Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Great British player??

Great British player??
23:33:30 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

we have the right to speak whatever language we please since we kicked ass in the American Revolution
You kicked ass??? Yeah, you barely beat the 6% of Great Britain's armed forces that could be spared from their wars with Spain and France.
Anyways, you don't speak English properly... It is Pearl Harbour, you Yanks just cut out the u...
One more thing, it has been proven that grade 11 Canadians do the same work that grad 12 Americans do... And some European nations are known to have a better education system than the Canadians, sooo...

23:37:09 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

So half of what i said was right. i only stated that we were the reason we won WWI and II because we stayed,
What half of what you said? Both WWI and WWII would have been won by the allied powers without you...
Anyways, you're saying that you're education system rocks, but you are using horrible grammer.
So half of what i said was right. i only stated that we were the reason we won WWI and II because we stayed,
That should be "So half of what I said was correct. I only stated that the reason WWI and WWII were won is because we stayed."

23:42:14 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Hey no guys, he's completely right, he's just using American instead of English...! ;)

Just like with the countries, it's kind of like England just nowhere near as good or professional.

23:50:49 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

Mr. Deathstar


2/22/2008 10:11:14 PM

Sir Darkmarsbar


2/22/2008 3:57:22 PM
Mr. Deathstar


2/22/2008 9:17:06 PM

We have a way better education system than the Europeans. Thats why they are all coming over here to go to clooge. Vietnam wasnt even our fault we just went to help then we backed out so we get blamed for losing. If thats the case the we should be blamed for winning WWI and WWII because when the U.S. entered we ended up winning. And how could you blame Pearl Harbor on us(spee it right if you wanna talk about it) it was a surprise attack at 6 a.m. in the morning on a sunday! But when it happened what did America do? We went over there and kicked butt!


lol ur a twat

Americans arent smarter than the english lol lets face it your speaking OUR language. and if u fat ass gits had off out up and helped from the start of both WW1  and WW2 we mgith have won sooner. and we didnt win just coz you guys decided to help it took a hell of alot of work and fighting from us Europeans. also if you think ur that good then why dont u try fightinging a war with out getting US involved

If we would have never should up you guys wouldve gotten raped...just a bunch of pusssies oh and its Pearl Harbor not Harbour and why not speak english? we have the right to speak whatever language we please since we kicked ass in the American Revolution


23:57:58 Feb 22nd 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

Mr. Deathstar


2/22/2008 10:13:19 PM
Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito


2/22/2008 4:01:39 PM

! But when it happened what did America do? We went over there and kicked butt!

yeh you guys were immence, went and nuked a japanese city with absolutely nothing in the way of a warning shot, lets face it if you had detonated and A-bomb in the ocean with the japs to notice they would most likely have given in but tht wasnt good enough


Did THEY give us a warning? HELL NO! We werent even in the war and they attacked us so the only thing to do was retaliate.

well they wernt using WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION were they? face it dude ur beaten, the yanks say they hold onto nukes as a deterrant. Where exactly was that policy then? you should be agreeing with me as now your policy is to only use the threat of nukes to keep international criminals down.

00:08:51 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Deathstar:

ok this is typical internet behavior...of course bad grammar can be used but that doesnt make me less smarter than you. im pretty sure you messed up alot of your post before today so i dont even care about it and the 6% got beat by inexperienced Americans...America didnt even have as many troops until the end of the revolution. but im pretty sure im alot smarter than you could ever be!

And what does my grammar have to do with winning the war? You would never know what would happen if we didnt show up because we did and wreaked havoc. But today its obviously that America is the most dominant country in the world...your opinions do not matter because this is a fact...face reality...


And where did i complain about my own spelling?

00:12:25 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Deathstar:

I would love to keep this argument going but its soooooooo pointless! Give me a break with all this non chalant bs.

