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Great British player??
19:11:07 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

dont worrry its natural to feel intimidated when your in the same room as a scotsman, for WE ARE ALL POWERFUL!!!!!!, ofc along with the irish guys as well :P gotsta love the leprechauns :)

19:12:03 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. William of Warlo:

we frisian are better, why?
1. we have an original language, yours is just a mix of some (including ours)
2. we invented curlingXD
3. we are the best ice-skaters...
4. we are part of the HUGE dutch empire!:o (we cover teh west of teh northern part of the dutch empireXD)

19:12:42 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

do you REALLY want a list of the scottish inventions? weel be here all week and anyway the british empire was the largest anywhere

19:14:58 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Durza The Multihaxor:

Ye but im in the highlands, so we get no irish. But... Celtic rule.  Ye when scotland rules the world, the irish can be our partners in crime !! :P

19:17:03 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. William of Warlo:

british was large... but don't dig in the past, cause if we gonna do that you'll see we owned you a couple of times, and BIG TIME!

19:18:40 Feb 22nd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

and your lil country hasnt been run over countless times  and far more often then us eh? ;)

19:18:46 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

and then weel show you how many times we bent ya over the table and had our merry way HOWZAT? nd im in the highlands too :P if got a few irish pals but thts all i know

19:19:32 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Durza The Multihaxor:

Frisian??, im not stupid, but ive never heard of yas..

19:20:28 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Durza The Multihaxor:

Where boutz in highlands?


19:20:29 Feb 22nd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

so the irish have no decent education or football teams? is that what your saying FTW :D and btw Guiness SUCKS

19:21:05 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Durza The Multihaxor:


19:22:09 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. William of Warlo:

Frisian-northern dutchies.... you know.. netherlands

19:29:39 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Jar Jar Banks:

But ye guys are about to get owned by us Drenths!

19:31:50 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Durza The Multihaxor:

Ah ye the dutch, we've rolled yas plenty of times..

19:45:26 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Ftw:

so the irish have no decent education

Of course we considered smart here

 or football teams?

Have you heard of Kesh, Ballinamallard...Crusaders? I thought not

is that what your saying FTW :D and btw Guiness SUCKS

No it does not. Its just your a pussy englishman and cant hack no drink


19:46:24 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. William of Warlo:

hell no.... if we are going to get owned its by the grunningers(cause most of my familie lives there) Drenths are just not good enough with 90% of the population 65+:p

19:54:35 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. William of Warlo:

Mr. Durza The Multihaxor


2/22/2008 7:31:50 PM

Ah ye the dutch, we've rolled yas plenty of times..


tell me one war that you guys have won agaist us... i only know 1 battle (the battle of new-amsterdam) and well thats it..

20:38:29 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

And vice-versa laddy!
When did the (ever-so-mighty) dutch empire wallop the Brits? Or the Scots fer that matter!
I do however remember the (ever-so-mighty) Dutch being conquered by the French, the Germans, and don't forget the Spanish, and all three times Great Britain came to the rescue.
(WWII, Napoleon and Phillip II with his Inquisition.)

Proud to be a Canadian of Scottish descent.

20:40:15 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Durza The Multihaxor:

Erunion said it all. Haha, you got rolled again. Canadian of scottish decent?? Nice.

20:54:34 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. William of Warlo:

WWII- brits got pwned, yes you helped true.. but you gor pwned.. canadians rocks;) scots are ok.. i am talking baout english;)
Phillip you only gave us 1 harbor... 1.
well what did we do for you? we helped you in the english civil war (only because our prince was your king) but well we are thankfull for you. the only thing i don't like about england is: killing de boeren (Afrikaners) and trying to invade us together with the sun king and the bishop of münster.:p

20:57:13 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

No, we didn't get Pwned... We beat the German air-force (which was far, far superior in numbers) and survived, and then when help finally arrived from the laggardly Americans, we went on the offensive. We also won in Africa...
Sooo.... When did the Brit's get pwned?

21:21:00 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Ftw:

Battle of the Somme....mostly poor irish people were in the first wave....bastards using us.

21:22:26 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Durza The Multihaxor:

Exactly. If the brits had been pwned we would have lost the war, france got pwned, but not britain.

21:37:57 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Deathstar:

If this is a discussion about which country is better than America wins hands down!

21:39:24 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Deathstar:

Its a shame how we have to come all the way across the world and stat pwning you one war the Americans lost!

21:44:45 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

War of 1812. Vietnam. That's two, you guys got any more?

21:45:53 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Now let's see you name a war the Canadians lost.

21:48:22 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

The only way that America is better is that they kill each other more than any other country in the world.

Your military sucks and is corrupt as hell. Same could also be said for your government, education system and the way your country treats its citizens, ouch.

William of Warlo, ask your parents or someone that cares about you, good luck with that, for a history book.

