Forums / In game politics / Trio, beggars, liars, backsta?

Trio, beggars, liars, backsta?
15:36:04 Dec 31st 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Mr. Neon

12/31/2007 3:52:12 AM

yeah i accepted them , but im tired of explaining my self, if your in a dying kingdom, dont like ur kd mates, what else better to do? strategically wise would be to join a better kd, unless u have close bonds then u can stick and die to the end. and trio is new kd, we need lots of players, then weed out the usless ones,

Do you really not see what's wrong with turning on your own KD, Neon? or is the stupidity, selfishness and bad sportsmanship all an act?  If a KD can't trust it's members then the game is ruined, and KDs who encourage players to do this (which is seems Trio is) bring nothing at all to the game.

The good news, of course, is that sooner or later the established and honourable KDs who know they can work together turn on crap ones like yours and destroy them.  may take an era or two, but it'll happen.  That's when players like you usually start bleating like little kids that it ain't fair, and that is SOOOOO funny to see ;-)

17:51:58 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Strongbow:

It's just the matter of beeing in winners side, sometimes some people can't handle to be defeated. It's game mechanics, winning means somebody else loosing, people don't comprehend this fact. Yet i see no wisdom leaving your KD just before it's all over. If he (Pointing at the subject) thinks his KD politics sucked he had alot of time to resign , as a political efford of not taking resposibility for resulting casulaties with the oposite.

Yet again, it boggles my mind why such "hate" directed at Trio or toward some of its members?

Wisdom check = Dying kingdoms? anyone ?

I got a request toward debaters here.

IF you think Trio "suck" because your KD got into trouble and can't live the day then please don't throw your problem's over at Trio. They are your's to settle.

IF you think that Neon "suck" because he took most of your towns then prove the oposite in-game take his most towns, and if you can't then you suck;

and for once in your life stop flaming Trio members and TRIO for their decisions. We can take care of our own problems alone.


21:37:13 Dec 31st 07 - Lady Rhiannia:

I got a request toward debaters here.

IF you think Trio "suck" because your KD got into trouble and can't live the day then please don't throw your problem's over at Trio. They are your's to settle.

IF you think that Neon "suck" because he took most of your towns then prove the oposite in-game take his most towns, and if you can't then you suck;

and for once in your life stop flaming Trio members and TRIO for their decisions. We can take care of our own problems alone



well said...hear hear...i second the motion.

21:45:27 Dec 31st 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Don't worry, Mr Strongbow, VU tends to remember traitors and dishonourable KDs for a long, long time - just look how hard the Smiths are finding it to shake off stuff from 150 or 20 eras ago.

If you guys really think it's ok for a players to stab their own KD mates in the back, then it makes sense that you must think it's ok for your KD to stab your allies in the back.  A NAP is always less important than your own KD. Your NAP allies should be watching their backs bloody closely right now.

Trio has already given itself a name as a KD that accepts traitors and watches while they attack those who trusted them.  That was your problem for you to sort out the first time it happened, and you didn't.  In fact, you went on to do it again.  And a KD who lets untrustowrthy players join becomes untrustoworthy itself.

It'll take a long time for Trio to lose that name now.

23:09:39 Dec 31st 07 - Lady Rhiannia:

anyone ever hear of about beating dead horses? dont you think its time to bury this one?

23:13:59 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Squiddy:

Trio this... Trio that... blah blah blah...

It doesn't surprise me that most of you don't have a clue what you're talking about, well frankly because you aren't involved what so ever in any of it. Funny that, yet you still come in here acting as if you are right in the middle of it all and know exactly what's going on.

If you want to know the whole details then ask, just don't assume and think you know everything, when you clearly don't, thanks.

Now, about this whole encouraging traitors etc etc that some of you seem so eager to brand us as doing.

We have a lot of players, as you know, and we are trying to replace some of them. May I also state this has all been done under one person, it was not an entire KD thing, I'll leave you to figure out who was in charge of that. So, before you brand ourt entire KD, which has many, many honourable players in, please remember this.

Just some extra things to say, Freedom did genuinely not like his KD, this all came from when the NaP/MaP discussions broke down, which they used to build an armoury and move a number 1 HoH army right by our core. That is the main reason for him leaving. He's not a coward.

Apologies to any people that feel they have been done wrong by The Musketeers. No sympathy is given to those we have defeated, that come here and *beep* about us for no reason. You know who you are.

