Forums / Roleplaying / The court of justice

The court of justice
16:41:56 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Vengence:

ok, this is my second RP thread recenty, the other sucked, so here goes....

        ***The court of justice***

Right this is how it will work.......


1) organiser- ORGANISES STUFF!!! i will do this, and another role if not enough people join.

2) suspects (x2)- i think the name explains... they defend themselves....

3)witnesses (x4)- two per suspect. will give evidence against the opposing suspect (it wont have to be something i say, just mk it up, you just have to convince the investigator your suspects innocent)

4) the investigator- decides ultimately who is guilty


we will have more than one round, the losing suspect goes to jail (is out) and the people supporting them is out also. the winer goes through to the next round, if i have enough for another round.

soooo...... 7 people per round, so i want as many people as i can. if i do not have enough the witnesses can support two suspects, or one witness per suspect


  1. Vengence 

16:44:51 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Revenge:

I will be investigator!

16:45:46 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Vengence:


  1. Vengence- organiser, and something else, maybe a suspect
  2. Revenge- investigator

16:47:17 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Vengence:

wow, that was a fast post m8,, lol

16:49:53 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Revenge:

I had just finished checking up on " Islands" and i thought oh new game!

16:50:40 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Vengence:

and this one isnt like the other ones, like my last attempt!

now, lots of sign ups guys!!!!!

oh, and i just KNEW the first spot taken would be investigator. actuallt, revenge, u like power, dont u? first island gamemaster, and now the guy who sends people to jail, lol

16:55:57 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Revenge:



17:43:12 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Vengence:

come on guys, sign up.

00:30:30 Nov 22nd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim pushes through the double doors.

"I have been sued once! AND I WANT TO BE SUED AGAIN!"

  1. Vengence- organiser, and something else, maybe a suspect
  2. Revenge- investigator
  3. Septim - Suspect

13:09:19 Nov 22nd 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

  1. Vengence- organiser, and something else, maybe a suspect
  2. Revenge- investigator
  3. Septim - Suspect
  4. Jonny - Witness

13:52:42 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Vengence:

lol septim. come on guys, sign up

14:53:40 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Revenge:

lol " i want to be sued again "

17:46:04 Nov 22nd 07 - Lord Seloc:

  1. Vengence- organiser, and something else, maybe a suspect (Unfair you got to pick first 0.o)
  2. Revenge- investigator (Can't say this is a good idea.)
  3. Septim - Suspect (And again.)
  4. Jonny - Witness (FTW)
  5. Seloc - Witness (I about to own you all!)

17:49:11 Nov 22nd 07 - Sir Verll:

  1. Vengence- organiser, and something else, maybe a suspect (Unfair you got to pick first 0.o)
  2. Revenge- investigator (Can't say this is a good idea.)
  3. Septim - Suspect (And again.)
  4. Jonny - Witness (FTW)
  5. Seloc - Witness (I about to own you all!)
  6. Verll - Witness(hihihihihihihihi)

17:57:04 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Revenge:

Nasty seloc  :(

18:01:50 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

  1. Vengence- organiser, and something else, maybe a suspect (Unfair you got to pick first 0.o)
  2. Revenge- investigator (Can't say this is a good idea.)
  3. Septim - Suspect (And again.)
  4. Jonny - Witness (FTW)
  5. Seloc - Witness (I about to own you all!)
  6. Verll - Witness(hihihihihihihihi)
  7. Erunion- Suspect

14:03:09 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

ok, we need one more witness to have enough for another round, so next sign up please be a witness, then we can start filling another round. so what we got is round one so far. actually, ill be a witness. oh, and seloc, wanna guess y i got to choose first.? look at the thread creator. I AM THE MASTER!

  1. Vengence- organiser, and something else, maybe a suspect (Unfair you got to pick first 0.o)
  2. Revenge- investigator (Can't say this is a good idea.)
  3. Septim - Suspect (And again.)
  4. Jonny - Witness (FTW)
  5. Seloc - Witness (I about to own you all!)
  6. Verll - Witness(hihihihihihihihi)
  7. Erunion- Suspect
  8. Vengence (again) witness (only if no more witness signups within the next 24hrs)


so.... thats round one sorted!

14:03:40 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

btw........ dont dis the name, it was meanta be revenge IS sweet :(

oh, yeah, i restarted, sorta left a KD and was... sorta... in the core... by, well, lets just say i got slaughered, lol

15:17:26 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Revenge:

why did you copy my name :o

15:33:30 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

i didnt, i jus thought it fitting, since i want revenge :p. also, revenge, vengence, quite similar really

16:05:30 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Revenge:

your name should be copy cat.....

17:57:57 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

very funny, lol

18:01:13 Nov 23rd 07 - Lord Seloc:

Revenge that sucked, there would be no point in it being copy cat, if it was copy cat, as he wouldn't be revenge sweet.

O and yes please, I'll have one revenge sweat.

18:38:41 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

ok..... this is the setup for this round:

suspect one: Septim.

witnesses defending suspect one: Jonny and Seloc

Suspect two: Erunion

Witnessses defending suspect two: Verll and Revenge sweet (Vengence)


Investigator: Revenge

ok people, this is it. the crime is: spilling beer in ye old tavern (or any other ideas, lol)


oh and revenge, if you re seen to be making decisions based on the guy who took your city and the guy who's in your KD, you will be replaced, so no bias

19:47:55 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Revenge:

I wont be biast

Crime : Smelling of fish

Begin the investigation

19:49:17 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

{I have a fairly good defense plan made up already....}

20:03:06 Nov 23rd 07 - Sir Verll:

[Vengence thinks Revenge is cute....]

20:41:48 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Might:

*Might shoots Revenge in the face*

"Thats for being bias!"

04:16:55 Nov 24th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

"I got one! Me selling exotic food and Erunion is pissed at me for doing so!"

04:31:03 Nov 24th 07 - Mr. Might:

"I thought we already resolved that."

*Might hangs Revenges Body on a pole.*

04:31:49 Nov 24th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

"No, that time Fizban was pissed at me!"

05:48:35 Nov 24th 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

I have to help Septim, with Seloc, hahaha, wow, this is gonna be ridiculius

06:39:55 Nov 24th 07 - Mr. Might:

(I am the random bystander!)

"Really? I thought it was Erunion."

08:51:43 Nov 24th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

" As the prosecutor , lets get this started"

As he gets him down from the pole

11:54:39 Nov 24th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

ok guys, we will start whenever you are ready. i guuess suspect start it off, then we can take it from there 

00:03:19 Nov 25th 07 - Lord Seloc:

Shouldn't you have a defendant and an accuser, instead of two suspects?

12:38:15 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Revenge:


14:58:43 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

hmm........... ok, add accuser to the list!

so now if the accuser if proven to be lying he is out, and the suspect is.. well, trying to save his *beep*.

which suspect wants to be the accuser then?

20:23:36 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Might:


20:27:11 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

ok........ your not actually signed up might

20:40:40 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Might:

Fine ill just be the random bystander...

20:41:21 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:


20:57:49 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Revenge:


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