Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 81

Valhalla 81
04:52:40 May 20th 22 - Ragnarson (Mr. Ragnarson):

Endless, all I know is that Jas and Konstant did not think us feeding off Wizard was fair to everyone else. 

04:53:02 May 20th 22 - Jarl Eivor:


Taking the city of a (non-tagless) player who has disappeared for weeks, as I understood, was off limits to everyone. If the KD that player was in has an orc to burn and destroy, that was how it’s delt with. Am I wrong?

Jarl, my question for you is, did you know Wizard (Alexander) had been MIA for two weeks and still to this moment? 

I was aware of the multi you guys had and left that player alone I had no knowledge of another player being inactive. Tbh its not my job to scour who to hit and not to hit. I avoided dwarf cities as they have CM in them. You can't argue that I went straight for him because like I said I went through anewbis and then jasper and around konstants hoh cities, as any pony Swarm would do. What am I supposed to do leave it be while I take the rest of your core? Move on the rest of the fight but leave all his cities alone for him to come back and drop troops lol the problem I have here is jasper complaining about things his own kd does in other worlds. HYPOCRITE as I stated before. Doesn't complain when it's in his best interest. 

04:57:34 May 20th 22 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):

Jasmina just likes to find some kind of self-invented moral high ground. If you can walk over it, you can build into it. I have pointed out Heroix's addon more than enough, so stop pretending it doesn't exist. You're just deluding yourself at this point.
Stop. Ignoring. The. Evidence. In. Your. Face.

I could cough and you'd make up something about me at this point, I genuinely don't understand how you are this far out of touch with reality.
Aren't you a "vet", as you claim you are? I was in a kingdom you led over 10 years ago, Odyssey. The maps already worked this way back then. Fucky map tracing was already a thing back then. Maps haven't changed. The game hasn't changed.
The only thing that changed is that you're deluding yourself more and more.

05:05:54 May 20th 22 - Endless (Ms. Malakh Hamavet):

19:52:40 May 19th 22 - Ragnarson (Mr. Ragnarson):

Endless, all I know is that Jas and Konstant did not think us feeding off Wizard was fair to everyone else. 

I think they need to look at the pattern with their MIA player, figure out who it really is and what’s the agenda. Seems to me to be someone’s secondary account testing people’s fair play dilemma in the MIA scenario…  although I could be wrong.

05:07:07 May 20th 22 - Ragnarson (Mr. Ragnarson):

Also, OFFICIALLY, Wizard disappeared on Friday, the day before mothers day  weekend. Every day we would chat for hours, till 5 am sometimes. Got to know him pretty well. I’ve been asking if a few people knew is actual name, he told me where he lived within a half-mile diameter, so I thought I might be able to somehow track him down and figure out what happened to him. Maybe I sound like a weirdo, lol, but I’m near sick worried about him.

06:00:03 May 20th 22 - Percy (Sir Percy The Arma Dude):

Okay this may be out of line, and if so, please say so. But what if we had an outside entity take care of these “inactive player” situations going forward? I’ve made no secret my presence on Fant is a one-era showing, just wanting to breathe VU air again for once. After that, I’ll be back to an Arma caster.

I could be a neutral entity who takes care of inactive players without risking the era and the squabbles by all? That way if I take resources, who cares it’s for Arma anyways. After I have Arma, just straight B&D. I could maintain neutral stance with all KDs, and if a player is deemed inactive can be kept safe from all until I cleanse the map of their existence.

This would alleviate the entire Fant, Val, and Mantrax situations in its entirety, as I could mop up Native People and Inactive cities. As always, I’d demo all I own once Arma is cast to prevent being in HOH.


06:01:23 May 20th 22 - Mr. Aussie:

Lol so much rubbish. City is fair game. If i can squeeze past a blocker,expect me to come visiting :)
Yawn zzzzzz

06:03:58 May 20th 22 - Ragnarson (Mr. Ragnarson):

Lol Percy, that sound fine to me. Quite the commitment to be the omnipresent player :)

06:08:05 May 20th 22 - Percy (Sir Percy The Arma Dude):

I value the game far too much to let these things kill it :) I’m already on the worlds as it is, so it’s nothing to get some troops to handle these scenarios so the forums can return to war-based flaming and other fun things. Convos in forums needed to happen this time to air things out, but I really don’t like seeing that happen. Isn’t a good showing for our new players, and it definitely won’t help future recruitment or keeping people around if we keep this up. 

If it takes me being a true neutral player to help settle on-field inactive/kicked/resigned players, so be it. Small cost from one person to preserve an entire community :)

06:10:30 May 20th 22 - Percy (Sir Percy The Arma Dude):

And of note: I wouldn’t be an omnipresent player. I would need comms with all KDs to handle things before their enemies find out. If they have someone who went inactive/resigned (as we’ve got 3-4 recent cases of now), they would reach out to me and I’d take care of it. That way they could defend the target city until I arrive to burn it down.

