Forums / Roleplaying / Sygileo

06:38:57 Aug 15th 09 - Lady Astoria:

Book One: A Fall From Grace Would Suit You Well


It had been a quiet day so far at the shop, not many people had come in and Chloe was getting a bit bored. She was only half reading a book when the bell on the door chimed. She smiled politely at the two men that came in, but otherwise let them be to find whatever book it was they were looking for.
Half an eye on the two men, she watched as they went back towards the back racks for a few moments. They didn't seem to be finding anything, more like shuffling through.
She placed a marker in her book and went out from behind the counter.
"Can I help you find something in particular?" She asked.
The two men looked at her for a moment. "Not really" the one said and went back to looking at the shelf.
She smiled again and turned back to the counter when the bell chimed again and a dark haired man came in.
"Hello." She said with a smile as she passed by. The newcomer didn't answer at first.
"Hi." He finally said softly right as the sound of a book being dropped came from the back and echoed through the shop.
Chloe turned to see what happened. She saw the two men coming up the row towards this newcomer. She quickly went back behind the counter, she could tell something was up.
The dark haired man backed up a few paces, the two others increased their pace. Chloe held her breath.
"Not here!" Hissed the dark haired man backing for the door.
Chloe heard a strange noise, almost sounded like a scream, but a very distant one, one not quite in this world, but echoing through it. "Get out of the store." She ordered as calmly as possible. "I don't know what you are about to do, but take it outside or I call the
All three ignored her, one of the two men had already lept into
action, jumping towards the dark haired man. The dark haired man side stepped and his would be attacker skidded right past him. He pulled his coat open and took something out of it.
Chloe cringed and grabbed the phone.
"Both of you, stop." The dark haired man said calmly. "I command it." He said raising his hand, an old looking amulet was in it.
The two would be attackers stopped in their tracks.
"Now... be gone." The dark haired man said. The two, in unison, shrieked an inhuman sound and in a bright flash of light disappeared.
Chloe stared.
"Put down the phone, lady." The dark haired man said.
In shock, Chloe put the phone back down on the counter. The man turned to face her. She took a better look at him. He was Italian, definably Italian. Not very tall, maybe 5'8". He was dressed in black. Black Dockers, a black sweater, and a black wool coat.
"What on earth just happened?" Chloe asked. "Never mind, just please
get out of my store."
The man just sort of smiled at her. "I just saved you a whole lot of trouble, dear." he said. "I'll leave in a moment, don't worry."
"No, get out now." She ordered.
"I've got a few minutes here." He said. "Allow me to introduce myself, even though you will never remember, my name is Dante Rossi. And I am sorry for the chaos here, I was hoping to sneak up on those two demons, but they noticed me first."
"Demons? What the hell are you talking about?" Chloe asked but Dante seemed to ignore her and went over to a section near by that had the books about 'summoning'. They were mostly Wicca books and what not. He opened up one and flipped through the pages. He stopped at a page with a drawing and laid the amulet on it. "Who ever is closest, I command thee to come... through the door,
please." He said.
"What are you talking about?" Chloe asked as the bell chimed AGAIN. Nervously she looked at the door as a very tall, thin, dark haired man came in.
"Great." Dante said. "Had to be you, huh Gabe?"
The tall man stopped. Looked at Chloe then at Dante. "You said who ever was closest, should have been more specific." He said. His accent was strange, it sounded foreign, but Chloe couldn't place it. It wasn't a thick accent, just strange.
"Look, just do something simple for me and I owe you, Gabe, okay?" Dante asked. "The poor dear over there saw something she shouldn't have."
"Please, both of you leave or I will call the police." Chloe warned.
"No you won't." The tall man said.
"Just make her forget, Gabe, and we're done." Dante said.
The tall man turned and looked at her. Chloe began reaching for the phone again. "Chloe, get away from the phone." The tall man ordered.
Chloe slowly and unconsciously drew her hand back from the phone. The tall man stepped closer to her. "Humm... no Dante, not this time." He said.
"What!?!" Dante said irritated.
"Oh I thought about it, I was willing to, but I think I shouldn't. Not this one." The tall man said. "I think she needs to know what happened. I think you and her should get acquainted."
"She's special." The tall man said with a slight smile.
Chloe was panicking again, reaching for the phone again. The tall man frowned at her, took the phone, and yanked the cord from the wall. Chloe screamed.

"Gabe." Dante said with a sigh.
"I only warn once." The tall one said.
"Chloe?" Dante said looking at the tall man to confirm Chloe's name. The tall man nodded slightly. "Sorry about all this dear. However, if Gabriel won't make you forget what happened here, I'll have to explain it. Then he can explain why he is not doing what I asked him to."
"Explain what?" Chloe asked thourghly confused now.
"Explain what happened here." Dante answered. "You see, those two men, they were not men, they were demons. Evil spirits in the form of men. They were up to no good, when I happened to notice them, tried to send them back to hell, but they had other plans. They slipped off on me and came in here to hide and try to find a portal out. Demons usually have to find a portal to really get away. I tracked them here. See, it's my job to find demons, dispose of them, though really all disposing of them is means sending them off to hell."
"You expect me to believe that?" Chloe asked.
"Actually, yes, because it's the truth." Dante said matter of factly.
"And who is he?" Chloe asked pointing to the tall man.
"That's Gabriel." Dante answered. "Yes, as in the archangel. I summoned him, though I wasn't wanting him exactly, to erase the memory of this for you, though he won't. I am a discreet man, I don't like people remembering me when I'm working."
"I still don't buy it." Chloe said.
Gabriel sighed.
"What can we do to prove it to you?" Dante asked.
"I don't think you can." She answered.
Gabriel leaned over the counter a bit and whispered something in her ear. Her eyes widened a bit. "Believe him." He said softly, but loud enough for Dante to hear that.
Dante looked puzzled at Gabriel. Gabriel shrugged.
"All right, I believe you." Chloe said.
"Good." Dante said. "So what is it, Gabe? Why is she special, or is she a special kind of special?"
"She's just your average human with a particular amount of knowledge." Gabriel said. "She's going to get along very well with you. You will probably need her in the future. I think she can be a great aspect in helping you find the knowledge you need. A lady with
a bookstore at her disposal can be helpful when looking for hard to find books, too."
"Never thought of that." Dante said with a little bit of a grin.
"However, Chloe, you need to know something." Gabriel said. "Dante isn't an average human being. He's special. He has a powerful soul that possesses great abilities."
"I hunt demons." Dante said.
"Because of that soul of his he's very good at finding them." Gabriel said. "So in turn, he was granted the ability to live as long as he wants."
"That's what 'special kind of special' means." Dante said.
"Truly?" Chloe asked.
Dante nodded. "It's not something I like many people to know, so don't say a word to anyone." He said. "If you do, Gabe will get pissed off. The only thing Gabe respects me on is my desire to keep quiet about who I am."
"Most like him do." Gabriel added.
Chloe sighed. "That's a lot to take in." She said. "There's an angel and a demon hunter in my store... a couple of demons were hiding in here... what's next?"
Dante shrugged.
"Good question." Gabriel said.
Dante suddenly turned towards the door. "No shit... they're back..." He said softly.
Chloe looked to the door. She saw the two men from before coming up to the store. She groaned.
"Isn't this our lucky day." Gabriel said flatly, not happy at all to see them. "Chloe... duck."
"Huh?" Chloe asked as Gabriel gently pushed down on the top of her head. She didn't resist him, just dunk below the counter as the sound of the glass in the front door breaking deafened the room.

"Gabe! Who are these guys!" Dante yelled.
"Dunno." Gabriel said calmly as the demons came towards them. Chloe looked up over the counter.
Dante pulled the amulet back out of his coat. "I thought I sent you two home?" He said as the two demons stopped dead in their tracks right before Gabriel.
Gabriel was just looking at the two, his head cocked to the side. His face was emotionless as the two demons began a struggle against unseen forces. "You didn't get them to hell, Dante." He finally said. "They're a bit stronger than you think."
"We aren't going to hell." The one who had done all the talking before said.
"No, you aren't." Gabriel said.
Dante put his amulet away as the two suddenly began to make a chocking sound.
"What is he doing?" Chloe whispered to Dante.
"Killing them." Dante answered as the two demons dropped to the floor, caught on fire.
It seemed to be a sudden hot fire as just as quickly as it started it went out, only long enough for Chloe to let out a yelp. Gabriel drew in a breath and sighed, closing his eyes a moment. Once the fire had died, there was nothing left, not even a mark on the floor to show there had ever been anything there.
A tall man, with brown hair, wearing all black stepped through the broken door of the store casually. He looked at the three a brief moment before saying anything.
"Well." He said in a seductive tenured voice. "Nice work there, Gabe."
"Now who's this?" Chloe asked.
"I'm Lucifer, my dear." The newcomer said. "You know, prince of hell."
"Lucifer?" Chloe asked sounding exasperated.
"Lucifer." Gabriel said sounding annoyed.
"Is it really?" Chloe asked.
"Yes, it is." Dante answered her.
"What do you want, Lucifer?" Gabriel asked his voice still annoyed.
Lucifer pouted at Gabriel. "Aww, little brother, don't sound so upset." He said. "I'm only here with a warning."
Gabriel rolled his eyes, Lucifer didn't seem to notice.
Lucifer paused for a moment and looked at the three. A small smile
crept across his lips.
"Stay out of my business, Gabriel." Lucifer warned. "Dante mucking around with my minions is one thing, you, well until you have the right to, you keep out of it."
Gabriel didn't bother to answer him, just silently watched him.
He stepped past Dante and Gabriel and stopped in front of Chloe. He looked at her for a moment.
"I wouldn't get involved with these two, Miss Moore." He said to her. "They are nothing but trouble. And with Gabriel, you don't want the guilt by association." He paused a moment. "Put it away, Dante."
Dante slipped the amulet away that he had taken out of his pocket when Lucifer had put his back to him. He knew better than to mess with Lucifer.
"Get out, Luc." Gabriel finally said. "You don't want me mucking in your business, well you have no right in mine. I can still remove you by force if I need to."
Gabriel's dark eyes were intently locked on Lucifer.
Lucifer laughed. Not that it was funny. It wasn't at all, but he laughed. He watched Gabriel tense up a moment. He had known Gabriel for a very long time and he knew that Gabe didn't like to be laughed at.
"All right, all right, little brother." Lucifer said. "I'll leave. Just remember, you are in no state to be ordering me around."
Lucifer turned, slipped past Gabriel and Dante, and left the store the way he had come.
Gabriel watched as Lucifer left. After he had stepped through the door, he waived his hand and the glass was back the way it should be.
Chloe just kind of looked stunned at him.
It was all a bit much a bit too fast for her. It had been a strange day for her.
Dante sighed. "Great." He mumbled. "Now Chloe is going to need looking after."
"I don't need looking after." Chloe protested.
"I have to catch a flight to New York in a bit, so I can't do it." Dante said.
"I DON'T need looking after." Chloe repeated stressing her position.
"Actually, yes you do." Dante said. "Now that Luc has gotten involved, you aren't safe from hell's citizens."
"I'll watch over her." Gabriel said. "I've got nothing better to do."

"Gee... thanks." Chloe said flatly.
"That's not what I meant." Gabriel said with a sigh. "I meant I can do it rather than finding someone else to do it. I don't have many commitments at the moment."
Dante chuckled. "Well, see both of you later, if one of you doesn't try to kill the other." He said heading for the door.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Chloe yelled after him.
"Gabriel is... difficult to get along with." Dante said choosing his words carefully. "Most humans never want to see him again after spending an hour or so with him."
Dante left the store. Gabriel just shrugged.
"I think I'm easy to get along with." He mumbled and took a seat in an easy chair. He picked up a book on the table next to the chair and started leafing through it.

Chapter One: Bad Intentions: From A Brief Encounter

Lucifer walked out of the store still just as mad as he was when he went in. He never felt like he ever got anywhere with, ever. It was almost as if, from the dawn of time, Gabriel just disregarded everything Lucifer said.
But he was tired of Gabriel mucking about in his affairs. He had no business in it. Gabriel didn't have to answer Dante's summons, so why did he?
"Because, Luc, Gabe is bored." A voice from behind answered Lucifer's unspoken thoughts.
Lucifer spun around on his heel. "Dumah." He said. "What do you want, Silence?"
The tall; very thin; very pale angel behind him said nothing at first. "I don't want anything, Luc." He finally said. "However, you know how Gabriel is when he's bored. He's going to stir things up. You can't stop that. He doesn't care if you won't put up with it. He got what he wanted, you in a bad mood."
"Go to hell, Silence." Lucifer said.
"That's where I was heading, to be truthful." Dumah said.
"Good, cause you need to stay where you belong." Lucifer said. "What's the use of you being up here on earth?"
"Sometimes I have to leave the gates of hell to do my job." Dumah said with a bit of venom. "You don't have domain over me."
"I do so long as you are 'in' hell." Lucifer reminded him.
"Not really." Dumah said. "I'm still an angel out of grace so long as I am 'in' hell."
Lucifer growled softly and continued walking leaving Dumah behind.
"Lucifer." Dumah's cool voice said before Lucifer got too far away.
"What!?!" Lucifer yelled stopping and turning to look at him. His face was clouded over in anger.
"Why do you let Gabriel get to you so much?" Dumah asked.
"He doesn't get to me." Lucifer said though his face told a different story.
Dumah shrugged. "I've never seen you get so strung up over anyone else." He pointed out. "Hell, you never even lose your cool when Michael is tormenting you; even when Michael has no right to."
"I don't get strung up over him." Lucifer said and turned again disappearing down the street.
Dumah shrugged again.

Chloe looked at Gabriel for a moment. Quite a bit was going through her mind at the moment. Gabriel looked up at her after a moment.
"Just go ahead and say it." He said.
"Say what?" Chloe asked.
"What you're thinking." Gabriel answered. "The usual question is 'So you're an angel, huh?'. Normally followed by 'What's it like?'"
Chloe sort of smiled a bit. "Well, I was thinking the 'so you're an angel, huh' part." She said. "But the second part is more along the lines of what are you doing here?"
Gabriel closed his book and sighed. "That's a difficult one to answer." He said. "The most straight forward answer is because Dante asked for the closest angel to come aid him. But I doubt that's the answer you are looking for, since you know that already. The question you really want answered is why I stayed here rather than going about the countless other things I should be doing. The answer to that is because I don't have anything I can do right now."
"You can't do anything right now, why?" Chloe asked.
"I did something a few years back, because of that I've been removed from grace, no longer a member of the host of heaven, not a fallen angel." Gabriel answered. "I... I am being punished. For what is not something I care to discuss."
Chloe looked a bit confused. "So you're not an angel?"
"No, I am, I'm just not in residence of heaven at the moment." Gabriel answered. "My duties are restricted. I'm being punished for something I did severe enough to get in trouble, not so bad I was forced to fall. Until I repent and my punishment is over, I remain here, out of heaven."
Chloe nodded slightly. "I think I understand."
"You will." He said. "Maybe not completely right now, but over time, it makes more sense."
"Are there many angels like you?" She asked.
"A number, yes, some by choice as I am, some by circumstance." He said. "And if Dumah would come out of hiding, you'd meet one out of grace by circumstance." Gabriel smiled a little bit while looking towards the door.
Chloe's gaze followed Gabriel's. She tensed wondering what would happen next.
Dumah sighed and pushed open the door and entered the bookstore. He had tried to go unnoticed, but Gabriel never missed anything.
"Hello Chloe, I'm Dumah." He said stopping just by the counter.
Gabriel grinned a bit wickedly. "Tell her about you; why you are an angel out of grace."
"What is this? Show and tell?" Dumah asked. Gabriel gave him a stern look. "It's a long story, but the short of it is because I play double duty. I'm a prince in hell, but still an angel. I never fell, but because I actually have a legion in hell in my command, I can not reside in heaven. At the same time, I'm an angel of dreams, one of them, Gabriel is the other."
"So you see, Chloe?" Gabriel asked.
"Do you need me anymore?" Dumah asked. Gabriel shook his head. "I've got stuff to do." With that; Dumah turned and left.

Uzziel watched Dumah leave the store quietly and softly laughed to himself.
Dumah really should keep himself at a distance from Gabriel, Gabriel always got
him in trouble. Though that could be said for about any of them who kept contact
with Gabriel when he was in or without grace.
If it hadn't been for Gabriel, Uzziel would be a fallen angel. His unyielding
loyalty to his master kept him at his side, and Gabriel's defense of him ages
ago kept a wrong decision from sending him to hell permanently. For that, Uzziel
was ever grateful and took Gabriel's punishment, and a vow to always follow the
Archangel; to always be a breath away from him; as his own.
He may be now out of grace as well, but he preferred it sometimes. Sometimes it
was just good to be bad.

Misha stepped aside as the tall, creepy, pale guy pushed his way out of the bookstore. He followed the man with his eyes for a moment. A slight shrug and he decided to go into the store.
Chloe was in her usual place behind the counter. However, today there was a dark haired guy sitting in one of the chairs near the counter. This guy kind of gave him the chills; something strange about him. Misha slid up to the counter. Chloe smiled at him.
"Everything okay in here, Chloe?" He whispered.
Gabriel had gone back to looking at the book he had picked up earlier, paying no mind to the young, brown haired boy that had come in. He had accomplished what he wanted for the moment and his only concern was to make sure no demons walked in.
Chloe on the other hand was glad to see a familiar face. "Hey Misha." She said. "Oh everything is fine here." She smiled and looked at Gabriel. "That's Gabriel, Mish, a rather interesting new... friend, I guess, we only just met, so friend may be a bit premature."
"Acquaintance is a more appropriate word at the moment." Gabriel said without looking up. Gabriel noted how the boy looked at him with a bit of suspicion. He smiled slightly never raising his eyes from the book.
Chloe leaned closer to Misha. "Don't worry, Mish, he's all right."
Gabriel suddenly looked up. He seemed to be looking past the two. A small smirk on his lips. "Umm... I will be right back, Chloe." He said standing. "I'll only be outside."
Chloe and Misha watched Gabriel leave the store. He did only go right outside, and stopped slightly past the door.
Chloe straightened up a bit. "Seriously, Misha, he's okay, a bit strange, but nothing to worry about."
Gabriel stopped outside the door. "Uzziel." He said softly. "What did you see?"
Uzziel slipped from the shadows next to Gabriel.
"Not much. The boy was being followed though." He said. "It saw you and decided not to tempt fate."
Gabriel had a look on his face, as if mulling this over. He nodded slightly.
"Something's up." Gabriel said absently. "They identified the kid as a friend of Chloe's. We need to figure out what is with either Chloe or the store, and why it's attracting demons."
Gabriel turned back towards the store, motioning Uzziel to follow and the two entered the store.
"Uzziel." Gabriel said to Chloe's unspoken question of 'Who is that?' when the two entered.
"All right." Chloe said a bit hesitantly. "Well, anyhow, Misha, you want to crash at my place tonight? It's going to be cold tonight, I don't want you out on the streets."
"Check the back row." Gabriel said to Uzziel.
"What's wrong, Gabriel?" Chloe finally asked.
"Nothing is wrong, we're just making sure there's not something here that we missed earlier." Gabriel said going back to his chair and reading.
Chloe sighed, Misha was looking at her with concern. She wasn't sure what to tell Misha, what could she tell him?

Preludes, Epilogs, And Stuff

"Gabriel." Uzziel's voice calmly called from the back.
Gabriel looked up, then got up, and went to the back of the store. Misha watched him go then took Chloe's arm and pulled her back into the stockroom.
He shut the door behind them. "Look, Chloe, I'm concerned here." He said. "That guy has me worried. You don't know who he is, what's he and his friend doing here?"
"Trust me on this one, Mish." She said. "For one, he's not going to be here long; for two, he's not dangerous."
"How do you know?"
"I just know, okay." Chloe said but the look Misha was giving her said he wasn't convinced. "All right, look, don't think I'm crazy but they aren't just some guys. Gabriel's not exactly what you think. He's... umm... okay, he's an angel."
Misha rolled his eyes. "Oh come on Chloe, you expect me to believe that?" He asked. "Be honest with me, what's this guy got on you?"
"Nothing, Mish." Chloe said. "I am being honest with you."
Meanwhile, Gabriel looked at the open book Uzziel was holding. "So it's not the store." He said and Uzziel nodded. "It's her. But what is it exactly about her? She doesn't posses anything in her that would stand out."
Uzziel nodded. "I don't know, Gabriel." Uzziel confessed. He ran his finger over the unseeable to human eyes markings on the pages of the book. It stated that the ground was sanctified, hundreds of years ago. No activity could happen here. No demon could use it, no angel could use it, it was impossible to do anything there for them. demons couldn't benefit from the area, it was just dumb luck that the two wound up in there.
But not dumb luck they ended up coming back.
Both of them suddenly looked in unison at the stockroom door. Gabriel quirked a half smile and the two went up to the front.
Misha heard the door to the stockroom swing open with a soft squeak behind him. He turned, seeing Gabriel leaning against the doorframe, with Uzziel behind him a step.

06:47:50 Aug 15th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:


06:49:45 Aug 15th 09 - Mr. Ninja Aburame:

mm its good, nice

17:30:40 Aug 15th 09 - Duke Windscar The Random:

its good, but a bit too many characters to keep up with
the writing gets cluttered with all the "so-and-so said"s

keep going though asty!

06:18:24 Aug 17th 09 - Lady Astoria:

Book One: A Fall From Grace Would Suit You Well

Chapter One: Divine Interventions

"Believe her." Gabriel said.
Misha just laughed not believing Gabriel. He looked at Chloe a moment then turned back. Both Gabriel and Uzziel had changed just a bit. Gabriel now had enormous black wings behind him. Uzziel had white ones.
Gabriel had a slight smirk on his lips as he watched Misha's reaction. Uzziel's didn't change, same bored, sort of absent look from behind Gabriel.
Misha tried hard to hide the look on his face, to not look startled; it wasn't working though. He shook his head slightly. "Good trick, how do you do that?"
Misha unconsciously moved a bit more between Gabriel and Chloe. He had an incredible loyalty to her, she showed him kindness when others wouldn't. She also didn't try to rescue him. He may be a homeless kid roughing it on the streets, but Chloe always treated him respect and trust. He could be rather of protective of her.
Gabriel just chuckled a bit. Chloe sighed. "I know what you think, Misha, but it's true." She said. "It's not a trick. Gabriel is an angel."
"Wasn't going to tell you, but..." Gabriel said. "Truth be told, Chloe, something is up. The kid was followed here by demons, and when our little friends that Dante tried to take care of came back, it wasn't cause they were ticked off at him. We think they may have been after you."
"Me? Why?" Chloe asked.
Gabriel shrugged. "I don't know." He said. "But I'm going to have someone keep an eye on you until we figure out why." Gabriel turned away from the door to head back into the store.
Misha who had been in a sort of stunned silence snapped out of it for a moment as Gabriel turned. Still in disbelief of Gabriel being an angel. It was if he expected that the wings would be fake, that he'd see something to proved it.
"But not you?" Chloe asked.
Gabriel paused a moment then turned his face to her. He laughed. "No, not me." He said. "You wouldn't want me even if I could. Someone else will do it, I'm not in the position for that responsibly."
Gabriel disappeared from Chloe's view back into the store, Uzziel stayed there for a moment, quirked a strange smile at her and then turned away as well.
"Chloe.. umm... " Misha said.
Chloe shook her head, took Misha's hand and led him back into the store. Gabriel had returned to his chair and was reading the book again. She stopped in front of the angel.
"He still doesn't believe you." Chloe said to Gabriel.
Gabriel looked up at them. "I know." He simple said.
"Well, umm..." Chloe said. "He is worried about me, I need him to stop worrying. Prove to him you are what you are, smite something maybe." She grinned a bit at that meaning it to be a joke.
"Uzziel! Chloe wants me to smite something, what should I smite?" Gabriel yelled out.
"How about New York City?" Uzziel yelled from the back of the store. "We ment to get that one last time!"
"Humm... maybe. Dante should be arriving there soon, kill two birds with one stone." Gabriel mused. Chloe looked at him wide eyed. Gabriel smiled a wicked smile. "All right, no smiting then." Gabriel stood, Misha took a step back. Gabriel grabbed him by the jacket and pulled him close to him. He whispered something in the boys ear, then let go of him and sat back down, picking back up his book.
Misha stood stunned for a moment.
Chloe looked at him. "Well?" She asked.
"Okay, I believe." Misha said softly.

Gabriel sat back down and opened his book again. "I'll be escorting you home, apparently, but after that, someone else will mind you for the night." He said. "I'll introduce you so no surprises."
Chloe nodded.
"Mind you for the night?" Misha mumbled shaking his head. He wandered off a bit. "I'm definatly crashing at your place tonight, Chloe."
Chloe watched him go by her and go over to the shelves and start organizing the books. He was antsy, he was nervous, he needed something to do.
The day passed relatively quietly after that, no one came in to try to kill anyone at least. The few customers that did come didn't stay long, Chloe worried Uzziel and Gabriel were kind of freaking them out.

Occasionally, Gabriel and Uzziel would speak to each other quietly, but mostly stayed silent until Chloe closed up the store. The bus ride home was a bit uncomfortable with the two angels looming over them.

When they got to Chloe's apartment, it was free of any.. angels, fortunately. Chloe got Misha some blankets to keep him warm on the couch. The two made some dinner, which Gabriel and Uzziel declined. About an hour in, Gabriel suddenly looked to the kitchen.
"Hum..." He said absently. All in the room looked at him. "We have a guest, stay here."
Gabriel went into the kitchen. Closing the door, he leaned back against it with a sigh.
"Michael." He said flatly to the angel in the room.
Michael said nothing for a moment. The tall, light brown haired angel just looked at him sternly. He was handsome of course, but it seemed like his features were hardened by that stern look. He pushed his bangs out of his eyes, his hair a bit shorter than Gabriel's, a more professional look. He sighed.
"Messenger." He finally said. "It has been decided that you will keep an eye on the human girl, protect her if needed. She is your charge."
He didn't react to Gabriel's expression.
Normally, Gabriel could hide his shock well, but this was a little much.
"She's my charge?" Gabriel asked. "You have got to be kidding, Michael! I'm out of grace, I can't watch over a little human girl!"
Gabriel began rubbing his left temple with his index and middle finger. "Look, Michael, anyone but me, yeah? This is a job for an angel in grace."
"You really are in no position to ask me that." Michael said coolly. "The conditions of the state of grace you are in allow me to order you to do this. You will do this."
Michael smirked a bit. "Don't think I don't know this is the exact kind of order you hate." He said. "You hate minding humans. Would you disobey me, again? Will you ever learn your lesson? You are here to serve, Gabriel, you are an angel, that's what you are created for."
Michael stood there with the stern look on his face, not a hint of emotion behind it, waiting for Gabriel to respond.

Misha paced in the living room. Chloe sat watching him going back and forth.
"Misha..." She said. "Stop pacing."
"I'm sorry." He said looking at Uzziel out of the corner of his eye. "This is just making me nervous."
Chloe shrugged.
"Nothing to be nervous about; it's only Michael in there." Uzziel said. "And neither of them will do anything since you are out here."
"How do you mean neither of them will do anything?" Misha said stopping and glaring at Uzziel.
Uzziel kind of shrugged. "Normally Michael and Gabriel go at it big time whenever they are in the same room." He said. "But since I'm sure Michael wouldn't do anything to harm either of you, they will only yell at each other."
"It's like Alice in Wonderland..." Misha grumbled as he resumed his
"Hum?" Chloe asked confused.
"It's like I've gone down the rabbit hole. Nothing is as it should be."
Misha explained. "I expect the Cheshire cat and a caterpillar with a
hookah to show up any moment..."
"I can arrange that if you wanted me too." Uzziel said offhandedly.
"Oh hell no!" Misha exclaimed glaring at Uzziel.

Gabriel sighed. "Fine, fine, whatever Michael." He finally said. "What do you know, though? What is it about this little girl that makes heaven order me to mind her?"
Gabriel didn't really expect and answer, not from Michael, not on this. He just felt the need to ask the question. Since those demons had shown up, he was getting the feeling that something more was going on but he wasn't being told about it.
Michael considered Gabriel's question a moment. "I'll be honest with you, Gabriel, I don't know what's with her." He confessed. "Heaven has no clue why the demons are after this girl."
Gabriel didn't respond right away. He wasn't sure how to take Michael actually responding to him. Michael and he hadn't been on good terms in centuries, it was kind of disarming to have him being frank.
"You want me to find out, don't you?" Gabriel finally asked.
"The thought had crossed my mind." Michael said. "There's no better angel for finding out what the demons are up to than you."
Gabriel glared at Michael. "So you want me to do your dirty work for you, figures."
"Don't think of it as dirty work." Michael said flatly. "Think of it as one more step to getting closer to heaven. You do want back into heaven, don't you?"
Gabriel didn't respond to that question. "Fine, Michael, I'll do it." He finally said. "But it doesn't come free."
"Nothing with you is free..." Michael grumbled. "All you are getting is one step closer to heaven, though, that's it. Nothing more. I'll have paid your price then." With that Michael turned, he disappeared in a flash of light.

Gabriel sighed and stared at the spot Michael had vacated for a moment. "Right..." He said softly then pushed open the kitchen door.
Chloe and Misha looked at Gabriel with apprehension when he exited the kitchen. Uzziel didn't seem to notice.
"Heaven would like me to keep an eye on you, Chloe." Gabriel grumbled. "We don't know why these demons are after you, but heaven is concerned for your safety."
"Concerned for my safety?" Chloe asked, a little confused why heaven would be so concerned over her... one little person who went through life rather unobtrusively. "Why be worried about me with all the millions of people in this world?"
Gabriel looked a bit confused that she would think she was so insignificant. "Because heaven is concerned over all humans, no matter how great or small." He said. "And the fact that for some reason hell has set it's sights on you is a bit disconcerting, since you haven't done anything to attract their attention."
"Well..." Chloe said trailing off. "It's getting late, we should be heading to bed. I don't suppose angels sleep, do they?"
Gabriel shook his head.
Misha looked at Gabriel and Uzziel a moment as Chloe headed for the bedroom. He let himself sigh as he picked up the blanket and pillow from the chair and threw it on the couch.
"I'm sleeping in here, so if you two wouldn't mind going into the kitchen or outside in the hall; just so I don't have you looming over me all night." He grumbled.
Gabriel shrugged and headed into the kitchen, mumbling about being banished to it. Uzziel followed, closing the door behind them.
The two sat at the table, staring at each other a moment.
"So... you want to play cards?" He asked.
Eloa's eyes looked to the darkness that fell around her. Her figure taking shape and form to the era that she was called to walk in. It wasn't a new thing for her to be called to earth. But then again it wasn't really that old either. She wasn't as old like most of the angels that held rank in heaven. A soft bit came to her soft lips as she looked to the neighborhood she now stood in. Eyes taking in the sight of everything around her as she tried to relax in to the era she was set in. Her eyes glanced down to the clothes. No robes clothed her body, but a two layers of cotton shirts did. One long sleeve and a little bigger then her. Another rested on top for extra warmth from the air that flowed that evening. The both shirts were a grudged white. Stained by dirt and such as if they were the first robes she had chosen. A thin jacket rested over it yet the worn material provide rather intricate warm that she seemed to like. Her jeans hung around her waist just perfectly, yet the pant legs fell around her legs as she looked down. A small tear had started to appear in the pants. But the thought to change them would cross her mind later. As she stepped forward the soft drag of her heel came against the ground as she found herself before some sort of yard. Her eyes glanced down but could barely see the style of shoe she was wearing. She would look later if she even cared to.
Her slender fingers slowly sled back the dark curls that fell around her as she walked to the door. She seemed rather calm with everything around her. Rather at easy with what was happening at the moment as her hand raised up. She hoped someone was at least up. Her knocks came with a solid knock on the door. This was 2000 years ago where an angel could just pop in and out anywhere they pleased. With the people of this era, one had to be careful not to expose themselves. She chose to take the most settled approach by knocking. Her eyes looked at the ground some before looking around. She seemed a bit like a child new to something, yet she was just studying the environment she was asked to be in. Remembering certain things that need to be remembered and such.
Misha hadn't quite fallen asleep yet, part of him was thinking he wasn't going to with Gabriel and Uzziel in the kitchen. He pulled the soft blanket up to his chin; noting how everything of Chloe's smelled like lavender. He smiled a bit; Chloe was a special girl, she may be older than he was, but he always felt like he need to protect her.
Trying to clear his mind to drift off into sleep when he was jolted up by a knock on the door.
Gabriel and Uzziel both looked towards the kitchen door in unison half a second before Eloa knocked on the door.
"Angel." Gabriel said standing. "What is she doing here?"
Misha jumped off the couch and darted over to the door almost silently. He slid the deadbolt open, though left the chain hooked so that the door wouldn't open all the way. He cracked the door open and looked out at the slender girl outside.
She looked awfully rough, like someone who had spent a great deal of time on the streets; though she didn't look familiar and he knew just about all the street kids around town.
"Who the hell do you think you are knocking on doors this time of night?" He grumbled.
She looked up to the light that broke past in the darkness. Almost as if she had been looking for it. Her eyes meeting up with a male face that seemed rather jolted. She bit her lip in worry that she woke the poor boy up. The words he spoke really didn't take her by shock either. Only a soft smile on her face appeared.
"I was looking for Gabriel. I'm supposed to report to him." Her voice came out softly. A mixture of a young mother and a wise elder. She looked to him with a gentle grace. He himself looked a bit roughed up from studying him alone. He had to have lived on the streets or still was. She wasn't one to question such a thing. Decisions were decisions. But she only hoped the right ones were chosen for good reasons. Her hands moved to her pocket out of some gesture. She was use to holding something of a walking stick or just some simple item. Yet nothing appeared at the moment as she placed her hands away.
She seemed to relax rather easily as she waited for some sort of answer. If no was replied she would simply leave and let him think to her as being crazy. But if another response came, then it wasn't her move to make on if Gabriel wished to see her or not. All she was told was to report to him. She asked before coming if he knew about it all her answer came was no. So the idea of a surprise drop in didn't really thrill her all that well. Especially since it was bad manners in any occasion.
Misha stood silently a moment looking at the girl. "Oh God, now he's bringing along even more..." He mumbled.
He didn't know what to do, though; whether to open the door and let her in or close it and lock it and never let anything in again. He'd just about had it with Gabriel and the things going on around him.
Uzziel pushed open the kitchen door and crossed the living room. When he reached Misha, he put a firm hand on his shoulder, saying nothing, he guided Misha from the door and unhooked the chain, motioning for Eloa to enter.
"You're here to see Gabriel?" He said more than asked.
Eloa's eyes raised with question to the boy as if it were some sort of curse he spoke of. But then again, most of the people she had watched seemed to be that way. Ignorant towards the face of the almighty. Her eyes watching him for a second later until someone moved to place a hand on the shoulder of the boy. Her ears head the latch of the chain come loose and the door open to reveal Uzziel. Her features softened back to themselves again as she nodded.
"Yes. I take it the people upstairs didn't bother to say anything?" The sound of distress was present. She shook her head as if question the reason to even come down. She wouldn't blame them for the sudden shock at all. She would have been the same way from the sudden drop in. She took no movements unless invited in. Otherwise she would spend her time outside on the streets to learn her surroundings of this place.
Uzziel nodded slightly, letting her know to come into the apartment. "They have no reason to tell us anything, we are not in grace." He said. "Gabriel would like to know why you are here, before we go any further."
A simple nod of understanding followed from Eloa's features. The ability of being invited in was accepted but the question always came before entering. What type of question she couldn't tell as she was asked right after the thought of it.
"Its unclear at the moment. But its for help and aid. I was told more would be reveal as time goes on. I don't know what's held in mind for what's going on. I just know that I was sent here to aid you." Her wisdom only gave a soft shimmer in her words. Yet she spoke with all honesty as she looked to Uzziel. Whether he accepted it or not. She wasn't sent by nobody else but God himself. He made that know to the other ranks. But what for? That was her question. She would find out soon if time permitted it.
Her hands moved from her pockets as she slipped them behind her back. Right hand over the left wrist as she waited patiently for any sort of acceptance.
Uzziel nodded again, accepting her answer. He didn't question, he never did, though he was surprised that Gabriel accepted it. Even though Gabe was in a bad mood over having been ordered to mind Chloe, he was in an oddly good mood, he normally demanded more of an answer, he liked being difficult, though in the end, that was more the ego of an archangel than anything else.
Uzziel looked to the kitchen. "He's in there." He said softly.
She waited to be questioned more. Yet a simple nod came for Uzziel as it was accepted. She smiled softly as she stepped in to the apartment. Her eyes glanced over the boy once more before moving pass Uzziel towards the kitchen.
"Thank you Uzziel." She spoke gently with a polite tone as she looked back towards the kitchen and headed over there to speak with Gabriel on the matter of reporting. Her hands moved to her pockets of her jacket now. She had forgotten to check the shoes she was wearing as she made her was in to the kitchen. Her head bowed lightly as did half her body. She would only bow fully to one person. As any angel would. It was in respects towards God. She didn't move until a few moments later as she looked up to Gabriel. "Good evening. Sorry to have disturbed you at such a time." She spoke of an apology as she rose back up to full stance. Her fingers gliding her hair back away from her eyes.
After Eloa went into the kitchen, Uzziel went over to Misha, touched him lightly on the forehead and caught Misha as he collapsed, unconscious, in a deep sleep, setting him on the couch, before slipping quietly into the kitchen.
Gabriel didn't bother to stand up when Eloa entered the kitchen, he remained sitting at the kitchen table, absently chewing on the strap of leather that held his sygil around his neck. He almost looked as if he didn't notice her at first, then suddenly, snapped his full attention to her. His dark eyes scanned her from head to toe.

"Uzziel, out." He ordered and Uzziel backed out of the kitchen nearly as soon as he had entered. "I remember you, don't I?" He asked Eloa. He opened his mouth as if to say something again, but decided not to, instead he put the strap back into his mouth. It was so undignified for an archangel to be acting this way, he knew it, and he didn't care. No one but Michael had ever dared to point out his bad behaviors.

"I believe so." She spoke lightly. Rumors were spread from angel to angel about her being. Nobody knew where she came from. The rumor of an angel being created from Christ's tears only made them question her position in heaven. But it didn't help either since she only remembered bits and pieces of her own creation. Yet the rumors were finally disapating with time as they saw her as just another angel for now or unless God held something in mind for this angel.
Slowly she lowered her eyes before raising them up again. Watching his movements, she could only smile to the actions of his mouth falling open to speak before he decided to place the leather back in his mouth. She never found Gabriel's behaviors to be outrageous, but rather sweet. Cute almost. But that was what her own opinion saw him as.

A pair of dark eyes fell upon the features of the archangel that sat before her. She could only see a childish look that he pulled off. A soft laugh only entered her mind as she remained still and serious. Her hand slowly recovering from her hair to her side. She could hear the order given to Uzziel yet did nothing. Whether it was another round of questions or not, she respected what that archangels had to say. She held no say since she held no position in heaven beyond that of a mere angel.
"I've got a headache, don't talk too loud, yeah?"
"I won't." She spoke softly. A soft smile seemed to fall upon her lips as her eyes glanced down. Finally noticing the shoes that were worn. Dark in color and a little torn on the edges from the rubber. She liked the look and was more then glad that they let her come down like this.
Gabriel took another moment to study Eloa, his eyes narrowing slightly as he did. 'What is up with this one?' he wondered. He'd been at least aware, if not present, when every angel had been created, but Eloa, he honestly didn't remember her creation at all.
On top of that, she didn't seem afraid of him, that was very clear. It took him slightly off guard as even when he was expelled from heaven, the angels tended to still fear him, he had worked very hard to make it that way. Whether a blessing or a curse, he really actually liked the idea of being around an angel that didn't tremble in fear around him.
"Are you afraid of me?" He asked sternly, locking his eyes with hers. He wanted an answer, whether she gave him what she thought he wanted to hear out of respect for his position or if she gave him an honest answer, he didn't care. He wanted to hear the words spoken. He leaned forward, resting his left elbow on the table, his fingers curled over his palm, his chin resting on his knuckles. He still had the strap laced between his long fingers as he kept his eyes locked with hers. That look had sent so many angels running in fear from the intensity in eyes. He loved to see how many angels could withstand that look.

Eloa only waited in a patient silence as he studied her again. What where on his thoughts? That was for him to hold and speak if he wished. She was in no hurry or rush as he watched her. A sincerity seemed to be present with in her sights as she looked to him.
Fear was held for him by many. Yet she barely knew him enough to even fear him. He looked nothing short of natural. She had heard of his fall from grace, yet now nothing still seemed to change as she looked upon him in respect and honesty. Her own fear was in God, Himself. All had to fear Him. It wasn't a must but natural instinct when it came to Him. Yet even with Him, she found herself relaxed and listening like an eager child to every word He spoke. She still remained as silent as she had when she entered the kitchen and let her sights fall to him. Then the question fell past his lips. Was she afraid of him?
"No. Is there any reason I should be?" She asked gently. Her voice soft to his content that he ordered from her. Her eyes only now seemed to settle with his. Locking with his as she watched him. She gave him what she thought best. Her honesty and truth. As well as a thought of question. 'What reason should I fear him for?' She found herself thinking. She could find nothing frightening about him. Scary that would make her tremble in fear. She could only see that image of him chewing on the leather. That image would most likely stay in her mind of him.
Her eyes kept locked on his as he moved slightly. Leaning forward with that strap between his fingers. She only found herself moving her hands to her jeans pockets again. She seemed to still stay straight up as she looked to him. Many couldn't stand the intensity of another angel's stare. Even when high in rank, yet she only stared to him through understanding eyes that had seen much change. Yet she would not judge him. It wasn't her place to judge him. The past was that of the past, they were in the present and in the moment.
Gabriel raised his eyebrows slightly. An honest answer, how absolutely refreshing.
He made note that when he returned to heaven, he must work on being frightening again, though.
He was an angel who thought too much, though, and left Eloa's answer hanging with a few moments of silence as he considered her answer.
"Good." He finally said. "It's difficult working with someone when they are constantly afraid, it drives me nuts."
He paused another moment. "But you ask why should you be afraid of me? Obviously you don't know my reputation as well as you should. I have a wee bit of a temper.... Now you don't know why you're here, I don't know why you're here, so we're in the same boat.... which is apparently stranded in an abyss of non-knowledge, how lovely... anyhow, tell me this, did they tell you if you were to follow my orders, or am I to follow your orders? Cause this just will not work if I am to follow your orders. Of course, I don't care if you follow mine, it doesn't make a difference to me. However, get in my way, you'll regret it, you just don't strike me as the type who would, though."
Eloa made no further movements as she watched his features. What he thought of her answer didn't really seem to come right away. But she felt no need for demand of it. If he accepted that was fine. If he didn't, it wouldn't bother her much. Just another full round of twenty questions to go. She felt like a statue as she stood in the same spot. But it didn't bother her. His words finally broke the silence that breathing only filled in as he spoke.
A smile fell upon her lips as he spoke of being driven nuts. But she guessed every angel had their little niches that drove them nuts. She had found hers, but it was rare for anyone to hit naturally. But she pushed that thought from mind as Gabriel continued to speak.
"It would seem that way." She spoke in concurrence with him. To be deathly honest, she really couldn't understand why they would send a mere angel down then some one of higher rank. She wasn't really questioning the matters at hand, but the reason of being. But all in time that would unfold, or that's what she was at least told when she asked on subject. She waited to answer his question as he elaborated on the fact of orders. She would follow. But that was left unclear as well.
"They only told me that I was down here to aid you. They spoke of someone else as well. A girl. Yet they couldn't decide whether or not to have me tell you. They just said there's a girl and, well, that was it. I wasn't told anything of following orders. But I can only assume that I have to follow the orders given by a higher rank." She spoke with all honesty. She was left with very little information for being there. It really didn't help either of them much. But whatever happened, she was now apart of from setting foot on earth.
"Chloe..." Gabriel said then inadvertently paused. "That's the girl they spoke of, Chloe. They didn't tell you anything of her? Huh, figures." He didn't pause to let her answer his question, just continued, one of his annoying habits. "It's probably because a couple of demons are after her and we haven't the slightest idea why. She didn't strike me as anything that would attract the attention of hell, but even Lucifer made a point of showing himself up earlier, sure he said it was because he was mad at me, but Lucifer never shows up just to tell me that, he prefers to hit me over the back of the head with a blunt object when I'm not looking."
He sat back in the chair, still toying with the strap, trying not to chew on it. "Since I don't want to mind this girl forever, we'll have to figure out, and rather quickly, why she is so sought after. Maybe that's why they sent you, to find out what it is she posses that has hell's interest. Maybe not, who knows, not even angels can completely understand the workings of heaven, I mean really, it's all about mystery and what not, the grand design has so many plot twists to it... I suppose if we really did try to figure it out we'd explode or something messy like that. Though I'd like to see that... that could be fun."
It was then that Uzziel pushed open the door and entered the kitchen. Gabriel stopped his rambling and looked at Uzziel questioningly.
"Wha?" He almost had a comical look like a child being caught in the middle of doing something he wasn't supposed to do.
Uzziel could only sigh at Gabriel rambling on. Cassiel had once joked that archangels were just big babies with fancy titles, though a joke, it wasn't entirely inaccurate. Gabriel's ramblings weren't rare, but that was only to those who knew him very well. When he rambled on with others that he didn't know, it meant he was having one of those moment where he needed watched. One of those moments, rare moments, that Uzziel would disobey a command from him. He'd been ordered out of the kitchen, Gabriel hadn't called him back in, but he came in anyway, to stop Gabriel from talking.
"God's Messenger... another way of saying 'the angel that talks too much'." Uzziel said. "Let Eloa sit or something, Gabriel, rather than looking like she's standing trial."
Gabriel gave Uzziel a confused look for a moment, then looked back over at Eloa. "Oh..." He said. "Do you want to sit? Go ahead, no need to stand around or anything. Uzziel, let's make something explode. I want to see something explode. Maybe Chloe has some pickles or something, those are fun to explode." Gabriel started to stand but one look from Uzziel made him sit. "It's not my fault."
Uzziel carefully made his way across the kitchen to where Gabriel was sitting, half an eye on Eloa as he did. He stopped at Gabriel's chair and leaned down.
"Focus, Gabriel." He said softly in Gabriel's ear. He straightened himself back up and then gently rested his hand on the top of Gabriel's head.
"Maybe." Eloa nodded softly to the name. Her eyes never seemed to shift from him as she listened to him. Another question came posed before her, yet no answer was allowed for open interpretation. It was left hanging as he seemed to speak on with some subject at hand. She just listened to him intently as he spoke. Not bothered by the fact that he left no room for options or opinions.
A smirk appeared on her lips as his sense seemed to slowly turn in to ranting and rambling on of such a subject that he presented her with. She felt no bother by it as she looked back to hear the door open and see Uzziel walk in. Her eyes diverted back to Gabriel. She couldn't help but smile and shake her head. She saw him as a child. She couldn't picture fearing him. She couldn't see him as that with the way he was holding himself this very moment. She could hear Uzziel as he spoke to Gabriel of politeness. She could only find a common interest in these two for some reason. Almost an alikeness that fit well with both. A soft laugh left her as she nodded gently to the offer.
"Thank you." She smiled lightly as she moved toward a chair off to the side. Her hand moving to the backing as she pulled it from the table. Her eyes looking around lightly. Now getting the chance to loosen her neck up a little. Her eyes looked to Gabriel as he spoke of explosions. That she couldn't help but hide her laugh a she heard the comment. Yet her eyes managed to caught the eye that Uzziel kept on her. A caution one it seemed from where she sat at. Yet she would let him judge her as she freely let him be himself.
"How much has changed since the last time I came down." She seemed to be thinking more out loud to herself then speaking to anyone else. She looked around to the clock and other such objects and items that lay with in the kitchen. Much advancement since the 20's. Yet she was in no hurry to understand what lay around her. She would learn in her own do time or if others were willing to teach her.
Gabriel followed her gaze about the room, "You mean you haven't been on earth in some time?" He asked a bit surprised by her musing. He chuckled. "Well, you're in for quite the surprise then, a lot has changed. Humans have progressed nicely. Technology is become very fascinating."
He moved his head slightly so that Uzziel's hand slid off his head and smirked.
"A long while." She said as a settled answer as she looked to Gabriel after the question was presented to her. Her eyes glanced to all that lay around her again before coming to rest on the ground under her. A soft bite on her lip came from just boredom as she stretched her neck a little by exercising it.
"Do I dare wish to understand this advancement. I know God gave them brains and free thought and such. I only hope that they don't let it over run them." She spoke lightly. She had heard of many kingdoms fall from to fast of advancement. Yet as she looked, this race was doing well for itself so far.
Gabriel shrugged as an answer to her questions. "They've been doing well, but who knows." He said a bit absently, the strap to his sygil finally finding its way back between his teeth, he stared off at the table top, looking lost in thought.
Uzziel moved his hand back down to his side, tilted his head a bit while looking at Gabriel, then sighed. "Well..." He said softly. "He's a beautiful mess, now." He smiled slightly. "Don't worry, he's not listening to us any longer, he's in his own little world, now." He flicked his eyes to the window. "I suspect he's going to be a bit aloof when he comes around again. In the mean time, it's almost sunrise." He paused just a brief moment. "Eloa, how many times have you tangled with a demon? I need to know if we need to keep an eye on you if it gets sticky, or if you can hold your own."
Eloa watched as Gabriel seemed to ramble on a little more before falling in to absolute silence as he appeared deep in thought. Disturbance seemed inevitable at the moment with him. Uzziel only proved that to be right as he spoke of Gabriel's deep thought status. She seemed to drift in her own thoughts as she thought of the long ago past. Her eyes raised up as the thought was shattered. A soft nod followed to Uzziel's question.
I could hold my own." She spoke gently. "I've fought a demon or two in the past. And I've seen many more when I first came to be." She said softly. That only lead her to question her creation again. Yet she learned to push it aside as she looked at Uzziel.
"Are things that bad down here?" She asked lightly as she looked for some sort of emotion that lay in the room yet she read none. She wished not to know what feelings they held at the moment. Hers only held the thought of sunrise, and what her being here would bring.
Uzziel nodded at her affirmation that she could stand up to demon. "Good, I was hoping that is how you would answer." He said. "I have enough to worry about with the humans around."
A slight silence fell as she looked to be mulling over something rather deep to her. Uzziel didn't find it uncomfortable, fortunately. But when she asked of the status, was it really that bad, he resisted a grin. "There's a constant battle between heaven and hell, Eloa, and the earth and her inhabitants are caught in the middle of it." He said. "Yes, it is that bad, and that is why there are angels, to fight the battle between good and evil, and hopefully win."
"Uzziel, make some coffee." Gabriel said suddenly without looking up from his staring. For just the briefest of moments his eyes moved to Uzziel, then back again.
Uzziel sighed, looked at Gabriel, but didn't move at first. He then turned his attention back to Eloa as he set himself into motion towards the counter with the coffee maker on it. "Sometimes I think its best we don't know how this war will end, it may not turn out too well for us." He said softly.

