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Stg changes
12:43:11 Jul 25th 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Did the formula for STG change?

I have one city and a boat ton of gold. No matter how many mages I cast with, I only ever get like 22 million gold from the stone.

I seem to recall in the recent past massive tens of millions when possible.

10,000 mages versus 200,000 mages seems to hit the same cap.

Never observes this before. 

15:49:42 Jul 25th 23 - GEO (Ms. Jennaside):

maybe not enough warehouses

16:42:06 Jul 25th 23 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Guyy Fawkes):

Warehouses is the problem even with 100k mines your return on stg with out WH's is garbage. just add like 1-2k warehouses in the city you are stging on and the number will go up a lot. since the game then thinks you have an extra 1-200k mines there.

16:46:11 Jul 25th 23 - Mr. Bullwinkle Moose:

I've found that putting 2k warehouses in a city - no MTs - and hovering 25k MUs over it gives me a rate of return of 81% - 84%. However, I've only tried it with no more than 31M stone, so, I don't know if it will scale up. You also get the occasional miss.

19:33:28 Jul 25th 23 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Guyy Fawkes):

1k warehouses in my 200k with 98k mines lets me hit about 68mish a go also the only place i have mines. So i figure if there was another 1k its about another 30m i can generate in a cast

23:02:12 Jul 25th 23 - Percy (Sir Tyr The Great Oaf):

Its how StG is caluclated, which everyone above has correctly identified is a lack of buildings to "convert" stone with. For StG purposes, each mine and WH can only hold a set amount, and you are converting on that stored amount. How much, do you ask?

The "Guides" tab shows WH "store 100x more than other buildings". And from experience, 1k WHs will yield a max of 30m stone converted, which means each WH = 30,000 stone stored. Which means each mine can hold 30,000/100 = 300 stone.

If you have, lets say, 100k mines, thats a max of 30m stone you can convert at a time, regardless of MUs cast with or how much stone you have in reserves.

For reference, 1k WHs = 100k mines in terms of storage capacity, yet the 1k WHs are significantly easier to cast on, since StG takes in to account all buildings in the city for difficulty of cast. I usually use 4k-6k WHs in my WH cities, which will yield a max of 120m-180m stone at a time. 

There are other factors that prevent the max conversion from happening, but thats the major one you are hitting right now :)

00:18:53 Jul 26th 23 - Mr. Fiend:

I've been building a small warehouse city next to my Mc and just keeping around 20k mus in it to cast... 2 to 5k warehouses and you turn nearly all your stone to goldfor 1500 mus basically

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