Forums / The hangaround / Guess the country

Guess the country
23:28:52 Jul 26th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

As I said, thats why there are programs in place. There is a sliding scale in place at most hospitals, you just have to ask for it. There is Medicare, etc.

And besides, mistakes in someone else's life are not my problem to fix. I have made mistakes in my life, and not asked the government to fix them. I am 22, have 2 kids, and a wife, support my sister, and yet, am still doing ok. I have a beautiful 3000 sq. foot home, and healthcare for all everyone, two brand new cars, and am going to school. I do not want to hear there is no way to help yourself in any situation. Sacrifices must be made to achieve greatness. Hate me if you want, but as I said, when I hit rough times in my past, I did not call upon the government to change, or help me because of my fuck ups.

01:29:08 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Reynolds II:

@ wolford

Your roght about that, that is the situation in my home country where we have a social healthcare system. And people faking being disabled, are leaving from goverment cheese. But i never said that this the way to go!

Guz its not, is see my parents work there butts of fulltime and 47% goes too taxes, while my neightbours sitting at home being "disabled" and live from goverment cheese ( cheese paid by my parents),. The father does some non registerd work, so doesnt pay taxes over it. And there childeren get paid by the goverment too go to school, while i have to loan money to pay for my school goes my parents have 4 other childeren too feed.

My point is that kapalisme is the problem, in 1800 is was known that this system could only function if there is a big tention between rich and poor. With other words kaptalisme needs people to be poor to be able to produce products and services at a low cost, so that company can sell it too the massa`s with a profit. And that with that profit you create weahlt, for a select group of people.

I dont know of a better system but still that wont prevent me to say whats wrong with this one. :P

05:22:28 Jul 27th 09 - Lord Cuba Libre:

believe all the systems put in place around the world are faulty to some degree. If there is such a division, with so many supporters for both government sponsored healthcare as well as privatized healthcare industries then its obvious that the answer lies somewhere in the middle.

Obviously the capitalist view is flawed because there are hard-working individuals and families who just don't have the opportunity to improve their lives to a level where healthcare is affordable
And the socialist view is flawed because those "failures" at life, and the freebooters get a free pass and are supported by the people who actually work hard, which is grossly unfair.

Now I don't know the solution to this problem, if I did I'd be a very rich man. But to me the obvious solution is a system that gives those less fortunate the means to help themselves, and the opportunity to afford healthcare, not just hand it to them. At this point it is up to the individuals to manage their lives responsibly, and not squander their healthcare. That way everyone can have the potential to succeed, but the ultimate failures are dropped and not a burden to those who can actually earn a decent living.

14:36:43 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Reynolds II:

Agreed :D, the asnwer does lie in the middle, but because you have two hardend sides. Who wount give ground to eachother this middle area while propably never reached :S. Dammm i hate politicans

14:46:36 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Kayn:

Just go watch the documentary called Sicko. It will teach you about the reality of the American health care system... or lack there of.

14:49:40 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

Reynolds, you cant think of the world in such simplistic terms. Its a complicated place. You can have capitalism AND a responsible healthcare, in fact those two doesnt have anything to do with eachother. The idea that you need a struggling lower class to keep production costs down is an antique view of the world, especially now that everything is built in China. The service sector, IT and banking sectors that give jobs to western countries doesnt depend on some sort of starving class of low wage workers.

Karac, you say that as long as your private business does well, everything is fine and dandy and you can afford your own insurance to support your family. Fine, but then something like a huge recession comes along, and knocks out half of the small businesses and they can no longer afford insurance.

You need a system that works both in good and bad times, and you need something where people dont have to get basic healthcare on a wet pavement. US pays more for its healthcare than any other country in the world, and you still dont believe there is a better system?

15:20:23 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Billious:


18:32:25 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

Wolflord Karac


20:27:22 Jul 26th 09


So what, go socialized? So instead of paying 7% of my paycheck for healthcare that is good for me and my family, pay 22% of my paycheck so every lazy motherf*cker can get seen? Hell no. The system may be flawed, but it wouldn't be if people weren't pathetic.

So your saying your money is more important to you, than the wealthfare of other human beings dispite their circumstances?

18:36:02 Jul 27th 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

Mr. Seloc


12:32:25 Jul 27th 09
Wolflord Karac


20:27:22 Jul 26th 09


So what, go socialized? So instead of paying 7% of my paycheck for healthcare that is good for me and my family, pay 22% of my paycheck so every lazy motherf*cker can get seen? Hell no. The system may be flawed, but it wouldn't be if people weren't pathetic.

So your saying your money is more important to you, than the wealthfare of other human beings dispite their circumstances?

Yep.  The gov't will have to take muh money from the grip of my cold dead hand!

23:30:09 Jul 27th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

I'm not saying that, I am training to be a Doctor for the exact reason of helping people. But should I be forced to give up MY hard earned pay for some lazy person? No, work ur damn self. May be cold, but please, I will die, and will anyone who my paycheck help, thank me? No. They will continue to rely on other hardworking folk to care for them, so, should I shed a tear for those POS's?

