Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Caution on this Discord Server

Caution on this Discord Server
14:16:32 May 2nd 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

This Discord server isn't safe for VU players. The player's who run it, use it for Personal Benefits.

They muted me, deleted my 3 posts which only had "HoH screenshot" on it!

If you see any Discord server run by Percy/ Konstant, it's not SAFE for you. I recommend, make your own server for your Kindom.

14:24:13 May 2nd 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Lightbringer Anduin):

This "player" has been kicked/banned from the server due to being a confirmed multi.

This was done in consensus of HnS, Judgement, and most importantly FK - the kingdom he joined before it could confirm what he was. 

14:36:35 May 2nd 21 - Captain Generic Npc:

If you try to use the court of public opinion, then you're probably in the wrong.

14:38:42 May 2nd 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

@Konstant You don't confirm a Multi Knuuub. Who are you, a mere player who thinks can handle big bois? You're far away kid.

Admin confirms multi.

Go make your Own game.

14:40:11 May 2nd 21 - Lady Jasmina:

The cheating was pretty obvious thought.

You did not even put any effort into hiding it or anything.

14:41:00 May 2nd 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Orange Knight of Carnage):

Painfully obvious

14:43:23 May 2nd 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

Lady Jasmina:

The cheating was pretty obvious thought.

You did not even put any effort into hiding it or anything.

I don't hide anything.

I'm just a player. If you see any unusuals please contact with the Admin.

14:49:10 May 2nd 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Orange Knight of Carnage):

double post

14:49:10 May 2nd 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Orange Knight of Carnage):

We all know Zeta has been busy with other tasks in his life.

Though I wish he would return, I love the guy for making an incredible game.

Even if Zeta "checked the logs", there are about 1001 ways of hiding an IP these days, hence easier than ever to multi. Evidence was gathered and conclusively proved the player is a multi. 

Hence the player has been banned from the server.

15:16:13 May 2nd 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:


the player has been banned/ kicked from the server.

I find it very amusing when you keep writing it. Caz i left both servers "manually" after tagging @Percy on a post.

And made this post, where i didn't write i was "Banned/ Kicked" caz a kid like you who watches "Bane 10" cannot ban me anywhere.

16:04:35 May 2nd 21 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

FYI, I can’t respond to your PM since we aren’t in any of the same servers on Discord anymore. Addressing that: 

I didn’t think anyone but me could delete messages in Main Lobby... I had thought I removed those “special permissions” that Sal and I enjoyed as leaders of our respective KDs. I’ll re-check the permissions and adjust.

As for the post here, accusing Valhalla Training Grounds (Discord server) of being unsafe:

It’s a perfectly safe place for anyone who wishes to learn from scratch or expand on their current knowledge in a fun and engaging atmosphere. Theres plenty of people who have come through the server and been bettered by it. You’re the only one who has had a distasteful experience thus far, yet coincidentally also being accused of a multi… I’ll let that speak for itself.

18:26:26 May 2nd 21 - Edi (Sir Edi The Great):

Ashoka, even if nothing bad was going on, you went about it the wrong way. Untagged build large cities being very active, have no defenders, lose protection to you somehow. When asked to explain, cause its a team effort and people want to become better, your reply was “I am here for blood” and that you know how people lose protection against you but refuse to share that info. Nobody knows your name so its gonna be suspicious, plus you act like Ivanho, highly active player known for cheating.

18:34:05 May 2nd 21 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

^ I wasn’t going to bring that up, but has been in the back of my mind from the beginning. Literally the exact same crap Ivanho pulls, only difference is he would multi to be in the same KD. This, in my opinion, is a logical next step for him given we called him out (and he got subsequently banned) for cheating with same-KD multi’s. Next step is to feed one character with multis and delete the evidence, which is what we be seen here thus far.

20:38:22 May 2nd 21 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

One such character, Alex II allegedly a new character, created, built up, complains to our kingdom about ruining the market and threatens us, then according to Admin self deleted that character.

21:25:56 May 2nd 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

Percy in case you didn't get my reply in Discord,-

Grand Moff Death Harbinger (5/2/2021 10:48:47 PM)GOODBAD
What's going on w that discord?!
You (5/3/2021 1:14:07 AM)
Konstant break the rule.

He attacked me you saw that right? Then i freezed & beat all his armies.

I posted on Discord Valhalla section the HoH screenshot. And he deleted it immediately! As it shows that i killed his armies. I repost it 2-3 times again, and he deleted all of them instantly. Then i said, "@Konstantine don't delete my post", he didn't listen & deleted again. After that PM'ed Percy & tagged him on Valhalla thread. Konstant gave me "Laugh 😂" emoji.

I felt no longer safe on any Discord Server where he is a Mod, as he's using it for his personal reasons. It's usual that we can lose wars, anyone can. Doesn't mean that he will delete posts! And show us that he can do anything!