00:14:54 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Kathandarion:

just to give you a history lesson people.america only contributed 300 men.your 300 men were killed in 6 conmtributed 50 fleets.40 were bombed in the first week.but you think you kicked ass?

about education i am english and i admit australia actually pawns all of us.but america has the 3rd worst education system in all of the 1st,2nd and 3rd world countries.having being outstriped by ethiopia and 42 other african 3rd world countries.just so you know your president admitted live that they went to war in vietname for oil.if you want a debate we can have one but america went there because they ran out of oil.also admitted live.

00:21:58 Feb 23rd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Oh, I agree that you are the superpower. My point is that you won't last very long, because the world sees you as arrogant bastards, and everyone hates an arrogant bastard, and when enough people hate something, that something is in deep trouble.
My other point is that you won't face facts... You have statements like; "I'm smarter than you'll ever be" and "We kicked ass", and then you follow up the first statement with horrible grammar, and you follow up the second statement with nothing... You have zero facts to back your arguments, whereas we have many.

Oh, and how exactly to do you know my mental acuity enough to know that you are smarter than I will ever be? Have you been stalking me? Creep! Back off! Shoo!

00:25:42 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Kathandarion:

lol.sir erunion telcontar is you remember mr.mimbrate knight.i believe you killed me a lil while ago lol.

00:30:26 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Kathandarion:

i think that who ever says america is a super power is actually wrong.if you lookinto the facts like i have been forced to at skl everythjing you do is with help.shooting down a satellite.with englands ship and japans its ok your a super powerful ass kicking country.I ask you how many nuclear bombs have you found in iraq.......oh yh thats right NONE.America is like a big kid on a ant hill with a magnifying glass.i do not deny england has flaws but i think you will find we only won the world warII because hitler killed is a little known fact germany were winning but due to miscommunications and the censoring of message hitler believed they were not and killed himself.

00:32:09 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Kathandarion:

have the americans crawled down a hole.were are there replys.this is WWII all over againlol.

00:49:12 Feb 23rd 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

Mr. Deathstar


2/22/2008 11:08:51 PM

ok this is typical internet behavior...of course bad grammar can be used but that doesnt make me less smarter than you. im pretty sure you messed up alot of your post before today so i dont even care about it and the 6% got beat by inexperienced Americans...America didnt even have as many troops until the end of the revolution. but im pretty sure im alot smarter than you could ever be!

And what does my grammar have to do with winning the war? You would never know what would happen if we didnt show up because we did and wreaked havoc. But today its obviously that America is the most dominant country in the world...your opinions do not matter because this is a fact...face reality...


And where did i complain about my own spelling?

sure just stick your fingers in your ears and ignore the facts :P what does grammer have to do with, well it was mentioned becaues YOU brought up the false claim the america has the best education system. the rest of the post just goes to show the general ineptitude and arrogance that will be americas downfall

02:01:42 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Ftw:

i just watched some movie that clamps posted in some thread in one of the miscellaneous, and somewhere on it, it showed that the U.S. education system was like really crap. Places like Australia were top 5 wtf!?

And america was way down the list, so was UK, but U.S was lower.

I think Canada was seconds <<also shocked me

02:10:33 Feb 23rd 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Sir Darkmarsbar


2/22/2008 3:57:22 PM
Mr. Deathstar


2/22/2008 9:17:06 PM

We have a way better education system than the Europeans. Thats why they are all coming over here to go to clooge. Vietnam wasnt even our fault we just went to help then we backed out so we get blamed for losing. If thats the case the we should be blamed for winning WWI and WWII because when the U.S. entered we ended up winning. And how could you blame Pearl Harbor on us(spee it right if you wanna talk about it) it was a surprise attack at 6 a.m. in the morning on a sunday! But when it happened what did America do? We went over there and kicked butt!