It would require an understanding that inactives/resigned players aren’t to be touched, and that I’d B&D they as soon as I’m able (which implies I’ll be an Orc going forward for the Arma casts). 

11:11:55 May 20th 22 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

You are just full of shit. You say that when it suits u best.

Neutral. Lol

If ur truly neutral then why are you quiet with imp gollum feed? You witnessed it first hand

15:46:00 May 20th 22 - Mr. Chinggis Khan:


I'm neutral. 

Death God Please Dont Cry:

Neutral. Lol

If ur truly neutral then why are you quiet with imp gollum feed? You witnessed it first hand

15:59:48 May 20th 22 - Percy (Sir Brutus):

Witnessed it first hand?? I wasn’t even in Imperium, what do you mean first hand? I have been very afk for some time now, hence why I’ve been offering Arma services as that’s something I can do to help the community.

All I’m doing is offering to also keep troops around to help mitigate these issues. 

And for what it’s worth, I don’t support Imperium taking Gollum’s cities, nor would I support y’all to have taken them either. Hence why I’m offering this, so no one gets them and an outside observer can B&D them without a real player getting massive soils to destabilize the era (for either side)

16:37:21 May 20th 22 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

you were there. you spawned beside us with

you criticize us yet why didnt u criticize them? lol 

if your also truly neutral u wont be buying or selling any resource either thus not affecting the market.

everythign is for your own convenience and hypocrisy

17:04:53 May 20th 22 - Percy (Sir Brutus):

Uh… I spawned there yes, but was immediately relocated to Far East to stay out of any active zone. I barely saw a single city built before I was vacated. That doesn’t exactly speak to “being right there”, I was half a map away.

I hadn’t heard of the feeding until all these accusations came up, so I didn’t know they had done that. I’ll 100% be against any form of feeding, but to be truly against it means we need an alternative route. Imperium did so to prevent you from having gains. You would like to see them not do that so you could have the gains. Why not remove the gains from consideration? Everyone wins.

If you prefer me to do that, I’ll gladly stop doing anything on market. I would buy out market at my own will (no outside forces asked me to do that), and I would seek my stone to help get gold for Arma. I’ll gladly not touch market one bit if that is a concern (first I’m hearing of this being an issue). 

It really isn’t :) and I’d gladly do what it takes to show I’m one of the more neutral players these days. I won’t deny I was a part of the Holy crew who criticized you in the past, and I can understand if you have hurt feelings from that. Acting based on emotions is rarely okay in serious accusations, which is what most of that was, and I do apologize for that. It’s why I try (and don’t always succeed) in removing emotions from my posts nowadays. 

17:50:46 May 20th 22 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

you cant say as that just by removign them takes care of the issue.

gollum rofed, killed and eqed a bunch of our cities. when he left.

by simply removing his cities means we lose something which are the spoils of war.
by simply giving them to imp is considered feeding in it self.

if you want to avoid these then all imp actions should be Bnd
while we are free to take them if we can during the war as he is still considered
part of IMP in our POV.
gollum should have wrrecked everything.

if you simply remove cities if someone quits. then 
i can just keep respawning. kill you, drop in your core. if i lose i resign, or leave a kd.
then that kd cant touch or benefit from my cities.
and redo that again.
which is what gollum exactly did.
he left the kd, have imp take the cities, he restart. planning inside our core but coudnt,
join teamb, who is allied with imp, build near our core. eqed most of our cities. 
when i came for him. imp jump in to kill me.

now would u say he is playing fair or IMP is?
open your dog eyes. and stop playing "im not aware of it."

your logic is flawed.

if you guys want to play it that way we can also do that. we can build up quit transfer to another kd, maybe MAD, and have them do the same.

wont you be whining with them all over again?

its the same thing for Jasper, he claims that you guys arent aware of it last era, you are too far.
but those came in the forums, you read it. with proofs.
yet you said nothing. claiming top be the advocate of truth but you close your eyes when it happens to either your kd or allied friends (esp imp, holy)

now you guys are also too far, not aware of it physically. but yet you guys jump and criticize just because they think they have proof.

in our POV that an enemy city. he left the kd, an opportunity. a multi of someone. we dont know. but an opportunity to kill. doesnt necessarily mean its our multi.

IMP person Thorbeck practially confesed he would have taken it himself if he knew.
i would have tkaen it if changgis didnt. he is an enemy and we kill. not cause we feed or plant.

you would see on the last few discord chat posted by konstant .that they colluded with gollum to open the gates. and respawn in our core.
lied about razing the homes and gts, practically giving them to imp.
if he didnt open them in itself. they would have lost 
the incoeme boost form those cities itself was enough to turn the tides of the game.

