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If it please thee
12:12:56 Jul 23rd 09 - Prince Highwayman:

My good Lords, Ladies and representative leaders of other races if it please thee to enter into correspondence with thy humble servant, Highwayman, I would be most delighted to receive your messages.

It has been many turns of season since I last visited these fair Utopian lands and there are many gaps in my knowledge.  I would be most grateful if anyone could deliver information to my message box at Highwayman advising me of current politics and would also be most pleased to hear of developments in strategy, production and magik.  I would also be delighted to hear from the descendants of those brave warriors who fought with my ancestors - or indeed who fought against my ancestors - in eras long since past.

My Captain of Horse has instructions from me to receive all dispatch riders with courtesy and to provide them with every comfort until such time as they can return to their masters and mistresses with my thankful replies.

Until we meet.


[OOC]  This is an invitation to roleplay.  Any good RP messages will gain a + from me.  I have been away from VU for roughly 2 years and I realise a lot has changed so if anyone can bring me up to speed with a well RPed exchange of messages it would be hugely appreciated. [/OOC]

17:25:57 Jul 23rd 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

I am unsure if you would know me, as I joined around two years ago. However, I know of you, and have read your posts in the tavern. I am glad that you have returned, Prince Highwayman! Just don't go robbing any Cidellian highways...

*Cidellian salute*

17:40:15 Jul 23rd 09 - Demonslayer The Infidel Killing Kitten:

^That is just Septim.  If you give him a cookie or spam he runs off like a good boy. :)

17:47:42 Jul 23rd 09 - Prince Highwayman:

Prince gaius Septimus,

Our scholars still teach the children tales of the Templar Crusaders and their many battles with the Kingdom of Narrse and her daughter Kingdoms, Rumour and Whisper. 

Those were the days when the peoples of Utopia first learnt to combine kingdom armies under a single commander and the contests were bloody indeed.

May our contacts prove less costly.


17:59:44 Jul 23rd 09 - Prince Mielo:

Hereby a messenger is send to give thee the tales of the Mielonian folks.

18:43:45 Jul 23rd 09 - Prince Highwayman:

<A courtier in the colours of Highway enters>

"Prince Highwayman sends warmest regards to all who have sent private communication and wishes to apologise for a short delay in replying.  He currently travels from labour to refreshment and thenceforth to prayer before rest but assures his friends old and new that he will respond to their queries and well-wishes when he returns to labour on the morrow.

<Courtier withdraws>

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