Forums / In game politics / Zetamania wars ( Era 35 )

Zetamania wars ( Era 35 )
04:50:04 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Heiro:

i wasnt refering to you, i was refering to certain members of the kingdom that have been saying things that shouldnt be said anywhere

04:51:59 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Heiro:

i understand this is a public forum, but really are ppl childish enough that the have to revert to petty comments about ones ethnic background or sexual orientation, i mean really i wish some people could just play this game for what it is a game not an outlet for their own insecurities

04:52:26 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Mr. Heiro


9/17/2008 3:50:04 AM
i wasnt refering to you, i was refering to certain members of the kingdom that have been saying things that shouldnt be said anywhere


We call that freedom of speech...its a constitutional right to say whatever you want wherever the *beep* you want whenever you want. Dont like Mary *beep*ing Poppins...or argue against it

04:54:04 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

And im not racist or sexist...i hate all you *beep*ers equally

04:55:28 Sep 17th 08 - Lord Incognito:

God you all suck. Just bloody CHILL. Its crap being said over the internet... who CARES?? We all know that most of the people who do this are just venting their own angers about their own insecurities, either at being weak, or fat, or bullied or whatever. Just ignore it, ffs and PLAY the f*cking game!

04:58:38 Sep 17th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Mr. Pimp


9/16/2008 11:54:04 PM
And im not racist or sexist...i hate all you *beep*ers equally
Aww...I feel the equality now :) 
And Inco speaks the truth...*cough for once cough* :)

05:00:15 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Heiro:

if you knew anything about freedom of speech or the constitution you would realize that it  states that all men are created equal and that they shall be treated as so, just cause you feel like calling someone a word (that is considered verbal assault and a HATE CRIME) doesn't mean its your right to say it,  i dare you to walk into a police station or court house and yell some of those words at the top of your lungs and see how far your "freedom of speech" gets you, it's an American right to not have to be persecuted for race or religion or sex or affiliation that's what our freedom entails.  

05:00:46 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Lord Charley Deallus


9/17/2008 3:58:38 AM
Mr. Pimp


9/16/2008 11:54:04 PM
And im not racist or sexist...i hate all you *beep*ers equally
Aww...I feel the equality now :) 
And Inco speaks the truth...*cough for once cough* :)
I am always fair ;)

05:05:33 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Pimp:


05:14:18 Sep 17th 08 - Duke Spud:

I agree...


05:20:54 Sep 17th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Bastardised...I like it

05:28:42 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Heiro:

wow...  no wonder this country is falling apart,  please tell me you haven't reproduced   one is enough

05:45:43 Sep 17th 08 - Duke Spud:

Funny funny, ever since Heiro came in here and posted a bunch of non-sense, this topic has drifted even further from the original subject.

It would have been better if he had just stayed out of it...

06:04:43 Sep 17th 08 - Ms. Psykee:

I like ice cream. =D

06:14:00 Sep 17th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Ms. Psykee


9/17/2008 1:04:43 AM
I like ice cream. =D
Jeez way to ruin the moment >< now I am hungry...
My entire dorm just got into a floor war O_o

06:20:05 Sep 17th 08 - Duke Spud:


Ok, I know, I know. I said I would keep my mouth shut but that was before Mr. Anderson of Gauls starting running his mouth to me in a PM. I though, this is too much! LOL! Funny stuff here... check it out.

