Forums / The hangaround / Your addicted to VU when...

Your addicted to VU when...
03:07:53 Jul 16th 09 - Sir Sorra:

-When your having sex, and you have your GF at one end, and a laptop with VU on the other.....

10:42:40 Jul 16th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

649. When you get pi$$ed at how the person before you forgot to number his post!

11:53:32 Jul 16th 09 - Mr. Koss:

lolz dammit sorra :)

15:34:27 Jul 17th 09 - Mr. Explorer:

650. When you wonder how many times the vu-during-sex thing has been posted.

15:39:08 Jul 17th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Yeah, but his was the first straight sex.

15:45:37 Jul 17th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

651 when your on 3 hrs till end of era to post funny quotes on the forum

15:49:16 Jul 17th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

652. When you were posting funny posts along with Lunatic :P

15:50:21 Jul 17th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

Waves to Arthur Dent

love D Adams

21:13:14 Jul 17th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

653. When you stay up till 3 am just for the era end scores, and then you realize that there is a bug in the system!!! WTF!

12:38:03 Jul 18th 09 - Mr. Koss:


Mr. Exiles Dwarf 147
197. Mr. Koss Dwarf 134


654:when your multies get the same score and you keep playing the game anyway (era 15 proof of how long ive been playing, i think there are a few more before this one but only like 2 or 3)

12:48:01 Jul 18th 09 - Mr. Koss:

155. Mr. Toxicity Troll 6787


no no this was my earliest play third era of rambo i named myself after my favorite system of a down song

15:27:46 Jul 18th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Multi-account users are pitiful. All deserve a banning.

18:42:49 Jul 18th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

*3/4s of VU is banned*

"Nice one, Gawaine."


18:45:11 Jul 18th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

*Septim is banned for being my multi*


655. When you lose sleep wondering what Zeta is going to implement and/or remove.

19:19:38 Jul 18th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

As long as there is no more multying... I am game. ^^

19:46:56 Jul 18th 09 - Duke Drakos:

656: When you still have the VU guide from 4 years ago.

21:20:37 Jul 18th 09 - Lord Bishop:

657. When you spend half you pay check on BTs

21:28:39 Jul 18th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

658. When you come here to tell Slade to g3t a L1fe

00:20:05 Jul 19th 09 - Lord Bishop:

658. When you always get your ass kicked, but you still seem to think your #1

right Stewie :P

09:36:46 Jul 19th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

660. When the r3tard before you cant count by ones....

right slade =P

09:44:00 Jul 19th 09 - Lord Bishop:

661. When you beg a mod you have never met for forgiveness

Right Stewie

09:54:20 Jul 19th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

662. When you finally teach a noub how to count...

right (_unt

10:17:35 Jul 19th 09 - Mr. Koss:

663. when you teach your great grandma to play

10:18:14 Jul 19th 09 - Lord Bishop:

663. When you force a guy to drop and attack OOP because you keep calling them a cunt


11:02:21 Jul 19th 09 - Mr. Danygraig:

650 . when you even read and make posts when the game is in intermission.

(probly been said but cant be assed to read all)

11:16:09 Jul 19th 09 - Mr. Danygraig:

664 sorry above missed a page lmao

14:57:10 Jul 19th 09 - Sir Water:

666. when you post in this thread only for the sexy number 666

21:40:29 Jul 19th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

667. When you want to shoot Gawaine in both kneecaps.

21:58:05 Jul 19th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

HAHAHAHA good one

22:01:08 Jul 19th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

668. When you check all day for the new era to start

22:02:11 Jul 19th 09 - Mr. Bartimaeus Reincarnated:

Mr. Travis Leiondon


17:10:08 Jul 14th 09

640.  When you make one of these for no reason.

641.  When you make one for a reason.

642.  When you only spend your time on the forums.

643.  When you would rather play VU than have sex, have a job, have a wife, etc.

644.  When you only make one of these just to make the number of reasons match with the number of posts. XD



649. lol when you spend time to make a list like this :-P

22:04:10 Jul 19th 09 - Mr. Bartimaeus Reincarnated:

Mr. Bartimaeus Reincarnated

Edit post

13:02:11 Jul 19th 09
Mr. Travis Leiondon


17:10:08 Jul 14th 09

640.  When you make one of these for no reason.

641.  When you make one for a reason.

642.  When you only spend your time on the forums.

643.  When you would rather play VU than have sex, have a job, have a wife, etc.

644.  When you only make one of these just to make the number of reasons match with the number of posts. XD



649. lol when you spend time to make a list like this :-P



666. When I put the wrong dam number haha

22:04:42 Jul 19th 09 - Mr. Bartimaeus Reincarnated:

fuk i did it again lmao leave me alone lol -_-

22:05:01 Jul 19th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:


22:38:05 Jul 19th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

667. When you want to shoot Gawaine in both kneecaps.

What did I do wrong? O.o

23:06:42 Jul 19th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

You know what you did. >=(

03:00:49 Jul 20th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

NOW I do. Simple mistake. ^^

06:07:46 Jul 20th 09 - Mr. Evan:

670. when you quit for over a year, comeback and the first thing you do is read 14 pages of why you left :P

09:52:34 Jul 20th 09 - Mr. Koss:

why stop with shooting his kneecaps? id break his colarbones to (im pretty sure i spelt that wrong) lol

09:54:23 Jul 20th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Collarbone...u were close ;)

10:16:36 Jul 20th 09 - Mr. Koss:

alot closer then i thought

10:00:58 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Koss:

671: when your girlfriend says no for marrige and your only solice is this damm game

10:02:13 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Dingo Dave:

48. when you quit twice and still come back

15:38:56 Jul 28th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

673. when you post just to fix the number

15:43:52 Jul 28th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

674. when you look back at the first page just to read this

21: you know your addicted when attempt to buy all of Mcdonalds food and resell it at a higher price

22: you know your addicted when you Succede in buying all of Mcdonalds food and sell it at a higher price.

20:28:31 Jul 28th 09 - Lady Astoria:

650. When you posted in this forum in the 200's and decide to read all 400 after

21:49:14 Jul 28th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

675. When people cant count ^^

21:54:44 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

676. When you look to play other games and wait for the next tick

677. When you argue with pengy because it never gets you anywhere 

01:50:42 Jul 29th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

wtf this thread is still going on?!

02:00:02 Jul 29th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:


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