Forums / In game politics / Nirvana Era 43

Nirvana Era 43
21:38:55 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Yes Twamao:

blah blah blah blah..... anything else?

21:44:22 Dec 1st 09 - Endless Despair:

sexy? :p

21:44:51 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Elkor The Unripe:

Nirvana rebellion will soon be quelled, and the alliance will move on to greater goals.

22:07:44 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Legna Htaed:

Not before we cause hell the whole time >=)

22:17:48 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Yes Twamao:

Mr. Ares Maliusbum (12/2/2009 1:30:39 AM) GOOD BAD
a dwarf trying to stopp a elf now i have seen almost everything :P

Thank you for the compliment. 

22:19:57 Dec 1st 09 - Lord Overcome:

"Moderators are FORUM moderators, not game admins.  If we were able to do that, then wouldn't cheating be easy?"

well that discussion has ended a while back. so you didnt need to point that out:P

22:26:42 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Ares Maliusbum:

lol :P

23:14:39 Dec 1st 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

Lord Overcome


16:19:57 Dec 1st 09
"Moderators are FORUM moderators, not game admins.  If we were able to do that, then wouldn't cheating be easy?"

well that discussion has ended a while back. so you didnt need to point that out:P
Obviously someone needed to point out the obvious for you since it hadn't sunk in yet.

23:29:30 Dec 1st 09 - General Zondervan:

what we do in our life, echoes in eternity!

so why not kill everything so all will be afraid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol...

00:42:10 Dec 2nd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

I seriously think that some of the people that are talking here are just doing so to see themselves type (or hear themselves talk in their head i guess).

That last bit was just in case you didnt get what i meant.

03:16:11 Dec 2nd 09 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

Hey Niques, glad to know you are having fun in starta,

Ms. Niques


11:50:28 Dec 1st 09
Just wondering how things going in here. Could I visit you guys with a 100k AMs? Still I'm busy to put end to HIV rule here at Starta. We are just gangbanging them like what's happening at Domination now. Still, HIV doing well than Domination I think.

04:35:30 Dec 2nd 09 - Ms. Niques:

@ Saiyan, yeah. A bit inactive but still just pull out a decent army. :)
We are currently at the core of HIV, but as expected from HIV they insist to repel us from their core. How's former BOOM players doing there? I see a lot of ex-BOOM are there. Some are also at FATE.

10:33:01 Dec 2nd 09 - Mr. Ares Maliusbum:

i am ex mad

16:01:31 Dec 2nd 09 - Ms. Niques:

For what Ryan told me your Ignis right?

16:24:08 Dec 2nd 09 - Sir Sorra:

Looks like it just about over for Domination.


Seems that the Nirvana Alliance will be victorious soon enough.


There isent long for Domination now. 

17:08:24 Dec 2nd 09 - Lord Thomaas:

erm.. lol? have we lost our core? I haven't noticed...

17:12:52 Dec 2nd 09 - Mr. Ares Maliusbum:

soon :P

18:33:37 Dec 2nd 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

How many more days does Nirvana have plague?

18:38:47 Dec 2nd 09 - Lord Thomaas:

til everyone in the alliance are dead... why?

18:41:48 Dec 2nd 09 - Mr. Heroix:

in the axis*

18:50:43 Dec 2nd 09 - Lord Overcome:

@Charley: thats real arrogant of you. i asked if it was possible for Pesterd to performe it, and his answar made me believe he could. and i know of another game (Nordicmafia) where moderators can read private messages. so maybe its obvious to you, but that just indicates you are kinda narrow minded, doesnt it?

"but doesnt non of you have the option on going into lew's account and see for yourself?"

"Duke Pesty Bear (11/30/2009 7:53:27 PM)     GOOD     BAD
the message was sent, Confirmed."

19:29:31 Dec 2nd 09 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

overcome has a good point

19:34:06 Dec 2nd 09 - Lord Thomaas:

Yeah Lord Overcome got a pretty good point

20:16:57 Dec 2nd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

I just think whats done is done. There is no reason to hen pick at eachother over it now.

Theres enough of that going on in the battle fields of Nirvana

20:34:49 Dec 2nd 09 - Mr. Elkor The Unripe:

Do you really think that what done is done? I think it can be undone before it's done so it's never done but undone.

20:56:43 Dec 2nd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

So you're saying that its your goal to pardon Pure?



