Forums / The hangaround / 4th of July

4th of July
03:18:25 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Lol. Nah, not Russians. I'll give props to Germany (my favorite European country) and Russians for the most drinking. They mix vodka with their beer to make a mixture they use with their cereal. XD

03:22:30 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:


03:24:09 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Camel Rider:

lol, yeh the russians can drink, but thats why the brits and russians failed as world powers, because they were always drunk. americans drink in moderation thats why we are not always screwing things up....

03:29:42 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:


03:55:00 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

"Arthur go get deported you enemy-sympathizer!" that aint very nice... anyways why call them "enemies" haha they are our greatest ally! and no, the Russians failed cause they are just a bunch of commies!
(lol jk, only the rulers were commies)

04:02:37 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:

they were commies none the less

04:05:06 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

not the peasants as much, mainly just the rulers like (pardon my spelling) Gorbatrof and Stalin and Putin and such

04:26:32 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:

or kruscheve or something like that

04:28:49 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

yeah, anyways they are commies and the capitalism of America is what stopped them! lol

04:45:33 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:

yeah and fireworks are awesome!

04:52:49 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

especially when they are illegal in your state!

05:16:06 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Arthur, that was a joke. But still, I'd rather the U.S. be allied with at LEAST Russia, maybe even China. China scares me, but Russians can be helpful. Russians and Chinese are my main thoughts because they have the largest armies in the world, China's numbering in the 3millions lol.

05:23:33 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Mr. Arthur Dent


15:19:13 Jun 16th 09
lol, yes way too many of us are obese.  I live in Washington state though, and we are not really that fat, especially not me, i am <150 :D

Were in washington?

05:34:44 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

ne*beep*attle, 1 hour drive away around.  @Gawaine:  yes i know it was a joke, sorry sarcasm is hard on the internet :/  anyways yes China is scary but the worst is north Korea.  freaky dictaor with nukes and a want for revenge against Japan and America isn't a good combo

06:12:35 Jun 17th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

China will throw level 1s at us.

06:18:39 Jun 17th 09 - Lady Karma:

lol, yuh...a billion of 'em =)

06:20:56 Jun 17th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

I will use freeze and RoF on the nubs.  HoH Most I come

06:33:38 Jun 17th 09 - Sir Pesterd:

Haha u Nub..

You know Im best Mager in Abydos :P

So ya suckit feewwlll!!

06:33:58 Jun 17th 09 - Sir Pesterd:

Only I can RoF and freeze..

07:02:55 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:

i shall send my army of  50k lvl4 nazzies to north korea

07:04:15 Jun 17th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

nazzies are level 5*cough*

07:13:02 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:

what ever *cough*


07:22:00 Jun 17th 09 - Sir Water:


07:28:42 Jun 17th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

*Stabs Penguin with a fluffy seal*

08:36:30 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Trau:

the chinese are halflings, they'll send a billion farmers over here

09:03:25 Jun 17th 09 - Sir Water:

lol with 1 defense :( no attack

*Penguin slays demonslayer*

12:30:44 Jun 17th 09 - Sir Water:

yeah filthy belgium lend money to usa

12:32:41 Jun 17th 09 - Prince Mielo:

Mr. Arthur Dent


00:59:20 Jun 17th 09

omg, wow i thought i couldn't take a joke...  But actually i love America.  I don't really think that we kick everyones a$$es lol.  although we are a sinking ship the rest of the world has already started to fall as well.  if you didn't know nearly all of Europe is socialist right now and we are slowly becoming one as well *cough *cough (Obama).  and yes drugs are horrible over here but the people here who actually help our country (and yes there are more than your biased newspapers/news stations tell you) do not take drugs and are allowed via our free govenment to put themselves to their highest potential.  the thing about our country is how if you work hard you can make money.


P.S. 4th of July is better than any of your holidays :P (also that was a joke so plz don't insult that or anything...)

> We fall because you dumbasses dragged all our economies down with your massive borrowing from Europe .... learn to economize!

12:34:50 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Dargoth:

That is like lending money to a bankrupt company.

14:15:35 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Camel Rider:

Mr. Arthur Dent


23:34:44 Jun 16th 09
ne*beep*attle, 1 hour drive away around.  @Gawaine:  yes i know it was a joke, sorry sarcasm is hard on the internet :/  anyways yes China is scary but the worst is north Korea.  freaky dictaor with nukes and a want for revenge against Japan and America isn't a good combo


lets be real for a second. if north korea so much as pressed the "arm" button on their nukes we would have 5 f22's wipe out their whole country within a matter of minutes. the game that north korea is playing is all about plitics and scare tactics. they know they would have no chance. the sanctions we have implemented on them are causing havoc on their econmy and they are trying to scare us into feeding them.

14:21:41 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Camel Rider:

Mr. Arthur Dent


00:59:20 Jun 17th 09

omg, wow i thought i couldn't take a joke...  But actually i love America.  I don't really think that we kick everyones a$$es lol.  although we are a sinking ship the rest of the world has already started to fall as well.  if you didn't know nearly all of Europe is socialist right now and we are slowly becoming one as well *cough *cough (Obama).  and yes drugs are horrible over here but the people here who actually help our country (and yes there are more than your biased newspapers/news stations tell you) do not take drugs and are allowed via our free govenment to put themselves to their highest potential.  the thing about our country is how if you work hard you can make money.


