Forums / In game politics / Zetamania wars ( Era 35 )

Zetamania wars ( Era 35 )
19:15:03 Oct 11th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Do you even have a brother Inco? Somehow I get the feeling that if you hate his guts XD

RD could probably take ODC down...but they probably won't sadly...

19:16:05 Oct 11th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Yes, I have a brother and your reckoning is dead straight ;)

00:14:58 Oct 12th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Casting Freeze from Mia Your Ass In upon Corothian Deathguard X with XX% chance of success... and Successful!
The Corothian Deathguard X from Prince Corothius of Odyssey[ODC] is now frozen for 5 day(s). You lost 278 Spellweavers and 22 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.

Casting Freeze from Mia Your Ass In upon Toasty with XX% chance of success... and Successful!
The Toasty from Mr. Totem[ODC] is now frozen for 5 day(s). You lost 70 Spellweavers and 6 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.

Casting Eye in the sky from Mia Your Ass In upon Toasty with XX% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about The Toasty from Mr. Totem[ODC]:
Toasty from Mr. Totem

Casting Freeze from Mia Your Ass In upon Death Wing I with XX% chance of success... and Successful!
The Death Wing I from Mr. Mattd[ODC] is now frozen for 5 day(s). You lost 386 Spellweavers and 30 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.

Casting Eye in the sky from Mia Your Ass In upon Death Wing I with XX% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about The Death Wing I from Mr. Mattd[ODC]:
Death Wing I from Mr. Mattd

Casting Rain of fire from Mia Your Ass In upon Death Wing I with XX% chance of success... and Successful!
Fire rains from the sky and 600 men in The Death Wing I from Mr. Mattd[ODC] got burned to death.
Casting Rain of fire from Mia Your Ass In upon Death Wing I with XX% chance of success... and Successful!
Fire rains from the sky and 476 men in The Death Wing I from Mr. Mattd[ODC] got burned to death.
Casting Rain of fire from Mia Your Ass In upon Death Wing I with XX% chance of success... and Successful!
Fire rains from the sky and 357 men in The Death Wing I from Mr. Mattd[ODC] got burned to death.

Casting Rain of fire from Mia Your Ass In upon Toasty with XX% chance of success... and Successful!
Fire rains from the sky and 3607 men in The Toasty from Mr. Totem[ODC] got burned to death. You lost 403 Spellweavers and 38 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.
Casting Rain of fire from Mia Your Ass In upon Toasty with XX% chance of success... and Successful!
Fire rains from the sky and 2821 men in The Toasty from Mr. Totem[ODC] got burned to death. You lost 545 Spellweavers and 52 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.
Casting Rain of fire from Mia Your Ass In upon Toasty with XX% chance of success... and Successful!
Fire rains from the sky and 2176 men in The Toasty from Mr. Totem[ODC] got burned to death. You lost 493 Spellweavers and 49 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.
Casting Rain of fire from Mia Your Ass In upon Toasty with XX" chance of success... and Successful!
Fire rains from the sky and 1592 men in The Toasty from Mr. Totem[ODC] got burned to death. You lost 241 Spellweavers and 27 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.

ODC, go shove this up your fat *beep*s. You think you're good? I trained those mus in the last 12 hours. Only 1 person I can't get an EitS on, Hat off to Sky in that aspect.

00:18:35 Oct 12th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Now look what you made him crazy ._. *covers his eyes*

00:19:21 Oct 12th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

I was just trying to keep you in the game :) I dont like quitters :)
So please stick around, my Nazguls are hungry :)

00:21:56 Oct 12th 08 - Lord Incognito:

You... what? LOL you have to be the worst person I know at making up comebacks apart from my brother.
Btw, Totem ended up with a X army from an XXX and only reason I didn't send Corothius packing was because I ran out of mus. 4k go along way. Nubs, see what I meant earlier by LEARNING?

00:54:21 Oct 12th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Man must really hate your brother XD

01:41:12 Oct 12th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

I do not need a comeback against you Inco :)
You talk trash on forum I kill your troops in the game
Works ok for me :)

01:45:12 Oct 12th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Again, another bad comeback xD
You think killing 5k of my archers worries me? They were in the middle of a field in the middle of nowhere, like I give a rat's ass what happens to the two cities you took. You say you klilled me, but I'm still bigger than anyone in your nubby Kd :)

01:49:19 Oct 12th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

I have already posted the fight and I will do it again if you insist...