lol ur a twat

Americans arent smarter than the english lol lets face it your speaking OUR language. and if u fat ass gits had off out up and helped from the start of both WW1  and WW2 we mgith have won sooner. and we didnt win just coz you guys decided to help it took a hell of alot of work and fighting from us Europeans. also if you think ur that good then why dont u try fightinging a war with out getting US involved

If we would have never should up you guys wouldve gotten raped...just a bunch of pusssies oh and its Pearl Harbor not Harbour and why not speak english? we have the right to speak whatever language we please since we kicked ass in the American Revolution

Spain find amercia , english capture north america , so english USA mother :)

02:33:00 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Master Mind:

Well, Americas education system isn't crap. It's the students fault. If a student doesn't want to learn he/she won't. If a student is not motivated then why would they remember any of this stuff in school? Also heres a list of the top countries. One of the reasons America is low is because of our population. Which is the third largest in the world. You don't see India, or China up there do ya?( You could say " but there a third world country" Yes, possible but they still count and there not up there )

1. South Korea 1.4 percent
2. Japan 2.2
3. Finland 4.4
4. Canada 5
5. Australia 6.2
6. Austria 8.2
7. Britain 9.4
8. Ireland 10.2
9. Sweden 10.8
10. Czech Republic 12.2
- (tie) New Zealand 12.2
12. France 12.6
13. Switzerland 13
14. Belgium 14
- (tie) Iceland 14
16. Hungary 14.2
- (tie) Norway 14.2
18. United States 16.2
19. Germany 17
- (tie) Denmark 17
21. Spain 18.6
22. Italy 20.2
23. Greece 23.2
24. Portugal 23.6



Now we could go back in forth about whos smarter, but really it doesn't matter because people can be good at a lot of things. Or some people are good at one thing, and there REALLY good at that one thing. I myself go to a public school. My school rocks. Currently I'm taking 9th grade classes when I should be taking 8th grade. I will be doing th same thing enxt year too! Now I would say I'm smart. I know many of you people are smart too, but please drop the stupid education debate. It's really quite childish.


Now, yes you guys MIGHT have won WWII, but your chances were very slim. In fact eventually Germany would have broken through. You know it too. America produced like 50,000 shermans during the war. We sent many need supplies to England. We were your life line. Our ships were destroyed just like yours with Submarines. Who caught the first German sub? America. Thats one HUGE reason we were able to finally understand German code. Also because of the American Indians the Germans were never able to break our code because the Indians language was undocumented. Though had Hitler let his Generals do the planning of the battles, and given the right supplies. Russia


02:33:00 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Master Mind:

Well, Americas education system isn't crap. It's the students fault. If a student doesn't want to learn he/she won't. If a student is not motivated then why would they remember any of this stuff in school? Also heres a list of the top countries. One of the reasons America is low is because of our population. Which is the third largest in the world. You don't see India, or China up there do ya?( You could say " but there a third world country" Yes, possible but they still count and there not up there )

1. South Korea 1.4 percent
2. Japan 2.2
3. Finland 4.4
4. Canada 5
5. Australia 6.2
6. Austria 8.2
7. Britain 9.4
8. Ireland 10.2
9. Sweden 10.8
10. Czech Republic 12.2
- (tie) New Zealand 12.2
12. France 12.6
13. Switzerland 13
14. Belgium 14
- (tie) Iceland 14
16. Hungary 14.2
- (tie) Norway 14.2
18. United States 16.2
19. Germany 17
- (tie) Denmark 17
21. Spain 18.6
22. Italy 20.2
23. Greece 23.2
24. Portugal 23.6



Now we could go back in forth about whos smarter, but really it doesn't matter because people can be good at a lot of things. Or some people are good at one thing, and there REALLY good at that one thing. I myself go to a public school. My school rocks. Currently I'm taking 9th grade classes when I should be taking 8th grade. I will be doing th same thing enxt year too! Now I would say I'm smart. I know many of you people are smart too, but please drop the stupid education debate. It's really quite childish.


