Forums / In game politics / Will Carnage Choke Again?

Will Carnage Choke Again?
19:00:04 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

i didnt notice it as a deliberate tactic, but i did notice it whittling away my numbers, which is why i kept trying to get myself into a situation where i could make an armory to regain my strength. But i just didnt have enough time to get enough armorys in before your players sat big armies on my city.

20:22:39 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Jimbobstuington:


i am your father mah muh ah

02:52:16 Jul 2nd 08 - Death Lord Draven:

the idea was to slow your progress and limit your replenishment, but i know you already know that. now to give away a secret (Carnage Style) do it with 2 or 3 mates next time that are as active as you. though you did great by yourself, if you would have had help, we would have been screwed, we still could have won later on, but the fight would have been long and drug out. that's why a rogue enemy warrior can reek tons of havoc to an entire kingdom, LGC is experts at this and Swifty is the man when it comes to this rogue tactic, also playing it solo like Fordie and Bihn can be a great big pain in the butt to any kingdom, these 2 guys are awesome at the "all in" tactics. this is why i watch and study other players game style. even old farts like me can learn new, clean, strong  tactics :P

23:37:56 Jul 2nd 08 - Mr. New Person:

I'll have to remember that tactic, I've thought of it, just never got to testing it.

Draven kick the dead weight, they are not playing anymore, they log on maybe once a week at most. Just dead weight, they will understand why you kicked them, if not then they do not belong in the kingdom.

I am flattered to be compared with Yarlin, Epymon, and even the great Ali, but I am none of those people. Though I have known two of those people well, and one relatively well.

Now the WoL, LDK, and BoW issue. I have seen all three kingdoms in action, and let me tell you I am far from impressed. BoW's only good era was when they had 30+ members. From then on even Carnage could beat them with five members. I know LDK has been beat by The Musketeers two times, once in Mantrax, and another time somewhere else. If you are beat in Mantrax, you probably will not survive on Fantasia. Then LDK+BoW merged, I thought it was good for both KDs, but I was dead wrong. I have seen WoL in action and they are no better then BoW was. Yes, I am rocking the boat, but that is the truth and that is why you are so angry about it. If you truly where that good then your allies would defend you, I have not seen that yet and if I see it now I will know it is a foolish attempt to try and save face.

03:31:05 Jul 3rd 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

I am flattered to be compared with Yarlin, Epymon, and even the great Ali, but I am none of those people. Though I have known two of those people well, and one relatively well.

LoL  you give to much away!

04:03:31 Jul 3rd 08 - Mr. Captain Kangaroo:

I will not cast dispersions on the individuals that are members of WoL because they do have some very good players. The one thing I noticed about them is their lack of direction and team work. This could be due to leadership issues or personality clashes or even in some cases the language barrier. I would say a combination of all three. Players doing there own thing rather than for the good of the kingdom will always be a problem. Since Stormy has been sick and many of our original players left we have suffered from this as well so I can recognise it when I see it.

New Person, you are right about kicking the dead weight from Carnage and many of us have campaigned for several eras to do exactly that but as yet no decisive actions have been made. (If not Yarlin. Maybe Tak? ☻) 

04:23:17 Jul 3rd 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

and even the great Ali, but I am none of those people.

Holy crap must be me. Maybe its the drunk Ali...i dunnno.

Altho, an educated guess points at fafnir....not quite as loud as his previous posts, it still makes me beleive it is him.

*waits for fafnir to confess it is him or disprove Ali's theory*

04:25:07 Jul 3rd 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

Fafnir The Odd 93 Duke Dwarf Dead. 1 days


Balls to that theory lol.

05:41:47 Jul 3rd 08 - Mr. New Person:

Kick Tak? I know for a fact that Tak is not playing VU anymore and that he is not even checking on VU. I have talked to him recently so that is how I know.

Ali I know Fafnir, I have gotten some information from him, mainly about Music, but I am not him because if I was then I would be multing, and why would I do that if I was Fafnir and lose that Duke title. So no, I am not Fafnir.