She moved lightly as she leaned up against the table. Elbows resting upon its surface as her hands clasped together. The sound of coffee was different. Yet it didn't really seem knew. Her legs shifted lightly as she set them back and crossed them under the chair. Silence only seemed to befall her now as she listened to the two other angels converse with one another.
"It is best. Because if we did know, other paths that are presented to use in the long run dissipate to another path that is less likely to be taken." She spoke lightly. Her own thoughts running as a little of her wisdom appeared in what she spoke in. "Its not our well being to know or understand why he does this. Just to love him and understand the motions of his actions as messages to all around us." She seemed to slightly tip onto a human scale now as she spoke gently.
Uzziel gave her a sidelong look and smiled slightly. He said nothing, though finding Eloa's optimism oddly refreshing. Normally he couldn't tolerate that much optimism.

12:43:59 Aug 17th 09 - Duke Windscar The Random:

i likes

13:02:48 Aug 17th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

We're here.

14:21:47 Aug 17th 09 - Lady Astoria:

Chapter Two: Let The Devil Take Me?

Luc absently sipped his coffee as he sat staring out the window of the coffeehouse; Dumah's statements from earlier still weighing on his mind. Was Dumah right? Was he letting Gabriel get to him? It didn't make sense; since he had been cast out of heaven, he could care less about what any of them did so long as they stayed out of his way.
"Oh for the love of... Luc, why are you sulking?"
The dark haired man, who looked to be in his early thirties plopped down next to Lucifer. He gave Lucifer an irritated look at the Prince of Hell's sulking, took his cup and took a sip of the coffee. "Not bad..." He mumbled. "But really, you have to go to Italy to get the best coffee."
"Aww fuck, can my day get any worse, Azazel, what do you want?" Lucifer asked irritated, snatching his coffee from Azazel and slapping his hand roughly when he reached for it again.
Azazel snorted and drew back his hand, glaring at Lucifer. "I have a proposition, Lucifer." He said ignoring Lucifer's 'go away' look. "Dunno what's up with that girl Gabe and Uzziel are minding, but it can't be good. She may be valuable to heaven." He paused a moment trying to read Lucifer's face but gave up. "I'd like to get my hands on her a bit."
"No, absolutely no." Lucifer growled. "If Gabe is having to mind some human girl; well you know he didn't decide to do it on his own, which means Michael ordered him to. I'm not tangling with Michael right now."
"Some Prince of Hell you are..." Azazel grumbled. He sat back in his chair and studied Lucifer a moment. "If that's the way you want it, fine. I can't believe you are afraid of Michael, though... Michael... he's nothing, just an overblown ego, still gloating at knocking his brothers out of their places."
Lucifer's expression went icy. His green eyes flashed with anger.
"How... dare you speak to me like that." He growled and leveled his gaze at Azazel. "Have you forgotten your place, Azazel?"
"I haven't forgotten mine, but apparently you have forgotten yours." Azazel grumbled, knowing he was probably pushing Lucifer too far on this. "You're the Prince of Hell, and you're playing pussy foot with Michael? You're supposed to be confronting him, pushing him, vexing him... he's an angel and you are his great antagonist."
Before Azazel could react, Lucifer leaned forward and backhanded him. "I am not pussy footing with Michael." He growled. "If you had half a brain you'd realize not every situation demands charging in. Michael can be a problem to deal with directly; this is one of those times it's not good to be confrontational."
Azazel tried hard not to react to Lucifer hitting him. He kept the same cool expression on his face, just wiped the trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth.
"Well, it's your call, Lucifer." He said after Lucifer finished berating him. "The angels are keeping an eye on some little human girl and we don't know why, Gabe killed a couple of our demons, so we don't know why they went back there, and you don't want to find out what is going on, that's fine, after all, you are the guy in charge."
A devilish laugh only came from the shadows. He had seen the hit. Yet he did nothing as he watched the confrontation. He had only gotten in hours earlier. Yet he took his time and watched the people. Studied the scum that walked this earth. He still couldn't see what God saw in this people. What hope did they have when the majority of them stopped believing. He shook his head lightly as he rose up. That mischievous smile seemed to befall his face as he rose from the shadows. The 5'11" form suited him rather well for the moment being as he walked to the two person congregation that was taking place in the coffeehouse.
"Evening Lucifer." Valefar said bowing his head in respect to the head of hell. He hadn't bothered to check the time nor the fact of daylight. But it made no difference. Saying 'Evening' only came natural with what he naturally did. He slowly pulled a chair from another table as he joined the two. "Mind if I join you too?" The question wasn't really up for oppition as soon as Valefar took his place with the two. He was higher the neither of them. A mere Duke of hell, yet he still held that mischievous attitude as he dared to push the limits with everybody. "May I ask what this little situation of hitting Azazel is about?" He asked. That cocky twist of laughter could be heard in his rustic voice.
Lucifer sighed, wondering why when he wanted to be alone, everyone seemed to show up. He leaned back in his chair and lit a cigarette.
"You can ask, Valefar; feel free to; in fact I think it's a little something that all the citizens of hell need to ask as it seems that quite a number of you have forgotten how to show respect for me." He said coolly.
Azazel snorted in spite of himself. "Evening to you too, Valefar." He said hoping that Lucifer wouldn't notice. "What brings you here to this miserable little town?"
"Hey don't jump down my throat with such thought. Remember we ain't nothing like heaven." A light nodded came from the gothic feature. Cocky he appeared to be at the moment yet he controlled it rather well besides the smile that wouldn't leave his lips. He couldn't help it. It was as if he knew something yet he knew nothing but that of his job in hell.
His eyes shifted slightly over to Azazel. He heard the snort loud and clear. A shake of the head only followed before he heard the question. "Life, love, and politics. I have to take out a few people." He smirked brightly. "Lets just say they're looking to get a few bullets embedded in to their skulls." Valefar spoke with truth on such a matter.
"As for the question. What the hell is going on?" He said finally as the smile weakened a little. He wasn't really talking for the percentage of hell. He was voicing his own questionable opinion. Respect also seemed rare towards others. Yet whether or not Lucifer knew it, Valefar showed the highest respect for him. He just did it in a stranger way then most others. He leaned back in his chair lightly as he locked his fingers behind his neck and sat there awaiting calmly for an answer as the smile finally dissipated in to the air. His leg crossed over the other as he calmed down and relaxed a bit.
Azazel shrugged slightly at Valefar's question. "Not sure what's going on, I'd like to find out myself, but our dear leader would rather not try Michael's patience at the moment." He said. "I guess old Mike is having Gabe and Uzziel keep an eye on some human girl, yet no one knows why."
Azazel grabbed a waitress passing by lightly by the arm. "Coffee, my dear, now." He ordered in a tone that was thinly veiled politeness.
Lucifer glared at Azazel. "Give it time, the answer to the question weighing so heavily will come." He said absently.
His eyebrow raised only slightly in question to what Azazel answered with. The response didn't come as a shock. Yet it still struck him as a bit odd. He shifted slightly in through as he smirked again.
"Either that or Dear God up there has something planned and if he does we need to watch out backs. A girl hmmm?" That seemed to catch Valefar off guard as he sat back again. "Well hopefully we're prepared for whatever they're looking to toss our way." His eyes raised lightly to the waitress that stopped for Azazel's clear cut movements. "Umm� Miss, I'll take a cup as well." He said lightly as with a rather polite and friendly tone before turning back to the conversation at hand. His arm moving back as it looped to the backing of the chair. He seemed to get comfortable again from his thoughts as he looked around. A light clash between the two made it apparent to him that Lucifer really did want his time alone. Yet to give it, was long and far out of the question. He started smiling again as he closed his eyes for a moment.
Lucifer lightly tapped his fingers on the table. He had been trying hard to ignore what was going on with Chloe; he really didn't care; but the more Azazel and Valefar discussed it; the more and more he was starting to wonder himself.
"We need someone to keep an eye on Gabriel and Uzziel." He finally said. "Someone who can do it without Gabriel noticing, nothing escapes him, that's the problem with dealing with him; he'll hear you a mile off if you aren't careful."
"Heh... then why don't you do it, Luc?" Azazel said as the waitress came back with the coffee for him and Valefar. He nodded slightly at her and dumped some cream into the cup.
"Because Gabe will notice me no matter what; remember, he and I were very close."
Valefar looked to Lucifer as he spoke. The concerns had hit their leader now. Listening in to the words he spoke of. The idea of some sort of spy always seemed helpful. But Lucifer was right on this one if Gabriel was among them. He remembered the guy quite will and never really liked him. He shook his head.
"Don't look to me on this. I'm too loud with what I do." He seemed to almost admit it with pride as he looked to the waitress with a thankful nod of his features before she left. He wasn't the type to take anything in his coffee. He took it how it was served to him. Simple, easy, and black. It hit him hard when he took the first sip. Yet he savored the taste quite well.
"I really wonder what makes this girl important if Michael has Gabriel and Uzziel down here as well." That seemed to really concern him. But he hoped that no other angels had already set foot upon this earth to help with whatever was being planned.
"Yeah, don't look at me either, after that whole thing with the Nephilim..." Azazel paused a moment. "Gabriel wasn't too happy with that incident."
Lucifer laughed. "Do you actually think Gabe remembers that, Az?" He asked. "Anyhow, you two are the ones suddenly so concerned over it, you figure it out."
Lucifer was trying hard to put this behind him again, he still had his goal of giving Gabriel a what for; for having killed those two demons while out of grace.
Valefar laughed lightly on that old subject. "Ah yes. I remember that. Gabriel nearly up because of it. Same goes for Raphael and Michael. But not like Gabriel. Even though I wasn't apart of it, the look is one to remember well." He seemed to still laugh at such an old topic. That only left a stained smirk of mischievousness on his lips as he took another sip of his coffee.
"Well we're looking to the big picture of this. They can't just be their to protect one girl. What makes her that important unless there are more to follow in the years. If we destroy her, or at least distort her mind a little we can probably find out why they want her. We just need to lure Gabriel and Uzziel away from the girl. Wait! I'll take the offer on going in there. Befriend the girl. And I don't have a problem with trust on that part." He spoke rather clearly now as he leaned forward again.
"There we go..." Lucifer said smirking a bit himself. "Take note of that, Az, Valefar knows how to make me happy, you should stick around with him, maybe you'll learn something. Besides, my little scapegoat, you'd make the perfect distraction for Valefar."
Azazel tried to hide his disgust by taking a long sip of his coffee. Whether Gabriel remembered the incident or not, he knew as fact Gabriel didn't forget who he was. Besides, he doubted highly that Gabriel would have forgotten all that happened because of what he and the other Grigori did.
"So what are you saying, Lucifer, Morning Star?" Azazel asked as he set down his mug on the table. "That I should just walk on up to Gabriel and wave hello?" He paused a moment. "I know, I know, that's not what you're saying... look, I'm not too keen on this idea..." He trailed off at Lucifer's glare. "But of course I will do as you command, my liege..."
He picked up his mug again and sunk back into sulking.
Valefar felt a satisfaction for his daily deeds at the moment as he took another sip from the mug. The strong hit of the caffeine only seemed to put Valefar in a state of relaxation and easy. His eyes raised lightly to look to Lucifer as the guy mentioned making him happy. A light laugh left him.
"We'll lets not have me baby-sitting. I'm not one for such a job." The comment came out with that devilish smirk before disappearing to take another sip of coffee. He listened to Azazel present some idea that was more of a sarcastic invite.
"Well looking to the matter at hand, I already hold an idea of more or less to befriend the girl. It's the fact of getting to her. Not that your brilliant idea will help any...Hmmm." Valefar slowly trailed off in thought. "We could try another attack. But that's of your choice if you wish to sacrifice a few more demons in the process. Other wise another rooted idea will need to be formed." Valefar spoke with his eyes closed as he tried to formulate a plan in mind. His eyes opened only slightly as he rose the cup to his lips again.
Azazel shot a look over his coffee mug to Valefar at his comments that were clearly and sarcastically directed to him.
"You're not going to distract Gabriel very easily, you know." He mumbled through the mug. "Unless you have something shiny and pretty in silver... he'll fall for anything shiny."
It may have sounded sarcastic, but honestly, it wasn't far from the truth. In all the complicated duties that Gabriel had, most of the time something simple and shiny could get the archangel's attention fairly quickly.

Lucifer hid his satisfaction at pitting Azazel and Valefar against each other. He knew well that Azazel was far too prideful to take the dressing down he was getting. Though he did let the smallest of smiles slip, knowing that one or the other or both would catch it.
"No, Gabriel isn't easy to distract, Azazel; however, I am certain he isn't happy about being told to mind this little human girl." He said. "So I would imagine just about anything will distract him from this rather mundane task." He took a moment to sip his coffee and turned his eyes to Valefar. "Demons are disposable; sacrifice as many as you need; I'm sure we can always find replacements..."
He could feel Azazel's eyes fall upon him as he looked back with a rather intricate look of enjoyment. He moved resting his arm around the back of the chair again as he brought his leg up and crossed it over the other.
"Shiny huh." He laughed. "I wouldn't put it past him." Valefar shook his head lightly before settling down again. He could hear the sarcastic sting in the words he spoke. Yet truth lay enlaced within its reaches with certain facts.
His eyes raised to catch something on the tipping of Lucifer's lips. A raise of the eyebrow only caused a cocky sly smile to slide upon his lips before he shook his head again. He would say nothing of it. If Azazel notices or not, wasn't really his problem.
"Well that's because nobody likes baby-sitting. Especially if the child is annoying as hell." He said rather with easy as he brought his cup to his lips. Finishing his cup up before pulling the waitress over to get him another cup. His eyes moved back towards the little group.
"As for the demons. I believe one will always stay behind to protect the girl. We need them all distracted. Maybe have a couple of them attack me. I'll pose as someone defenseless. It could just work. Give us the ability to get our foot in the door." He said lightly as he looked around the coffeehouse as if searching for someone now.
Azazel caught the little smile on Lucifer's lips, but wrote it off to Lucifer trying to get him riled, which was almost working.
Listening to Valefar's plan, he nodded, seemed very sound to him. "That might just work." He said.
"You don't know Gabriel very well, do you, Valefar?" Lucifer asked with a sigh. "You'll never be able to get even a 100 feet near Gabriel without him seeing who you are; if he doesn't see your mark as a fallen angel first; he'll sense you; that's if Uzziel doesn't smell you first."
He paused a moment, sipping his now cold coffee and waving over the waitress, asking for a refill.

"I don't want to know about him. Its bad enough he fell from grace, I don't want to see his ass again." He seemed to hiss out. He didn't know Gabriel that well, but then again he never wanted to. Even in force, Valefar refused to socialize with the archangel.
"You two will have to learn about Gabriel and Uzziel." He continued. "Together... they are deadly. They think in perfect tandem, they act as one; they are the perfect killing machine. Gabriel is God's punisher; forget all that peace, love, and all that rubbish about angels. Those two are not like that. They we're meant to destroy; to kill; and they have the best survival instincts of any angels. If it were any other angels; I'd say the plan was perfect, however..."
Lucifer trailed off a moment and smiled a wicked smile.

Valefar nodded lightly in agreement before looking to their leader. His eyes moving down lightly to the black leathered band watch that lay on his wrist. Time was drawing near. Yet he would wait a few more seconds as he looked back to Lucifer as he lectured him on Gabriel. A snicker appeared on his face.
"You make it sound like the two are a gay couple." Valefar couldn't help but let out. The way Lucifer spoke of the two angels. He couldn't help but laugh at just the insane idea that stepped in to mind. He moved lightly stretching his legs out before reclining them back in his own space again. Leaning forward as he heard Lucifer speak on about the two. His eyes averted up to the waitress as she brought the refills. A light nod of the head represented a thank you as he turned to look to Lucifer.

"In some respects, yes, you could say that." Lucifer said. "Two beings that know each other very well. Only far more, Uzziel is part of Gabriel, should you want to call it that. He's Gabriel's right hand; a very willing servant to his master. You'll see it; that I'm sure of."
"One thing God never planned, perfect doesn't exist. Even in certain angels." Valefar spoke from Gabriel's little incident and a few others with in the long past. He brought the cup to his lips before his eyes opened to catch that wicked smile that spread across their liege's lips.

"Of course perfect doesn't exist, which is the beauty of it all." Lucifer answered. "It's what you should know about those two, they can break down, lose touch with each other; and if they've been acting together; then that can throw one or the other off. There's your secret to dealing with them; make them lose touch with each other, if not for but a moment."
Lucifer paused a moment more, the more he thought about this the better it sounded to him. "Want to make the Prince of Hell happy, boys?" He asked.

"Depends on your definition of happy." Valefar let out a little sarcastically.

"Then bring me Uzziel. I want Uzziel in the throne room of hell; and once I have him, Gabriel will be so focused on getting his precious Uzziel back, you'll be able to distract him easily with a couple little demons while you get to the girl."
The laughter that followed could only be described as the most wicked laughter in the world. The Devil had his eyes set on a prize, that prize was Gabriel's closest companion; his favorite angel...

Valefar started to take another drink before the request was brought forth. He nearly spit out his coffee as he looked at Lucifer with shock. It was rare to catch him in such a moment. But with such a want as what he just commanded, Valefar couldn't hide it.
Lucifer snickered at Valefar's slight slip. "My definition of happy is the only one that counts in hell, as you know." He said. "Make me happy, the rest of you will be free to peruse what ever it is you want."
Azazel made a "tsk" sound as he stared at his empty cup.

"That could work..." Valefar finally felt his shock slowly climb down to a relaxed state as he looked to Lucifer. Apparently the man couldn't help but laugh about it as that dark laugh only seemed to echo in him. A sly devilish smirk appeared on his features.

Lucifer only half listened to the rest of what anyone had to say. He was wrapped up in his thoughts about what he could do to Uzziel; and consequently, Gabriel
"Its a deal then." He said smirking with a slight incline of his features. His eyes looked to Azazel.
"Wasn't Valefar ordered up here for a reason?" Azazel asked. "Something about a bullet in someone's brain?"
"I was. I'm just waiting for the dear boy to arrive. Seems to be taking his time, stupid bastard." He said as he looked to his watch again before looking over his shoulder to the bell that rang. A young guy walked in. No older then the age of eighteen, one would have to say.
"I wish you boys a good evening." Valefar moved pulling his wallet out and tossing a couple of dollars on the table to pay for his cups. "Let me know when this plan will be taken in to action. As for now, duty calls."

Valefar moved slowly as he walked to the young guy. Acting as if the boy had dropped money from his wallet. Only to strike up a conversation that seemed to run smoothly with the guy as the two exited the coffeehouse for now. Only a few minutes would follow before the gunshots from some distant alleyway would be heard and Valefar long gone from the crime scene that started to form.

When Valefar left the table; he only nodded slightly. And when the sounds of Valefar's job well done echoed somewhere in the distance, he smiled sweetly. He turned to Azazel. "So...?" He asked. "You wouldn't want to make me unhappy, would you?"
Azazel sort of grunted. He had pushed Lucifer quite far tonight, he wasn't sure if it would be a good idea to push any further.
"Yeah, whatever, Lucifer." He grumbled as he rose from his chair. "We'll get you Uzziel." With that he left the table, never bothering to pay for his coffee.

15:06:37 Aug 17th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:


23:16:49 Aug 17th 09 - Duke Windscar The Random:

what he said

06:16:21 Aug 18th 09 - Lady Astoria:

for some reason its not letting me post the next chapter................

06:22:40 Aug 18th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

o.O  Do you get an error or is there something there that can give a hint as to why not?

06:55:38 Aug 18th 09 - Lady Astoria:

Chapter Three: Mea Culpa?

Chloe's alarm clock pierced the silence of the apartment with a shrilling, screaming, constant, beeping; sending Misha bolting upright on the couch. It suddenly stopped with a thud as Chloe hit it to turn it off.
Misha took a deep breath he got up, hoping that last night was a nightmare and there were no angels in the kitchen. He could smell the coffee brewing though, he had a sinking feeling as that hope faded.
Pushing open the kitchen door, he was faced with the three angels. He sighed. "Morning..." He mumbled crossing over to the coffee maker, grabbing a mug and filling it up before going to the refrigerator.

"Good morning." Eloa's voice carried gently. As if to let his sleeping mind process what she just spoke. She only smiled softly before shifting a little in her seat again. Her hands moved slightly. Unclasping as she rubbed them together for a moment before locking them again. Before bring her arms down to rest upon the surface of the table. Her legs stretched out a little in a calm motion of relaxation. She could smell the scent of the coffee float slowly around her as the aroma feeled her. A rather good smell yet she rarely would touch it. She preferred water over all that was presented to her out of drinks.

"Sleep well?" Uzziel asked almost a bit sarcastically as Misha opened the fridge.

Misha glared at Uzziel for his comment. "Yes actually; it was the best sleep I've had in a long time, despite all of you being here." He said pouring some milk into his coffee.

They heard the sounds of Chloe stumbling out of her room, into the bathroom, then the shower started as the uneasy silence fell over the kitchen.
Gabriel, seeming a little more aware at the moment, cocked his head slightly to the left and seemed to half watch Misha getting his coffee. He said nothing, just watched.

Uzziel was watching Misha a little more intently than Gabriel was. Before Misha could even think of leaving the kitchen, Uzziel made sure he lingered a few more moments. "You don't trust us, do you, Misha?" He asked.

Misha paused for a second; taking in what Uzziel said. "No, I don't." He said. "I'm not a naturally trusting person. Besides, I am concerned for Chloe; you seem to create nothing but trouble. I don't want to see her hurt."

Gabriel stopped watching Misha a moment and looked sidelong at Uzziel, Uzziel paused a moment then looked back at Gabriel. Gabriel shook his head just the slightest bit. "Uzziel, coffee." He ordered as he turned his eyes back to Misha.
Uzziel obeyed, going over to the kitchen and getting a mug, filling it with coffee, then going back over to Gabriel. He set the mug down, stuck his hand in his pocket and fished out a little container of cream, pushing in the paper top with his index finger then dumping the cream into Gabriel's mug. He then slid quietly, without a word, behind Gabriel to return to and maintain an expressionless face, still watching Misha. Gabriel picked up the mug, carefully sipping the coffee, though his eyes never left Misha.
They heard Chloe turn off the shower, clatter around in the bathroom a bit, and then there was the sound of a hairdryer turning on.

Eloa's eyes raised up to the sound of the shower coming on. her eyes raised upwards, hearing the sound from some distance within the apartment before settling her eyes down. Apparent that the distrust appeared with the boy's actions and words. 'At least they stay together to protect one another.' She thought simply as she sat back. Her eyes looked to the other angels who seemed to watch the boy with a cautious eye. She wondered why. But no question passed her lips as she exhaled slowly. Closing her eyes as if slowly going in to a meditative state of mind. Whether it was to calm the thoughts that slowly cluttered her mind or just to relax a little more, one could see the state she slowly slipped in to. Her hands opened slightly as if releasing something, yet the meditation was the only thing over taking her mind. She would hold worries later if time called for such an occasion. She even ignored the sound of the blow dry as the slowly slipped away from reality.

Chloe finished drying her hair and hurried into the bedroom to get dressed. She hurried getting dressed as the apartment was a bit chilly and the smell of coffee in the kitchen was tempting her more and more.
She bounded out of the bedroom and through the kitchen door, stopping in her tracks. She was faced with Gabriel and Uzziel, who looked rather... overly watchful. Also there was someone new in the kitchen. Her eyes widened. This new person, a young woman, looking like she had just gotten off the streets, was quietly sitting at the table.
She turned to look at Misha, startled by all of this. He didn't look too comfortable himself.

Misha sort of shrugged at Chloe's confused look. He wasn't quite sure what to say. "We have a new visitor, I dunno her name." He said softly as he took a mug out of the cupboard for her.

Eloa's eyes opened slowly from meditation. She felt as if a dream state had grasped her thoughts as she heard the voice of another female in their presence. She moved slowly as if to close her eyes again before breathing out slowly to fully awaken her sense. Her eyes looked to the female that had entered. 'This must be Chloe.' She thought lightly.

"I'm Eloa." She spoke gently. She felt not need to be cautious of anything unless she felt it. Yet even then she stayed calm as ever. She smiled gently as she looked to the two angels that watched Misha still. Her head shook lightly before she glanced around the kitchen. Apparent that she was still trying to get use to the time period that she now was in.

"Ahh, she has a name; wonderful." Misha said as he set his now empty cup down on the counter. He looked about the room a moment. He really needed a shower, but hated to leave Chloe alone at this time. However, this sulking around in the kitchen needed to end. The sooner they got out of there the better. "Look, I'm going to take a quick shower then we can get this day going. Scream if you need me, Chloe."

Her eyes rested upon boy for his comment. Yet she said nothing. She held no right to. Nor did it bother her. She was just trying to understand the tone that was taken by it. She had a lot to learn by the looks of it. Especially in the sense of personal being in such a world and era as now. She was going to have to work hard on that or keep to herself. She only turned her sights away as she relaxed again in her seat. The aroma of coffee seemed welcoming. But she rose lightly looking to the girl.

"May I get a glass of water?" She asked lightly and softly. She wasn't looking to order or demand. Might as well mix in since she was here.

Chloe looked at this young woman, a bit confused by it all. "Uh, yeah, go ahead. There's some bottled water in the fridge." She said.

"Thank you." She spoke softly. Eloa moved slowly to help herself to a glass as she looked around a little before finding the glasses. Her steps slow as she moved to the fridge. Opening the door to help herself to some water. Her eyes looked over to Chloe.
She watched as Misha exited the room then looked over at Gabriel and Uzziel.
"Umm, Eloa, who are you exactly?"

"I'm an angel." She said gently. "But I'm not like them. Their higher in ranking then me." She reached in to the fridge as she pulled the water out. Walking back to the counter as she poured herself a glass before recapping the bottle and putting it in the fridge. She closed the door lightly before walking to go sit down at the table again. Glass in hand as she took a sip of the cold water. Feeling the refresh taste as it hit her dry mouth.

The corner of Gabriel's lips showed a slight smile as Misha left the room and Eloa explained her situation.

She awoke to the violent shock of music that blurred loudly from her stereo alarm system. Blindly her hands groped for the controller to turn the damn thing off before she turned over to pass out again. Yet again she forgot to set all her alarms off. Only holding the dreadful feelings of another one near by screeching to its arising minute. She nearly wanted to scream as she shot up from her bed. Her eyes looking around the darkness to shut that ear piercing sound off before she broke yet another alarm clock.

Her sleep body raised from the bed as she pulled the covers off to reveal a pair of baggy flannel pants and a baggy white shirt pulled over her body. The feel of the cold floor against Catylina's feet only caused a curse to pass her lips as she walked across the wood flooring to the other side of her room. Viciously she beat the clock in to submission before she found herself seating on the floor by it. She felt no want of walking back to her bed as she let herself fall over and curl up on the spot to go back to sleep. Amazing that she could manage to sleep anywhere she found it fit to be comfortable.

She groaned lightly as she just looked around her room before turning herself, stomach down on the floor. Stretching out on the ground as she looked over the wood paneling and the items that lay forgotten upon its surface. She closed her eyes for a moment before the sound of her door handle clicking made her realize that she was given no choice this morning but to wake up.

"Time to wake up Catylina. Remember we're going to the book store today." That sweet serene voice felled her eyes. Yet it was nothing like the voice of a mother as she laid there. She groaned again as her Aunt Haile only watched her lay there on the ground.

The woman was alright. Told to be only in her middle to late thirties. Yet she only claimed for the last five years of being thirty-two. She could only laugh. A bright woman who was working hard to support herself as well as Catylina. The only child that this single woman knew and loved. Yet Catylina really didn't know how to deal with her. Mother was a name of someone of well knowledge to her. Yet she was, and even blood at that. But here she laid, and there she stood, both knowing that Haile could never fell that void that Catylina had lost in her youth.

She found herself pushing herself up slowly as she rose up and turned to face her as she sat cross legged on her own floor. "I know." Left her lips slowly as she yawned a little to wake her senses up a little more. Her dark eyes falling upon the dark haired woman that came in close resemblance to her mother, yet held no liking personality to her. Her fingers brushed her bedded hair back from her eyes as she finally forced herself up to her feet to go and get ready. She moved grabbing a couple articles of clothing before leaving her room with the clothes one hand and her combat boots in the other. She walked to the bathroom as she started the shower up and got undressed. Stepping with in the warm confines, she found herself out in five minutes. Dried off and dressed she finished washing up and such before slowly heading down the stairs of the townhouse apartment that the two lived in with another life being. The little black and white cat her aunt held.

Catylina stepped in to the aroma filled kitchen as she looked down to see that olive green eyes of her aunt's cat staring up to her. Her body bend down lightly at the knees as she wrapped her arms lightly around the cat and picked it up. She walked over to the table silently taking a seat as her mind still tried to awaken from the dead like sleep she had been in only moments earlier.

Azazel watched the bookstore from across the street hoping those damned angels would get there soon. He hated waiting.
He shifted his weight as he leaned against the lam post, bored beyond belief, wishing that the night before would never had happened

Valefar strolled slowly in the early morning hours to the destination he was told to go to. Hands in pocket, he only smirked when Azazel came in to his line of view. By just standard observations, the guy looked impatient. That devilish smirk only stayed upon his lips as he walked closer.

"Is it just more or are you impatient about this job?" He asked with a hint of amusement in his voice as he drew closer to his fell fallen angel. He started coming to a slow stop as his eyes looked to the bookstore. The destination at heart, that would soon be under some sort of attack. His hand pulled from his pocket as he popped something in to his mouth. It was only then the true item that lay between his lips as he pulled a lighter from his pocket and light the cigarette up. The shimmering black metal looked old fashion. Even the metal spark wheel was old. Maybe of the 50's. But one couldn't place it. All he remember was stealing it off some guy before the mafia got a hold of him. And well, he knew the end that came to that man.

The aroma scent of clove leaves could be smelt from the thinly rolled cigarette as his fingers took grasp of it and pulled it from his mouth after the inhale. He slowly exhaled out with patience as he looked to Azazel.

"How are you this wondrous morning?" He spoke. But not in the terms of a question more then a motto. That smirk never seemed to leave his own lips unless in deep thought as he moved to the wall. Back up against it as he face Azazel.

Azazel snorted a bit at Valefar's question. "Kidnapping isn't my game." He grumbled. "And frankly, I could care less about Lucifer's little ambitions. I should have been the Prince of Hell, not him, I was the first to fall, but no, I got bound in a desert, he got the throne of hell." He snatched the clove from Valefar, took a drag and then handed it back. "I just want to get it over with and get my hands on that girl."

Valefar felt a niche of anger burn in him as Azazel took his cigarette away. For a moment he thought his cigarette was going to be tossed out but relaxed when Azazel only took a puff from the end. The cherry only seemed to burn slowly as the smoke and scent of clover slowly lingered around them.

"Well stop whining about the whole 'I should be the prince' bull crap. Look at it this way Azazel, there would be chaos among the ranks if no order was given. Somehow Lucifer manages to maintain that order. How he doesn't I don't know. I don't want to know." He answered simply to his statement. "As for kidnapping, not my thing either. But look there are only two of use. And Lucifer will only get his hands dirt if its something really big. Otherwise were his little puppets to please." Valefar spoke lightly and honestly. Yet loyalty was strong with him.

Catylina waited outside for her aunt. A hoodie resting around her for warm seemed to provide enough for now. A beanie lay resting upon her head for the day. She wasn't looking to impress anyone for today anyway. She moved lightly putting her hands over her ears to keep them warmed up as she sat on the edging. Eyes just looking to everything that lay around her. She wished she had a camera for the moments she saw in life that she favored the most. By she had broken the lens a while back so that seemed long from the picture. At least she had memories of them. She just need the skills to draw them out on paper. Not one of her many good talents.

"Lets get going." She heard her aunt tell her as she stepped from the town home. Her hands lay in her pockets as she rose up and starting walking towards her aunts car. Slipping inside she felt the air hit her hard before she turned the vent away and looked out the window. Placing the seat belt on she leaned back in her seat as she felt her mind try and fade back in to sleep. She could hear the engine start and feel the car roll yet the drive would stay silent. Especially at this hour in the morning. At least her aunt had the radio station on something tolerable.

Misha came back into the kitchen; showered; and looking considerably less dirty than before.
"Well, ready when you are." He mumbled as Chloe checked her watch.
"It is about time to head out, or I'll be late." Chloe said downing her coffee and heading out of the kitchen followed by Misha.

Gabriel carefully stood up, Uzziel stepping back a step to get out of his way. He took a quick glance over at Eloa as he headed for the door too, with Uzziel a step behind him.

Eloa finished her own glass of water as she rose up from her seat putting the glass near the sink as she looked back over to Gabriel who looked her way. She could only follow a few feet behind the too. Hands in pocket again as she started walking with them. The day looked beautiful so far. No matter how bad or good a day was, she always managed to find something in it that made it easy to deal with in life.

Chloe, a little freaked out by the line of creatures following her out the door, grabbed her jacket and opened the front door. She picked up Misha's too, throwing it to him.
Gabriel paused a moment before exiting, Uzziel went on past him through the door. Gabriel swung around a long black wool coat from out of no where. He looked at Eloa a moment, wearing that thin jacket and a couple of shirts. He knocked his head to the side, getting the bangs out of his eyes, then stopped Eloa and gently draped the coat over her shoulders.
"Chloe says it's a bit cold." He said as he carefully smoothed the coat over her.

Eyes wondering, she felt like a newborn child to this world. It looked the same. It felt the same. Yet so much had changed since her last time on earth. Gabriel was right about the things that appeared. Yes she had been there when the first hints of cars started to come in, but looking to the advancements that lay before her now on the streets just shocked her. The sights of different clothes were new as well. No beaded dresses. Different types of suits. She could help but become curious about such things. But the curiosity of thoughts were shattered as she felt some fall upon her shoulders. Her mind came spinning back to the hear and now as she looked to see Gabriel supplying a jacket for her. It was strange, yet only natural for them.

"Oh. Thank you." She had been caught of guard through. She had yet to notice the chill air until it was brought to mind by what he said. It was cold outside. She smiled lightly and nodded to the archangel. She pulled it around her a little more as she walked with them.

Azazel's attention was suddenly shifted back to the street where he noticed Gabriel as well as the human girl, along with Uzziel, an angel he did not recognize (must have been a newer one), and some homeless boy coming down the street. He smiled a bit an motioned to Valefar to step back out of the way, trying to get beyond Gabriel's notice.
Oh how smug Gabriel looked. That arrogance always got to him. An angel out of grace should not be so cocky. It was supposed to be a demeaning station, a time to feel sorry and repent for sins, but not Gabriel, he never seemed to show that, he almost seemed to relish in that renegade angel act.
"Don't let them notice us..." He said softly.

His eyes shifted to see the people. The girl, Gabriel, Uzziel, and some angel he had never seen before. Then the boy followed as well. All seemed to be watching over her as he judged each angel. He moved with Azazel, following his actions as he moved away from eyes view of any of the angels. He only laughed to himself and snickered lightly at the cocky attitude Gabriel seemed to present. Fallen it seemed. Something was missing from this angel, yet what it was, was with out a doubt there. But denied from all causes of life.

Chloe unlocked the door to the store, went around the counter and flipped on the lights. "I guess everyone can make themselves comfortable." She said as she went back to the backroom where the safe was to get the drawer out of it.
Coming back out, she opened the cash drawer, slid it in, then went over and turned the sign to open. She never bothered opening the store properly, as no one ever came in that early in the morning, so she showed up last minute, got out the drawer, and did the paperwork after she opened.
She involved herself in doing the busy work on the laptop on the counter as Misha curled himself up in the back room and turned on the little TV kept back there, volume low so he could hear everything else.
Gabriel and Uzziel amused themselves in the back of the store, rearranging the books. Gabriel was sitting on the floor, Uzziel standing and occasionally handing him books to put on the lower shelves.

06:57:02 Aug 18th 09 - Lady Astoria:

Uzziel began to hand Gabriel another book but stopped just beyond his master's reached. Gabriel looked up at him a bit perplexed. The sound of the TV softly murmuring in the back, and the 'tick, tick, tick' as Chloe typed seemed to ring a bit loudly in his ears for a moment.
"What was that, back on the street, when you gave Eloa your coat?" Uzziel asked. His normal formality when dealing with Gabriel had dropped. Uzziel rarely asked of Gabriel's motives.

Gabriel bit his lower lip. "Well..." He said but stopped for a moment. "I can't really say." He reached up and took the book from Uzziel and slid it on the shelf. "She just looked... cold."

Uzziel stood there for a moment looking at Gabriel and then slid down on to the floor. He leaned his shoulder on Gabriel's.
"That's not like you." He said. "You haven't been much like you these past few hours. You answered Dante, you know, you hate Dante. Not that I blame you. Then you act like you did when Eloa showed up, being all nice to her and such. You weren't even trying to scare her." He paused and fished a couple of Tootsie Pops out of his coat pocket, handed one to Gabriel and unwrapped the other, sticking it in his mouth for a moment. "Makes me worry, you know." He said. "I can't even really get into your head, you were awfully disconnected from yourself."

Gabriel took the Tootsie Pop, unwrapped it, and sucked on it while Uzziel was speaking. He shrugged when Uzziel was finished.
"You aren't being much like yourself either, Mercy, you're actually saying more than one sentence in five minutes." Gabriel said with a laugh. He shifted his gaze a moment over to Eloa then looked back at Uzziel. "She intrigues me." He said. "I don't know why. I don't even know why she's here, trust me, I asked. I even asked politely..." He smirked. "But I was told I was getting no answer. I pointed out you should never leave the messenger in the dark, but you know...." He paused for a sigh. "I just don't know, I really don't."
He stuck the Tootsie Pop back in his mouth and leaned his head against Uzziel's head. "I'll clear my mind, Uzziel, I'm sorry. It's not my fault, is it?"

Uzziel frowned a bit. "No Messenger, it's not your fault." He said. "At least I don't think so."
Uzziel knew the conversation was over, and that he would never get an answer to his question as Gabriel probably would never know himself. Sometimes, he thought that Gabriel was responsible for as much stress as Uzziel was under, but then again, it was his own choice to take it. Gabriel had ordered him not to follow him, not to go out of grace as well, it wasn't his crime that was committed, he shouldn't share in the punishment. But of course Uzziel had ignored the order, as he always did.
He owed Gabriel, he owed Gabriel a lot, a debt that could never be repaid. The two most important moments in his existence, Gabriel was there for him.
He stared at his boots for a few moments, thinking over his relationship with his master, then pushed it out of his mind, focusing his attention on Gabe.

Eloa followed quietly in to the book store. Her eyes wondered to the knowledge that lay around them. She forgot about the coat as she found a location near the back of the store. Her legs crossed lightly as she sat down and started her meditation again. She had yet to finish with her round of prayers. She could never really understand why she said them. She just did. Whether for protection or guidance. She found herself praying constantly. That's what usually took up her free time in heaven. As if she had reached a certain nirvana in her life structure and well being as an angel. She found the peace that all angels held and yet some how slowly built it higher.

Her mind slowly slipped from the world of well being as she prayed. Her hands moving lightly. Together as if she held something, yet nothing lay in her hands. Her index finger and thumb rubbed together lightly. A bead of some sort? Not even that. Just thin air as she prayed. It almost seemed like she was praying the rosary. Holy wasn't it. Just mere habit. Pray seemed to only easy her mind from the thoughtless wondering it sometimes did as she kept on her second round. Her lips never moving as she seemed almost to be a sleeping statue of some sort.

So far gone, she hadn't even picked up on the conversation Uzziel carried with Gabriel about Gabriel's change in personality or the sound of the television that Misha watched in the back. She had learned to block out all noises and only listen to that which need to be listened to. The reciting of this angelic prayers. Her breathing slowed down some as it feel in to a controlled state.

Something suddenly caught Uzziel's attention, he looked over to Eloa.
"What's she doing?" He asked perplexed by the young angel's meditating.

"Praying." Gabriel said without even looking over to her.
Uzziel nodded and leaned back into place.
Gabriel closed his eyes for a moment. "Let's hope this moment of peace lasts for a bit."

What a morning it had been. Her mind still blurred from the fatigue of sleep. Yet there she sat in the car as it pulled to park. She was in no mood to get down, the want to sleep called more as she looked out the passenger side window. As if looking for some sort of answer to her problems before her eyes opened and woke to reality. She slowly undid the beat that held her for protection as she leaned forward. Waiting for her aunt to finish up as well with certain thing before they got down. Automatically locking the doors as they headed to the book store. Her hands swung slightly at her sides as she walked. Her steps calm, yet tense with a certain rush to run or something of the sort as she walked beside her aunt. Her hand moved towards the door as she opened to let her aunt in. Her own body entered past the thrush hold of the short as she looked to all the books that surrounded her. She always liked to read, but it was hard to catch her taste in books. Her hands moved lightly, thumbs hooking to the loops of her jeans as she looked to the clerk and what seemed to be the few people that lay reading and reorganizing the books on the shelves.

Chloe looked up with apprehension when the door opened. She held her breath as she saw a woman in her thirties with a teenage girl walk in. She looked down to the back of the store to Gabriel, the question on her mind was 'Are they demons? Or angels?'
Gabriel had peered around the bookshelf to look at her. He looked relaxed, unfettered by the newcomers, he shook his head and leaned back.
Chloe breathed a sigh of relief and smiled a bit. "Hi." She said. "If I can help you with anything, let me know." She said. She turned her attention back to the laptop, as she was just about finished with the morning paperwork, then saved the work, closing it up.
She was a little afraid that Gabriel and Uzziel would scare off these potential customers, or that Eloa's meditating would make them uncomfortable, but that couldn't be helped, she would, for once, have to be just as nice and helpful as possible with the hope she could make a sale.
Gabriel brought himself to standing, Uzziel standing as well. Even Gabriel knew when to not be too disruptive. They moved to the front of the store, grabbing a book, setting it on the counter and opening it. He leafed through it absently, Uzziel just standing behind him.

Eloa's eyes opened slowly at the feeling of a slight chill that swept in from the outside. Her senses slowly returning as she fell from that state of nirvana. Her clear mind eased slowly back in to life. The fact that now she was waking up from the world of meditation as she looked from where she sat in the back. Her eyes noticed the customers that had waked in to the shop. Two woman, one in her thirties was all she could guess. The second no older the her late teens. She only moved lightly. Deciding to make herself disappear. She felt no want in scaring the customers away, arousing slowly to let her human form regain focus again as she moved slowly. Her eyes looked down. Noticing the coat that still lay around her shoulder. She hands moved slowly over the coat as she took it off. Her human form feeling a slow leak of heat rise in her as that peacefulness seemed to stay longer with her after meditation. She moved slowly walking across the aisles. Her eyes looked to a certain section that did seem to catch her sights. Her hand reached up to pull the book from its shelf as she flipped it open to look to it.

Catylina's eyes seemed to look around in curiosity. Books. A thing she found as a release to her reality. The ability to formulate and recreate another life, yet never really leave the one she existed in. Her hands moved slipping together inside the sleeves of her coat as her eyes caught sight of the two figures that walked from the back. Both seemed rather normal to the eye as she turned her features. But she couldn't help the nagging feeling that something was off today. Something just seemed ominous for the day. She couldn't put her finger just yet on it. But she spoke no word of it to her aunt as she looked through the aisle for something that could catch the eye. Coming slowly to a stop her hand reached for a book as she pulled it from the shelf. Eyes settled on its back. Eyes scanning the surface as she skimmed through the summary that was provided for the reader.

Azazel watched as the two human women entered the book store. He smirked, the more the merrier, he always said. The more humans caught in the crossfire, the better.
Azazel's attitude towards humans was a rather drastic change from what it had been. He used to be fascinated by them, enthralled. He had been a Grigori, had gone among the humans, loved them, but in ways that no angel had been permitted to. He taught them things they weren't supposed to know. He gave humanity the not so gentle nudge into progress, changing them, moving them forward. He literally helped bring humans from darkness into light with his fellow watchers.
And what did he get for it? Knocked out of heaven, bound in a pit in the desert by Raphael, his children destroyed by Gabriel, all his work with the humans nearly completely destroyed by Michael. He had brought the humans to a new level and was kicked out of heaven as a result.
They should of have been proud of him.
He was removed from heaven before the rebellion, he was fallen first, he was held captive for centuries in a pit, he was released on to roam about the earth, taking the sins of humans as his own by His will, a vessel used to cleanse the sins of the humans he had once tried to help. They didn't even like him any longer.
Then came the rebellion, and what happened...? Nothing. He got stuck down in hell as Lucifer reigned over him like an unforgiving master.
Azazel pulled himself from his wallowing. 'It's the past, the distant past...' he reminded himself. Now was the time to strike, though, get this out of the way, give Uzziel to Lucifer so they could get the girl. Dragging this out any longer would only make it worse on Valefar and himself, only make it harder.
Valefar's sights raised upon the female humans that walked in to the store. Eyes just looking over both the soon to be victims if this thing turned in to a blood bath. But then again he was looking forward to it if it did happen that way. His eyes still watching the story as he moved slowly, threw the cigarette down. Smashing it lightly with the toe of his boot. Before he crossed his arms over his chest. His ideal thought of human destruction only seemed to twine perfectly with his natural wants of the old terms of the 'gallows'. He smirked slowly.

He stepped forward, out of the protection of the shadow of the building. He whistled loudly, summoning up some demons that he had readied to throw at the archangel.

"You ready to make their lives hell, Valefar?" He asked.

He was ready when ever Azazel gave the word. Yet he awaited on that as Azazel seemed to take his time. Maybe it was just Valefar and wanting in getting this over with quick and fast. His eyes watched as the guy stepped forward from the shadows that cloaked the two of them. He smirked.

"Thought you never ask." He smirked as he followed slowly from the shadows. His knocks slowly came to the being wall as he knocked on three times on it. Another horde of demons seemed to be summoned as he lay ready to take down this archangel.

"Lets play." He nearly held a cruel laugh as he stood behind and off to the side of Azazel.

Gabriel sucked in a breath, suddenly turning to Uzziel. Uzziel was standing rigidly behind him, the same thought Gabriel was having was going through his head.
"Eloa...?" He called out. "Could you come up here a moment?"
It was very odd, very odd, he felt a welling of evil, and so was Uzziel, but it didn't feel quite normal. He hoped that Eloa was sensitive enough to pick up on it.

Azazel was doing well to mask the sudden influx of demonic energy, all those demons would certainly make even the lowest angel stand on edge. He just hoped it was obscure enough to confuse, rather than give them away.
He started across the street, the army of demons following him. "I'll be out here, do your worst..." He said.

That corrupted smirk only twisted violently in to something vicious as he followed behind Azazel. The hint of his ice blue eyes bleeding past the human image he held before shifting back. His own army following Azazel and him as they stepped closer to the bookstore.

"That reminds me. Leave the girl unharmed." Valefar only spoke. "But don't hold back other wise." He spoke with a cruel ideal want of just watching the destruction that was about to break out. He held complete over the few demons that entered this realm. His hands slowly slipped to his pocket as he looked for Uzziel among them only to notice the guy behind Gabriel.

"There you are rabbit." He snickered rather cruelly as his eyes watched the demons.

Eloa's eyes widened. The sense seemed to shatter that peace she had just gained. Her eyes turned towards the front. The sound of Gabriel's voice only sounded like it her conformation that something was wrong. She moved quickly as she put the book on top of a couple of other books before moving quickly. Dashing quickly from the back as she looked to the two other angels. Something didn't feel right, it felt like an infection over coming her. Crawling along the human flesh she held. It shook her inside but outside only worry appeared on her features as the curls of her hair came to a stop from the slight jog she took to the front. She was sensitive enough to feel the currents run over her like a ripple effect as the evil flowed over her skin.

"Do you feel that?" Was the only think that passed her lips as she looked to them with concern of what was going on.

Gabriel nodded, as the deafening sound of shattered glass filled the store. He took a hold of Eloa's arm, gently but firmly, pulling her behind him.
On his back, shadows formed, materializing his sword, which he always kept slung across his back. With his free hand he pulled out the sword from it's scabbard. He let go of Eloa, feeling secure that she was behind him as the demons began crashing in.

Uzziel reached across the counter, taking Chloe's arm and pulling down behind the counter just a split second before the glass shattered. He checked the other two humans in the store with a quick look. They were far enough away that the glass mostly missed them.... mostly.
He took out his sword too, preparing for the worse as the demons came into the store.

Eloa's eyes looked past Gabriel. Horror appeared in her eyes as she watched the glass shatter from the demons that entered. She was ready to fight if need, yet she felt Gabriel take a hold of her arm, pulled her behind him with a gentle yet firm grip. She moved behind him. Yet her eyes looked back. Catching sight of the two humans who were witnessing this event. Her first instinct was protection of others as she looked to where ever Uzziel was. Her eyes looked to Chloe as she moved quickly to aid in the protection of her.

Catylina seemed to be on edge now. What for? She couldn't answer that. But that eager urge to run started to scream at her. Her eyes looked out of the aisle as a girl ran from the back of the store. Concern was all she noticed. She moved slowly as she walked to her aunt. The apprehension was getting to her. Yet with out knowledge her eyes looked back as the glass shattered. Her voice caught in her throat as the shards of broken glass flew everywhere. She couldn't help but find the first instinct in her mind. To protect her Aunt Haile when the woman was support to protect her. She'd rather lose her own life then lost someone else she loved as her hand wrapped around her aunt's wrist and pulled her in to an aisle nearby.

Misha jumped from his chair and flew to the door; stopping himself by grabbing the doorframe as everything shattered around him. He saw Chloe safe; but took her by the hand and guided her back into the backroom to safety

. Valefar's eyes only watched with joy. Laughter left him as this attack took place. Apparently everybody was caught off by surprise. A rare event yet spectacular to witness. His hands remained in his pocket as he looked for signs of Uzziel. Even the girl. Trying to find some sort of hint to the angel since his eyes watched him move quickly before noticing the two soon to be victims in the aisle. He gave off a high whistle as he got two of his demons attention. He nodded his head toward the aisle and only mouthed to the two 'get rid of them'. He held no mercy. No sorrow for this even as he watched the attack burn on.