Now, yes you guys MIGHT have won WWII, but your chances were very slim. In fact eventually Germany would have broken through. You know it too. America produced like 50,000 shermans during the war. We sent many need supplies to England. We were your life line. Our ships were destroyed just like yours with Submarines. Who caught the first German sub? America. Thats one HUGE reason we were able to finally understand German code. Also because of the American Indians the Germans were never able to break our code because the Indians language was undocumented. Though had Hitler let his Generals do the planning of the battles, and given the right supplies. Russia would


02:33:01 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Master Mind:

Well, Americas education system isn't crap. It's the students fault. If a student doesn't want to learn he/she won't. If a student is not motivated then why would they remember any of this stuff in school? Also heres a list of the top countries. One of the reasons America is low is because of our population. Which is the third largest in the world. You don't see India, or China up there do ya?( You could say " but there a third world country" Yes, possible but they still count and there not up there )

1. South Korea 1.4 percent
2. Japan 2.2
3. Finland 4.4
4. Canada 5
5. Australia 6.2
6. Austria 8.2
7. Britain 9.4
8. Ireland 10.2
9. Sweden 10.8
10. Czech Republic 12.2
- (tie) New Zealand 12.2
12. France 12.6
13. Switzerland 13
14. Belgium 14
- (tie) Iceland 14
16. Hungary 14.2
- (tie) Norway 14.2
18. United States 16.2
19. Germany 17
- (tie) Denmark 17
21. Spain 18.6
22. Italy 20.2
23. Greece 23.2
24. Portugal 23.6



Now we could go back in forth about whos smarter, but really it doesn't matter because people can be good at a lot of things. Or some people are good at one thing, and there REALLY good at that one thing. I myself go to a public school. My school rocks. Currently I'm taking 9th grade classes when I should be taking 8th grade. I will be doing the same thing next year too! Now I would say I'm smart. I know many of you people are smart too, but please drop the stupid education debate. It's really quite childish.


Now, yes you guys MIGHT have won WWII, but your chances were very slim. In fact eventually Germany would have broken through. You know it too. America produced like 50,000 shermans during the war. We sent many need supplies to England. We were your life line. Our ships were destroyed just like yours with Submarines. Who caught the first German sub? America. Thats one HUGE reason we were able to finally understand German code. Also because of the American Indians the Germans were never able to break our code because the Indians language was undocumented. Though had Hitler let his Generals do the planning of the battles, and given the right supplies. Russia would have fallen much quicker, and Britain would have too!

WWI allies would have won eventually, but our help GREATLY CHANGED the outcome. The loss of life might have been much higher.

02:36:34 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Speaking of bad English... ;)

Lol, sup Vytau :)

It's okay guys, we have about 4 years before the Americans will decide to write a reply ;)

02:40:58 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Master Mind:

Squiddy you an ignorant little *beep*. 


It'll take you four years to earn enough money to get some nice fake teeth instead of wood.

02:46:36 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

First of all, nice un-documented list, make that up yourself or can you provide a link...?

Second, stop making excuses about everything which puts your country in a bad light or perspective. There doesn't HAVE to be a reason/excuse for every single little thing, just face it, like all countries you just suck at particular things most likely because of your Government.

You may have a huge population, but you have the huge income to negate that. Well, what's left of that income after you take away the money invested into the wars you started anyway.

This "German code" you speak of was decrypted by BRITAIN when WE stole an ENIGMA Machine from a German U-Boat.

Yes, we decrypted this using the worlds first computer.

That, was the "huge" reason it was decrypted, thank you very damn much, trying to steal all the credit again.

02:53:35 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Master Mind you are an illiterate retard.

You cannot even partake in a discussion without resorting to some form of violence? Sooo typical of Americans.

Wooden teeth...? Wow man, that's really quite sad.. you need to grow up! Seriously!!

