Forums / The hangaround / BUNCH OF NOOOBS!

17:42:14 Apr 8th 09 - Mr. Swifty:


Write a letter »

if(window.opener) else frame=top.huvud frame.document.getElementById('message').src=''
FromConcernsDate recivedDel
Duke Playaaaa
7th Apr (14:56)
Prince MieloIMPORTANT7th Apr (14:55)
Prince MieloIMPORTANT7th Apr (14:53)
Commander Aligreat
7th Apr (14:52)
Prince MieloIMPORTANT7th Apr (14:52)
Duke Playaaaa
7th Apr (14:51)
Commander Aligreat
7th Apr (14:50)
Duke Playaaaa
7th Apr (14:50)
Prince MieloIMPORTANT7th Apr (14:50)
Duke Playaaaa
7th Apr (14:49)
Commander Aligreat
7th Apr (14:48)
Prince MieloIMPORTANT7th Apr (14:48)
Duke Playaaaa
7th Apr (14:47)
Commander Aligreat
7th Apr (14:46)
Duke Playaaaa
7th Apr (14:46)
Duke Playaaaa
7th Apr (14:45)
Commander Aligreat
7th Apr (14:44)
Duke Playaaaa
7th Apr (14:44)
Commander Aligreat
7th Apr (14:44)
Duke Playaaaa
7th Apr (14:43)
Commander Aligreat
7th Apr (14:43)
Duke Playaaaa
7th Apr (14:42)
Commander Aligreat
7th Apr (14:41)
Duke Playaaaa
7th Apr (14:40)

17:43:50 Apr 8th 09 - Mr. Xtc Angel:

they love you :P

17:44:41 Apr 8th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

nobody *beep*s me :(

17:45:46 Apr 8th 09 - Mr. Swifty:

Message From Duke Playaaaa

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Duke Playaaaa [JUICY] (4/7/2009 2:40:29 PM) GOOD BAD
All the things she said

Message From Commander Aligreat

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Commander Aligreat [JUICY] (4/7/2009 2:41:52 PM) GOOD BAD
All the things she said

Message From Duke Playaaaa

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Duke Playaaaa [JUICY] (4/7/2009 2:42:46 PM) GOOD BAD
Running through my head
Running through my head
Running through my head
(Running through my head)

Message From Commander Aligreat

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Commander Aligreat [JUICY] (4/7/2009 2:44:55 PM) GOOD BAD
If I'm asking for help it's only because

Message From Duke Playaaaa

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Duke Playaaaa [JUICY] (4/7/2009 2:45:20 PM) GOOD BAD
Being with you has opened my eyes

Message From Duke Playaaaa

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Duke Playaaaa [JUICY] (4/7/2009 2:46:18 PM) GOOD BAD
I keep asking myself, wondering how
I keep closing my eyes but I can't block you out

Duke Playaaaa [JUICY] (4/7/2009 2:47:57 PM) GOOD BAD
All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
Running through my head
(Running through my head)
All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said
(All the things she said)

Prince Mielo [JUICY] (4/7/2009 2:48:19 PM) GOOD BAD
This is not enough
Ya Soshla S Uma - Ma!
This is not enough
All the things she said
All the things she said

17:46:37 Apr 8th 09 - Mr. Swifty:

proof enough their are multies! zeta, i expect a ban of them and the rest of their worthless kingdom!

17:47:05 Apr 8th 09 - Lord Wraith The Hermit:

I think they're serenading you...

17:59:08 Apr 8th 09 - Mr. Salsa:

and using a song sung by lesbians to boot...

18:00:08 Apr 8th 09 - Lord Wraith The Hermit:

That speaks volumes about the four of them ;)

18:00:42 Apr 8th 09 - Ms. Jade:

How is that proof?

Maybe they just don't like you so they all *beep*med you.

18:01:36 Apr 8th 09 - Commander Aligreat:

Swifys fave lol

18:02:16 Apr 8th 09 - Mr. Swifty:

no way. only one person on four accounts could do that so perfectly. proof enough. GET THEM OUT OF THIS GAME! DARK BLOOD CHEATERS!

18:03:04 Apr 8th 09 - Ms. Jade:

lol Mielo is a mod nub. He isn't going to multi

18:03:36 Apr 8th 09 - Duke Playaaaa:

Sorry, only Swifty deserves that punishment, our bad :)

18:08:11 Apr 8th 09 - Sir Bob The Builder Smurf:

try the Boat song next, that softens anyones heart =)

18:08:38 Apr 8th 09 - Mr. Swifty:

Mielo is actually Septim's multi. nice try nublet jade.