Azazel laughed happily from outside the store. Everyone was so distracted that he wouldn't be noticed as he inched closer. He watched Valefar as he sized up the situation, he himself noticing where everyone was. Gabriel there, Uzziel right behind them as always.... ooo, swords out, like that would be effective.... that little angel was right behind Gabriel, where was the girl? Oh well, most importantly was to get Uzziel then they could go for the girl. Getting through Gabriel and Uzziel would take their full attention.
Azazel watched as the demons moved forward on to Gabriel and Uzziel, some getting sliced down rather quickly. It didn't matter, all that they needed was the distraction.
As the angel's attention became fully focused on the onslaught, Azazel slipped into the store, sliding up to Valefar. He paused watching Valefar's enjoyment. He leaned over to him. "Whenever you are ready, distract Gabriel, lead him out to the street, I'll get Uzziel." He whispered.

Valefar's eyes looked to Azazel as he whispered to him. A smirk feel upon his lips as he too slipped inside of the shop. His hands at his sides and opened. Ready for anything to come his way.

"Now." Valefar said with a nod of the head as he smirked. His hand moved as if pulling something from his left side. He unstealthed his own blade as he whistled loudly to Gabriel.

"Hey, Angel." He said with a smooth tone as he and a few his demons moved with him. Charging at Gabriel at full force. As if they were in war again.

Gabriel was utterly confused as to what was going on. Why was hell attacking like this? Normally, they weren't so... upfront about it all. A full force attack in broad daylight was not usual practice for hell anymore.
He wheeled himself around as the demons were coming from all sides, his thoughts were on making sure Chloe and Eloa would not be harmed. It seemed rather hopeless, though. He was not up for a fight today, and frankly, not even an archangel could handle being this outnumbered.
His sword soaked of blood, his concentration becoming broken. Innocent humans in the store, his charge in the store.... "RAPHAEL!" He screamed, but realized he wasn't getting through... he had cut himself off, heaven's messenger couldn't get a message out to heaven. "Aww, shit."
All of the sudden he found himself face to face with a fallen angel. He recognized this one.... what was his name? He didn't have time to think it through as the fallen angel engaged him. He tried to find Uzziel's thought patterns in all the distraction and mess, but wasn't able to.

That moment where Uzziel found himself disconnected from Gabriel was utterly terrifying. He paused a moment, enough of a moment that a demon was able to get through his defenses and bash him in the head. A knife appeared in the demons hand, and Uzziel felt the sting of a blade. "Gabe, Gabe..." He said but over the screech of battle his voice was lost.

Azazel waited patiently, watching Valefar get up at Gabriel. "That fallen angel has spunk." He said softly.

Eloa's eyes managed to catch Misha get a hold of Chloe and take her to the back. Her eyes widened as the earsplitting scream came hard from somewhere in the store. The other two humans were still inside and apparently haunted by something that should have never been revealed to their human eyes. She moved quickly as she unstealthed something. She pulled two items from her back. Twisting it together, the staff appeared with in hand as she moved quickly. She maneuvered herself rather quickly to get to the other two humans that lay unprotected.

Catylina moved as she looked for some item in her Aunts purse. 'Where's the pepper spray!" She found herself demanding in thought as she looked around frantic. Looking for whatever could be used as a weapon of protection at the moment. She felt helpless as her eyes raised to her aunt who looked frightened, her breath nearly stopped as her hands moved quickly. She grasped a book from the shelf as she turned violently around to see the monster that lay behind her. She could hear her aunt scream as she moved to her feet. Still with out the ability to find her voice, she only followed the adrenaline that surged in her blood. Her hands held the book tightly as she raised the book and smashed it across the demons face as hard as she could.

Valefar came hard and fast at Gabriel as the loud screech of two blades clash. Valefar was nearly in Gabriel's face.

"Boo, Boy." He said smirking cruelly as he moved pushed his blade harder against Gabriel's.

Now face to face with Valefar, his name finally popped into Gabriel's mind. "Get out of here, Valefar, and take your little minions with you." He ordered. He let his left hand leave the hilt of the sword and he pulled out his dagger from his thigh, still holding against Valefar's weight against his sword. The dagger was an odd looking one, it's blade seemed to be split down the center, one blade at the hilt, two very deadly looking blades up the shaft. The crystal embedded crescent moon in the pommel flashed as he brought it around, going in low towards Valefar's midsection.
Once again he felt himself look for Uzziel, that momentary distraction as he turned his head slightly made him miss his mark. This was not a good day for him.

Eyes set on Gabriel the plan worked perfectly. Uzziel was no where insight. Knowing that Azazel had him in his grasp. He would distract him for a few more minutes before actually dissipating with his demons. He snickered a violent crazy look in his eyes as he pushed against Gabriel's sword. His eyes only managing to catch Gabriel's second weapon as he nearly aimed it at his midsection. Gabriel seemed a little out of it. But no chance in letting that down as Valefar moved quickly. Grabbing a hold of Gabriel's wrist as he twisted it violently. He wasn't going to play the rules either if Gabriel was looking to bring another weapon in to this little fight.

"Lets play dirty then." Valefar seemed serious yet that devilish look in his eyes never disappeared.

Gabriel's attention snapped back to Valefar. "Play dirty?" He said with a slight grin playing across his lips. "I always play dirty. There's no such thing as a clean fight with me." He quickly slid his foot around, catching Valefar's foot, sending him stumbling backwards. He closed the space between the two. His intention wasn't to make Valefar fall, just to loose his footing to put distance between them.
Gabriel was far more deadly in close fight than at swords length, but he loved to set up an attack.

Azazel raised his eyebrows as he picked his way across the store. He slid around behind Uzziel, who was distracted with a number of demons on him.
Carefully he grabbed a hold of Uzziel by the coat collar. Uzziel turned around, suddenly started. Azazel grinned wickedly and yanked Uzziel back to him as he slipped off this plane of existence, pulling Uzziel with him.
He couldn't keep that up long, so he slipped back onto earth, out in the street, he slid a dagger into the back of Uzziel's neck, putting the angel unconscious

06:57:37 Aug 18th 09 - Lady Astoria:

(it was too big for one post lol thats why)

."That's the spirit old boy!" Valefar boasted out. A laughter pasted his lips as he regained his balance after the dirty little trick Gabriel pulled. They seemed to be matched perfectly for such a playing field. Valefar was never one to play fair with anything. The white of his teeth showed as he smirked. His legs moved slightly as his changed his stance and moved quickly without letting his eyes off Gabriel. He moved as he pulled his sword away to aim for Gabriel's leg. Yet something appeared in his other hand, as if he pulled it from his back. A spade appeared in hand as he raised it above his head to bring it down on Gabriel.

Gabriel dodged backwards, but was stopped from going to far by a demon right behind him. He noticed at that time the sense of Uzziel dropping off, cut off from the murmur of angels that created background noise in his head. He then knew it was a set up. They weren't after Chloe, they were after Uzziel... and him?
Gabriel dropped himself to the floor, not in enough time as Valefar's spade connected with him, stunning him.

He felt the spade come down on Gabriel. Contact was made and he could see the stunned appearance as Gabriel realized what they had been after. A smirk appeared across his face, pulling his spade back.

"Good fight, for an angel out of grace." He laughed as he disappeared off the plane of existence. Calling his demons with him. Only appearing outside on the street again with Azazel.

"Lets get him out of here before Gabriel comes." Valefar said as he moved closer to Azazel. His sword was stealth. But his arm moved back as he stealth the spade away.

Azazel nodded in agreement with Valefar, standing around here could be a bad thing, if Gabriel didn't come out after them, he was certain Gabriel would soon summon up an angel, more than likely Raphael, who could bring more trouble along.
He slung Uzziel over his shoulder. "Damn, he's heavier than he looks." He grumbled, then started laughing. "Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to hell we go!" He sang out as he summoned up the energy to slip himself and Uzziel off of earth.

Valefar moved, turning back and looking to see if any angel had followed them out of the two that lay inside. He moved turning back as he moved up to join Azazel. The plan worked, and their key prize lay passed out over Azazel's shoulder. Valefar's eyes looked back to Azazel and only laughed.

"Interesting." Was all that left his lips. He found himself laughing when Azazel started to sing. His head turned from side to side lightly in disagreement with the song as he summoned the energy up to slip himself back to hell and from earth.

The store was suddenly devoid of all things demonic. Gabriel sat himself up and looked around.
They had Uzziel. But everyone else was fine.
He looked over at Eloa, she was fine.
"Raphael...." He called out softly. "I need you, it's a mess down here."

Eloa looked around, the demons had dispersed. Her breath heavy as she looked around. Her eyes looked back to the elder of the two humans. One was passed out, yet the girl sat upon the ground. Whether in shock just relaxing her emotions. Eloa moved resting the bottom of her staff on the ground as she leaned slightly against it. 'What was that all about?' She thought lightly as she looked around the shop. Something was missing. Uzziel wasn't there. Her eyes looked to Gabriel who looked defeated in some way. But it wasn't her place to tell as she slowly walked over to Gabriel.

"Are you alright?" She asked as she moved closer. She would let the other two humans settle in their shock. It wasn't her decision as of yet to have erase their minds unless Gabriel gave the word.

Catylina moved. Breathing heavy as her legs gave from under her. It felt like a dream. 'What just happened?' She looked around her as the thought came to mind before her eyes settled on her aunt who laid passed out. She moved slowly, crawling the last few inches towards the slumbering body as she let everything slowly sink in. She still couldn't find her voice. Whether stunned or in shock. She felt no need to explore either reason as she just realized what she saw. Her eyes looked back once she settled near her aunt. The windows were shattered. Broken. Gone. And so where the demons that had followed.

Gabriel looked up at Eloa." Well, my headache is worse now." He told her, trying hard to make it sound light, but failing. His hand inadvertently touched his head where Valefar had connected with him. He was bleeding, pretty sure his skull was cracked, but it didn't matter, he was an angel, that is of no consequence. His blood was matting into his hair, when he drew his hand back, his fingers were covered in blood. He sighed. "They took Uzziel..." His voice was soft, sad, with a touch of worry to it. "They must not have been after Chloe, it was Uzziel." He looked over at Haile and Catylina. "They'll be all right in a moment, but what of you?"
Before Eloa was able to answer, Gabriel's attention was suddenly turned to the door. Raphael came hurrying through the now broken door of the store, his bright blue eyes taking in the entire scene all at once. Those eyes widened as he comprehended the need for Gabriel calling him. He rushed over to Gabriel. "Oh Gabe..." He said dropping down on the floor next to him.

Eloa could see the wound that bled openly. Damage had been done as she understood his answer a bit more to her question. She moved to gain closer but was stopped when Gabriel spoke. 'Uzziel...gone.' She found herself thinking as she looked to all the damage that had been done. 'Was that the reason for the attack?' She looked around as her staff still stayed in hand. She moved to kneel down and help Gabriel with his wounds. Her eyes still appeared wide and aware of all that lay around her. She was about to answer his question when Raphael came in. Her head bowed softly in his honor as well as appearance. She moved lightly knowing that Raphael held the abilities to heal. She moved slowly as she looked back tot he two shaken humans.

Gabriel shook his head. "Check on the humans over there first and Eloa, Eloa, are you all right?" He repeated his question not remembering he had already asked her. "I'll be fine." He mumbled to Raphael.
Raphael looked at him a moment, then got up, heading for Haile and Catylina. He knew this wasn't the moment to argue with Gabriel, he was right, he'd be fine, the humans on the other hand were another story, they needed looked at first.

The order came clear and Eloa obeyed as she rose up to her feet to attend to the humans. Her body stopped as she looked back to Gabriel. A gently nodded came with her response, "I'm a little shaken up. But no damage was done." Her voice held a sincerity of peace yet a childish innocence at the moment as she turned to aid to the humans. She laid her staff down as she bend down behind one of the humans. The woman was out. The ability to clean her mind would be easy if word was given. Yet the teenager looked shaken up.

"I'll leave you to heal them, Raphael. I need to check with Gabriel on something dealing with them though." She spoke gently as she took her staff. Disassembling it as she walked closer to Gabriel. She put them criss-cross on her back before they seemed to disappear in to nothing.

Chloe and Misha pushed open the door to the back room, Misha peering out a moment, then both exited.
"What on earth happened?" Chloe asked.

Eloa kneeled down before Gabriel. Her eyes looked to Chloe as she questioned the archangel. She moved slowly as if reaching in to the back pocket of her jeans to pull out a pure white clothe for him to hold over the wound.

Gabriel mulled over her question a moment trying to come up with an answer. "It seems hell wanted to get a hold of Uzziel. I don't know why." He said. "But there has to be something behind it. It can't be just taking Uzziel, it can't be."
"God... it's a mess in here..." Chloe mumbled looking around the store.
"I'll fix it, don't worry." Gabriel said.

Raphael carefully went up to Haile and Catylina, trying not to startle the two shaken humans. Haile was unconscious, but he looked over at Catylina first. He brushed his wild blonde hair out of his eyes as he knelt down beside her. "Don't worry..." He said in a soft, sweet voice. "I'm a doctor." Mentally, he added 'Sort of...' to the statement. Sure he didn't have a human's medical training, he didn't need it, he was the one who taught the humans medicine originally. He knew more about the human body and how it worked than any person or angel.
For that matter, he knew more about the angelic essence than any angel as well.
He could detect the normal disbelief in Catylina's eyes. He looked far too young to have been a doctor, but that was just looks, and his style was far too unprofessional as well. He was wearing a pair of worn jeans and a casual, blue silk shirt, his hair was utterly unruly (it always had been), and it didn't help that he had a sapphire stud pierced into his right ear. He looked too young, too casual to be a doctor to humans, but he had more knowledge and more experience than any human doctor could.
He grimaced a bit noting all the cuts from the glass. Catylina didn't look to be hurt too badly, and she was in shock over what happened, so she probably wasn't really feeling any pain through the adrenaline at the moment. It seemed that both would be easy enough to fix over since they weren't caught in the brunt of the chaos.

Catylina seemed to out of it to notice the girl that slipped behind her aunt. Her mind was still spinning and her worries only held her. She feared for her aunt. Her body nearly jumped when she heard the words that left some new guys mouth. Everything seemed to gravitate together now as it all smashed together in her mind. Her breath gasped lightly as she moved away from her aunt and settled her back against the bookshelf. Memories flashed and life just seemed to ladel in the moment. She looked to the guy who claimed he was a doctor.

"Is she alright?" Came out softly and in a whisper. Her voice had returned after everything that happened. She could feel the tears of fear slowly slide down her cheeks as she tried to understand what could have happened if she hadn't reacted the way she did. She felt her head lay back as she closed her eyes for a moment.

Raphael frowned in sympathy at Catylina. He pulled a tissue from his pocket and wiped the tear off her cheek. "She's going to be fine." He said. "Here now, give me your left arm, you've got a pretty bad cut there." Gently he took her arm and wrapped a bandage around it, never minding that the bandage came literally out of thin air. He tried to get her to not focus on the pain and the previous events, though it was difficult, humans tended to fix onto things.

"What where those things?" She looked to him as her mind finally settled down from the adrenaline that had surged only seconds before in her body. Her hands started to shake lightly as she fisted them up to stop the shaking. Then the stinging of the pain became present to her mind. 'So much for mind over matter.' She thought lightly as she felt the few cuts she had received from the glass. Her hands moved slowly looking over the visible cuts that she could see at the moment so far.

Catylina's eyes looked to Raphael as she felt the tear wipe away before looking to her aunt. She moved lightly giving her his arm. She felt helpless again. Like when she was five. The worse day of her life and she remembered it well. As if everything happened yesterday.

"Never you mind what those things were." He said. "Just apply pressure to that cut so you don't go all light headed or something." He smiled his trademarked sweet smile. No one could smile quite like Raphael, he had the most beautiful smile in all of creation.

It was a Saturday in late November. The excitement that filled her was shattered. She had been with her mother and father that day at the store. Christmas shopping had started and she was allowed to help shop for her cousins, even through she knew nothing of what she was doing. But she had seen a man talk to her father. Speaking of just regular thing and life. But an uncomforting feeling befell her that day as it did this one. She couldn't really place the man. But the ominous feeling hung in the air. That day a shooting took place. A disagreement that got far out of hand. No one saw it coming. No one expected it as her parents talked with the man a few more minutes before saying their good-byes. Only with in those precious seconds the rounds started flying. Her father moved to protect her mother who had gotten hit without his knowledge, and he only followed a few minutes later in a scuffle to get the gun out of the young guys hands.

She felt herself shutter slightly as if she work up finally from a nightmare that seemed to never leave her mind as she felt the wrap around her arm. Slowly it coved the wound, but the pain was starting up. She could feel the deepness of the wound that lay in her left arm.

"Ouch..." She let out softly. She looked to him. "But I can't forget...I've had this happen before..." She only spoke lightly. Her aunt called it a gift. She could feel things before they happened, they were always bad. Yet she couldn't look to it as a gift when that ominous feeling seemed to bother her and throw her days off. She nodded lightly as she listened to his instructions. Her other hand moved over the wound as she applied pressure to it. Her eyes raised up as that a sweet smile feel on his lips. For some reason that made her smile as she looked to him.

Raphael bit his lower lip. Usually the words were enough to push the memory from a humans mind, but this one was tough, she was resistant. It was a rare case that was able to resist Raphael. He looked her in the eyes. "Just don't think about it." He said ordering her, though it never sounded like an order. He frowned again. She was still resisting him. "Keep applying the pressure, Catylina, I have to look at your aunt." He moved over to Haile. He didn't wake her, not yet, not until Eloa had taking away the memory of what had happened. However, he did quickly healed over all her cuts and wounds.

"Gabriel?" She spoke his name softly and low. "I need to know if you want their," Her head inclined to the two humans, "memories of those few moments removed?" She looked to him as she reached lightly and placed the cloth gently against the bleeding wound.

Gabriel's eyes followed Eloa's indication to the humans for a moment, then brought his gaze back to her. He sucked in a sharp breath as she touched the cloth to his head. "Ouch..." He said softly, a bit surprised it hurt as much as it did, but he didn't fight against her. He chuckled a bit at himself. His normal reaction, even when Raphael, who was well versed in healing Gabriel as taking care of him, with all the scrapes he got into pretty much was a full time job for the angel of healing, was to not allow someone to touch him. He didn't like to show the weakness of pain, but he didn't draw back from Eloa.
Raphael's attention turned momentarily from the humans to Gabriel and Eloa, a slight smile played on his lips before he turned back to them.
"We're going to have to take the memory of this." Gabriel said to Eloa, his voice barely above a whisper. "This is not their fight, they should not have been involved. Apparently, this is between me and hell, I can't let innocents carry the burden of it, I just can't." He paused a moment cringing from the pain, feeling as if he was about to pass out, and fighting it at every moment. He focused himself on looking Eloa in the eyes.

Eloa didn't seemed bother by the sound of pain that passed through Gabriel's lips as she held the cloth there. The blood slowly soaking in to the cloth as she looked to him. Hearing the soft chuckle that came from him. She moved slowly only getting a little closer to adjust herself to a comfortable position as she held the cloth. Only lifting it softly to check the wound and the severity of its extents. It appeared deep, but she couldn't tell as the blood slowly felled in the dry air again. She slowly placed the cloth down.

"Alright." She nodded finally receiving the answer to her question. Her eyes looked over to Raphael and the two humans he aided then back to Gabriel as she nodded. She listened to him as he spoke. She could only concur with him on what he spoke of. Looking to hell, she saw that they held no right to destroy a precious life that God had given these humans. They didn't understand what had been given to them, but she knew God still loved them just as he loved his angels. Or that's how she was taught to believe. Her eyes looked down to Gabriel as she locked eyes with him. Concern and worry only plagued her for the wound he received.

"You know, sometimes it makes a warrior stronger to show his pain." She spoke gently. "Not the fact it makes a man weak. But the fact that it makes them alive and well." She spoke lightly as she moved slowly, diverting her eyes to look to his wound and check on it.

Gabriel looked down at the floor when Eloa spoke of showing pain. He was the worst of all of them about trying to hide it. "Archangels are like that." He said.
"No we aren't!" Raphael yelled from across the store. Amazingly the humans did not notice this.
Gabriel pursed his lips and shot a look at Raphael. Gently he tried to push her hand away from his head, his fingers trembling a bit.

Catylina heard his words. 'Don't think about it...huh.' She found her thoughts just replaying the old memories now along with a comparison of the new ones that had just formed from the events that took place only minutes ago. Her eyes shot to him instantly as he spoke her name.

"How did you know my name?" Now she questioned something new. Her mind came to a shocking focus on him. Most would still be spinning about such an event not to think about it. But through all this she specifically remembered never speaking her name to anybody within the store. Her aunt never even spoke her name through out the events. Her body moved slowly as her hand applied pressured like told. She stood up shaking her head to whatever answer he gave.

"I never spoke my name..." She said as her mind started to take its stubborn path as it started to straighten everything out. Her eyes looked over to Gabriel now. She had caught a glimpse of something that only made sense of everything. 'How can he be here?' She looked around as if looking for the face she barely caught a glimpse at in all the commotion.

Eloa looked to Gabriel as he spoke. A soft laugh passed her lips now as Raphael replied to Gabriel's opinion. She looked down to him as she watched his hand raise up.

"If you wish for me to stop helping you I will. Just say the word." She spoke lightly as her hand moved up slow. Slipping slightly between his hair to at least take his pain away. Something she rarely use, she wasn't even allowed to use most of the time. She would hear about it later from heaven. Her eyes closed slowly for a moment as her hand rested near the temple of his head. She breathed slowly as she felt the pain slip in to her. She pulled away slowly as she took his pain on to her so he wouldn't feel it. She reeled back away from him as she came to sit back on the ground. Eloa's head started to spin from the pain, yet she found some way to manage it and deal with it slowly after taking it from the archangel. She would certainly hear from heaven later on this. What punishment she would receive? She couldn't really tell, but would accept it for what she just did.

Raphael's head snapped over to the direction of Eloa and Gabriel, a horrified look on his face. "Eloa!" He yelled as she placed her hand on Gabriel's temple. "Don't!" He quickly turned back to Catylina. "I'll explain later, just stay right here, please." He jumped to his feet and ran over to the two angels as Eloa started reeling backwards. "Shit!" He hissed.
Gabriel sat staring at her, wide eyed in shock. "Damn... she survived that..." He muttered. "Eloa...?"
Raphael fell to his knees beside her. He gently turned her face to him and looked into her eyes. "That was not a wise move." He whispered. "You don't know exactly how much pain an archangel can handle, he could have killed you." He ran his fingers across her forehead, doing his best to take away the pain she took from Gabriel.
"Eloa, are you all right?" Gabriel asked leaning forward. He reached out as if to touch her, but stopped, just before reaching her, and gasped.
Something was happening.
Gabriel froze as he suddenly became aware of Uzziel again, knowing exactly where he was... and knowing exactly how much pain he was in. He screamed in intense pain, though it quickly subsided, he still sat frozen in place, his eyes held a terrorfide look.
Raphael was looking at him, torn between helping Eloa and helping Gabriel. "Uzziel...?" He asked.
Gabriel nodded slightly at his words. He shivered. "They took him to hell. Lucifer has him." He said softly. But rage grew in his face. "I'll kill him!" He yelled standing. "I will fucking kill him! How dare he do that! No one takes Uzziel, no one!"
Raphael stood as well, eyes on Gabriel. "Gabriel, calm down." He said.
"I will not calm down!" Gabriel yelled back.
"Yes, you will, because right now, we have to worry about these humans." Raphael said calmly. "And most importantly, at the moment, Eloa."
"I'm going to tear down hell." Gabriel growled turning away from Raphael.
"No you aren't."
Gabriel turned to face Raphael again, his eyes angry. He looked as if he was about to say something but didn't. "No..." He said suddenly softly, the anger draining from his face. "You're right, I can't. I'm not allowed to set foot in hell while I'm out of grace. Out of grace I have no protection down there, I'd never make it through hell." He sighed. "And I'll never get Uzziel back."
Raphael sighed too. "Look, Gabe, I really can't do this now." He said. "I've got a lot to attend to. All I can say at this moment is, in grace or out, Uzziel isn't supposed to be down there by force. One way or another, you'll get Uzziel back. You will find a way."
Gabriel just closed his eyes.
Raphael kneeled back down by Eloa. "Eloa, are you all right?"

Eloa's eyes closed tightly, she had learned so far to only concentrate on the pain at hand instead of all pain that a human held. Her head was pounding, yet she was only reeling back to herself again as Gabriel watched. Her hand moved to her head as her legs came crossed under her. Some how she was dealing with it, tears slowly feel from her as she held in the cries of pain. She had felt worse. That she did remember that, but where? She couldn't really tell. From time to time flashbacks came. Her body at the foot of a large shadow, a crowd lay around her as she looked up to the skies that had turn red that day. She remember how heaven raged when God's mortal son died. She was told of it. Yet memories never served her as fully being correct.

Her breath slightly ridged as found the strong hold to control the pain as it helped with Raphael's touch. "No but I do know how much a human can suffer." She spoke in a soft whisper to Raphael. She found her breath slowly coming to control as she moved slowly praying. Her finally opened to look to Raphael's eyes. The color of dark brown had shifted to a clear peaceful blue. Rather strange for an angel, yet they did that out of natural habit. She looked over a little to Gabriel as he asked the question, moving out to reach for her before he stopped. Still it seemed to a few minutes before the scream came. That she couldn't feel. She had only taken his human pain for the time being. She could do nothing to stop the intense pain he looked in. The violent pain that grasped him now. 'Was he that strongly connected with Uzziel?' She asked herself past the pain. Then hell came in to the picture. She had heard of Lucifer. Remembered something about him but couldn't really recall it at the moment. Her eyes watched the conflict that seemed to rise internally in Gabriel. Anger seemed to surface as Raphael tried to calm him down. She spoke no words for a couple more minutes as she let her mind settle and the vague memories subside.

"Yeah. I've held worse then this." She spoke softly with a gentle nodded of the head. Grateful that she had dealt with worse. She couldn't claim this to be bad at all. She moved slowly as she leaned her head down. Her eyes closed again as she breathed out slowly. A soft laugh came to her lips. "A side splitting headache, but it can be dealt with later. I need to get to clearing there minds." Her eyes opened as she nodded to the two humans.

"The aunt looks like she'll be easy to clear. But its the girl I'm worried on. How was she with you Raphael?" She asked lightly as she seemed to slip from the being aided to needing her job done.

Raphael turned to look to the humans as Eloa spoke of them. He decided not to push her with dealing with her pain, it seemed she could handle it now, and he never liked to force an angel. Besides, sometimes the best medicine was to let an angel get to the task at hand and focus on their work, rather than try to heal them himself.
"Well, the girl we might have to put out for a few minutes." Raphael said. "She is very resistant, and being conscious she may not be easy to work with. She resisted my words, I've never had a human resist my words before. There's something about that one. I hate to put her out, but it may be the only thing we can do."
He paused for a brief moment and moved closer to Eloa. "Eloa, you don't have to do this." He said. "I know you were ordered to aid Gabriel, but especially now, I'm afraid of what he might get you into. He is a handful, especially right now, I don't know where his mind is going to go at any given time, but he's been stuck out of heaven for 27 years and though that's not a long time, he's at the brink of insanity from having been out of His sight for so long." He paused a moment.

Eloa listened to Raphael as she looked to the girl. She pretty much seemed resistant to anything around her. Yet she watched them. Her eyes stared to all of them. She wondered what went through the girls mind. She could have a like but didn't like doing that. She always suffered later for it. She moved lightly as she felt her body comfort with the pain.

"Resistant...I wonder why?" She asked herself out loud. "She looks certain of something. And she keeps looking to us." She looked back to Raphael. She moved lightly and slowly. She felt no need to find herself on the ground again from the pain. "We're going to have to. If she's that resistant in being awake then it would appear easier to put her to sleep. I'll need the aid there. I don't want her body going back in to shock so soon. Will you help me Raphael?" She asked lightly.

Raphael nodded at the request for his help. He had to agree with her, Catylina's shock could make her take a turn.
"I wish I knew why she was resistant, there's something there, though, something, you're right in the way that she looks at us..."
"All you have to do is tell me and I'll have you taken off this. No consequences, no punishments." Raphael said. "In the end, if I say it's not a healthy situation for you, then no one will even consider holding it against you. After all, Raphael knows best." He smiled sweetly at her. "You were awfully close to seeing inside Gabriel's head, and that's something I don't know if it's right to risk. Just tell me, tell me if you want out of this, it's your choice."

She didn't expect to hear the next thing. Her eyes looked to Raphael in question as he spoke to her of getting out of the project at hand. She listened to him. Hanging on to every word he spoke as her hands slipped in to her pocket. The thought of getting out of it sounded nice but she had a job to do. She wasn't going to back out of it now. She only smiled gently to the sweet smile. A shake of her head only followed his offer.

"No. I was sent hear on his command to what the others told me. I'm not going to back out. Yes insanity seems to be appear present in him." She looked to Gabriel, " But its the fact that he feels left out. God doesn't favor the humans over us, but loves them equally as us. Its the fact of understanding how to live in existence with man with out feeling the lost of love. We serve God as they do. But even angels get lost sometimes." She spoke in truth. She returned her glance to Raphael. "He'll find his way back. The majority always do when they come to understand what God has created and given to us as well as man." She spoke softly. Her hand slightly slide the curls back from her line of sight for a second before her eyes turned to the girl.

He took a moment to watch Catylina as Eloa gave him his answer to leaving this mission behind. He slowly turned his head back to her as she said 'No'. He nodded. "Gabriel does always find his way back." He said softly. "Sometimes he just needs someone to lead him in the right direction. They always said I was the emotional archangel, but I'm not, not really, Gabe is, he just hides it well."

"Thank you." She spoke softly to the archangel before her as she looked back to the girl. Apparently her eyes still watched before turning away to attend to her aunt again. Trying to awake her. Her eyes turned back to Raphael as he spoke of Gabriel.

"That's anybody really. There is always that one stepping stone in life that helps start you on the right path again. No matter how small or big of an effect that person holds on a person. It will always change the decision a person holds in life, as well as their future paths." She spoke gently to Raphael. "Gabriel, are you alright?" She asked gently. She could see some sort of hurt in him. Maybe disappointment for losing the track of an angel. She could only ask.

Gabriel turned to look at Eloa when she asked if he was all right. He had been ignoring everything around him, thinking on how he could get Uzziel back, she had snapped him back to the here and now. "Yeah, yeah..." He said absently and then shook his head as if he was trying to clear something out of it. "Go on and help the humans." He said.

"Alright." She nodded gently. Her eyes looked back to Gabriel as he answered her question. He seemed a little out of it as she looked to him. Yet he seemed to snap back to reality as he spoke.

As he started to turn around again. He stopped. "Eloa, wait..." He suddenly said then stepped closer to her.

She was about to move to attend to her job before he called her name. She stopped in her spot again as she looked to Gabriel. He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek in a brotherly sort of way. "Thank you." He whispered in her ear. "Thank you for what you did, I hope I didn't hurt you too much."

She didn't expect the brotherly kiss on her cheek. It was different as she smiled gently and nodded.

"Not at all." She whispered gently back to him. She pulled away from him and nodded her head again before moving away to attend to the humans. "How is she?" She asked softly as she moved to the elder first. She came from behind her to level the woman's head on her lap. She moved her hands slowly on the woman's forehead. Digging gently through her memories to find the one that had just occurred. Slowly she started to erase the memory and replace it with something new.

Catylina looked to the girl that came to check on them. She didn't know whether to trust her or not after what just happened. But the girl did help her to protect her aunt, so maybe she was alright. Her hand rested on her arm as it kept the pressure even and leveled.

"Alright. To what he said." She nodded her head to Raphael as she just watched the girl.

Raphael moved over to help Eloa with humans, trying hard not to break her concentration on Haile. He knelt down next to Catylina and gently moved her hand from the bandage. "Let me have a look at it." He said as she complied. "Good... doesn't seem to have any glass in it..." He trailed off a bit feeling something from the girl that he couldn't quite put his finger on. Something in the way she was looking at him. He looked into her eyes.
Gabriel was noticing it to, his attention turned from the thoughts of Uzziel and now to the girl. His head was tilted a bit to the left as he studied her. He took a few steps closer. "Raph..." He said trying not to interrupt Eloa either, so he spoke softly. "She can see our halos."
Raphael looked up at Gabriel. He was right, that is what it was that made her look at them as though she recognized them. "Gabriel, come here." He said waving his hand towards the girl.
Gabriel came over to them, kneeling down beside Raphael. He looked into Catylina's eyes. Raphael held his breath in anticipation. If Catylina truly had the gift to see an angel's halo, the one that she'd most recognize was Gabriel, because she had seen him once before. Every human had seen Gabriel once in their life, every baby met him just before they were born, though not one of them remembered it. That is, unless they possessed the gift to see the truth of the being that stood before them looking like an average human when it really wasn't an average human.
"Catylina...?" Gabriel asked softly. "Do you remember me?"

Catylina looked to Raphael as he kneeled next to her. Her eyes looked down to see his hands move her's away from the wound. Her dark eyes raised up to look to the guy before her. She could see a glow come from him. Something that seemed unnatural for a human to have, but she noticed it among a very few. She always thought it was just her and her eyes were messed up in some way. Yet these three people had it. Her eyes rose to see the glow a bit more strong around the male that was coming towards her. She seemed to study all them as well. She felt like some lab experiement as they looked to her. Her eyes seemed to focus on Gabriel as he came to the two. She remembered him. Where from, she couldn't really tell. But she knew him or met him at some point in her youth. She could feel the question of how they knew her name slip in to her mind as Gabriel asked her a question.

"Sort of..." She spoke with a little caution of word. "I remember your voice...and some features...but I don't know from where..." She seemed a bit preplexed as to how she knew him. She couldn't recall metting him. Yet she remembered him for some reason. "Have we met before?" She asked him as she raised her sights up to look to Gabriel.

Eloa moved slowly as she felt the memory completely erased and replaced with a new one. Her eyes looked down as she let a soft breath out. As if she had been holding it through out the process. She had managed to come in on part of Raphael and Gabriel's conversation. Something about seeing halos. She looked a little confused herself as she looked to Raphael who seemed excited by something and Gabriel who appeared curious. They looked to the girl with a general look of curiosity before she looked to her. Noticing just now how the girl was looking to all of the angels that stood in the store. She looked to her with a curiosity and questionable look as she realized what they were talking about. 'Can she see our halos?' She asked herself lightly as she kept her aunt's head on her lap. The ability to tell the truth from what lay naturally hidden from human eyes, a rare gift to receive indeed. Sometimes born to few, sometimes handed down in the bloodline. But no matter she held a gift if she answered the question that Gabriel proposed to her.

Eloa's eyes widened as she looked to the other two. Nobody really remembered meeting Gabriel before birth unless they possessed such a gift. And this girl seemed to as she answered Gabriel with some knowledge of remembrance. She felt excitement blossom in her as she looked to the girl.

Have we met before?'... the question brought a small smile to Gabriel's lips. "Do you believe in angels, Catylina?"
Raphael looked over to Gabriel with a bit of a frown. He always wished that Gabe would just answer a damn question with an answer, not another question, and not go around testing people's faith.
Gabriel didn't notice Raphael's frown, which was probably for the better.

Catylina looked to the smile that was brought to his lips. Was he mocking her? She shrugged lightly as she through on the question. Taking her time to understand it.

"I believe in them. But I don't know if they're really or not." She spoke gently as she looked to Gabriel again. "Why do you ask?" She really didn't see how that related to her question. Her eyes looked to Raphael and noticed the frown that crossed his face then looked to Gabriel again.

"I don't see how it relates to my question." She said lightly. A light shake came from her head as she watched Gabriel again.

"Stubborn..." Gabriel mumbled. "Every question I ask is related the question I was asked." Raphael smacked Gabriel's arm, Gabriel turned to him and glared a second before turning back to Catylina. "I asked because you have met me, before you were born. I told you the secrets of the universe, prepared your soul for what lay ahead outside your mother's womb, then I made you forget. I'm an angel, Catylina, so is Raphael and Eloa." He nodded slightly to Eloa. "So you're going to have to believe angels are real. We're sitting here right in front of you. Only you have the ability to see who we really are, you are one of the rare souls of humankind that possesses a gift from God that can see the halo of an angel. There has been very few like you..." He paused a moment. "You might think it's a curse, it's not, trust me, it's a blessing."

She moved lightly looking to Raphael as he hit Gabriel in the arm. Her eyes looked to him questioningly as she slowly looked back to Gabriel. She listened closely on what he had to say. And every word he said made him sound crazy and was trying to drag her into his world. Yet she couldn't argue since she held some faint recognition of him. Her eyes looked over to Raphael and then Eloa. Studying the two of them for a moment before coming back to Gabriel again.

"Why was I chosen for this?" She asked looking to him. Though she still didn't see it as a gift. She couldn't see how when she sensed some sort of end to her parents life and even now. "Wait...don't answer that. You might say God has some great plan for me." She moved slowly to think.

Gabriel was about to answer Catylina's question on why, but decided not to when she asked him not to. To be honest, he didn't know why, that's just the way it was. Was it random or by design, he didn't know, just accepted that it happened and he'd never be given a reason why. At least that got him out of telling her that he didn't know.
"Alright." She thought a bit more, "Have you heard of anybody named Malefar then?" The question only came with great thought. If they knew who he was, what he did maybe then she could trust them. But if they were all crazy then that would only prove it.

Eloa felt the excitement grow before she could feel the rhythmic breathing break. Her eyes looked down to the woman. "Um....Raphael. She's waking up." She spoke a little nervous as the woman's mind slowly started coming to. Her eyes looked to Catylina asked a question of why she was chosen, yet brushed it off like nothing before she asked another one. Her mind racked lightly at the question before she remembered something on it. "Is he a fallen angel?" She asked lightly.

"Malefar...?" Gabriel echoed the name when she asked it. "Umm... Malefar..." He had to think about it a moment before it clicked in his head. "Valefar, same creature. He was here earlier. Had you run across him before?"
"Of course she did." Raphael said. "Otherwise how would she know his name? Seeing him again must have brought up an old memory... oh...." He looked over at Gabriel, Gabriel looked back at him and frowned.
"Yeah, oh, she remembered something." He said with a sigh then looked back at Catylina. "I guess it all runs a bit deeper with you. How deep?" He stared into her eyes a moment. "You are a deep one..." He said after a moment. "We've seen that happen too, with ones like you. Latent psychic abilities, you felt that attack coming probably a moment after we did, before it happened."
Catylina looked to Eloa as she mentioned something about a fallen angel. That put her on the edge. 'Maybe they are nuts.' She felt herself think as she looked over to Gabriel who came up with a name that really didn't sound like the one give to her father. A light nod could only come from her. Her eyes looked to Raphael as he brought up the fact that she did. She rose an eyebrow to him in question. 'How did he know this?' She asked before hearing Raphael catch himself. She looked between the two males.

"What do you mean 'it all runs a bit deeper with you'?" She looked to Gabriel, as if he made some sort of insult towards her. Her eyes locked with his, yet she didn't know why. "What do you mean?" She found herself questioning him again. What made this all seem so strange was the fact of what they spoke of. She looked back and forth between the two. She felt anger burn in her. Yet she felt no need to ask anymore question.

Raphael sighed. "We can't make her forget what happened now." He said. "It'll hurt her more not having the memory of today than it will of having it. Damn. It's not fair to her to remember all this horrible events."
Gabriel patted his hand on Raphael's knee. "It just means she'll have to have a little more angelic intervention than other humans do." He said. "Get used to us, Catylina, you'll be seeing us a lot more."

"Is that a good thing?" She asked flatly as she looked to Gabriel.

Gabriel chuckled when Catylina asked if it was a good thing. "I don't know, some people say it is, some people say it isn't." He answered. Raphael smiled knowingly, agreeing with Gabriel's assessment. "But I think you're stuck with it. Better that heaven helps you through this rather than going through it alone. It's too big a burden to carry on your own..." He trailed off, hoping that Catylina would accept what he had to say.
Catylina's eyes crossed lightly as she heard something come from her aunt as the woman slowly woke up. She moved slowly to her aunt again.

"Catylina?" The woman questioned lightly as she looked around. "Catylina what happened?" She felt her aunt's awaking eyes looking to her and seeing a few of the cuts as she moved slowly getting up. She looked to all the people that lay around her and her niece.

Both Raphael and Gabriel's attention was suddenly turned to the waking Haile.
"Oh shit...." Raphael said softly realizing he had gotten so caught up in Catylina he had ignored Eloa when she pointed out that Haile was waking. The glass was still shattered around them and neither he nor Gabriel had thought to fix it. Thinking quickly, he turned his attention to Haile, a sympathetic look in his eyes.
"What happened is rather... interesting." He said to her. "A freak wind storm. A storm was blowing up, and the street and buildings outside acted like a giant wind tunnel, and caught up in here. You're fine, Catylina is a little cut up, but you seemed to only have been knocked over and hit your head, knocking you unconscious."
Gabriel sighed a bit. He looked directly at Catylina. "It would be best if your aunt doesn't know what happened here." He said softly as Raphael spoke to Haile. "Ignorance is bliss, and right now, the best way to keep your aunt from harm is for her to not know what we just told you."
"You might want to take it easy the rest of the day." Raphael was telling Haile.

Her eyes raised up to Gabriel as he chuckled. Yet the answer came honestly. She couldn't argue with it as she simply nodded. Catylina moved to her aunt as she looked at her. Ready to tell her what had just happened when she was quieted by a lie. Her eyes shot to the male angel's as he spoke of a wind storm. Her aunt only seemed to take it and agree with it. Yet she wanted to tell her the truth of what happened. She looked up to Gabriel as he spoke of it being best that Haile didn't know what happened. She moved lightly looking to her aunt.

"Are you okay Catylina?" She looked to her aunt with a bit of her lip and nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine." She spoke lightly. Holding back the truth. She moved slowly helping her aunt sit up. "I think its time we go home." She spoke softly as she looked to Gabriel again then helped her aunt to her feet.

Eloa watched for a moment as the lie came with easy to Gabriel. A nod came. "We're all pretty shaken up ourselves." Eloa added lightly as she looked to Haile. Her eyes looked to Catylina and then smiled when the girl went along with it. She moved slowly rising to her feet as well as she watched the girl leave with her aunt.

"Will we be taking shifts between the two humans then?" She asked Gabriel lightly. Mainly talking about Chloe and now Catylina. Her hands moved to slip in to her pockets. The pain was still present in her head but not like earlier. She managed to find some way to subside it thanks to the light touch of Raphael's healing.

"Uh... good question." Gabriel said about the shifts. "I don't know yet. Damn this is a confusing day."
Raphael stood, brushing the glass off his jeans. Now that the humans were gone, he was able to take care of Gabriel. He moved over to Gabriel, placing his hand gently on his head as a soft glow seemed to emanate from finger tips. The cut disappeared, the bones mending back into place. He lingered just a moment, touching Gabriel's head, a look of sadness in his face, then removed his hand. "Look, Gabe, Eloa, I have to go." He said. "As much as I'd like to stay and help, and well stay, I miss you Big Brother, but unfortunately, I'm not really supposed to be here, you know."
Gabriel nodded. "Thank you, Raph." He said softly.

Eloa's eyes looked to Gabriel, who really didn't know what to do at the moment. Her eyes slowly shifting to Raphael as he stood up. A nod and smile came to her face.

Raphael smiled a weak smile then headed out of the store. As he did, a gentle breeze seemed to kick up, the shards of glass that lay around the store got caught in it, swirling and shimmering as they caught the light they found their way back to the windows and doors, looking as if nothing had happened them.

"Take care, Raphael." She spoke gently as she nodded her head. Her eyes watched the shattered shard pieces slowly pick up in the wind. Shimmering and swirling like some kind of wind chime. It looked almost beautiful before it reached its rightful place. Piecing slowly back together to become whole again. Perfect as before. Eloa moved slowly to look around the store, and to fix what lay destroyed by the demons.

Catylina had managed to keep the lie up so far as her and her aunt headed back home. A little shaken up, she found the idea of angels to actually be true. 'Yet why are they on earth for?' She found herself asking. She thought God only sent his angels down for a message or some sort of protection. She really didn't understand why they were there. She crossed her arms lightly in the car as she looked down to the bandaged wound before they pulled up in the drive way.

"I'm gonna go lay down." She spoke to her aunt, even through that was a lie in itself. She moved lightly to get out of the car. Closing the door behind her, she pulled her house keys from her pocket as she moved towards the house door. Opening it up for both her and her aunt before she slipped inside. She moved slowly as she headed up the stairs into her room. She moved closing the door behind her as the sound of it slam only shook her walls lightly. She moved to find her aunt's cat in her room. She smiled only lightly as she walked to her bed and sat upon it looking to the cat as she petted it.

12:25:20 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

We're still alive.

12:46:17 Aug 18th 09 - Duke Windscar The Random:


19:07:18 Aug 22nd 09 - Lady Astoria:

[I'm putting 4 and 5 together]

Book 1/Chapter 4 and 5: Between Heaven and Hell, Love and War/The Devil's Symphony

Gabriel looked around the store, the damage may have been undone, but the room had an air of regret and mourning to it. He closed his eyes to it just a moment. 'Mea culpa...?' he thought to himself as the events unfolded around him again in his mind. The shake of the shattering glass as the demons attacked, the fear for the humans, the innocents caught in the crossfire, Uzziel's abduction when he knew it wasn't Uzziel they were after, it was he, the pain they had to bring to Catylina, Chloe's fear... He nodded slightly. 'Yes, it is my fault...'
Chloe sighed, still stunned by all that happened. She and Misha had been far to overwhelmed to even move during it all. Happy to be safe and alive, and quite unhurt. The stun was finally wearing off for her.

The Devil's Symphony

Lucifer appeared to be waiting patiently in his throne room for Valefar and Azazel to show up with Uzziel. He wasn't really patient though, he was barely containing his anticipation. After all, he'd been holding this moment in for centuries.
From the moment the rebellion had started, he had felt nothing but contempt for Gabriel. Before that point the two had been so close; brothers until, so he thought; the end. Lucifer had always been manipulitive, even as an angel in grace, however, he never could quite manipulate Gabriel. For that had earned a hard friendship between the two. One might even say it was Gabriel who manipulated Lucifer into doing what he wanted. But Gabriel's wishes never came to any harm for Lucifer; in fact; benifited him. There was always a benifit when dealing with Gabriel. You had to pay his price; however, the rewards were always good.
But the rebellion... it was a turning point in between brothers that loved each other greatly. When He asked them to bow before this new creation, humans, Lucifer refused. As did Gabriel. Even Uzziel refused. There was no chance that they would be willing to worship this lowly being above themselves. Humans were not higher in station than angels, they never could be. Lucifer echoed Gabriel's thoughts on it all; 'I only worship One'.
Though when it came down to brass tacks; when Lucifer stepped forward and refused humans; Gabriel refused to side with him; refused to support him.
When Lucifer pushed to keep the angels' status as the beings that He loved most; Gabriel remained silent.
When Lucifer refused the Word; Gabriel turned on him.
Lucifer would never forget that.
Uzziel didn't turn on him, though. Uzziel actually supported him until the moment the war actually began. Uzziel's moment of hesitation to fight his own brothers gave Gabriel the very moment he needed to remove Uzziel from the rebellion; banish him to earth until it was over. Uzziel could have still come to the battle and disobeyed Gabriel, but he didn't.
Lucifer's last laugh.... Uzziel fell anyway. For the briefest of moments Uzziel was an archangel of hell. But it was brief; it didn't take long for Gabriel to have that reversed.
He'd reverse it for Uzziel; but not for Lucifer. Lucifer now understood where Gabriel's loyalties lie.
Lucifer closed his eyes remembering the look that Gabriel gave him when he took Uzziel from hell. That cocky son of a bitch...
It had been ages; but Lucifer would have his revenge.

Lucifer's face showed nothing as he watched Valefar and Azazel enter the throne room with the unconscious Uzziel. He was, however, extremely pleased. He shifted slightly on the high backed throne. The throne room was fairly sparse in decoration; Lucifer never felt that much more than minimalism was required there. Hell was busy enough of a place as it were.
Lightly, he tapped his fingers on the arm rest; saying nothing as the two stopped before him. Azazel dropped his load on to the floor; Lucifer watched. Finally, he spoke.
"Well done." He said; his tone cool and unemotional. "Did Gabriel see you?"

Valefar laughed. "He saw me alright. As for Azazel, I'm unsure. But he didn't realize Uzziel was gone until after the angel disappeared. And I spaded him to the head." He said rather pleased with himself. Whether or not Lucifer liked to hear that, Valefar was still going to boast about it. Comment on the fact of what he did. He wouldn't lie.

He had been one of few that had joined in on the war in heaven when Lucifer retaliated. He wasn't like the Watchers. But one who would stay alone. An angel that was supposed to be by the humans that died a violent death. Yet he only loved the wars that went on between them. He loved the bloodshed and the ripping apart of souls that seemed to get lost from their Father's faith. He only joined in to create corruption. Yet cased to hell, he went. He had been a rather sadistic angel, even in heaven. He learned much from the humans. He hated them, yet loved them. A natural oxymoron in himself he only lay to contradict everything around him.

His arms crossed lightly as he bowed his head lightly to his lord. His body bowed slightly as well before rising back up. His eyes only casting down to the unconscious angel that lay on the throne room floor now. He wanted to go up and kick him in the side to wake him up. But knew the answer that would follow if he did. So he let the angel be.

"I don't believe he saw me." Azazel said. "I can't be certain though."

Lucifer nodded at Valefar. "You hit him on the head with a shovel?" He asked flatly, but raised his eyebrows in unconscious amusement. "Well done indeed. I would have enjoyed seeing the look on his face when you did that."

Valefar only smirked to his flat question. "Stunned I believe. Realization of what just happened combined with a good catch to the head. Lets just say I cracked his skull open a little." Valefar smirked slowly again before moving a little to shift his weight to the other foot.
He stood up and took a few steps towards them. "I have to admit, you have pleased me. Gabriel must be quite off his game, but even so, an archangel like him is not a simple task to deal with, I commend you."

A light bow came from his features in thanks to the praise. He would need to clean the weapon later. But at the moment he stayed in the throne room.

He looked down at Uzziel and sort of smirked and looked back up as Lucifer praised Valefar. Azazel sneered a bit, trying not to let it bother him.

Lucifer leaned down over Uzziel and placed his hand around the dagger in his neck. "Who wants to hear Gabriel scream? I'll bet anything that when I pull this out, Gabriel's scream will echo all the way down through hell."

Lucifer ignored Azazel's sneer as he tighten his grip on the dagger. Quickly he yanked the dagger out. As the point of it left Uzziel's body, he screamed in agony, arching in pain. A drop off blood fell off of the dagger; splattering on the floor. Lucifer listened... waiting for that scream of when Uzziel's intense pain connected with Gabriel.

"Pull it hard. I want to hear this place shake." He coaxed on with a smirk. His eyes watched as he heard the dagger's clean cut as it was yanked from the angel's body. The scream of the angel, here before them, only sent music to Valefar's ears.