20:57:43 Dec 2nd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

but if you say something is undone as a certain assessment then is it not a "done thing" in its own manner?


21:07:48 Dec 2nd 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

Lord Overcome


12:50:43 Dec 2nd 09
@Charley: thats real arrogant of you. i asked if it was possible for Pesterd to performe it, and his answar made me believe he could. and i know of another game (Nordicmafia) where moderators can read private messages. so maybe its obvious to you, but that just indicates you are kinda narrow minded, doesnt it?

"but doesnt non of you have the option on going into lew's account and see for yourself?"

"Duke Pesty Bear (11/30/2009 7:53:27 PM)     GOOD     BAD
the message was sent, Confirmed."
If mods could do what you asked, would we be allowed to play the game? NO! If I was in Rebirth for example, would reading Lew's messages be cheating? Should I state the obvious??? If I wasn't a mod and Pesterd replied like that, wouldn't you think he was cheating? Maybe.  But I said that mods cannot do that multiple times.  Call me arrogant all you want...your word is about as important to me as almost everybody elses.  Which means "I don't give a flying f*ck."  If you think I am just being a dick, maybe look back at how many people treat the mods like absolute sh*t for doing a volunteer job.  I stopped playing because of the attitudes of people and how they act very immaturely.  The drama is a repeat of high school.  You only get what you give.  I am done discussing this.  Say all you want.

21:27:52 Dec 2nd 09 - Lord Overcome:

@Carley. i didnt say you were a dick, i said you were arrogant to believe that it should be obvious, when its clearly not to everyone.

and i believe its about trust when it comes to checking other people's messages. clearly it doesnt seem you believe that people can be trusted to play the game and not read other peoples messages while having the option. while i do.

you go all mental on me for saying your arrogant. what you wrote just made it more clear to me that you really are. a man who is not willing to consider he might be wrong.

now you have yourself been contributing to going offtopic (yes i myself is guilty), when this should have been sorted out in a personal message. i suggest you delete all this messages, we agree to disagree and leave it at that.

21:35:00 Dec 2nd 09 - Pirate Suqah:

and i believe its about trust when it comes to checking other people's messages. clearly it doesnt seem you believe that people can be trusted to play the game and not read other peoples messages while having the option. while i do.

People can't be trusted with that. I'm sure.

21:40:57 Dec 2nd 09 - Lord Overcome:

well apperently some people do, like in Nordicmafia.

and the admin should know the people he appoint to moderators well enough to know if they can be trusted or not

21:51:47 Dec 2nd 09 - Mr. Ares Maliusbum:

i dont :) most of the girls that are in me class play it tough:P

21:55:01 Dec 2nd 09 - Lord Wraith:

You must be the odd girl out, huh Ares? :P

21:55:47 Dec 2nd 09 - Mr. Samual:

I understand mistakes have been made, and words have been said what should not have been said, so hows about we just all make up and put this behind us. If you think about it at the end of the day none of you will (more than likley) ever see each other in real life. So is it worth fighting other forums and getting worked up about them. Forums are just what people have typed, at the end of day it doesnt matter, you both have got slightly annoyed, and I myself, feel that it is not worth fighting so we should all just say sorry to each other and forget about this

22:01:25 Dec 2nd 09 - Mr. Ares Maliusbum:

I am a guy :P but u right i am a odd one :)

22:09:38 Dec 2nd 09 - Mr. Yes Twamao:

please change your surname to uselessness.  :P

22:14:07 Dec 2nd 09 - Mr. Ares Maliusbum:

and u can change yours to annoying twamao

23:01:23 Dec 2nd 09 - Master of Death:

Mr. Yes Twamao


16:09:38 Dec 2nd 09
please change your surname to uselessness.  :P


He is not useless. He is actually a good guy so no dissing him in any way.

23:10:54 Dec 2nd 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

youd think after all this fighting you guys would be good friends by now.

23:10:59 Dec 2nd 09 - Lord Wraith:

You know whats sad? Farmers who can't even farm properly..... LMAO

And get Bent, Death. Wheres your army? Hmmm? Thats right, hiding away with scythes and grain behind Rebirth and Co.

23:20:49 Dec 2nd 09 - Master of Death:

Oh no actually I am sending men right now. You just cant see it. Its a ninja :)

23:22:15 Dec 2nd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

Lord Wraith


15:10:59 Dec 2nd 09 You know whats sad? Farmers who can't even farm properly..... LMAO

And get Bent, Death. Wheres your army? Hmmm? Thats right, hiding away with scythes and grain behind Rebirth and Co.

