Forums / The hangaround / Ask Lelouch

Ask Lelouch
15:43:57 Sep 10th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

Now, I did this a long, long time ago but I'm willing to bring this back. (Was pretty fun).

Ask me a question about anything and I will answer. Truth need not necessarily be involved in my answering. Hilarity, on the other hand, will.

15:54:53 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Batman:

Do you cry when things go bad?

16:02:30 Sep 10th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

No, I do not cry when things go bad. Most of the time, I take a picture of that person and then set fire to it. It's very soothing. However, when that fails, I like to go out and pick some small kd or person and take over their land. That always gives me a great boost to my self-esteem.


16:23:36 Sep 10th 08 - Prince Tiber Septim IV:

Do you like to eat flamingo?

16:52:49 Sep 10th 08 - Duke Slade:

Do you cry yourself to sleep?

16:53:50 Sep 10th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

As a proud member of PETA. I fully endorse eating any kind of creature, except for human beings, because they taste too gamey. If it can be basted, roasted, BBQ'd, cooked, Formaned, fried, etc. then by golly, start chowing down! Remember if it moves, it can probably be eaten one way or another.

This message brought to you by PETA: People for Eating Tasty Animals.

16:58:21 Sep 10th 08 - Duke Slade:




17:03:14 Sep 10th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

Do I cry myself to sleep? No. You see, I am distantly related to Chuck Norris, as a result, I do not cry. Also, studies have shown that people most likely to cry are probably female or males that have taken large amounts of estrogen hormones.

Real men, especially those that have part of the Norris bloodline in them, do not cry. Our hearts are so hardened by bloodshed and by doing so many manly things, there is not enough room for us to "get in touch with our feelings".

In short - Wusses cry, Real Men use firearms and/or chainsaws to get payback to someone who tries to make you cry.

20:29:13 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Piece Maker:

Why does paper always beat rock?

20:59:27 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

What are the r2 release dates?

21:13:14 Sep 10th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

What is the %T of a substance with an absorbance of .677? I cannot figure it out... ='( chemistry blows...and wtf does R squared equal??? I keep getting 0.9999...

21:24:19 Sep 10th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Equals = Get a girlfriend you nerd


21:31:53 Sep 10th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

...I have one...It is not like I can skip chemistry class...then I would be a failure like you... :p  If I was a nerd I would be able to figure out wtf is the answer to my problem XD

21:39:04 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Lewatho:

If a tree falls down in the middle of a forest with no-one around to hear it, do it make a noise?

21:43:16 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:


21:43:19 Sep 10th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Failure? You call not having to work, but do work out of boredom a failure?

Please, my family and I are sorted for life
I only work because my Dad thinks I should

Would you call that a failure?

21:49:34 Sep 10th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

Why does paper beat rock?

Well, why wouldn't it? Paper takes the rock and then covers it up to make the pimped-out paper covered rock. I mean, imagine the things that you can do with it! You could take the added weight of paper to cause more of an impact when you throw the thing. Paper hides the rock so that when people think you're throwing a paperwad at them, they get a very painful surprise when they get hit. .

Also, remember, there's many kinds of paper that exist out there. I mean, there's so many different types, they have stores dedicated to selling the stuff (Anyone who watches The Office should know that). I mean, while rock can be thrown through light notebook paper and cause a nasty hole. Rock would bounce off cardstock paper because cardstock paper pwns.

To finish off my point, let us consider our cavedwelling ancestors. When they played baseball back then, they didn't have fancy balls, they used rocks. What did they use to hit the rocks? Sticks or small trees. What is paper made out of? Wood pulp from trees. I rest my case.

I'll do another one later.

21:53:02 Sep 10th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Lol, dam your good at this :p

23:35:33 Sep 10th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice


9/10/2008 4:43:19 PM

Failure? You call not having to work, but do work out of boredom a failure?

Please, my family and I are sorted for life
I only work because my Dad thinks I should

Would you call that a failure?

Yep =P I work because I would end up growing old and being lazy :p

03:14:18 Sep 11th 08 - Sir Soccerwithnotheme:

Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice


9/10/2008 1:43:19 PM

Failure? You call not having to work, but do work out of boredom a failure?

Please, my family and I are sorted for life
I only work because my Dad thinks I should

Would you call that a failure?


that is exactly what i would call a failure. you provide nothing for society..... do you think paris hilton isn't a failure?

16:34:16 Sep 11th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

"What are the R2 release dates?"

Every Sunday. Watch them or else. Though there's not many new episodes left to watch before we're stuck with Gundam 00 again....

Charley (Murphy! ;-) ) - I'm working on an extra-special answer for you. Be afraid.

Lewatho -

"If a tree falls in a forest with no one around to hear it, does it make a noise?"

This here is an example of many hypothetical questions in which there's a correct answer that we can prove with a bunch of science, but then some smart-alleck would ask how I can prove it w/o witnessing it. Well, I'm too good to fall for that kind of crap.

Therefore, we'll answer a question with a question: "If a man is in a forest, and no woman is around, is he still wrong?" How would you answer such a thing, good sir?

18:01:31 Sep 11th 08 - Mr. Spiderman:

If a man is in a forest, and no woman is around, what does he do with his right hand (if he is right handed) or his left hand (if he is left handed)? What happens next if an ewe appears in front of him?


23:32:51 Sep 11th 08 - Mr. Lewatho:

I would tell the person asking me that I understand his need to be one with nature now....

00:13:04 Sep 12th 08 - Sir Soccerwithnotheme:

is this fizzy or that one lelouch from phi?

please say fizzy

00:17:09 Sep 12th 08 - Mr. Sokine:

If your Lelouch then im Zero!

00:26:27 Sep 12th 08 - Sir Soccerwithnotheme:

gross, zerofool is still around?

16:35:29 Sep 12th 08 - Sir Binh:

It's fizzy

17:29:19 Sep 12th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Zerocool is in Mantrax with Branigan in AoA

I laughed..

16:15:33 Sep 14th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

Lelouch from Phi was the first Lelouch in VU :)

01:01:29 Sep 15th 08 - Mr. Atreides:

Will Code Geass ever go back to the awesomeness of the beginning episodes of both seasons, or will it continue to get more and more crazy and outlandish just to increase the action and epic coolness factor? I refer to the whole incident with  God being geassed and Charles and whatever happened there. Also to the incident in which Suzaku alone annihilates the entire Knights of Round led army. Also, there is an increasing role of superweapons against which intelligence and planning just doesn't seem to help.

02:38:59 Sep 15th 08 - Crazy Xuaron:

Sir Lelouch whats the meaning of life

02:53:07 Sep 15th 08 - Mr. Mpesh:

if a fat girl falls in the woods, do the trees laugh?

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