Mr. Anderson [GAUL] (9/17/2008 5:07:35 AM) GOOD BAD
I see you at it again hehe i got some new tricks for you there buddy :)
You (9/17/2008 10:24:53 AM)
God lets HOPE you have some tricks. Obviously your magic isnt working...
Mr. Anderson [GAUL] (9/17/2008 11:39:02 AM) GOOD BAD
nah just never got it built but it is now :)
You (9/17/2008 11:41:40 AM)
Well, sorry to tell you this, but your a little late lol.
Mr. Anderson [GAUL] (9/17/2008 11:42:58 AM) GOOD BAD
nah its perfect i alrdy had them training by tomarrow ill be able to freeze any army you are alrdy at a decent %
You (9/17/2008 11:46:02 AM)
I didnt plan on getting much with this army anyways... I am already happy with my victory in "The Matrix".
Go ahead and kill it. Have your fun while it lasts...
Mr. Anderson [GAUL] (9/17/2008 11:47:48 AM) GOOD BAD
lol The Matrix is no big deal i dont even want it back im maken a new one as we speak it was a bit to small for me and nexttime you come back here plan to be frozen for a long time
You (9/17/2008 11:49:36 AM)
Next time I come back here it will be with enouph force to take out Gauls entirely, side by side with the rest of Preds KD.
Mr. Anderson [GAUL] (9/17/2008 11:50:31 AM) GOOD BAD
keep dreaming ive stoped the best from getting in my KD core
Mr. Anderson [GAUL] (9/17/2008 11:51:32 AM) GOOD BAD
besides that you the biggest *beep* I know you dont even etis anything before you take it
You (9/17/2008 11:53:41 AM)
HAHAHA!!!! If you've stopped the best from getting into your core, how did I get in in the first place? I can also assure you, I am not the best...

Why would I need to EiTS if I know I can take it? All it is is a waste of MU's giving you more of a chance to cast spells on me...

Im not stupid...
Mr. Anderson [GAUL] (9/17/2008 11:55:39 AM) GOOD BAD
o please and i know u not the best u more like the worst your tatics sucked u should of gone up in the core the first time and i started late but u can think of this as a warning you wont get jack *beep* in here ever again if you think taken that mining town did u guys anything you wrong
You (9/17/2008 12:00:40 PM)
Wow, you and the whole lot of Gauls need to learn to read before you reply.

first off - I told you that I WASNT the best, yet you say you can keep the BEST out of your core when I simply walked through the front door.

All your doing is making your Kd look weaker every time you tell me that my tactics suck because (as you can see) my army is still not out of your core yet...

And if you seriously beleive that Preds cannot take our Gauls, maybe you should talk to your leader, because he is much smarter than you and admits that Preds would whipe Gauls out if Gauls had no help...
Mr. Anderson [GAUL] (9/17/2008 12:33:05 PM) GOOD BAD
lol preds just a big group of *beep*ies grouped togethor that got messed up by us a few eras ago and just trying to pay us back
Mr. Anderson [GAUL] (9/17/2008 12:35:51 PM) GOOD BAD
I know you not the best and if you read alittle I said you were more like the worst and I also said i started late and that you would not be getting back in after this cause you are now done after this attack
Mr. Anderson [GAUL] (9/17/2008 12:37:49 PM) GOOD BAD
o my would you look at that the little bish cant move mm dam that must suck
You (9/17/2008 1:00:13 PM)
To your first reply - If you knew what we were going through at the moment, you would shut your mouth. You could never last in our situation. Why the hell do you think Preds came to Zeta anyways?

To your Second reply - omfg, can you just not comprehend anything? Seriously, Heres how it went, first you said that the best coulnt get into your core, Second I proved you wrong by being in your core in the first place and im not even the best (meaning that there would be many more that could have done the same thing). third you called me the worst.... and by calling me the worst, you then made your KD look even weaker for letting "The worst player" into your core through the front door... Please, do not make me explain it in pictures using crayons so you can understand....

To your Third reply - Oh my, my army is frozen! WHAT A HORRABLE SPELL!!!! I CANT MOVE!!!! Get serious....

My reply - Stop sending me multilple messages before I get a chance to reply, It's not my fault that you cant think of everything to say in one sitting...
Mr. Anderson [GAUL] (9/17/2008 1:03:06 PM) GOOD BAD
wow you going to cry there you seem all mad the way you say that o and i can keep the freeze going and going and going i did hat with my small army my big army that still in training not even in my magic town yet when it is ill be able to cast on your core lol
You (9/17/2008 1:05:42 PM)
Cry? Are you still in 2nd grade? Here, let me stoop to your level of combacks so you have some sort of understanding of what im saying to you... poo poo head.
I am only clearing things up because your pea brain cant comprehend anything.

Cast on our core? Congratz, want a cookie?