Wraith i thought you to be better then that. You do realize that you cant see all the map, and i would hope you would know that my kingdom has just recently touched down on Nirvana here with me save 2 others. Also Master does have armies but he is charged with border and core support so how about you NOT JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS AND THINK BEFORE YOU SAY SOMETHING!

@ Twamao

I honestly have nothing to say to you other then the fact that ill prove you wrong.

23:24:00 Dec 2nd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

Most of Masters troops are being used for defense but trust me...

he has some dispatched and on their way, along with everyone else in the kingdom...

just in case you guys are too blind to notice them

23:24:22 Dec 2nd 09 - Lord Wraith:

The farmers bit wasn't to you guys, it was a general note to Nirvana. ;)

And honestly? Master's thrash when he has done jack is pissing me off. You know that you and I generally get along, but in my books if you wanna talk bull; you better earn it first.

23:27:59 Dec 2nd 09 - Master of Death:

All I said was that Yes Twamao has no reason to call Uther a useless guy. Uther is a good friend of mine in RL and he is a good leader in this game and calling him useless is irrelevant.

23:28:26 Dec 2nd 09 - Lord Wraith:

Oh, and on an aside; thats whats pissed me off about this war. Not the gangbanging. Not even the town swapping, Kd Hopping, feeding cheaters. That just makes me all the more proud to be a Domination member
But the fact that everyone seems to think they have a right to say thrash at us when half the people on this thread have farmed away all era. And funniest is how they farm, then make the troops to attack us and say "Haha, we pWNed yous nubz". If it takes you half an era to get a respectable army, and then have the guts to gloat, you really do need help :)

And Yes, I'm double posting since the EDIT feature isn't in the mood to work....

23:40:44 Dec 2nd 09 - Master of Death:

Lord Wraith


17:28:26 Dec 2nd 09
Oh, and on an aside; thats whats pissed me off about this war. Not the gangbanging. Not even the town swapping, Kd Hopping, feeding cheaters. That just makes me all the more proud to be a Domination member
But the fact that everyone seems to think they have a right to say thrash at us when half the people on this thread have farmed away all era. And funniest is how they farm, then make the troops to attack us and say "Haha, we pWNed yous nubz". If it takes you half an era to get a respectable army, and then have the guts to gloat, you really do need help :)

And Yes, I'm double posting since the EDIT feature isn't in the mood to work....

Dude you need to chill. I am just saying that calling Uther useless is not needed. Thats it.

23:40:49 Dec 2nd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

btw Wraith...

None of my kindom has just been farming all era. We've been building defense because we were split up not only between worlds but also on this map.

We do not have a core really and everyone up until recently have had to fend for themselves. All the beginning of this era i was pumping troops to send through fant to give some support to my Zeta kd members to try and survive no pulse because we had the guts to fight an OOP war with them. So please do not direct any of that our way. All of my members that can be active are either building their economy because they touched down on Nirvana late after being demolished by No Pulse or pumping troops.

We are not bashing prodding or flaming anyone and have done to diserve any criticism other than take awhile to jump into war on Nirvana because of our broken ranks.

Reason being is i was not about to abandon my men against No Pulse because there was a battle happening 40 ticks away on the homefront. Everyone on this map would support their family rather then their nextdoor neighbor wouldn't they?
So the fact that i sent one army away to try and relieve my Knight brothers shows nothing ill of me.

What brought us into this war personally was the assaults on Fuzz and then the NAP agreements that you tried to make with us once you had already taken cities. We may be smaller but we do not let anyone push us around without a fight.

23:42:43 Dec 2nd 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

Really thats all that he did say that im not useless.

also Wraith i will have you know i haven't spoken illy of your kingdom. I though do respect Dom highly because not many kingdoms could pull off a war like this.

out of all of the people on Nirvana i am one who has not talked crap AT ALL, until the very moment that Twamao called me useless.

23:45:20 Dec 2nd 09 - Lord Wraith:

Lord Wraith
23:24:22 Dec 2nd 09 The farmers bit wasn't to you guys, it was a general note to Nirvana. ;)

Just in case you skipped that line ^^^

And I posted that before I saw your reply, Master. But like I said, its not aimed at B&W. You might have noticed there is more than one Kd here ;) Its just a way to vent my frustration.

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