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Japanese kids cartoon
12:49:59 Mar 9th 10 - Mr. Basch:

13:40:09 Mar 9th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

I wouldnīt show that to children...but looks a bit like some kind of propaganda?

14:15:25 Mar 9th 10 - Mr. Seamus The Cluricaun Tripod:

I've been to that dome at 3:49. Ground zero.. Its an eerie place..

16:03:43 Mar 9th 10 - Mr. Snuffalupaguse:

This is not one for the children.  This is for the teenagers and older.

16:53:18 Mar 9th 10 - Mr. Chaos Legna:

This is anime not cartoon.

13:08:10 Mar 10th 10 - Mr. Heroix:

Where's propaganda here? That's history.

American imperialism killed another hundreds of thousands of innocent  people just to fulfill their government requirements.

Americans can kill innocent people to defend their country, while Iraq and other terrorists can't?

17:24:07 Mar 10th 10 - The Architect:

Yes, we are absolutely terrible for defending ourselves.

I agree, the loss of life was horrific, but you gotta realize that when you screw with someone (pearl harbor), they are not just going to sit there and ask for another.  We needed to end that war, and we did.  They should have thought twice before they decided to bomb the hell out of Pearl Harbor because of a perceived oil embargo that never happened, nor was it going to happen.  None of that war needed to happen, but hasty decisions by their commanders plunged both of us into the thick of it.

18:14:53 Mar 10th 10 - Mr. Malis Hantrum:

defend i understand but attack twice with atomic bombs thats just show of

also if they just showed wich power an atomic bomb has then Japan would give up without any victims is just sad that the americans believe that what they do is for justic when they do it for profits

21:43:04 Mar 10th 10 - Mr. Chaos Legna:

Show them how blowing it up in the sea to look pretty? Oh yea thats gonna work wonders. We did show them with the first bomb we dropped. They didnt believe it so we dropped another  to prove we had more and that we would use them. They surrendered after that.

14:19:59 Mar 11th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

defend i understand but attack twice with atomic bombs thats just show of

Exactly. It's a show of force to prove they should not mess with us. It got them to give up on their losing campaign, and go back to being on their own. 

14:56:02 Mar 11th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

if it was for children then it would be propaganda to show such ugly pictures of people dying to children, but snuffalupaguse might be right.

And the second atomic bomb was unnecessary, it was dropped very soon after the first, a countries leadership canīt make such a important decision so fast as to continue or not after such a catastrophe.

17:22:46 Mar 11th 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

Mr. Tyrgalon


08:56:02 Mar 11th 10
if it was for children then it would be propaganda to show such ugly pictures of people dying to children, but snuffalupaguse might be right.

And the second atomic bomb was unnecessary, it was dropped very soon after the first, a countries leadership canīt make such a important decision so fast as to continue or not after such a catastrophe.
The generals were more in charge than the emperor.  They wanted to continue, he didn't.  But I believe that if the time period between the first and second was longer, maybe the second one would not have been needed.  But it is useless arguing this years and years after the fact.  We cannot undo the decisions of the past.

Mr. Heroix


07:08:10 Mar 10th 10
Where's propaganda here? That's history.
American imperialism killed another hundreds of thousands of innocent  people just to fulfill their government requirements.

Americans can kill innocent people to defend their country, while Iraq and other terrorists can't?

Oh yeah, now we just sound like bloodthirsty barbarians...really smooth there.  What about the Japanese slaughtering Chinese people? Are you going to completely forget the Japanese military MURDERING over half a MILLION Chineses civilians?? That is genocide.  That only happened in one city though...Nanking.  Millions more died throughout the fighting in WWII between Japan and China. 
The atomic bombs were dropped because if America tried doing a land invasion, the estimated deaths would have been in the MILLIONS.  What would you say to that? The Japanese generals did not want to surrender at all.  They were going to fight tooth and nail for every inch of land.  The people would fight for every inch in blood.  Sadly, there was no happy ending either way.  Atomic bombs or invade and suffer unbelievable death counts.  Bringing Iraq and terrorists into this situation is illogical. 

So yeah...America is evil and horrible according to you Heroix.  Completely forgetting the Japanese imperialism that was much more aggressive, violent, and inhumane.

17:27:41 Mar 11th 10 - Mr. Observer:

Architect, Japan was about to surrender but USA dropped the bomb anyways!

17:30:10 Mar 11th 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

Mr. Observer


11:27:41 Mar 11th 10
Architect, Japan was about to surrender but USA dropped the bomb anyways!
Please give link to source then.  I always heard that the Japenese cabinet was split.  Half wanted to surrender and half wanted to continue.  They ALL had to agree to surrender for the action to be carried out I believe.
I found this link to some interesting info.  I am unsure how much of it is true, but it gives something to read besides the stuff on has a list of sources, so I assume that most of the stuff is accurate...but then again, how much stuff is ever 100% accurate?

17:31:45 Mar 11th 10 - Mr. Chaos Legna:

Observer please read up on your World History before you post. 

The US and its Allies would only accept unconditional surrender(part of it was cause Russia was planning an invasion of Japan and didnt want them to surrender to gain land) and the Japanese Generals werent willing to do this thus the second bomb was dropped. Forced them to surrender.

02:30:22 Mar 13th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Charley's right you guys, deal with it     >(

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