Forums / Roleplaying / LNN - Unfair and Biased

LNN - Unfair and Biased
14:57:43 Nov 2nd 07 - Sir Patton:

Patton points at the teleprompter to where Guderian was prompted (days ago) by Atreides...

16:25:21 Nov 2nd 07 - Lord Guderian:

"Why didn't you tell me my notes were in the camera! Oh were on aren't we...

PHI and MAD have some really talented players and there is a lot of training going on back there. I think they could turn it around, but if it is done, it will probably be like the Russian Kharkov offensive and we all know how that one turned out.

Legacy commandos are probably some of the highest regarded individuals in the world. There bravery in scaling the wall and in fighting against overwhelming odds is unparalleled.

Now, it is not my usual task to predict the outcome of a war, but today I have grabbed the TSN monkey! Spin the wheel and tell us who will win.

Amazing, the wheel has stopped on the LGC, DB, FF alliance. As we all know, the monkey is barely ever wrong. And now for the weather."

16:53:26 Nov 2nd 07 - Sir Patton:

(I want to run another commercial. If anyone has a good one, IGM me and I'll run it.)

17:19:01 Nov 2nd 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

...And now for the Carrothian Weather report...Live at LNN...

"Greetings Infidels! As you all know, weather is something weird and perhaps even often do you see frozen troops burned to their deaths by rains of fire whilst the surrounding fields are not even touched by frostbite?! Well the answer to that question is...not as often as we over at LNN would like to see...So here's a friendly tip for those on the Phi/Mad side of this trenchwar...there is absolutely no need to pack any asbestos umbrella's nor to carry wollen underwear for your troops, the weather up here is rather lovely and occasionally a pretty rainbow is to be found near the northern meadows...We in the north invite you to come and feel the burning sensation of that is our do want that nice crispy looking tan now don't you?!...

This was the one and only Demonic Shezmu, reporting live from his dark palace in the province of Carrothia with the special weather update..."

18:00:27 Nov 2nd 07 - Sir Patton:

Thank you for the report Shezmu.

Next up in the news, the Cult of Zeta, otherwise known as ZEON are taking quite a brutal beating from a swarm of... 'angry bugs'. Now, we here at LNN have been unable to infiltrate a field reporter from that front, as we can't slip someone down there with a bug costume to properly investigate.

Those in the middle of the world would be advised to watch your back and be sure to carry plenty of bug spray. As this swarm can only comtinue to grow stronger and spread.

19:09:07 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

 Patton, I have just arrived behind the front in the far east...... *static*.................. with so many bugs around, it is tough to get a good feed.................. we can see a large swarm of over 100k bugs heading for the Predators area.................... *crackle crackle*.................................Predator troops are gathering for the big battle and if both sides live up to their names the Predators should be eating the bugs, but I am afraid sheer numbers may.............. *crackle pop*.................... win this battle. I have seen ZEON refugee camps near the Predator boot camps as well, but no troops as of yet................. *pop pop crackle*........................ the swarm is getting (buzzing in background) CLOSER! .................................*static, feed ends*

19:12:45 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Might:

Omg, What are the Predatores gonna do?!

20:01:33 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

edit: Patton, I have just arrived behind the front in the far west**


20:45:16 Nov 2nd 07 - Sir Patton:

Soccer......Soccer! Blast, we'll try to get our link back up with him as soon as possible but you heard of the swarm's movements here first from LNN. Where we report the news as it breaks.

21:10:49 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Might:

The news is braking?! Everyone get out of there!

21:29:04 Nov 2nd 07 - Lord Guderian:

Someone get this sp@mmer out of our newsroom!

*Several muscular guards appear and they throw Might back to VU news*

"Go sp@m there! Let this news room serve it's purpose."