You can hardly talk about bad teeth, if yours are so perfect why does anyone who's ever been on TV have fake teeth? Perfectly white and straight my *beep*. You guys must have terrible teeth or just too lazy to take proper care of them?

04:34:11 Feb 23rd 08 - Praetorian Osmosis:

"Sooo typical of Americans."

It comments like this that really chap my hide.

Just as I am sure the comments of bad teeth, un-funny humor, etc, about Britians cause you to be upset.  And other such comments about other citizens of other countries.

I happen to be an "American", even though if you have ever filled out forms here for anything requiring checks, such as financial, background, etc., then you will notice they ask "What is your nationality/race?" and NO WHERE is there American.  There happens to be "English".

If you look at the list there is just about everything in the world, BUT "American", such as North American, which I profess to be.  And yes that includes Canadians.

According to the Government of the United States of America, there is no such Race/Nationality of "Americans".

Am I angry at Squiddy for that comment, no, just a little upset on seeing it.  I understand his anger, as this thread is turning into nothing but a "better then you" thread.

I work all around the world, and I get so tired of hearing the crap like, "if more Americans are like you things would be better around the world" and so on.  Yet if I viewed the rest of the world the way news portraits it, then I would never leave my home as EVERYONE is trying to kill EVERYONE.

I am happy to be an American, and a citizen of the Republic of the United States of America.

Such as I am sure many others are happy to a citizen of their respective countries.

05:09:34 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Alright.....What? All I know is that America Pwns and Europe has nice food....and things to shoot.

09:26:32 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Digger:

"Just as I am sure the comments of bad teeth, un-funny humor, etc, about Britians cause you to be upset.  And other such comments about other citizens of other countries."

Since when do the Brits have un-funny humour (yeah humour with a U, like its meant to be)? Absolutely no one thinks British comedy is not funny. Stupid yankee.

10:54:19 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Twamao:

This does not belong to the Politics section anymore.

11:11:20 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Jar Jar Banks:

British comedy is the best there is.

11:14:57 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. William of Warlo:

come on guys, ok ill tell you some facts. if you want to argue be my guest i won't be here to reply anyway's.
ok. 1. WWII was won by the russians, not the americans. and if it was you, it wouldn't have been you by yourself, britain, canada and all ressitant forces helped you a great lot! don't you ever dare denying this!
2. your education isn't objective, you only show victory's and the bright side of Vietnam. let me tell you something, in our little europe schools have to learn students all the facts about a war, even if it makes your country look bad. for example, in WWII my country (holland) lost allmost no troops. why? our government surrenderd after our biggest source of income was swept away. could we do anything about it? no, because just like at pearl harbour we were attacked by suprise.. but not at 6.. nono at 4 at night!.
3. about the pearl: you summoned pearl harbour on yourself, you forced Japan to do things no nation can. they couldn't do it so they ran out of recources. there only chance of succes was an direct attack on the US navy. oh and btw, if you really were that great in helping.. why didn't you help us in indonesia? we got pretty much screwed up thanks to the US recource Embargo to Japan.
4. your state now.
US army is to weak to do anything by itself, troops don't get the proper training so they get pwnd by experienced fighters (most middle-eastern rebels have fought there entire lives, 40 years of warfare experience beats any technologie). your economie is about to collapse, reason? overconsumption. you consume way more then you produce. the USA has lived for over 40 years from money that they claimed after WWII. (from country's they halped to rebuild) but let me give you a newsflash... that money is gone. your economie will crah and with it will the worlds economie. UNLESS! china gets big enough before that happends and then only you are screwed;)

12:44:50 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Master Mind:

Our army isn't weak. We took down the Iraqi army in two weaks! Do you know how big that army was? 1MILLION troops! Do you know how big our invasion force was? It was under 200k troops. I know Britain helped, but your boots were falling apart in the first part of the War on Terror. Anyways if you think are military is crap then why are we winning? We've taken out many terrorists leaders, and have lost less troops than have or ever will. Our economy issn't going to crash haha. We have the largest economy in the world. We still beat China, but sooner or later they will catch up and then by pass us. Lol, and not only are we screwed *beep* so is Japan and Indonesia.