23:33:09 Dec 31st 07 - Sir Dead Oralive:

i got nothin with the rest of the Musketeers i know some of them and a couple are friends. Oh hi everyone in Musketeers that were from Angels how ya all been I made friends yeah im not alone and they funny :)

Sir Tenga i know you want to post but direct it at the person responsible not the entire kingdom. Its not the kingdom just one person keep that in mind next time you post. Oh and calm down a little lol.

Yes ive heard of beating a dead horse but i doubt people actully look for a dead horse when they post.

23:45:07 Dec 31st 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Sir D, I wasn't posting "against" Trio.  I was simply pointing out to them how it might look from outside.  If you look back to my first post on here, you'll see that I was saying exactly the same thing - blame the player, not the KD.

But rather than taking notice of what people were already starting to say, they went and did it again.  Then several of their members came on here and said they could see nothing wrong with taking traitors in.

So, I just decided to point out that it might cause them problems.  I'm nice like that :-)

00:06:06 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

dont you think i know how it looks on the public forums
 if you have something to say about my kingdom plz take it to the in game message or the battle field ile happily sort it out there

its like the britney story man ya cant get enough of it "oooo ya heard about britney she cut shaved her head"
"ooo ya heard about trio they accepted an application" jesus man move on

i basically dont care what some of you think what happens happens and what has happened is in the past
yes somethings dont seem right but your not sitting in my position GET OVER IT !

00:09:55 Jan 1st 08 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Mr H, like I said - I started posting to defend Trio ffs!  Not my fault if your recruiters choose to ignore how it looks and keep doing the same!

00:19:00 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

"dont you think i know how it looks on the public forums"
only that line direct to you i wasn't being offencive

00:25:40 Jan 1st 08 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Aye, sorry - but a few seem to have taken my posts the wrong way when I thought I was being clear enough. 

I only recognise a few of your KD from past eras (you included) and I don't like seeing respected names tarnished by what others are doing.

00:34:16 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Neon:

well yeah its not trio's fault, it was all my mistake. i tought giving people sympathy and let them not die on their own free will would be good, but oviously there is no such thing as mercy and sympathy for players in the game. if i was attacking you and u requested a nap i would take it. LDK didnt take the nap we offered. freedom wanted it, it was stated at the start, we said ok we will kill ldk, and u can join, i dont know why people have to keep sticking their noses into other peoples business without first putting themself in the others shoes, and think from their point of view.and its not like the people i take in have tons of troops to help me or anything,  its just a game, last era i killed seloc and hes still pissed at me, so all i can say is when i try to be kind, people then keep talking dishourable stuff about our kd. i believe how one decides to play the game is entirely up to them, whether to show mercy or not. whether a player is loyal depends on their leadership. ( if u didnt take the time to build relationships with them it wud be no suprise if they all leave)


Sir Tnega Htims


12/31/2007 7:36:04 AM
Mr. Neon

Do you really not see what's wrong with turning on your own KD, Neon? or is the stupidity, selfishness and bad sportsmanship all an act?  If a KD can't trust it's members then the game is ruined, and KDs who encourage players to do this (which is seems Trio is) bring nothing at all to the game.

The good news, of course, is that sooner or later the established and honourable KDs who know they can work together turn on crap ones like yours and destroy them.  may take an era or two, but it'll happen.  That's when players like you usually start bleating like little kids that it ain't fair, and that is SOOOOO funny to see ;-)


lol if anything i am looking for a better challenge. and of course this whole thing is just a game. it doesnt effect me emotionally. u can sit in front of ur computer screen with some tissues 24/7 and wait for that to happen yeah.

and i kinda got to know freedom before i accepeted him, but someone kicked him along with another good player that i recruited. so if this aint under contrl the kingdom will definately fall.


00:50:25 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

If you accept traitors, you are being kind to no one.
Are you being kind to your KD? Nope, because when the traitor goes against you, your KD will be screwed.
Are you being kind to the enemy? Nope... they're screwed since the traitor probably is in their territory...
Are you being kind to the traitor? Nope, if he keeps being a traitor, then eventually the enemy will be an honorable one and not accept him, leading to his death. Additionally, he doesn't become any more experienced at the game and won't know anything about diplomacy.

So, I think that your argument about you being "kind" is now void.

Why did someone kick Freedom and another good player? Because (with good reason), they were scared that he might go against you when he gets enough troops to cause some damage.