Azazel shifted his weight, morbid curiosity of upcoming events fixating his attention on Uzziel. He had placed the dagger well, the spot he had chosen would cause the most pain, the most discomfort when it was pulled out. He smiled watching Uzziel's agony.

Valefar listened in closely to hear Gabriel scream as well. A slight echo could be heard before he felt satisfaction appear on his face. He looked to Azazel who looked amused as well.

"Consequences...consequences. Out of grace, lets see if Gabriel doesn't go rogue." He said rather amused by the term. He moved slowly as he leaned over the angel in pain. "Poor boy." A sarcastic tone entered his voice as he rose up again. His eyes raised up to Lucifer.

Lucifer smiled too; hearing the scream of Gabriel back in the distance. He looked at Valefar through half opened eyes.
"Let's hope he does go rogue; Valefar, that will be so much fun to watch." He said.

A light laugh came from him as Lucifer spoke. "Well think of it this way. Well have fun seeing him again." He smirked. Well he did the last time he saw him before this little kidnapping even happened. The smirk dissipated for a moment as he moved lightly kick Uzziel in the leg a little.

"Anything else you want us to kidnap?" He asked lightly.

When Valefar mentioned kidnapping someone else, Lucifer thought it over a moment then shook his head. "No, not just now, maybe later; but right now; it's time to play with Uzziel." His devilish smile crept across his lips.

His eyes raised up again as he heard his answer.

"It was good while it lasted." Valefar shrugged. "Are we looking at a slow torture or a bloody beating?" Valefar asked with joy as he lowered his eyes to where Uzziel laid at.

"Slow..." Lucifer said. "I like to take my time. It hurts Gabriel more. Pick Uzziel up, Valefar..." He said as he waved his hand slightly at nothing. From the ceiling, chains fell; at his command. They had some sort of sharpened clamp on the end of them. "Azazel, help him, bind his hands and ankles and hang him by his wings." Lucifer leaned over and touched Uzziel on the back; forcing him to show his wings. "That's going to hurt."
The weight of an angel's material form was never meant to be supported by an angel's wings. The pain was intense and it was demeaning.

A smile spread across Valefar's lips as he heard the simple answer. He moved quickly as he picked up Valefar by one arm. Dragging him lightly on the ground before actually feeling the want to pick him up. He slipping one of Uzziel's arms around his neck as he awaited for the chains that feel.

Azazel smiled slightly and obeyed. Once Valefar had pulled Uzziel up, Azazel bound his hands with a black rope. Then he pulled over the chains, clamping each one into a wing, smiling sadistically as the angel shuttered in pain.

"Damn boy. You weren't kidding when you said this guy weights more then he looks." He spoke as he laughed lightly looking to Azazel who aided in putting the angel up. He moved taking on the other side of Uzziel as he tied his other arm in the black rope before assisting in the wings.

Once they had him up there, Uzziel's feet were just half an inch from the floor, he was fully suspended, all weight on his wings.
Uzziel tried hard not to let any sort of pain show, he didn't want to feed that particular pleasure of the fallen angels. He worked very hard to disconnect himself, to not feel any of it.

Stepping away, there suspended, the angel appeared as he seemed to hold back his pain.

"Seems where gonna have to break you boy." Valefar smiled with an over shuttering pleasure. He seemed to enjoy this rather greatly as he moved slowly. "We're looking to slow pain, correct?" Valefar moved slowly as he drew a bladed dagger. The double edging was sharp as the light that was provided bounded of its smooth, clean cut edgings. A devilish corruption appeared with in Valefar's eyes as he moved stepping forward.

"Can I take the first cut?" He raised his eyebrow as he directed the question to Lucifer but kept a keen eye on Uzziel.

Lucifer nodded slightly as he turned, heading back for his throne. "Of course, Valefar." He said. "Have all the fun you want. I'm only here to watch."
He sat down; his fingers laced together; his elbows resting on the armrests so that he could bring his fingers up to his chin. He nodded; an unspoken command to begin.

A cruel smirk appeared upon his lips as Valefar stepped forward. A glimmer of cruelty appeared in his eyes, along with a new dawning lust. He moved to the angel. Taking his time, he felt the cruel need to be artist against his mortal skin. His hand moved to the piece of skin he would start off with, his right shoulder. The blade made a slowly cut along it. He was going to make this hurt. Not just a gash. That was to quick and the pain could subside, he want to see it get infected. He slowly drew the blade along the first lay of skin. Carving slowly an intricate design of twisting lines and swirls. Going over it once, twice, three times just to make sure it would scar well in to the skin before he slowly moved inch by inch along the skin of the angel.

As Valefar's knife bit into his skin, Uzziel's entire body jerked involuntarily. He didn't want to, it was a bad time, still, to show weakness.
The slow trace of the knife pressed further and further into his willpower until finally, uncontrollably, he screamed. His head snapping backwards, his entire body jerking forward, pulling against his restraints and sending more pain down his body. He bit into his lower lip, hard, trying to focus his thoughts, but it wasn't working. He was collapsing under the weight of it all, no longer able to hold any emotion back. He was sure that was exactly what Lucifer wanted.

"Join in if you wish Azazel." He smirked. "The more the merrier."

Azazel raised his eyebrows at the scene. He never cared for torture, not physical torture at least. However, he knew he couldn't sit this one out. If he did, Lucifer would only taunt him more and make things miserable for him. He just couldn't come up with a way to top what Valefar could.
"Physical pain isn't my thing." He said off handedly. "However, I have a certain memory of it I'd like to share with him."
Azazel stepped up to the angel, pulling his head up by his hair so he could look into Uzziel's eyes. He placed his other hand on his forehead, and let loose the mental anguish and physical pain he felt when Gabriel killed all the nephilim so many years ago.
He grinned watching Uzziel's face contort with pain. He stepped back, letting the memories linger in the angel's mind.

"Have to love the corruption of an angel's mind." Valefar smirked as he carved on. That cry of pain only make him laugh. "Awww. Poor angel can't handle the heat." He smirked out as he continued on with the design. The pain apparently was hard to handle.

"You want to know what makes me bugged? People that cut. You can't get any enjoyment out of it over the one's that can't handle the pain. They are the ones that piss me off." Valefar spoke lightly. "Its not the fact of their screams or such. Its the fact that I can't enjoy myself if no pain is shown. Even if a face is contorting like this one, I'm pleased." His hand never seemed to slip, and his concentration on the design never strayed. He moved through making a quick slice against the flesh to make a certain symbol in to his skin. His hand only pulling something from his sleeve. A black cloth of satin appeared as he cleaned the blood from the spot he word on. He knew well that Gabriel would feel every piece of this. Whether he wanted to or not. He laughed as he looked over from the corner of his eye to Azazel who took more pleasure in the mental destruction of this angel.

"This is your mind on corruption." He said rather mockingly towards the angel. "Lets see how fucked up we can get you boy." A smirk slowly spread across his lips before he feel in to silence and continued on with his work. Only finding himself to the middle of Uzziel's chest. blood flowing freely from the wounds.

Azazel watched Valefar as he enjoyed himself with his own sense of pleasure. How such a little thing could make one so happy was a beautiful thing. He was like an artist, skillful and determined, to bring his own sense of beauty in this wretched place.
Valefar was certainly an artist. His strokes were well placed on his canvas.

Uzziel was close to giving up. He wasn't sure how much he could take of this. Something was keeping him holding on. Maybe it was knowing that Gabriel would do anything in his power to get him out of there, if he could just hang on. If he could just keep a handle on the pain.
But Valefar was far from done, that was obvious. Uzziel felt his fingers go numb from the tightness of the bindings. Both Azazel and Valefar knew well what they were doing. An angel could handle the physical pain, but they had gotten into his essence, pulling the pain out of his core being as an angel. The blade, the bindings, all a step beyond the physical realm, cutting deep inside that which held his being together.
He jerked a bit as Valefar touched his chest. Throwing his head back as the jerking motion pulled harshly on his wings. He gritted his teeth feeling the darkness seeping into his very being. He could feel fell the blood running down his back as the chains ripped through his wings. He wasn't sure how much longer until they ripped clean through.

Valefar pulled away for a second as the design started to come in to view. The swirls and lines creating a mirror image of something on his chest, yet past the blood it couldn't be seen. It would take a couple more minutes before the design was fully done. Shoulder to shoulder of his chest was covered in the delicately designed fleshed now. The blood flowed free from it as she sat back at watched him. A smile of amusement and pleasing enjoyment crossed his lips as a nod of approval came from it.

"Nothing more is needed." He said simply. The sight of the angel only made Valefar laugh as Uzziel tried to hold the pain that made his body cringe in violent pain. The numbing would slowly run over but the pain would return once the natural medication the body released dissipated in to nothingness after surging in his veins. He moved slowly looking down as he cleaned the blade off on the cloth.

"Oh just give it up, boy." He spoke with a cocky smirk now. "We could have done much worse. And I'm not lying either. Unless you want us?" He proposed a question that he wished to hear no answer to as he crossed his arms lightly.

"Hmmm...what to do now?" He looked over to Azazel for any other damage that could be done. Mentally he was getting corrupted, physically it was becoming destroyed. What else could they possible thing of doing? Valefar moved lightly as he circled around Uzziel's tortured body. He looked as if a scavenger of some sort looking down on weak prey.

"Do whatever you please." Lucifer said. His voice was flat; but his smirk spoke volumes. "Gabriel is here... in him... now is not the time to stop." He paused a moment. "Unless you want to; I'm certain I could find someone willing to take over."

Valefar felt the need to inflict more pain. His eyes barely glancing to his lord to see the smirk that laid upon his own lips. That only caused Valefar to climb a little higher in the want of corruption and distortion of this angel's mind. He moved to take a step forward before the name fell past his master's lips. Gabriel. A snicker rolled in the smirk in bitter anger. But that wouldn't stop him if he wished it.

"Nah. I'll stick around a few more hours. I don't have to be anywhere for a good while." He smirked lightly. Laughter only seemed to pass his lips as Gabriel spoke through his little shadow. He arms cross lightly. The blade still in hand as he watched the confrontation that took place between Lucifer and Gabriel. The satisfaction of mutilation appeared on Valefar's lip as he was the angel suffer. The infliction of both fallen had done rather well with the shown effort that Gabriel seemed to try and speak at.

"Shall I continue?" He asked raising an eyebrow as he slithered slowly behind the angel. Eyes looking eagerly up to Satan as he held the blade ready to carve again. But if requested for another means of torture, Valefar would provide it.

Gabriel sighed, deciding not to dwell on it. Even though he felt responsible for the events, there was no point letting it impede him from the matters at hand. There were just too many matters at hand to brood over it. He had to figure out a way to get Uzziel back, a way to keep Chloe safe, and way to deal with what they had just done to Catylina, all at the same time.
He was good at multi tasking, but not that good.
He watched Eloa as she moved about, helping put things back into a state of normalcy. Misha was helping Chloe put right the tables and chairs that had been tipped over and pushed around in the fight. He felt that he should do something to help, as well as hopefully getting his thought processes back in line. He took a step forward but stopped dead, biting his lower lip.
Azazel and Valefar had just hung Uzziel up by his wings.
He was frozen in horror, feeling Uzziel's pain.
Not much more than a moment passed when he could feel Valefar's dagger cutting into Uzziel's flesh. Gabriel closed his eyes and tried to find something near by to keep his balance with, but he couldn't. He fell to the floor, his legs giving out under the pain. "No... Uzziel..." He said hoarsely.

Eloa moved in a quiet pace, aiding in the clean up of the store as she moved around. A soft hum came from her as she moved around the store. The soft lullaby seemed as if she had heard it somewhere before, but to place it seemed impossible at the moment as she moved around shelves. She had just stepped from the aisles as she looked up to find Gabriel on the floor. She moved quickly with the books in hand as she slide down besides Gabriel. He looked in pain, yet horrified by something. Her eyes looked to him as she heard the hoarse of his voice.

"How bad is it?" She asked. 'A stupid question to ask.' She found herself thinking after it passed her lips.

"Chloe! Get me some water and a wash cloth. Misha, help me get him over to the table." She said quickly. Now she was thinking on her feet, as if she walked on egg shells with him. The only thing that came to mind was find some way to sooth the pain. Easy it through some other means since Uzziel was connected to Gabriel, as all angels were. She held no right to easy that pain, and the ability to handle it was out of the question from how Gabriel appeared.

Misha hesitated a moment before helping Eloa get the angel over to the table. Chloe ran to get some water and a cloth.
"What's happening now?' Misha asked in almost a whisper, he didn't necessarily direct it to Eloa, though if she answered, she would be the best to say. He was just getting worn down by it all, asking for any answer to what was going on.

Gabriel was biting his lower lip, drawing blood at this point, his eyes clenched shut. Through the pain, he kept trying to figure out why Uzziel just didn't let go of him, it was very unlike Uzziel to make Gabriel suffer as well.
Eloa's words cut through the screaming in his mind and all his pain. He could barely notice Eloa and Misha moving him to the table.
"They're... torturing him..." He whispered to her. His hands were shaking uncontrollably as Chloe rushed over with the water and the cloth. "Eloa... don't try to take this pain..." He warned afraid she might. He lifted his head from the table then slammed it back down, almost as if he was trying to push out Uzziel. "Just pass out, Uzziel, don't try to be stoic." He mumbled.

19:07:56 Aug 22nd 09 - Lady Astoria:

Eloa moved picking up Gabriel's body as she looked to Misha who held hesitation before going in to action. She looked to him. "Its Uzziel. He can feel his pain that he's going through." She said simply a she nodded to the nearest table. Move to lay Gabriel's body upon the surface of the table. Her eyes looked to see the blood that came from his lip. The pain must have been sever. She looked up to Chloe as she came before looking down.

Moving quickly, Eloa took hold of the wash cloth and soaked it in the water. Moving lightly she placed it upon Gabriel's head. Her eyes looked down to him as the word was given. "I won't." She spoke softly. She could only try and sooth the pain as he suffered in it. She slowly started humming again to try and at least sooth the nervous of the two humans beside her. Moving again she soaked the wash cloth, ringing it out, she placed it upon his head again.

Gabriel lurched as Uzziel was lurching down in hell. He was trying so hard to push out Uzziel, his nose started bleeding. He could feel the heat of hell, the heat of Valefar's blade. But Eloa's touch was cooling, as was the water. He pressed his head to her hand unconsciously, looking to her to ease the pain.
Azazel's own contribution hit him hard as well. He could feel the two fallen angel's tearing away at Uzziel's mind, the darkness running through him. He lifted up his hand, his fingers still trembling, curled over slightly as he tried now, to fight for Uzziel. He shot open his eyes wide.

She tried her hardest to easy the pain that plagued Gabriel. He looked like he was trying hard to control it. Put it out of mind, yet he was suffering badly from where she stood. Her eyes worried and concerned as she moved to wet the wash clothe again. She looked down to him as she felt him press up against her hand and the clothe. Her eyes looked to him as she tried to easy the pain, but he ordered her not to take it. She wanted to with what he was suffering in but never did.

Eloa moved a little as she watched Gabriel lift his hand up. Trembling from pain she could only thing before his eyes opened wide. She felt worry grasp her mind as she continued to try and sooth Gabriel's pain.

"Chloe, get me more water." She said looking up to the girl. Before resting her sights on Gabriel who suffered in torture and pain.

It was something he was used to, but for some reason, hearing Lucifer's voice through Uzziel was a little strange. Maybe because he wasn't totally in Uzziel's head, Uzziel was resisting that. He made Uzziel open his eyes so he could see what was going on. He could see Lucifer staring at him, Lucifer's green eyes burning into him.
Gabriel bit his lower lip again. Pushing back a wave of pain. This hurt enough when there wasn't physical pain going on, right now, it was utterly unbearable. 'Give me just a moment, Uzziel, don't pass out yet...' He thought.
"Morningstar..." He said out loud, both his voice and Uzziel's voice could barely manage a whisper.

Uzziel's eyes suddenly shot open, the smirk left Lucifer's face. He connected his eyes with Uzziel's; staring into them; trying to find that hint of Gabriel. He found it. He knew it when he saw it; he had found Gabriel.
"Morningstar..." Uzziel whispered hoarsely.
"Oh, my Luna... Heaven's messenger..." Lucifer responded. "How wonderful for you to join us." He paused for just a moment listening to Azazel and Valefar seem to be cackling. "Do you want your precious Uzziel out of my clutches?"

'Gabriel...' Uzziel directed his thoughts at Gabriel, hoping the archangel wasn't ignoring him while he was caught up with Lucifer. 'Don't do this, he'll hurt you.'

Azazel's wicked grin grew as he watched the scene playing out before them. He could feel both angel's suffering at the pain he and Valefar had laid on Uzziel.

Whether in connection or not, Gabriel seemed distorted in some way. She moved again to replace the water again on the wash cloth. A soft nod following from Eloa's features. Her hand raised lightly as she pushed back the curls from her eyes. Concentrating on trying to submit the pain that held Gabriel at the moment. Her eyes shot down to him as he spoke out. 'He got a hold of Uzziel!' She felt excited but worried for the other angel that now resided in hell. What they had done to him? So could only guess was bad by the standers of looking to Gabriel. 'Is Lucifer there?' She questioned lightly as she moved to continue with what she had started earlier. Yet her touch seemed to become lighter as the seconds passed. She wished not to disturb the connection with Uzziel and Gabriel.

Gabriel drew in a shallow breath. "its okay, Eloa." He said softly. "It's not easy to disrupt me."
He turned his attention back to Lucifer. 'Good, he can hear us.' Gabriel thought. "Let him go Lucifer." Gabriel said out loud. "You want me, not him, so come and get me, don't send your little flunkies in to do your dirty work. Come get me, I dare you."
He knew that Lucifer never would go face to face with him. All he was wanting was to intimidate Lucifer into letting Uzziel go. It was the only way he could think of at the moment to get Uzziel back and not set foot in hell.

Eyes raised down lightly as Eloa's humming seemed never to cease with in the abrupt actions. Whether it was to keep him calm or her, one couldn't tell and from appearance of the moment, she wasn't going to speak on it. Eloa's features looked down to him and nodded. Apparently he had gotten a hold of Lucifer alright to be responding now. She moved to keep the cloth cold and to his forehead as she looked to the two humans that lay near. She would need to explain later. To tell now would only through her off focus and concentration of what was going on at hand.

A smirk spread across her lips as she heard Gabriel call Lucifer out of hell. Daring him to come for him up on earth. She could only laugh lightly as her hands worked. She would hate to see the feelings that were building up in Lucifer right about now after hearing that mere insulting comment.

Valefar pulled away for a second as the design started to come in to view. The swirls and lines creating a mirror image of something on his chest, yet past the blood it couldn't be seen. It would take a couple more minutes before the design was fully done. Shoulder to shoulder of his chest was covered in the delicately designed fleshed now. The blood flowed free from it as she sat back at watched him. A smile of amusement and pleasing enjoyment crossed his lips as a nod of approval came from it.

"Nothing more is needed." He said simply. The sight of the angel only made Valefar laugh as Uzziel tried to hold the pain that made his body cringe in violent pain. The numbing would slowly run over but the pain would return once the natural medication the body released dissipated in to nothingness after surging in his veins. He moved slowly looking down as he cleaned the blade off on the cloth.

"Oh just give it up, boy." He spoke with a cocky smirk now. "We could have done much worse. And I'm not lying either. Unless you want us?" He proposed a question that he wished to hear no answer to as he crossed his arms lightly.

"Hmmm...what to do now?" He looked over to Azazel for any other damage that could be done. Mentally he was getting corrupted, physically it was becoming destroyed. What else could they possible thing of doing? Valefar moved lightly as he circled around Uzziel's tortured body. He looked as if a scavenger of some sort looking down on weak prey.

"Yes, continue, Valefar..." Lucifer said. His tone was cool and even; his eyes never leaving the locked gaze with Uzziel.

Lucifer laughed softly at Gabriel's attempt to get him to come out of hell. "Dare all you want, Little Brother; I'm not stupid enough to set foot outside of hell right now." He said. "You may not be in good graces with heaven right now; but I know well enough to know Uriel will bring the wrath of heaven down on me should I try to directly harm you." He paused a moment letting his gaze sink in with the two angels. "How long are you going to keep letting me torture Uzziel in your name? How long are you going to keep torturing him yourself by watching me through his eyes? Do you care so little for him that you would keep this up?"
He broke his gaze with Uzziel only long enough to nod to Valefar to begin.

It seemed Lucifer wasn't going to take the bait. That was no issue, Gabriel knew him well enough to know how to rile him up easily.
"You're telling me the hordes of hell are afraid of Uriel?" He asked Lucifer, taunting him further. "My how the mighty have fallen. Afraid of Uriel..."
But to Lucifer's questions on how long he was going to let Uzziel be tortured, he wasn't sure to answer. Uzziel had pointed out they could torture him all they wanted as long as his master remained safe. He had only one answer he could give. "Uzziel is a good soldier, he will bear anything that he is required to." Gabriel hoped that Lucifer would buy what he had to say, it was true, to an extent.

Raphael stood outside the store, watching Eloa, Gabriel, and the humans. He knew what was going on, something this big did not go unnoticed, yet he could not interfere.
Why though? Why couldn't he interfere? Why was he not allowed? Why did they always forbid him from helping Gabriel when he needed it most. It just didn't seem fair.
There seemed no justice in it all. Gabriel's only crime against Lucifer was to protect a human. This is what heaven was supposed to do. But because Gabriel and Uzziel were out of grace, even after they had done the very thing heaven had wanted them to, heaven prevented him from helping. From helping get Uzziel out of hell, from easing Gabriel's pain.
Raphael turned his head slightly to the right when he heard Michael coming, however, his face didn't change from the hardened look he had.

"Don't look at me like that Little Brother." Michael said with a snort at Raphael's expression. As Raphael just glared at him. He sighed. "This is an unusual look for you. Normally you look so... flighty, not so sullen and moody."
A gust of wind kicked up and blew Raphael's hair into his face with little whisps, snapping Michael's coat as well.
"Pfft..." Michael said looking away from Raphael. "That's the thing about you and Gabriel, always so cold, always so dramatic."

Raphael turned his gaze away from Michael after the comment about being dramatic. He said nothing for a long time.
"It's not fair, Michael." He said flatly. "Why are we allowing Gabriel to be punished when he did exactly what we wanted him today? Why is it that I'm ordered to stay away from him? Did you ever think that maybe Gabriel's guide back to heaven may just be the angels he loves? Being banned from him is obviously not working."
He sighed letting the breeze blow his hair out of his eyes as he fixed them back on the bookstore.

Michael set his jaw. "It's just the way it is, Raphael." He said a bit of irritation in voice. "Stay away from him, Raphael. He'll pull you down with him. Your job is not to save him, that's something he has to do on his own." Michael turned his back to Raphael, risking his wrath, but knowing even pissed Raphael wouldn't do anything. "Come back to heaven with me."

"I'll be there in a few." He said. "I have to make a stop to see a human first." He said softly.
Michael didn't say anything, he just slipped off earth.
Raphael stood there a moment and sighed. He turned, walking down the street a bit until, once again, the wind kicked up, swirling the leaves in the street, and Raphael was gone.

Raphael quietly entered Catylina's bedroom as she slept, unnoticed, and not through the door. He watched her a moment, head tilted slightly, as she slept.
"So she's one." He said out loud softly. "She's one of the ones that come only every few thousand years." He leaned over her. "You have a long journey ahead of you, little soul." He softly kissed her on the forehead before straightening up and slipping out of her bedroom.
Though he wasn't ready to go back to heaven.

Catylina could feel something in her room. Yet couldn't feel the essence of what action had chosen to come in on its own. Raphael had appeared in her room without knowledge as she slept. The words he spoke barely seemed to phase the dreams that slowly cloaked her finally silencing thoughts as the day replayed through out her mind again. Just the beginning and, yet the want of rest was strong as she lay deep in sleep. Breath seemed rather in well rhythm in reminder of sleep as she moved only slightly at the sound of his words. She could feel the soft kiss on her forehead but only took it as her dreams. Sometimes dreams felt so real to her, yet they never were.

She took a deep breath in as her mind awake from the slipping light sleep that slowly turned heavy. Her eyes saw nothing as she looked around room for a moment. Exhaustion on her face hit the pillow again. Her mind slipped back in to deep sleep as she moved hugging an old teddy bear with in her hands.

A smirk bleed upon Valefar's lips as he looked to Uzziel. 'Handle me?' He laughed to himself as if insanity had entered his mind. Yet the cold glare never seemed to shift from its lusting enjoyment of cruel enjoyment. He stepped forward with blade in hand as his eyes glanced over to his lord. The nodded was given and the physical pain would be brought on again. His hand slithered on to Uzziel's shoulder as the blade came hard against the back of his neck. Not fully penetrating the skin, only to break past the second skin as he moved slowly down. The same process of carving took a different turn as symbols appeared within Uzziel's spine. He wish laid more in the destruction of Uzziel's wings. But he was unsure if Lucifer would enjoy such a thing.

His eyes remained focus on the new design that blossomed past the blood that slowly started to floor. The rubbing of satin black cleaned the new wounds that appeared on the thin layer of skin that lay wrapped naturally around the spine. A tight twist of the blade came in the middle between the set of wings. The image stood boldly out as the angelic writing took more of a violent turn then what heaven would naturally perceive it as being. He moved a little as Gabriel continued to take. Whether or not he felt the pain, they would soon find out as he jabbed the blade edging in to the spine.

Lucifer smiled wickedly at the Valefar's work.
"Don't hold back, Valefar." He said. "I want to see how much Gabriel actually loves Uzziel."
He shifted slightly; crossing his legs as he enjoyed the show.

Gabriel tensed in pain as Valefar continued his work. His teeth gritted. He let himself scream for Uzziel, so he wouldn't have to. However, the pain was so intense that he couldn't control Uzziel as Uzziel let his emotions out as well.
"Morningstar...." Gabriel growled through gritted teeth. "You are a spineless bastard. You can't even face me yourself, and you can't even do your own dirty work. Let others do it for you. No wonder you couldn't stay in heaven."

Uzziel shivered with the pain, Gabriel was trying to control it for him, but it was just too much. Once again he lurched forward, pain shooting through his wings, his mind slowly loosing it's grip as the pain and darkness overcame him.
He shadowed Gabriel's words, wondering when Lucifer's breaking point would come and he would stop. But Uzziel was prepared to go the full way, what ever Gabriel needed of him.

Eloa's eyes only barely managed to feel the essence of two other high beings. Her eyes rose up to turn slightly to the glass windows. There, outside, stood Raphael. But the essence grew stronger. To see who, was impossible as her attention shifted back to the angel that now lay in contact with Lucifer. Gabriel seemed to be rather deep in the concentration of connecting through Uzziel.

The word was given, Valefar smirked as he moved jabbing the blade deeper. A cruel laugh passed his lips as he watched his body jump forward. Pain apparent with in the body of this angel. He only moved as he continued with his artistic work. He moved slowly to kneel down on one knee as the worked continued. Working out around all the spine under his wings as he carved away at the precious human flesh. Only moving lightly as he moved back lightly. Certain spots lay untouched as he moved lightly.

"Breath in boy. And hold that breath." He laughed as he gave his warning and pierced sections with the sharp rings of barb wire. The ripping of the skin only made it taut to pull the ring fully around as he moved slowly. Torture was one thing he apparently found entertainment in. He moved pulling tightly on the rings to lock them up.

Uzziel shrieked, his scream echoed from the throne room walls. The chains ripped more and more into his wings as he unconsciously pushed forward.
Lucifer only laughed. Enjoying the scene.
Uzziel kept himself conscious, the pain unbearable as he tried to push Gabriel out of him.

Gabriel struggled against Uzziel, not willing to let him go through this alone. Lucifer and Valefar would not stop just because Uzziel had pushed him out, they would keep going knowing that Gabriel could still feel it.
"No Uzziel..." He said softly. "You need my help dealing with this."
He struggled against Uzziel, as the pain from the barbed wire sunk into Uzziel's flesh. Uzziel had thrown his head back and snapped his eyes shut, opening them back up quickly.
Like a flash Gabriel saw it. Somehow, Uzziel was able to pick up the impressions from the demons, now just faint whispers on the background of hell, that Gabriel had disposed of the day before. He saw few other angels could see, the faint memories of those demons.
He bolted upright, a shrill scream left his lips. He stared straight a head for a moment then turned to Eloa and Chloe, his eyes had a wild look in them as he tried to find the words he was looking. Uzziel had pushed him out at last moment, he was disoriented and confused, trying to find the words.
He shook his head slightly. "It wasn't you, Chloe, that they were after, it's Catylina." He said in a whisper. "They were too earlier to catch her, they had the day wrong, and they thought it was you."
Chloe looked stunned at him. "So I'm not in danger?"

Valefar moved lightly satisfied at the moment with the infliction he brought upon the angel. The scream only seemed to achieve something in him as he cleaned the blade of and walked back to join Azazel off on the side. He moved slowly, lowering his body to the ground as he seemed to stealth the blade in mid-air. The bloody cloth only dissipating as he rose up. A new one only appeared to clean off his other hand as he smirked rather cruelly. His eyes down for a moment as he raised them up. His head lowered and the shining lightly only cast the blacked shadows to cross his face.

"I think that's all for now. Maybe later. It seems I have an unexpected appointment to attend do. You lucked out this time angel." He smirked lightly as he moved to Lucifer. A half bow came from him as he looked to Lucifer. "Thank you lord for letting me have a little fun." He smirked slightly.

Lucifer smiled with approval. "Very good Valefar." he said. "You will be rewarded."
He watched as Uzziel finally passed out, Gabriel having left him; overcome by the pain.

"No need. I got my reward from this." He smirked as he bowed his head in thanks to Lucifer. He moved slowly as he tipped his head lightly to Azazel for the aid in the angel's little corruption before moving away to dissipate in the shadows. Another life was being called upon to be taken, and he was the one who would lead him to his death.

Lucifer nodded slightly to Valefar before he left; then turned his eyes to Azazel.
"You could have participated more." He said. "Sometimes, Azazel, I wonder if you don't have the stomach for being a fallen angel. Is it any wonder that you are in the position you are in and I am in the position you wished to be in?"

Eloa moved back as Gabriel rose up. Her hands moved away from him as if in some sort of shock as she moved slowly back as the angel screamed out. Her hands moved lightly as if to look for some source that may have caused it. Yet nothing. But it all lay with Uzziel. The connection was strong. Driving him as he looked bewildered at them and perplexed by something. Her gestures only came lightly as she looked to Gabriel in confusion of what she spoke of.

"Are you sure she's the one their after? And for what means?" She moved lightly only remembering the message she brought earlier. "She must have been the girl I spoke of last night." She looked to Gabriel. "The one they refused to tell me about."

The thought hit her hard. "Could it be because of her gift?" She looked to Gabriel now before looking to sweet Chloe who seemed rather stunned. Her hands moved slowly as she pushed the wash cloth aside and moved to lean against one of the bookshelves. Her eyes deep in through.

Gabriel looked over at Eloa. "Yes, I'm sure." He said. "Why I can't say for certain, but it was Catylina. No essence of a demon or an angel really ever truly leaves, even after they're dead. I saw those two from yesterday through Uzziel. I could feel their last thoughts. They thought it was Chloe, but the impression was distinctly Catylina."
He sighed still trying to collect himself. "Not yet, Chloe, you're not safe yet." He said. "I will tell Michael what I saw, but I can promise he won't want hell to know until we figure Catylina out."
Looking back over at Eloa as she asked if it related to Catylina's gifts, he could only slightly nod. "That would be my guess." He said. "We won't know until it we can spend some time with her though. There must be something about her, but that won't come clear until we've explored her a little bit."
He slid himself carefully off the table. "Uzziel passed out, the connection is severed now." He said trying to shake free the lingering pain. He steadied himself again the table a moment, then took a step forward, feeling out his strength. He turned for the door.
"I haven't finished my conversation with Lucifer." He said. "I didn't get the chance to tell him, Uzziel is done down there." He turned for the door, now walking with a purpose, a strong stride, full of determination.
"Where are you going?" Chloe asked.
"To hell." Gabriel said stopping and turning to her. "Don't worry, there's someone on the way to watch you." He resumed his way out the door.
Michael wasn't happy, but said that they would talk about it later. He did indicate that he would send someone to watch Chloe while Gabriel regained his strength. Michael knew that Gabriel wasn't going to go lay down or anything, he knew Gabriel was heading to hell, but wasn't about to stop him.

Eloa's eyes watched him slowly as her answer came. The thought of what made this girl important caught her attention. She crossed her arms slowly before slowly shifting out of her stance to aid Gabriel in getting down but moved away from him as he stood up. Her hands finding their way to her pockets as she watched Gabriel who seemed rather determined in getting Uzziel back.

"Where-" She was ready to ask the same question that already passed Chloe's lips. Her eyes turned to the girl before looking to Gabriel for the answer to the question. A rather crazy one passed his lips, but with the determination she saw she wouldn't put it past Gabriel to get Uzziel back. Yet he spoke nothing of her going. Lagging behind, she moved quickly.

Sophiel pushed his glasses further up his nose as he walked briskly towards the bookstore. He adjusted his backpack as he pushed open the door, and nearly ran into Gabriel.
His glasses slipped down again, he looked over the rims at Gabriel. "Sorry, Sir." He said quickly bowing his head before looking back at Gabriel. "I take it I found the place?"
Gabriel only nodded at him as he pushed passed him, stopping in the street. Sophiel entered the bookstore and surveyed the humans and Eloa.
"Good morning." He said curtly. "I'm Sophiel. Until time that Gabriel comes back, I will... be here."

Eloa's eyes looked to the new angel that stepped in. Her head bowed gently to Sophiel before stepping out after Gabriel as he walked out of the store. Her hands moved out of her pockets as she moved in a light jog.

"I'm going with you." She said as she finally caught up to an acceptable distance behind him. Her eyes not eager yet binding to aid in pulling this angel out. If she fell out of grace because of this, then so be it. But everything always happened for a well driven purpose and at the moment Gabriel was the only one who could command her unless higher word said otherwise.

Gabriel stopped when Eloa stated her intentions. "You're going to do what?" He asked tilting his head to the left, it wasn't clear by his tone if he was being sarcastic or really didn't understand.
It was sarcasm. "Eloa, why would you want to go to hell? It's awful down there." He said. "They've not cleaned up in... well forever, and it smells like sulfur." He shook his head. "I don't think it's a good idea." He paused and whistled. "No angel can just appear in hell, you have to go through from gate one, it's dangerous, you'd get hurt." A moment after he had whistled, a black horse came trotting up, seemingly from no where. It was no ordinary horse, the hooves were silver, not a color a natural horse could have, and it's eyes glowed, it had no eyes, just a soft, silver/blue light emanated from them. The horse stopped up next to him, he patted its neck. "Heya Haizum" He said softly. "How's my old boy doing?"

Eloa stopped walking when Gabriel stopped. Where he questioned her or not. She had already made her mind up. But even then he still didn't give an order as she looked to him. Her arms crossed lightly across her chest as she listened to him, eyebrow raising lightly as she shook her head lightly.

"You'll need the help. I saw you with Valefar. You could barely fight him off with the hoards of demons after you." She said. A determination could be seen in her eyes as she watched him. She wasn't going to back down. She may be soft, but a fighter she was. She smirked lightly. "Well that's their problem isn't it."

A sigh escaped her lips as she shook her head. "I won't get hurt. I didn't earlier and I won't now. You can't keep protecting me. If I'm hear to aid you then I'm gonna aid you. And two it wasn't an order. Just an opinion." Her eyes looked to him as he whistled. She smirked. "Well then I'll get hurt. At least it gets one of our own out of there."

Her eyes diverted to the black horse that appeared out of nowhere. Studying it for a fair moment before turning her sights back on to the archangel. She seemed fixed on going whether he said no or not. Yet if he did, then she wouldn't. An order was an order and she would follow what he ordered her to do.

Gabriel took Haizum's reigns and pulled himself up into the saddle on the horse. "Eloa, it's a long dangerous journey. I mean long.. really long, and dangerous." He said. "And long, I can't state that one enough. It once took me an hour and a half. Time sucks in hell, an hour and a half is but a blink of an eye, but it is really long in hell..."

Eloa watched him get up on the horse. Her eyes still watching him as she counted how many times he spoke of long and dangerous. "Then what are you afraid of. If another war breaks out between heaven and hell I won't know what to do. I hold the ability to fight. But the training for it will never be used if I'm not put through the experience Gabriel."

Her eyes looked to the horse again before slowly trailing back on him. "Your gonna need the help. And time isn't much of an issue with me. I don't seem to notice it that much. Its something man created and the devil enjoys to follow slaved to it. I see time as just that, a blink of an eye." She spoke out of natural habit now as she looked to him again. Eyebrow raised up in questioning him. Yet not enough that she wished to push the envelop of authority.

He looked at her a moment. "I know, no angel really counts time in minutes or hours, but Luc has done something down there..." He paused a moment, trying not to let her words get to him. Any other angel he'd probably wouldn't care much, but he just couldn't stand the thought of Eloa being caught in the cross fire and hurt.. "Tell me you have a horse, cause I'm not walking through hell." He grumbled.

She smirked when he finally gave in to her. A nod of Eloa's feature only answered his question. "That I do have."

She moved lightly as she brought her fingers to her lips. She moved as she whistled a high pitch whistle that only dissipated in the wind. From behind them a white stallion rode quickly. Wild, yet innocent in its majestic beauty as the young stallion moved slowly to a stop near Eloa. Her hand came slowly upon the muzzle of the horse. "How are you my love." She spoke gently showing a great care of affection for the stallion who only answered back to her with settled sounds and nods of its head. She moved taking hold of the reigns as she pulled herself up on the saddle.

Her hand moved down the mane as she settled in her saddle. "Keep me safe, Asolan." She spoke gently to the male stallion. Her horse moved back and forth a little. A bit excited it seemed to see its owner. She moved guiding the reigns to side up with Gabriel. "I'm ready when you are."

Gabriel nodded and summoned up the power to take himself, Eloa, and two horses to hell. It was funny no one on the street had paid any attention to them, let alone just disappearing.
When they appeared outside the first gate of hell, Gabriel had changed his appearance some on manifestation. He no longer was hiding his wings or his sword and dagger. He was still wearing a black dress shirt and black jeans, but had changed from his combat style boots to riding boots. Clasped onto his belt was a blackened silver crown, with onyx set into it. He refused to wear it, but he kept it visible.
Haizum danced a bit when the smell of hell hit the horse's nostrils, he was not fond of hell, but Gabriel pulled in the reigns tighter and patted the horses neck.
"Are you ready Eloa?" He asked.

Eloa could feel the excitement her horse took up as it's head moved back and forth. She felt no worry for the humans as they disappeared. A natural cloaking of the human mind was all that was needed and that was it. She looked around to Earth again before feel the power that Gabriel summoned up around her. Washing over her before the gates of hell appeared before her. Asolan danced behind Haizum. Yet stopping for a moment as it started to grind one hoof. Ready, as if to take charge past the gates. It wasn't pride it showed. But courage to be there.

Eloa's own style had changed as well. Her own wings appeared, laid folded behind her. Hiding away the two pieces that created one staff when put together. Her own clothes didn't seem to altar but her hair fell in long curls down her back as her eyes shifted to a soft gentle bright blue with a few strands falling before her eyes. Something lay hidden under the baggy clothing she wore. One couldn't see it well, but it appeared to be that of a crown of thorns. She had, had it for as long as she could remember. Never once was she seen with out it in heaven. But only one time she ever remember wearing it, even then she barely remembered the memory. A pair of leathered bands rested around her small wrists, almost similar to that of a gauntlet. No other weapons lay upon her as she fell her horse become disturbed by the smell of hell. Staggering a little before coming to a light dance as she comforted it slowly.

"We'll be alright old boy. I won't leave you behind. That's a promise." She whispered lightly in to the mane. She moved lightly sitting up as she looked up to Gabriel. "I'm ready."

The scent of sulfur flowing in around them. Almost palpable to all senses that an angel could hold. Yet she didn't fell sick to the scent that lay embedded in the air around them.

Gabriel nodded and turned his eyes from Eloa to the gate. "Here's hoping this works..." He mumbled. "I, Asmodues, prince of hell, command the gates of hell to open and allow safe passage to myself and the Angel Eloa, who, while in hell, is here under my care as a prince of hell, and shall not be harmed." He spoke to the gate firmly, without hesitation or doubt in his eyes, though he was seriously doubting the gate would open, even for him.
They waited but a moment, when the gate, rusted red, almost the color of dry blood opened.
"Well damn, it worked..." He said softly with a chuckle. "Come on, Eloa, before hell changes it's mind." He nudged Haizum into motion. "And keep close, I don't know if they are agreeing to all of my order."

Eloa looked down to Asolan as he kept moving. Nervous were getting to him. But she knew well. All animals could sense evil. Feel it crawl. Some humans could to, if they learned never to abandon it as a child. She moved lightly as she hummed lightly to keep her horse calm. She looked to him as he spoke out to the gate. Hands holding the reigns as the horse kicked again. She said nothing but patted him. Her eyes studying the gate of old rusted red.

"Here we go boy." She said lightly as she moved keeping close to Gabriel. Her eyes looking around as she stuck close. "Then lets get." She said lightly as she could feel her horse's urge to go in and get this over with.

Hell could be utterly nerve wracking to someone not used to it, or not able to handle it. Being hell, it was not a pretty place. It was utterly mutable, meaning anything could change at any moment, even the main path they were on, even though it was supposed to be fixed and constant, it too could change at any time. By force of will alone, the beings traveling it had to keep it constant, otherwise they would find themselves off the path, having changed, caught in the clutches of some demonic force, or forces, when the forces combined, it was a deadly creature, even for an angel.
Gabriel's eyes remained staring ahead, as they passed shadows and weak light. Dead trees and broken, burned out buildings. Fields of unimaginable size contained a misty yellow/orange smoke, somewhere in the smoke, creatures skittered and cackled. Burning eyes sometimes appearing and disappearing quickly.
Screams of tortured souls set the atmosphere of the horrible place, against the backdrop of a sky that appeared perpetually at sunset and slightly cloudy, but that was from the smoke. Every so often they heard the sound of chains dragging, or bells tolling, anything ominous and maybe a bit clich.
It seemed like a good distance had passed when Gabriel finally spoke. "How are you holding up, Eloa?" He asked. He turned his head slightly to look at her out of the corner of his eye. "It's easy to let this place get you down."

19:08:58 Aug 22nd 09 - Lady Astoria:

he sight of hell. The sounds of screams. The bells that toll. Most of it didn't bother her. But the souls that were in hell. Her eyes cast once in a while to find a pair watching them as they rode the path. Her horse seem fixated ahead. To nervous, to scare to glare around of the new environment it had now stepped in to as Asolan stayed closely behind Gabriel's horse. The felling of darkness that clawed around them. The sights of smoke that rose up in a mist. The crackles from creatures that she had never seen before. And yet her sorrow only came to the souls that had fallen to this depth. They held a choice to chance. A judgment was always given. In the last hour before or after death a soul could ask forgiveness of its God. Yet rarely did that ever happen. Rarely did a person take such an opportunity at such an offer until they we're being dragged down to its insane depths. Her hands never left the reigns to reach out for the souls that seemed to call out, yet the more they seemed to go on the distance between the screams began to weaken.

So this was the great grounds where Lucifer now dwelled. Calm and steadily it seemed to work around the torture of all souls that fell in to its hands. She could only turn her glances straight ahead. She was never one to say anything so soon. She knew things could possible chance in a moments notice. Yet the choice of what was going on was need to be kept in check.

Her eyes raised up to hear Gabriel break past the silence of the ride. "I'm fine." She spoke lightly as she looked to him. Moving her horse slightly to ride slightly beside Gabriel. "Such things can." She nodded in agreement. "I just feel sorrow for the souls that didn't bother to take the freedom to call out for forgiveness."

A light shake came to her head. "But they're in hell's hands now. And Lucifer holds domination to control these lost souls."

Gabriel sort of laughed at her assessment of the souls that didn't ask for forgiveness. "Free will, it's a beautiful thing." He said a bit darkly. "I don't feel sorry for them, they had every opportunity, they did not take it, because they posses free will." He paused a moment in thought. "Humans tend to almost pity angels for lacking free will, I pity them for it. Their free will creates more problems, right from the beginning of time. They forget the consequences of their actions, clinging so much to that free will, they forget that one day they will be judged on their actions. I may no have choice in my actions, but at least I know I have to do what I'm told." He looked over at her. "Sometimes, disobeying is part of the order. Sometimes, being bad is what is you were told to do... sometimes."
He turned his gaze back to the road in front him, a slight smile on his lips. Haizum snorted and he chuckled. "I would have the most opinionated horse in all of creation." He said. "Just remember, you old nag, I didn't choose you."

Her eyes looked to him as he laughed. She nodded only slightly. She listened as her horse gave a little struggle but gave in to her will as they rode on. Her hand moved to come down and comb the mane slightly to sooth the horse. Her eyes looked up to him as he spoke of angels and actions of not having free well.

"Then you're creating your own free will." She spoke lightly. "From there your putting yourself at their level. By choice and force. Even if it means going against an order." She said simply. Much had been seen by her eyes yet they remained the same. Light blue and gentle as ever. Yet something glittered with in them. What it was most really couldn't tell. Her eyes looked to his horse as the horse snorted in answer. "Animals hold a right to opinion to." She laughed gently out as Asolan moved and nodded his head. She laughed lightly as she patted the mane.

Gabriel turned his attention back to Eloa as she spoke, a puzzled look on his face. "Creating my own free will?" He asked. "No. I don't have free will. Not even rescuing Uzziel is my choice." He lost himself in thought a moment. "Now, if I had the choice, yes I would still do it. There was only one time I have actually exercised even a moment of my own will, and frankly, I didn't like it much. Of course, I knew what would happen before I did it, but it was necessary." Again he paused. "Sometimes I think that was part of the Plan, anyway. Let Gabriel have his moment of free will so the universe can get what it wants." He sighed. "Oh well, it's not like I regret it." He looked into her eyes a moment and smiled. "It's all part of the Plan, even if it doesn't seem like it at the time, nothing is random. All actions have consequences, all consequences have meanings, all meanings make this great universe revolve, and the universe is all part of the Plan, the Plan is part of the universe. But there is no choice for us, even if it seems like it."

Eyes upon the path as she glanced over to Gabriel. Listening to what he spoke of. She wished to argue but held her tongue as he spoke on with what he believed in and what not. A smile crossed her lips. "But that's only the way were made." She spoke simply in the terms of honesty to one part of what he spoke of. "As for the Plan. Maybe it is all part of it. That's one thing none of us will ever know. She could feel a chill crawl over her skin. Racking at her flesh as she pulled her horse to a stop next to Gabriel. Her features looked around for any sight of something that would bring worry to her mind.
Gabriel seemed to notice something just a split second before Haizum did, the horse started dancing again at the smell of something.
Gabriel pulled him to a stop, Eloa stopping too. He tilted his head slightly. "Hum..." He said softly, not sure what it was that he felt. "Certainly something on the path, though. Be aware, Eloa." He pushed Haizum back into motion, particularly quiet now, and watchful for what ever it was that was ahead of them.
"I shall." She nodded as she looked around again. She could feel the stallion move nervously under her. As if bothered by what may lay in the near future. She wondered what Asolan sensed to act up so frightened.

A touch of frozen winter lined his stoic features. His midnight black hair, cropped shortly, shuttered with the passing of a hot breeze. Only his dark brown eyes burned, filled with hatred towards Heaven and Hell. His eyes undulated with immense sadness, which spilled from a bleeding heart, torn by his fall, which he chose in order to save just one human life. He could still taste her lips, and feel her soft flesh against him. The memory of her silky brown hair as he slipped his fingers through reminded him of swimming through warm lake waters on a hot summer day, but the memory, as euphoric as it was during that moment of pleasure, was fraught with torment. Though he knew that the moment would bring her enough hope to live on, live on without him even, he knew also that he had damned himself forever, which he both wanted and feared.

Sadness flashed across his face. Cornelius brought his hands to his face to compose himself. Taking in a deep breath he sighed. Straightening himself he exhaled and ritualistically brushed off his thin black sweater, which he wore over a white dress shirt. The cuffs of his dress shirt were open and pulled back over the back over the sweater. He had pushed the sleeves up exposing his forearms. He wore tight jeans, died dark blue, but worn down from use. As he began to walk again his slender black leather shoes ground the dry earth beneath him. His right hand pushed his bangs out of his sight.

"Damn you, Damn you heaven and hell, but most of all Damn You God! How can You Almighty Lord allow such suffering on this planet?" Cornelius exclaimed. Waves full of anguish wracked his body.

"I lament the orphans and the widows, whom too few cry for and too many abuse. I am insignificant among the horrid masses, which move in droves through their own hell, dragging the clean and the innocent with them. They maul many, but I deplore a certain kind of torture, for crying against the darkness of the total onslaught would be too overwhelming. I cry for the innocent, the young, the not yet tainted, who are raped, who are beaten, some by their own parents. Who am I to care? I am a tormented angel, whose pain is derived from the torture administered by myself. With eyes adjusted to the night I see into the agonizing lives of those who suffer at the hands of the ignorant, the hateful, and the despicable."

"I cry for those who are too weak to fight the corrupt wave of humanity, of Heaven and Hell. Pouring lachrymal streams from damned eyes, I rant at my inability to save them from the monstrous clutches, which twist their souls into either another tormented soul, or another monster. My tears are filled with their pain, my heart pounds with their own against the atrocities of humanity."

"You let them cry with pain and terror Lord. How are you omnipotent and benevolent? Of course . . . I forgot," Cornelius snapped sarcastically, "the Lord works in mysterious ways. That is only excuse for your weakness!"

In the distance large gates loomed behind Cornelius as he pressed forward. "Then perhaps suffering is result of free will. Yes I have considered this . . . and if this is so then suffering can be beautiful . . . still to stand aside . . . not offer hope . . . remain apathetic! Damn You! If you are all powerful why allow Lucifer to torment the humans? In my own way . . . I will make right what no one else will."

Cornelius glanced around. His train of thought slammed to a halt. "I hate hell," he spat. Cornelius made his way deeper in hell in search of Gabriel. Cornelius had seen the Archangel enter, and he wanted to engage with the Archangel with hopes in finding out what all the commotion between Heaven and Hell was about. He had a bad feeling, and he knew this was his best chance to get involved.

Cornelius smirked. He sensed before he saw Gabriel and another angel he did not recognize. He walked toward them. As he approached the two, they stopped and were obviously weary of his intentions. Cornelius stood a safe distance from them to ensure that if they did attack him he wasn't completely vulnerable.