{Come on, this thread is for all of those who are working with or part of the LGC, DB, and FF alliance. If you want to make a thread about your reactions to these topics go right ahead, but stop posting here...}

13:42:18 Nov 3rd 07 - Sir Patton:

Patton stands up and rips off his shirt and grabs a spear and shield. He then puts on a dark blue cape and shouts at the top of his lungs, "THIS IS LEGACY!!!" He then jumps over and skewers Seloc with his spear and then uses his sword to cut up Septim. Both corpses are sent back to VU News, never to bother this thread again.

(Seriously. No *beep* in here, or I'll fetch a mod)

16:34:56 Nov 5th 07 - Lord Guderian:

*Guderian gets up and walks over to Septim the camera zooms in on Septim who is just standing there and then it turns to Guderian*

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight I have a sad story to tell you all. This is a story of a boy who was so addicted to VU that he couldn't stop himself from posting in all the threads all the time. His name, is Septim.

You ask me Why didn't he stop himself? I am sure he tried. In his twilight hours of the day, I am sure he said to himself Why can't I quit! But it was to no avail. Despite the protests of thread starters, who ask him not to sp@m, he continues and I fear that it is already too late for him to try our product.

But you can be the proud owner of one of the simplest things to get, a real life. You don't need to live, eat, and breath Visual Utopia. Be social! Go to parties, spend time with your family, watch movies. What does this cost us? Barely a thing! Just sell your stone for less than the PHI and MAD people and make sure it is only bought by Legacy, and we will call it even!

So once again, enjoy life, enjoy your family, and enjoy a moderate amount of Visual Utopia.

Brought to you by:

Legacy news corporation
The Governments of Visual Utopia
Mothers Against Septim $pamming (Mass)
Guderian Advertising ltd.

15:30:44 Nov 7th 07 - Lord Guderian:

"And now back to Patton"

*A bunch of people start pointing at the screen waiting for Patton to say something*

18:52:02 Nov 9th 07 - Sir Patton:

The cameras focus on Patton as he's taking a nap on the LNN news desk, he briefly wakes up and looks at the camera, "And the news today folks, is that there is no news. Fantasia is a giant w#ore-off and the battlefields are fairly stagnant. Still, we've got no word from any of our roving reporters, so if they check in we'll get some news out."

(PM me with any news stories you all want in here or to get some conversations going, thanks folks. ;-) )

19:02:14 Nov 9th 07 - Mr. Sun:

The camera catches Alchemist Sun rushing into the news room.

"I have a major annoucement! Lately the miner guilds are on strike! Resources are scarce, and the market seldomly give this poor alchemist any discount. In fact I just finished the last 3 large trades all at the face values, b/c of the unfortunate strike."

19:22:03 Nov 9th 07 - Lord Guderian:

*The camera focuses on Guderian*

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. As usual we will be having our analyst panel analyze Fantasia topics. Todays topic will be the MAD, PHI, LGC, DB, and FF war. I believe we have some reporters already on the scene and after they send us the latest, we will analyze it for you."

22:08:08 Nov 9th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

*The screens turn black and suddenly the Red and Black colors of the Carrothian Province appear on the screens*

"Greetings, most detested infidels! This is your selfproclaimed evil ruler Demonic Shezmu speaking! The weather in Fantasia has turned for the worst! Troops have been frozen overnight unable to move all day, fire had eventually rained down upon small armies making them even smaller versions of their previous selves and occasional hurricanes have crushed and crumbled a few walls which stood in their paths...with this all being's now time for you all to bow down before the might that is Legacy...or be forever put out of your misery...this weather report was hosted by LNN...back to you, Fiz...ehm Patton..."

*the LNN logo starts shining brightly on the screens again*

08:34:28 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Goldsie:

*The logo fades and then Goldsie appears in the center of the screen, standing in front of a large crowd*

'This is Goldsie once again reporting from the front line where today we are holding the 'Fantasia Cup' the race that stops a world, its been a great day today at the 'None Shall Pass racetrack' for our annual Nazgul races, fortunately there were more Nazgul's then ever due to the fact that so few have been killed by the incompetent Phi forces who were fortunately barred from the event after a recent outbreak of Nazgul flu killed off most of Phi's Nazzies... I mean why else would they have so few troops? But there is a downside to the lack of Phi at the racecourse today, without Phi there is a severe lack of gold which Phi would have most likely brought from their farming and city swapping stockpiles. Another upside was Mad were not seen at the course, although they could have been there, I doubt anyone would have noticed, after all, its only MAD were talking about.