01:06:53 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Kayn:

Karac, I can somewhat understand your point of view, the idea of putting your own money into a care system to people you don't even know. The idea that you are helping people who won't even help themselves. This is just wrong... right?

Well those of us who live in countries where healthcare is given to anyone don't see it that way. Let me first state that the tax is not bad at all, it's not something so dramatic that we're all poor for it. No, it's the same as having your money going to the Fire department, and police, and road work, and any other place where you can think of where the government uses our tax dollars.

Free healthcare is given to everybody. Anyone can call an ambulance and stay in a hospital (for weeks on end) without worry of filling out forms, proof of insurrance (for those fortunate to have it), or any other odd detail your system requires. Kids under 18 can get a special (free) medicare plan giving them free medication (in Canada). A young mother, alone, living with a disabled child can worry more about the child then her mounting bills.

The real issue is not the money the population thinks they will lose in tax, it's the doctors who don't want a government run health care. This would mean smaller salaries, in-turn smaller homes and slower cars. They have you brainwahed thinking that, "oh no, the government will tax me so bad, they will make me pay for the checkup of the bum outside, this is outragious!" The fact is they don't want to lose the millions to billions of dollars their clinics earn, and will use any tactic to prevent that from happening.  

I love having free care. We would do anything to keep it, in the same way as you would do anything to keep from getting it.

It's an odd world we live in.


Go Als go! :p

01:16:37 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

Sir Santa


17:20:45 Jul 26th 09
Karac, how about a single mom taking care of 3 children who works double shifts at a waitress for a shitty pay, barely enough to pay the rent, with no education? How the fuck is she going to help herself? She can't go to school and study something, she can't get any loans, wtf is she supposed to do when one of her kids gets sick?

Santa I ask who's fault is it for getting there? Whos? Is it the taxpayers fault? Is it the governments fault? WHO? TELL ME WHO'S FAULT IT IS SHE GOT THERE? Cause you know what she made some bad decisions and it is HER responsibility to deal with it, not anyone else. She got herself into that mess and she can dam well find a way out. 


01:20:25 Jul 28th 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

No no, none of those...tis the developer of the condom's fault that it's not fool proof xD

01:32:28 Jul 28th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Kayn, I can agree with you. But doctors taking salary cuts causes other problems I wont get into here. A doctor busts his ass, thru school, work, home life (or lack there of) and dealing with people so damn rude, who just look for ways to sue him.

He deserves the money, and a cut, will cause intelligent people to turn to other professions to earn their money, thus causing the medical field to get filled with lesser qualified people.

01:38:12 Jul 28th 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

That, and doctors making a set salary instead of per operation/test done always seem to be in a bit less of a hurry to get stuff done (go figure) :P  Helllllllllo waiting lists :)

01:53:15 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Kayn:

I live in a city where they teach some of the best doctors in the world. Many graduates end up in the US, but just as many stay. Trust me, our doctors are not less qualified than yours. The only difference is our doctors drive BMW's instead of Ferrari's. I know, life is

A complete change would cause problems at first, but things always get worse before they get better.

02:06:04 Jul 28th 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

"Better" is a subjective thing I stated in my post on the first page...US considers our better, Europe considers there's better :P  Both have faults, both have their good points...who's to say which is "better"?

02:08:32 Jul 28th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:


02:18:20 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

Statistics Big Mac? Go look up the survivability rate for some cancers and you may find in certain countries the survivability rate for it is lower than that in the US.

02:22:35 Jul 28th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

Statistics Big Mac? Go look up the survivability rate for some cancers.......

10% is from doctors 90% is how people go on, themselves..

02:43:43 Jul 28th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Statistics, and breakthroughs, majority of which, occur in the US.

02:55:21 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Kayn:

None of those breakthroughs will be covered in your insurance, well not for another 20 yrs when those procedures become obsolete.

Karac, again its about money. Doctors get paid more in the US, so PHD's from all over the world move there to get a piece of the pie.

02:58:23 Jul 28th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Which is the benefit of our system. Dr's WANT to practice. They move faster, providing more surgeries, lower waitlists.

My insurance covers everything, transplants, heart surgery, etc. Then again, TRICARE is the BEST insurance available lol.

03:32:59 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Kayn:

Lower waiting list? I was plagued by a headache for over 3 months, concerned I went to a clinic. After waiting in a waiting room for 20 minutes, the doctor checked me out said to try a CT scan. I went to the hospital a couple days later, waited 3 hours and got my scan on the spot. It came back negative, and I came home without having to fill out a single form or pay a single dime.  How much better can it get than that?

I'd say the best insurance in the world would be to not even have to think about it. We are born insured, and we die insured. Me, my family, friends, the cripple next door, the mentally challenged, the bum on the street, everyone. If you have a child born with some new disease, good luck getting it covered in your insurance.

04:34:42 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

Kayn, but at what cost? And why is it the governments job? What gives the government that right? As far as I'm concerned it is not stated in the constitution thus it is not their place.

04:42:34 Jul 28th 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

If you have a child born with some new disease, good luck getting it covered in your insurance. would be :P  Any child is immediately covered by your current insurance (even the birthing expenses)

And you seriously had to wait a couple of days to get a CT Scan on a possible head injury?!? 

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