Forums / Roleplaying / THE VILLAGE - THE NEW WORLD

21:50:05 Feb 4th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

"Yes sir," said Septim, "Hirgon, prepare your archers! Position them at the (Killer wasn't clear as to what direction the enemies were invading from). Wilber, your riders won't be of much use in a defensive battle, but have them ready to fight, every hand helps."
Septim then rode to where his infantry was waiting with their pikes (the way Septim blew the horn told the infantry what weapons to grab.)
"Prepare to stop their charge with your pikes!" said Septim, "I want them off those things as soon as possible!"
The infantry ran out in front of the pallisade and formed a line, preparing to stop the charge.

21:55:20 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Killer:

The soldiers rushed to their positions, the archers aiming to the east. Alas, they Eplopes were out of the range of bows, yet they could hurl their javelins at the troops from a further position due to their powerful "arms". They slowed down and begun to do this very thing. An infantry dude was killed, and the commanders made hasty decisions as to what to do.

22:11:17 Feb 4th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

[[OOC: Infantry "dude"? XD]]

"Dammit! Get out your shields!" yelled Septim, and the infantry pulled their shields from their backs. They used them to block the javelins, making sure to use the part their arm wasn't behind to guard with, as the javelins could penetrate the wooden shields.

22:13:28 Feb 4th 09 - Sir Hirgon Tegalad:

[[OOC: I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that I never pulled half of the archers back into the village after the last scouting expedition.  I'll have to go back and check.  *hopes he left them in the trees*]]

"Hold your fire," yelled Hirgon to his 20 archers.  "I hope the 20 out in the trees are smart enough to get someplace safe and start shooting those things," he muttered under his breath.  Hirgon then raised a horn to his mouth and blew.  The note rang out crisp and clear against the sounds of the young battle, carrying over the plain and into the wilderness beyond.

22:19:16 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Electric:

Electric ran for cover with his scholars and farmers and hid in the forests when he tripped over a large creature. It seemed to be attacking fallen enemies, and he picked it up and set it in the battlefield. It immediately ran after enemies, annoying them and biting at them.

20:07:22 Feb 5th 09 - Mr. Killer:

Population - 1,085(1% per day)
Buildings - Timber cabins, Barracks, Wooden palisades, Forge, Town hall
Food - Enough for 0 days, making 1/4 food daily(meaning every four days, you get enough food for one day)
Health - The population is healthy
Employment - 39 unemployed, 89 infantry, 40 guards, 50 cavalry, 39 archers, 5 mages, 15 scholars(10 in training, 2 days), 230 farmers, 448 labourers, 80 blacksmiths, 50 beastmasters.
Animals - 54 horses(1 baby), 497 leppits(108 juvennile ones, 157 baby ones. I hope you realise these guys are sort of eating into the food supply, Stickman, you could give them to Electric, and Electric, you might want to use them for food then), 16 pythosi(snakes, 9 baby ones)

[The fight is finished, but you still have to fini*beep*, if you get me. I haven't counted all the losses yet either, since you haven't finished fighting. :P Just continue fighting]

The archers came at them from behind, using the bushes as cover. Fifteen of the foe were killed, but one archers was killed also. The rest of the Eplopes charged at the wall, and ran into the village, slaughtering a horse and many leppits, along with three people(one unemployed dude and two labourers). They grouped together in a circle in the centre of the village.

21:10:18 Feb 5th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

Septim saw them forming a circle and wondered how they got through his line (they were still there, they were just using shields. As soon as those Eplopes got into range they would have lifted their pikes and used them). However, he quickly dismissed the thought as he ordered his men to stand back from the fight, he would have the archers take cover up on buildings and fire from above.

23:14:46 Feb 5th 09 - Mr. Sadark:

Electric screamed because there was no more food. He grabbed about 50 leppits and slaughtered them, then threw them into the food bin. The creature ran into the village, and jumped into the circle of men before they could stab it.

18:13:43 Feb 6th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Demonsul was panicking. The food crisis had gone critical, and the fight was still going on.
He immediately ordered all non-combat personnel to gather food, as much as possible. He also called a nearby scholar over. "If the worst comes to the worst, we'll eat the attacker's mounts. If it gets worse, we'll eat the attackers. I need you to work out if they are edible. Can you do that?"

23:33:09 Feb 6th 09 - Mr. Killer:

No, the fight was over, it's just you hadn't finished it...