"Gabriel, I have a proposal," Cornelius stated. "Hell is a dangerous place and you need all the help you can get. I offer my services. I am sure you are aware that I am Fallen, however I assure you my word is honest. Need I prove that to you I will, I have my own agenda, which doesn't include Hell, in fact I despise hell. I tell you now, that even if you refuse my offer you will get my aid."

Haizum snorted at Cornelius, Gabriel tightened the reigns. Haizum was naturally distrustful of any other creature.

Eloa pulled the reigns light to stop as a fallen angel appeared a good distance away from them. Her horse watching was cautious eyes as the scent reached its nose. It danced lightly, head tossing as if telling her to continue on with the journey. Yet she only petted her Asolan lightly to relax the tightened muscles in the horse's body.

Gabriel watched this fallen angel a moment. "You offer me your services?" He asked his tone rather arrogant. "What do they teach the citizens of hell these days?" He mumbled. "So, you are telling me you are a fallen angel who hates hell, who wants to help an archangel here to face your master, the archangel who entered hell as a prince of hell, has no ill intentions against me? You want to help me? Why?" He knitted his brow when he asked why, confused by this angel standing in front of him.
"Consider me neutral, I have no connection with Lucifer, I despise him. However, I will admit I also despise God. I act for the sake of humanity, since Heaven has appeared to forsake mankind and Hell wants to torment the souls of men. At this moment I offer my services only because I believe aiding you at this moment will ultimately be beneficial to humanity. Perhaps I should explain a bit more about myself. I chose to fall because I was dissatisfied with Heaven and its dealings on earth and I abhorred Hell and its manipulations over humanity, and so I committed the sin of flesh to save one individual from the brink of death and damnation, in turn I damned myself, which is a burden on my back to this day, however I do not regret that choice I made."

Cornelius studied the riders, yes dark brooding eyes sweeping over them: Gabriel, unmistakable, powerful and proud, the other angel was mysterious. Cornelius was too focused on convincing Gabriel to study her deeper. He bowed his head slightly, "Gabriel, I swear to you my services until we leave Hell. After that I will discus with you my place in the events of Heaven and Hell."

Gabriel raised his eyebrows slightly at Cornelius, a bit perplexed by this bold fallen angel. "And what services would those be?" He asked not willing to commit to anything at the moment.

"Word gets around in hell, I know you have a friend being tortured here. I will aid you in saving him. Whatever I must do to aid you I will."

Cornelius stood patiently. He expressed nothing, even his eyes became vacant. "What must I do to prove my honesty to you Gabriel? Name it and I will act if your request is within reason."

As he spoke he mentally cringed with ever breath he took of the air. Cornelius hated everything about hell: the pain and the torture. Here more than anywhere humanity's suffering was amplified to overwhelming cries of agony. Cornelius brushed his hair from his eyes.

"Name your price Gabriel."

He watched Cornelius for a few moments, his thoughts trying to wrap around the dichotomy of him. He understood dichotomy well, he lived with it in every moment of his existence, every facet of his personality reflected its own dichotomy, yet he couldn't understand Cornelius'.
"I don't know if you could afford my price, little angel." He said with a fairly mysterious air, wondering exactly what made this angel tick.
"What is your agenda? What do you want out of this?" He asked. "No, I don't think that I can trust you. You despise hell so much and Him as well. You obviously don't want back into heaven, you aren't seeking the road to salvation, just your own personal peace, otherwise, you wouldn't be speaking to the one angel who can get you no where with heaven right now, the one angel who is closest to, yet shut out so far by heaven."
He paused for a moment. "I wonder how far you would go for me, Cornelius."

Cornelius smirked, his face sparkled with cynical amusement. He lifted his head and stared straight into Gabriel's eyes. He took a deep breath before the smirk faded. "Gabriel I will never achieve my own personal peace, for I am banished from Heaven and that alone causes much pain within me, not to mention the empathetic emotions I have developed for humans. My agenda, Gabriel, is simple. I do what I believe is best for humans, for I feel that Heaven and Hell have meddled too much with human lives. I stand as their unknown, damned protector. You are right Gabriel. I want no entrance back to Heaven." Cornelius paused. His body tensed, for a moment he struggled to speak, but his face remained stoic. "I haven't told you my greatest paradox yet. I both love and hate Him, and this tears me to shreds. However, I hate Lucifer more. Name your price Gabriel, I will make that sacrifice." Cornelius bristled with energy, "I swear to you and all that is Holy under the name of God, I will serve you in Hell until Uzziel is safely out of Lucifer's domain. Name your price Gabriel and you will see how far I will go."

Not a word left Eloa's lips as she watched this fallen angel. If memories of teachings served her right, this would be Cornelius. But was truly uncertain at the moment as she looked back through her many years of being taught. In truth, she didn't even know what Cornelius looked like. She was lucky to remember the two that appeared in the book store earlier that day. She watched this angel. Studying him. Sorrow, regret, yet a natural neutral mind appeared to him. Holding himself high yet down enough not to claim as so much power as the others in hell enjoyed to hold. She could feel her horse kick up again. Anxiety was taking the animal now. "Shhhhhh." She said gently as the horse seemed to calm with her voice.

Her eyes turned to Gabriel as a compromise was laid before them by this fallen angel and Gabriel questioned his trust. Yet not a word she spoke as she watched him. Her own features never seemed to change past the gentle sorrow that appeared in her eyes and etched in to her features as she finally got Asolan to calm down with in the presence of this fallen angel. The poor thing was already on edge for being in hell. But now to stop it without the reason of a fight is what throw the poor thing off guard. Beyond the ability to sense the evil that dwell deep in hells own shadows.

"But what do you want from me?" Gabriel asked coldly. "Don't you think Lucifer will be slightly pissed off by this?" He lightly pulled on Haizum's reign, making him move a bit to the right.

"I don't want anything from you Gabriel. It's the mere action I want," Cornelius lowered his head, his eyes closed momentarily. "As for Lucifer," Cornelius spat, "of course he'll be pissed. He hates me as it stands. I disobeyed God only to disobey him. He thinks I'm an arrogant prick." Cornelius glanced sternly toward Gabriel, "and maybe I am, but in all of Heaven and Hell there are certainly bigger arrogant pricks than me." Cornelius paused to glance toward Gabriel's companion. When they locked eyes Cornelius smiled out of politeness and then quickly shifted his stare towards Gabriel with a stern glare. "You've yet to name your price Gabriel. Am I to assume that you do not have one?"

Eloa only watched the conversation that seemed to go on. Help sounded useful. But trust to a fallen was hard sometimes. Especially if they crossed an angel before. Her eyes watched the fallen angel before them. Her blue eyes lock with his for a moment. Studying his eyes as she nodded back in politeness before he returned his sights on to Gabriel.

A light nod came from her as the curls slightly bounced around her features. "I shall. Thank you again Raphael." She spoke gently as she moved towards the doorway. Only leaning again the door frame as she watched over Gabriel and Uzziel.
Cornelius stood quietly in a corner farthest from anyone. He brooded darkly, but only his dark eyes betrayed his cold emotionless face. The overwhelming presence of Heaven in the room ate away at him. He was torn between wanting to embrace the light and wanting to scream at all the faults he saw in Heaven. His throat ached. His burden bore down on his chest. Closing his eyes he tried to compose himself.
'I am here only because I want to know what Heaven has its hands in now . . . once I know I'll serve my time with Gabriel and leave,' Cornelius thought.
Gabriel finally leaned back in his chair, lost in thought, the strap around his neck inevitably made it's way back between his fingers, then he started chewing on it again absently. His thought processes broke but a moment, he stopped everything, noticing something distant, yet rather strong in the world outside. "Humm..." he said softly before resuming his unconscious behaviors.

Raphael made his way across the room to Cornelius, a bit hesitant in his stride. He wasn't sure how the fallen angel would react to him, the last thing he wanted was a confrontation. He stopped a respectable distance from Cornelius and gave his best non-threatening look. "Would you like me to have a look at you, Cornelius?" He asked.
Cornelius stared coldly into Raphael's eyes. "What injuries I have sustained I will care for myself. I wish only to be here as long as I have to, unfortunately that all depends on him," Cornelius glared at Gabriel. "Until then I will do as Gabriel asks, but no more."
"Oh hell..." Gabriel sighed from across the room at Cornelius' response to Raphael.
Raphael's eyes went from warm and sweet to ice. "You ungrateful whelp, I was the one who got you of hell intact, Gabriel has kept you safe from both heaven and hell at this point." He growled. "I gave the message to have Lucifer let all of you go, Gabriel's protection only extended you because I specified all under his charge, I could have very well left you to the dogs..."
"Raph..." Gabriel said rousing himself from his contemplation completely. "Let it go."
Raphael quickly whipped around and looked at Gabriel. "He has no right to treat me that way." He shouted.
Gabriel shrugged. "Can't expect more from a fallen angel, Raphy." Gabriel said in an almost bored tone. "Let him be in his misery and don't take it personally. You can't expect a fallen angel to show actual gratitude for your help in saving him in a situation that he got himself into." He looked at Cornelius from the corner of his eye, and almost evil smirk on his lips. "After all, he asked me, and accepted my terms, I did not force him."
Raphael turned back to Cornelius and glared at him a moment. "Contempt... that is what makes you evil." He growled at Cornelius, turned, and walked back over to Uzziel.
Gabriel seemed to chuckle, so softly that it took a moment to realize what he was doing. He stood up. "Never piss off Raphael. Everyone in heaven fears Michael and I, but Raphael is the one you really need to worry about." He smiled slightly and stood. "Raphy, take care of Uzziel, we're going to have to go take a visit to a little human girl that hell has unknowingly gotten it's interest in. Are you ready, Eloa?"
"Aren't you afraid the fallen angel will cause you a problem, find out who they are really after before you are ready for them to know?" Raphael ask with venom.
Gabriel shook his head. "I'm not worried." He said. "I believe he has no intention of turning on me and giving information to hell. At this point, he must know, if he betrays me, I can cut him loose, and hell will destroy him, instantly. Even if he helps hell at this point, hell is run by a bunch of backstabbers and thieves, they wouldn't care if he helped them."
Cornelius stared coldly toward Raphael. He knew this was not the time nor place to argue with an angle, so he held his tongue. But his mind raged in silence where his internal fires burned and consumed his being. He wanted to lash out and scream at Raphael.
'I am evil because of your contempt for me . . . and if you had let me die that would have only served my cause as proof of Heaven and Hells endless faults, but because I live on my cause will continue in another way.'
Cornelius glanced towards Gabriel. He was silent in observation for a moment. A slight mischievous sneer spread across Cornelius' face. Swiftly he began to change, his hair grew longer, his hips wider, his features softened. He changed into his beautiful feminine form. He spoke now in a sensuous voice, "You don't have to worry Raphy," he said as he jutted his hip out, "Gabe here is my Master, and I'll do anything for him. I would never turn back to hell and leave this hunk." Cornelius laughed loudly, a sweet rolling laughter, which quickly changed into a low chuckle as Cornelius changed back.
"You take offence too fast Raphael, I like to lick my own wounds, I have my ways."
Raphael turned on his heel, rage in his eyes growing stronger now. "Why you little....!" He began towards Cornelius but was stopped when Gabriel quickly reached for him, grabbing him by the hair, jerking him to a stop.
"Raph..." Gabriel warned. "Calm down, you let him get to you, now he knows how to push you..."
Raphael spent a moment glaring at Cornelius.
Gabriel turned his attention from Raphael to Cornelius, but not letting go of Raphael's hair. "Just be glad killing isn't Raphael's thing, Cornelius." He pulled Raphael back, closer to him. "What is up with you, Raphael?" He said into Raphael's ear, though he made no point to be quiet. "You never fly off the handle so easily..."
Raphael took a deep breath in. Gabriel let go of his hair. "I'm sorry, Gabriel." He said softly. "I don't like you dealing with hell like this."
Gabriel laughed. "I won't worry about that one." He said nodding his head towards Cornelius. "Besides, he's kind of cute as a girl, if he's a horrible liar."
Smiling, Cornelius winked at Raphael. He was ignoring the twinges from his hip, which made him all the more irritable, but Raphael was making the irritation much more pleasurable.
'You cross me and I don't bow down like a little bitch'
Purposely lowering his voice Cornelius retorted playfully, "I'm cuter in bed Gabe. You are my Master, you just have to order me and I'll be obedient."
Raphael closed his eyes while Gabriel's gaze lowered into a glare. Raphael started laughing uncontrollably. Gabriel was suddenly trying to hold back his laughter as well.
"Stop laughing, Raph." Gabriel warned lowly.
"I can't help it... it's the image.. it's just..." Raphael couldn't finish his sentence. "No wonder he was kicked out of heaven..."
"Raph... stop..." Gabriel said trying hard to control his laughter.
"It's just the last time someone hit on you like that.... well, it took me forever to clean up the mess." Raphael said. "No one says things like that to Gabriel, it tends to go bad."
The laughter surprised him, he was expecting more a hissy fit. For a moment Cornelius was unsure what to say. The anger within him was washed away almost instantly. He was irritated for a moment, but irritation gave way to amusement. Sighing and rolling his eyes, Cornelius had trouble concealing a near smile that grew slowly across his face.
"Don't laugh, I'm serious," Cornelius said off handedly as he shrugged of the laughter. "And I'm really good in bed too, as a male or female . . . so don't laugh. I could make your wildest dreams come true."
Raphael's laughter tapered off and he calmed himself down. "I don't doubt that you are." He said. "However, we experimented once, a fallen angel... and an archangel... let's just say that all that holiness was not very healthy ."
Gabriel raised his eyebrows. "Raphael, Eloa, would you mind leaving a moment?" He asked.
Raphael looked out of the corner of his eye at Gabriel, Eloa nodded, and the two left the room.
Gabriel was silent a moment, then sighed. "Cornelius..." He began, his voice strong and firm. "Do you know what it is that you did to offend Raphael? Not only did you decline his aid, you did it with venom. Raphael is one of the few creatures in heaven and earth who truly honestly cares, no matter who you are, no matter what position in the cosmic scheme you are in, he honestly cares. He doesn't care that you are a fallen angel, he loves you anyway, and doesn't want to see you suffer. Hell, even Lucifer won't really fuck with him because of that. He will take care of anyone, regardless, he will help anyone, no matter one. I can't count the times he's stayed my hand when he didn't feel it was right when I was about to deal out some death. He is one of the few things in creation who actually loves no matter what... and you insulted him and me."
He paused to see if any of it was sinking in.
Cornelius' features softened from his usual cold disposition. He sighed and lowered his head. Brining up his right hand he streamed his fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes and began to speak quietly, "I'm sorry Gabriel, I was out of line." Looking up, he peered into Gabriel's eyes, "I promise I won't act out like that again, I lost control of my emotions."
"Sometimes... emotions are a very tough price angels have to pay." Gabriel said. "They always seem to have more consequences for us."
Again he paused, letting the thought of emotions hang in the air a few moments.
"Now, I've got work to do." Gabriel said. "You are more than welcome to come along, it's probably the safest bet to do so." Gabriel set himself into motion towards the door. "Oh, and as for making my wildest dreams come true..." He stopped a moment and looked back at the fallen angel. "I have made angels cry..." He smirked and opened the door.
"Kinky," Cornelius replied as he followed Gabriel out the door. Outwardly Cornelius had one of his common near smiles, but he fought back the waves of overbearing sadness, which thrashed at his throat. The sight of angles, especially those in Grace, tormented his soul. It was a torment derived from his want to return, and his stubborn will resisting that want so that he could fight for what he believed in.
'Yes Gabriel, such horrible consequences . . .'
Gabriel laughed softly at Cornelius' comment. "You have no idea..." He said under his breath, barely loud enough to hear. "Raphael, would you mind watching over Uzziel until we get back? Chloe and Misha will probably need you as well as Sophiel around soon... hopefully not for long."
Raphael nodded. "Of course." He said as he slipped back into the backroom.
Gabriel stopped half way between the front door and the backroom. "Eloa, would you mind much going to collect Catylina? Bring her to the park, someplace nice and public, where we are least likely to have company from hell." He started to the door again after Eloa nodded.
Eloa's eyes raised up as he said her name and the nod came simple. She had watched the whole events take place. And a slight smile still seemed to linger on her lips as she shook her head lightly. Gently she nodded a thank you to Raphael before leaving the book store. Hands in her pocket as she turned in the opposite direction. Taking her time rather wisely as she head to collect the young girl. She wondered really if she through it was wise to bring the girl in to this, but for the safety of her. 'She has to.' She found herself thinking lightly.
With in a few minutes she appeared at the corner of the street where the girl's house laid upon. "I hope your prepared for what's to come your way young one." She spoke gently with a soft sigh as she walked towards the door.

19:09:57 Aug 22nd 09 - Lady Astoria:

"I have never once done anything out of the 'kindness of my heart'." Gabriel said lowly to Cornelius as his eyes set on the way Cornelius looked at Eloa. "Everything has it's price with me, sometimes, it's much too much to pay."
His mind was mulling over this one quite a bit. His first reaction was to make Cornelius declare total servitude to him, but that could present a number of problems down the road. He also didn't think it would be a price Cornelius would pay.
A little wicked smile slipped onto his lips. That, actually, just might work.
"I can't trust you, you know that, unless you are completely bound to me." He said. "The risk that it would be involved to enter into the very heart of hell with a fallen angel that hasn't sworn complete loyalty to me, complete loyalty to me..." He let himself trail off a moment thinking there would be no way that Cornelius would agree to this. "Call me your master, that is my price." He set his eyes on the fallen angel with the intensity only he could do, the intensity that instilled fear into every being the gaze fell upon.

Astonishment flooded through Cornelius. He was barely able to restrain his instinctual reaction of outrage. He managed however to remain relatively motionless. Only his eyes widened and he became ridged with anger. But he calmed and he composed himself. Cornelius felt the intensity of Gabriel's stare more than ever now. His nape began to burn, his cheeks flush, but he remained determined. Looking Gabriel straight in the eye, despite the fear it sparked in Cornelius' heart, he fought to remain stoic. His lips parted slowly to form a sneer.

Curses and damnations echoed through Cornelius' mind, "damn you Gabriel, you're the most arrogant prick of them all!"

Kneeling slowly on one knee, Cornelius bowed his head. "Master I shall follow you dutifully into the depths of Hell and back to free the angel Uzziel. How long master am I to serve you?"

'Well, holy shit.... he agreed...' Gabriel thought to himself but never let it show. He slipped off of Haizum and walked over to Cornelius. "How long, I can not say." He said coolly. "Until I feel you are no longer a risk to me. May it be until we leave hell safely or beyond, I can't say until we get there." He stopped in front of Cornelius and pressed his thumb against his forehead, marking Cornelius with an ancient sygil, a way to protect himself, and Cornelius should it come down to it.
He stood there a moment looking at him, then went back over to Haizum and slid back into the saddle. "You can keep up with us, yeah?"

Cornelius bit his lip when he felt Gabriel place his thumb on his head. He glared up as Gabriel placed the ancient sigil. Standing he turned his back toward Gabriel.

"Yeah I can keep up," Cornelius sneered. Black wings emerged on Cornelius' back, and a heavy broadsword appeared at his side. With a few massive flaps, Cornelius was lifted into the air. "Shall we be on our way master."

Gabriel smiled a bit at Cornelius' glaring and sneering. He knew the fallen angel would not be easy to control, would fight him at every turn, but that was half the fun.
He nodded slightly when Cornelius indicated he was ready, nudging Haizum into motion. It wasn't too long left on the journey, the moment of truth was getting closer. Could he pull this off, only time would tell.

Cornelius followed closely as the two riders galloped slightly ahead. He was not far above them, but high enough to gain some privacy from Gabriel.

"Damn him," he mumbled. "This is the last thing I wanted. Subservient to an Archangel of Heaven, nay, to Gabriel: messenger of God!"

Cornelius bit his lip hard. He needed to clear his mind. Needed to focus on the battle ahead. Only the thought of angering Lucifer, kept him from attempting to slap Gabriel, that and Gabriel's superior prowess. Cornelius would keep his word, despite his dislike for Gabriel and what he represented.

Asolan started dancing lightly as the agreement was made. Servitude to Gabriel. 'Such a high price to pay indeed.' Eloa thought lightly as she pulled lightly on the reigns again. But the sight in the fallen angel only appeared to be rather more in anger as he tried to hold it in and maintained the neutral mask that laid upon his features. He held them well. But she could only see a mere glimmer in his eyes. Nothing more then a glimmer that could have been read wrong. She spoke no word still as she let the angels conversed and now they would go on. Riding along side Gabriel as she held the reigns that guided him. She leasted her pace a little to stay besides Gabriel but not to get ahead of him as he lead the way through hell.

"I take it you hold plans in mine for this compromise you've made with him?" Eloa asked lightly after noticing how Cornelius gained some distances between him as he flew through hell.

Her horse finally relaxed as it started running again

Gabriel looked at Eloa as she spoke. "One must always have plans when it comes to bargaining with devils." He said. "If you don't, you find yourself on the short end of the stick. Don't think that I'm not manipulative, Eloa. Just because I've been called one of the most holy and high of angels doesn't mean I didn't stay where I am because I was upfront and honest. The echelons of angels are filled with a lot of political power plays. An archangel stays at the top only because they have no problem with using others and instilling fear into others. Believe me, there are many, many angels who would do anything to sit to the left side of God, but only I ever have."

Politics. Everything always dealt with politics, that she wouldn't lie about. Hollow promises and manipulation. That's what usually ran the system. Something she wasn't on to get in to. She listened to him. In truth it wasn't her thing. If she climbed to the top, it would be of her own will and honest to do so. Other wise manipulation seemed out of the question.

"I see." She nodded understanding what he spoke of. The fact of politics. She would leave that to anyone else's thoughts. At the moment she need to clear her mind. Clear her head up as for what would be coming soon.

Gabriel said nothing to Eloa's simple answer. She was lucky, most angels didn't have to worry about politics and such. The few that did have to, often wished they didn't, but would never give up what they had.
As they neared the palace, the mists began outlining the edifice's features, and what was once hidden in the murk was now becoming clearer. Lucifer had done well to make an imposing fortress out of his palace. It rose high to reach towards the top of hell, reaching up as a symbol of power and a reminder they once reached up to the heavens themselves.
The stone, blackened from centuries of fire and Lucifer's will loomed over them. it was more a tower than a palace, a fortress to keep back the hordes of hell and any angels that dared. Blackened iron gates stood open, leading through a desolate courtyard that they entered.
Here Gabriel slid off of Haizum, the horse could go no further, the steps inside far too narrow. He patted the horses neck. "Take care of Asolan." he said softly. "You know where to go if there's trouble, but don't go too far."
He paused, waiting on the others as the horse nodded to him.

Her eyes lay a rest to the palace that started to come in to view. Fear slightly crawled over her, but the darkness that burned around it only seemed to grasp at all her attention. A bit simple came to her lip. Yet no second thought came to mind as the fortress rose to what it seemed like the heavens. A rather intimidating thing to see. The stones of the palace seemed black from the soot of flames that burned with in hell. And there Lucifer would loom inside. It seemed he built this fortress with an idea of what would to come. Protection from the rest of hell and any angel from heaven.

Eloa's eyes raised up to the blackened iron gates that lay open. As if expecting them to enter the fortress. She wondered if Lucifer knew they were hear. As soon they entered, she slid down from the saddle. Her hand still on the reigns as she looked to the courtyard that lay around them. Asolan looked to her. "Stay with Haizum." She spoke lightly. "And stay safe Asolan." She patted his coat again as she looked to Gabriel.

"Where to now?" She asked lightly.

"Inside the palace." Gabriel said a bit offhandedly. "I know exactly where Uzziel is, Lucifer, though, can't be far behind. Knowing we're here, he would be close to Uzziel. He won't miss this opportunity." Gabriel looked back at the other two, checking their readiness, before starting forward.
They crossed the short walk to the palace doors, which also stood open. Flanking either side of the doors, cut out of the stonework was two large skeletons of angels, holding very imposing scythes. The scythes crossed above the door forming an arch.
Gabriel stopped just before reaching them and sized them up. "They're not actually statues." He said softly to Eloa. "So be careful. They're guardians, bound essences of long destroyed angels bound into stone, yet very able to move, at least enough to slice you in half. Can't kill you, but they will slow you down. And they're in a very bad mood, always."

Eloa's eyes studied the palace. Every nook and cranny that could be seen from where they stood. She moved slowly as she kept close to Gabriel. The steam that lay in the air was palpable enough to reach out and grabbed. Almost hold. Her hands lightly wristed the leather wrist bands that seemed forged together. She checked their tightness before she took a step forward. Her eyes looked to Gabriel as his looked to the Cornelius and herself. She was ready, but wouldn't be shocked if company showed up as well.

She moved walking a short distances behind Gabriel as they started their short walking journey inside the palace. Her eyes raised up to study the large angels that rested in the stone work. She looked to Gabriel before looking back to them as he spoke of the truth. They weren't part of the stonework but actual angels bound to the stone. She studied them to the point of where their scythes rested at. She was sure to stay cautious as she listened to Gabriel before looking ahead.

"Interesting." She was curious as to why they were bound in hell. Yet she would present the question of their history later to Gabriel as she turned her sights forth in to he open doors that they were soon to step in to.

Lucifer looked up from his musing and smiled at Azazel. "They're here." He said with a dark tone. He stood. There was a disadvantage to being in the room when Gabriel entered, as it was better to be watching from the shadows. "Took them damn long enough." He mutter as he waved his hand slightly for Azazel to follow.

Gabriel felt fairly confident that the guardians would let them past, after all, Lucifer wanted them in. He passed through first, entering without incident as did Eloa and Cornelius. The palace was pretty straight forward. There were hidden doorways, but only one set of accessible steps lead to the throne room, three floors above, and a dark hallway lead to those stairs.
To enter the stairs they had to pass another set of guardians, which allowed them to pass as well. Several more were positioned at the archways where the stairs turned left several times, their stone eyes in the bare skulls seemed almost to follow them.

Eloa kept fairly close as they past by the first set of guardians. She looked up to them on last time before looking forward. Thankful that she was with Gabriel. Or else she would have gotten lost. But something seemed familiar about the place. The ability to put her finger on it seemed unlikely yet she could remember something on it and voices. Maybe it was her mind being over active, but she could have sworn on it. The heels of her shoes seemed to tap only lightly on the black marble that lined the halls of hell. Her eyes looked onto the next set of guardians. 'He seems rather paranoid to hold so many guardians.' She thought lightly to herself. A question seemed to formulate in her mind, yet to speak. It would never pass her lips as she followed. her eyes only glaring from the corn of her eyes as she looked to the eyes that followed them to their soon to be final destination. Her hands moved lightly shoving themselves in her pockets as she walked with a smooth stroll. Unbothered by what lay around her.

The last set of guardians, as the stairs opened to an archway into the throne room. Gabriel stepped into the throne room. He stopped, his heart almost broke seeing Uzziel.
Uzziel was still strung up by the chains, hanging limply and unconscious.
"Morningstar!" Gabriel yelled once everyone was firmly into the room and seemed ready. "I've come to take back Uzziel."

Lucifer slipped out of the shadowy corridor; hidden off to the side of the throne room; a few moments after Gabriel announced himself. He had his sword casually held in his hand, the blackened blade seemed to almost absorb light around it.

"Well, well, here he is... the exiled prince of hell." He said. "Wise move to not enter hell under the name of Gabriel; it would have ripped you to shreds." He looked at Cornelius. "I always knew you'd turn traitor on me, Cornelius." He growled. "I hope you are ready to sacrifice your existence for this." He raised his sword. "Messenger, I'm not about to let you just leave with Mercy..."
Azazel slipped out from behind Lucifer, readying his weapon as well.

Her eyes wonder a moment long before the last set of guardians came up. The ones that protected the throne room. This must have been the palace. Apparent that Lucifer did expect them all. Allowance in to his throne room without a fight from an minions that guarded his devil raving palace. As soon as the they stepped in her, her eyes saw the damn angel. Unconscious, she wouldn't blame him. But he held on for long enough. That proved he held the ability. Her eyes shot back to the sound of a pair of boots on the floor.

Valefar stepped in. Eyes not even paying attention to the beings that had entered the throne room. Before looking up with a rather devilish smirk. Noticing Lucifer ready to fight.

Lucifer locked his eyes on Valefar with approval, just for a moment.
"Will. Will. Look who it is. Our little friends from up above...And what do we have here?" Valefar asked as his violent ice blue eyes lay a rest on Cornelius. He wanted to call the angel weak and pathetic. But behaved himself by biting his own tongue. He found insults better saved for those up above. His arms crossed over his chest as that smile only twisted more as it set its sights on Uzziel. "Oh he tried to be brave for his little Gabriel." That arising laughter in his voice only held a lacing of jarring cruelty. A cruel look appeared in his eyes.

"Think of it this way Gabriel. Things could have been much worse dear boy." He moved unstealthing his sword. The double edge blades only glaring off the light around it. The set of spades rested on both his side as he played with his sword a little. Awaiting for Lucifer's word on the go ahead to fight.

Gabriel looked at Valefar out of the corner of his eye. Cocky little angel that one was.
"Oh I will be leaving with him." Gabriel said. "You're not stopping me. You know you had no right to take him from earth, no right to touch him one bit."

"I didn't touch him, Messenger, not once did I place any harm to that precious angel of yours." Lucifer said with a smirk. "Now, if you want him, you'll have to get through me."

Cornelius stood quietly beside Gabriel as he exchanged words with Lucifer. When Lucifer lashed out at Cornelius, Cornelius smirked and his eyes glimmered with amusement, but he made no comment. Cornelius watched as Valefar entered, he could see Valefar's contempt for him. Cornelius glared sternly in Valefar's direction.
Valefar watched with a close eye on the other two before turning his sights to Gabriel. A second later Azazel stepped from the shadows in to the light. All appeared ready for the fight.

"You brought a girl in to the mix." Valefar laughed at Eloa. "Seems the messenger has gotten quite weak in his choice making of warriors." He snicker. His hair had seemed differ from the color it had been in the earthly realm. The platinum strands falling around his eyes as he smirked. That smirked really didn't seem to leave his features now as he studied all of them. "Well this should be rather fairly easy then." He snickered out. For a moment his eyes glanced to Lucifer as he prepared and seemed ready to fight Gabriel. His own hand took the sword with easy as he smirked. But for a moment doubt appeared in his eyes as he heard Lucifer talk only warning Gabriel that passage to Uzziel meant through him as well as Azazel and himself. He moved taking a step forward to test this caution. He moved quickly to aid in the attack now as soon as Gabriel to his steps towards his lord.

Eloa's eyes shot over to Valefar for the slight insult on her. Just because she looked weak didn't mean she was. She moved slowly as she kept her eyes mainly set on Lucifer and Azazel. She would deal with Valefar later. Her hands moved as her wings unfolded lightly so she could pull the pieces free. Quickly, she connected the weapon of natural choice. The staff appeared in hand. Its angelic symbols written in gold and silver lacings but what it spoke of really didn't seem to make sense as a mix of Aramaic appeared with in its confines as well. She held her staff in hand as she watched over Gabriel's shoulder. Eloa moved as well to gain aid in the fight.

Gabriel looked at Valefar for just a moment. "Never underestimate my choice in companions." He said then looked back over at Lucifer. "Aww, hell..." Gabriel mumbled looking annoyed. "Let's get this over with..." He started at a very measured pace towards Uzziel, as Lucifer slipped directly into his path. The last two strides before he reached Lucifer, he pulled out his sword from his back, then, with a very calculated swing, went in to Lucifer's right arm, which was holding the blade.

Lucifer danced back out of the way. However, Gabriel did connect with his arm; the blade ripping through his jacket and into the flesh. He showed no sign of the pain, however.
Azazel had slipped around Lucifer; heading for Eloa and Cornelius, not certain which target to take; not certain which target Valefar would take.
Lucifer recovered his step and took a swing back at Gabriel; which Gabriel parried. Lucifer pursed his lips. His hope that Gabriel wouldn't be on his game; after the ease Valefar had with him; was beginning to fade.

Valefar took the closest one. The traitor. He had his eye set on ripping his wings from his back as he went at him. Rage burned with a mix of insanity in his eyes as he moved at Cornelius. His steps quick as he moved.

Eloa moved as both her hands held the staff at its ends. Hearing the clash of Azazel's weapon against hers. She felt a sheer force push her back. But her legs were already set for such a blow that would come. Especially if it was a charge. She moved lightly as she pushed Azazel back from her as she tried to gain a certain distance from him. Her feet moving lightly as she moved her staff lightly. Slowly in both hands, at mid-point, she started twisting it. Causing it to spin as she watched him. Her eyes focused on him to watch his stealth or any chance in his muscle structure.

Cornelius remained motionless as the fight broke out. He watched Valefar charge. Cornelius slid his right leg back, his other bending slightly at the knee. His left hand grip the hilt of his broadsword. Cornelius's black wings shot out and thrust forward, sending Cornelius diagonally up, creating enough distance between him and Valefar, whose charge, Cornelius had allowed, to approach dangerously close, to pull out his sword and commit a strike toward Valefar's throat.

Azazel's sword caught in Eloa's staff, the girl was too good with the staff... something he underestimated. Both hands gripping the hilt of his sword, he pulled backwards, breaking out of the trap.
Staff against sword wasn't easy, this was going to require some dirty tricks. He pulled out a dagger as he leapt to her, going low, trying to get under her stance.

Eloa moved lightly as she watched the muscle structure. Her eyes managed to catch the sight of the dagger. But the move came to quick. She was lucky to only have her pants get caught in the blade as she used the staff as an item to raise her body up. Her wings only aiding in keeping her up before she appeared behind Azazel. A dirty trick he pulled and it seemed to have worked. She could feel the sting now as the wound made itself know. He made a hit alright. How bad? She would need to check later as she moved to get at Azazel from behind. She moved using her staff as a battering ram as she aimed to hit Azazel in the back. She lay crouched near the floor before moving back to gain distance again.

Gabriel pushed back on his sword after he parried Lucifer, sending the devil back a few steps. He pulled his dagger out, readying it in his left hand in case he needed it.
He slipped forward again, acting as if he was going to go in low with his sword, but instead, last moment, he pulled up over Lucifer's stance with the dagger, dodging around to the side quickly, slashing Lucifer on the cheek. He grabbed Lucifer by the hair, pulling his head backwards, the dagger at his throat.

Lucifer sneered as Gabriel jerked him back by the hair. He quickly elbowed Gabriel in the stomach; but to no avail; Gabriel didn't even flinch. He couldn't get his sword around with Gabriel's grip on him. Valefar and Azazel were far too engaged to aid him; calling them over would be disastrous. "You always did fight dirty, old man." He hissed to Gabriel.

Some how by daunting amazement, Valefar managed to miss the rather deathly blow. If he were human, he most likely would be dead. He moved turning rather with a quick twist to his left to avoid the blow as he pulled the spade from the side where it lay a rest at. His own wings appeared. The blackened soft feathers and tips of red. Rage surged in him as he moved to motion his steps. Taking the stands slowly as he watched Cornelius now. Defense appeared with in the stance as his own left leg pushed lightly back. The other bend slightly and set for any quick move tossed his way.

A snicker on his lips only appeared as it dissipated in to the devilish smirk that crowned off the features he held. Hints of black outlining his hair as he looked to his allied angel. "Why the hell would you side with such an angel?" He snickered out the rhetorical question as he moved slightly. Testing the waters as he took a step to the side. Icy blue eyes locked upon Cornelius's as he moved. As if he were stalking his prey.

Cornelius' feet tapped the ground as he landed. He followed Valefar's movement. "I take no side Valefar, my actions are of my own, not ordered by some foolish tyrant. I act for what I believe will bring good to humanity, I act alone."

Cornelius stepped forward, his sword cutting diagonally through the air. His teeth were clenched and his eyes burned intensely.

Eloa's quick movements caught Azazel completely off guard, reeling around trying to keep sight of her. The staff hitting him squarely and heavily in the back, threw him forward a few feet. "Damn bitch!" He yelled scrambling to regain himself, he whipped around looking for her. Catching sight of her backing off, he switched to a defensive posture.

She could hear the curse that left his lips as she backed away to gain distance. Her eyes watching him as the few strands only shrouded her blue eyes that watched him with cautious. The end of one part of the staff lay pointed at him as she watched him switch to a defensive posture. He held a bit more of an advantage in weaponry then she did. He held a dagger. So if she got caught in a trap then she would have to use physical force to break away. She moved lightly cause to make a move as she looked for any weakened structures in his posture that he held. She might have found one, she moved to attack at his left leg. Only to moved the staff up and get him in another trap.

Valefar listened to the answer with only it going in one ear and out the other as he pulled the spade up to block the blow. His other hand swing the double edge sword towards a spot that lay open. His wings opened up to lift him lightly if he need it. Either way, he would never consider Cornelius an ally of hell. Especially after the sygil that lay on his forehead. An immense hatred only seemed to feel for his fellow angel. He was looking to destroy him now if time so deemed it possible.

The sound only came to Valefar's ear. His eyes diverted for a mere second to his Lord. Gabriel had slit his throat and their he fell to the ground. His rage only boiled more yet it dissipated in to the insanity that over took his mind now. The sense of war strategies only feeling his mind as he moved to another blow.

Cornelius block the first blow, the second glanced his chest, but he step back before the blade cut his flesh. Following through brought his blade down to strike a blow. At he periphery of his consciousness he was aware of Lucifer's defeat, but remained focused on Valefar

Valefar felt the blow to his side. He reeled back as the blade pulled from his side. Cursing out as he felt the heat of the blood slowly exude from his body. Yet he bothered not to nurse it. He didn't even care about the wound as the pupils of his eyes seemed to almost disappear with in the sight of looking to Cornelius.

"You little shit. You're gonna pay for that!" He hissed out rather enraged as he moved to make an attack. Careless, yes. He would admit it, but it wasn't the fact of carelessness but the fact that most angels had come to fear his entwined rage and insanity mix. Many had claimed that his mind was never there once he was lost it rage. He would stop at nothing then. Yet one could se his eyes. His mind was still intact for the moment behind as he moved to spin the handle of the spade in his hand before moving to take another blow at the lower half of Cornelius's body.

Stumbling backwards, eventually hitting the floor, Eloa's decisive blow to his leg took him completely off guard. Azazel cursed himself, he was a better fighter than this, how did this slight little angel take him out so easily. He readied his dagger again in case she got too close.

She never made such a mistake. But there was a first time for everything. Even an angel like herself could slip up if she didn't stay focused. He already got her once. The wound hurt, yet Eloa never seemed to show the pain. She tried to judge the situation at hand. She had him in a trap with his sword, but he was smart to keep his dagger ready and waiting incase she did slip up. Or got to close. Either way she was looking at getting another hit. The best thing she could do was pull back from him.

Her eyes watched him as she made a quick move entrapping his sword as she moved back to a safe distance. Her hands still wrapped around the staff as she watched him. End still pointed at him as she only seemed focused and studied what lay around her as well as him.

Cornelius kept calm in spite of Valefar's rage. In battle very little could spur his tranquil disposition. However, the force of Valefar's blow was surprising and Cornelius found the spade dangerously close. Cornelius grunted as he shifted his weight. Straining, he brought his sword down to divert the blow, but Valefar's strike was too swift and powerful. The spade, diverted from a more harmful strike, pierced Cornelius' flesh and glanced off his hipbone. Cornelius growled and pushed the weapon away. He stepped back, hobbling from the pain.

He stood defensively, clenching his teeth to block out the pain. Smirking, Cornelius mocked Valefar silently.

"Always, Big Brother, always..." Gabriel whispered into Lucifer's ear as he shoved the dagger through Lucifer's back. "I told you I was getting Uzziel." He let go of Lucifer as the devil slipped into unconsciousness from the well placed dagger.
As Lucifer crumpled on to the floor, he turned to check Eloa. She seemed to be holding up extremely well under Azazel's attack.

Eloa and Azazel were at a stalemate, neither of them risking to go to the offensive with the other. Gabriel shook his head a bit. Sword still out, he took a step forward only to have a hand grab his ankle, pulling him to the floor.
The crown attached to his belt jarred free, rolling off a bit as Lucifer crawled into view.
"Oh for fuck's sake, Lucifer!" He yelled. He twisted around, grabbing Lucifer by the neck. He pushed his face into the floor, watching Lucifer's eyes seem to unfocused. He pulled out another dagger and slammed it through Lucifer's hand, into the stone floor, pinning him down. "Stay." He ordered as he stood.
He went over to Eloa, standing off to her left. "It's over, Azazel." He said. "Get out."
Azazel slipped to his feet and stepped backwards, disappearing.
Gabriel turned, now safe from Azazel and Valefar, he no longer had to worry about Eloa and Cornelius. He walked over to Uzziel, took a quick moment to touch his face. Uzziel was still unconscious. He frowned and raised his sword, with one clean, quick swipe, he cut the chains sending Uzziel crashing to the floor. He Picked up Uzziel and headed for the door.

Eloa was ready to make another move. Checking every place. But he seemed pretty well protected after that last trap. Yet she had a feeling there was a spot open on her. She moved to make another hit before she heard Gabriel's yell. And then heard him talk over her shoulder. She only took a glance from the corner of her eyes as Azazel disappeared. She moved slowly out of the stance as she looked around. Making sure with hopes that they were truly gone. She could feel the rush of pain now in her leg as her eyes glanced down. He got her good. A gash lay going up and down from where she had flipped over him. The wound bleed openly, but she would worry on that later. Her eyes looked to Uzziel, still passed out. It was time to get out of hell. She moved following behind Gabriel as they headed out the door. Staff still in hand incase of anything surprising.

Valefar looked to see his master bound to the floor by Gabriel's dagger. His eyes looked back to his own opponent. "Good fight old boy." He snickered in hate towards Cornelius before dissipating in to air. Not was left as he retreated from the fight. Failure had slapped them hard in the face. And that bothered Valefar rather very much.

Lucifer gritted his teeth as he struggled to pull the dagger out of his hand. "Gabriel..." He growled. "You forgot something." He held up the crown Gabriel had lost in his hand.

19:10:35 Aug 22nd 09 - Lady Astoria:

Gabriel turned his head to look at Lucifer. "I don't need that." He said. "It's just the crown of an exiled prince of hell, I don't need it to get out of here." He smiled slightly, shifting Uzziel's weight. "I have a message from heaven for you, Lucifer. You'll let Gabriel and any creature under his protection pass out of hell unharmed." Gabriel smiled a little bit, thanking Raphael mentally for coming through with a message at just the right moment. As the role of Heaven's Messenger meant he had some safety on getting out of hell.
Lucifer threw the crown at the back of Gabriel's head as Gabriel proceeded to the door. Gabriel caught it, without even turning, before it hit him and sighed. He was never going to be able to ditch that damned crown.

Eloa stopped as Gabriel did to turn back and look to Lucifer. Her eyes keep a look out. She didn't trust hell to much. Especially with being an angel of heaven. She moved lightly to look to Lucifer as he held Gabriel's crown up. She never really got to look at it until now. 'An exiled prince.' Was a mere through that entered her mind before her eyes looked to Gabriel. A smile seemed to appear on his face as a message came through. The message only brought a smile to her own lips. 'Thank you.' She sent mentally up to the heavens above as she moved to aid Gabriel in carrying Uzziel's weight. If distributed evenly, they would be able to get out faster. She walked over to him before the crown was tossed to him before he caught it. She said nothing as she moved taking hold of Uzziel's other arm as she rested it upon her shoulder. Ready to leave hell and head back to earth.
As quickly as possible they made their way out of the throne room, down the stairs, and out of the palace.

Eloa moved quickly as they stormed from the palace. Her hands moved quickly with her steps. As soon as she was on Asolan, her weapon was back on her back in two pieces again. Where she did well or not didn't apply to the fact that they need to get Uzziel help. Especially after the inflictions that exuded around his body and the blood that seemed to flow freely from the wounds bound in skin. Once outside, the horses were a bit missing. Gabriel whistled, not a moment later Haizum, Asolan, and a dark chestnut horse that belonged to Uzziel came trotting up. Gabriel put Uzziel on his horse, Uzziel seeming to be slightly conscious. Taking the reigns of Uzziel's horse in his hand, he slid up on Haizum. "Better hurry, we haven't much time."

She took no time in getting out of hell after offering Cornelius a ride upon Asolan.


Gabriel, Eloa, Cornelius, and Uzziel appeared back on earth, right where Gabriel and Eloa had left, outside the bookstore. The moment of disorientation of one world shaping into another passed quickly for Gabriel, he slipped off Haizum. Pulling Uzziel down from his horse, he let go of the reigns. "Go on, get lost, Haizum." He grumbled at the horse and with a snort, Haizum and Uzziel's horse disappeared down the street.

Once back on earth, her form had seemed to shape back to what the others had first seen her as. Her hands holding to the reigns of her horse as she looked down the street. Her hand letting go of the reigns. "Head home boy." She spoke lightly. "Thank you again." She kissed its coat lightly. Before patting it lightly and letting the reigns go as it followed behind Uzziel and Gabriel's horses.

Sophiel looked at his watch. "Hum..." He said and Chloe looked at him confused. "15 minutes, it took them quite awhile... I'm surprised, I thought it would be faster." He answered her look.
"Huh?" She asked confused. Chloe actually had begun to like this angel, he was a tad quiet, not that Gabriel and Uzziel were too talkative, but Sophiel had a quiet air to him, she enjoyed that. He also liked books, they had a rather nice conversation about them.
"Gabriel's back." Sophiel said.
"I gathered that." Chloe answered. "But you said 15 minutes-"
Sophiel cut her off. "Yes, 15 minutes, time moves differently in hell, tends to go a lot faster in times like these. Lucifer doesn't like to dilly dally when someone is after him. I'm just surprised it took 15 minutes because of that." Sophiel, who had been sitting comfortably reading one of the books from his backpack, closed the book and went to the door, opening it. "Good show, sir." He said to Gabriel. "I had faith you."

Gabriel gave Sophiel an exasperated look as Chloe slipped up behind him.
"I have to find a place to take Uzziel." He said as Uzziel was pretty much unconscious again and needed looked at. "Got an apartment or anything close by, anyone?"
Sophiel shook his head.
"Bring him in the store, Gabriel." Chloe said. "There's the couch in the backroom you can put him on."
Gabriel looked at her a moment. "I don't want to bother you, Chloe, you've put up enough of us for no reason." He said. "Besides, he's got his wings out, he can't fit on a couch."
"It's no bother." Chloe said with a smile. "And if a couch won't work, there's a table back there, I'll go clear it off."
Chloe ran off to the backroom, quickly clearing the table of the papers that were on it.
Sophiel stepped back, holding the door open, Gabriel went into the store, to the back room. "Raphael, could you, please?" He asked softly as he out Uzziel down on the table.
Before Sophiel could close the door, Raphael appeared, rushing through it. He made his way to the backroom, stopping shortly after entering. A look of worry crossed his face. "Oh poor Uzziel..." He said.
Gabriel nodded. "They did a number on him." He said. "How bad?"
Raphael crossed to Uzziel, putting a hand on his forehead. He was quiet for a few moments. "It's not going to be easy." He said.
Gabriel pulled out his dagger, crossing over to where he could be out of Raphael's way, but be able to get the chains off of Uzziel's wings. He had only cut through them in hell, still they were clamped into his wings. He pushed the blade in to the metal, prying them open until they fell to the floor. "Just do your best, Raph." He said.
Raphael sighed and looked over at Gabriel. "I can ease the pain, but I can't completely get rid of it." He said. "They cut into his essence, scaring the very being of him. This is going to leave him with scars. I can fix the wings so he can hide them, but that's about it, he'll have to totally remanifest in order to get rid of it all."
Gabriel looked as if his hopes and heart had just sunk. "We can't remanifest. Not out of grace."
"I know." Raphael said softly looking up, seeing Eloa and Cornelius near the door. "So the both of you better hurry up and do whatever it is you haven't done and get back into grace."
"I've already repented." Gabriel grumbled slowly dropping into a chair at the end of the table near Uzziel's head. "I've served my time, so I thought. I don't know why I haven't been forgiven, so I can't even really work to whatever it is. There's nothing I would like more than to get us back where we belong, I just can't seem to do it."
Raphael crossed around the table, and gently kissed Gabriel on the top of the head. "I wish I could tell you, Big Brother." He said as he carefully took up one of Uzziel's wings in his hands, holding it a moment, then doing the same with the other. "He'll feel better in a bit." He said as he placed his hands on either side of Gabriel's head and tilted his head backwards so he could look Gabriel in the eyes while he was standing behind him. "And how are you, Gabe?"
"I'm fine." He said. "Eloa's hurt though. Make her feel better, Raphy."

Eloa had forgotten about the wound that laid open as she moved quickly to help out with Gabriel. But he seemed to hold a rather good hand on things as she looked to Sophiel. Her head nodded gently to Sophiel before moving to the back and aid to her own wound. Now it was time to see how bad the cut was. Especially with the blow that was taken out of unexpectation. If Gabriel hadn't ended the fight, she was sure that Azazel would have had the ability to get a deadly hit in. But a promise of that seemed unlikely now as she moved against the wall. She lowered her body now to the ground as she rolled up the bloody pant leg. The wound lay deep. The blood flow slightly heavy. Now she re-evaluated herself on how she received it. She had weighted to much to the left. A mistake that could have been worse.

She only moved lightly as her teeth took the edging of her shirt and ripped the white top in half. Her hand moving lightly only to clean the wound out.

Cornelius stood quietly in a corner farthest from anyone. He brooded darkly, but only his dark eyes betrayed his cold emotionless face. The overwhelming presence of Heaven in the room ate away at him. He was torn between wanting to embrace the light and wanting to scream at all the faults he saw in Heaven. His throat ached. His burden bore down on his chest. Closing his eyes he tried to compose himself.

'I am here only because I want to know what Heaven has its hands in now . . . once I know I'll serve my time with Gabriel and leave,' Cornelius thought.

Raphael nodded and went to Eloa. He knelt down beside her, gently moving her hand out of the way. "Let me have a look at it, Eloa." He said softly, in his most soothing voice." Gabe didn't do a very good job of protecting you, did he?" He teased trying to distract her. Carefully he touched the cut on her leg. "Never trust him, not when he's got his mind focused on something." A soft light glowed around the wound, closing it over, easing the pain. "It may hurt for a little bit more, but you're fine now." He said smiling softly at her.

Eloa's eyes raised lightly to Raphael as he came to her aid in her wound. She moved her hands away as well as the white cloth that she tore off to keep the wound clean. "I chose to fight. No sense in being protected if I must rely on him for protection." She laughed gently. "Might as well accept it and fight along side instead of feel useless to the cause." She smirked gently. She grunted a little as he touched the cut.

