Forums / Roleplaying / Anti-Sp@malot

00:53:38 Oct 28th 07 - Mr. Goldsie:

Goldsie simply ignores Might who's sheer Stupidity and lack of interesting, funny or sheerly awesome posts is ruining this thread.

00:58:30 Oct 28th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

"Who said there was a window?" replied Sigheart

"I made one with you head"

01:59:33 Oct 28th 07 - Mr. Might:

*Might flies through the wall with surprising speed and skill.*

02:44:41 Oct 28th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim appears.

"All anti-Sp@mmers must report to the Second SP@M war!!! All of the Sp@mmers are there!"

02:46:25 Oct 28th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

*Sigheart jumps to the side of Mights way, unsure why Might continues to fly through the window suddenly he sees Tom Bombadil who then punches him and creates another window*

*Might falls and hits the dirt with a resounding thud*

"One *beep*mer down a thousand to go" States Sigheart

"Yup" Replies Tom Bombadil

02:18:34 Oct 28th 07 - Mr. Might:

*Might gets back up and and uses *beep*fire on Tom Bombadil Which takes him out of existence.*

"Take that your LOTR Fool!"

03:18:39 Oct 28th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

*The Sp@m fire harmlessly hits the wall*

05:01:48 Oct 28th 07 - Mr. Might:

*Tom forgot to move and was taken out of existence the *beep*fire then went on to take the wall out of existence.*

05:04:38 Oct 28th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

*Suddenly Tom Bombadil appears behind Might*

"Tom Bombadil B%tch"

*and then nails him in the head"

05:08:36 Oct 28th 07 - Mr. Might:

*The nail goes thorugh the illusion of Might. Meanwhile the real might is carefully ringing the whole Anti-*beep*alot with Large pictures of George Foreman. He runs 50 Miles away and sets them off. In the distance there is a HUGE mushroom.*

18:22:55 Oct 28th 07 - Sir Patton:

Hmm, it would seem that my chosen king of Anti-Sp@malot hasn't taken the authority on himself. IF he does not do so by the mortal day of Tuesday, I will choose another to raise the Anti-Sp@malot banner.

22:39:17 Oct 28th 07 - Lord Guderian:

"You called my liege? Is there something you wish for me to do?"

*Grovels at the feet of Patton*

12:19:32 Oct 29th 07 - Sir Patton:

Assemble your court King Guderian, for soon we must ride out to cruscade against sp@m!

15:35:27 Oct 29th 07 - Lord Guderian:

Dukes, Lords, Knights of Anti Sp@m! Assemble yourselves for battle. Those who do not answer the call will be considered traitor and executed!

18:44:03 Oct 29th 07 - Lord Guderian:

Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth! Muster yourselves! All those that have answered the call of our mighty leader fight and bleed with me in our war against the *beep*mers!

19:18:34 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Might:

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

21:51:21 Oct 29th 07 - Sir Patton:

Might is no more... he met a horrible death. Now then, those that wish to be called knights and lords of anti-sp@malot. Heed the words of the king and come forward!

22:27:25 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

'"I wish to be a leader of knights my liege"

"I have long fought against the dishonored sons of evil that follow the banner of Sp@m.I swear that I shall pledge myself to this just cause and will show them there folly in blood"

23:36:14 Oct 30th 07 - Sir Patton:

*Patton takes out his sword and taps Sigheart on the shoulders with it*

Rise up, knight of anti-sp@m. Go forth and slay the sp@mmers, all the while using correct spelling and grammar.

04:32:05 May 2nd 08 - Sir Shinigami:

Fizban sees that Septim is reinforcing the gates of his castle, "It seems that Anti-Sp@malot may be needed once more. Those that wish to see intelligent and quality posts in the forums, unite under my banner! Representatives of the Lord of Mustard are also welcome within these halls."

With that the golden gates of Anti-Sp@malot are opened and the War Golems take their places to either side of them while angelic beings and dragons circle overhead.

06:33:06 May 2nd 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

A Septim clone envoy approaches the gates.

"We seek no master is just restoring the haven of sp@mmers..."

16:17:13 May 2nd 08 - Lord Mac:

My father, Lord Guderian served under you my lord. Now I shall follow in his footsteps.

03:39:55 May 3rd 08 - Sir Shinigami:

Good man, Mac. You are welcome.

As to the haven of sp@mmers, you must realise that I had to descend into the depths of these forums to bring these halls back to the forefront. This was needed and our presence must be re-affirmed, especially with the aggression shown recently against Mustardon.

18:36:42 May 3rd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

A herald comes from Mustardon, leading a very, very large wagon train full of yellow barrels.

"Hail good friend and ally! I come brining a shipment of mustard, for your aid and your peoples aid in the recent war!"

18:57:09 May 3rd 08 - Sir Shinigami:

"Ah very good! Please, place it within the Mess Hall and be welcome among us."

People break out the beef and have meat and mustard sandwiches.

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