Hehe :)


my Lady. The city of Kill Your Nan is now under our command!
They had 191459 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 0 slaves in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 124815 troops.

So you are saying that the 124k army was not yours?
The city you tried all that magic with your army
Ok if its not yours, then sorry, in that case someone from your KD lost an army :)

01:50:21 Oct 12th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

....he doesnt trash talk...he preaches the truth! Now if only ODC could beat someone 1v1...all their armies coming north are probably hoping to sneak cities from RD....of course most dont have really any magic protection...

01:59:20 Oct 12th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Oh no! You stole my bus money! :O
And you must feel so proud you killed injured troops. Put them out their misery, I guess?

02:03:46 Oct 12th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

lolz ODC hasn't used any protection at all this era...they've prolly caught some serious diseases ...and yes...these magically torch your soldiers and give them bad colds which disables their movement...but wait...there's is actually all that is to it...ODC has not learned anything nor accomplished anything...the real salutes go out to Pink and White...and I'd love to see them manhandle that puny excuse of a kingdom called ODC...SuxXxyness!!!

05:38:56 Oct 12th 08 - Ms. Holly:

Yeah no offense Jasmine or ODC, but Incognito is fight a lot of fronts and you have yet to touch any of his main cities.  Taking some of Incog's cities right now would be like attacking France while they fought Germany....

No glory to you guys on this part.

*fight = fighting

The only way ODC will win another era is if they stay on zetamania and Nap the strongest kingdoms.  You guys go to Mantrax or higher....u will get owned. 

07:15:26 Oct 12th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Ehh...if they go to Mant and NAP the strongest kingdoms how can they lose? XD of course there would be KDs who wouldn't NAP them era long and just toast them.

07:19:51 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Van Effen:

The best way to learn the game is to play against opponents better than yourself. 

In the long run you dont really gain anything from napping those stronger than yourself.

07:21:59 Oct 12th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

.....does that mean we learned almost nothing Effen? RD Was the only opponent that we could say was better than us...

11:07:46 Oct 12th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

You guys all are poor losers...
Thats just sad...

11:19:59 Oct 12th 08 - Lord Incognito:

No, sad is seeing all these people I hardly know vouch for me and you still not being able to face it :)

Jas, seriously now, Van Effen says the truth. Every era, I've always aimed for the strongest 2 Kds in a map so I know what its like. That is how you start to learn more about the gameplay and develop your own tactics, not some second-rate hand-me-down strategy that won't work without the proper scenario.

You learn how to develop according to the situation because no matter how bad it looks, there is always a way to win and playing against strong opponents on EQUAL footing teaches you to look for these. Sending 6 people to fight 1 is just ridiculous. You shouldn't need more than 2, *possibly* 3 people to take me out.

Now, I think some people in ODC could have some potential so I'd like to see them next era using their heads more and fighting more battles instead of one tiny Kd at a time... :)

11:42:44 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Van Effen:

My comment was only a little hint for what I think you should do for next era.

Incog gets it : )

13:02:01 Oct 12th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

Dont worry about us :)
Ok Inco your goal is to fight strong enemies, thats ok, but so far you did not do much against us. Gruumsh attacks, you had like 10 armies of 50k
None of those even got our attention, you never got further then the blocker.
You do realise we hold the entire left side of the map from where you attack to way up north where military was.
I consider your attacks a joke, and I see you here talking all big, that is why I do not pay much attention here.

Odyssey started 3 eras ago, first era we fought a strong KD, all era, it was an interesting era, and at the end we and our allies were the only ones with armies. Last era in Zeta we fough veteran KD MAD, they were the best most of the era, and at the end we were not defeated and the era was won by 3 NAPed KDs. This era we made better diplomatic decisions, and we have been fighting all era too, against a big KD, Military. After you say we dont fight strong KDs better check previous eras.

13:05:55 Oct 12th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

Lord Incognito saying that we should all fight 1 vs 1 is just retarded.
Why do we have KDs then? It would be a individual game.
Team work is a part of the game, if you dont like it, dont play the game :)

13:18:41 Oct 12th 08 - Lord Incognito:

A joke? I should hope so, lol I havent sent anything I consider bigger than a small sized army against you yet. I'm too busy with Preds on the other side of the map.

