Forums / The hangaround / Your addicted to VU when...

Your addicted to VU when...
12:41:59 Mar 5th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven:

381: when you can actually kill Swifty...

20:45:33 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

382: When you take an hour just to walk a few feet.

383: When you restart next to your arch enemy and your both oop and then your computer shuts down for 2 days...

(this hasn't happened to me)

18:52:46 Mar 6th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

384. When you post a really long-ruled RP just to give yourself an excuse to quit for five minutes

19:06:29 Mar 6th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

385. when you wait for hours for someone to post something

(have done that)

11:52:00 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

Sir Spud


7/10/2007 2:41:50 AM

13. You know your addicted to VU when you get this message from clicking on the market to many times.

"Last hour you have visited the market over 60 times, don't you have anything better to do?"

386. when you do thing like that above because you have nothing better to do during ticks

(i just tryed it)

it dont work


05:58:18 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Stickman:

Hey guys, look o page 2 between number 81-82
When i started Rpstickgame =]
gooood times

18:12:27 Mar 14th 08 - Sir Valentine:

lol.. stick2.. xD

387. when you just turn nuts and crazy when your internet connection is always down.

20:36:29 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

388. When you leave for ages after someone graffiti your stick man in the RP Stick Game thread, only to return later because you have nothing better to do (and it has picked up again)

04:12:21 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Plato:

389.  When you post in a number language.

04:42:57 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Lol.. Plato..

11:47:05 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

390. 0111001010100110101011001011010101000101010111100101010101101010010101010110100101010100110010
[caution: not actually binary]

01:37:36 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Penguincueso:

Mr. Stickman


3/13/2008 9:58:18 PM
Hey guys, look o page 2 between number 81-82
When i started Rpstickgame =]
gooood times


391. when u have pages of forum memorized to tell the times of your life...

01:56:06 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Plato:

111 110 101 100 11 10 1 0

05:30:27 Mar 16th 08 - Sir Valentine:

392. When you are behaving like Plato.. Heh heh. Jk.

07:12:02 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

393. when you find that people flame you more then you are bothered to read =]

13:55:32 Apr 21st 08 - Sir Valentine:

Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge


4/13/2008 11:19:49 AM

I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


From -What's Visual Utopia thread-

I guess im right for my post in number 392. about Plato.. Heh heh... xD

23:39:20 Apr 21st 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

394.  When you draw Seloc dancing


00:52:18 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Charley II:

395. When you choose to not to write a paper worth 3/4ths of your class grade only to sit on the forums until 4 in the morning, drinking, and eating a sandwhich, which just happens to give you food poisoning and you throw up until 5am before falling asleep

01:01:31 Apr 22nd 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

396. When you quit playing the actual game, but still lurk on the forums.

02:08:27 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

lol, I do that... cause no one wants me on Mant.

397.  When you don't flame PJ.

02:52:37 Apr 22nd 08 - Duke Epymon The Reincarnate:

398. When it takes you 370 posts to realize that Septim should've said 'You're Addicted To VU' instead of 'Your'

02:56:17 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Charley II:

399. You spend all this time thinking of reasons you're addicted to VU

02:56:40 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

400. You sp@m to get 400.

02:57:11 Apr 22nd 08 - Duke Epymon The Reincarnate:

401. You take the time to check and see if #399 has already been used.... (or at least you consider looking....)

08:36:10 Apr 22nd 08 - Sir Valentine:

402. When you forgot to reply your girlfriend's text message... (  just happened and now she is angry with me... =/  )

01:36:14 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Shanghi:

when u cant concentrate on math and you keep thinking of what ur going to do next on the game(like theres THAT much to think about)

02:50:01 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

(guessing Shanghi is 403)

404. When you forget to post the number for the reason you are addicted to VU

14:11:57 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

405.  When you post a lot, and just can't stop.

21:45:02 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

406. When 75% of your 700+ posts are made specifically for flaming Plato

00:23:06 Apr 25th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Lol!! Charley charley.. That is a good one..

00:40:32 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

407.  When it takes Sausage Roll 2 days to watch 60 minutes.

01:23:53 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Shanghi:

when u read all  407 posts to see if your idea has been used... oh ya..#408

01:27:34 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Shanghi:

409. when you actually, finally realize that on the "the hangaround" page it says there are 382 posts instead of 409

08:22:13 Apr 25th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Mr. Shanghi


4/25/2008 8:23:53 AM
when u read all  407 posts to see if your idea has been used... oh ya..#408
Mr. Shanghi


4/25/2008 8:27:34 AM
409. when you actually, finally realize that on the "the hangaround" page it says there are 382 posts instead of 409

Lol Shanghi... Do you really do in no.408???

I don't think so.. You can see that some people post 3 addictive stuff in one post... Hah!! You are PUNK'D!!! WAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!

13:18:01 Apr 26th 08 - Ms. Paranoid:

410. when you got 10 accounts running with all 200k+ income

17:35:26 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

411. When you realize that Valentine sounds like he just lost his marbles......

18:43:43 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

412.  When you ask people to kill you so you can change your name.

19:21:52 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

413. When you dont know a good name to change to

20:02:32 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

414.  When Charley lies

20:38:24 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Chuck Norriis:

415. When you set an alarm for every hour of the night so you dont miss a tick

22:17:08 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

416. When you dont sleep because you know those Australians are awake and going to destroy your towns >_>

01:54:40 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Blinged Out:

417. When your Christmas list includes magic lv 4, mining lvls 6 through 10 and an extra 5k nazzies

06:53:47 Apr 27th 08 - Sir Valentine:

418. When you know Slave is ghey

16:44:26 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Moyza:

419. when u read every single one of these posts

19:17:53 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

420.  When you don't know what to post on Your addicted to VU when... but still post

01:54:18 Apr 28th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

421.  When you actually expect people to post in the RP forums right after you do so you can continue the RP you are in because you are bored.

11:58:02 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Slave:

I'm ghey!

13:59:37 May 2nd 08 - Sir Valentine:

422. When you know Plato is gone..

16:43:15 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Slave:

423. When you know Valentine is ghey too!!

17:59:45 May 3rd 08 - Sir Valentine:

... I am not ghey.. I am straight..

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