Once again, thanks for Watching,
I'm Goldsie, and thats the way the cookie crumples'

06:04:38 Nov 13th 07 - Mr. Might:

More news!

18:24:20 Nov 19th 07 - Sir Patton:

The LNN logo comes on the screen and the voice-over begins..

"Live with a breaking news brief, we goto General Patton at the Legacy Command Center."

Patton comes on the screen and looks at the camera, "Thank you and good afternoon. We bring you news from the PHI/Lgc front of the war where a great deal of action is taking place. Within the past 24 days, Mighty Legacy has charged across the great divide between our nations and is assaulting their front line. In response to the overwhelming numbers of the Mighty Legacians that are attacking, the cowardly PHI terrorists have decided to unleash a doomsday device that will destroy the world.

Can the Legacians mop up this group and save the land? Or will PHI cower behind their fortifications and end everything for the good peoples that dwell here? We go now to General Guderian for his take..."

18:48:57 Nov 19th 07 - Lord Guderian:

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. To begin, I must first express my condolences to all of the good people of the worlds of Visual Utopia. I am afraid that PHI has shown it's true colours once more and will end all of your lives without hesitation.

However there is a ray of hope for you all. Even now troops from Legacy are pouring over the plains of fantasia towards PHI. Sacrificing their lives for the lives of their families, their leaders, and all free people.

'But why would PHI do this?' You may ask. The answer is simple, power. PHI has forgotten the ancient principle that has stood for generations. Power corrupts, but ultimate power corrupts ultimately. PHI has forsaken friendships all for a name in the history of the Visual Utopia.

And now to the battles at hand. As I said before Legacian troops are pouring over the plains. It is a wonderful sight to behold. It is like watching the blitzkrieg in France all over again with all those powerful units moving. However, PHI's defense is strong.

Unlike the 'Maginot Line' of earlier in the era, this wall blocks the entire defensive point and behind it, PHI cowers. No commando's would be able to scale this wall, as the mage strength of PHI would surely teleport the poor soldiers.

I can only hope, for the good of VU that PHI will be defeated on time..."

18:56:47 Nov 19th 07 - Sir Patton:

"Thank you Guderian. Now for the general reaction around Fantasia, we'll go to our roving reporters..."

(If anyone from other kds wants to post, feel free, however they have to be written in a news format and have to have a pro-lgc bent)

23:07:45 Dec 13th 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

*Erunion walks in, dusts off the camera and clears the microphone,
Taking a seat at one of the desks, he starts speaking.*
"Calling all news-people, calling all news-people, Bored viewers have requested that LNN be fully reinstated during this, new era. How will this turn out? Only ZeTa knows...
This is Erunion Telcontar, calling from the abandoned LNN newsroom.
Good night, and good luck."

03:16:55 Dec 14th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:


04:29:12 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Yay! Continue this thread!

15:23:39 Dec 14th 07 - Sir XelNaga:

*The world renowned archeologist and alchemist walks into the empty room"

Such a good time it was.... things change fast. It seems labour driven miners make more nowadays than highly educated archeologist or alchemist.... guess I need to go down and dirty in the digging now.

*The sad pal leaves a long trail of shadow behind him as he walks out of the chilling news room*

15:31:51 Dec 14th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

*A person emerges from the shadows silently*

" the rumours are true...people have survived the horrific events that took place years ago..."

*his green eyes suddenly glow bright*

"perhaps this will finally be the right time for me to show my true self to the infidels inhabiting this world..."

*after saying these worlds, the person walks out of the building...slowly changing his shape into...something quite...evil looking...*

00:19:51 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

I thought you guys were going to continue this!

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