Afterwards, i left all 2 servers, and posted on cu forum. Then he said he banned me, when i left servers manually.

About those tagless, i did "kill" them all. I don't have any idea why or who they are. Meanwhile, i said I'd kill Magpieigniz. He survived as he went inactive and i couldn't trap him to break 50% rule.

Lastly, i have played in my ways. In VU, everyone is "Your Enemy", even those you play with will be AGAINST you one day. So there's NO WAY i'll tell you about my strategy to public "even if Admin bans me". In fact, i won't tell a sh*t. 

It is True that many of you are learning & want to learn. But I'm not one of them.

22:03:52 May 2nd 21 - Mr. Sam Wise:

This is a mess. Ashoka if you didn't cheat, you'd explain what happened with these other players. There's no need for this big secret, we all play this game for fun and to help one another. You've clearly played the game before but no one knows who you are because you won't say. All you've done is create this unnecessarily uncomfortable situation for everyone.

Do I think you cheated? Yeah, definetely! Can I prove it? Of course not. The way you're behaving and speaking to people is going to rub people up the wrong way though, you must realise that. I'm not on Discord enough to know everything that's said on there, but from what I've seen on there and here you just seem to go out of your way to antagonise people and have an argument. 

22:20:24 May 2nd 21 - Konspyre (Captain Jas):

Hi I just want to enjoy this game without cheating and insulting new players in the training discord, thank you and bye.

23:10:59 May 2nd 21 - Ms. Aisha:

You do realise Ashoka as soon as you take one 70k city 

You become too big for mostly everyone on the map.
And then you can only plunder... so once you take the other 70k city
You have 140k land more than the others...
And you're saying you are able to keep on taking cities?

23:16:57 May 2nd 21 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

He’s claiming he “trapped people into attacking him”. Prepping a city and the defender killing your army doesn’t count as an attack. So Ashoka purports the tagless trained troops to seek out his scouts… if that’s true, why didn’t they have any troops left in the cities he took? There’s legit no explanation for that. Especially the deleted account, that kinda sold the whole thing.

02:12:45 May 3rd 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Lightbringer Anduin):

The Judgement/Darkness coalition forces have dealt the multi a severe blow.

80k burned, 65k captured.

He only has 2 cities left now. 

It is only a matter of time until he is rid of in this world.

Skill and knowledge of the game will always defeat a multi.

08:33:41 May 3rd 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

You cannot beat me. I did enough damage to your farmed up Army that you can't do anything in Mid Era. Rambo's farmed up Army is gone too. This will change the "wind" of the era, and change the era result.

I'm here for Blood only. And killed more than enough. This era was very successful.

Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. Mr. Ashoka The Great has won 9 battles, captured 11 cities and killed a total of 112508 men and women.
  2. Conqueror Malthael has won 2 battles, captured 1 cities and killed a total of 44955 men and women.
  3. Mr. Rambo Slayer has won 1 battles, captured 5 cities and killed a total of 10644 men and women.

08:53:50 May 3rd 21 - Mr. Kool:

Blood in Blood out?

13:10:05 May 3rd 21 - Konspyre (Captain Jas):

you talk so much about blood man, do you have some sort of menstruation fetish?

10:48:32 May 4th 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

I'm here for Blood only.

    Most Fearsome Rulers
    1. Mr. Ashoka The Great has won 10 battles, captured 11 cities and killed a total of 116660 men and women.
    2. Conqueror Malthael has won 2 battles, captured 1 cities and killed a total of 44955 men and women.
    3. Mr. Rambo Slayer has won 1 battles, captured 5 cities and killed a total of 10645 men and women.
    4. Jarl Eivor has won 1 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 9557 men and women.

    10:57:31 May 4th 21 - Jarl Eivor:

    No you aren't or you wouldn't be camping Inside your city! Haha

    12:49:41 May 4th 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

    You're too old to beat me.

    This isn't 2001. Some war need to be won while you're camping & drinking with ladies.

    12:57:49 May 4th 21 - Lord Caedus:

    Is this trolling? 

    Because... it has all the trademarks of trolling, but it's just... lame? 

    Hope you're alright Ashoka, I'm here if you need help. It's not an easy world to be a troll. <3

    13:01:08 May 4th 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

    if you can Kill that much by trolling then you should try this as well.

    02:05:06 May 5th 21 - Jarl Eivor:

    Not an efficient city for an elf out for blood

    Houses 25 people.
    In construction:0
    Homes filled:4%

    Each farm produces around 9 food per day.
    In construction:0

    Each mine produces around 6 gold per day and around 5 stone per day.
    In construction:0

    Each lumbermill produces around 7 tree per day.
    In construction:0

    Magic Towers
    Will defend your city from magic and make it much easier for your wizards to cast long range spells.
    In construction:0

    Gives extra defence and increases line of sight.
    In construction:0

    03:33:58 May 5th 21 - Captain Generic Npc:


    05:15:12 May 5th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Lightbringer Anduin):

    Everyone. I have officially "made it" in VU.