Oh, and I never said 1 v 1. Firstly, I said you should attack more people. You attack 1 tiny Kd at a time like the cowards that you are. Secondly, I don't understand how BAD you could be to need 6 people to fight ME. 1v1 at no point came into it, but 6 people on just ME?! Maybe you could get another couple nubs and we could recreate 300 again. Only it'll be 1 vs the Horde.

Ffs, stop being such bloody pussies. How many people are you fighting? Thats right, just me -_- Not even my Kd, ME.

Note: I tried to restrain myself and be constructive in previous posts but now I see how little you actually deserve it. So basically, go back to screwing your goats.

"Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once"

13:56:51 Oct 12th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

ODCOdyssey16Lady Jasmina100
PredsPredators20Sir Darkmarsbar93
BTBurnt12Mr. Utopia77
OORAHMilitary29Mr. Military74

Ok I will tell you again... Check the facts before you write lies :)
16 vs 29... and you say we fight small KDs?

I told you, you are a poor loser. How sad.
Anyways I am done with arguing with you. I dont like arguing liars :)

13:58:46 Oct 12th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Liar? How many of those are you fighting? And you're the loser hun. I'll explain closer to the end of the era :)

14:00:18 Oct 12th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

Learn how to accept defeat.
End of discussion.

14:03:12 Oct 12th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Defeat? I'm bigger than MOST OF YOUR PLAYERS. Stupid little wh*re shut the f*ck up and learn to count. Your ignorance is depressing

14:25:18 Oct 12th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

So now you are insulting? What are you, 9?

14:35:19 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Partypooper:

better nine then a hypocrite, hun :)

14:36:41 Oct 12th 08 - Lord Incognito:

You have no idea who, or what, I am. I recommend you keep it that way and seriously learn to count. And yes, after I tried to be constructive, and get spat in the face for it, I tend to insult people. Now the only time I'm posting in here again are for certain "milestones".

15:07:10 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Im still alive...thats a huge milestone...attacked by 5 kd's and still going strong...taking names and kicking ass...while theres pussies like you lot on the forums...there's always gonna be a PIMP...wahaaay

15:10:53 Oct 12th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

If there were no forums nobody would know about Gruumsh and RIP.
Sp@mzors :)

17:27:11 Oct 12th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus: are just b*tching because you can't beat us 1v1...I see you are calling in Guild of The Fallen because you couldnt break a blocker.  Try using that thick skull of yours and you might get somewhere...Just admit the fact that you couldn't beat anyone 1v1 without having your big brother/big sister holding your hand along the way :p  No way we could lose to you. 

Lady Jasmina


10/12/2008 10:10:53 AM
If there were no forums nobody would know about Gruumsh and RIP.
Sp@mzors :)
We can be known as the KDs that could easily stop the "Amazing" #1 Kd ODC that says it is so good all while having like a 1/5th of the players...that is...until we killed a bunch of them.  Then you call in your bed buddies.

18:05:17 Oct 12th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

When did we we are good? I never said we are good.
You should get your head out of your a$$ once in a while

18:57:45 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Same Name:

just wanted to bring this up. it might be irrelevant by now but that so called first era ODC got smacked around like a rag doll and ran away to the other side of the map hiding behind AoA's skirt. thus ure kd was able to stay alive. thats is it. its no big feat hiding behind others.
but like i said thats probably irrelevant by now jsut felt like correcting that so theres no misunderstanding

19:38:06 Oct 12th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

Yes thank you for confirming what I said :) all eras we played we fought stronger enemies... Thanx Same Name

20:14:42 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Sky:

If you would like to talk fighting stronger KDs, last era ODC was fighting MAD against drugs... which was actually only slightly stronger than us in terms of power, but had lots more military power than us. We learned from that. We lost our core. But when we created our second core, and we 1/4 the power of MAD, we held our own and were one up on them :P


03:47:03 Oct 13th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Lady Jasmina


10/12/2008 1:05:17 PM
When did we we are good? I never said we are good.
You should get your head out of your a$$ once in a while
Hmm...maybe your constant bragging about your f*cking nub armies you keep sp@mming and how they are going to kill us.  You also keep talking about how your great feats of power against Military and Gauls.