18:16:04 Apr 8th 09 - Ms. Jade:

lol umm no you're the *beep*

18:24:03 Apr 8th 09 - Duke Kev The Bastard:

Jade isn't boring (and I do not think she is that other thing you called her either), you however are a boor, an irrational whining little pain in the neck.  Swifty, you should be happy you are getting any attention at all.  Now, be quiet and crawl back in your little hole while the world goes on with out your insignificant little self.

18:26:12 Apr 8th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Have you heard?

18:31:51 Apr 8th 09 - Sir Moonshine:

I am going to get ban for this, but man Swifty, you can't say that to a lady. Fukc man, probably your just a little kid who wants attention, pathetic really. Grow up!

18:34:37 Apr 8th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

swiffers rox my socks!
all the haterz be gonez!! ill get Ez to pay a visit to you, and he wont use lube!

18:36:07 Apr 8th 09 - Ms. Cobra:

p.s Swifty is probably the greatest of all time.

18:36:26 Apr 8th 09 - General Ptang Bang Kipperbang:


18:41:23 Apr 8th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Have you seen the headline regarding mass awareness of the avian variety?

18:41:35 Apr 8th 09 - Sir Moonshine:

Ms. Cobra, i know Ms. Jade because i actually talk to her and know her. I know her for many years. So you are all wrong Cobra. It's pretty sad nonetheless.
*shakes head*

18:43:17 Apr 8th 09 - Ms. Cobra:

Ms. Moonshine, i know Ms. Jade because i actually talk to her and know her. I know her for many years. So you are all wrong Moonshine. It's pretty sad nonetheless.
*shakes head*

18:51:50 Apr 8th 09 - General Ptang Bang Kipperbang:

18:55:43 Apr 8th 09 - Mr. Swifty:

Cobra, you always have a spot in my pants/heart. Moonshine, quit drinking what you're making and start drinking me jizzer! Meaty and hearty!

19:05:25 Apr 8th 09 - Sir Moonshine:

I think Ms. Cobra and Mr. Swifty are both multis.

Evidence: self-indulging to one account and acting like little kids.

Swifty: Go grab a ladder or stool, because I can't see you Swifty, you're too damm short.

Cobra: Wow, that's the lamest post i have ever seen. You are just as bad as Sir Prised. And that's a burn if others see this post.

19:06:06 Apr 8th 09 - Ms. Jade:

Umm Cobra last time I checked I am a girl. Just because you have gender confusion doesn't mean I do

19:09:42 Apr 8th 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

I think everyone needs to stop posting in here except the DB people and Swifty(Who is awesome).  Jade, Moonshine, you have no idea who these people are and cannot tell if they are serious or do not know...Swifty

19:11:39 Apr 8th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Its not the real swifty!

19:12:16 Apr 8th 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

I have been trying to find the real one....not sure where ofc :)  it is probably one of Rev's multies but I won't point fingers :P

I cbb to search right now...I am sleepy

19:13:46 Apr 8th 09 - Sir Moonshine:

Will, i am just defending my friend Ms. Jade and myself.

Whatever you say we'll go, but *points at Cobra and Swifty* not over yet >.<


19:14:26 Apr 8th 09 - Ms. Cobra:

Jade, I find you visually repulsive. And I'm pretty desperate when it comes to women, anyhow. Therefore it's proof that you are in fact man.

Bulging muscles? Check.
Sweaty odour? Check
Hairy chest? Check

You've got it all man. Brother. Homie. You are not a man of woe. You are male.

19:15:01 Apr 8th 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

She did kind of call him a nub to start with...sooo she entered into an argument and should have expected to be thrown in there...then you come in to "defend" her when she knowingly jumped into something she knew nothing about.  So in all honesty neither of you had any clue what you were doing...if it was a joke or someone just screwing around.

19:16:21 Apr 8th 09 - Sir Moonshine:

Ms. Cobra, you must be a man if you are *beep* enough...

Man being women? check.
Man can't get a lady, so becomes one? check.
Totally *beep*, so thinking everyone is a guy? check.


19:18:14 Apr 8th 09 - Sir Moonshine:

But nub can be made in/out of context. How a person sees it to be is how they react. How we react may generally be just plain ole fun or just simply being human =)

19:19:25 Apr 8th 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

Or joining into something that isn't for you...then just making a real argument when the previous one was basically DB/Juicy related

19:20:30 Apr 8th 09 - Ms. Cobra:

Berkhead here has a big penhis.

19:20:43 Apr 8th 09 - Ms. Cobra:




19:21:44 Apr 8th 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

Aw...t'anks Ms. Cobra ;)

PS - Mielo is a multi :p

19:28:17 Apr 8th 09 - Sir Moonshine:

Will, just called past experience and knowledge even though not knowing everything... someone said something. Even tho the use "nub" was used in/out of context simply doesn't matter anymore.

19:30:21 Apr 8th 09 - Ms. Cobra:

Here comes the retard train.