Population - 1,095(1% per day)
Buildings - Timber cabins, Barracks, Wooden palisades, Forge, Town hall
Food - Enough for 0 days, making 1/4 food daily(meaning every four days, you get enough food for one day)
Health - The population is healthy
Employment - 49 unemployed, 89 infantry, 40 guards, 50 cavalry, 39 archers, 5 mages, 25 scholars, 230 farmers, 448 labourers, 80 blacksmiths, 50 beastmasters.
Animals - 54 horses(1 baby), 548 leppits(157 juvennile ones, 101 baby ones), 16 pythosi(snakes, 9 baby ones), 2 Hunquils

The Eplopes were killed off by the archers quickly. Lanoc sat observing one of the bodies. He called the leaders to him. "We captured two Hunquils. The beastmasters are trying to keep them imprisoned, but it is tough. Anyway, what  I wanted to talk about was the Eplopes. I think I've learned a few things about them. Firstly, I do not think they respond to noise, they cannot hear anything. They can change their skin colour, much more effectively than any other creature I have seen. That is how they got past your men. However, I think this requires a large amount of effort on their part, that is why we could see them again. They also have a grasp of magic, they left illusions behind for us to gawp at as they rode to the centre of the village. I'm sure you were wondering about that. Lastly, do not panic, but a score came to attack us, and there are only nineteen bodies here."
          With that, Lanoc quickly raced away, mentioning the leppits needed feeding or some such thing.

00:04:44 Feb 7th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

[[OOC: Did you add the leppits, the mounts, and the bodies to our food supply? >=(]]

00:07:55 Feb 7th 09 - Mr. Sadark:

[[OOC: Electric is now Sadark]]

Sadark looked at the bodies and called his scholars over. "Research them, see what their weaknesses are." he said. He walked over to his farmers and tried as calmly as possible to get out their harpoons and stab the fish that are migrating. He then saw a creature resembling a dog walk up to the sea and grab a stick with a widening end and put it through a sticky spider web. He threw it into the water and fish immediately got stuck in it. He swam out and retrieved it, sort of like a dog fetching a stick. "All right, grab sticks with think ends and put spider webs on them. A dog fished and did very well doing it that way." Sadark decided to name it a Dodgar, respecting its form and likeness of a dog.

14:17:19 Feb 7th 09 - Mr. Killer:

I added the leppits and the mounts(dead ones) but not the bodies. The Eplopes are carnivores, and you would risk many diseases eating them. Sadark, don't make up any animals please, only Stickman and I can do that. A fish would more than likely move away from one of these dodgars, if not the sticks beforehand. Besides, fish(unless tiny) would be too big to be stuck by spider web, and water would probably have an effect on the sticky stuff on the web(though I'm not sure). If you make a decent animal I might allow it.

21:26:21 Feb 7th 09 - Sir Hirgon Tegalad:

[[OOC: The fish obviously swam towards the spider web because it was attracted to some sort of chemical in the web.  Also, these webs are obviously stickier than webs in our world, as well as stronger.  The stick had an end thick enough to hold enough extra-sticky web to catch the fish, and the fish could not swim away from the dodgar because wood floats...  It works...]]

22:54:24 Feb 7th 09 - Mr. Killer:

Population - 1,106(1% per day)
Buildings - Timber cabins, Barracks, Wooden palisades, Forge, Town hall
Food - Enough for 0 days, making 1/4 food daily(meaning every four days, you get enough food for one day(you got your food today))
Health - The population is healthy
Employment - 60 unemployed, 89 infantry, 40 guards, 50 cavalry, 39 archers, 5 mages, 25 scholars, 230 farmers, 448 labourers, 80 blacksmiths, 50 beastmasters.
Animals - 54 horses(1 baby), 669 leppits(101 juvennile ones, 121 baby ones), 16 pythosi(snakes, 9 baby ones), 2 Hunquils

[If you set a limit on the leppits I will keep it at it, but I won't until you do. The majority of ye seem inactive, so I may change the jobs about. There is also an Eplope scout running(very slowly) loose, you might want to catch him before he gets back to camp, whereever it is.]

23:21:54 Feb 7th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

"Cavalry! Go out and find that scout, now!" roared Septim before turning to Demonsul, "I suggest a limit of 100 baby leppits at a time, when one reaches adulthood, slaughter it for food..."

23:34:06 Feb 7th 09 - Mr. Killer:

[Very effective Septim... They're born, grow up, and then are slaughtered, leaving none to reproduce.]

23:43:07 Feb 7th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

[[OOC: I know, they're a waste. Freakin' frog things...our food would best be used on a larger animal to slaughter.]]

16:05:56 Feb 8th 09 - Sir Fords Boner:

[[Sorry about inactivity, I get time to occasionally read/post abit in forums but haven't had the time to RP lately. Very busy guy and that...I'm Wilber by the way]]

Wilber, had watched the Eplope attack on the village, however he had been unarmed and thus unable to fight when they had entered the village. However, he had managed to keep the streets clear of villagers and make sure they returned to their houses, where they would be safe.
Wilber could neither lead a cavalry charge against the Eplope assault, because their Hunquil mounts were much greater beasts than the horses and would cause great losses.