"I noticed." She said smiling softly as she watched the white light that appeared around the wound. She could feel the pain, but it was nothing but natural when it came to Raphael. She smiled to him. "That I think I can deal with on my on. Thank you Raphael." She spoke gently as she moved to get up. She smiled at him as she moved. Offering her hand out to help him up. Her eyes looked to Gabriel.

"How's he holding up?" She asked softly in concern.

Raphael took her hand and stood. He followed her gaze to Gabriel who was still sitting at Uzziel's head, his hand gently placed on Uzziel's head. He bit on his lower lip a moment before returning his eyes to Eloa.
"Well, physically, he's fine." He answered. "He only felt Uzziel's pain, didn't suffer for the actual torture, so once Uzziel shut off, Gabriel was fine. Emotionally, not too well." Raphael sighed. "If only Uzziel would leave Gabriel and go back into grace, Gabe has tried ordering him to, but he won't, so everything that happened, Gabe feels responsible for. It doesn't help that I just reminded him he doesn't know why he hasn't been forgiven yet." Once again Raphael sighed. "He'll be okay, I think... I hope..."

Her hand moved from Raphael, slipping back in to her pocket as she looked over to Gabriel. Eyes set on him as he sat at Uzziel's head. He looked worried, but she wasn't one to tell. Yet it could be seen, blame of some sort appeared in his features. Light yet there. She looked to Raphael as he spoke her answer.

"I could only pray for the best." She spoke lightly to Raphael as she looked back upon Gabriel. "Its not your fault. Mere habit to anybody. It will dissipate as time goes on. Its only natural that it does. As for Gabriel." She only left it at that. All she could do was hope for the best with him. Especially after what happened to Uzziel.

"Umm..." Raphael said with a suddenness. "But what about you? I take it was your first time in hell? It's not a very nice place down there. If anything bothered, do tell me. I'm really quite familiar with hell, maybe I can at least help with some sympathy."

Her eyes looked back to Raphael. "Why does he keep himself fortressed in from hell?" She asked. That was one thing that caught her attention. Eloa moved slightly as she felt a shock of pain shoot up from the now healed wound. She bit on her tongue lightly before looking to him. "It don't know why. But I found it to be a rather curious sight. Its like he's paranoid of something."

"Lucifer? Yeah, he's paranoid." Raphael said." He has every right to be as well. Heaven is constantly raging a war on him, but more so, hell would love to get rid of him as well. He's almost a victim of circumstance, he was utterly backstabbed by Gabriel before his fall, but in Gabriel's defense, he had to do it. None of the princes in hell particularly care for him, they're always trying to overthrow him, they don't like the way he runs things. He exiled half of them, didn't allow all of them back in. And he uses them all to do his dirty work. You'll never catch Lucifer directly doing anything, and heaven knows they hate him for that."

Eloa looked around but still managed to stay focus on Raphael. 'Thought so.' She spoke mentally as his next few words came clearly. She didn't expect to hear what he had to say next until it hit her. She looked back to him as she focused on him. "Sounds like he's just in a mess." She spoke lightly.

A soft laugh left her. "Seems so. Especially after the dirty trick his two minions decided to play." A shake came to her head. "All I know is Lucifer looked ready to keep Uzziel there. And he was ready to fight for it." She spoke softly. "How's the girl doing?" She spoke now, only asking on Catylina.

Raphael shrugged a bit. "She seemed confused when I checked on her, I'm not surprised." he said. "She needs a gentle guidance, not sure if Gabriel can do that, but I am certain you can. Gabe can open her eyes, but to get through it all, she's going to need someone who isn't going show her contempt."

Her eyes glanced down to the floor as she listened. "Confused, huh." She repeated softly. She looked up. "Especially now. Poor Gabriel's worry lays with Uzziel and to deal then with the girl. I can see the struggle that will appear from this." She looked to Raphael as she smiled softly towards the light comment Raphael had given to her. "Well hopefully we can aid her with her gift. Especially with the confusion she'll go with and the distrust in the beginning."

Raphael patted her lightly on the shoulder. "Keep an eye on Gabriel for me, yeah?" He asked. "I need to see if Cornelius will let me help him."

A light nod came from her as the curls slightly bounced around her features. "I shall. Thank you again Raphael." She spoke gently as she moved towards the doorway. Only leaning again the door frame as she watched over Gabriel and Uzziel.

A light nod came from her as the curls slightly bounced around her features. "I shall. Thank you again Raphael." She spoke gently as she moved towards the doorway. Only leaning again the door frame as she watched over Gabriel and Uzziel.
Cornelius stood quietly in a corner farthest from anyone. He brooded darkly, but only his dark eyes betrayed his cold emotionless face. The overwhelming presence of Heaven in the room ate away at him. He was torn between wanting to embrace the light and wanting to scream at all the faults he saw in Heaven. His throat ached. His burden bore down on his chest. Closing his eyes he tried to compose himself.
'I am here only because I want to know what Heaven has its hands in now . . . once I know I'll serve my time with Gabriel and leave,' Cornelius thought.
Gabriel finally leaned back in his chair, lost in thought, the strap around his neck inevitably made it's way back between his fingers, then he started chewing on it again absently. His thought processes broke but a moment, he stopped everything, noticing something distant, yet rather strong in the world outside. "Humm..." he said softly before resuming his unconscious behaviors.

Raphael made his way across the room to Cornelius, a bit hesitant in his stride. He wasn't sure how the fallen angel would react to him, the last thing he wanted was a confrontation. He stopped a respectable distance from Cornelius and gave his best non-threatening look. "Would you like me to have a look at you, Cornelius?" He asked.
Cornelius stared coldly into Raphael's eyes. "What injuries I have sustained I will care for myself. I wish only to be here as long as I have to, unfortunately that all depends on him," Cornelius glared at Gabriel. "Until then I will do as Gabriel asks, but no more."
"Oh hell..." Gabriel sighed from across the room at Cornelius' response to Raphael.
Raphael's eyes went from warm and sweet to ice. "You ungrateful whelp, I was the one who got you of hell intact, Gabriel has kept you safe from both heaven and hell at this point." He growled. "I gave the message to have Lucifer let all of you go, Gabriel's protection only extended you because I specified all under his charge, I could have very well left you to the dogs..."
"Raph..." Gabriel said rousing himself from his contemplation completely. "Let it go."
Raphael quickly whipped around and looked at Gabriel. "He has no right to treat me that way." He shouted.
Gabriel shrugged. "Can't expect more from a fallen angel, Raphy." Gabriel said in an almost bored tone. "Let him be in his misery and don't take it personally. You can't expect a fallen angel to show actual gratitude for your help in saving him in a situation that he got himself into." He looked at Cornelius from the corner of his eye, and almost evil smirk on his lips. "After all, he asked me, and accepted my terms, I did not force him."
Raphael turned back to Cornelius and glared at him a moment. "Contempt... that is what makes you evil." He growled at Cornelius, turned, and walked back over to Uzziel.
Gabriel seemed to chuckle, so softly that it took a moment to realize what he was doing. He stood up. "Never piss off Raphael. Everyone in heaven fears Michael and I, but Raphael is the one you really need to worry about." He smiled slightly and stood. "Raphy, take care of Uzziel, we're going to have to go take a visit to a little human girl that hell has unknowingly gotten it's interest in. Are you ready, Eloa?"
"Aren't you afraid the fallen angel will cause you a problem, find out who they are really after before you are ready for them to know?" Raphael ask with venom.
Gabriel shook his head. "I'm not worried." He said. "I believe he has no intention of turning on me and giving information to hell. At this point, he must know, if he betrays me, I can cut him loose, and hell will destroy him, instantly. Even if he helps hell at this point, hell is run by a bunch of backstabbers and thieves, they wouldn't care if he helped them."
Cornelius stared coldly toward Raphael. He knew this was not the time nor place to argue with an angle, so he held his tongue. But his mind raged in silence where his internal fires burned and consumed his being. He wanted to lash out and scream at Raphael.
'I am evil because of your contempt for me . . . and if you had let me die that would have only served my cause as proof of Heaven and Hells endless faults, but because I live on my cause will continue in another way.'
Cornelius glanced towards Gabriel. He was silent in observation for a moment. A slight mischievous sneer spread across Cornelius' face. Swiftly he began to change, his hair grew longer, his hips wider, his features softened. He changed into his beautiful feminine form. He spoke now in a sensuous voice, "You don't have to worry Raphy," he said as he jutted his hip out, "Gabe here is my Master, and I'll do anything for him. I would never turn back to hell and leave this hunk." Cornelius laughed loudly, a sweet rolling laughter, which quickly changed into a low chuckle as Cornelius changed back.
"You take offence too fast Raphael, I like to lick my own wounds, I have my ways."
Raphael turned on his heel, rage in his eyes growing stronger now. "Why you little....!" He began towards Cornelius but was stopped when Gabriel quickly reached for him, grabbing him by the hair, jerking him to a stop.
"Raph..." Gabriel warned. "Calm down, you let him get to you, now he knows how to push you..."
Raphael spent a moment glaring at Cornelius.
Gabriel turned his attention from Raphael to Cornelius, but not letting go of Raphael's hair. "Just be glad killing isn't Raphael's thing, Cornelius." He pulled Raphael back, closer to him. "What is up with you, Raphael?" He said into Raphael's ear, though he made no point to be quiet. "You never fly off the handle so easily..."
Raphael took a deep breath in. Gabriel let go of his hair. "I'm sorry, Gabriel." He said softly. "I don't like you dealing with hell like this."
Gabriel laughed. "I won't worry about that one." He said nodding his head towards Cornelius. "Besides, he's kind of cute as a girl, if he's a horrible liar."
Smiling, Cornelius winked at Raphael. He was ignoring the twinges from his hip, which made him all the more irritable, but Raphael was making the irritation much more pleasurable.
'You cross me and I don't bow down like a little bitch'
Purposely lowering his voice Cornelius retorted playfully, "I'm cuter in bed Gabe. You are my Master, you just have to order me and I'll be obedient."
Raphael closed his eyes while Gabriel's gaze lowered into a glare. Raphael started laughing uncontrollably. Gabriel was suddenly trying to hold back his laughter as well.
"Stop laughing, Raph." Gabriel warned lowly.
"I can't help it... it's the image.. it's just..." Raphael couldn't finish his sentence. "No wonder he was kicked out of heaven..."
"Raph... stop..." Gabriel said trying hard to control his laughter.
"It's just the last time someone hit on you like that.... well, it took me forever to clean up the mess." Raphael said. "No one says things like that to Gabriel, it tends to go bad."
The laughter surprised him, he was expecting more a hissy fit. For a moment Cornelius was unsure what to say. The anger within him was washed away almost instantly. He was irritated for a moment, but irritation gave way to amusement. Sighing and rolling his eyes, Cornelius had trouble concealing a near smile that grew slowly across his face.
"Don't laugh, I'm serious," Cornelius said off handedly as he shrugged of the laughter. "And I'm really good in bed too, as a male or female . . . so don't laugh. I could make your wildest dreams come true."
Raphael's laughter tapered off and he calmed himself down. "I don't doubt that you are." He said. "However, we experimented once, a fallen angel... and an archangel... let's just say that all that holiness was not very healthy ."
Gabriel raised his eyebrows. "Raphael, Eloa, would you mind leaving a moment?" He asked.
Raphael looked out of the corner of his eye at Gabriel, Eloa nodded, and the two left the room.
Gabriel was silent a moment, then sighed. "Cornelius..." He began, his voice strong and firm. "Do you know what it is that you did to offend Raphael? Not only did you decline his aid, you did it with venom. Raphael is one of the few creatures in heaven and earth who truly honestly cares, no matter who you are, no matter what position in the cosmic scheme you are in, he honestly cares. He doesn't care that you are a fallen angel, he loves you anyway, and doesn't want to see you suffer. Hell, even Lucifer won't really fuck with him because of that. He will take care of anyone, regardless, he will help anyone, no matter one. I can't count the times he's stayed my hand when he didn't feel it was right when I was about to deal out some death. He is one of the few things in creation who actually loves no matter what... and you insulted him and me."
He paused to see if any of it was sinking in.
Cornelius' features softened from his usual cold disposition. He sighed and lowered his head. Brining up his right hand he streamed his fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes and began to speak quietly, "I'm sorry Gabriel, I was out of line." Looking up, he peered into Gabriel's eyes, "I promise I won't act out like that again, I lost control of my emotions."
"Sometimes... emotions are a very tough price angels have to pay." Gabriel said. "They always seem to have more consequences for us."
Again he paused, letting the thought of emotions hang in the air a few moments.
"Now, I've got work to do." Gabriel said. "You are more than welcome to come along, it's probably the safest bet to do so." Gabriel set himself into motion towards the door. "Oh, and as for making my wildest dreams come true..." He stopped a moment and looked back at the fallen angel. "I have made angels cry..." He smirked and opened the door.
"Kinky," Cornelius replied as he followed Gabriel out the door. Outwardly Cornelius had one of his common near smiles, but he fought back the waves of overbearing sadness, which thrashed at his throat. The sight of angles, especially those in Grace, tormented his soul. It was a torment derived from his want to return, and his stubborn will resisting that want so that he could fight for what he believed in.
'Yes Gabriel, such horrible consequences . . .'
Gabriel laughed softly at Cornelius' comment. "You have no idea..." He said under his breath, barely loud enough to hear. "Raphael, would you mind watching over Uzziel until we get back? Chloe and Misha will probably need you as well as Sophiel around soon... hopefully not for long."
Raphael nodded. "Of course." He said as he slipped back into the backroom.
Gabriel stopped half way between the front door and the backroom. "Eloa, would you mind much going to collect Catylina? Bring her to the park, someplace nice and public, where we are least likely to have company from hell." He started to the door again after Eloa nodded.
Eloa's eyes raised up as he said her name and the nod came simple. She had watched the whole events take place. And a slight smile still seemed to linger on her lips as she shook her head lightly. Gently she nodded a thank you to Raphael before leaving the book store. Hands in her pocket as she turned in the opposite direction. Taking her time rather wisely as she head to collect the young girl. She wondered really if she through it was wise to bring the girl in to this, but for the safety of her. 'She has to.' She found herself thinking lightly.
With in a few minutes she appeared at the corner of the street where the girl's house laid upon. "I hope your prepared for what's to come your way young one." She spoke gently with a soft sigh as she walked towards the door.

21:13:06 Aug 22nd 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:


05:31:46 Aug 23rd 09 - Lady Astoria:

Book 1/Chapter 6: Tensions

Lucifer got to his feet; looking at Valefar and Azazel through narrowed eyes. "They should have never gotten away..." He growled at them. He was so furious he couldn't even manage to find the words; he just walked over to his throne; sat; and glared.
His attention was suddenly turned to a newcomer. Dumah stood leaning against the doorframe with an almost mocking look on his face.
"Lucifer..." He said. "Gabriel beat you up, yeah? I can't say I'm surprised. Never come between Gabriel and Uzziel. You should know that." He pulled a key out of his pocket and threw it to Lucifer. "I resign." He said and walked out of the room. "You can have hell, I'm damned sick of the place... and you." He yelled back. "You broke every rule and you know I don't stand for that."

Michael was waiting for Dumah when he left hell. He was thinking that all these events lately were a bit more larger and more connected than he originally thought. In all the years that Dumah had done his duties in hell, he had never once... resigned. Dumah had always accepted that was what he was told to do, and did it.
Gabriel had been out of heaven's sight for 27 years, even after having repented 26 years prior, he still was not forgiven. Raphael was acting strangely, very unusual. Enoch had been sent to earth. And some little human girl possessed a great power. The events seemed a little too connected.
There was a battle between heaven and hell, and it seemed that battle was culminating into something, he just didn't know what.
"So, I suppose you want your grace back?" Michael asked when Dumah appeared in front of him.

Dumah didn't say anything for a moment; just leaned back against the rail of the stairs they were standing next to.
"It wasn't my purpose, if that is what you are asking." He said. His quiet tone never changed even though he was facing the biggest uncertainty within the past few thousand years. Technically, heaven didn't have to accept him back. Even though he wasn't out of grace because of anything he did; he had simply been ordered to be; that didn't mean heaven had to accept him back. "I'm very willing to continue out of grace; should that be what heaven's wishes."

Michael shook his head. "Go ahead, Dumah, take back your grace, join the host of heaven again." He said. "You know its always there for you." He paused a moment. "You're going to need the protection anyway, Luc must be really pissed now."

Dumah nodded and seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. "Yeah, I figure Luc is going to strangle me, thanks." He said. "I know you're going to ask why I did it. And I'm going to ask why you allowed me to come back after I broke the long standing agreement to serve my duties in that hell hole."
He paused a moment before continuing. "I did it because it's about to get very dangerous down there and I'm best served in heaven." He said. "Maybe I have more morals than I should, but I have them."

Michael nodded. "I can understand your reasons." He said. "And we all agree, you may have been asked to serve in hell, but when the place gets to dangerous, you're still an angel to us."

Azazel slipped out of the room shortly after Dumah left to avoid taking the brunt of Lucifer's rage. He knew Lucifer was about to get very mad.
Quickly making his way out of the palace, he was met by a demon out in the courtyard. He stopped. The demon came up an whispered something to him. Azazel's face went positively pale.
"Oh no..." He said softly. "Luc is going to be very pissed."

His hand slide to his sides. Checking the wounds that had been inflicted in the small battle that took place. Eyes raised up. Blue as ever as they set upon their lord. His head own bowing in respect as Lucifer chewed them out for abandonment. All Valefar could do was nothing. Say nothing, do nothing. He had let his lord down. His head turned away lightly in disappointment as he finally gained back his sane mind. Yet his blood was bleeding still with insanity and excitement. His eyes never raised until Dumah appeared. He took his leave with an aura of hatred around him. Not towards anybody but the abandonment of one fallen angel. Yet he was nowhere in sight.

Slowly he left the palace. His anger finally fading as his looks altered with each step he took. Turning him back to the human form he once possessed. He hide both weapons away once again as his hands swung lightly at his side to notice Azazel and some demon in the courtyard. An eyebrow raised in blunt curiosity. "I take it something's up?" That stupid smirk seemed to befall his lips as gained closer to Azazel.

Valefar's eyes watched at the demon disappeared by the order of Azazel. His eyes turning back to the fellow fallen angel. "Yeah..." Azazel said shooing the demon away. "Seems Enoch has come down to earth. You remember Enoch? Human... all attitude... so loved by God that God took him to heaven and didn't let him die... he's been up there for thousands of years, never leaving, then suddenly, he's on earth, shooing away demons from the crazy humans. Prophets..." Azazel let out an exasperated sigh. "Luc's already in a bad mood, when he finds out Enoch is undoing all the work we do keeping the mentally unstable humans... crazy, he's going to be even more pissed. Bad enough Enoch is out of heaven, but to be messing in our affairs..."

His eyes slightly got wide at the mention of Enoch. "I remember him." He nodded simply. He remembered what happened and hearing about him. His eyes revealed anger as it appeared again. "Your kidding me." He said rather crudely. His eyes closed as his head leaned back.

"I swear I will make him suffer if he keeps this up. There's a natural order that needs to stay in play. Not matter what Heaven or....God holds in store for anyone person or angel alike." He hesitated when the word passed his lips. He felt a natural hatred for his lord. But then again sometimes creation of certain things always came back to bite you in the ass. His arms crossed lightly. "Lucifer's gonna be pissed alright. I wonder what the hell he's doing back on earth in the first place? What reason what he allowed to come down for?" He questioned himself more then Azazel.

Azazel shrugged. "Dunno." He said. "We're going to have to keep an eye on him, though, before we tell Luc. There's still a few demons up there trying to blend into the background and watch. Once we figure it out, then tell His Lordship..." There was a touch of venom when he said 'His Lordship'.

His eyes seemed to slip back to the cruel amusement as a nod came from him. "Seems so." He spoke lightly as he raised an eyebrow to the venom in Azazel's last two words. A smirk only appeared on his face. "You remind me to much of Belial." He shook his head lightly as that smirk stayed on his lips.

Azazel Made a face at the mention of Beliel. "Huh... ok..." He said. "Why do you say that?"

His smirk only grew more as he shook his head and his head lowered. His eyes cast up. "Because Beliel was the only one with balls enough to try and rebel against hell to have as his own. Sounds a lot like you, except for the balls part." He started laughing now. Rare as it seemed. He wasn't doing it out of lose of mind. That smirk only seemed to stick more now on his lips as his laughter slowly ceased.

Azazel's eyes narrowed. "I don't have balls?" He growled then swung a punch at Valefar, connecting, hitting him squarely in the stomach.

Valefar raised an eye with that jokerish smirk. "Not that I know of." That smirk never left. He didn't expect the hit that was to come until he felt the punch to his gut. He felt the air knock from his chest as he coughed to catch his breath. Bend over lightly, he still managed to find the ability to laugh lightly and shake his head. "Awwww don't be mad Azazel. I'm just stating truth." Yet that smirk wouldn't go away. He couldn't, he found it to funny to let it go.

"Stating the truth? You don't know the half of it." Azazel growled. "I was a fallen angel long before you even had a conscious thought... if you do have one yet."

Valefar found himself on the floor laughing. He was getting a kick out of this for some reason, before his laughter abruptly stopped. His eyes shot up to Azazel. "OH! I did make you pissed of." His words held a lace of triumph in them. "Ask God himself and he'll tell the bleeding truth. I never had one." The laugher slowly started up again.

"That's obvious..." Azazel said lowly. "Why is it you fell, Valefar? Was it because you were just too stupid to remain in heaven?"

A smirk seemed to carve deeper in his face as he mentioned his fall. "Lets just say God found out I was experimenting on some of my fellow brethren." A rather crude look appeared on his face as his eyes caught the shadows of hell itself. "They tried to stay strong...and well lets just say then found out how cruel I can get." He smirked. Before moving to get up. "As for stupid. No, that wasn't me. I was to smart for my own good. But I chose to fight again Heaven. I found there principles to obscene in the facts of where we stood. I refused to bow down to a human. And then I refused to bow down to him. I saw no fact in that if free will was given to those damn monkeys and we held nothing. I fought for my own free will. At least down here I hold more free to do as I please." That smirk finally dissipated.

A devilish look crossed Azazel's face. "If that is what you honestly believe, that we have free will, so be it." He said. "We're all just still puppets, the strings are just pulled much more subtly now."

His eyes cast upwards to catch that devilish look on Azazel's face. "Maybe. Blame him for the great grand scheme of things." His eyes barely even bothered to look upwards to the heavens that lay realms above their own. "As for now. What to do?" He asked himself out loud as he looked around.

Azazel looked lost in thought a moment. "I'm not sure."

It seemed like forever... but when Azazel's little spy finally came back after him, he and Valefar were sitting in the courtyard, doing much of nothing. Azazel stopped his absent minded game of tearing apart, and putting back together, a small prickly plant when the demon entered. The demon quietly whispered in his ear and Azazel's dark mood became even darker. He sighed, dismissed the demon and looked at Valefar.
"It seems that Gabriel and the little traitor have met up with Enoch, and that little angel that tried to kick my ass joined them with a certain someone." He said. "We were wrong, that girl Gabe was babysitting was not who we were after. It was the other human girl that showed up earlier... she's what those demons were after, she has the gift." He sighed.

Valefar lay back on one of the brick walls that lay around a rather spiny garden of wild dark roses. Eyes closed as the time seemed to pass and the fun of mental torture and games had long dissipated in to the air around him. His eyes opened only lightly as his head lay propped up on his crossed arms that lay behind his head. Watched the demon with only one eye before closing it again. His opened up when Azazel finally spoke and the demon left the grounds. "What do you mean?" He asked simply before closing his eyes again. He nearly sat up when Azazel spoke of the wrong girl.

"What do you mean the wrong girl?" He looked to Azazel now with a serious face as he spoke of some other girl. The one's his demon's almost destroyed if it hadn't been for the angel and her staff. His eyes grew wide as he said 'gift'. "Tell me this is a lie and your screwing with me." But he knew well it wasn't as he stood up to pace lightly. "Shit." Left his lips in a curse of not wanting to deal with his Lord in such a mood.

"And Heaven got to her first. Luc is going to be really pissed now." Azazel stood up. "I'll have to tell him, he'll be more pissed if he finds out we knew and didn't tell him."

"We'd better go and tell him then. Come on." He said as he nodded his head towards the doorway of the palace. Valefar turned on a heel as he started heading towards the doors.

Azazel sighed and followed Valefar. "This day's going from bad to worse..." He mumbles as they made their way through the palace. "You get to go into the throne room first..."

Valefar nearly stopped when Azazel said that. "Why do I have to go in first?" He looked back at him with wide eyes. As if he were a child that expected him to walk in first. "You have the news not me. It was your demon that came." He seemed to act childish as he spoke to Azazel. Then a sigh finally followed as he gave up. "Fine." He said giving in as he started walking towards the throne room after climbing the stairs. He nearly froze up at the doorway though before entering. "Ummm....Lord...We have some new to give you." Valefar nearly choked on some of his words. Fearing the wrath of Lucifer at the moment.

Lucifer was sitting brooding on his throne when Valefar and Azazel dared to show themselves again. His green eyes seemed particularly dark as his gaze moved to Valefar.
"You two have a lot of nerve coming into my presence without being summoned." He said lowly, almost threateningly. "I am very displeased."
He let his words hang in the air a moment. "What is this... news?" He finally demanded.

Valefar could feel himself become small with in the dark glance of Lucifer's. His eyes looking to the ground as she moved slowly away. "Ummmm...It deals with Enoch and a girl." He spoke out with a shake in his voice. "Azazel can give more." He said quickly. To nervous to even face his lord's wrath as his eyes shot down. He couldn't even look Lucifer in the eye. As if he was caught in some sort of lie.

"Enoch...and a girl?" Lucifer looked from Valefar to Azazel. "Care to tell me why Enoch is on earth, he hasn't been in 3000 years."

Azazel chewed on his lower lip a moment before answering. At least Lucifer wasn't mad enough to have smited Valefar when they entered, so he figured it couldn't be all that bad.
"I'm not sure why Enoch is on earth, but I figure it has to do with the crazy people." He answered. "He was there with a woman, he banished the demons haunting her. Shortly after, Gabriel showed up with that traitor, and that girl angel came along with a human girl. It looked as if they were almost as if they were meeting up with Enoch. The human girl... well, we had the wrong girl before. The one Gabe was babysitting wasn't the one we were after, it's a different one, and she has the 'gift'. They woke it up in her."

Lucifer mulled this over a moment. He sighed. "You had the wrong girl? How could you have the wrong girl?" He asked but didn't bother to wait for an answer. Slowly he stood, staring down Valefar and Azazel. "You have done nothing but disappoint me." He said. "Now, I will give you one last chance to redeem yourselves." He paused a moment watching them. "Kill the girl."

Valefar listened as Lucifer turned his questioning on to Azazel. Ready to listen to his answer he had to give. All Valefar did was stay down. Quiet to the cause in which was being presented. He felt his body cringe at the sound of disappointing his lord. A sense of dislike only seemed to become present with them as he turned his head lightly to the side. His eyes finally raising up as the command was given to kill the girl. A smirk seemed to peel across his lips as he looked to his lord. "Shall do." he nodded lightly.

At first there was a gleam in Azazel's eye at the thought of an order to kill, but that quickly faded when he realized how hard it was going to be. Gabriel and heaven were obviously keeping an eye on this girl, meaning killing her wouldn't be easy. He sighed. "Of course, M'lord." He said. "It may take some time, though. We may have to wait until the time is right, when heaven and Gabriel are distracted, otherwise we would simply be walking in to a trap." He hoped that Lucifer would accept this, as it was the truth, if Gabriel's watchful eye was turned from the girl, it would be the only chance. He looked over at Valefar. Then he turned back to Lucifer. "Of course we'll have to make a suitable distraction, it may take some time and some disposable demons, but I'm certain we can come up with something." He assured him. Lucifer was extremely patient, and would wait, but he wasn't sure he would wait long enough. In a bad mood, Lucifer's patience was far shorter than normal. "Especially with Gabe being overprotective of Uzziel, I'm sure a distraction could be found in that... soon."

His eyes looked back to Azazel. The fellow fallen served a good point dealing with the fact of Gabriel. Now that he knew the girl. He would watch her as would heaven. His head turned forward to Lucifer. "Well think of it this way, the best target would be after the awakening wouldn't it. I mean they have to let the poor girl rest. And she does hold a relative if I do recall." A smirk spiraled along his features as the turned to a dark enjoyment. "I'm the one that die her parents in." He smirk rather cruel. "So accuse to her aunt shouldn't be as hard then. If he has yet to claim to protect her, the girl will fight for the last blood in her line. We just need to get to her is all. Get to her. We get to the girl." He smirked.

The thought of going after Uzziel again honestly didn't seem like a good one at the moment. Gabriel was being overly protective and of course Raphael was keeping an eye on him. Silence fell over the room as Lucifer mulled this over a few moments.
'No...' He thought to himself. 'Not Uzziel; not again.'
He shook his head. "I wouldn't recommend trying for Uzziel again." He finally said out loud. "However, keep an eye on Gabriel. He's had all the stress he can take at the moment, which means he's going to slip up very soon. Just be very careful. I don't want him knowing what you are up to until it's too late."

09:00:26 Aug 23rd 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:


18:55:53 Aug 23rd 09 - Lady Astoria:

(sorry here's chapter 5 actually I saved its under a different name for some reason lol. Hope it doesn't confuse you guys too much)

Book 1/Chapter 5: In The Begining Was The Word

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God. Now, sitting on a park bench watching signs of the coming Fall, Enoch had the Word. The Word to bind angels to the abyss and the Word to warn of destruction. Words, words have power to hurt and to heal. As Enoch sat there, wrapped in his duster, he thought of how people used words today like razors slicing bits of soul and causing apathic carnage.
This was humanity today, what he once was part of, but after spending centuries in celestial bliss, feeling the weight of his bones encased in this sack of flesh, he felt the huge gulf in his soul hungering for the bliss again. But he has his errand. One decreed. Something he could not ignore or deny no matter how much he might. His deep lined face, one that looked as if it had been sandblasted from granite, grimaced. Lines, each telling a personal history, deepened. His green eyes grew darker.
He looked to the sky, now scarred and wounded by industrial change in a world that traded magic and miracle for technology. The information age of media glut that stream data bytes of carnage and genocides. He found himself wondering if man were only just "a little" lower than the angels. After all now death seemed to be a sweet release, one that he never had experienced being lifted out of this world in what seemed eons ago.
He opened the leather bound note book and read again the names. Names of angels, names of humans. More than names, assignments. A note book filled with words....
Enoch rose from the park bench. As he breathed deep the Fall air and looked at the trees, their leaves were turning shades of amber and red. Nature's way of changing seasons, trees going to sleep as their leaves turned colors, fell from their appointed limbs and fell to earth to crumble to dust. Death should be that beautiful for mortals he mused, instead of the drying, wrinkling ravage of age.
He felt a presence pass over him. He knew without looking that Gabriel had seen him. "In time, Gabriel", he thought to himself, "your questions will be answered and your confusion resolved."
He walked across the park and spied a young woman wearing tattered, dirty clothes. She had been scouring through one of the many garbage cans about the park. He knew she must be looking for food for she was thin and her clothes fit loosely on her. She raised her head and hands suddenly waiving at the air as if warding off some invisible threat. Enoch squinting and saw the object of her frustration. Thin, wispy shadows encircled her fluttering around her like bats. They screamed at her obscenities and cursed her. The woman was deeply wounded at their scorn. A passerby stopped to gawk at her and then pointed to another and laughed at her plight. They couldn't see her tormentors like Enoch could.
He approached her and at first she acting as if she was to dart away, then looking at his eyes felt a sense of presence, not of Enoch but of herself ground her. For a moment she felt whole, validated. That all her torment was not so much in vain, but was of some sort of plan. She began to cry, not in pain or sorrow, but of relief. Someone finally understood.
With a word Enoch banished the shades. They screamed in piteous anguish as they were expelled into the ether.
"They will come back," Enoch said, "But I can teach you discernment. They lie you know. They want to keep you confused. That way with you being misled, you are not a threat to them."
"But why me?" she sobbed, standing there, her eyes still full of tears that streaked down the grime on her face. Enoch thought that underneath all that dirt she must be quite pretty. Her eyes, like his were green, her hair, though knotted and tangled was red, like the dying leaves on the trees. Under the grime, pale skin caught the sun and her frame under the tattered clothes, though thin, had a certain grace that made Enoch think of a wounded deer.
"Because you can see them. You have the gift. They also hate you for it. If they can torment you into delusion and madness, then no one will listen to you. They seek to invalidate your existence because you see too much."
Somehow that was the missing piece she had been searching for. Despite all the institutions she had been shuffled off to, the barrage of chemicals to "balance" her mind, none of that made as much sense or made her feel as whole as what Enoch had just said to her.
"Mind if I give you a new name?" Enoch asked her.
"A new name?" she asked, a first a little confused, then a clarity seem to come upon her face. Of course, a new name, this did seem like a beginning. "Yes," she said, smiling.
"I will call you Fall."
She smiled. She liked that, after all she had known girl's with names like April and June, but none named Fall. It made her feel unique.
She smiled, "Yes, I would like that."
Enoch found himself smiling back at her. Together they walked through the park, stopping at several trees and watched leaves fall.
Gabriel wasn't quite sure what made him choose the park as the place to bring Catylina to talk to her, but it seemed like the best place. He figured she would feel more comfortable in public, and hell was less likely to pull something as anything in public would very much bring the host of heaven down on them.
As they entered the heart of the park, Gabriel stopped suddenly. He was suddenly hit by an odd feeling. His eyes were drawn off to the left where he spotted the one thing that was able to make him stop short.
"Enoch..." He said softly recognizing the human a bit a way from him. "What is he doing out of heaven?"
Enoch sensed Gabriel looking at him.
"Come here, Gabriel." Enoch said loud enough for Gabriel to here. As he drew near, Enoch faced him, his eyes stern, yet compassionate. Opposite of Gabriel's dark eyed intensity, that was questioning. Gabriel had to know Enoch had answers for him, Enoch thought to himself, right now Enoch had to buy some time and hoping that a curt answer would appease him or at least baffle him a bit.
"Gabriel, " he sighed, "It was only a matter of time".
He turned to Fall next to him and could she her wide eyed awe starring at the angel. She could perceive him as he was. He touched her shoulder softly as to reassure her that she was sane.
"You want answers I know," he lowered his head for a moment thinking to himself, " Soon, but now is not the time. I have an agenda to commit to. This doesn't mean your questions are without merit, or urgency, but I have my priorities."
He paused for a moment, choosing his words carefully, "Time has come for a change in the scheme of things. There are individuals here, people, that need direction. It is coming time soon for a gulf to open between worlds, I have been sent here to give it a bit of direction. I also have to find the broken ones and mend them.. This is something that Lucifer is opposed to and has under his thumb for quite some time. It is time to lift that subjugation that these broken ones suffer from for there time is now."
He turned away from the angel, took Fall by the arm and began to walk away. "Right now it is time for someone to get a hot meal and maybe a bath." He smile as he wrinkle his nose at Fall, who blushed, suddenly becoming aware of her appearance. Then, she giggled like a child brushing away the embarrassment.
She smiled at the angel, raising a hand shyly as her and Enoch walked away.
They found a hot dog vendor in the park. Fall was amazed that all Enoch had to do to get the hot dog with all the works from the vendor without spending a cent was simply by speaking a word. He winked at her as she watched.
He hoped he hadn't been to abrupt with Gabriel, he would need his help. But there was little time. He wanted to get Fall some clothes and a bath, then have her lead him to the rest of her community which he knew lived somewhere below the city in the abandon subway tunnels. It is there he would organize. These people, like Fall, who have either been outcast or ridiculed by society would now have a purpose. For too long Lucifer has kept them bound in torment with deception and lies. His minion though, the tormentors, were really no match for Enoch, but Lucifer would be another story. Lucifer was damned cunning. He also would not like his minions returning from keeping the "broken ones" from subjugation and telling him that Enoch was about on solid ground again liberating those he wanted to keep in the labyrinths of madness he had them evoke. He expected Lucifer to show up sometime and he just might need the help of Gabriel.
But Gabriel would need convincing and for convincing he would have to have answers. But he wondered if Gabriel was ready to accept the answer. But Enoch couldn't afford right now to show anything in front of Gabriel that might show weakness or doubt. That is why he hurried away. If he would have stayed there he would have tried to get answers out of Enoch that he just wasn't ready to give yet. It wasn't the time.
He was sure now though on one thing. Gabriel was now hooked and would keep watching him to see what he was up to. Enoch liked and disliked dealing with angels. They could be wondrously giving or incredibly cruel. Enoch wasn't out to be an ambassador, he was trying to gather the army so to speak. But he would have to learn to be diplomatic with the angelic hosts and he wasn't very good at deception. That is one of the reasons that he dreaded a visit from Lucifer, Lucifer would see through his plan.
He watched Fall greedily eat her hot dog and realized she must have not eaten for days. He smiled, a sad smile, mortality has its needs and to have them denied, to go without food for so long. He would have to teach them how to support themselves. Not through the conventional means either. They were going to have to learn to be self supporting which meant shelter, hygiene and food. Could he possibly lead these people who have scavenged their whole lives into a self sustaining community?
He would have to evaluate who knew what and how to best use their talents. He knew Fall came from such a community, she trusted him now and seemed to like him. He hoped he would not regret her trust. Either that or it would have been better off to leave her to her former torment.
Gabriel watched Enoch walk off with the homeless woman with a look of amazement on his face. "Did he just dismiss me?" He asked Cornelius. "He did, he just dismissed me.... damn humans, can't ever trust them to show any sort of proper meeting, not even a 'hello, Gabriel, nice to see you again, been awhile, you look good...' I always thought he and I got on well, too..."
Fall stopped. "Wait," she said.
Enoch looked at her blankly, then turned to see what she was looking at. She was looking at Gabriel intensely.
"You are going to need him," she said." I think I am supposed to tell him something."
Enoch looked at her, maybe she was seeing something he hadn't saw. "What?" asked Enoch.
"Something he needs to hear, to understand," she replied and began walking in Gabriel's direction without waiting for Enoch.
Enoch sighed, "Angels and humans", but this is the first time I have seen a human be a messenger to an angel. "The world has changed..." he muttered.
Gabriel knitted his brow as Fall started back at them. "What's she doing...?" He mumbled.
Fall approached slowly. She still had a child like look as she approached the angel.
She said softly, "You are Gabriel, aren't you. I am to tell you that if you want back into heaven, you are to be our guardian."
Enoch looked at her with puzzlement. He had not known this, some things might be left for others to reveal he mused.
Now Gabriel had a stunned look on his face. He stared at her a few moments before pulling a gun out from under his coat. He leveled up the gun and suddenly shot it, the bullet flying just inches from Fall's head, she cringed, as the bullet flew into the trees. There was a screech as a demon fell from the tree... but Gabriel's eyes never left Fall. He slid the gun back under his coat. "It was following you." He said in an unnervingly calm voice. "Be your guardian...?" He looked over at Enoch. "To get back to heaven...?"
Enoch shrugged, "Sorry Gabriel, but this is news to me as well. Perhaps there are some things that we don't know?"
Enoch was now beginning to see the seriousness of liberating the broken, they knew things that were unknown to them. God is mysterious after all.
Gabriel had a million things running through his head at the moment, so the stunned look remained on his face. "Well, I know that it can't be a simple thing to keep an eye on the lot of you." He finally said tilting his head slightly to the left. "Nothing is ever that simple..." He laughed softly. "Of course, I've never been fond of humans, what better way to put me to the test." He shook his head lightly. "Eloa should be here soon."
Eloa arrived at Catylina's house quickly, though she gently knocked on the front door, rather than just barging in on Catylina. It was Catylina who opened the door, looking a little stunned at Eloa recognizing her from the bookstore.
Eloa smiled gently. "We'd like to talk to you, I'm sure you're confused after learning what you did today." She said. "Would you mind a walk in the park?"
Catylina looked hesitant but nodded. "I need to let my aunt know." She said, Eloa nodded. "Aunt Haile..." She called up backing away from the door a moment. "I'm going to take a walk for a bit, I'll be back before dinner."
Haile's voice came from inside the house, giving her permission, and Catylina stepped outside and closed the door.
Eloa smiled. "I assure you that this won't be nearly as stressful as earlier, we just need to make sure that you understand what is going on."

It was a short walk to the park, neither of them saying much of thing, arriving at the park to see Gabriel and Cornelius with a man and a woman, humans, the woman was particularly looking dirty and rough.
Catylina felt a slight alienation from all the people that looked to stand around Gabriel. She felt nervous to even trust in them and what they had to tell her. Yet as her eyes searched the faces. Only stopping upon Cornelius's face. Something dark bothered her about him. A distrust started to form, and first instinct was the only instinct she had learned to follow through out the years. Her boots scrapped lightly against the ground of the park as they entered. 'I am crazy to for going with this woman?' She found herself thinking as she moved to shove her hands in the pockets of her faded black bellbottoms. Her outfit had changed from earlier evens. She was dressing for comfort to just hang around the house. She didn't expect to be visited and asked to the park.
Her hand moved from her pocket to check her beanie again. One thing she hadn't bothered to take off that day as she walked with the woman. Yet she felt comforted by her presents. 'Maybe it's just me.' She thought lightly as they dawned closer to the small crowd that formed.
Eloa's walked with a gently grace. Her eyes closed as the took in the fresh air around her as they entered the park. Her hands moved to her pocket as she strolled in through the entrance. She could feel the slight tension that Catylina gave off. Whether it be fear or questioning her methods of coming, she didn't ask as her eyes opened. Looking to the leaves above before lowering her head to see Gabriel and Cornelius. Her steps never really seemed to change as she bothered to take her time and enjoy the short walk.
Her eyes looked to Gabriel as he spoke her name. Drawing closer to the group as she let him speak to the man. She felt a little bothered now on the conformation of even coming to this thing. She wondered on just turning around and walking away. But her body wouldn't seem to obey her mind as she looked to the group. Her head bowed lightly to the two people.
Eloa smiled softly as she nodded her head to Enoch. She had heard about him. A divine grace he seemed to hold to be honored by God. She felt honored just to be around him. Her head nodded softly to Fall before her sights turned to Gabriel as he spoke on about Catylina. "Just remember we can't keep vexing her if its her chose to be left alone." She reminded them all lightly.
"I haven't got any intention of it, Eloa." Gabriel said perhaps a bit curtly, but not meaning to. "It is her choice in the end, just so long as she understands she's not going insane in the fact that she can see things that others can't."
To be honest, Gabriel was holding back just the slightest bit, trying not to push the girl, not jumping into things, because he was afraid she would be too frightened. Humans like her you had to be careful with, they could be hurt so easily.
Eloa nodded softly, ignoring the curtly with in his voice. She looked to Catylina and smiled softly as she looked to the faces around her.
Catylina looked to Gabriel now as he spoke of her decision. "What the hell are you even talking about?" She looked at him through curious and questioning eyes.
Gabriel sighed at Catylina's question and took a moment to sit on the back of the park bench they were standing next to.
"Well, Catylina." He finally said. "You know what we are. You can see that we're angels. Not every human can do that, most can't. You can see things... and with that, because human society doesn't really believe in heaven and hell, or at least that angels and demons can be seen, those who can see them are called crazy. They don't know what they are seeing, they don't understand that the voices whispering in their ear are demons or angels. They are told that they are insane.
"And to a degree they are." He continued. "I'll let Enoch tell you about that, he's very familiar with it. Basically though, the forces of hell want to keep people with your gift insane, fractured from society. It is nearly impossible to find people with the gift. We don't catch them until its too late. But you, you senses are wakening late, and we happened to be in the right place at the right time. You were in that bookstore earlier, the forces of hell knew you would be, and accidentally gave us a heads up. Why we asked you here is to make you aware before you lose your mind to these things. You have to understand, you'll see angels, you'll see fallen angels and demons, you'll hear us, but it's not because you're crazy, it's because you are special."
He paused for a moment hoping she was understand. "Any proof you need, we can provide it." He said. "Any questions you have, we are here to answer. Any fears, any guidance, heaven will take care of you. We won't leave you to horrors that hell wants to throw at you. If you understand what the things around are, then you can fight against the insanity that they want to bring to you."
Catylina moved lightly as she moved to sit on the ground. Eyes watching Gabriel as he started to explain why she was there and what was going on. Her arms moved behind her to prop her up as she listened. Everything seemed to hit hard as listened. Trying to take in everything being spoken. Her eyes glanced over to Enoch for a moment before back to Gabriel. "So your pretty much telling me that hell only wants to shut me up by making it look like I'm nuts?" She looked to him as she sat up now. Her head shook lightly. "How is this supposed to aid me if I get your help? I mean what good am I to you guys if I'm just getting" She was a bit hesitate on the word 'gift'. She felt a bit more comfort with the knowledge that was sinking slowly in to her mind. Her hand moved lightly, raising up to make sure her beanie was alright before letting fall back on to her lap.
Eloa lay speechless on this one as she looked around rather amused with the park itself. Her eyes looked to Catylina as the questions were posed to them. Yet nothing left her lips.
"What good are you to us?" Gabriel echoed her question. He shrugged. "I dunno, a couple thousand years ago we'd have used you as a prophet, but there isn't much of a call for that now in days." He paused a moment. "Well, there's some creatures in the crazy world who would benefit from you, I suppose. Humans that hunt demons... but we don't expect you to do that. You don't have to do anything, just not go crazy." He sighed. "Trust me, I know what insanity is, I don't wish it on anything."
Catylina moved lightly in a rather shocked motion as he mentioned hunt demons. But relaxed slowly. "So what...back stonia I would have been a prophet?" She laughed. "Its bad enough that I can't even make a friend in my last year of high school. I doubt being a prophet would be amongst any category to get into college." She snickered out lightly as her arms crossed over her as she looked to him. She looked downwards to the ground as she played with her weight a little. Balancing on her heels and then on the toes of her feet. "So then you main purpose is from keeping me to go insane huh..." She really didn't speak much as she still seemed to let everything sink in.
Gabriel didn't seem amused by the humor Catylina found in prophets. "Well, think it through, you're tuned into to heaven, and humans don't like listening to angels." He said. "But yes, the purpose is to keep you from going insane. We can't punish you for something that is inadvertently our fault."
Catylina had then turned her attention to Enoch, and Gabriel rested his elbow on his knee, resting his chin on his hand.
"So what's your purpose for being here?" She asked looking to Enoch. A curiosity appeared in her eyes, but the tone of her voice brought on only the thought of sarcasm. She bowed her head lightly. "Sorry I didn't mean for it to sound rude." She caught herself as she bit her bottom lip to keep herself from even babbling on with anything that she wanted to say. She would rather stay quiet for the duration of the time being. She didn't want to pull herself off as being rude aside from that of curiosity. She looked to Gabriel.
"So your whole purpose is mainly to baby-sit me until I understand this...'gift'." She seemed more to be thinking out loud as she looked around again.
Gabriel spent a moment looking at her, his dark eyes seeming a bit endless in depth of thought.
"Is this some sort of cruel joke?" She asked looking around for some high school kids or some hidden camera show. Yet nothing could be found before her sights turned back to them all. "Its it." She could feel the burden of everything finally hit her now as everything sunk in.
"My purpose, little human, is far more complex than babysitting you." He said. "But at the moment, it is simply to make you understand, then I can be done with you for a time. Unless I am otherwise instructed. And no, this is not a joke. My idea of a joke usually involves someone getting blown up. As I said, any proof you may need, I can have it provided." He raised an eyebrow and a wicked smirk crossed his lips.
Eloa's eyes shot to Gabriel when he mentioned blowing up something. She moved herself a bit away from the group just to go lay on the grass. "This I'm not going to try and take part in. I'll probably get caught some how." She smirked lightly with a shake of her head.
Catylina looked at Gabriel with big eyes. "Really." It seemed a spark of interested seemed well embedded in Catylina's little eye. "You can really do that!" She nearly screamed with excitement. But contained herself. She looked around. "Could you blow up...that." She pointed to few lines of trees. Its not like the park need anymore. She looked back to him as her hand fell back to her side now. Her own smirk appearing on her lips as she felt that little evilness creep in.

Gabriel leveled his gaze to Catylina. "Not enough blood." He said. "I'll blow up you though. You'd make a lovely mess."

Cornelius had remained quiet, as is his habit when he is either unaccustomed to his circumstance or brooding. He was at the moment brooding over his unfamiliar circumstance. He had agreed to serve Gabriel only because he knew this was a way for him to discover what Heaven and Hell were so concerned about, and he knew that working alongside and angle would bring the most good for humanity. Every sacrifice he made was done with humanity in mind, even if the sacrifice caused him to fall from grace.

Cornelius was still ruminating on the girl's words to Gabriel. As he watched Gabriel explain to Catylina her situation, his mind wandered. 'Protect them Gabriel, and you can enter Heaven again . . . I wonder how long will I remain in your service, better asked as how long will you make me serve you. I admit that now I am indebted to you for out of your presence Hell would murder me horrendously, however, if you were to let me go I would not object, I would accept the inescapable, yet I would not quietly die. No I would make my stand before the murder. Still at times I think myself a fool for accepting, but this was perhaps the only way for me to escape that abominable place, and to further fight for the humans . . . perhaps in a way unconventional, certainly not with the approval of beloved God . . . I am after all the fallen angel of chaos . . . But what will become of me in the end? Through it all I refuse to submit myself to the idea of fate, I will not simply float to the end, and I have not been simply following a path prescribed for me . . . If everything were a slave to fate than what is the point of creation? Everything predestined, everything predetermined so that all living creatures are like gears in a clock, moving as they should because the must for this universe to work: thus free will is an illusion . . . No I refuse! If such things were true than I lament endlessly Catylina and those like her. Such things should not have to exist . . . God and his benevolence, God and his omnipotence . . . where is He now?'

Catylina's eyes shot wide. "Screw this." She said as she moved to turn around and walk away. She shook her head trying to make herself deny everything she just heard. And Gabriel's little comment didn't seem really warm towards her wondering tastes.

Eloa moved quickly as she looked to Gabriel and shook her head. "A little too much fun." She said softly to him as she ran lightly to catch the girl.

Gabriel looked confused by Catylina's outburst and Eloa's warning he had gone too far. "You people are all nuts and I'm probably in some insane asylum already." Catylina yelled out loud before stopping and turning back and stomping over to Gabriel.

"Well, I'm not about to blow up a perfectly good tree..." He mumbled as he watched Catylina come back angrily.

"Look. Don't screw with me! I've already had too many things to deal with in life!" Catylina could feel everything crush on her once everything sunk in. Firm and fit it seemed to stay so vibrantly present in her mind as she felt her legs go form under her. She felt her knees slam against the ground as her mind just drifted around the words. "What of my aunt?" She asked in a soft whisper finally.