Squiddy I didn't say we cracked the enigma. We did capture the first German sub. Which I said

"Thats one HUGE reason we were able to finally understand German code."

I didn't say we cracked it so shove off. Telling me I have bad English at least I can read it. We have not lived off money won from WWII. Russia didn't win the war. Had D-DAY never happened Germany could have focused more on Russia. Though your right many nations helped. Anyways if China ever attacked and America was on the verge of losing, we would revert to nuclear warheads. If we go down were going to take them down with us. Anyways all China has on it's side is man power. Of course we got money back from countries we helped rebuild. If you help somebody usually that person has to pay you back somehow later on.

Squiddy we didn't start the Iraq war. Saddam had it coming to him. He was breaking laws set down by the U.N. He was briding Russian, French, and some other europeon nation to not go to war with Iraq. We might now have found WMD, but we did find CWMD chemical weapons mass destruction. Called mustard gas. It's very bad if you breath that stuff. Look it up. Was used in WWI by both Germans, and British. The French too. Americans most likly used it too. He was also killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's in the north because they were part of a different sector in Islam. He was using this mustard gas to kill those people. Also he kicked out our inspectors? What does that tell ya? Obvisously hes hiding something he doesn't want us to see. Those rebels may have fought there entire lives, but once they met our soldiers that's when they died. They were fighting each other not trained western soldiers. 40 years of warfare experience is beaten easily with some napalm.

Pearl Harbor ( as its suppose to be spelled ) was attacked because of the embargo act yes, but that was so they could invade south east Asia for oil. It's your own fault for not having a military. Japan would have invaded anyways, because they wanted some free oil they wouldn't have bought it from you.

( gladly I won't be posting again Lol I'm tired of arguing I do it enough at debate club )

12:56:57 Feb 23rd 08 - Prince Mielo:

Mr. Jar Jar Banks


2/23/2008 11:11:20 AMBritish comedy is the best there is.


12:57:57 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

Still usa sucks :D Europe the best ;)

13:39:15 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Jar Jar Banks:

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="

13:46:13 Feb 23rd 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:

Some people suck so much *beep*.

14:12:55 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

@ Mr. Master Mind

Firstly, the American economy may soon crash for the reasons Mr. William stated and with it, it will bring down the world economy. I saved you the hassle of looking it up but there are many more sites than just this.

Also, the word 'Harbour' is not spelt wrongly. It is correctly spelt in English.

Btw, talking about taking down an army.... from all those soldiers killed, how many were your own?


I'm not trying to put anyone down. Every country has their own good and bad points but to completely REFUSE to acknowledge ANY of your bad points annoys me...

15:44:36 Feb 23rd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Squiddy we didn't start the Iraq war. Saddam had it coming to him. He was breaking laws set down by the U.N <--- Dude. comming from an american.. does that mean you have it comming and we should all nuke you and stuff?

16:17:39 Feb 23rd 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

we should have removed him from power the first time we invaded

17:19:23 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Strongbow The Vile:

Easy guys, the best country is Your Country

17:23:09 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Jar Jar Banks:

"Anyways if China ever attacked and America was on the verge of losing, we would revert to nuclear warheads. If we go down were going to take them down with us."

Would the American government be this retarded for real? I mean, throw five nukes, and you'll get five back from China. Five more and the entire world lives in a nuclear winter for a century. Bye bye life on earth. Why would China attack the U.S. anyways, 1/5th their economy probably runs on the U.S.

As for Iraq. You're saying he broke the laws set down by the U.N. while Bush used the argument 'they haev nukes!!!'. So the U.S. did not attack Iraq because Saddam broke the laws of the U.N.