Wilber heard Septim call for the scout to be tracked down and kill it before it reaches its home village.

"Septim, I have a few points before I take this task up. The is a risk it could be a trap and we become ambushed, in this case I would like to saddle up some archers and infantry. Another point, is that I'm sure we'd like to know where the enemy camp is, so I would like to track the beast for a few days before we kill it. Final point, do you know any skilled trackers? I am not the greatest and neither are the men, we can track large groups or squadrons, but a relatively unknown beast? That would be difficult indeed."

16:49:36 Feb 8th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

"I know it would be difficult, but there is a chance that the charge against our village was done by a small team, and their capital doesn't know about us. That'll all change if they reach it, we need to wipe that survivor out quickly. We don't have the manpower to take down anybody..." said Septim, "And one of your men is a good tracker, his name is Jorlen. He and I fought in many battles together, he was also the best deer hunter that I had ever seen..."

15:54:48 Feb 9th 09 - Mr. Killer:

Population - 1,111(1% per day)
Buildings - Timber cabins, Barracks, Wooden palisades, Forge, Town hall
Food - Enough for 0 days, making 1/4 food daily(meaning every four days, you get enough food for one day(you got your food today))
Health - The population is healthy
Employment - 70 unemployed, 88 infantry, 40 guards, 50 cavalry, 39 archers, 5 mages, 25 scholars, 230 farmers, 444 labourers, 80 blacksmiths, 50 beastmasters.
Animals - 54 horses(1 baby), 799 leppits(121 juvennile ones, 130 baby ones), 16 pythosi(snakes, 9 baby ones), 2 Hunquils

6 people starved.

20:10:29 Feb 9th 09 - Sir Fords Boner:

With that Wilber set off to find Jorlen.

Finding him in the stables with a few other cavalrymen Wilber recognised.
"No need to salute me boys, rank means nothing on this island." Was the reply to their salute.
"Jorlen, you saw what happened a couple of days didn't you? The Eplope attack? Yes well, a scout of theirs escaped and as the cavalrymen, we're ordered to track and hunt the blighter down. We'll be taking a few archers with us on horseback, I'll need to ask Hirgons permission first. Until then, ready up. You'll need several days supplies including food and water, sleeping arrangements and so on, remember to armour up."
With that Wilber ran out of the stables, telling the first 40 cavalrymen he saw to get ready.

He then set out to find Hirgon.

21:37:24 Feb 9th 09 - Mr. Sadark:

Electric ran into Demonsul's cabin. "If you'd notice, we have over 1000 LEPPITS!!!" he screamed. He stormed out and asked Stickman is he could slaughter 500 of the adults.

21:43:39 Feb 9th 09 - Mr. Killer:

[Actually, the baby ones and juvennilles are part of the whole amount. And I sort of forgot about the horses and pythosi, I'll have to change them]

22:57:23 Feb 9th 09 - Mr. Sadark:


17:19:55 Feb 10th 09 - Mr. Stickman:

[[ Sorry for inactivity, had some things to do this weekend. ]]


After many requests, Alphonse set about killing the 500 leppits. It was a shame he thought, but the colony had to eat..

22:22:02 Feb 11th 09 - Mr. Killer:

Population - 1,122(1% per day)
Buildings - Timber cabins, Barracks, Wooden palisades, Forge, Town hall
Food - Enough for 3 days, making 1/3 food daily(meaning every four days, you get enough food for one day(you got your food today))
Health - The population is healthy
Employment - 81 unemployed, 88 infantry, 40 guards, 50 cavalry, 39 archers, 5 mages, 25 scholars, 230 farmers, 444 labourers, 80 blacksmiths, 50 beastmasters.
Animals - 57 horses(1 juvennile, 1 baby), 338 leppits(130 juvennile ones, 39 baby ones), 36 pythosi(snakes, 9 juvennile ones, 9 baby ones), 2 Hunquils

[I don't know... I've made a mess of this. Who is still here anyway? I will have to do something about the jobs]

22:37:02 Feb 11th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

[[OOC: Still here. ^^]]

18:23:15 Feb 12th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[Struggling to maintain interest...]]

I employ all the unemployed as scientists. This new profession will increase efficiency by 216%.

What, no scientists?...fine, scholars then.

18:42:10 Feb 12th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

[[OOC: I'll just do this...]]

The hunters entered the room carrying the knocked out survivor from the attack. After restraining him, Septim began his interogation. He pulled out fingernails/claws, cut off fingers, pulled teeth, and even cut out one of the creature's eyes. In return, he learned that [Killer decides this]. After learning as much as he could (Location of their cities/camps/villages, culture, leaders, hierarchy), Septim had the survivor killed and went off to inform Demonsul of what he had learned.