She stopped as the girl turned sharply and marched herself over to Gabriel. 'Everything just hit.' She could see now as she watched the girl start mouthing off before falling to the ground. Eloa moved quickly as she moved behind Catylina. Placing her hands upon the girl who seemed to only take everything in and finally accept it. Her eyes shot a serious look to Gabriel before looking to the human child. As for her aunt, Eloa couldn't answer well but only with honesty. "We'll do our best to keep you and her safe." She spoke softly.

Gabriel let out an exasperated sigh as he watched the girl drop to the ground, obviously weighted down by all that he had told her. "I'm not screwing with you, why is it that you humans find it so hard to just accept?" He asked in his unnervingly calm voice. He tried hard to ignore Eloa's stern glare, but was finding her disapproval awfully hard to deal with. "I just don't understand humans..." He mumbled. "I can't just blow up trees... they're perfectly good trees..." Frustration was showing in his eyes now, he just couldn't understand what Catylina's problem was.

Eloa's eyes turned to the girl as tears slowly came from her dark eyes. Set and ready to break past in rage, yet she watched the girl hold back as she listened to Gabriel. Eloa moved slowly situating herself next to the girl on the ground. Her arms wrapped around her as she closed her own eyes to sooth the girl.

Catylina's eyes lowered to the ground. Her eyes finally raised up. She felt lost in a dream for a moment as she looked to him. "Be cause we rationalize everything. Try and find a reason behind it. We don't understand what's going on. We fear what we don't understand and usually, out of pure nature, destroy it." She answered his question simply. As if that explained it everything. At least that what she believed in. She really didn't understand what lay around her and why humans did the things they did. Except by basic choice. A bit existentialistic, but she saw it as being that. It was your choice and from that different paths always opened. But a routine was always maintained. She could only stay in Eloa's arms a few more minutes as she finally pushed away. Instinct habit, when things got hard she masked her feelings. Had to after her parents died. She forced herself to grown up that day, but her aunt seemed to fight for her childhood when there was nothing to fight for anymore. She moved only lightly away from Eloa as she sat on the ground still.

Cornelius watch as the girl crumbled to her knees. His chest throbbed at the sight of her sudden frailty. 'She's too young, I think this unbearable even for the mature, but her . . . too young.'

"Unfortunately," his voice broke from his throat full of restrained pain, "sacrifices must be made, and sometimes those sacrifices are choices we are pressured to make . . ."
'sacrifices,' he thought, 'which should not be . . .'
"And unfortunately I am the last the last person you want to hear that from, but I reassure you that you are now in good hands, and I shall leave you to them, for I can only bring more pain . . ." Cornelius turned abruptly and walked a short distance with his back to the group. Ridged, he exuded a dark brooding, even more volatile then it was before.

"Cornelius. I didn't dismiss you." Gabriel said firmly as Cornelius walked away.

Eyes raised up to the face that seemed to stay silent all this time. Catylina listened to the restrain in his voice. Whether from some sort of emotional breakage or holding back a rude comment. She just listened. 'Sacrifices.' She repeated the word over and over in her thoughts. Twisting it and turning it but the answer always came the same. That hit her hard as well. She wouldn't really know what to do if she did lose her aunt. She closed her eyes as her head lowered. "I accept." Was all that left her lips after the small tension she brought up. It was the only thing she could do. Maybe this choice would better her life. Hopeful this opened new paths in her line of sight.

Eloa moved gently away as the girl pulled away. A soft nodded to the head came as she moved slowly to get up. A soft bite of her bottom lip came as a hint of pain came from her leg. But she let it be as she looked to Cornelius as he spoke. He spoke the truth that was for sure. She moved to place her hands in her pockets as she heard Gabriel call him back.

"Master I will not stray far, in fact this is as far as I'll stray," Cornelius pointed at the ground where he stood. "I humbly suggest that you attend to the girl for she certainly has much to deal with at the moment and your support would be most appreciated. As for me I am visibly vex and trying to contain my current emotions so that I do not interfere with this process, however, if you wish to confront me I also humbly suggest that we confront later."

Gabriel was quiet as he listened to Catylina's explanation on why humans couldn't just accept. It didn't make any sense to him at all. Empathy was certainly not in his personality. To him there was no other choice, he always accepted with out question. 'You did this on purpose, didn't you, Michael?' He thought. 'This is just yet another punishment, making me deal with human emotions when you know I hate it.'
He had nothing he could say to Catylina though. On the other hand, Cornelius he did. "Cornelius, no one leaves my presence until I dismiss them, especially you." He said. "You don't run away from difficult situations, and you certainly do not run away from me. Not if you want to live, if hell doesn't get you, I will."

Infuriated, Cornelius whirled around glaring at Gabriel. 'This is absurd,' he thought, 'do you not realize what this child needs?' Staring at Gabriel, the fires burning away at Cornelius. 'You don't . . .'

Sadness swelled within Cornelius, but only his eyes expressed the pain he felt. Lowering his head he closed his eyes momentarily. Slowly he walked towards Catylina. He gripped his chest tightly, trying to thwart the throbbing pain. Kneeling before her he breathed heavily before speaking.

18:56:35 Aug 23rd 09 - Lady Astoria:

"My presence may be threatening to you because of what I am, Catylina, but you have no need to fear me. Cry no more," he reached out a tentative hand, which hovered in the air before settling on her shoulder. "Cry no more. You are strong. I can see it in you. Yes in life we must make sacrifices, but from those sacrifices we gain strength. There is strength in vulnerability, and it is at those moments of sacrifice that we are most vulnerable. We can only be strong in vulnerability if we do not succumb to the overbearing suffering suffocating us all, we must sacrifice what must be sacrificed and press on. It is of course up to you. You choose what you must sacrifice, you have that ability. Know that . . ." Cornelius paused as he struggled with the words he was about to say, "heaven smiles upon you."
Catylina's eyes looked directly up to Cornelius as he grabbed her by the shoulders. Telling her not to cry and that his presence seemed as a threat. Yet for some reason with the aura she saw around him, she believed him truly. At least he was blunt and rash in his actions as he spoke to her of strength and vulnerability. And of sacrifice. The one word hit hard. She really couldn't handle if she lost her aunt. Especially if she was the one caught in the cross fire of this war. He seemed to pause from a bit. Before moving on. She believe in heaven and hell. But she believed that all human beings were just some pawns in a chess game. Making mores with in the world that God and Satan decided on. The words hit her hard with pure shock as she finally felt the tears roll down her cheeks. Retracting his hand he stood and turned. Walking past Gabriel he said softly, "I need some time alone . . ." Stopping in his tracks he looked into Gabriel's eyes, " please, just some time alone. I promise I won't be far, and you know there is no way I can run away."

Gabriel watched as Cornelius whirled around, then glaring at him. Half a smirk came across his lips, not out of spite, but it could certainly be construed that way. It was satisfaction in himself, that Cornelius had listened. He said nothing, though, just watched as Cornelius' anger to sadness. It always surprised him how other angels could feel so much emotion for others. He had often been standing behind Raphael, watching him as he cared for humans, being shooed away because he was just such an ominous presence. Raphael would always tease him afterwards about being such a dark shadow over him.
He roused himself out of his memories as Cornelius stood and walked over to him and asked him for some time alone. The two spent a moment staring at each other.

Watching him stand and turn away as Catylina closed her eyes at the tears came uncontrollable. She already accepted her fate. It was the worry of hope and strength that she feared to lose. She could feel Eloa's arms wrap around her again. Even when she pushed her away, the angel came back with such a gentle touch that Catylina could find her arms around the angel's as she cried. She found the ability and comfort to cry with in Eloa's arms as she released everything. She knew that the release would only case her in to a deep sleep later, but right now nothing really mattered.
"Hell knows now." He said softly. "They're here, just out of sight." He had a tendency to actually let Cornelius have his time, it was something that he did understand. "I'm not worried about you trying to get away from me, you know I could hunt you down easily. I just don't trust you." He paused, the anger still showing in Cornelius' eyes. He sighed. "Go..." He finally said. "Don't go far." His voice was strained with anger though, he was not happy. There was too much going on with all this, the last thing he wanted was Cornelius' attitude.
He looked back at Eloa and Catylina. What the hell was he supposed to do with a girl on the verge of crying?

Cornelius walked towards a park bench, not far from the group but far enough for his own privacy. He sat on the cold hard wood of the bench. For a moment he stared at his shoes on the white sidewalk. His chaotic emotions were on the verge of breaking through that calm mask he continuously struggled to control.
"I'm too emotional . . . I can't keep doing this . . . to empathetic . . . I'm killing myself," he brought his hands up to his face to hide pain breaking through his clam mask. "At the same time you know the answers to all the questions you ask, you fight them and don't know them . . . you're a fool Cornelius, you're a fool. The world is full of suffering so I revolt . . ." Cornelius sighed, ghostly tears pooled at the corners of his eyes. "I was bound to fall, perhaps when and how was my choice but I was bound to fall . . . you are the angel of chaos, the perpetuator of discord and anarchy . . . ironic that under the order of heaven I revolt because it is through chaos that I want to save humanity. Trapped by the suffering of life they cannot break free . . . I cannot break free . . ." Fires shot through Cornelius' heart, anger twisted his features, "I will not succumb to the darkness of this universe, I will not implode upon myself screaming 'woe is me!' I revolt because that is the only way to make good of what is wrong."

Gabriel watched as Cornelius went over and sat himself on the bench not too far. He could tell Cornelius was letting his emotions begin to overcome him. He looked back at Catylina, tears rolling down her face, then back to Cornelius, who was on the verge of tears. He stared at Cornelius for a bit.
"I don't get it..." He said softly. So much emotion just confused him. He always just destroyed something when he felt emotional and was done with it. He sighed.

Eloa's eyes looked to the confrontation that seemed to arise from the ashes of emotions. Gabriel really didn't seem to understand the emotions that lay forming in the air around them. And Cornelius was becoming too overwhelmed with his own emotions that a from of self pain for the girl seemed to appear in him. A situation she had not been face with before. She was at a lost for words now. Even the human girl seemed lost at the moment in emotions. Yet she found some sort of strength to look at Gabriel.

"For once in your life will you stop trying to understand the situation before you and look past fact that you can get over something through the use of blowing something up!" Her voice seemed to rise to a serious degree from the soft serene voice that she naturally held. She moved biting her tongue from yelling anymore at the archangel before her. Her eyes closed as her fingers clasped the bridge of her nose as she took a deep breath to relax herself. "Look...I didn't mean to get in such an uproar." She said lightly, "The only way to understand such things is to live with the emotions rather then displacing them in something else." A sigh passed her lips once her eyes opened and she set her sights upon Gabriel. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get so flustered over such a thing." She finally apologized as she felt her mind return to her and she moved to the girl who started to slowly cry. She stopped as she looked to Cornelius who walked away from the girl after telling her of great good and such. She could understand him. But the blunt truth at the moment wasn't going to help this girl through with anything.

Gabriel's eyes widened a little at Eloa's scolding. He lifted his chin from his hand, looking as if he was about to say something, but Eloa cut him off, then apologizing.
He sighed. "I..." He paused trying to find the words. "Well, I don't know how Eloa..." He looked down at the ground a moment then looked back up, watching Eloa holding Catylina.

Was he being too hard on this girl? It had always been his job to wake up her type, but that didn't mean he was good at being gentle at it.
He stood up on the park bench, jumped down, carefully walking over to Catylina. He knelt down. "Look, I'm sorry if I'm upsetting you, I'm just not very… personable." He said. He looked over at Eloa. "There's more I have to do, though. I need to open your eyes, err, wake up that part of you that can understand what it is you are seeing and feeling. It will be a lot less frightening when I do this you'll be able to understand when you come across something whether it's benign or benevolent."

Eloa looked up to Gabriel as he spoke. She could only accept the answer. Most angels really didn't understand. That was one thing she couldn't seem to understand. But the way her mind was set, was to show emotion. Why she did? She couldn't really explain in. She would find herself crying for the humans when destruction came upon them. She could see their pain. "Shhhh." She spoke gently as she rocked the girl back and forth to calm her down.

Catylina looked up to angel as he knelt down before her. It wasn't he fact he scared her or the fact of not being able to understand. But it lay with in the reason of why she was chosen. Especially with everything going on in her life. She nodded to accept his sorry as she rubbed the back of her hands to clean the still falling tears from her eyes. "Do what you must." She spoke lightly. "I've already agree to this. I don't back out once an agreement is made." She felt her voice shake a little to hold back a cry.

Gabriel nodded. "Well, before I do…" He reached for her hand and dropped a small, sliver, coin like sygil in her hand. A silver chain was run through it. "That's my sygil, a symbol of sorts, that has special properties. Done properly, an angel's sygil is a very powerful thing. It's used to call the angel that owns it." He closed her hand around it. "Should you ever find yourself in trouble, of any kind, hold it in your hand, and call me. Tell me that you are in trouble and I will be right there." He leaned in closer to her, lowering his voice. "And if you ever just need an angel to talk to, call me. If I can't come, I will send someone who can."

Catylina looked to the object that lay in hand as she felt Eloa's hands rest on her shoulders. Her eyes set on the engraving of the coin. Beautiful it appeared as she ran her thumb slowly across the design. Eyes raised up to listen to him. A sygil. 'A calling card.' She could only managed to coherently think out. Her hand seemed to hold on to the coin for dear life as she listened to him. Her eyes glanced to the chain and coin. Her eyes looked up as she heard him. A soft nod came from her. "I shall." She spoke softly.
He paused for a moment, looking at her then up to Eloa. "Since you are ready, we should get this over with." He finally said. "This won't hurt, at all, in fact it's a really wonderful experience, I'm told." She nodded and he leaned towards her, placing his hands on either side of her head, he leaned his forehead on her head. He didn't think to warn her that he was a bit cold to the touch. Angels usually were quite warm, but a few, notably he and Raphael, were cold, but even Raphael seemed warmer than Gabriel, and could be much warmer when he wanted to be.

Catylina's eyes returned to the coin as she looked to the design itself before looking to Gabriel as he spoke of this 'awakening'. She felt his cold hands on sides of her head. Feeling his forehead against hers. She wondered if she should close her eyes as well or leave them open. She sighed gently to calm herself down as she closed her eyes. A chill ran through her just from his touch. Icy it almost felt like, yet she didn't pull away.

Eloa just listened and watched. Gabriel's attitude seemed to shift a little. Or to what she guessed had shifted from the misunderstanding to a compassion. She could only move back as she gave the two space to talk. She manage to slowly back away from Catylina and Gabriel as her hands finally lifted off the girl's shoulders to let Gabriel do his thing. Her hands moved to her pockets as she watch for the time being. Her eyes raised up to look to Cornelius. She moved lightly to let the job occur as she walked over to Cornelius. "Are you alright?" She asked softly as her serene returned to her voice.

Cornelius sighed, his head hung low and his elbows braced his weight on his knees. He had composed himself when he noticed Eloa approaching him. "I am fine. Sometimes I let my emotions get the better of me, they tend to be chaotic. I have a tendency to be overly empathetic. I am too emotional, and ironically too rational."

Eloa nodded gently with a certain grace. A soft smile came to her face. "That means you hold an understanding to the humans. Not many have that. It's rare to find among any angel. Yes we care, but to show emotion seems beyond certain angels." She only spoke in slight wisdom as she looked upon him with a gently peace. She smiled to him and nodded. "Alright." She said softly understanding him.

"Sorry…" Gabriel mumbled as Catylina closed her eyes, and Gabriel did also, concentrating on her. He began searching through her mind for that spark of her gift, laying asleep in her subconscious. Not even noticing, he let his wings show, it almost seemed like the shadows behind his back, forming the huge black wings.
Finally, he found it. He woke it up with a slight mental nudge. He allowed her to see him through her mind. His inner light, the one that created his halo, was all she could see at the moment. The light that fills a humans' heart with God's peace and love. An utterly beautiful, peaceful sensation.
Carefully, he pulled back out of her mind, letting the light subside, not to quickly. Now that she had touched the light, her ability to feel and distinguish between heaven and hell.
He opened his eyes, leaning back, the feathers of his wings lightly brushing up against Catylina's hand. The movement of the feathers attracted his attention, he looked over his shoulder out of the corner of his eye. "Oops…" He said softly not realizing he had done it.

"It's...alright." She felt her mind slowly calm to the cold as she felt nothing out of the ordinary just yet. Her eyes still closed. She felt something finally after what felt like forever. She felt something. A spark of something flicker in her before she felt a light wash over her. She couldn't even began to describe what it felt like. It was amazing as he said. And warm it gave off. She could feel herself gasp softly in amazement as she felt a hint of understanding come to mind. His halo seemed powerful in light and love. She could even feel God's love and peace as her own soul seemed to fall at rest with everything that happened. As if everything made sense now. Her eyes stayed closed after he pulled back. The light slowly subsiding. But her thoughts still lingering on it. She let a soft sigh out as her eyes finally opened. She could see more of a glow in his aura after this 'awakening'. Stronger it seemed then what it was last time. Even Eloa's. Yet as she looked to Cornelius she could see his and distinguish it quite well. Her eyes looked back to him as she felt the brush of something against her hand. Black feathers appeared at her hand as she saw his wings. "They're beautiful." She spoke softly to him.

Gabriel looked away a moment and almost seemed to nearly blush, but he hid it well. "There are very few creatures in the universe that have ever said that to me." He said softly. He looked back up at her. "No one likes me much." He sighed a bit. "Are you all right?" He asked as he stood.

Looking up at Eloa, Cornelius smiled. "I am ok." He stood. Gesturing toward the group he said, "shall we?"

Her eyes looked back, Gabriel seemed done with the process as she looked to Cornelius. "Lets." She said lightly with a nodded as she turned lightly to walk back to the group.

Gabriel looked away a moment and almost seemed to nearly blush, but he hid it well. "There are very few creatures in the universe that have ever said that to me." He said softly. He looked back up at her. "No one likes me much." He sighed a bit. "Are you all right?" He asked as he stood.

Her eyes watched his movements as his head turned away. She smiled lightly as she looked to him. "I like you..." She spoke lightly out of respect. Many for the fact she had known him before birth. That he was the one she first saw before she was given to her parents. She nodded. "Yeah." She spoke lightly as her eyes looked up to Eloa that started to approach that Cornelius.

Eloa smiled only softly to the girl now knowing that the girl could see her halo. Brighter then ever just like Gabriel's.

Gabriel smiled somewhat, having a hard time taking a compliment. "Well, unfortunately, that is all that I can do for you." He said changing the subject, trying to push away the memories creeping back at him. She reminded him a bit of Uriel, and that made him miss the archangel quite a bit. He unconsciously stretched out his wings, standing on tip toes, he ran his hand through his hair. The weight really bothering him today. He wished, really wished, that Uriel was there because he was the one angel who always was able to get the right spot when his back hurt... he sighed, realized what he was doing and took a step forward, hiding his wings in the shadows again. Now was not the time to be remembering.
He looked over to Fall and Enoch.
"Better take her and get her a bath and a good meal, Enoch." He said and sighed. "I wish I could do the same for you, Fall, but unfortunately, that part of you has already been awakened, by hell. I can't take it back, but Enoch can help you overcome it."
He looked back to Eloa and Cornelius. "We should get Catylina home, if she needs to..." He rubbed his eyes a moment trying to ignore the tension in back. "Shit... I need to go ethereal for awhile one of these days..." He mumbled. "Stupid wings are just too heavy."

Catylina nodded softly. From the experience, her tears stopped falling. Her face now stained from the running black eyeliner that she would clean up later. She moved lightly as she watched him in pure amazement. She was still feeling the awe that seemed to refuse to leave her now. Her eyes watched as he started to float a little from the ground with the aid of his wings.

Eloa's eyes looked to Gabriel as her hands rested in her pockets. A nod came to the suggestion he offered. "I'll take her back if you wish of it. Let her get some rest and such. She'll need it for things to come." She spoke softly as she looked to the girl with a soft smile.

Gabriel nodded a bit. "Before you do... Catylina, Valefar was the one who killed your parents, yeah? There's nothing that I can do to change that, however, I do want you to know, even though he would eventually get his in the end, I will make sure that he is brought up for what he did." Gabriel said. "As soon as possible."

"Yeah." Catylina nodded softly. She listened to Gabriel as she watched him. "Please do." She said softly.

Gabriel paused for a moment, then began again, his voice low and soft. "And I know you miss them, but your parents are in heaven, if that's any comfort to you."

She moved to slowly get up as he lowered his voice. She felt a smile fall upon her features. An actual smile that was hers. Not some smile she faked. "Thank you." She spoke the words softly back to him. She could feel a warm incentive when he spoke of them in heaven. That made her even more comfortable in the fact that they weren't in hell.
He smiled a bit, reached over and took her hand, pulling her gently closer to him.

She finally rose up as he smiled at her. Feel her hand rest in his as he pulled her closer.

"See that squirrel over there?" He asked in a whisper, pointing to a squirrel about 50 feet away

. She nodded lightly like an aimless child.

"This is just for you..." The squirrel looked up at them a moment, then suddenly exploded. He bit his lip trying not to smile. "See, I'm not totally uncaring."

Nearly jumping as the watched the squirrel explode. She looked to him and shook her head before a smile seemed to befall her lips.

Eloa looked go Gabriel. "Gabriel!" She let out and shock her head. A smirk lay upon her lips as she looked at the now shredded animal. She rolled her eyes lightly and laugh. "Alright then. Lets get you home Catylina." She spoke softly as she moved to take over Gabriel's place in getting her home. "Unless you want to come with, Gabriel." She offered him lightly as she slowly started walking down the pathway to get out of the park.

Gabriel looked at Eloa as she scolded him like a child caught misbehaving. "It's just a squirrel..." He mumbled as she offered him the oppertunity to join them in taking Catylina home. He seemed to weigh over her offer for a moment, thinking it would probably be best since hell now knew it was Catylina they were really after. He looked up at the darkening sky as dusk was falling, then over at Eloa and Catylina as they began down the path. He was still a bit uncomfortable, fearing that more emotion was going to happen. "I suppose..." He answered. "So long as I don't get yelled at anymore..."

Eloa turned around as she walked backwards. Finally hearing Gabriel's answer. A nod came from her. "Deal, then. Come on.'' She nodded her head lightly as she turned back around to walk with Catylina. "You'll learn to get use to the blowing up thing." She said lightly with a smirk.

Gabriel waved at Cornelius to follow and started into motion, slowly catching up to Eloa and Catylina. "Blowing things up is very therapeutic..." He remarked hearing Eloa's comment. "Besides, I can either resurrect or replace what ever it happens to be that I exploded." He chewed on his lower lip a moment. "Except for trees."

Catylina only nodded lightly as she looked over her shoulders before walking down the path again. A yawn passed her lips as the want of fatigue and slumber eluded her mind from all thoughts. Especially after the day she seemed to have. Her hand pulled her beanie off for a moment to brush back her hair a little before putting it back on as she walked on home.

02:57:08 Aug 24th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:


03:48:59 Aug 25th 09 - Lady Astoria:

Chapter Seven: Eine Kleine Nachtmuzik

When they arrived at Catylina's house, before letting her go inside, Gabriel gently turned her to face him. "Remember, Catylina, always keep my sygil on you, don't ever go anywhere without it, never let it be far from you." He said. "And don't ever hesitate to use it. No matter what, that's why I gave it to you. There is never a time when it when I'm not too busy to answer you, no matter how minor it may seem."

Cornelius watched somberly as Gabriel spoke to the girl. 'Such responsibilities should not have to be placed on to chosen humans, but such is life . . . there are so many torments humans should not have to endure, but such is life. What is life without suffering, what is freewill without consequence?'

As soon as Catylina was left to rest, to be in thought of such responsibilities, Eloa only worried for the girl's safety. Her eyes seemed to watch Gabriel as he spoke to the girl once more who only accepted what he spoke of before leaving them all. A smile left her lips as a nod goodnight followed her features.

Gabriel turned as Catylina closed the door, looking back to Cornelius and Eloa. "Well... so what do we do now?" He asked. "Michael didn't say we had to baby-sit Catylina." He looked around. "We can't just stand out here... come on..." He started off down the street, not heading anywhere in particular.

Eloa seemed to only follow the two angels almost aimlessly as she walked with them. Her eyes just glancing around the area that surrounded her.

Cornelius followed Gabriel. "I don't trust you, but I guess I have a choice in this matter," he mumbled. "You get us in some absurd situation and I'll torment you with annoying comments."

Gabriel stopped dead in his tracks and turned to Cornelius. He knitted his brows. "What is that supposed to mean?" He asked. "I'm an angel, I can't get into absurd situations.... oh, wait, well there was that one time... oh forget I said anything!"

"If we don't end up going somewhere now instead of walking aimlessly I'm going to torment you with annoying comments anyway . . ." Cornelius sighed off handedly. He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked up to the sky carelessly. Lagging only slightly behind Gabriel, he walked nonchalantly. "So please if were going to just meander aimlessly I'd like to know now so that I can prepare myself and all the annoying comments I'm about to say."

Eloa looked to the two as they talked with each other. Her eyes watched and her ears listened as she only heard their comments.

Gabriel sighed. "You are sooo lucky you're bound to me, otherwise, you'd be burning in the pits of hell right now." He grumbled. He spotted a small club shortly ahead. "How about there?" He asked a bit sarcastically. "We can watch the humans making fools of themselves."

Eloa eyes looked forward to the club ahead. A small shrug followed her relaxed shoulders. "I don't really care." She spoke lightly.

Cornelius' eyes shot open wide. "Go there . . . give me a moment . . . where the nearest . . . oh fuck it . . ." Cornelius said excitedly before he ran off into the alley. A few moments passed before Cornelius emerged from the shadows.
A soft and sensuous voice floated over to Gabriel, "Call me Kate." A beautiful woman winked at Gabriel. Cornelia wore tight high-healed black leather boots, covering most of her calf. Loose buckles wrapped around the boots. A tight short black silk dress wrapped around Cornelia's thighs leaving long slender legs revealed. She wore a tight red long sleeved shirt, which revealed some cleavage. Her long black hair flowed past her shoulders.
"Ready," Cornelia smiled.

Gabriel looked at Cornelia. "I said watch the humans make fools of themselves, not you make a fool of yourself..." He said with a smirk. "I take it you like clubbing?"

"Maybe," Cornelia smiled. "I just like to play with human's temptations, you know teach them a lesson, and what better way to play with human's temptations in a club than be a woman," Cornelia winked. "Shall we?"

Eloa's eyes looked to Cornelius as he took off. Only slowly returning as a woman. She laughed. "Lovely look Cornelia." She said softly in compliment. She looked to her own clothes. "Maybe I should change a little. This doesn't really seem to fit the scene." She looked down to her clothes and up to the rest of the peoples that lay with in the line to get in. "One second." She said lightly as she only followed Cornelia's example of going and making a few alterations to her appearance. Returning only seconds later in something a bit more cleaner. A pair of baggy black jeans and black t-shirt that seemed to fit a little loose on her fragile form. A pair of combat boots scraping lightly against the ground. Her fingers slowly running through her curls lightly. She felt comfortable now. She smiled and nodded. Ready to go. "I'm ready." She said lightly after Cornelia.

Gabriel sighed and as they walked towards the club. "You are such a fallen angel." He said just before he pushed open the door to the club. "You want to tempt them, and I want to save them from temptation."

"Who says I'm not saving them," Cornelia mumbled over Gabriel's last comment.

They stepped into the club, a short dimly lit hall, only about 5 feet long, opened into a small room where a bouncer sat on a high stool, a podium next to him, barely able to be seen under the dim light. Two girls were there, the bouncer was finishing studying their IDs under a small, dim desk lamp on the podium. Both girls seemed to have a flirty air as the bouncer let them pass. Gabriel didn't stop as he approached, the bouncer quickly standing as they neared him.
"$10 cover..." He said. "And I'll need your IDs."

Gabriel stopped abruptly, and did a half turn to face the bouncer. He looked old enough not to be carded, but he realized both Cornelia and Eloa looked too young. "They are of age to enter, John." He said firmly and turned back around.
"Yeah... $10 cover though." The bouncer said accepting Gabriel's statement without even realizing he was.
Gabriel slowly turned his head to look at the bouncer. He looked at him through half opened eyes a moment. "I don't pay a cover." He said lowly.

She looked to the bouncer as she walked in with Gabriel. "You do know that this is my first time doing something like this?" She asked lightly looking to him. Before looking over her shoulder back to the bouncer.

he bouncer took a step back unconsciously and Gabriel continued to the doors that separated the club from the lobby. He pushed open the doors, the thudding beat of the music increased from a low dull thud to full force. Lights flashed and strobbed in the dark club, making wild patterns around the enormous room. A long bar stretched to the right, the mirrors behind the bar reflecting the blitz of lights, a low light from under the bar cast a haunting glow over the two bartenders with shocking punk hair cuts, dyed red and blue respectively.
As early as it was, the club was already packed, being a Saturday night. Bodies packed the floor in front of the DJ booth along the farthest wall, writhing and twisting in time with the heavy 'thud thud thud' of the music. Flashes of color peeked out from glow sticks and the glint of jewelry and piercing from the erratic light show. To the left was a series of table, some high, some low, with couches behind them. Couples were clustered around the slight electric glow of the fake candles on the tables and a considerable amount of 'making out' was taking place on the couches.
Gabriel raised his eyebrows. "It's like the old days in hell..." He remarked. "Back when it was still fun." A half smile appeared and quickly disappeared from his lips.

Eloa felt whirled in to a crowd of people as her eyes gazed out to the sea of faces that lay with in the club enjoying themselves. Twisting and writhing in dancing as the music droned around them. Everything looked nearly chaotic to her eyes as everything spun around her. She felt nearly lost in the flash of lights and shift of shadows and colors that feel across her vision. Everything was making her dizzy. She really couldn't understand the purpose of human enjoyment but made no complainants as she walked close to Gabriel so she wouldn't get lost.

She felt the shot of faint light as they came to a new part of the club. "Ummm." Was all that passed her lips as she looked around. She really felt lost in such a place. She was naturally use to parties of weddings or some sort of welcoming of a child in to their faith. But now, she stood hear in a club. She had been in a Speak Easy, but that was nothing like what she just entered now. That held a more calm collective strain to it. But then again that was the era of Prohibition. An era where alcohol was illegal. And era when it had to be smuggled it. But even then she never drank. Never tasted alcohol. But she could remember the taste of homemade wine. That strong taste it gave off naturally from its own juices. But that was long ago. Now, she really didn't want to try the alcohol. Her eyes glancing around to the couples that lay in the section. To the groups of friends that hung out for a good time. And her eyes caught sight of someone watching her.

Gabriel turned to look at Eloa, who seemed overwhelmed by the club. He leaned closer to her and gently took her hand. "I'd forgotten it had been a long time since you've seen human civilization." He said. "Don't worry, even if we get separated, I'll be keeping an eye on you."
He looked over to Cornelia and then back to Eloa. "First, let's get something to drink, I hope they have a good a bar... nothing worse than a club with bad drinks."

As she loved clubs and dancing, Cornelia (and for that matter Cornelius) was extremely introverted and such chaotic social collisions had the possibility of triggering a terrible anxiety attack. However, over the years Cornelia had been able to block out most of the chaos for a limited amount of time before getting that social lubricant needed to mix and mingle, alcohol.
Eloa looked to Gabriel as he turned back to look to her. She could feel his hand in hers. A felt of security seemed to be present as she felt his hand. Yet still fear was there from all the people and all the activities going on. A nod came from her. "All right." She said lightly with a soft smile. She laughed gently at his comment.

Gabriel lead Eloa over to the bar, pushing his way through the half drunken human obstacles. None of them seemed to care they were being pushed aside, too drunk and wrapped up in the action around them.

Cornelia sauntered toward the bar tender. Her heals clicked even over the loud music. Her hips swayed purposely back and forth. She knew the effect she was having on the lonely men in the club and she reveled in their gawking.

Following him to the bar as he still held her hand, Eloa moved beside him as she looked.

Gabriel caught a bartender's attention quickly. When asked what he wanted, he mulled it over a moment. "I shouldn't..." He said. "But I will. A gin and tonic." He told the bartender. He looked over to Eloa who he was still holding on to. "Eloa? What will you have?"

"Ummm..." Eloa really didn't know what to order. "I really don't know what to order." She looked over to him. Finding something she did recognized. "Ummm. Surprise me." She said lightly looking over the bar. Nothing she could really name off the top of her head.

Gabriel smiled a bit at Eloa. "CORNELIA!" He yelled over the noise. "What do you want?" He turned back to the bartender without waiting for an answer from Cornelia. "Get the tart whatever she wants, and for our little angel here... let's see...." He thought it over. "Ahh a rum and coke."

He waited to a moment until the bartender set the drinks on the bar, then the bartender wandered off to Cornelia.

"I know exactly what this occasion calls for," she said to the bar tender with a sweet smile on her lips. "Three shots of vodka and red bull." The bartender went to work and handed her the glass. Then the bartender went to the next customer after Cornelia, without even asking for Gabriel to pay.

Gabriel handed Eloa's hers and picked up his own.

She looked to him wondering for a second, only now remember the smell of rum, next to the hard core whiskey that was served back in the day. She smiled and nodded. "Thank you Gabriel." She said lightly.

He finally let go of Eloa's hand then pushed them back through the crowd away from the bar to one of the empty tables.
Her hand took the cup from his and nodded. A little nervous of what effect the drink might have on her. But she took a chance as she took a sip. The warmth of the rum seemed comforting to her. She walked with him back through the crowd. Moving around people as her eyes finally adjusted to the lights and the dark scene the club carried. She moved her hand to her pocket as she took a drink of the deluded drink. It wasn't strong, but it was strong enough that a slow buzz started to from. Yet no notice was taken as she moved to take at one of the tables. A laugh passed her lips.

Cornelia downed the drink in no time. The vodka gave her that lovely buzz and the red bull filled with vibrant energy.
She slammed the glass down and then turned abruptly. She walked to the middle of the dance floor and let the music flow through her body. Her hips twist and swiveled. Her arms traveled down the length of her body. She laughed, her eyes closed. She knew the effect she had on all those lonely men.

Gabriel took a hesitant sip of the drink, smiled, and then took a more hearty sip. "They have good drinks... the good gin, not the cheap stuff." He said. "Makes all the difference in the world."

"Well if it comes from you, then I'll believe this is a good place." She smiled gently as she looked up at him. She took another sip of the rum mixed coke.

"Eloa... I need to do something for me..." Gabriel said and took another long sip from his drink. "Gin is one of the two things in this universe that can get me drunk, so don't let me drink too much."

Eloa's eyes raised up to Gabriel as he spoke. "Sure." She listened in slowly on what Gabriel spoke off. "I'll try. Just don't get me to drunk. This is my first time drinking anything modern beyond old fashion wine." She said lightly looking to him.
He watched Eloa for a moment, turned his attention to Cornelia for just a second to make sure she wasn't getting into trouble, looked back at Eloa. She was being awfully hesitant with her drink. He downed the rest of his and smirked a bit, finding it entertaining that Eloa was a bit at a loss in this place.

"More angels need to get out of heaven more." He remarked.

Eloa watched him down his own drink in a couple of seconds flat. She laughed. "Well I'm not given a choice on if I get to come down or not. I'm only sent down for specific reasons. Nothing more, nothing less. So to visit would be nice. But for some reason He doesn't want me down her that much unless I'm assigned to." She said with a shrug. Raising the glass to her lips she took a drink this time then the cautious sip to quench a light thirst as she looked to him.

Gabriel felt the gin hit him, it was a lovely feeling, as his headache that he'd been nursing for the past few years seemed to drift away with the buzz of the alcohol. He closed his eyes just a moment, opening them and fixing his eyes on Eloa. "How about this, when I'm back in heaven, I'll sneak you out every now and again." He laughed. "To be honest, He can never say no to me." A devilish grin took over his lips a moment as he lightly bit on the tip of his tongue, his lips parting just a little bit as he bit down, almost as if trying to prevent himself from saying something. The buzz was hitting him stronger now.

Eloa's eyes glanced around the club. Much had changed, very much. She was use to jazzy. The easy mix of music. The sweet beat of a singing voice, or the fast rhythm that always took the lead in the dances that were performed back then. Looking now, seeing the way the women danced against the men. She found it rather different. But yet certain moves the pulled were only taken from other dance styles in the past eras. She could only smile and shake her head. Her eyes looked up to Gabriel as he started to speak again. She laughed. "Maybe I will." She said shrugging lightly with a bit of a laugh. She let her eye linger a little longer before turning her head away. She could feel the light effective spin on it. Yet she never stopped drinking. She brought the cup up to her lips as she took a drink now. Leaving only a little more to go in the cup.

"Did you know the first time I ever manifested a human form was in Babylon?" He asked suddenly and randomly changing the topic. "I loved that city. Oh it was so much fun back in the day. I used to sit on the roof tops and just listen to the music for days..."

Her eyes glanced up again to Gabriel. "Really?" She asked lightly. Such a sudden change in topic, she could only guess the alcohol was doing its work on the fellow angel. She nodded softly. "Sounds wonderful." She said smiling.

Gabriel nodded. "It's why I always look a little bit middle eastern." He said. "Some angels have that problem, you know. The first place we manifest we seem to always resemble a bit of the culture. Some angels can blend in with anyone, some can't. Not that I mind." He paused and laughed a bit realizing he was starting to ramble a bit.

"I've heard of such a thing. I do agree with it was well. The culture never really seems to leave one's spirit of manifestation." She said lightly on the topic at hand. She wouldn't question in it. With in her angel form her skin was fair but yet held a golden glow that she couldn't even explain. She remembered being sent on her first assignment to earth. That dealt with Constantine. Someone she had to show the way. Though she didn't understand why when he was reconfiguring the word of God to fit his way. Yet she mixed well among the culture. Her dark hair and eyes never seemed to make her seem apart. Especially her style.

Gabriel's attention turned away from Eloa for a moment as Cornelia made her way to the dance floor, grabbing the attention of all the men. He shook his head at the show she was putting on. He hoped Cornelia wouldn't garner the wrong type of attention, he really didn't want to have to put a stop to anything right now... let alone pulling away drunk young men.

Eloa's attention only followed Gabriel's to Cornelia who lay dancing on the floor alone, but within the crowd. Her eyes glanced to the faces that watched her. She shook her head gently. That caused it to spin more. She bit her lip only finishing off the drink finally.
Gabriel turned his attention back to Eloa and his now empty glass on the table.

Eloa's eyes looked up to Gabriel who seemed to bring his attention back to her. She looked around a moment the back at him. "What?" Her eyes seemed to get a little wide as she looked to him then around again. Apparent that the alcohol had finally kicked hard in her system.

He looked at his empty glass and her empty glass as the music faded and segued into a slower song. The music was a bit slower, but still not a slow song... it was U2'sw "Mysterious Ways". He found it an odd song for this club, especially since that song had long lost its popularity, but it was a song that just screamed to be danced to. "Let's dance." He said to her with a little smile. He stepped back a step from the table, keeping his eyes on her.

Her eyes nearly shot back to him as he didn't ask her, he told her to go dance. It was open for interpretation. But she was shocked to be asked by Gabriel. She really didn't know how to answer that. Only a simple nod came from her features. The curls bouncing a little as she looked to Gabriel. She only then realized her delayed reaction to the answer in words. "Ummm. Sure." Was all that could follow after that physical action. She moved lightly raising up as she looked to the dance floor then to him.

Eloa's odd reaction to his offer confused Gabriel a bit. She looked awfully hesitant. Realizing she must have taken it as almost an order, he smiled a bit . He'd often been told even his questions and requests sounded like orders, but was never able to correct that part of his personality. "Well, if you aren't comfortable with it, then we shan't." He said.

A smirk fell across her lips. "Come on. Your giving me a crash course in this culture." She said rather rashly. Her hand taking hold of his has she lead him down to the dance floor. She was becoming a little bold from what she natural was. But that didn't seem to bother Eloa much as she weaved around people to get to the floor. "Its been a while. Like I said. So sorry if I'm rusty." She smiled laughing as she looked around at the people at the floor. Looking for a spot in the crowd.

Gabriel couldn't help but laugh in appreciation of Eloa's new found boldness, he allowed her to lead him on to the dance floor. Once she had found a clear spot, he let go of her hand. "So, you need a crash course, yeah? Well, I guess you're getting it." He said. "Now, just relax, let the music move you. Dancing now in days is more about feeling the music than keeping time with it."

A nod of acceptance only came from Eloa's features as she moved to a spot that appeared vacant. She felt his hand release from hers. Her eyes looked back as she turned around. "Alright I'm ready then." She nodded lightly.

He carefully put his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. "Just feel the music, don't try to fight against it, since there really are no longer any 'dance steps', just let the music and your partner guide you." He said softly in her ear.

She breathed out lightly as he spoke of relaxation. A nod came in understanding to what he spoke of. "Alright." She spoke as she felt Gabriel's arms around her waist. It was different alright, but she accepted the gesture and relaxed herself in his arms to keep herself calm. Her own hands really didn't know where to go then to lace around his neck. It seems similar to how they did it back in the 20's. The only thing that changed was where the hands were laid to rest now.

A bite came to her bottom lip as she heard his words loud and clear in her ear. A light nod followed as she just closed her eyes to let the music over take her. Her body slowly moving to the rhythm that played.

A look of concern showed in Gabriel's eyes when Eloa bit her lip. "Too close?" He whispered in her ear. "You seem a bit apprehensive..."

"Its just the arm position. I'm not use to it." A soft laugh passed her lips to his ear as spoke. "Don't worry about it. Its just new is all. I asked for the crash course remember?" She laughed gently again. A smile falling upon Eloa's features now as she felt the slow warmth of the alcohol buss. The rum may have been mixed with coke, bit it still had its effects. She closed her eyes again as she felt the music take over her mind. She felt herself slowly get lost in the music as they danced.

"Good..." He said softly as he let himself fall into pace with the feel of the music, hips and shoulders moving together in time, harmoniously with Eloa as she was moving with the feel of the music just as he was. "You're doing quite well with it."
The speed of the music was fast enough to keep energetic, slow enough to make it hypnotic. He had a very good sense of rhythm, making it all the more fluid as the music passed through his motions.
He had always been glad for dancing having to progressed out of the stiff, formalness of centuries past and gotten back to it's old roots, as an expression of the music through motion, meant to entice, seduce and celebrate. Maybe it was because of having spent so much time in Babylon, often considered a sinful city, but his dancing always took the form of something higher than just movement in space.

She could barely hear his words as she moved to the music. Her mind enveloped with in the beat that droned over the crowd. Her eyes remained closed as she danced with him. Feeling him keep at an equal rhythm with her. She was still learning to let go. She had done it before. But long ago it seemed. Nearly ages looking to this era now. But the 20's held a good beat. That she would confess to. Faster movements, swings, and just the speed of it all seemed to thrill her to the least. It would get her laughing and enjoying herself all the more. She was considered a rather good flapper in those times. She was light in weight to what many men told her. She could only laugh it off as the compliment was accepted.

Now here she lay dancing with Gabriel. Finally her body seemed to relax full in his arms as she let the music control her now. Following Gabriel's movements as well with out the need of looking. But she felt a rush fall over her. Different from the adrenaline she would receive from fast spins and throws in the air. Her eyes finally open. She felt the alcohol only mix with the new thrill that filled her. Her eyes slide close again.

Gabriel smiled picking up on the emotions from Eloa. Now that she had fully relaxed the movements seemed all the more natural. Angels, and this went for any of them, could be so stiff at times since emotions were a bit troublesome and cutting loose was a foreign concept to them. Their lives revolved around such a rigid adherence to formality of ritual it was difficult to be loose and free with things even as simple as dancing. Dancing worked for Gabriel, he never had a problem with it, but parties and occasions where he had to laugh and be a conversationalist, he could never relax and loosen up enough. His social skills lacked unless there was music and rhythm involved.
He watched her as she opened, then slowly closed her eyes, loosing herself in euphoria. He pulled in closer to her, but not too close as he was nearly a foot taller than her and she'd have her face stuck right into his chest, restricting her movement, his height over her was the only thing making the situation awkward. His eyes were half closed as he noticed how she smelled, like lavender mingling with her warmth, reminding him of when they were in Chloe's store earlier that morning. His mind floated back to when he had kissed her on the cheek, he remember the scent of lavender from that moment when he was face to face with her. Now the warmth, the scent of lavender mingling with his own natural scent of sandalwood, relaxed his mind even further with the aid of the gin. Unconsciously, he moved his left hand up to the back of her head, holding her lightly. He allowed himself to breath in deeply, leaning in even a bit more, picking up even more of her smell, her face turned up towards him, he suddenly found his lips on hers, gently kissing her, caught up in the motion of the dance, bringing up passions that even he had forgotten about.

03:49:25 Aug 25th 09 - Lady Astoria:

She didn't seem to notice Gabriel's hand come to rest behind her head, her mind so far gone. Her face turned up lightly and then the lock of his lips against hers came, his scent of sandalwood stronger then anything as he kissed her. She didn't know really what to do with the present situation. Her mind wasn't really straight to deal with the situation. This was all new to her, and now the passion that Gabriel brought forth was brand new. Never had she experienced something like this. A spark seemed to light in her. A she only moved a little up on the balls of her feet as she didn't release from the kiss like she naturally would have, but only added her own passion in to it.

When Gabriel realized what he was doing, he nearly dropped Eloa. But he kept his arm around her waist as she'd have stumbled backwards if he hadn't since she was now standing tip toe. His eyes shot wide open. But for some reason, he lingered just a moment longer in that kiss, and when their lips parted was when he finally shattered the moment. "Shit!" He hissed. "Eloa... I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that, I shouldn't have done that."

Eloa could feel her body shift a little. Yet his arm still rested around her waist. She finally moved slowly away. Eyes opening as it hit her. Her mind was spinning as it shot to sober in a matter of seconds. Something she would have refused by any standards. Eyes rose up as she looked at him slightly shocked. Not with what he had done, but her own reaction. She shook her head lightly. Her hands came to rest on his chest lightly as she tried to calm the situation down and understand it. Everything seemed lost within the euphoria of the high from the dancing and alcohol. She knew angels held the ability to show passion like humans; stronger usually then that of human response, but nonetheless passion to say the least. She moved slightly just looking around as she fell back down in to the situation that appeared before her. People swarming around her that didn't even seem to notice what happened. She never submitted but allowed in a sense of permission, otherwise for such a deed she would have refused, even if he was an archangel.

He scolded himself internally. It wasn't as if he had just committed a mortal sin, there was no angelic law prohibiting it, even angels have a natural passion, sometimes even more pronounced than humans. It was that he had allowed his emotions that he normally tried so hard to control and keep buried away to surface, to take over. Eloa was getting drunk, certainly in a position to be taken advantage of... which is what he felt he just did, took advantage of her. And then, being who he was... and his strong, fairly aggressive personality. Even sober, those around him usually submitted to whatever he wanted, especially lower ranking angels, after all, he was an archangel. Generally, his words and actions were obeyed, no one resisted him much. How could he not feel he had just taken advantage of her? This young angel, so niave to her surroundings, who had spent so much time sheltered in the innocence of heaven...
Innocence... innocence that he was systematically destroying today.
"Shit..." He mumbled the curse again. "Never trust a fucking archangel."
He carefully took his arm from around her waist and his hand from behind her head, making sure she wouldn't stumble, as he wasn't sure how steady she was after the rush of what had just happened and the alcohol in her system.
Despite the effects of the alcohol, Gabriel's usual demeanor crept back in his face as he tried to come to grips with what he had just done and the fact that he felt utterly lost with having emotions. He wanted to turn and walk away, but something kept him rooted in that spot. He was caught in place by Eloa's gentle features. Her soft, innocent, compassionate look she had to her, even when she was under the effects of alcohol, she still had that look. He clenched his teeth, trying to bring about his cold, emotionless exterior. It wasn't working. He felt utterly rotten for having taken advantage of her by kissing her, for all that he had done to her with in the past 24 hours.

Her eyes looked to him. "Just calm down." She said lightly looking around. She stopped dancing. Her hand moved to his arm as she looked around. Looking for a place to pull him over to and just talk this through. She could still feel his arm around her waist. Only now did she notice his hand behind her head as he moved it away. Her eyes looked down to his hands. She just noticed the positions they had crept into when they were kissing. She didn't get nervous. She could only feel the high shatter as a sense of calm swept over her mind. Her eyes looked back up to his face. Eloa's could she he was trying to hide the emotions behind a stern mask. Yet he never moved.

"Come." She could only speak softly. She lead him slowly back to the tables as she took hold of his hand, nothing but mere habit. She moved back to the table at. Noticing and welcoming the fact that half of the humans had gone down to the floor to dance. She pulled him to sit down as she took a seat across from him. A sigh passed her lips as she thought on this. But the ability to pull up a coherent thought seemed to make her mind work pass the drink she had.

Gabriel hesitated a moment when Eloa told him to follow her off the dance floor, until she took his hand and lead him away. He was too stunned to argue with her. He sat, reluctantly, at the table.

"It wasn't your fault." She said simply as she looked up to him. She couldn't find any words to tag along with what she confirmed, if he accepted it. Her eyes looked to the floor then to him.

He let a moment pass after she spoke, watching her look to the floor then to him. He couldn't answer her; he hadn't the faintest idea what to say. How could she not think this wasn't his fault?

"Both of us were under the intoxication of alcohol. We could do nothing to prevent what happened. Add to the fact of dance." She spoke lightly and finally. She managed to find the words. Her eyes looked to him. Yet they didn't look as if to stare passed him or look in to him, but looked to him to gain some sort of understanding that she carried.

"You don't understand, Eloa, intoxication is no excuse." Gabriel said softly as he stared at his hands on the table. "I should know better, I do know better..." He trailed off a bit, sitting back in the chair, unconsciously taking the strap of his sygil in his fingers, absently toying with it. He looked at her finally, seeing her studying him. He looked back down at the table.

Her eyes looked at him. That childish appearance surfaced again. A smile couldn't help but fall on her face. He held too much of that characteristic. She couldn't forget it. She looked to him as he trailed off. "Everyone makes mistakes... angels and humans alike." She spoke gently

"Eloa... you've been lucky, almost, to have spent so much time in heaven, so much time away from angels like me. It's kept your purity..." He looked back up at her. "You are lucky to not have the responsibility of protecting someone's innocence. These are not innocent times for angels or humans, at least not here, on earth. The angel that should be protecting you has done nothing but fail you."
He sighed. "And I can't afford to show emotion..."

Her eyes looked to his as he spoke of purity. She smirked. She just listened now to him as he spoke to her.

"You haven't failed me. Believe me. Failure is the ability to turn your back on someone when they need you the most. Failure is the ability not to recognize the problem at hand and becoming ignorant to everything." She spoke lightly. She shook her head. "You'll show some sort of emotion no matter what." She said lightly. A shrug came from her shoulders.

