Forums / The hangaround / 4th of July

4th of July
16:42:30 Jun 17th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

lew has totally raped all the immature yanks and their shocking come backs :)
good go lew!

16:46:45 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:

*cough*your a fag*cough*

16:59:43 Jun 17th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

yes child keep them coming! your entertainment for all!

17:02:06 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:

im not a child!

18:45:53 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

a fine example of American c0ckiness

You said c0ck. XD
Also, we didn't support slavery any longer than you guys did. Let's see, you guys supported slavery from the beginning of time to whenever you banished it (I don't care about your history). We supported slavery from when we started (around 1700's) to when we abolished it (1800's somewhere). So which one is longer, hundreds of years or just a hundred years? And sorry if my history is a little incorrect on the stuff above, I am a little rusty.

And that video Lew, that's MORE THAN LIKELY asking all the rednecks/1d10ts of America. Yes, alot of Americans are content with the life they have and really only get involved with others if their life involves politics or the army. But still, those people must be dumb beyond belief. I answered every single one of those questions easily.... It's common knowledge. Freakin' rednecks don't know nuthin'. XD

19:01:15 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

biggest armies means nothing when you have nukes.

You show your ignorance when you say this. Russia has more nukes and more silos. They would launch tons of nukes, while we would not have anything to stop all of them with.

P.S. Damn n3gr0s know nothing about the country. LOL. And why would you ask an old person? Most of them over here are lacking full memory anyways...

19:01:48 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

P.S.S. I'm pretty sure this guy ONLY played the questions that people answered wrong. Not the ones that were answered correctly.

19:08:03 Jun 17th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

You abolished it in the year 1862, but it stayed around until the late 1900s. And also, if we'd be putting this into percentages, about 75% of the time of the whole of "modern" america's existence slavery would be accepted.

And I do not know since when the countries in europe actually started (hard to determine) but it'd be much less than the usa's 75%.

Also, it's not the point as to how long we had it and how long you had it. The point is... wait... what's the point again...? I forgot why we started discussing this.

19:09:51 Jun 17th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Gawaine


19:01:15 Jun 17th 09 biggest armies means nothing when you have nukes.

You show your ignorance when you say this. Russia has more nukes and more silos. They would launch tons of nukes, while we would not have anything to stop all of them with.

--> I didn't say Russia didn't have nukes, I said army sizes hardly matter. Learn to read.

For example, China may have well over 3 Million soldiers, but they still have a much worse equipped army than most technically developed countries.

19:40:54 Jun 17th 09 - Endless Mystique:

wasn't it Leopold King of Belgium who had his own personal fiefdom in the Congo?  slavery is ancient and modern

Edit: so what does it say about we who play this game and capture slaves

19:46:54 Jun 17th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

As I said, we only had Congo :P

19:47:30 Jun 17th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

And Burundi and Rwanda, but those were freed without too many problems... (civil wars though, but not caused because of us)

19:50:04 Jun 17th 09 - Endless Mystique:

My ancestry is mixed, pretty sure I have both sides of the issue covered in my background :p

19:57:53 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Camel Rider:

ALL IN ALL THE POINT IS WE ARE THE GREATEST AND EVERYONE IS MAD AT US FOR IT, its jelousy thats all. what have we done to you personally lew? nothing you just fallow what you were tought and what your government, and teachers teach you to believe and fallow. in truth we are not bad people, we are not ignorent and we love the world. its people like you who think they know, but in truth you do not. im sure by the way you talk that you have never been here or have any idea what we are like. we had a stupid president that ruined our image, but not everyone in the u.s is a gerorge bush...

20:08:10 Jun 17th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:


nope, we had you because you think that even though everyone outside the usa knows its aloud of rubbish

20:09:20 Jun 17th 09 - Endless Mystique:

Camel, so are those your opinions formed by thought or something you were taught? :p  don't lose your hump

Time to get this thread back to... what or how are American's celebrating their birthday

20:25:44 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Stirlin, how old are you? 12? You never have anything good to say, and nothing good to post in the arguments that this thread ISN'T EVEN ABOUT. And Lewatha, we did NOT have slavery until 1900. We abolished it, and then ex-slave owners payed their workers. No matter how little it was, they were payed. And also, not "techincally", technologically. I know how to read. Otherwise I wouldn't be responding to any of this now would I?

20:27:23 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

And if there still were slave-owners, well it wasn't under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Congress/President, so it was ILLEGAL, making it an act not condoned by the country so we are not liable.

20:29:17 Jun 17th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

Stirlin, how old are you? 12?
omg thats my line!
and no im not 12, and i also have people who know me in rl on this game who can vouch for me on this, who do you have little 12 year old?

20:31:50 Jun 17th 09 - Sir Water:

do you know why america got big and strong in economics?

20:39:12 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Grounded For Life:


20:53:36 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Crimon Guardian:

do you know why america got big and strong in economics?

We were left alone to farm up our economy then we started pumping troops to fight with!

Wait wouldnt that technically  say we were a farming nation for like the first 100 or so years. No wonder everyone hates us. Everyone hates farmers in war games go figure :/

20:54:26 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Magneto:

Bloody hell.... after watching Lewatha's youtube video, I just realised that North Korea was the size of Australia!!! And that it is best invaded from the south!!!

