDs - and not personal mistakes

08:34:52 Apr 28th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

tbl, cause of the fact that you guys delayed us thats why our merge got smacked, omg 2/3 all army had one player, wow if i had there my army on time there wouldnt be Fate but nvm ... the fact is you delayed us to let fate get more troops against us while we couldnt thus we got smacked.

08:41:49 Apr 28th 09 - Sir Atomic Pepper:

Mr. Gladiatorul


4/28/2009 8:27:42 AM
Pepper, why do you change the subject - why not one of your leaders give us (the VU comunity) an explanation based on real facts - not only iiddiiooccyy from some of my members.

Mistakes from me - what do you want to see? A failed ROF over your army? If that would make you happy you may see it soon.
this thread hasn't been on subject for days, apologies if I distracted it further.. ROF away my friend, let the games begin.

08:46:01 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Waiting for you to come to Mantrax then - but hurry, Rebirth are having priority now

08:52:09 Apr 28th 09 - Sir Atomic Pepper:

lol, okay, will do buddy.

08:57:31 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Rambutan:

   Lol glad, once again you look like an enormous jackaass.  If you would have used YOUR head, you would have realized everyone in Fruits and Veggies, is named after a FRUIT or a VEGGIE  now take a wild freaking guess at what my name is.         


       As for the rest of your post, honestly, how old are you? You think that because I can string sentences together without sounding like a gorilla with downsyndrom, that I must have stayed up all night writing that post? No, only you can horribly misuse the english language in such a blatant fashion, I come nowhere close.You sound like a 12 year old and yet you have the nerve to call me "boy". 

             As far as you wanting an "official post" from one of our leaders. I'll message Kobuskan about it.
      I will not be responding to you anymore, Glad.  Grow up, learn english.



09:12:25 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@Urangutan - shut up iiddiioott

10:16:38 Apr 28th 09 - Sir Watermelon:

glad when you put that city i told you people wouldn't be happy since it was right in the middle of our area and the middle of fant it should not have been a big surprise to anyone that it got taken

as far as i know we only have a nap with fate but i don't see why we should have to tell the whole world what relations we have with who

you go figure it out if you want to know

10:39:38 Apr 28th 09 - Mr. Darklord:

come on veggies   come  and atak mi troops need fruits and veggies  to be strong and healthy ... if it continues like this i soon be a vegetarian  :)

10:58:28 Apr 28th 09 - Commander Aligreat:

12 inch may I point out that 2/3 of our merge was probably my army, I was leading the merge and knew he had over 50% on me based on my % on the city....should I have ran? In hindsight a tick sooner than i intended, yes. The player was very active at tick improvements, if i tried, there was a high probability of being hit.

Had my support armies, not even other JUICY armys, not been stuck behind your blocker untill MAD took it. Then I would easily would have been able to get stronger than his army alone....but it wasnt to be, instead he smacked our merge and slaughtered plenty of my incoming archmages which stupidly were split up into 2 armies, giving him the perfect chance to do damage.

Fairplay to him (her?). It was very well executed movement.

Your plan to stall had a huge benefit to FATE, which is what you wanted.

Hope it was worth it, I know who I want to screw next era =)

Credit to FATE on their extremely hard fighting nonetheless.

Back to drawing board for me.

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