03:52:19 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Sky:

Why can't we be friends = ( That's a rhetorical question.

I think this topic needs to be renamed, and then closed.

04:00:23 Oct 13th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

I thought it would be closed pages ago...

07:44:17 Oct 13th 08 - Lady Mia Valerie:



you said the two largest KD is now attacking your KD. That means ODC is involved. Please do not involve us because you attacked us FIRST, remember?

And now, you said we merged to attack you. At least 3 to attack your outer city? So what's wrong with that? We want to merge, so that you will have low chance on killing the merge army. What is the use of the merge then? Is it a coward thing? It may be for you but it is not for us.  

And yeah. There are so many ODC HOH army right? But only like 2 are around? Okay. I am involved! A HOH army, does it always have to attack? I want to leave it defence. Is it a problem, tell me. I have the rights to do anything i want with my army.

Oh nice. You have RoF'd alot of ODC armies. You have RoF'd Totem and Mattd's army. Congratz on that. They have no MUs and you can RoF us. IF you know we are nub, why continue to comment about how ODC attacking you? Aren't we nub to you?

Inco, you said it is sad to see 6 people of mine to take you out. Possibly on 2~3 only.. But what is wrong with 6 people? Why are you complaining about how ODC is attacking? Just let us use how we attack. We want to do our way. We have our rights to do what we want in this game. We want to merge to attack you. So? Why don't you do something about it? Find a way to kill the merge then.

Inco, i am actually sad that you want to talk thrash of my KD. I never thought you are going to against me, do you know that. This is just a game. I hope you can just forget about it, and just let the game goes on, like how it is. Leave ODC to itself.

Like i said, ODC is a new KD. Some of ODC players are new. We want to learn. You want to teach us something. That is good. Thanks. But insulting us is a painful thing. Seriously. What did we do wrong? We just want to play with our way. We have our own rights to play our style right?

I do not want to lose any friends, btw. So yeah. Sorry for anything. <3

08:37:07 Oct 13th 08 - Lady Mia Valerie:

Now for Charley, the one with never-ending insults to ODC. Lol. Whatever i tell you, nothing change. But, you have motivated me to come to this forum and post my point of view. Haha.. 


Oh lol. You said ODC can't even pass your weak blockers? Yeah. It is because that army has no MU's and you kept on Locust it. That's why. We don't complain about it, because, we have done a mistake. We didn't bring any MUs.

Oh hey charley. We didn't bring MUs. Aren't we nub to you? If we are nub, why are you complaining about us, nubs? You are a veteran. You should be teaching us how to play. Not commenting us and make us looks stupid to the everyone in this thread. How is VU going to have more people to play, when some veterans complaining on how nubs play.

RD? Yeah i love RD. They do sure knows how to play. They are good. Maybe they are veterans? Maybe not. I do not know. They are better than ODC, i admit. And we don't deserve to take your cities, why? Is it because we merge 6 armies again and attack your cities? Or we just send small undecent-no MUs armies to attack you? Or is it we are nubs, that do not know how to play VU like you? Like i said, teach us. So that we can become better. But no. You complain. That's what you are good at.

Oh ODC cannot defeat any KD 1vs1? Lol. Isn't this game also involve diplomacy all that? What is the use of NAP and MAP then? And like i always said, we are nubs to you. We are a new KD, training new players. So we want to prevent from dying in early era. So with a good diplomat and all, we have turned the tide the other way round.

And ODC is actually proud of winning the war against Military, okay. We have accomplished something. We have won a war. What is wrong with that? So are you telling me, we have killed a KD, you expect us not to be proud of it and instead be like a zombie, who are like blurr people and all? There should be joy in that, because we have achieved something. And plus, maybe it is just a small thing. But aren't we nub to you? When a new player achieved something, they will be happy about it. I am happy when in my first era, i have won a battle against other KDs. So how about you? No?

I am curious actually. Is it because of these attitudes of veterans, a lot of people stop playing VU? I do not know but now i am seriously losing my interest on playing VU, because some of these veterans are complaining me and my KD about how we play and unsatisfied about it. You may be happy that i am going to leave. If you are, i will seriously leave, because no point of me staying here, when VU is not going to make any progress because these veterans are doing this.