19:50:55 Feb 13th 09 - Mr. Sadark:

Electric strolled along the beach, picking up sticks. He looked at one of them and noticed a shiny blue metal that was inside a few of the large ones. He immediately brought them to his scholars and all of them began study on it.

13:52:02 Feb 16th 09 - Sir Fords Boner:

Wilber couldn't find Hirgon, so decided that if this was to be a trap, so be it. The cavalrymen are well trained and strong, they were all he needed. If not, so what? They'd be dead after all.

With that Wilber mounted the powerful stallion that he had helped deliever. A large war charger, one of the most powerful at his disposal. If he were a navy-man it would be his flagship.

In formation, Wilber leading the arrow-head formation sitting atop his horse, with 50 fine cavalrymen behind him, slowly and casually trotted down the streets. Children came out of their houses and played and ran behind the formation of horses and men, to the anger of their parents who tried dragging them back it.

After leaving the gates, Wilber turned on his saddle and looked up to Septim.

"If we're not back in 5 days, we're dead. Do not send out a search and rescue party. I'll make sure at least 1 of these cavalrymen would make it back with our standard."

19:42:55 Feb 16th 09 - Mr. Killer:

[I'm sorry. Does someone else want to take this over?]

Population - 1,133(1% per day)
Buildings - Timber cabins, Barracks, Wooden palisades, Forge, Town hall
Food - Enough for 2 days, making 1/3 food daily
Health - The population is healthy
Employment - 11 unemployed, 88 infantry, 40 guards, 50 cavalry, 39 archers, 5 mages, 25 scholars(81 in training, 6 days), 230 farmers, 444 labourers, 80 blacksmiths, 50 beastmasters.
Animals - 58 horses(1 juvennile, 1 baby), 400 leppits(39 juvennile ones, 362baby ones), 36 pythosi(snakes, 9 juvennile ones, 9 baby ones), 2 Hunquils

The scholars found the ore to have similar properties to the mythical mithril. As such, they called it mithril, though unsure if they could make a metal from it(you've only a tiny little bit anyway). The cavalry made a steady path after the Eplope, but did not find him. The tortured Eplope revealed no information, probably from the inability to speak.

15:27:49 Feb 17th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

[[OOC: I have nothing to do today...>.>]]

20:48:04 Feb 17th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Demonsul waits for something of interest to happen.

21:17:17 Feb 17th 09 - Sir Hirgon Tegalad:

[[OOC: 50 Cavalry + Wilbur, 56 useable mounts --> 5 mounts unused by cavalry]]

Hirgon sat on horseback at the top of the hill, waiting for the cavalry to catch up.  "Nice day for a ride, isn't it?" he said, as Wilbur's company rode up to him.  "I'm guessing you're after that Eplope.  We've been tracking him for days now...he's rather slow, because of his wounds.  I've got four archers out there with horses, and they're keeping an eye on his movements.  What are our orders?  If you'll just follow me..."  Hirgon then rode along the ridge, towards a forested area.

[[OOC: Back to being inactive for a while.  You've got four archers and Hirgon tracking the Eplope, keeping their eyes open, and being the scouts they've been trained to be, so that should keep the cavalry out of trouble.  If I need to RP anything, message me.]]

17:28:24 Feb 19th 09 - Mr. Killer:

Hmmm... Alright, this is what I'm going to do: There's only a couple of people left, so... You can do whatever the hell you want[no god-moding though] and you'll get attacked frequently. I'll keep the stats updated(and if you don't do anything I'll just let this die).

Population - 1,144(1% per day)
Buildings - Timber cabins, Barracks, Wooden palisades, Forge, Town hall
Food - Enough for 2 days, making 1/3 food daily
Health - The population is healthy
Employment - 22 unemployed, 88 infantry, 40 guards, 50 cavalry, 39 archers, 5 mages, 25 scholars(81 in training, 4 days), 230 farmers, 444 labourers, 80 blacksmiths, 50 beastmasters.
Animals - 60 horses(1 juvennile, 1 baby), 700 leppits(362 juvennile ones, 300 baby ones), 50 pythosi(snakes, 9 juvennile ones, 14 baby ones), 2 Hunquils

18:41:02 Feb 19th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

[[OOC: If you made a few more maps I could go into some wars or conquests...=( ]]

19:06:09 Feb 21st 09 - Mr. Sadark:

Sadark wanders around throwing sticks at everyone.

22:22:20 Feb 21st 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Demonsul throws some sticks back.

22:37:09 Feb 21st 09 - Mr. Bill Larson:

*Larson pops out of the dirt and looks around, then pops back into the ground.*

23:10:20 Feb 21st 09 - Sir Fords Boner:

[[Sorry Hirgon hadn't seen this message until now]]

"Lets keep an eye on the thing shall we? We'll see where its headed. What is it you want me to see?"

[[Sorry for the 1 line RP, I'm busy atm and about to logout]]

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