If we got pwnt in WW2, the whole of Europe would be speaking German... Oh and yeah, thanks ever so much for your wonderfully speedy help. Were you guys using carrier pigeons or something for your main method of communication?

Oh yes, the all mighty America, who would allow Pearl Harbour to happen just so they could test out a new weapon, causing decades of misery for thousands of families.

You guys have a worse reputation than Iraqis do ^^

21:52:39 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Durza The Multihaxor:

To True, to true.

21:54:38 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Now now Squiddy, give the Yanks their due. They have a good army. They are just a trifle over-arrogant...
But really, the reason the Yanks won't remain the superpower is because their populace is too divided and won't get behind a cause. That and because they're so arrogant that their list of friends is dropping like flies...

22:01:46 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

There were enough to make a whole list?

22:03:56 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Sorra:

Mr. Squiddy


2/22/2008 4:48:22 PM
The only way that America is better is that they kill each other more than any other country in the world.


Sir Erunion Telcontar


2/22/2008 4:54:38 PM
Now now Squiddy, give the Yanks their due. They have a good army. They are just a trifle over-arrogant...
But really, the reason the Yanks won't remain the superpower is because their populace is too divided and won't get behind a cause.

Example: Gladiator who thinks there should be a war between european amaricans and non european americans in the U.S.


Sad boy really...

22:17:06 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Deathstar:

We have a way better education system than the Europeans. Thats why they are all coming over here to go to clooge. Vietnam wasnt even our fault we just went to help then we backed out so we get blamed for losing. If thats the case the we should be blamed for winning WWI and WWII because when the U.S. entered we ended up winning. And how could you blame Pearl Harbor on us(spee it right if you wanna talk about it) it was a surprise attack at 6 a.m. in the morning on a sunday! But when it happened what did America do? We went over there and kicked butt!

22:18:27 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Deathstar:

The Canadians could even beat America if they if we all drowned in a flood and the only person left was george bush lol

22:21:14 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Sorra, Gladiator is a Canadian!

22:32:06 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Scottology:

Scottology owns you all!

22:44:56 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Hmmm, interesting you call me out on my spelling, when you made 4 mistakes in that post, and also forgot your paragraphs. I guess that must be down to your far superior education system?

Also, I didn't spell it wrong, considering I'm ENGLISH and the language I'm speaking is ENGLISH...

It kind of  makes sense that the ENGLISH person, not the person from a different country, would be spelling it right. Trust a yank to try and make out he's right.

America is only a little bit smaller than Europe, and this was Britain and Russia vs Germany, so obviously, after so many years of fighting without your help, as usual, then after you factor attrition in, you guys coming in so late is hardly anything spectacular when all you had to fight against was a severely battered Germany.

It would be like Russia coming in to Afghanistan now, bombing everything with nukes and then claiming they won it all.

I have to laugh about your comment on Vietnam though. Never your guys' fault is it? ;)

22:50:21 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Kathandarion:

I think youll find england has owned everyone of these countrys at one point.we own YOU YER.

22:53:16 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Worlds largest empire ftw.

22:53:52 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Kathandarion:

lol.i know this was ages ago but the great roses depression the dutches were massacered by the british.this was approximentely 800 years ago and we wstill owned you.9000 dutch soldiers were killed were as only 100 english soldiers died.although i dont feel you can say any country is better then another/.for each has good points.and GUINESS DOSENT SUCK.

2/22/2008 7:31:50 PM

Ah ye the dutch, we've rolled yas plenty of times..


tell me one war that you guys have won agaist us... i only know 1 battle (the battle of new-amsterdam) and well thats it..

22:54:13 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

yeh everyone is aware of the yanks trigger happy attitude, they bombed a british hame cavalry force baecause they were so far into enemy territory and heres the kicker THEY WERE SCOUTS, kinda in the job description

22:56:05 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Kathandarion:

WWII- brits got pwned, yes you helped true.. but you gor pwned.. canadians rocks;) scots are ok.. i am talking baout english;)
Phillip you only gave us 1 harbor... 1.
well what did we do for you? we helped you in the english civil war (only because our prince was your king) but well we are thankfull for you. the only thing i don't like about england is: killing de boeren (Afrikaners) and trying to invade us together with the sun king and the bishop of münster.:p

i have studied history for 9 yrs sso if you want to discuss WWII during this war britiain and canada were the two strongest countries canada being britains colony at that time.Britain suffered about one million deaths.the closest to them was germany.germany suffereed 2 million deaths.nuff sed.

