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Be in an upcoming Fantasy
06:32:31 Oct 15th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

I, Cidellus, would like to formally announce an upcoming fantasy story that I am in the process of writing! I would like to ask if anybody would like to be in it, and if so, what they would like their name to be. I decide where they are, who they are, and what they do, meaning people could be anything from a cameo to a main character. However, you still get to see your character, pretty neat.

The fantasy I'm creating has no first and last names, just one name please! =D

By the way, a thanks to Jonny Bacardi for reminding me of when I used to do stuff like this. XD

06:35:49 Oct 15th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

As always, you know I enjoy being given a cameo in most of your stories minus the ones I point out.  We can discuss the details on a secure and untapped phone line.  *Completely ignores the fact that he is talking to you on MSN at this very second*

*Scurries away*

09:05:18 Oct 15th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

lol Tyrgalon is actually a name I came up with for my planned main character in a book I tried to write, didnīt succed so well and had way to little time to do it.

So it would be a great honor to se the name "Tyrgalon" in your fantasy, since the name was made for such a purpose.

10:36:45 Oct 15th 09 - Mr. Malius Ignis:

same here :P

11:13:01 Oct 15th 09 - Psycho Puff Daddy Choo Choo:

Alright I'm  game.  let's go with Norael,  a chick.

12:32:36 Oct 15th 09 - Mr. Senturu:

IGNIS!!!!!! hey bud. long time no see

oh, btw. u can call me Senturu. and ill be in yo story :D

17:45:34 Oct 15th 09 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

As always Septim, I'd be glad to be in your story. Erunion will do, I look forward to reading it. :D

18:30:37 Oct 15th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

So far I have:

-Harmon - Charley

-Erunion - Erunion Telcontar

-Tyrgalon - Tyrgalon

-Norael - Puff Daddy Choo Choo

-Senturu - Senturu

Ignis, did you want to be in it?

18:31:38 Oct 15th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

I think he wants to be Ignis...

18:54:38 Oct 15th 09 - Mr. Malius Ignis:


20:05:17 Oct 15th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Drow Ranger:

Can I be part of it? Let me be 'Archion".

20:18:17 Oct 15th 09 - Mr. Horus II:

I would love to be a part of this, please use Horus II

20:25:50 Oct 15th 09 - Lady Kittie Croft:

Mee too! oh I need a name: uhmmm...  Xian

20:53:16 Oct 15th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

I would like to be in it, if you feel so inclined. By the name of Lanoc, thanks.

21:22:34 Oct 15th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

-Harmon - Charley

-Erunion - Erunion Telcontar

-Tyrgalon - Tyrgalon

-Norael - Puff Daddy Choo Choo

-Senturu - Senturu

-Ignis - Malius Ignis

-Archion - Ryan the Drow Ranger

-Horus II - Horus II

-Kittie Croft - Xian

-Lanoc - Lanoc

Kittie Croft, I'm not sure if you want Xian to be male or could be used both ways.

21:26:47 Oct 15th 09 - Mr. Jonny Bacardi:

Harmon - Charley

-Erunion - Erunion Telcontar

-Tyrgalon - Tyrgalon

-Norael - Puff Daddy Choo Choo

-Senturu - Senturu

-Ignis - Malius Ignis

-Archion - Ryan the Drow Ranger

-Horus II - Horus II

-Kittie Croft - Xian

-Lanoc - Lanoc

-Jonny Bacardi - Scythruler

*Glares at Septim*
Thanks for posting this AFTER I got off. Now im at the bottom of the freakin list. Oh well, at least your going to do another story like this.

22:14:37 Oct 15th 09 - Lady Kittie Croft:

I wanna be male!!! *nods sagely*

00:04:09 Oct 16th 09 - Mr. Arvious IX:

Harmon - Charley

-Erunion - Erunion Telcontar

-Tyrgalon - Tyrgalon

-Norael - Puff Daddy Choo Choo

-Senturu - Senturu

-Ignis - Malius Ignis

-Archion - Ryan the Drow Ranger

-Horus II - Horus II

-Kittie Croft - Xian

-Lanoc - Lanoc

-Jonny Bacardi - Scythruler

-Arvious - Uhh... Arvious, maybe? XD

14:17:37 Oct 17th 09 - Lord Himanil VIII:

"Certain defamment and minimal probability of success." *Looks around* "Well what I am waiting for."

Himanil - Himanil

(Adam Dragstorm as a second if you feel the need)

23:23:52 Oct 17th 09 - Sir Samulis of Dregainia:

Samulis, or if that is not to your liking, perhaps the name Armagaleous (roughly translates 'The Galliant King' in Natunian) would be.

23:31:08 Oct 17th 09 - Lord Reddragon Ghost III:

Me too, my name goes well with fantasy or you can even use Red. *The dog walks away from his master.
 -Red! Come here - Says the owner of the mut-*

17:38:31 Oct 19th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

-Charley the Kitten - Harmon

-Erunion Telcontar - Erunion

-Tyrgalon - Tyrgalon

-Puff Daddy Choo Choo - Norael

-Senturu - Senturu

-Malius Ignis - Ignis

-Ryan the Drow Ranger - Archion

-Horus II - Horus II

-Kittie Croft - Xian

-Lanoc - Lanoc

-Jonny Bacardi - Scythruler

-Arvious - Arvious

-Samulis of Dregainia - Samulis

-Himanil VIII - Himanil

-Reddragon Ghost III - Red

11:35:57 Oct 20th 09 - WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper IV:

I wouldn't mind being--> silvan.

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