Gabriel sighed again. "I can't afford to show emotion..." He repeated himself. "Not with what I have to do. Spread the Word of God one moment, kill innocent humans the next, you can't show emotion when you do that." He shook his head. "Trust me, it just works better that way."

Again, he tried to build himself up against his emotions. He just couldn't seem to do it right now, the harder he tried to suppress emotion, the more it seemed to take over him. "I need to blow something up..." He mumbled.

Her eyes glanced to the dance floor before looking to him "What are you aiming to blow up?" She looked at him. Her voice cautious as she looked to him.

Gabriel looked at her a moment. "Can't blow up anything right now, someone would get hurt." He said. "That's the worst part of it."
He looked at Eloa, somehow, it seemed really difficult to have this conversation, even she seemed to be struggling with it.

She moved lightly, leaning forward on the table as she just thought. Listening to the point that Gabriel brought forth. She nodded softly.

Her eyes looked over the crowd then at him. "I'm sorry." She spoke lightly. The struggle to talk was harder now then ever.

"We need more drinks." He said and suddenly got up, going over to the bar.

"That sounds good." She moved lightly leaning back in the chair as she tried to clear her mind from the kiss and everything after it.

He returned with two gin and tonics for himself and a shot of whiskey and another rum and coke for Eloa, carefully balanced, even through the crowd he didn't spill the drinks. He set hers in front of her.

Her eyes looked up as she moved taking her drink. For just a moment he seemed to stare into her eyes before picking up his glass and downing it almost all at once.

Her eyes looked to his as she locked her eyes with his. For a moment the stare lasted before it finally broke. He downed himself in his drink. She moved as she drank half of her drink. Eyes looking around to the tables. She moved tilting her chair back as her head leaned back to look at the people at the table behind her. Her mind was showing the effects of the rum now as she just watched the couple before looking to someone else. She moved lightly as she started to play with her chair a little.

"Eloa...?" Gabriel asked wondering what was up with Eloa. He surmised the conversation about kissing, emotions, and the like was over with, which was just fine with him, he didn't like dealing with emotion, however there still seemed to be something left hanging between them.

"Huh?" She asked still looking. The rum was present as she watched everybody. Her mind now shifting from one random thought to the next.

"Eloa, if you're going to stare at the humans, at least don't let them know you are doing it. You do have the power to keep them from noticing."
He sighed as the gin and tonic he just downed hit him suddenly. He picked up his second one he had brought and decided the DJ wanted to play Nine Inch Nails... so the DJ did.

She looked to Gabriel as he called her name again.

"What?" Her eyes got wide before she became distracted by something else. She hadn't even heard a word her told her. "I'll try." Was all she said as she moved to finish her drink off. She moved lightly just rising with out word as she moved away from the table to wander around.

Eloa's eyes looked a little glassy as she moved walking around. "I'll be right back." She spoke over her shoulder. "I need the bathro...." She seemed to stop in mid-sentence as she moved to wonder off. To abandon Gabriel.

Gabriel watched as Eloa got up and wander off, completely distracted. He sighed. "I'm going to have to keep an eye on that one." He mumbled as he finished his drink.

He slid out of his chair, his head spinning a bit from the alcohol. He steadied himself then went to the bar for another. Returning before Eloa had wandered back to the table.

She found herself at the bar talking to someone before finding herself back at the table with two different drinks. "Ummm..." She looked at the drinks then around. "Crap..." She couldn't even remember what she was thinking about a minute ago.

"Eloa..." Gabriel called out in a very firm tone, hoping to break her wandering thoughts.

Her eyes looked around. As if lost as she heard her name called before looking to Gabriel. It took her about five minutes to actually respond to him "Yes?" She asked finally as she sat down with the drinks. She had no clue what she even had. All she remembered was that two of them came from a guy and one was her rum and coke. She looked to the drinks trying to figure out the rum and coke for a moment before looking to Gabriel.

"Want one?" She seemed almost child like as she offered to share a drink. Through she had no clue what lay in either of them as she tired to figure out which one was her rum and coke. Before leaning back and looking around at the people again.

Gabriel slid one of the glasses across the table to him and looked into it. "What the hell is this?" He asked looking up at her.

She really wasn't all there as she looked around again before looking to Gabriel and shrugging. "Don't know. Some guy gave them to me. Or that's what the tender told me." She said as she went back to people watching again.

Eloa was distracted again. He snapped his fingers in front of her face. "Eloa." He said yet again. At first she didn't seem to hear him, too distracted by the people she was looking at.

Eyes just gliding around. She was ready to ask on girl across from her on what she thought on the enlightenment period when Gabriel disturbed her.

He seemed to have a very stern look on his face at that point, when he spoke again, it wasn't in the English that they had been using since last night, it was in angelic. "Look at me, Eloa." He said, the words were like beautiful music of this language that humans had never heard.

Her eyes looked to him as he snapped his fingers in front of her. She only turned away and started people watching again. It wasn't until she heard the angelic language that her head shot forward and eyes were set directly on him.

"Keep your focus, we're getting close to a dangerous line... you're drunk." He said, the lyrical language he was speaking seemingly getting through to her.

Her eyes narrowed lightly as she rose up. She heard him loud and clear on the drunk part. She walked over to him and sat on his lap for a few moments. Her mind wiped clean but of the spiraling thoughts that messed with her head.

"Gabriel..." She spoke back in the same angelic language. "No."

Gabriel's posture stiffened up when Eloa sat on his lap. Speaking to her in angelic had certainly got her attention as well as a moment of clarity, which was his intention, but when she was suddenly close to him again, he found himself in a position he had hoped to never be in again. 'Too soon...' He thought as he had not yet had the time to neatly categorize and file away the emotions from kissing her earlier. Trying desperately to hold on to his own sobriety, he managed, yet just barely, to not show any form of emotion as she said 'No' to him. He knew at this point he had to stop drinking.

She started laughing lightly. She had no clue what she was talking about. Then she got serious.

"I love you." She said before she burst out laughing. Now she was totally gone. That told everybody around her she was drunk. She rose up lightly as she moved to take her drink and wonder off again. Stopping to some guy. "Your gonna have a lovely life." Was all she said with a smirk as she wondered off aimlessly.

But when Eloa's mood suddenly got serious and she said three words that left him completely confused. "I love you', then she laughed, all that he could do was look at her as she got up. Did she mean it or was it her drunken state simply pushing out random words. He didn't know. All he knew was she just said something that was able to make him stop in his mental 'tracks'.

"How can you love me?" He said out loud, but he figured she was too drunk and too far away to hear him.

She managed to hear what he spoke to her. She turned around smirking wildly and shrugged before some how disappearing in the crowd again.

He wandered off to the bar to get another drink.

After a few more random visits with people she didn't know, she returned to the table. Apparent that a new drink lay in hand as she walked back with a rather happy aura around her. Almost violently excited. A smile seemed to stay on her lips as she sat down for a moment and put her head on the table. "Crap." She looked around. "I can't get home." Was all that fell passed her lips. Though she certainly knew what she wasn't talking about.

"" She seemed to sing only certain keys before raising her head up as she looked at Gabriel. Her eyes half closed as if sleep tried to elude her mind but she refused to succumb to it. Her fingers ran her curls back. As she looked around and then to Gabriel and the around again. As if something new kept grabbing her attention. Oblivious to the world it almost seemed. Yet she could still concentrate on something for a few seconds. One could tell if she were oblivious, she would just stare off in to space with out a reaction. She was just drunk at the moment. She moved to take another drink from the cup. Her head leaned to one side before looking to some girl.

Gabriel watched Eloa's strange display of behavior with almost a 'what the fuck?' look on his face. He didn't say anything at first, just watched her as she rambled on.

"Is today Valentine's?" She asked randomly out of the blue. The girl looked at her strangely before getting up and walking away. "Gees." She said lightly. "Oh look...." She seemed to ramble off again. This time she didn't bother leaving the table for anything more as she laid her head on the table again watching everybody.

After the second time she lay her head on the table, and seemed to stay in one place for more than two seconds, he leaned down so he could look in her eyes. He seemed to now have a curiosity in his eyes, as if what she was doing was totally foreign to him.

Her eyes looked to his as he leaned down. She wanted to say something but lost her train of thought as she noticed the curiosity in Gabriel's eyes.

"Eloa...?" He asked, he was still speaking in angelic.

He still seemed to be talking in the angelic language that she seemed to hear clearer then the actual English language that the humans spoke in. "Huh?" She asked lightly. Though she couldn't promise that it left her lips when she only thought it.

"Do you hear me?" He couldn't tell if she did or didn't hear him, but he continued anyway.

A simple nod came from her features as he asked if she heard him. "Loud and clear commander." She let out in the same language as she laughed lightly. But she could still hear him.

"What did you mean when you said you loved me? I don't understand it...." He asked.

Her features took a confusing turn as he questioned her from her words that she left him with earlier. She had to think hard for a moment to recall the moment, but found it. Now it was the job to think coherently to answer. "You are interesting." She spoke out. "No take that back." She moved lightly to get a little comfortable with the position she was in. "You cute. But you hold a keen interest." She really couldn't tell if she was perplexing him now or not.

"No no." She shook her head.

Gabriel made a slight face at her when she told him he was interesting and cute, then said 'No no'. It seemed to almost relieve him, almost... because it sounded like a rejection, he still felt a little sad at the thought of rejection.

"I liked the kiss." She couldn't even give a straight answer. But those were answers that filled her head when the kiss took place.

But she finally seemed to pull a coherent thought together, he realized her 'no no' was simply she was trying to organize what she was saying. He sighed.

"I liked you since I first met you." That was one honest answer she gave since the time she had started getting drink. It seemed more straight then the others.

"How could anything like me?" He asked. "I don't understand that."

She shrugged to his answer. "You're different." Was her only response.

He lay his head on the table too, the gin was most certainly gone to his head now, he knew drunk when he felt it, and this was how it feels. "You were supposed to keep me from getting drunk..."

Her eyes watched as his head rested on the table. He seemed drunk as well now that she looked at him. "As long...." She lost her train of thought. "You weren't supposed to let me get drunk." She finally got out as she fell silent again. A laugh passed her lips before she fell silent again. She could careless what everybody saw her as. Her head stayed on the table. And the itch appeared to do something. She bit her own lip to hold back such actions of following what her mind came up.

"You got drunk off of one drink..." Gabriel mumbled. "I wasn't suspecting you would."

"No." Left her lips before she fell off in silence.

"I'm hungry." She said suddenly as she raised her head and looked around.

He raised his head up as well when she announced she was hungry. His hand slipped into his pocket and he pulled out a little bag and set it in front of her. The bag contained chopped dates. "Raphael makes me carry them with me." He said softly. "Those and mints. He uses them to get me to stop talking when I talk too much. They trained me to shut up when he puts a mint or a date in my mouth." His face when dead serious when he spoke, he seemed almost detached when speaking of being trained. As absurd as what he was saying sounded, he didn't seem to find any humor, or anything wrong, with what he had just said. "You can have some."

Her head turned from side to side to look for food. Her eyes looked down to the bag. Her hand wrapped around it as she opened it up. "I don't think you talk too much." But of course she would say this, she wasn't even paying attention like she naturally would. She moved lightly popping a chopped date in to her mouth. It tasted good but hopefully they wouldn't get her sick she could only estimate about five drinks she had within the time she walked it, maybe more. She wasn't really keeping count anymore. Especially after her little getting lost trips she would make. Her eyes looked to him as he spoke. She managed to catch what he spoke of. "But mints are good." She couldn't help but truly admit.

"Thank you." She finally said. Her head seemed to sober up a little as she got something in her stomach.

Gabriel nodded to her thank you and the fact that mints were good. "They are, that's why he used mints to train me." He said. "Because I love them." He had a distant look in his eyes now. "Raphael says Uzziel is coming around conscious now. And he just yelled at me for getting you and I drunk." He closed his eyes but just a moment, when he opened them he hadn't accomplished what he wanted, that was to clear the distant look in them. Raphael had given up on trying to get a message through, but the distant look remained as if he was still receiving messages.

Off in her own world, Eloa seemed to come to from the fuel that seemed to feel her. Her mind sobering a little that coherent thoughts were starting to come through a lot clearer then they were a moment ago. Her eyes looked to him. He seemed to stop speaking as her eyes looked to his. They took on a distance look to them. She wondered what was up. Then the answers came. "It wasn't your fault." She seemed to say a bit more clearer then running off on her sentence.

"I do talk too much, though. Sometimes no one can hear it though." He continued. "I'm told that is called random thought process and everyone does it from time to time. I don't believe it though. I'm just talking and no one can hear it, but I am talking. Sometimes others can hear it, but only if I actually speak. Do you know what it is like to hear absolutely every being in heaven and earth in your head? It's kind of cool and all, but it gets distracting sometimes, especially when I can figure out who is being the loudest. It's all right though, I learned to just tune in then tune out."

She lightly brushed her curls back as she listened to him. Now she seemed to be getting back to her old self. Yet she was still drunk and her head was still spinning. Eyes watching and looking for Cornelia. "Some one can hear you." She spoke gently as she pointed upwards towards heaven. "He always hears everybody. From angels, to humans, to other beings. He listens." She spoke softly. Her wisdom seemed to never let her do as she spoke. "Its just sometimes we never hear the answer He gives us."

He put his hand in his jacket pocket again and pulled out an old piece of gum. "F. Scott Fitzgerald gave that to me." He said as he set it in front of Eloa. "I don't recommend eating that, it's been in my pocket since 1942, its stale now. You'd have liked F. Scott Fitzgerald, did you meet him?" He didn't even pause to let her answer. "He was alive when you were last on earth. Nice guy, he absolutely adored Zelda. She was a pretty little thing."

She popped another date in her mouth. Her eyes widened. "I never met him when he got older. But I do remember him when he was young. A sweet boy may I point out. As for Zelda. Sweet girl. Very lovely as a child." A light shake came from her head. "But even then signs showed of what lay wrong with her. But her parents chose to ignore. It was a soft hint of what was to come in the futures for the poor girl." She spoke on the knowledge of what she remembered. Her hand took hold of the gum as she looked it over. She managed to have her answer ignored as he went on.

Again he reached into his pocket, setting a lapel pin on the table. "Queen Elizabeth the first gave that to me. Oh I loved old Bess, she was a sweetheart down inside it all. Very strong lady, had to be back then. But she was charmer really."

She had heard of Queen Elizabeth. A relatively sweet woman. Strong but sweet. She would have to agree with Gabriel at that. Her fingers took the lapel pin after she placed the gum down. Looking it over. The era written across its surface. She smiled softly.

He reached into his other jacket pocket. This time he took out a very old, very beautiful rosary made of opals linked on a delicate silver chain. It looked old, but showed very little wear, as if he had made certain it stayed protected. "St Dominic gave this to me." He said. "I can't remember when, but I think it was in the middle ages." He set the rosary on the table and pushed it in front of her. "It's yours now."
He finally stopped speaking, just looked at her with that distant look a moment, then smiled shyly.

Her eyes looked to the rosary brought out. Beautiful. She couldn't take her eyes off it. The most simplest of things always seemed beautifully done. Her hand was gentle as she looked it over. The opals stones that linked the delicate silver chain. Her fingers slowly ran over it as she looked it over. She looked up. "It's beautiful." Was the only response she could give. She didn't know what to say about anything else's. Her eyes looked up to him. "I can't its your. It was given to you." She spoke softly.

She held her little objects here and there. That she would admit. She would need to show Gabriel some time. Especial after meeting Pope John Paul II. A sweet young man who watched his land get torn apart during the war with the Germans. She remembered the tears he shed. A soft smile came to her lips on the memory.

"It's rude to decline a gift." He said very sternly. But he didn't seem to dwell on it, just figured now she had to accept it and he moved on. He slipped his hand inside his jacket and pulled out a crown, setting that on the table as well. How it could fit inside his jacket and not show was amazing. "That's my crown from heaven. I'm not allowed to wear it right now." He made a slight face at the silver crown that was embedded with moonstones. "Damn it."

She heard the stern that lay laced in his voice as he spoke. But he didn't dwell on it no more. Eyes just watched him as she just took the rosary. She would give it back if he asked. She reclined back in her chair a little as she looked around. The alcohol still present but somehow she forced her mind to listen to what Gabriel had to say. Her eyes looked to the crown that lay a rest on the table now. Her eyes made a soft of confused face as she tried to figure out how he managed to put the crown in his pocket. Especially one that big. She gave up half way on trying to figure it out as she looked to its majestic beauty of it. The silver and embedded moonstone.

He looked up at Eloa. "Did you know I'm the Holy Spirit?" He actually paused a moment and nodded.

Her eyes raised up as she looked to him. She shook her head, "No." She answered with all honesty.

"I just don't remember anything when He does that to me." He continued. "No one in heaven really knows that... mostly because it pisses Michael off. So Uriel and I made everyone forget so no one could speak of it and make him mad. I tried to kill Michael once. Though I doubt I would have actually done it, I did try." His features darkened a bit. "I like him and I hate him too. But we do fight a lot, sometimes just for fun." He looked into his cup, wanting another drink but knowing better than to get one.

Eloa figured she would probably see the same fate as the others since she knew now he was the Holy Spirit. Then he seemed to go off on Michael and the past when he tried to kill Michael. Her eyes watched his features darken. Yet no fear came to her. She wanted to laugh but bit on her tongue so she wouldn't.

"You think I'm insane at this point, don't you?" He asked suddenly.

"A love hate relationship huh?" She asked lightly. But no answer was need to supply for that. A shake came from her head. "Insane. No. Drunk. Yes." She answered. She was still drunk herself.

"I am... and I want to blow up the club right now."

"Do that and you'll find hell to deal with again." Her eyes seemed to straighten out from the glassy looked that covered them. Serious seemed strong in her eyes as he looked at him. "And it wouldn't be just me, but Raphael and Uzziel as well. I don't know on Cornelia though. I doubt she could care less." She spoke lightly looking back before looking forward. Her body moved against in the chair as she looked around to the people again.

"Huh..." He mused softly looking down at his glass again. "I won't, only because you don't want me to. But don't you just love hearing the screams for mercy, the calls to God to save them, when they are faced with mindless, senseless fear...?" A smile crept across his lips, very slight, almost evil. He looked back up at her.

03:49:52 Aug 25th 09 - Lady Astoria:

A hint of something seemed to flicker in her eyes. What it was, one could only guess as fire. But it relaxed slowly as soon as the words came past his lips that he wouldn't. She looked around one more time before coming to rest her eyes one him. The want to ask another random question seemed present on the surface, but nothing passed her lips. Her eyes looked to him as he mentioned the screams of mercy. She shook her head. "I don't like them. They're not comforting to hear." She spoke softly in relaxation. Her eyes looked up at some person that brought her a drink. A perplexed look crossed her face as she looked for the face that sent it to her. A shake came from her features in a decline. "I'm to drunk right now." She spoke honestly. The girl nodded lightly as she walked back to a group of people. Apparently now the guy that had sent it over.

"Don't mention the holy spirit thing to Michael, yeah? I don't want to see him get pissed at you." He picked back up the crown and tucked it under his jacket again, as it seemed to disappear from this world.

She only shook her features lightly. "I won't tell him." She spoke to Gabriel again. Her eyes watched the crown disappear in his jacket again. She would need to remind herself to ask later on that.
"It's been a long time since I've been given the pleasure of killing someone..." He mumbled. "We just don't really do it anymore, not like we used to."
He stared into her eyes for just a moment, the only physical sign that he was drunk and in an evil mood was showing in his eyes. The dark, black eyes seemed to have a rim of silver around the pupil. He knew it, but didn't try to hide it. "I want to kiss you again, but I won't."

Her eyes shot wide as she looked to him mention the fact of killing someone. She shook her head. Her eyes looked to his. She could see the darkness that brood at the surface. But it burned brighter in his eyes with the fact that he was drunk to. She only now came to notice the silver rim around his pupil. His next words took her by total surprise as he became bold. Maybe it was the gin and tonic talking. "Really?" She found herself questioning. She was thinking of that earlier. Especially after the kiss had finally dissipated and their reactions had reached high. But the want to do it again seemed apparent in her. She didn't think it would in him. Her eyes still remained wide from what he told her and the pure amazement still appeared in her eyes.

Gabriel watched Eloa's reaction to his last statement with a calm sort of detachment. His gaze drifted off to the group that contained the person that had sent the drink over to Eloa. He resisted the intense glare that he was known for, instead turned back to Eloa. "Yes really." He finally spoke before closing his eyes for a few seconds to get them to go back to normal. When he opened the silver color was gone, somewhat, there still seemed a glint of something in the depths. "You have made it rather clear to me that I didn't force you earlier. That was my main concern."

Her eyes watched his eyes open. The silver seemed to dissipate, yet there was still a hint there. "Don't worry on it then." She spoke gently.

He pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and a black Bic lighter. He lit the cigarette, but didn't extinguish the flame right away. He just stared at it a moment as if he was contemplating something. He let the flame die, lit it again, then let it out. "The sound of a lighter igniting is so damned interesting." He said absently. He took a pull off the cigarette and slipped the lighter back in his pocket. "It's the poof sound it makes when the fluid catches the spark. Zippos sound better than Bics, obviously, but I keep losing those. It's like the sound of someone sleeping... not really, but you know how just absolutely hypnotic that sound is? Light breathing, it's like the poof of the lighter, both bring up mental images that are completely different, but both are such strong images." He paused wondering what the hell he was going on about. He found it a bit unsettling, it was his train of thought, he should know where it came from.

Her eyes looked to the cigarettes that he brought out and the lighter. Her eyes focused on the lighter. Her eyes watched the flame the flickered lightly before going out only to be igniting again. Only to die again. Dark eyes raised up to look at him as he spoke of lighters. She laughed softly. "Fire is always interesting." She said softly. That was all she spoke on the matter as she looked around. Closing the bag of dates and pushing them before him. "Thank you again. I think it settled me a little." She smiled looking around again.

"But yes, I want to kiss you again." He went back on track with his original thought. "Passion is one of the only emotions I know how to deal with, but it's the one that gets me in the most trouble, so I stick it away pretty deeply. I won't kiss you though, because I don't want to hurt you."

Her eyes looked up to the ceiling before coming down to him. She could hear him confirm her rather curious question. She really didn't expect him to say such a thing to her. But he was admitting it. She listened to the explanation he gave to her.

He reached over to her with his other hand, carefully touching her face. "I like to feel things... as in touch things. I'm extremely tactile." He rested his index finger on the tip of her nose and smiled a sweet little smile as if he was really enjoying himself. He drew his hand back. "You have a cute nose, is that on purpose?"

Noticing from the corner of her eyes as his hand raised up, touching her face. She smiled lightly as she felt his index finger come to rest on the tip of her nose. A smile he gave, sweet as little as it was. She felt his hand pull away now and laughed softly. A shake softly came from her head. "Nope. Just trying to fit in with the times. I liked this form more, reminds me much of the 20's. I don't know why I'm intrigued by that era but towards me it was an era of much need to be learned. An era were people were tested. It got worse though when the Depression hit. A lot of people lost jobs, some lost lives, some lost their families to jails, and so on. But the 20's were beautiful." She went off on her own tangent of the era her nose and features mainly came from.

Gabriel's mind wandered off as she began speaking about human eras, timeframes... he just didn't particularly care one way or another about human time, it was all the same to him. He cared only about the individuals that occupied the specifics points in time then abruptly left. He may seem to care little about humans, but there was always a few that caught his attention. But the times themselves made no difference, he'd seen them all, and before them, to him they were all the same as he moved between them, not noticing them.
He took his bag of dates back and slipped them into his pocket. He went back to toying with the strap from his sygil again, without realizing, chewing on it again. He was listening to her voice if not necessarily her words. It wasn't that her opinions didn't matter, it was just that time thing, he really didn't comprehend it. He allowed himself to get lost in the sound of her voice.

Her voice seemed to fall quiet as she looked to him. He was chewing on his strap again. That image appeared when they first met. That childish image she could still remember him for. She only laughed softly at the sight again. Before turning her head away. She wasn't something more cynical in music. Her eyes looked as she thought on the music. She wanted something different from what was playing. A smile fell on her lips as she thought of the music. A remix of Renfield's Syndrome. The DJ played it. The sweet slow droning sound felled her as she leaned her head back lightly. Closing her eyes as she hummed along with the beginning of the song. The after thirty-three seconds a droning bass beat seem to fall in to place. Another sound was added in to the mix to make it sound better.

Her foot followed the beat as she listened to it. Feel her. For some reason she liked the song. As dark as it seemed for its own gothic nature, it was beautiful. Slow in its beat. Yet exotic enough to pull up a euphoria on anybody that dared to listen. The coercive voice slowly sung its lyrics only to have a female whisper out in the background of it all.

Through out the time the music played, Eloa's eyes remained closed. This she could get lost in the beat of. Her mind just drifted from its drunken state and back in to the euphorically one that had taken place earlier. Her head moved back. Moving lightly to the beat that played. Her thumbs moving lightly on the table as she followed the beat. Her mind got lost now to the music as she opened her eyes lightly and looked around lightly. Her head still moving to the beat that played. Her mind only seemed to unconsciously wind back to the kiss that Gabriel had given her. She didn't realize she was thinking about it until her head turned forward.

She moved lightly, without warning almost as she gave the kiss this time. Off by surprise. A bad habit to say the least when it came to such things. Her lips pressed slowly against his as she kissed him. Her hand slowly coming to rest on the side of his face as she kissed him. She could feel the passion start to burn through again.

Startled wasn't quite the word for what happened when Eloa pulled the strap out of his mouth and pressed her lips to his. His hands dropped down in shock, almost as if he was afraid to touch her for a moment. He felt her warm hand against his cool cheek. There was that smell of lavender again, her lips softly on his. So calming, his chaotic thought process came to a screeching halt, he could only be in that moment.
He moved his hands up now, gently holding on to her around her waist. Her lower lip was between his teeth now, he gently held on to it, running his tongue along her lip. He didn't even realize what he was doing, or else he probably would have panicked again, just settled back into the one emotion he really couldn't control tonight, passion, running his hands up her back, his eyes almost closed, and he let go of her lip opening his mouth just a little more.

The scent of sandalwood felled her. The feeling of his cool lips against her own. Her own chaotic thoughts were already gone as he seemed to just be in shock for a moment from the kiss before his response came. She could feel his arm around her waist now. She wanted to laugh gently as he caught her lip between his teeth but did nothing. She could feel her body quiver lightly as she felt his tongue run across her lip. She liked that for some reason. Her eyes stayed closed for a moment longer as she moved to gently bite at his lip lightly. Her lips parted slightly as they kissed.

Eloa's eyes snapped opened this time. She caught herself in the act and pulled away rather fast. She was the one panicking. She could feel her fair skin turn a soft rose red as she looked to him. "I'm...I'm sorry." She found herself saying as her eyes cast down. She was lower than him in rank, and what she just pulled was far from the question of why she did it. Fear took hold of her as she could feel her breath move faster. Not just from the kiss but the adrenaline rush it gave her.

Gabriel's eyes betrayed none of the emotions and thoughts inside of him. He retained a cool, unemotional exterior as she pulled away from him in a panic, stumbling out an apology. He looked at her a moment.
"Do not apologize." He said firmly. "Unless I've ordered you to do something and you failed, I don't like hearing apologies."

Eloa's eyes seemed to rise up to Gabriel watching the exterior that he presented himself in. Nonchalant… no emotions seemed to phase him as he sat there watching her as she apologized. That only made her feel worse as she just watched him. It wasn't fear but self-rage that seemed to hold her as she looked to him.
It was then he realized she probably couldn't read his intentions in his face and his tone. What he had spoken was the truth in this situation, he felt they were long past the proper groveling and respect phase, the moment last night she had said she wasn't afraid of him, they were past that. He leaned forward, his hair falling into his eyes, he pushed it back absently. He caught her wrist and pulled her to him, not rough, but gently, then held her close, his hand softly on the back of her head, he leaned his face on the top of her head.
"That came out wrong..." He said softly. "I didn't mean to sound so gruff. But don't apologize, there's no need. Don't say anything right now, just listen to me." He paused a moment letting himself take a deep breath.

She felt his hand clasp her wrist slowly and gently pull on it. She only followed the pull absently as she came closer. She could feel his other hand on the back of her head as he leaned his face on top of her head. She could hear the sudden change that seemed to appear in his voice now as he spoke to her. She was about ready to say something before silenced in to nothingness as he spoke again after collecting himself. She just listened to him. How she did it, she couldn't explain it herself.

"I may be a monster, Eloa, I may hold a higher rank than you, but deep down inside, I do actually have a heart. I don't know how, I don't know why, but when you showed up last night and were so bold as to tell me that you weren't afraid of me, it changed things between you and I. Any other angel I would have instilled the proper fear of me into, but not you, I couldn't." He laughed softly.

Hearing his soft laugh warmed her up for some reason. She couldn't really explain why it seemed to come with a warm heart when he did it, or that's what she thought at the least. "You are the only angel below an archangel that has ever scolded me and lived to tell about it...besides Uzziel... err.. well there's one other, but he never has done it where anyone else could see...." Again he sighed. "You've seen how I treat Cornelius, I don't treat him that way because he's a fallen angel, I treat everyone like that... unless they're special to me, and you are special to me.... now, once I figured out how that happened, I'll let you know, but for now, just know that you need not worry about anything that happens between us. You should never be afraid me." He gently brushed his fingers through her hair. He gently kissed the top of her head. "Now, we've both had quite the night, and I am still very drunk, and extremely confused by this emotion thing. I've been far too nice to Cornelia, and far too mean to you. So, when we sober up, and aren't so confused, we can work anything else out that needs a working out, just so long as right now I know you aren't upset, that you understand you didn't do anything wrong."

A gently nod only came from her features as the curls moved lightly with the nod. She wasn't afraid of him. She couldn't really explain why, but for some reason she wasn't afraid of him. She smiled softly to him as she felt his fingers brush through her hair. Her eyes closed slowly as she felt the gently kiss. A soft laugh only came to her. "As am I." She nodded gently. She was still drunk, the effects still there. But to rid herself of them would only mean resting.

"Besides, I did say I wanted to kiss you again... how can I blame you for accommodating me?"
He let his hand slip from her head, letting her know that if she wanted to move, she was free to do so, though honestly, she had been free to at anytime during his monologue.

She nodded. "I'm not. It wasn't upset towards you but me for doing such a thing. But since that's seems to be put to rest for the moment then we'll leave it be there." She spoke gently. She felt his hand slip from her hair as if letting her free, but she lingered a little longer before slowly sliding back in to her seat.

"Thank you Gabriel." She spoke gently with a smile on her lips. She was looking to somber up now before she could cause anymore trouble. Especially in a state she was so foreign to.

After she slipped back into her chair and thanked him, he just looked at her for a moment, watching her smile. "You are welcome, little one." He said softly. He didn't say anything else, just looked at her, trying to figure out what it was about her that had such a calming effect on him.
For the first time in a long time, Gabriel didn't try to run away, or push away, or do anything with the emotions he was feeling. He just let them sit there, controlling him as he watched her.

She smiled softly to the nickname as she sat back and just closed her eyes. Now fatigue seemed to fall over her and the want of recovery seemed only present in her mind at the moment. Her legs slowly stretched out under table.

"No." She said absently as her eyes open as if she knew what was coming. "One more drink and I will get sick." Was all she let out. She leaned forward as her eyes looked to the girl from earlier. Telling her that the guy just wanted to ask for her number.

Gabriel's dark glare turned to the girl who had come up to them. Did somehow this guy miss the fact that Eloa and he had just had a very intimate moment. Men...

"No." Eloa shook her head. "If he wants it he can come and get it. But as for any other drinks he holds to offer just tell him no." She made it quite clear now she wasn't in the mood to be asked out or anything. She was still drunk. But a bit of her sober mind seemed to appear past it all as her mind started to settle in the alcohol.

As the girl slipped away, Gabriel looked back to Eloa with curiosity. "You have a phone?" He asked. "Where on earth do you hide that?"

Her eyes looked to him as she had to actually think on the fact of a phone. It took a couple of minutes before an answer came. "No....I don't think so..." It seemed as she answered with a hesitant thought on the fact about the phone. "Oh wait...No I don't have one." She said finally confirming her answer.

Gabriel stifled a laughed... but a smile escaped on his lips. "I'll be your phone." He said. "That's what I end up doing half the time anyway... God's messenger nothing, I'm a telephone for angels."

Her eyes looked to Gabriel as he spoke. She laughed lightly at what Gabriel spoke of. "Nobody claimed the job was gonna be easy." She said with a light laugh.

"No one gave me a choice..." Gabriel mumbled.

"Question then. Have you ever had someone talk to you to talk to God for hours at a time? And angel I mean."

He tilted his head when she asked her question. He nodded slightly. "Hours and hours." He said and shrugged a bit. "Most of the time I don't even notice, unless they want the 'direct line' in which I actually have to listen in. But yeah, there are times when I have conversations in my head for hours. And trust me, He is one very noticeable voice."
He absently turned his head towards the bar, eyes narrowing a bit, looking towards the group that the girl came from.

She nodded lightly as she listened. "Its like the grape vine." She said laughing. Her eyes caught something again. Eloa sighed with bothered tone as she shook her head. "Damn it." The girl came back. This time looking back to the guy who was still staring at Eloa.

"Ummm...hi again." The girl said.

"What now?" Eloa asked calmly containing her bothered reaction.

"He really wants your number and for you to accept one drink from him." The girl seemed almost pleading.

"No." Eloa declined again. But her eyes watched as the girl stayed there.

"Look the guy likes you why don't you be nice for one and just accept." Eloa could hear the snotty reaction in the girl's voice, even if she didn't know it was there.

"Yet again. No thank you." This time she had a feeling the guy would come once the girl was sent back. Her eyes didn't bother to make contact with the humans.

Gabriel gave her a sympathetic smile. "Want me to explode him?" He asked innocently. "I've been wanting to make something explode all night." He kind of figured a no was coming, he never had any fun.

She accepted the smile and laughed, "Be my guest." Her hand raised lightly in a gesture to go ahead. Most of the time she would be against it, but at this very moment the annoyance level was rising with this human. Demand, demand, demand. That's all they seemed to want from what she seemed to see from that group.

"Maybe it was a bad idea to come in here." She sighed lightly and shook her head as she looked to the dance floor then back to Gabriel. "What new topic can we talk about?" She asked lightly.

He shrugged. "I don't know what to talk about, anything but me, I guess." He gave her a teasing smile as he leaned forward and slipped off his jacket, laying it over the back of the chair. He leaned back again, trying to think of a subject to talk about with Eloa.

A soft laugh passed her lips again. "Damn." She was scraping her mind to just find a topic on anything interesting to talk about. Her arms crossed as her eyes looked down. Thinking seemed to be apparent at this moment between the two of them as a deep silence fell between them. She looked around slowly. "Hmmm." She could speak out as she ran her hair back with her fingers. "What was your first and favorite type of alcoholic beverage?" Was the only thing that slipped passed her lips as she looked to him.

Gabriel thought just a moment on her question. "Umm... one that actually gets me drunk, or just alcohol in general?" He asked. "Cause the first alcoholic beverage I had was beer. Not quite the same as it is now, but that's what it was. The first alcohol that ever I felt the effects of was Champagne... I love that stuff... " He quirked a little smile of happiness. "So, well, I know what your first drink was... so I can't ask that, but do tell me, what do you like to do when you aren't chasing after troublesome archangels?"
He kept waiting for that girl to come back and interrupt again, he'd glance over every so often to see if she was.

A laugh passed Eloa's lips. "Well it depends on your terms of alcohol. Wine is the many thing I've had. The only thing I've ever had if one could count that back in the old days." She spoke lightly. "Drink of choice one could say. That stuff makes me oblivious to the world around me. But if you're looking to other types of alcohol, well rum and coke it appears. Maybe because it's mixed with sugar..." A shrug followed her words.

Another smirk followed her lips. "I pray a lot. Most don't do that in heaven from what I've seen. I'm the only one that does it." She spoke lightly. "Assignments as I said are rare, but when I am assigned to go to earth, there's a big reason behind it. I can't never really tell what it is but I just accept it. As for anything else?" She seemed to go silent for a second. "Read." She spoke lightly. "I love history. Past is the present and present is the future type of things."

Her eyes seemed to divert from Gabriel as she looked to the guy that walked over to them now. A roll of her eyes came. "Damn it. Gabriel just blow him up right now." She spoke. She hadn't noticed the fallen angel that had walked into the club. She looked to the guy that looked to her.

Gabriel's attention fixed on the guy who had been bothering Eloa all night. He was half tempted to make him explode, except for it would be rather messy her, and attract way too much attention. His mind had come around clear enough to realize that certain things should not be done.

"Look I was just trying to be nice and get your number." His voice held a rustic tone as he spoke. Her eyes closed as her head leaned back.

"Here we go again." She mumbled to herself. "For the four or seventh time, NO!" She was getting a bit mad.

He listened as the young man once again asked for Eloa's number and as Eloa was about to loose her temper. Nice and reasonable didn't seem to be working on this guy.
He took a deep breath in. "I would advise to leave her alone." He said. "She's not interested." His eyes looked fairly threateningly at him.

Her eyes looked to Gabriel as he stood up for her. She looked back to the guy. "Look I declined in politeness. Learn to respect that and take it." She said lightly as she tried to control her temper.

"Why don't you stay out of it." A pair of green eyes lay arest on Gabriel as his own annoyance could be seen present. He shot his own threatening glance back to Gabriel before looking to Eloa. "God woman, won't you just fucken take a drink from me!"

Eloa's eyes snapped wide open as she looked directly to the guy that was now just pushing to be set a flame. Her mouth nearly fell as he cursed to her in the process. That nearly snapped the line as her eyes narrowed. "Look! I don't want a drink. I already gave you a reason to why." She shook her head. Heat seemed to feel the air around her as she bit on her tongue to keep from speak another word. She took a couple of deep breaths to control her temper. Eyes lay closed as she focus her anger.

"No you don't seem to see that I hold a general interest in you." By now she noticed his hands were on the table and his face close to hers with anger laced upon it. She opened her eyes looking to Gabriel for some assistance. Her eyes glanced down to see her cup melting slowly at the rims. Her hand moved away from it as her rage boiled directly at the surface.

Gabriel was in motion the moment the boy closed the space between himself and Eloa. He took a hold of the boy by the arm, pulling him up to him. They were face to face, barely a breath between them. "She's with me, and no, I will not stay out of it." He growled. "Now, you will leave the lady alone, and not even look in her direction." Taller than the boy, his height had the advantage, but without his jacket on, his slim frame was even more apparent. His grip on the boy's arm was strong though, but he was honestly holding back, trying not to hurt him, yet. His eyes were intensely locked into the boys eyes.

Eloa nearly jumped when she watched Gabriel moved in to action. "Hey, hey, hey now!" She let out but her eyes looked to the guys.

"Don't touch me freak." The boy's hands slammed in to Gabriel's chest as he faced him. "Stay out!" Everybody's eyes seemed to be on the three of them and that made Eloa nervous as her eyes looked to all of the eyes in the room that lay on them.

The guy looked just as pissed as Gabriel. She wasn't mad with Gabriel for standing up for her. At least he was helping her in this situation. Her hand went to her hair as she looked around. "Stop!" She felt a flicker of fire. Not on her but her mind mentally started the flame as something behind the bar burst with sparks. Her eyes looked to the guy. "Leave Gabriel alone!" She found herself yelling as the guy moved to hit the archangel.

Gabriel didn't react to the boy suddenly coming around and slamming into his chest. His eyes kept that cold glare, unbroken, on him. "You will not order me..." He growled as he caught Eloa yelling and the boy drawing back for a punch.

Her hand moved catching the guys arm. Only to fell her body shoved back and away from the two of them by the human.

When Eloa stumbled back from the shove, Gabriel's anger and rage came full force. He caught the fist coming at him by the boy's wrist, twisted his arm around, spinning the boy around, and slammed his head into the table.

Eloa's eyes looked to turn to Gabriel as he got a hold of the boy after tossing her down. She moved slowly feeling the female hands help her up to her feet. She jumped at the sheer action Gabriel took on from the attack.

He then twisted the boy to a standing position, behind him, he leaned to the boys ear. "Are you going to leave her alone now?" He said unnervingly calm into his ear.

The guy felt his head spin after the slam into the table. Holding him still as he looked to regain his sight. "No." The guy turned quickly to hit his opponent. Spinning on the heel of his shoe as he turned to hit Gabriel. Arm swing at full force to air for Gabriel's face. His rage was getting the better of him as he went after him.

Eloa moved lightly to get in the fight to break it up but felt a couple of the girls' hands grabbing at her arms to hold her back away from the fight. She moved lightly as she felt them release her. She knew very well Gabriel could take care of himself. But the human would especially once Gabriel was done with him.

The boy moved to pull a trick as his arm swing an under hand towards Gabriel's abdomen. "Go to hell." He growled back.

Gabriel stopped the underhand swing with his left hand. He could only laugh as the boy told him to go to hell.
"Been there, even hell can't handle me. But I'd be more than happy to be your guide in hell." He said. "I know the Devil, personally."
As the boy tried to wrench free from his grasp, Gabriel let go, sending him stumbling backwards into a wall.

Eloa only watched in awe as Gabriel seemed to let free the chaos on the boy. He was getting his wish in telling Gabriel to go to hell. And in turn, Gabriel was going to send him there. She knew very well that that would happen. She moved as soon as she saw the guy against the wall.

His head hit against the wall and Gabriel stepped over to him as he tried to move forward, pushing his head back into the wall again.

"Gabriel!" She called out. But he seemed lost to the fight. Her rage still on edge as she moved to fight everybody. "Don't!" She screamed out as she watched Gabriel only counter the boy's blows that he tossed and pulled him away from the wall.

Quickly, he spun the boy around, then he threw the boy backwards, crashing through a table and some chairs. When the boy hit the floor, he started forward, his pace measured. As he approached, he pulled his dagger from his thigh. It glinted in the light as he flipped it up in his hand, pommel facing out, the blade was inward away from the boy. Before the boy could move, Gabriel was over him, face to face with him again. The hilt of the dagger hit him in the head with enough force to stun him a moment.

She gasped lightly when he pulled his blade out. She could hear the voice of the bouncer getting ready to throw them out. "Gabriel!" She screamed out. But he didn't seem to hear. It only left that few seconds open.

"Now, need I ask you again to leave the lady alone?" He asked, flipping the dagger back around and pointing the blade at his throat.
His hand pulled back slightly as he prepared to shove it back down into the boys throat.

The boy looked frightened as the blade lay pointed at his throat.

A blast came from the bar. Eloa's eyes narrowed as she got closer and got a hold of Gabriel's wrist. "Gabriel! Snap out of it!" She yelled. The blast nearly scared the crap out of everybody as glass bottles seemed to explode from the intense heat of the flames that now layered the shelves. Eloa's eyes held that same fire. She was controlling it some how, but a promise couldn't be given for long.

"Get out of my club!" The bouncer yelled coming after both of them.

Gabriel couldn't hear Eloa at all, his mind so focused, his rage blocking out anything else, he even didn't feel her grab his wrist.

Eloa's own eye shot up and another blast came from the other half of the liquor shelves. Women screaming and men yelling as they took off. Freaked out by the fire itself. "Get off him Gabriel." She felt her voice tighten to hold her own control but that seem at lost. The boy looked stunned by everything as he just nodded to Gabriel's question.

But as the bottles on the shelves exploded, and the heat rose in the room, Gabriel's head quickly snapped to her. His eyes still full of pure rage, his face hardened by anger, he almost seemed as if he didn't recognize her.

"I am not done with him, Eloa." He said in a clipped tone. But the fire in her eyes caught his attention as her words finally sunk in. He quickly looked at the fire then back to her, standing slowly.

He nearly interrupted her. Ready to finished what she started if the bottles on the shelves hadn't exploded. Hadn't create such a massive fire as the liquor only added to the bleeding flames that licked at the walls of the shelves and traveled up and down. That seemed to snap at his attention as he noticed everything. The flames mainly. Eloa's hand released him slowly as he rose up. Standing and just watching everything.

The screaming humans were fleeing for the door. He looked back at the young man on the floor, then turned for the door himself, not even checking to make sure Eloa and Cornelia were with him until he was halfway to the door.

Everything now lay flickering in the rage of the flames as they rose violently and quickly. One could have placed it as electrical problems. But only she and other angels knew well who caused it. She did. Her rage had flickered that flame. A reminder of one past even. Flames had been set. But this was a different reason. She moved slowly as her eyes came back in focus themselves as she grasped some hold of where she was and what she just did. "Shit." She let out softly as she only seemed to look as the flames burned around her. Igniting everything in its way. She moved back from the boy as he got up and took off. She couldn't tell if Cornelia had taken off or stayed, all she knew was that she was at fault for this. Her eyes watched the flames lick at the roof. Engulf the floor. Her eyes looked in horror at what had just happened. Her mind finally came to as she moved to get out with the tail end of the crowd. Her breath heavy as she got out from the building. Running out into the street as her eyes looked back to see the club licked in flames that weren't man made or hell made for that matter. But the wrath of one angel. She closed her eyes as she crouched down. Her hands folded and eyes closed as she tried to think straight. "Damn it." She whispered. She let a breath out softly as she everybody to ignore the fire as she tried to fix what just happened in the club. Made it seem like it was a false alarm of an electrical wire.

Gabriel stood outside the club watching the flames engulf the building, his arms folded across his chest, listening to the fear of those around him. He smiled slightly at Eloa's handiwork, a sense of pride took over him. "The girl's got a temper... good for her." He mumbled to himself. "Too bad no one died."

She moved slowly as her eyes raised up and looked to find the people the filled the streets inside again. As if nothing had happened but a couple of sparks from an electrical wire. Her eyes opened as she looked around slowly for a sign of Gabriel.

Just as he was really about to into it, the subtle ebbing of his own job on the guy that had been hitting on Eloa, fluxing into the spectacular scene of destruction and mayhem came to a slow stop as he felt the surge of Eloa tapping into her deep abilities to reverse the event. His small smile slipped into a small frown as if time seemed to reverse, the humans suddenly moving, almost as if in a dream run in fast forward, back into the club, with no conscious thought of what was going on, no memories of the fire. With a sigh, since he was in the middle of the crowd, he reached over and grabbed the bouncer, concentrating on his thoughts, rearranging it so he remembered throwing Gabriel out, Eloa and Cornelia following Gabriel, since the fight was still in his mind. He released his careful hold on the bouncer, and the bouncer, still under Eloa's effects, swiftly moved back into the club.
He looked over at Eloa out of the corner of his eye, crouched over a bit away, looking very upset and looking around for him. He sighed, his detached demeanor had gone from completely detached to only somewhat detached, coming off the high of his fight. He switched his line of sight to Cornelia.

"Cornelia, I left my jacket inside, go get it." His tone left no room for argument.

Once Cornelia was out of sight, he walked over to Eloa. He did not want Cornelia to see any of this. He kneeled down next to Eloa and put his arm around her shoulders. "Oh Eloa..." He began. "That was truly a lovely fire. I enjoyed that." He smirked at her.

She stopped searching as her eyes turned upward towards the sky. She closed her eyes as she felt the chaos that seem to fell her. She took a couple of deep breaths to calm her still raging temper to a point of peeve as she heard Gabriel. Felt his arm around her shoulders as she stay kneeling down. Her mind slowly spun from a stop as she looked at Gabriel. Listening was another subject after suffering such a blow. She rarely got angry, but when she did it always left her drained and exhausted.

"Don't worry though. It'll be all right." Gabriel continued "You lost your temper, that's understandable. Angels have very intense emotions, sometimes, we really let our tempers flare." He paused a moment, looking over at her. "I doubt you'll really get in trouble for this, no one got hurt, you fixed it, I'll wager you will get yelled at... but nothing big. They'll just remind you to learn to control your temper when it flares, I imagine." He looked back up at the club, chuckling a bit as he had heard that speech more times than he could count... 'Gabriel, learn to control your temper... when innocents are involved.'.

Eloa finally to comprehension of what he spoke of as she finally relaxed. She said nothing as she just listened. Her eyes looked to the club. "I hope so." was all that seemed to pass her lips as she looked to the people that wandered inside. As if nothing had happened.

"Now, understand, I can't let Cornelia see this, but..." He trailed off again, cursing himself for actually having feelings about Eloa. He didn't like consoling others, it wasn't his style, and he'd be damned to let anyone but her see him being all nice. "I just didn't want you to feel bad.. and stuff... you know..." He began stumbling over his words, stupid emotions thing...

Her eyes never left the club as she heard Gabriel talk. . "I know." She nodded softly understanding. She could hear him stumble, that brought a small smile to her lips as she looked to Gabriel. "Thank you." She spoke lightly as she pulled away from his hold. Her heart felt like it was still racing from what just happened, to get over this would be war with herself. But she would relax as time went on. Her eyes looked back to Gabriel. "Lets just get out of hear and sober up." She spoke lightly. Fatigue seemed to appear on her features as she yawned lightly. It wasn't her think to sleep. Angels didn't sleep. But she did after such bursts of rage. She rarely had them but they took a toll on her every time it happened.

Gabriel stood and nodded to her suggestion of getting sober. It seemed like the best plan. He looked to the club, waiting for Cornelia to come out. "Raph is still at Chloe's store, she said for them to stay there tonight, since the store is closed tomorrow, and no one has anyplace to take Uzziel at the moment." He said. "We'll head off there, Raph can sober us up pretty darn quickly."

Glancing over to him before looking around the streets. She just need some rest before anything else came her way. A nod came as the curls moved lightly. "Sounds good." She spoke lightly. Anything to lift this feeling off of her shoulders. She doubted that she would get drunk like that again.

Once Cornelia was caught up with them, Gabriel started off down the street, to get out of sight of any humans, before taking the quick trip to Chloe's store. Before he could go more than a couple of feet, he felt a scream in his mind and stopped dead in his tracks. "Catylina..." He whispered. He turned to look at Eloa and Cornelia. "Catylina's in trouble. She's calling me."
Now he didn't care who saw him suddenly disappear. He just did it, reappearing in Catylina's bedroom.

Eloa smiled softly to Cornelia as she caught up. Following Gabriel as they head back to Chloe's store to get some rest. Her mind just looking forward to that. But she stopped at she noticed Gabriel stop. She moved closer to see what was wrong. Her eyes turned from tired to sober in a second flat as he spoke of Catylina. Her eyes looked around after Gabriel disappeared. Apparent that he didn't care the less. She could only follow the same example.

A few seconds later only appeared within the space of Catylina's room.

11:31:30 Aug 25th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

I'm running out of words now. Proceed.

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