22:57:22 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

Mr. Deathstar


2/22/2008 9:17:06 PM

We have a way better education system than the Europeans. Thats why they are all coming over here to go to clooge. Vietnam wasnt even our fault we just went to help then we backed out so we get blamed for losing. If thats the case the we should be blamed for winning WWI and WWII because when the U.S. entered we ended up winning. And how could you blame Pearl Harbor on us(spee it right if you wanna talk about it) it was a surprise attack at 6 a.m. in the morning on a sunday! But when it happened what did America do? We went over there and kicked butt!


lol ur a twat

Americans arent smarter than the english lol lets face it your speaking OUR language. and if u fat ass gits had off out up and helped from the start of both WW1  and WW2 we mgith have won sooner. and we didnt win just coz you guys decided to help it took a hell of alot of work and fighting from us Europeans. also if you think ur that good then why dont u try fightinging a war with out getting US involved

23:01:39 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

! But when it happened what did America do? We went over there and kicked butt!

yeh you guys were immence, went and nuked a japanese city with absolutely nothing in the way of a warning shot, lets face it if you had detonated and A-bomb in the ocean with the japs to notice they would most likely have given in but tht wasnt good enough

23:11:14 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Deathstar:

Sir Darkmarsbar


2/22/2008 3:57:22 PM
Mr. Deathstar


2/22/2008 9:17:06 PM

We have a way better education system than the Europeans. Thats why they are all coming over here to go to clooge. Vietnam wasnt even our fault we just went to help then we backed out so we get blamed for losing. If thats the case the we should be blamed for winning WWI and WWII because when the U.S. entered we ended up winning. And how could you blame Pearl Harbor on us(spee it right if you wanna talk about it) it was a surprise attack at 6 a.m. in the morning on a sunday! But when it happened what did America do? We went over there and kicked butt!


lol ur a twat

Americans arent smarter than the english lol lets face it your speaking OUR language. and if u fat ass gits had off out up and helped from the start of both WW1  and WW2 we mgith have won sooner. and we didnt win just coz you guys decided to help it took a hell of alot of work and fighting from us Europeans. also if you think ur that good then why dont u try fightinging a war with out getting US involved

If we would have never should up you guys wouldve gotten raped...just a bunch of pusssies oh and its Pearl Harbor not Harbour and why not speak english? we have the right to speak whatever language we please since we kicked ass in the American Revolution

23:13:19 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Deathstar:

Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito


2/22/2008 4:01:39 PM

! But when it happened what did America do? We went over there and kicked butt!

yeh you guys were immence, went and nuked a japanese city with absolutely nothing in the way of a warning shot, lets face it if you had detonated and A-bomb in the ocean with the japs to notice they would most likely have given in but tht wasnt good enough


Did THEY give us a warning? HELL NO! We werent even in the war and they attacked us so the only thing to do was retaliate.

23:16:18 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Twamao:

Mr. Deathstar


2/22/2008 9:17:06 PM We have a way better education system than the Europeans. Thats why they are all coming over here to go to clooge.

what the hell is a clooge?  is it some sort of slang for college?  Excellent way of debating that your education is better :)

23:21:40 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Kathandarion, we weren't Britain's colony then, we were part of the commonwealth. Everything else, I completely agree with you.

Deathstar, really, you should be ashamed of yourself. You've murdered history. You guys did squat during WWI, you sent supplies, but you only actually fought for a few months. Your expeditionary force had just landed when the war ended, and if you think that you guys won WWI... Damn, but that's retarded.
The Canadians did far, far more during WWI than the Americans did. Battles such as the Third battle of Ypres, Vimy ridge and the battle of Hill 70 showed the Canadians as being a highly disciplined Elite force, often called in to break the toughest of defenses. (FYI, I have relatives who fought in WWI and died several years later because of the gas used on them. Several Canadian towns and villages were completely depopulated as all the able bodied men died in the war.)

WWII, you guys made life a lot easier, but guess what, without you, Russia would have won it, all you did was hasten Germany's defeat and prevent the spread of communism...

23:28:49 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Deathstar:

So half of what i said was right. i only stated that we were the reason we won WWI and II because we stayed,

Mr. Deathstar

2/22/2008 3:17:06 PM

Vietnam wasnt even our fault we just went to help then we backed out so we get blamed for losing. If thats the case the we should be blamed for winning WWI and WWII because when the U.S. entered we ended up winning. And how could you blame Pearl Harbor on us(spee it right if you wanna talk about it) it was a surprise attack at 6 a.m. in the morning on a sunday! But when it happened what did America do? We went over there and kicked butt!


23:29:50 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

English is retained by the country it is named after. You use some crappy, second rate version which is some times called American.

I'm using the real English, so I will say Harbour.

If you were so amazing against us in your little revolution, why did you not strike back?

We took over and colonised your entire country, you couldn't even kick us out on your own. Something you aren't taught in schools which reflects oh so badly on America, as most things do. You do know that France and Spain were both involved, two countries with almost equal power to England, not to mention Poland, Quebec, Prussia and the Netherlands.

You say you owned us, so if we were so badly owned why do you not occupy England now?

Britain was fighting against an army more than twice its size and we still sustained less losses.

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