Forums / In game politics / Talenta Era 40

Talenta Era 40
08:47:42 Jun 13th 09 - Mr. Aries II:

lol hi guys >.> multi much?..

08:56:38 Jun 13th 09 - Ms. Astoria:


09:29:36 Jun 13th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

you certainly talk like him! :O

09:31:38 Jun 13th 09 - Mr. Bartimaeus Reincarnated:

lmao wow you guys think everyone is multi's

09:52:58 Jun 13th 09 - Mr. Aries II:

I do not talk like him!


09:56:31 Jun 13th 09 - Sir Water:

Mr. Bartimaeus Reincarnated


10:31:38 Jun 13th 09 lmao wow you guys think everyone is multi's

cause a *beep*loads of people are multying.

10:04:54 Jun 13th 09 - Ms. Astoria:

and i most certainly dont have a penis

10:30:10 Jun 13th 09 - Sir Water:


11:30:10 Jun 13th 09 - Ms. Astoria:

or do i? o.O

12:15:35 Jun 13th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

water is a prime example of a multi, hes penguins multi.

and astoria I KNEW YOU WERE A DUDE!

13:03:59 Jun 13th 09 - Sir Water:

like you being  chick with *beep* ? everyone knows that

08:05:52 Jun 14th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

aww, Rawr died =(
not yet but it soon will, like everyone's sleeping :O

08:13:28 Jun 14th 09 - Ms. Shaithela Dathlamir:

Hey, that was your fault for attacking us, GRRR :P

08:16:57 Jun 14th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

when Dynasty wanted some fun, i wasn't even playing, poor me :O
seriously Dynasty's been away for over 3 days now, and still you didn't own him??

08:23:16 Jun 14th 09 - Divine Vampiric Lord:

Mr. Sandoran


07:16:57 Jun 14th 09 when Dynasty wanted some fun, i wasn't even playing, poor me :O
seriously Dynasty's been away for over 3 days now, and still you didn't own him??

i spoke to him 2 days ago :S:S

08:25:27 Jun 14th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

Dynasty17LeaderHumanTale.3 days
sure doesn't look like it huh?
psyco killer's heeb away for 12 days and still has 3 cities left too, i really suggest taking them, Rawr cities are good quality : )

08:26:19 Jun 14th 09 - Divine Vampiric Lord:

hmmm i was sure it was within 2 days. brb gna check the message i sent him.

08:26:55 Jun 14th 09 - Divine Vampiric Lord:

You (6/10/2009 5:17:05 AM)
if you tell me how much troops are in there i can take it and leave the gates open....
Mr. Dynasty [RAWR] (6/10/2009 11:18:26 AM) GOOD BAD
Lithology is defended by 3798 soldiers who seem to be armed with sticks and leather armor. The city is also defended by 7833 peasants.

Lithology has 807 walls, which provide 100% extra defence.

I've got the city under seige, but only 10% on the take.

nah it wernt lol

08:28:10 Jun 14th 09 - Ms. Shaithela Dathlamir:

lol, yes they are. I personally swiped Dynasties mines. Yum yum, very nice.

And Dynasty is pretty much owned, as far as I know, he doesnt get any money, I took his armoury, and his HoH army is cooped up in a seiged city by Ferin, Mr. Braggi's HoH army, so he will fall soon, its just a matter of getting past those walls :P

08:29:18 Jun 14th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

4 days ago, where did you learn to count :o
and who is this whole Weakwarrior guy? attacking pac on his own??

08:30:18 Jun 14th 09 - Divine Vampiric Lord:

he was in IoK.

08:32:14 Jun 14th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

he was in IoK, and just left?

08:33:35 Jun 14th 09 - Divine Vampiric Lord:

he went to tupac but after kath spoke to him he left tupac and was helping us.

08:36:05 Jun 14th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

helping you as in warring tupac and shadows?
@shaithela, sure come take a look at my city, we all <3 rainbows don't we?

09:20:21 Jun 14th 09 - Ms. Shaithela Dathlamir:

hahaha, yes we do all <3 rainbows, but I think Astoria will take it before I get the chance to look at its glorious magnificence.

P.S thanks for the awesome city, Im sure astoria is very grateful ;P

09:28:02 Jun 14th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

astoria won't have it, unless she's got hell of a military science/a nice bunch of berserkers, she lost that army before she actually knocked on my door...
just too bad that, everytime i build a mine, some evil tupac kid takes them :o

15:13:05 Jun 14th 09 - Ms. Astoria:

ha you guys, this is what VU is all about

I have a lot of respect for Mr. Dynasty to have his KD last as long as it did and I have even more respect for my KD to be able to come together and although you guys put one one heck of a fight, have been able to overcome the challenges that have set forth. Now it seems these challenges just keep piling up on each other. But I will agree with you Sandoran it did take us a while to finally take Dynasty, but that is only because this is our first era together. Once we get into a rythm next era we will much more of a force to reckon with.

