Forums / The hangaround / Your addicted to VU when...

Your addicted to VU when...
08:30:49 Jul 29th 09 - Mr. Koss:

678: when you only post on this thread to make it longer and bug people lol

08:35:16 Jul 29th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

679: When you aren't bugged at all

08:53:44 Jul 29th 09 - Mr. Roheran:

678. When you start to think that you might do a Kathandrian!

20:05:18 Jul 29th 09 - Mr. Koss:

679: when you understand what that means :)

15:18:26 Jul 30th 09 - Mr. Crater:

680. when you've practiced making a computer with a coconut, a broken cell phone, and palm leaves... just in case you get stranded on a deserted island.


681. when the computer worked.

15:52:54 Jul 30th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

Edit: 681. When the computer worked and the first thing you did was go play VU

16:42:57 Jul 30th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

682: its your birthday and your girlfriend comes over for a very special birthday present" to last all night long and rock your world" and you say" can it be quick i tic in 14 mins and i gotta make guard towers"

true story happened this someone i know ;)

16:55:32 Jul 30th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

Lol, alterax those guard towers won't help you much so that was a waste of a night of a good long.. ya know... hahahaha

17:16:27 Jul 30th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

yeah ...dont really need em though....the mage towers do just fine. Ask zeratul,fattie or nobel...some like it hot.


20:03:26 Jul 30th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

683: When you stay online for 3 hrs just to read the Lew-TBl fight in the forums =P

04:31:05 Aug 1st 09 - Duke Angelus:

684. When you have posted more then 50 reasons why you are addicted to VU

01:12:49 Aug 2nd 09 - Princess Arien:

685.) When this topic is still going strong after two years!

01:16:22 Aug 2nd 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

688. when you post while stewie says that guy above him made wrong number but he made it wrong too.

people seriously learn to count...

01:19:15 Aug 2nd 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Princess Arien


17:12:49 Aug 1st 09

685.) When this topic is still going strong after two years!

Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger


17:16:22 Aug 1st 09
688. when you post while stewie says that guy above him made wrong number but he made it wrong too.

people seriously learn to count...


01:21:40 Aug 2nd 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:


Mr. Koss


09:30:49 Jul 29th 09
678: when you only post on this thread to make it longer and bug people lol
Mr. Arthur Dent


09:35:16 Jul 29th 09
679: When you aren't bugged at all
Mr. Roheran


09:53:44 Jul 29th 09
678. When you start to think that you might do a Kathandrian!
Mr. Koss


21:05:18 Jul 29th 09
679: when you understand what that means :)

and go read back page. i said number, guy said another even wrong but you didnt count his up. and wrote number after me...

01:27:53 Aug 2nd 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:


689. When you have this much spare time like pengy..=P

01:30:04 Aug 2nd 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

690. when that spare time is 2:30 am

17:14:01 Aug 2nd 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

691. When you refer to a person's VU name as their real name.

18:52:16 Aug 2nd 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

Well ofc, i mean i like calling my friend Mcfatler...

18:44:02 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Exodus:

692: wen you talk in VU terms (nap map zerkers nazzies catas) and people understand you

10:41:37 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Exodus:

693: when you use have a calander with how many vu days are left on it

09:09:43 Aug 19th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

694: when u come home early from school just to check VU.

695: when u get to school late because u were waiting for the next tick.

