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New Map needed
06:25:49 Mar 16th 16 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

One thing I would change about the map, there are too many areas that are too easy to block off.  E.g. The top left corner would only need one blocker down by the river to block of that whole area. There should be at least another gap at the top.

14:51:50 Mar 16th 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Landry Late Start):

You need to update and float some of these ads around.

Also why were these maps taken away?

How would you go about fixing these maps?(river jumping and blocker placement) Any specific program or will something like paint work?

And for Shyers, 
Use as a new image for food :P

16:12:48 Mar 16th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

Can you make all chokepoints the exact size for a blockable cities of different sizes?

16:47:03 Mar 16th 16 - Mr. Arkan Deathpunch II:

Back to the drawing board after a chat with ZeTa but we're going to get this map down!

17:20:08 Mar 16th 16 - Hentai Liberty:

That's a really cool looking map Arkan, keep up the good work!

22:02:26 Mar 16th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

It is very nice indeed. Some cool labirynths also.

I believe you have to delete some mountain, for more free space. Dont ask me which

Maybe some carving inside a big mountain chain? So it could fit small kingdoms.

05:00:25 Mar 19th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

19:43:01 Mar 28th 16 - Mr. Arkan Deathpunch II:

Progress report:

19:58:23 Mar 28th 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Arkantos The Crusader):

Lookin' good,

00:21:53 Mar 29th 16 - Mr. Arkan Deathpunch II:

I will be lightening the water later in the process but..
Progress Report:

01:19:19 Mar 29th 16 - Mr. Con:

May want to widen these two points I circled a bit to prevent river jumping

01:42:16 Mar 29th 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Vivi):

I think he's placing bridges there,

01:59:05 Mar 29th 16 - Mr. Arkan Deathpunch II:

There will be bridges in those positions, correct

04:13:48 Mar 29th 16 - Mr. Convolute:

Oh. Well there gos my vision for the perfect solo core if this was the top right corner tile >:)

17:55:44 Mar 31st 16 - Mr. Arkan Deathpunch II:

If only dynamic fog

18:34:16 Mar 31st 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Farmer:

Looks great, Arkan!

Will there be bridges connecting to the Island? That would be awesome!

18:55:40 Mar 31st 16 - Runelord Arkan (Mr. Arkan Stouterthanthou):

There will be indeed! I'm naming that section Elf Isle (work in progress) ;)

19:14:14 Mar 31st 16 - Mr. Littlefield:

How many cities can fit there?

It seems a natural fit for casters.

19:59:45 Mar 31st 16 - Runelord Arkan (Mr. Arkan Deathpunch II):


20:00:05 Mar 31st 16 - Runelord Arkan (Mr. Arkan Deathpunch II):

As long I scaled the city image correctly it should look like this:

20:02:43 Mar 31st 16 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus of Ferakin:

That's beautiful. Allows for an armory/blocker on either side of it.

Looks really great, Arkan.

23:12:22 Mar 31st 16 - Polydeuces (Lord Valkyros XLII):

This is looking beautiful man.  I can't wait to try it out!

00:11:11 Apr 1st 16 - Binh (Mr. Binh Dinh):

Beautiful map. I like it :)

11:59:06 Apr 1st 16 - Duke Chade The Macho Thing:


14:57:35 Apr 1st 16 - Mr. Littlefield:

I actually had a dream last night that incorporated VU. It means I've been playing too much.

At any rate, the maps incorporated HEAVY mountains with valleys cut out for small KDs, and a play area that wasn't just the same game map tiled. There were some identical tiles, a 3 by 3, and then unique carve out type of type things along the edges.

At any rate, this is looking awesome.

15:39:40 Apr 1st 16 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

Can you elaborate on "unique carve out type of type things along the edges"?

19:28:48 Apr 1st 16 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

I think he means like a mountain range all the way around the edge of the map. Which would be nice seeing how hard is to to build blockers near the map edge as it is. And that walls don't work and just go on forever on some map edges. If maps don't have to be tiled then a border would work well. It's not like the worlds are connected anymore anyway (although it could be fun if they were.)

19:34:11 Apr 1st 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Nice progress! The fog is awesome! It is really amazing!! Very cool map! :D

I have a final idea.

Maybe a river from the north (between bridges) that splits to fill the lake at south and to stop at the mountains (where the river borns?) at east.

It prevents the map from being too "highway" also.

Just an idea. Excellent work!

20:11:52 Apr 1st 16 - Mr. Littlefield:

Mr. Necro got it right, Zeta. No blank space on the edges. It was more channeled, as far as valleys and such.

21:50:08 Apr 1st 16 - Bran (Mr. Donald Trump):

can you make a desert map please with very few features and massive distances between the mountains. thanks.

22:30:55 Apr 1st 16 - Binh (Mr. Binh Dinh):

But Bran, We already have one of those god awful desert map!!! :D

05:50:16 Apr 2nd 16 - Prince Chade:

bran is being bran, binh, dont pay attention ;)

14:12:59 Apr 2nd 16 - Venomz (High Warlord Sapro):

Need to work a bit on the scaling. Wont fit any cities in the top left and the 90k between 2 bridges will be 56k max. Got to keep the box around a city in mind to know if a city will fit and you can guess the size it can grow. In the current game almost all possible spots can get scoutblocked during an oop war. 

Maybe resize 1 or 2 of the lakes and show us a map full size so basically 4 tiles together so it's easier to see possible issues. 

I like the looks and it's refreshing. Good job. If u dont mind can u explain to me how u made the mountain ranges? (Pm me)

18:26:05 Apr 2nd 16 - Mr. Ivanho:

AWESOME Map Arkan. Keep it up. :D 

15:54:14 Apr 21st 16 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

Rivers! It needs rivers!

Idea: If you make the clouds a tiled 50x50 we can replace the fog of war with clouds.

16:04:19 Apr 21st 16 - Arkantos (Lord Arkantos The Crusader):

No need, save the problem of River Jumping.

16:30:40 Apr 21st 16 - Mr. Littlefield II:

Wide rivers fix the problem with jumping.

01:18:55 Apr 28th 16 - Runelord Arkan (Sir Arkan Stouterthanthou):


I've received an auto reply email from
It's saying I've exceeded the size limit.
Any other way I can attach the map easily to send to you?

19:15:07 Apr 28th 16 - Prince Chade:

you can use WeTransfer...up to 10GB

19:26:53 Apr 28th 16 - Runelord Arkan (Mr. Arkan Deathpunch II):

It's okay, ZeTa set up a write only directory for me and I uploaded it.

The map should be in rotation some time whenever!

06:02:42 Apr 29th 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Farmer:

I found an awesome tool that may expidite the process of map creation!

Take note!

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