06:25:04 Sep 17th 08 - Duke Spud:

Mr. Anderson [GAUL] (9/17/2008 1:15:58 PM) GOOD BAD
yea you got milk with them cookies?
You (9/17/2008 1:20:40 PM)
Yeah it's in Preds core, cast some magic and come get some lol!!!!

06:28:14 Sep 17th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Awww...true friendship :)  I wish every KD was like that...

06:29:46 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Anderson:

Yea if you saw what I did for AoA last era in Zeta you would understand but im ready for you now spud next time you go for are core you can plan to be frozen for weeks just like that one man army guy last era he wasnt able to move for like 2 weeks with the # rated army trying to get in are core

06:30:30 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Anderson:

# one rated*

06:38:34 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Man...AoA....lmfao...ok...the Army HoH list is my *beep*ing shopping list of who to do next...i'll be there shortly fool

06:42:24 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Anderson:

All you preds do is cry
Cry about people flaming you
Cry about losing *beep*
Cry about the Gauls
Cry about me sleeping with your mom
Cry about me casting on you

Just shut up and take something already if you guys got the Numbers and power just shut up and kill us already with your big group of cry baby *beep*ies.

06:43:03 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Anderson:

yea pimp you going to cry to when aoa kills you next?

07:00:00 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

lol...i was the reason aoa came to be fool

07:04:47 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Anderson:

They saw a fool named pimp they wanted to kill so they formed a kingdom to kill your *beep* ass?

07:11:11 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Pimp: trained half the KD when Sprout and I founded its original KD

07:12:50 Sep 17th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

OMG. guys are Flaming tooo much ;p..
I can't even find my post that I made yesterday...

u guys are just horrible, it doesnt really solve anything, by starting to discuss all the time ;D
just fight it out on the battlefield or get a Ceasefire, but don't start throwing all the wrong accusations at eachother.

07:35:21 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

OMG. guys are Flaming tooo much ;p.. no such thing, and im only warming up

I can't even find my post that I made yesterday...make a new one

u guys are just horrible,yep it doesnt really solve anything, sure it does by starting to discuss all the time ;D
just fight it out on the battlefield i am or get a Ceasefire, but don't start throwing all the wrong accusations at eachother...

Shuddup fool and flame or fight...

07:43:07 Sep 17th 08 - Duke Spud:

Haha! I still think thats a kick ass convo Anderson.

Duke Spud

9/17/2008 1:25:04 PM
Mr. Anderson [GAUL] (9/17/2008 1:15:58 PM) GOOD BAD
yea you got milk with them cookies?
You (9/17/2008 1:20:40 PM)
Yeah it's in Preds core, cast some magic and come get some lol!!!!

I love that line...

07:45:58 Sep 17th 08 - Duke Spud:

Sir Gallyon


9/17/2008 2:12:50 PM
OMG. guys are Flaming tooo much ;p..
I can't even find my post that I made yesterday...

u guys are just horrible, it doesnt really solve anything, by starting to discuss all the time ;D
just fight it out on the battlefield or get a Ceasefire, but don't start throwing all the wrong accusations at eachother.

I've been trying to keep my oppinions to myself but everytime I try, One of the Gauls guys started running their mouth at me... Take Anderson for example...

07:49:39 Sep 17th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Sheesh...and I have had people flaming me via messages about "manning up" and keeping my mouth shut...they obviously don't look on here at you guys...they seem to enjoy singling me out and flaming me since apparently you guys are about to flame and counter-flame pretty well :p

07:56:46 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

This forum keeps me ticking over between flame or go play with your sisters dolls....fight or die...stop *beep*ing

08:00:09 Sep 17th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

I just like it when I can actually do something between ticks? So why not have a pointless argument that makes you laugh to yourself? Just flame the sh*t out of someone and wait for their response.  Then counter their flame so that they look like a *beep*. :D

08:08:06 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Anderson:

Funny thing is the only hoes mr. pimp has is his own members in pred they not even girls some pimp you are

09:19:46 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Duca:

man, i just cant stop laughing hahahahahahahaha

Those "location wars" threads hahahahahah

09:21:10 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Duca:

lol a betrayer  how gaulish

09:37:14 Sep 17th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Bastardised... Pimp.. I swear you're my new hero xD