All kingdoms, whether newb or not, have good players in them. Look at AoA, the kingdom I am currently in. I would have never expected them to have such a great line up of good players. Of course not everyone of those players are good, but there are some.

That is the case with most kingdoms, there are good players, just the kingdom they are in is either not organized or just plainly is not a good kingdom.

06:04:17 Jul 3rd 08 - Mr. Captain Kangaroo:

lol.. I wasnt saying to kick Tak because we have done that I was guessing that you are Tak but it seems that is wrong as well.. Effie is that you?

07:20:08 Jul 3rd 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

well it cant be fafnir because he has never multied in his life! so im out of ideas ;)

10:23:44 Jul 3rd 08 - WolfLord Durza VIII:

Mr. New Person


7/3/2008 1:37:56 AM
I'll have to remember that tactic, I've thought of it, just never got to testing it.

Draven kick the dead weight, they are not playing anymore, they log on maybe once a week at most. Just dead weight, they will understand why you kicked them, if not then they do not belong in the kingdom.

I am flattered to be compared with Yarlin, Epymon, and even the great Ali, but I am none of those people. Though I have known two of those people well, and one relatively well.

Now the WoL, LDK, and BoW issue. I have seen all three kingdoms in action, and let me tell you I am far from impressed. BoW's only good era was when they had 30+ members. From then on even Carnage could beat them with five members. I know LDK has been beat by The Musketeers two times, once in Mantrax, and another time somewhere else. If you are beat in Mantrax, you probably will not survive on Fantasia. Then LDK+BoW merged, I thought it was good for both KDs, but I was dead wrong. I have seen WoL in action and they are no better then BoW was. Yes, I am rocking the boat, but that is the truth and that is why you are so angry about it. If you truly where that good then your allies would defend you, I have not seen that yet and if I see it now I will know it is a foolish attempt to try and save face.


Omg Do not sit their a slate WoL, u act as if you are something specail, and omg your not... You say BoW has only ever had one good era when they had 30+ members, well you obviously ain't played very long have you? *beep*. You slag WoL and say that basically we all suck, Lol, i'd love to see you in action...

15:00:22 Jul 3rd 08 - Mr. Thunder: do...

15:02:48 Jul 3rd 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

doesnt change the fact that ALL of WoL does not work together. you lost because you sent billions of corps at us instead of of a group of armies or horde or the one inbetween :p

15:50:52 Jul 3rd 08 - Mr. New Person:

No not Tak, he stopped playing a while ago and I'm not Effie either. I think he stopped playing a long, long time ago. Look there, two core Carnage players gone.

you lost because you sent billions of corps at us instead of of a group of armies or horde or the one in between
Exactly what I was talking about.

@Dark Lord Sun Yuu Huu
Who are you?

17:16:25 Jul 3rd 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

Shezmu or Osi. I forget as neither one are important. ;-)

19:28:16 Jul 3rd 08 - Sir Revengee:

Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu


7/3/2008 7:20:08 AM
well it cant be fafnir because he has never multied in his life! so im out of ideas ;)

- Osiris being sarcastic :P

21:35:30 Jul 3rd 08 - General Ezatious:

back on topic!


Havoc Carnage 36 Lord Marche 103
LGC Legacy 23 Mr. Roxbury 100


can it be done :P last 23h

21:36:56 Jul 3rd 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

dont see why not Carnage cant farm for manure

21:45:39 Jul 3rd 08 - Mr. Pedro Al Bear:

>Shezmu or Osi. I forget as neither one are important. ;-)

I totally agree with ... umm ... who are you again?

23:18:36 Jul 3rd 08 - Mr. New Person:

This is what counts

Mr. Bill Thomas Killman
Member of: Legacy.

The Gragnar
Member of: Legacy.

General Ezatious
Member of: Legacy.

Swedish Chef Brashen
Member of: Legacy.

Mr. Raptor
Member of: Legacy.

Not this
HavocCarnage36Lord Marche212
LGCLegacy23Mr. Roxbury205

23:32:42 Jul 3rd 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

soooo gonna stop hiding anytime soon or shall we just disregard you completly?