I've done both of those b4 lol

04:59:00 Aug 20th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

696. When you have a better chance to quit smoking than quit VU.

05:00:45 Aug 20th 09 - Shadowbane King Feliscar:

Reason 13450439.... If you read every freakin comment on this forum!

which i havent so im good

01:40:46 Aug 21st 09 - Lord Boss:

678. When you read this topic

13:33:42 Aug 21st 09 - Sir Santa:

679. When you've grown to say tick instead of hour in RL ;)

20:31:57 Aug 22nd 09 - Mr. Kronnoss:

hahahaha so true

21:41:37 Aug 22nd 09 - Mr. Kongdust:

700. when you have a caffeine addiction because you stay up to late playing -_-

10:37:29 Aug 23rd 09 - Sir Santa:

680. when you have a caffeine addiction because you stay up to late playing -_-

681. When you go to bed at your bed time, 9 pm, and when your parents have gone to bed, sneak out and go on VU all night long

07:30:13 Aug 24th 09 - Mr. Kongdust:

702. when you were tempted to start from the first page just to figure out what number we actually on... (Page 14 ended at 677...)

03:07:04 Aug 26th 09 - Ms. Kittie Arghhh:

703 when U start falling asleep in weird places because u stay up too late playing VU

03:10:29 Aug 26th 09 - Mr. Ninja Aburame:

704. When u were stoping looking at a good pr0nz and stop it for tick change.


705. when u have 1 era of playing VU then next day claiming to ve a oldy vet . =P

23:11:34 Sep 6th 09 - Duke Windcsar The Random:


When you tell yourself your going to take an era or 2 break and you can do it...

(thats my problem)

06:34:51 Sep 22nd 09 - Mr. Drunkoldman:

707. when you sit in class thinking about new ideas...

708. when completely for fun you decide to make a new map

709. when you think about making up a VU theme song

710. when you'd rather spam the suggestions forum than ingame politics

711. when you masturbate to 100% slaughter kills

712. when you masturbate to being #1 HoH

713. when you sit around and think of funny ways you're addicted to VU

02:43:59 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. Kronos:

took the words rught ot of my mouth

16:53:13 Sep 25th 09 - Lady Kirs:

709. when you think about making up a VU theme song
I would laugh at that..

17:00:21 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. Horus II:

711. when you masturbate to 100% slaughter kills

I laughed loudly, in my cubicle at work, people stared

01:39:13 Sep 26th 09 - Mr. Kronos:

lol horus  i laughed so hard at the same one i almost peed a little

18:05:02 Sep 26th 09 - Mr. Lightx II:

714. when a fire burns down your house and the one thing you save is your computer so that you can login VU. You then post on the forum that your house just burnt down but its ok, cause your computer is saved!

18:16:28 Sep 26th 09 - Duke Windscar The Halo Fan:

you tell yourself your going to quit but you cant do it

when you go through withdrawals after quitting

after having withdrawals, you log on the next day

18:27:33 Sep 26th 09 - Mr. Reynolds:

718. When you regconize yourself in all previous posts :S

18:30:08 Sep 26th 09 - Mr. Reynolds:

719. When you parenst call a intervention, to stop you from playing VU and it didnt work XD

18:48:46 Sep 26th 09 - Grand Ape Donkey Kong:

720. when you read these thinking, this will be me in 30 years...

20:34:54 Sep 26th 09 - Mr. Crater:

721. when you try too go to VU addicts anonymous, but never do because you're playing VU

06:05:26 Sep 27th 09 - Mr. Kronos:

722. when you go to vu addicts annoymous and have someone sitting your account until you get back

723.when that guys is you in 30 years and it makes your whole day better

06:09:03 Sep 27th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

724. When you are doing you homework that absolutely needs to be done with absolutely no time to waste, and you take the time to check every five minutes on VU, just to make sure everything's going all right, and end up talking about it on a VU forum rather than finishing the homework... (And no, I'm not supposed to be doing homework... << >>)

06:24:20 Sep 27th 09 - Mr. Kronos:

i am lol


06:27:24 Sep 27th 09 - Mr. Kronos:

725. when you try to kill yourself because you just lost a battle with a 99% chance of success

04:55:07 Sep 28th 09 - Duke Nukem:

726. When you go to VU Addicts anonymous, and bring your laptop so you can be on at the Tick change

04:59:07 Sep 28th 09 - Sir Pools Closed:

1. When you play VU.

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