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Fantasia - Pussy fest?
01:24:30 Aug 31st 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

The big question Oya is asking is why are you fighting LGC.

well im fighiting LGC coz thay are the only KD that give us a real challenge to fight against. coz thay are and alway's be the Elite Players.I am totaly not Anti LGC but just enjoy to fight them. that is my way of having fun in this game.

And i have lots of respect for the LGC players ( Origenal LGC )

I only hate that thay alway's have to Flame, I personaly hate flaming But must agree it spices up the batle

I also dont care about Winning or losing just fighting LGC gives me a Fun time

This is jus my reason for fighting LGC .

01:38:51 Aug 31st 07 - Lord Senturu:

yea...weird....ur an odd duck:P

*hugs Weirdgrivi*

good ta have ya back :P

01:44:11 Aug 31st 07 - Mr. Soccermorning:

Xuaron, respect earned from me. now, go give them a good fight!

01:46:02 Aug 31st 07 - Dreadlord Valarion:

I wish I could make sense out of croms....collection of words. But sadly I cant. I do however spot a refence to Rambo in there so I am jsut going to reply to that and see what happens.

"Mafia" emerged after we disbanded Z (some might remember that particular thread). Some of the old Z core went there to play with rambo and his mates, others created their own kingdoms (SaC for example) and some quit. Belonging to the latter cathegory I cant really say who played with rambo and who didnt and what was said ect. But you have to keep in mind that nobody wants to believe a trsuted KD member is cheating, especially not if the person denies it vehemently whenever confronted about it.

In essence:

Legacy is not Mafia

Yes Rambo cheated

No, nobody knew it

And yes people defended him because they didnt want to think he was actually hacking that way.


As for all the other references about us in this thread I must say I am flattered. Yes we hae taken on a lot of kingdoms before, but the game has changed since and does not favour small tight groups like it used to. Aside from that, I really doubt anybody in Legacy is as active as you would like to think, we are NOT bots:P We do have our lives, jobs ect.


p.s. I see very few Legacy posts in here so kindly refrain from refering to us as "flamers". Most of us dont care enough about these sort of threads to deign them with as reply but every now and then we have to speak up lest people like crom spread their lies unhindered.


Game on :)

02:39:32 Aug 31st 07 - Mr. Diomedes:

OMG this is some funny *beep*.   Oya I don't know you well but I have talked to you a couple of times.  I can tell you that there is no "big alliance"  Whatever players want to think well that is their own assumption.  I can express that Nemesis has obtained only One NAP for this Era.  If more come then that will be the decision of the leaders.  I am like Crazy XU in that when I am in a strong kingdom I want to fight the best.  Now if I was in a weak kingdom I would go down fighting but I have never been in a "weak" kingdom.  Been in the middle but not the weak.  I understand that people get a little harsh if they are losing and they will start flaming threads to make things sound how they want.  Oya you have not done that and your post was understandable and I agree with you post to a point in that if the same kingdoms are going to be fighting or joining alliance each Era it would cause the game to become "plain"  But there is a problem with this in that what I don't understand is this world is made up of what like 20 kingdoms.  Lets say you have three tiers of kingdoms.  Group A is probablye made up of 8 of the strong kingdoms.  You have Group B with is 8 middle kingdoms that are not strong but not weak.  Then you have Group C that is just lucky they are still on Fantasia usually because they were able to obtain a CF or NAP with a strong kingdom to protect them.  This game is about building a kingdom through fighting others and growing stronger (Yes I know some farm).  When you have that many kingdoms you are going to basically have a World War III.  You are going to have sides.  You are going to have more than one kingdom fighting more than one kingdom.  We may not have Evil vs. Good in the game but we still do in our minds.  Some see LGC/DB as Evil.  I myself don't so much see y'all as evil but more as the experienced vets who have good chemistry and For me to become the best in the game I have two options.  1) learning from the vets by being in the kingdom with them or 2) fighting the vets and learning from my losses.  Now with 5 Eras or so of experience I can say that I have learned 90% of how to become a strong player so now I wish to learn how to work well with others in my kingdom but I can only do that by being in a kingdom that communicates.  I do not post much in the public forums I usually keep strictly to kingdom forums and MSN.  By doing this I have learned who to respect and who is active and a good leader to learn different strategies from.  I believe I have done well as I have moved up in kingdoms from IE to Jester to now Nemesis.  Each time I have been asked to join out of respect for my abilities.  Now tells me I have become better and others are seeing this.  Now that I have told my life story and off topic some.  Let me end by saying please guys lets grow up a little and stop being so hostile.  This is war game and not eveyrone is going to win.  War is well War.  Its not meant to be easy or followed under certain guidelines.  But if everyone will just be respectful and not act like children who are whining (not talking about any particular players just an observation of many threads)  The game will fall out as it is intended to play out and whoever wins and has bragging rights til next Era when they will more than likely not win.

04:03:19 Aug 31st 07 - Mr. Messiah:

04:22:17 Aug 31st 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:


04:41:07 Aug 31st 07 - Sir Helios:

By far the best post in this thread Messiah. =P

05:18:44 Aug 31st 07 - Mr. Diomedes:

I will second Helios vote.  Messiah I need that picture for my desktop now :-)

06:19:09 Aug 31st 07 - Lord Senturu:

No my posts are the best in here.

*lays a beat down on Messiah*

foo, i teach you

07:40:57 Aug 31st 07 - Sir Aleksandr Romanov:

messiah, you better watch out, herr reichsfuhrer scientist might ban you for that lol.

09:02:25 Aug 31st 07 - Lord Senturu:

Aleksandr. Scientist cannot ban anyone. only our GOD can ban people.

15:17:11 Aug 31st 07 - Sir Fizban:

Whoa. I sense blasphemy from Senturu. ;-)

*Stands far away from the coming smiting.*

15:23:11 Aug 31st 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

blasphemy? wtf does that mean...

16:05:58 Aug 31st 07 - Lord Argyle:

19:20:44 Aug 31st 07 - Mr. Soccermorning:

diomedes, respect sir.

not just cuz u were a jester either!

21:11:08 Aug 31st 07 - Lord Senturu:

Fizban you dare deny our god? for that ill ensure that you die slowly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

21:33:21 Aug 31st 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Is that a bad thing? The people who die the slowest are the people who live the longest....

23:05:16 Aug 31st 07 - Lord Senturu:

not even half way through it you'll wish you were dead....

00:33:20 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Seloc:

This meaningful convesation into the lives of the "pussy" has dissovled into general spam.

22:07:21 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Draven:

mmmmmm pussy :)

01:30:50 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Draven:

pussy is one of my favorite food groups

08:51:05 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Elsin:

You like Dim Sim's too huh? 0.o

13:39:32 Sep 3rd 07 - Lady Jabberwocky:

21:29:39 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Lol what a disappointment....

05:49:03 Sep 4th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

*Septim walks in with a Colt 1911

"Guess what? I'm bored..."

09:04:24 Sep 4th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Seloc points at Messiah.*

"He's evil, also wolflord Karac...."

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