P.S. 4th of July is better than any of your holidays :P (also that was a joke so plz don't insult that or anything...)

> We fall because you dumbasses dragged all our economies down with your massive borrowing from Europe .... learn to economize!


if you knew anything about the world economy you would know that the world revolves around the u.s because we are such a massive consumer, all world economys rely on ours so if we dont borrow money we will fall and in turn you crappy *beep* country would too. we are glue that holds the world together.

14:29:53 Jun 17th 09 - Prince Mielo:

a fine example of American c0ckiness, you might as well turn it around and say YOU need us, as you guys are screwing your economics like a little boy with the wallet of their parents in a toyshop. Go Go war!

As you do import stuff from Europe, it seems to me you guys need us as well :)

14:46:30 Jun 17th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Arthur Dent


00:10:12 Jun 17th 09

actually we are well aware of that :P


but we don't care cause we know you guys are just jelous of our amazing inginuity, lifestyle, and culture.  we have the highest pay per capita and our culture is a mixture of many other cultures and that is why America kicks all the other countries a$$es

--> I loled at this post... aren't you the country that supported slavery for ages? and the very same country that has VERY costly health care. And you sure as hell don't have the highest pay per capita. And your ingenuity , I won't even start...

14:47:36 Jun 17th 09 - Prince Mielo:


14:48:50 Jun 17th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

14:56:08 Jun 17th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Some more funny quotes by Gawaine:

it just means that WE HAVE BETTER ECONOMY so we can AFFORD MORE. --> you're the country that started the whole economic crisis that struck the world.

I'm sorry if you are having cabbage stew every meal, but too bad for you. --> Most european countries have a better hdi index than America does.

But still, I'd rather the U.S. be allied with at LEAST Russia, maybe even China. China scares me, but Russians can be helpful. Russians and Chinese are my main thoughts because they have the largest armies in the world, China's numbering in the 3millions lol.
--> biggest armies means nothing when you have nukes.

14:57:48 Jun 17th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Camel Rider


14:21:41 Jun 17th 09


if you knew anything about the world economy you would know that the world revolves around the u.s because we are such a massive consumer, all world economys rely on ours so if we dont borrow money we will fall and in turn you crappy *beep* country would too. we are glue that holds the world together.

---> I study economics, and I can tell, that's some massive fail right there.

----> post count ftw!

15:11:20 Jun 17th 09 - Prince Mielo:

Mr. Kilroy Mcmurphy


03:13:55 Jun 17th 09 I think an American could drink any of the lot under the table with zero effort.

> You do realize your percentage of alcohol in your beers are hardly the half of our beer percentages? :)

What you drink there is what we call water here :)

15:34:08 Jun 17th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Actually, I call it piss, and you call it water there :p 

America sucks! :D

15:44:33 Jun 17th 09 - Duke Insane VIII:

--> I loled at this post... aren't you the country that supported slavery for ages? and the very same country that has VERY costly health care. And you sure as hell don't have the highest pay per capita. And your ingenuity , I won't even start...

and how do u have any room to talk? your people tried to take over the world., from india to north africa to the middle east to south africa to australia to the caribbean to the far east. you guys would take peoples land and make them your slaves, suck the life out of their economys's and rape their women. even tho in the end you faild at it. so dont talk to me about slavery, when you guys invented the word. and whats our helth care have to do with anything? and i cant seem to understand what is making you so mad about it, you dont live here and you dont have to worry about it.

15:49:01 Jun 17th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

yes, except we grew out of it in around 1700-1800. In the US it stayed a problem until the late 1900s, even 1950, black people were still openly discriminated against.

And isn't what we did 500 years ago, still the same as the US is doing these days? Kind of prehistoric, isn't it?

15:59:17 Jun 17th 09 - Duke Insane VIII:


16:01:53 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Camel Rider:

1700-1800?? england occupied palistine, north africa, india until wwII and hong kong until 1983 explain how you grew out of it? im not defending slavery and it is wrong but what exactly are we doing now that you did 500 years ago? we could have taken half the world to claimed it as ours but we didnt. there is a difference between conquering and liberating, we liberate people from tyrants we dont take their land and make them our slaves....

16:07:16 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Crimon Guardian:

Which animal can drink you under the table?

Watch that you wont believe what animal it is...

16:15:16 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:

a monkey

16:17:35 Jun 17th 09 - Sir Water:

lew is from belgium . so the baddest thing you can tell about them is that they have way to much chocolate :( lithuanian VODKA FTW

16:18:46 Jun 17th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

I was more talking about Belgium, not europe in general.

We only had like... Congo... meh..

And no, I was talking about
" suck the life out of their economys's and rape their women. even tho in the end you faild at it."

Sounds like Iraq? Destroy everything, kill everything, than fail to rebuild it and go home with your tails between your legs. Which is pretty much what europe used to do 500 years-ish ago. And America is still doing right now.

Liberate people from their tyrants? I think it's pretty safe to say the people of Iraq were better off WITH Sadam Hussein than they were during and after the war.

16:24:26 Jun 17th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Hmm, and we got Burundi and Rwanda after world war 1... but we freed those pretty early.

16:32:50 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:


16:35:55 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:

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