Being tired of the stereotyping of U.S. citizens is their fault. The majority of the Americans chose Bush jr. as their president, who kind of represents the country does he? And well, almost everybody sees Bush as a retard.

18:40:16 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. William:

Our army isn't weak. We took down the Iraqi army in two weaks! Do you know how big that army was? 1MILLION troops! Do you know how big our invasion force was? It was under 200k troops. I know Britain helped, but your boots were falling apart in the first part of the War on Terror. Anyways if you think are military is crap then why are we winning? We've taken out many terrorists leaders, and have lost less troops than have or ever will. Our economy issn't going to crash haha. We have the largest economy in the world. We still beat China, but sooner or later they will catch up and then by pass us. Lol, and not only are we screwed *beep* so is Japan and Indonesia.

they surrendered.. and you are winning the war in the middle-east? man ON WHAT PLANET HAVE YOU BEEN!!! you are getting your asses kicked BIGTIME! don't you ever watch objective Non-state related news programmes?

19:16:00 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

How you ever watched something other than liberal, left-[Something goes here], and anti-war hippie shows?

19:25:49 Feb 23rd 08 - Lord Zucox II:

Weren't thier fore-fathers English???
 Oh,.... by the way, why people are using English as in common language?? 
Oh..  no .. Americans are using thier own language.. wait a minute.. it's still called "American-English".. the English using in american way.. so yet it's still english...
Oh anyway... Britania Rules....
 God Saves the Queen....

19:32:16 Feb 23rd 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

bout the humour thing, yanks dont like ours because tis dry and sardonic,and we rarely enjoy theirs bcuz its mostly slapstick and slightly immature - not sayin that in a bad way as the immaturity can be good sometimes

19:37:33 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Ben The Medusa:

well lets see what everone thinks of the :
USA vs IRAN war
i want everyone to tell me

  1. who well be on whos side ?
    (this includes all the countries )
  2. what will happen to both countries ?
  3. who will use what ?
  4. what will happen to other iran enemies (ex: isreal )?
  5. what will the arab countries do and why ?
  6. who will win ?

19:51:43 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Norris:

"don't you ever watch objective Non-state related news programmes"

objective news doesnt exist. Every news agency is run by someone with theyre own agenda, and its probably Rupert Murdoch.

"but we did find CWMD chemical weapons mass destruction. Called mustard gas. It's very bad if you breath that stuff. Look it up"

The US government sold those weapons to Saddam in the 80's to use against Iran.

"Saddam had it coming to him"

did the (estimated) 81,510-88,976 dead iraqi citizens have it coming to them too?

Im English, and do take the english side on this arguement...but we should remember that if you go back 150 years, we fuucked everyone over alot more than America...

We invaded countless countries and installed our own political system and forced them to buy british goods, so messing up their economies.

In Ireland, Scotland and Wales, we even banned them from using their own language.

We my have abolished slavery before US, but we were still a major part of the slave trade in its day.

'Let he who is without guilt cast the first stone'

20:08:13 Feb 23rd 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

*knocks norris out with a rock*

20:09:14 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

  1. who well be on whos side ?  &nb*beep*erica will have Canada.......maybe some European countries on its side.
    (this includes all the countries )
  2. what will happen to both countries ? America will get a flud of hippies from other countries.
  3. who will use what ? America will use nukes and Iran will use the Koran
  4. what will happen to other iran enemies (ex: isreal )? Isreal will go to war with Iran
  5. what will the arab countries do and why ? The Arab countries will whine and cry
  6. who will win ? America

20:18:53 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

America won't win... I have to side with the underdog here.

20:27:58 Feb 23rd 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

amerca always thinks tis invinceble, thts why ther gonna run up against someone one day and get owned for underestimating them

20:29:08 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Yeah. Iran is a case in point. ^^

20:39:13 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Yes....Iran is going to pop up with billions of dollars and millions of crazy extremists....ok! More to shoot!

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