23:34:41 Jul 3rd 08 - Sir Surviver:

haha,I choke on the win?Not really I been  in vaction past 14 days or so with my family and very few log you shouldn't try to bs carnage on player win..I rather spend time with family then a silly win of a game ..just a game and not gonna change the world :) and hoh means nothing,good players arn't always on top hoh just becuase people show thier farming skills doesn't mean that are good players.

00:31:52 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

Mr. New Person


7/3/2008 4:18:36 PM
This is what doesnt counts

Mr. Bill Thomas Killman
Member of: Legacy.

The Gragnar
Member of: Legacy.

General Ezatious
Member of: Legacy.

Swedish Chef Brashen
Member of: Legacy.

Mr. Raptor
Member of: Legacy.

But this doees
Havoc Carnage 36 Lord Marche 212
LGC Legacy 23 Mr. Roxbury 205


well i have to agree with you their... just read your post again :)

07:19:47 Jul 4th 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

wow that is the lamest comeback ever :o

18:24:02 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:



Havoc Carnage 36 Lord Marche 100
LGC Legacy 23 Mr. Roxbury 98

18:31:55 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Ironic:

Actually I feel that the fact that their are 5 people on the HoH board that are LGC and none that are Carnage tells us quite a lot.

All their players have more quality but you have more players then them so you win with numbers.

19:10:54 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

it does.
what says more are the ppl who wernt on it only the last week but where there from the beginning and had the largest armies on the field for the longest period of time.

who is better the person that sp@mmed 50k nazzy's the last second of the game.
or the one who would have had it long before them and actualy got them killed while defeating the enemy

19:14:51 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

ok we will see who as more lower scoring memeber, carnage or LGC. you will notice alot of carnage players being at the bottom of the chain. and some that didnt even start... you go ahead and count... then you will be like a *beep* carnage really didnt have active players. we abvously have higher quality all around while LGC is based around a few good players.

19:33:18 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

lol....its the complete opposite caradoc, carnage have a few good players, then a bunch of dead weight and crap players. Legacy have average, good and great players.


20:13:23 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. New Person:

Caradoc that's because LGC has no dead weight and picks carefully who they let in. Carnage on the other hand lets in people like Timmiev.

20:15:08 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

timmiev? you mean the one that came in 25th overall? yeah thats terrible, im soooo sorry we let him in

01:02:50 Jul 5th 08 - Mr. New Person:

Anyone that sits behind blockers and farms can come in the top 30.

Was it you who said that HoH's did not matter? Apparently you think they do.

01:46:59 Jul 5th 08 - Grumpy old Hedgie:

Caradoc why are you even talking? Seriously? Do your Carnage buddies know you are vomiting all over the forums? Somebody should tranquilize you... :->

06:01:57 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

I was in Carnage and i have to admit, even though i was mage...I WAS PART OF THE DEAD WEIGHT...i played poorly and most of the guys here are right..Kangaroo, Caradoc, Dreadlord, Von Darkmoor, Marche, Survivor, Thunder (and if i am forgetting anyone i apologize) but those guys would be WELCOMED additions to ANY KD.

08:37:13 Jul 22nd 08 - Sir Caradoc IV:

uhh not me death... everyone pratically hates me because i was right xD now they will flame and say once again no... oh well. ik people hate me. its good to know im loved

09:05:45 Jul 22nd 08 - Death Lord Draven:

yeah and death forgot the best looking Carnage member :P  geez

15:06:43 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Awwww...Thanks Draven, I love you too...

15:36:04 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

Draven..i apologize for leaving you are the shiz!

23:34:39 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

Draven I thought I was the sexiest member of Carnage last era :-P........well if not Carnage then at least the sexiest in PKS.

01:18:44 Jul 23rd 08 - Daimyo Chuck Norris:

Wait a minute...either there are some liars in here, or they are just leaving me off the list of sexiest because no one is even close to my sexiness....


Why I auta...

Auta? Wtf?

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