21:44:25 May 20th 22 - Mr. Mavich:

@Percy - we know you mean well, the problem with this is there will always be bias regardless how we try to claim we are not. Sure not in a black and white situation but there will always be a lot of grey ones, and for a war game where every tick/activity counts, waiting or having to explain before taking any decisive action denies the advantage the enemy/allies have which I think PDC points out. 

Some scenarios, 
- Waking up to a tick just to attack a city but then suddenly becomes untagged or 'claimed' by a KD he didn't log for a day or 2?
- Inactive for sometime but decides to come back again which denies the spoils for an enemy but ally KD gains a lot.
- Strategic position
- There would be a lot of flaws/workaround as well that I have not thought of, you know how people can get creative.

For me there's no human solution to this. I mean you can try, but it's always going to be back what the system can or cannot allow you to do in time.

23:45:39 May 20th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Morgan):

From a realistic point of view, Mavich hits the nail pretty close on the head I'd say. No matter how sure anyone is about specific issues/suspicions, which I admit includes me, you'll probably have atleast some sort of bias, and even if, depending on the situation, you genuinely have no bias, there is no realistic way to prove or argue that to anyone else.
Even without any unintentional bias, there's always a difference in how you personally experience events, and to what extent you can explain that to others in a way that no value gets lost.

Without active moderating from Zeta, I'm afraid no real third party solution will ever be genuinely viable
(+ it'd be a waste of your time, Percy :D)

01:16:10 May 21st 22 - Mr. Isnt Cyrone:

Wow, quite odd how both PDC and Chingus are so obssessed with Percy! Hahaa! So odd! The multiplant in Imperium on Fantasia was also obsessed with Percy! Really odd guys!

01:16:35 May 21st 22 - Mr. Isnt Cyrone:

Must just be a coincidence! Real odd one guys! PDCheat certainly is the king of coincidence! 

01:39:56 May 21st 22 - Mr. Sman Kool:

 Cyrone let me ask you 1 question? Does imperium admit to feed off Venus cities last era? 

02:08:24 May 21st 22 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

So now according to cyron chinggis is my multi. Ahaha. 

And truth be told ur the one obsessed with me..
Sorry but dont like gays

02:44:18 May 21st 22 - Mr. Anewbis:

Why's everyone so fixated on gollum? You kicked his ass and he got mad and left. You basically killed him. On top of that, one of his cities was a blocker between pdc and our inner core (tower is the city). I'm fairly certain he did destroy his econ cities, no? 

Really not trying to argue about it, I'm genuinely curious where the line is drawn with feeding. 

And about him leaving and joining team b, he still restarted from scratch and did his thing. How can anyone be mad about that? Again I'm just curious and trying to learn the do's and dont's here. I personally don't see an issue with restarting, whether it be in the same kingdom or another and then growing to fight again. 

02:45:52 May 21st 22 - Mr. Anewbis:

Feel free to pm me in game or on discord (discord would be better) you can find me in the Visual-Utopia members list as "defiant newb" 

02:54:07 May 21st 22 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

nope. he didnt destroy them.

which gave you guys a good vantage point from there.
gettings armories in the front line.

konstant would have practically have little income left  after i took his main city. 
gts, armies, income, vantage point. mc.
if you dont consider that feeding. i dont know what is.

if those cities were burned or taken by us i wouldnt have to worry about my reinforcements. 
thus splitting my armies and overwhelmed overtime.

and as you are saying its fine if u guys take it. same as the current one in fant. if we take it its our multi and feed. 

03:02:41 May 21st 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Ajax Skullcrusher):

Wow pdc, keep the homophobia to where you're from.

03:03:07 May 21st 22 - Mr. Anewbis:

I wouldn't say it's fine to take an econ city except in the case of Tower because it was a vital piece of our core defence. Seems a little different to me, but, like I said I dont know the fine details of what's feeding and what isn't. 

A multi creating a city for someone is a pretty obvious feed. Not accusing you, as I've mentioned previously the most anyone can do is be suspicious. There will never be proof, just back and forth banter like what's going on now. 

But in the case of tower though, is that really feeding when it's such a vital city? We didn't have control over him leaving, in fact we or at least I and a couple others tried to get him to cool down over the couple days he was clearly upset 

21:36:52 May 23rd 22 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Old):

What do we not sell slaves anymore? Come on we all have whips to crack 

03:56:33 May 29th 22 - Jarl Eivor:

Raven declares War with Albatross officially even though some think we had a nap that was not the case. Albatross is the only threat left as killing hns or ursidae only 20% of our power seems overkill. A 24 hour warning was issued and also deemed a low blow. I do not wish Raven clan to be viewed as a dirty kd even though some might always think that.