15 years of education gone to waste :(

21:17:24 Jun 17th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

What happened to the topic? Make a "Why America Sucks and Other Arguments" topic if you want :p

21:28:41 Jun 17th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Gawaine


20:25:44 Jun 17th 09 Stirlin, how old are you? 12? You never have anything good to say, and nothing good to post in the arguments that this thread ISN'T EVEN ABOUT. And Lewatha, we did NOT have slavery until 1900. We abolished it, and then ex-slave owners payed their workers. No matter how little it was, they were payed. And also, not "techincally", technologically. I know how to read. Otherwise I wouldn't be responding to any of this now would I?

I'll tell you what! You even had slavery untill early 1950s! US had wooden bus-seating for black people, and good bus-seating for whites. And when a white would enter the bus, and there weren't anymore places, you could FORCE a black person to stand up while you took their place OR they could be put in prison!

And the little amounts black people were paid for work, they had to pay for being allowed to live in a small house with about 15 people.

Also, black people were given the right to vote, but it oftenly occured that in the black ghetto's, only 1 voting booth would be open for nearly 1000 people! That way, black people's say in politics were very small.

You may not call it slavery, but I wouldn't call it's closer to slavery than it is to freedom.

21:28:59 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Get out and stay out of this forum if you don't have anything to say about 4th of July that is positive. I'm tired of arguing with you people.

21:50:32 Jun 17th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

I am from the USA...she speaks the truth.

21:58:19 Jun 17th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

that last phrase was supposed to be :

" you may not call it slavery, but I'd call it closer to slavery than it is to freedom"

21:59:29 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Grounded For Life:

give it back to the natives!

22:12:31 Jun 17th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

OK, offtopicness for the fail.

22:33:44 Jun 17th 09 - Prince Mielo:

Mr. Gawaine


21:28:59 Jun 17th 09 Get out and stay out of this forum if you don't have anything to say about 4th of July that is positive. I'm tired of arguing with you people.

> you finally realize that America isn't that great after-all? They are like communist that don't have the balls to do it in the face :)

22:37:13 Jun 17th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Death to America!

22:38:58 Jun 17th 09 - Prince Mielo:

Now you're talking!

22:42:24 Jun 17th 09 - Sir Water:


22:48:28 Jun 17th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

I salute my country by strabbing army men to M80s and blowing them up.  Then I fire rockets into the air and drink beer. 

23:40:23 Jun 17th 09 - Sir Woody:

and no im not 12, and i also have people who know me in rl on this game who can vouch for me on this,- i can vouch for him... haha.

any ways, you lost against the Vietnam, therefor you ALL fail, all the Americans, including YOU!

23:51:29 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Eirian Draconis IV:

Wouldn't Europe be ruled by Germans if it weren't for the US?

23:52:06 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Eirian Draconis IV:

PS. I have nothing against german people/country.

23:58:01 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

In technicality, yes Eirian. It would.

> you finally realize that America isn't that great after-all? They are like communist that don't have the balls to do it in the face :)

No, I do not. I just get tired of winning arguments with facts. And this thread isn't about that, so just drop it.

00:10:23 Jun 18th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Winning arguments with you mean the imaginary arguments that you won?

00:15:29 Jun 18th 09 - Sir Woody:

we wouldnt of needed your help with the Germans if you wasnt pussy and joined in the war at the BEGGINING, not after pearl harbor...

00:23:37 Jun 18th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

The isolationist movement that was spreading around and people did not want to get involved with the war.  I am not sure what the mentality was, but I am sure there was some sort of excuse.  Besides, I wouldn't want to jump headfirst into another European war after WWI.  Especially after how Europe forced all of the conditions on Germany after they lost in the first war.  Supposedly another war was predicted...but that could be just Americans bending the truth to make us seem like the good guys all of the time...hell I doubt that is just a hunch...

00:32:47 Jun 18th 09 - Mr. Camel Rider:

any ways, you lost against the Vietnam, therefor you ALL fail, all the Americans, including YOU!

we did not lose the vietnam war, we pulled out due to strong oppisition. and if you understood anything about history the vietnam war was nothing but a proxy war, so in truth we were fighting to stop communism more then we were fighting the vitenamese.

we wouldnt of needed your help with the Germans if you wasnt pussy and joined in the war at the BEGGINING, not after pearl harbor...

this statement makes no sense, if we would have been in the war in the beggining then we would have been helping you win which in turn means you did need our help. because wether we joined late or not you would not won without us

00:33:19 Jun 18th 09 - Mr. Eirian Draconis IV:

@ Sir Woody

Didn't Great Britain and France let Germany get away with taking Czech and Austria because they didn't want to have another war?


"we wouldnt of needed your help with the Germans if you wasnt pussy and joined in the war at the BEGGINING..."

- You Would Still Be Using Our "Help" If We Joined In The Beginning.

00:34:20 Jun 18th 09 - Prince Mielo:

we did not lose the vietnam war, we pulled out due to strong oppisition. and if you understood anything about history the vietnam war was nothing but a proxy war, so in truth we were fighting to stop communism more then we were fighting the vitenamese.

> So retreating isn't losing to you? You sound allot like Kath ....

00:37:09 Jun 18th 09 - Mr. Eirian Draconis IV:

Wouldn't you be against a war that killed your family members if the war was just because the government didn't like communism?

00:39:23 Jun 18th 09 - Sir Pesterd:

Haha Kath :) That nub..

01:15:53 Jun 18th 09 - Sir Water:

Raistlin once showed me it :) so here is the opportunity to use it :d

01:32:28 Jun 18th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

lol, funny but no... that is what europeans think we think cause they are too wrapped up with stereotypes to actually know what American think and how amazing America actually is :P

01:36:35 Jun 18th 09 - Mr. Eirian Draconis IV:

Wheres New Zealand???

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