09:57:11 Sep 17th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

Oh really guys... you should stop all the fighting...
Make love not war :P

Anyways if anyone needs me write me a message ingame
I cant read all this :D

10:07:39 Sep 17th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

Mr. Anderson


9/17/2008 5:42:24 AM
All you preds do is cry
Cry about people flaming you
Cry about losing *beep*
Cry about the Gauls
Cry about me sleeping with your mom
Cry about me casting on you

Just shut up and take something already if you guys got the Numbers and power just shut up and kill us already with your big group of cry baby *beep*ies.


hmm im not crying, so why dont you stop *beep*ing and just fight us

10:19:26 Sep 17th 08 - Commander Baldwin:

Just a hint for public writing.
1) Reread your post before submitting.
2) Remove all unneeded insults, which mean usually all of them.
3) If you are having any emotion surges wait for them to calm down before going back to step 1.

-> leads to better post quality and better conversation threads

11:51:07 Sep 17th 08 - Ms. Macarodge:

Lady J is right! Make love not war.. Although you need to attack each other..

Go Odyssey!

12:42:21 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Pimp kills Commander Baldwin with a dictionary

12:48:24 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

In the interests of a " better post quality and better conversation threads" Pimp proceeds to

1) Reread post
2) Remove all unneeded insults.
3) If you are having any emotion surges wait for emotional surges to calm down

Pimp brings Commander Baldwin back to life, follows the above instructions and in a calm, well thought manner, proceeds to kill him with a Thesaurus instead.

14:57:53 Sep 17th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

lol, make love not war...

if only it was possible, NOT

WAR!!!! YAY!!!!!

16:23:02 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Augusto Maralunda Velez:

Commander Baldwin


9/17/2008 3:19:26 AMJust a hint for public writing.
1) Reread your post before submitting.
2) Remove all unneeded insults, which mean usually all of them.
3) If you are having any emotion surges wait for them to calm down before going back to step 1.

-> leads to better post quality and better conversation threads

Hahaha word up baldwin. I still hit up mad insults tho (like how *beep*ing *beep* darkmarsbar is) bcuz i keep it gangster...and why should I change that?

18:26:03 Sep 17th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Lady Jasmina


9/17/2008 4:57:11 AM
Oh really guys... you should stop all the fighting...
Make love not war :P

Anyways if anyone needs me write me a message ingame
I cant read all this :D
Ms. Macarodge


9/17/2008 6:51:07 AM

Lady J is right! Make love not war.. Although you need to attack each other..

Go Odyssey!

The women of the forums say to make love and not to war....hmmm :p ^_^

18:27:40 Sep 17th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

Mr. Pimp


9/17/2008 7:35:21 AM

OMG. guys are Flaming tooo much ;p.. no such thing, and im only warming up

I can't even find my post that I made yesterday...make a new one

u guys are just horrible,yep it doesnt really solve anything, sure it does by starting to discuss all the time ;D
just fight it out on the battlefield i am or get a Ceasefire, but don't start throwing all the wrong accusations at eachother...

Shuddup fool and flame or fight...

haha ;) funny :p..Apparently u don't even know who I am :P I'm the King of Insubordination (Fuzzy Little man Peach)  I am not even on Zetemania, I am on Mantrax. and I am just shocked by the flaming activity of u guys :p..really, I mean, if u say, newb..that's not true, we did it like that and that and that..and then u say...ur just a stupid fool..and blablabla, it wont solve anything. Coz, They will still continue fighting u :p..

does it matter who did what?? it wont change anything ;p..

18:45:55 Sep 17th 08 - Commander Baldwin:

I'm just dreaming about a thread filled with talks about strategy, diplomacy and maybe even a bit of roleplay. I know it's all in vain when playing with juveniles but what can you do :-)

Mr Pink i*beep*ting back hard but I'm still attacking twice as much. Seems like it's a standstill afterall.

19:26:07 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. White:

Commander, I think it's not a standstill, even after you've asked for help to your KD! lol


19:34:50 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Pink:

of the important battles you lost 2 on... mh... how many were there? oh, right, 2!

i do like this kind of standstill!!!

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