Side note. Is anyone Arma capable?

04:25:54 May 29th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Morgan):

raven can't win without napping all but one neighbour

04:28:22 May 29th 22 - Jarl Eivor:

We napped no one funny boy 

07:00:59 May 29th 22 - Endless (Ms. Malakh Hamavet):

Can I put in a request to kill off Ursidae please :)

07:06:26 May 29th 22 - Jarl Eivor:


Can I put in a request to kill off Ursidae please :)

Hehe 😁

12:51:17 May 29th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Morgan):

Raven nappers couldn't fight alba + ely hahahahahh

14:21:14 May 29th 22 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

I’m on Val with magic 9 and have 400k+ MUs already finished. I’ll be ready when y’all want it!

15:46:23 May 29th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

HnS is Arma capable.

Also we aren't down or out. We only have two active but we are doing fine with managing the one breach.

One of ours went inactive. I'm curious as to how many resources for pillaged by his city. 

19:13:06 May 29th 22 - Lord Caedus:

Percy <3

05:26:25 Jun 7th 22 - Percy (Sir Percy The Arma Dude):

FYI, I have gotten a request by the top KD to cast Arma at 10 am EST tomorrow morning. I assume the map is ready for it given relative strengths?

08:53:10 Jun 7th 22 - Lord Caedus:

Albatross hasn't been defeated, but there is an army headed in and we are the underdogs. We don't want to make the map last longer when other KDs are dead - so we can accept arma as an unconquered partner in it. The stats will show Raven's won the era overall. 

09:24:20 Jun 7th 22 - Endless (Ms. Malakh Hamavet):

cast it, I’ll vote no :)

13:00:35 Jun 7th 22 - Percy (Sir Brutus):

Very well :) I’ve received more DMs since posting this in support (cba to check kingdom affiliation), and given I see a reluctant yes and a daring yes but no “No” votes, I’ll go ahead with the cast. 

I don’t want to cast unless everyone is ready, so if there’s legit fights that just need 1-2 days to play out I don’t mind waiting. Winner can cast Arma at any time, I’m basically a stand-in for ZeTa, which is less of an “any time” cast as I need world agreement.

But if there’s a general consensus, I’ll go forward with the 10 am EST cast.

13:44:34 Jun 7th 22 - Lord Caedus:

While I won't whip Albatross to vote a specific way, I will not stand against Armageddon and will vote in favour of it. 

I would say, however, that it is a slightly early call and perhaps Raven's are avoiding a fight - I think they were hoping Plague would do enough damage. 

13:48:24 Jun 7th 22 - Venomz (High Warlord Venomz):

Could drag this era out, but won't. Will vote 'Yes' when Arma happens

14:50:26 Jun 7th 22 - HorusPanic (Sir Horus):

voting yes. gg's

15:36:40 Jun 7th 22 - Phat (Mr. Bastard Son):

@ Caedus,

I don't think it was us who plagued you. FWIW, I think that's been Ursi, as we've had to deal with it in their core.

Additionally, we dont want to kill this world over time. If y'all would prefer to fight it out, we can, but I don't want to play this world anymore at this rate. The die has been cast and we have a pretty good idea how it will land in ~10 RL days. 

If you want to fight those out, I guess we can. I just don't care to.

15:40:39 Jun 7th 22 - Venomz (High Warlord Venomz):

Don't think we would plague our own core.

Alba(Kinril) and HnS(BurningLegion) both cast plague and really made it an unpleasant experience.

16:15:07 Jun 7th 22 - HorusPanic (Sir Horus):

The plague was no fun at all. First we successfully cured our way out of some earlier casts and then they it just got too strong and impossible to stop the spread of. Really annoying just being worn down, but I understand its late game and its to be expected at a certain point. 

I'm proud of how Urs played and I'm looking forward to next era. In hindsight I should have made it to magic 8 - only stopped at 7. Our repel of the first wave of Raven trolls was special.

16:23:44 Jun 7th 22 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Arma Guy):

If I wait till Wednesday to cast, gives more time for fighting and allows new era to start on a Friday

16:25:48 Jun 7th 22 - HorusPanic (Mr. Bill Gates):

Honestly Thursday start is better than Friday for me

17:18:35 Jun 7th 22 - Percy (Sir Percy The Arma Dude):

No one has outright said no, and the request was for today, here it is. I can recast if people aren’t ready for it, only used 1/4 of my 750k MUs, so plenty are left :)

Casting Armageddon from Cast One upon Obi Wan Kenobi with 26% chance of success...successful, If our defence holds, Armageddon will start within 240 days. We lost 17619 Mages and 16 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.

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