09:05:57 Oct 13th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

1. Stop saying "aren't we nub to you" and stuff like that...

2. I am pissed because you have all of your allies attack us at once because we are such a "huge" threat.  I say you cannot be

3. You don't deserve to take our cities...because RD has done all of the work.  It would be like doing a task and someone else trying to steal the credit.  RD has done all the real fighting and you are throwing your armies at us trying to slip in.  Most likely so you can brag at how you killed the kingdom that said you couldn't kill us.

4. Napping a lot of KDs so that you don't die doesn't make you better.  In the future when you are on higher worlds, not all KDs will want to NAP you.  Which means, if you don't have all of your alliances, you are dead.  If you learn to fight more effectively by yourselves, the quality of your members improves.  On Fant, there are always alliances, but each alliance has to pull its weight rather than rely on the others to do the bulk.  Not saying you have done nothing to help.

5. Stop calling me a veteran because I am not.  Many players will agree with that.  I should not call you nubs also because I have heard that word used for 8 years now...and it is beginning to annoy me how much people use it these days.  I guess I should just stop using it altogether. 

6. If I missed anything...oh well

11:27:42 Oct 13th 08 - Lady Mia Valerie:

1. You said we are nubs, bringing nub armies. So?

2. Well, we from last time, ever since you attacked us, we want to attack you. But when you arrived, all my alliance around me wants to attack you. Maybe help? I do not know. I am kind of inactive nowadays. So yeah. But i am actually happy they are going to help me.

3. You actually do not know what is RD and ODC wants to do. Have you ever heard a word called Distraction?

4. How many NAPs do you think we have? 5? Pssst. Yeah we will lessen the NAP but we actually have enough of NAPs, ok. KoH wants a NAP with us, but we decline it. Because we have enough NAP. In the future, yes, we will go for 1 NAP. I will go for that when mostly of our players are good. If most of them are not good, and we have no alliance, we will die, and do you think the players love to start all over again? Dying many times also doesn't make you better too. Yes we are learning. We want to learn by attacking a KD at a time. That way, our confidence will grow.

5. Okay i will stop calling you a veteran then. My apologies. But you are a good player right? You played under great players before. Surely you know some tricks. So yeah. You should be helping us, instead of hurting us.

14:28:46 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Struddle:

Quick question for Van Effen if he ever checks these's post im just curious as to why you took GOTF cities..... not like im to terribly upset with it we can take them back i was just curious why you attacked us.......

14:37:04 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Van Effen:

  1. Our kingdoms have no friendly relationship established
  2. More enemies is more fun
  3. Mr Dead tried to bully me around early in the era
  4. you are allies with ODC

I'll admit initially I was only going to attack cities or armies owned by Mr Dead but then Odin sent an army down towards my cities (and it was just too delicious to let pass), so I figured I wasnt on your kingdom's list of friends.

17:29:14 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Dead:

Tried to bully you around? LOL!

I was sending an army past you, you RoFed it, i gave you a warning and then forgot about you cause i had better players to fight, hardly bullying.

19:20:52 Oct 13th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

lol...I told a GOTF scout to turn around like this "Turn around." and signed my name.  Then Mr. Dead came and threatened obviously GOTF was a little tempermental and sounded like it was looking for a fight.

4. How many NAPs do you think we have? 5?

*Looks on his screen* Hmm...ok 1, 2, 3, 4...I am counting ODC, RD, POFF, and GOTF attacking us at once...any other people? Oh...forgot Burnt but we sort of earned attacks from at least ODC and Burnt....and Preds would be if they didn't have their hands full yeah that looks like 5...

19:52:17 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Sky:

We never officially NAP'ed POFF... but we pretty much saved them from Military, and they appreciate that. If you've got a problem, I don't care.

And again, I want to say to both Gruumsh and RIP - you attacked us first. If you want to be a KD that gets no relation with everyone and kills everyone, then everyone will want to kill you. And that's nobody's fault but your own, so quit complaining that every KD is attacking you.

19:56:29 Oct 13th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

The only reason "everyone" wants to kill you is because you NAPed "everyone", and have killed off everyone else 1 by 1... >_> won't happen on Fant, I will guarentee dont plan on going far :p but I guess dying makes you learn something...

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