    To be on the same list as Stew, Venemoz, Jas, and Binh. I accept! I accept this award!!!

    *cries happily*

    06:57:01 May 5th 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

    I'm here for blood only.

    This era was very successful.

    08:17:43 May 5th 21 - Mr. Kool:

    strangely enough i watched that movie ages ago about ashoka.. i thought it was ok

    09:35:41 May 5th 21 - Lady Jasmina:

    What did I do to get on that list :O

    11:36:13 May 5th 21 - Konspyre (Captain Jas):

    That's what you get for being the fake jas !! !! !!

    11:47:03 May 5th 21 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

    Venomz and binh are angels, no one bans them.

    15:53:11 May 5th 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

    They are the origin of true Demons. 

    A permanent Ban from any Games or Kingdoms led or controlled by anyone of us. No Entry.

    17:08:31 May 5th 21 - Mr. Sam Norge:

    Mr. Ashoka The Great:

    They are the origin of true Demons. 

    A permanent Ban from any Games or Kingdoms led or controlled by anyone of us. No Entry.

    Who is "us"? And can you request to be on the list?

    17:09:20 May 5th 21 - Konspyre (Captain Jas):

    i'm here for Blood only.

    17:28:46 May 5th 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

    I'm from a very old group of VU. Some of the top group members were ranked Beta testers. I am the least experienced. 

    Was sent to check VU updates & relative changes.

    17:42:09 May 5th 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

    "can you request to be on the list?"

    It's not democracy. You're not eligible for any requests.

    17:46:57 May 5th 21 - Captain Generic Npc:

    Dafuk does democracy have to do with a list request from an individual?

    17:52:07 May 5th 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

    Leaders don't take votes or requests from even group members. 

    Obviously I didn't make the list.

    18:05:12 May 5th 21 - Captain Generic Npc:

    lmao doesn't matter

    You can't stop a request.

    18:49:23 May 5th 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

    It's not your wish list. It is much bigger than that.

    Imagine you're going to play "WoW: Next Version" as it topped again using VU in-game or email, after buying the game it says "You're Banned. We'll restore your data to stop further multi abusive act".

    Don't try to be over smart, or try to show you're somebody.

    18:51:28 May 5th 21 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Jack Last Eras Champ):

    well considering i have seen wow hit my friend with a ban saying he was a bot that took him 2 weeks to overturn yeah shit like that happens

    19:52:56 May 5th 21 - Mr. Sam Norsk:

    Mr. Ashoka The Great:

    Leaders don't take votes or requests from even group members. 

    Obviously I didn't make the list.

    What is the criteria for making it onto the list? And is there an appeals process if you're on the list? I won't say who, but I hear some of the players on the list really want to be in a kingdom with you. 

    I feel like for such an important list, there should be an independent adjudicator too. Now before you ask, I am willing to take on such a responsibility. Though I confess, I'm not all that into blood only.

    22:01:40 May 5th 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

    You must've done something cruel enough to be on the list. 

    For example, as per the report & what I heard, "Jasmina" took out simultaneously 5-7 solid new player's "first small city between 5-12k range" after mid era on a particular early age as a member of well known "Sensitive Fellows" while she was moving her main army with her kingdom fellows to attack a far away random kingdom on the map, and she could avoid this action without any doubt. Later a player named "Willy" reported that he quit vu along with others after seeing a News feed saying "Jasmina plundered... took all resources... took over your City... Your character Died." leaving him 00 of all resources to continue the era. It is ensured only this particular action led least 4 players to quit the game along with player Willy. The source was valid with enough proofs including solid in-game evidences.

    I don't think these players can appeal after doing such actions. Not only for making them quit, also for showing bad manners.

     "I won't say who, but I hear some of the players on the list really want to be in a kingdom with you."

    Well, I didn't make the list & kd "Asoka" will prolly disbanded as it was just for a test run with a fantasy theme. Meanwhile, I have no issues to play with the Banned Players as I have no personal issues with them. However, if the group comes back to VU then they wont be playing with them, and they'll prolly be Banned from upcoming gaming Projects.

    Whoever wants to play with me (if), can pm me. Although I might not play till a new era starts.

    22:03:09 May 5th 21 - Konspyre (Captain Jas):

    imagine any group that actively excludes binh lmao

    23:11:02 May 5th 21 - Lady Jasmina:

    Sensitive Fellas?  Oh my, that was 35 eras ago

    Must have been years since that happened :D 
    Yeah I don't remember that. But doubt I would go around killing single or tagless players. Unless it was a kingdom vs kingdom battle, then its fair. 

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