First stop: Moonshine.

19:32:41 Apr 8th 09 - Mr. Swifty:

Moonshine, once you learn to stop ejaculating every time a woman actually glances at you, you will no longer be a nub. Until then, where a condom around, it must be a necessity.

19:33:55 Apr 8th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

A-well-a everybody's heard about the bird
B-b-b-bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word
A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word
A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a don't you know about the bird?
Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word!
A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word

A-well-a everybody's heard about the bird
Bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a don't you know about the bird?
Well, everybody's talking about the bird!
A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird...

Surfin' bird
Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb... [retching noises]... aaah!

Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-p a-pa-pa-
Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-p a-ooma-mow-mow

Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-oom-oom-oom
Oom-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Papa-a-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, ooma-mow-mow
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, ooma-mow-mow
Ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, ooma-mow-mow
Well don't you know about the bird?
Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word!
A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word

Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow

19:36:23 Apr 8th 09 - Commander Aligreat:

Not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
Not gonna get us!

Starting from here, let's make a promise
You and me, let's just be honest
We're gonna run, nothing can stop us
Even the night that falls all around us

Soon there will be laughter and voices
Beyond the clouds over the mountains
We'll run away on roads that are empty
Lights from the airfield shining upon you

Nothing can stop us, not now, I love you
They're not gonna get us,
they're not gonna get us
Nothing can stop us, not now, I love you
They're not gonna get us,
they're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us, gonna get us, gonna get us..
(Not gonna get us)
They're not gonna get us (gonna get us, gonna get us!)
Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us, gonna get us.
Not gonna get us
(Not gonna get us)
Get Us, get us..
(Not gonna get us)

Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us

We'll run away, keep everything simple
Night will come down, our guardian angel
We rush ahead, the crossroads are empty
Our spirits rise, they're not gonna get us

My love for you, always forever
Just you and me, all else is nothing
Not going back, not going back there
They don't understand,
They don't understand us

Not gonna get us, gonna get us, gonna get us (gonna get.. get us.)
Not gonna get us (gonna get.. gonna get..)
Not gonna get us, gonna get us..
Not gonna get us

Nothing can stop us, not now, I love you
They're not gonna get us,
they're not gonna get us
Nothing can stop us, not now, I love you
They're not gonna get us,
they're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
(Not gonna get us)
They're not gonna get us, gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
(Not gonna get us)
Not gonna get us, get us
Not gonna get us, get us
Not gonna get us"

On topic: Swiftys fave :)

19:38:26 Apr 8th 09 - Mr. Salsa:

Cobra has two penises!!

Oh wait, nevermind, that other one is Swifty's...



19:45:31 Apr 8th 09 - Prince Mielo:

This was an accident
Not the kind where sirens sound
Never even noticed
We're suddenly crumbling

Tell me how you've never felt
Delicate or innocent
Do you still have doubts that
Us having faith makes any sense

Tell me nothing ever counts
Lashing out or breaking down
Still somebody loses 'cause
There's no way to turn around

Staring at your photograph
Everything now in the past
Never felt so lonely I
Wish that you could show me love

Show me love, show me love, show me love,
Show me love, show me love
'Til you open the door

Show me love, show me love, show me
Show me love, show me love,
'Til I'm up off the floor

Show me love, show me love show me love,
Show me love, show me love,
'Til it's inside my pores

Show me love, show me love, show me love,
Show me love, show me love,
'Til I'm screaming for more

Random acts of mindlessness
Commonplace occurrences
Chances and surprises
Another state of consciousness

Tell me nothing ever counts
Lashing out or breaking down
Still somebody loses 'cause
There's no way to turn around

Tell me how you've never felt
Delicate or innocent
Do you still have doubts that
Us having faith makes any sense

You play games, I play tricks
Girls and girls, but you're the one
Like a game of pick-up sticks
Played by *beep*ing lunatics

Show me love, show me love
Give me all that I want
Show me love, Show me love
'Til I'm screaming for more

Still on topic: Swiftys fave :)

19:45:33 Apr 8th 09 - Sir Moonshine:


Mr. Swifty


4/8/2009 10:55:43 AMCobra, you always have a spot in my pants/heart. Moonshine, quit drinking what you're making and start drinking me jizzer! Meaty and hearty!

I suggest you do it first. You have the problem ejaculating and spreading your jizzer all over the place, i suggest you stop ejaculating when a guy/women talks to you in the forums. You go place a condom, then you won't become a nub anymore x-P


Retard means: To hold back, hinder or to delay or slow down. Or which a person is mentally damaged. But yet i am able to speak normally.

Cobra, are you mentally retarded?

19:45:54 Apr 8th 09 - Mr. Sdrawkcab:

I'm surprised the real cobra hasnt come in to defend his  honored name :D, unless Ms. cobra is him... or her...

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