If you really wanted to be kind to the traitor, you could tell him that he's a *beep*, and he will learn from his mistake and be a more honorable player.

00:50:48 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

Oh, and whoever kicked Freedom (and that other "good" player) has made your kingdom a little more honorable.

00:58:40 Jan 1st 08 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Good post, Mr H.  Check your msgs please.

01:35:32 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Neon:

kk. u win i lose. lets close topic.

07:42:32 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Bloodlust:

Mr. Sparemylifeplz

i must say i disagree with your post, traitors are fun to watch so they help me i mean who cant say they love a good civil war "_" they barely every happen... its a shame...

09:11:31 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Trogdor:

Trio Pwns!!!

13:24:42 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Freedom II:

I admit to you , I have made a mistake, I have done wrong , but really, Over the ast week or so I have grown tored of this game, It is boring me , especially when I look at my games I could be playing, this whole thing has livened Mantrax up a bit, Its what It needed, It was so good last era what I heard, NaP attacks, attacking ex-NaPs it all sounded fun, then when I came here I enjoyed the action of getting  going and thn I worked my ass off, literally with the Diplomat from Trio from about 2 weeks into the era to get some sort of agreement, then as me and the Diplomat  ( Squiddy ) found an agreement, suddenly my kingdom tells me that we are going to war with Trio, It was written in lithuanian on my forum, attack plans, not all but a few, then I had to break the news to Squiddy that we were going to war, It was then my kingdom turned on me ( Bar a few ) saying  " Oh hes a worthless vice etc, elect a new one, he hasnt done anything right at all " This is when I started to dislike my kingdom, way before the initial attack happened, If you ask squiddy he way say yes, as soon as this happened Freedom was very annoyed at his kingdom for keeping him in the dark about it all, so In fact I am no coward, I seeked a new home , I wanted to join Musketeers before the war even began, another note, Thankyou too those who have seen my side of things, those perhaps have been in a similar situation, I did enjoy my time with BDE last era, It was good fun taking over the map, I am still alive and I am rebuilding , making fresh armouries, I speak to you all when I say ...  I apoligise

^*  F II   *^

15:16:20 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Wyzer:

A counter to Freedom's post.

Freedom, it would be a good idea from now on that when you start talks with other Kingdoms, you should let your current Kingdom KNOW you are in talks.

That is what this all boiled down to, is lack of information, on YOUR part.  EVERY other vice posted in the KD Forum whom they were talking with, and a decision was made whether or not to go to war.  Every post I saw of yours was AFTER the fact in regards to talks, so that is what made us ALL as a kingdom look bad.

Also you know most everyone in the Kingdom had a reason to dislike and distrust you, on account of what you did to Horde last era in Valhalla.  For some reason someone in the old group of vices decided to bring you in after you went Traitor on The Horde, and make you a vice.  From then on just about every post in the Kingdom Forum condemning you was deleted, most likely by you.

Also here you go contradicting yourself.  At the beginning of your "defense" in this thread you said you do not have much time to play this game anymore due to GCSE, yet in your last post you are mentioning how you are still alive, rebuilding and such.  Well then it appears you DO have time to play.  So which is it?

So stop going on and on about how you "told us so", you only did after the fact, and if you had SO many problems with LDK as you are spouting, you should not have rejoined this current era.  Shoot man, LDK was only in this era less than a week before all this happened, but you act as if it nagged you for months!

Does it not make sense to remove the thorn in your foot that hurts, instead of continuing to walk on it?

Also I would like to apologize to Trio, I did the incorrect thing by posting in this thread my warning to you about Freedom, for that I am sorry.  I have no ill will towards anyone in Trio, nor do I think they are dishonorable in any way.

I am done kicking this dead horse, and am pulling out the shovel.

21:39:32 Jan 1st 08 - Duke Fafnir:

This should be the last msg from Trio in this thread, no one else from this post one (from Trio) should post in this thread. Let it die........

22:57:50 Jan 1st 08 - Lady Rhiannia:

yes...please let it die...this is stupid to keep rehashing it...and now try to be adults for a moment, or try to have a happy new year or something and accept freedoms apolgy. ppl make mistakes...sometimes quite a few before they learn the lessons needed...dont hang this on the mans head for the rest of his life. have mercy on others if u want mercy.


yeah yeah...i know u wanna say it but dont...i wont listen...i am tired of all this cr*p

22:03:55 Jan 1st 09 - Mr. Barbaros Hayrettin Pasa:


Is it dead yet?

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