15:51:37 Jun 14th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

we are just 3 guys who got in here by pure coincidence, while we were all in CE once, (except for the psyco killer guy, no idea who he is) but for the rest we're just all solo, so even though you just came together, it should'nt have been any problem to take us out in no time, only by looking at your numbers and the fact that Cao and i both had bad, late starts.
but since ur a new Kd, i wish you the best of luck against TRE (and against me, i'm not finished just yet) ; )

18:39:33 Jun 14th 09 - Ms. Shaithela Dathlamir:

Hmmm, maybe I should send my HoH army all the over there to say hi to you Sandoran :D Then, you shall know the true meaning of RAWR!!! MUHUWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :P

I kinda like you Sandoran, you sure you dont want to join us? Its up to Astoria wether or not she accepts, but your throwing around some decent armies up there :D

If you do end up joining, join after we kill the TRE armies that think their tough enough to take us ;) And if not, well theres always next era right?

21:24:04 Jun 14th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

well, if astoria can send me within 10 minutes, i'll gladly join, but only for this era, just cuz cao cao, dynasty and psyco killer are in an everlasting sleep... oh yea, and Spud's kd is cool (Y)
i threw up 1 army in one and a half week, you think i would've totally owned you if i had started in the beginning of the era? :O

02:17:54 Jun 15th 09 - Ms. Shaithela Dathlamir:

Maybe you just might have, but we didnt start at the beggining either, a lot of Shadows members got a late start on this world too, just not quite as late as you :P

08:31:48 Jun 15th 09 - Ms. Astoria:

haha the enemy is my friend! :p

18:07:31 Jun 15th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

i've got the honor to be considered the hardest Shadows member to beat since Rawr has a rep, according to Aeval, i mean, dude, i have like only 3 cities, and  2of em are *beep*ed anyway :o

22:20:22 Jun 15th 09 - Mr. Samual:

SD Shadows 12 Ms. Astoria 694
RA Republic Alliance 1 Mr. Samual 100


TRE The ROC Elders 7 Sir Erythnul 643

15:38:41 Jun 16th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Here comes chocolate........

16:37:48 Jun 16th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

why tupac would send an army into our world called chocos demise i don't know.....

17:07:31 Jun 16th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

and have only 25k hammers in it to boot lol

17:55:26 Jun 16th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

go Sam! :O

18:01:10 Jun 16th 09 - Mr. Samual:


There @SS'ES are mine, XD 


18:40:41 Jun 16th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

I may suck at this game but in real life, I am damn strong

You may be "damn strong", but that doesn't matter when somebody brings a gun. DUMB SHEET. Seriously, and plus, why do you think you are that tough to give out your address? Must be black or have the attitude of a black person.

19:52:23 Jun 16th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

Casting Freeze from x upon Choco Demise with 99% chance of success... and Successful!
The Choco Demise from Mr. Bartimaeus Reincarnated[Shakur] is now frozen for 10 day(s). When casting the spell 791 of our Magicians died and 264 got injured.

lololololol bright one there MUs ftw ;)

22:16:18 Jun 17th 09 - Divine Vampiric Lord:

Mr. Gawaine


17:40:41 Jun 16th 09 I may suck at this game but in real life, I am damn strong

You may be "damn strong", but that doesn't matter when somebody brings a gun. DUMB SHEET. Seriously, and plus, why do you think you are that tough to give out your address? Must be black or have the attitude of a black person.

Did no one note the racism here.....

00:12:28 Jun 18th 09 - Duke Kev The Angry:

Mr. Samual [RA] (6/17/2009 12:59:46 PM) GOOD BAD
you son off a *beep*


That was after I slapped him around a bit because he declared war on us in the forum.  I mean we like war (it is a war game after all) but to declare war and then complain about it..... come on now, grow a set already.

13:42:46 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

yay, i'm out : )

13:51:25 Jun 19th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

why can't you all just attack my scouts :)

21:58:36 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Samual:

RA Republic Alliance 1 Mr. Samual 100


TEW The Electric Wolf 21 Sir Belmont The Avenger 1046


They attacked my scout

**:**:** All troops in Scouting III have died!
**:**:** Scouting III lost a battle against Alliance Garden from Sir Belmont The Avenger. We lost 1 Swordsmen in the battle.

22:51:14 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

omg sam they killed your scout, what a disaster, what if Juicy or Chocolate attacks your scout? (averagely seen, you're worth 2 TEW players) RIP TEW : )

18:25:23 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Samual:

Shakur Tupac 17 Mr. Bartimaeus Reincarnated 78
SD Shadows 23 Ms. Astoria 19
Red Blood Lust 12 Mr. Aries II 100


TRE The ROC Elders 12 Sir Erythnul 87

18:55:28 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

omg, GO TRE! xD

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