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Lateral Thinking Puzzles!
17:52:30 Mar 4th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

I'm going with Azarucs answer :)


Because he was selling it so cheap, the Indian Government was afraid their people would be well fed, loosing that typicly Indian look. Therefor, they send a messenger to the men, with 2 briefcases. The messenger told the man to leave, so he wouldn't have to open any of the cases. But the man was curious, so he asked him to open the suitcase. When the messenger did, the man was blinded by the bright light that came out of it for the suitcase was filled with the most precious gems. Now the mans greed grew stronger and stronger as he slowly regained normal sight again. The messenger urged the man to leave so he wouldn't have to open the second suitcase. But greedy as he had become, the man refused to go and wanted to see what was in the second case. With a sad look on his face, the messenger opened the case. For the second time  that day the man got blinded by the purest light to be ever seen for in that case lay dozens of goldbars! Filled with an intense greed, the man quickly ran to the bathroom, leaving the messenger standing in the living room. When he came back, the man had a shotgun in his hand and he was aiming at the messenger! The man pulled the trigger then a loud bang followed by the messengers instant death. As fast as the wind the man closed the suitcases and took the first flight to Aruba.

Now children, tell me, what did we learn from this? (From now on this is an actual riddle!)

04:24:55 Mar 5th 09 - Mr. Amazement:

Killing people with briefcases makes you rich?

06:05:25 Mar 5th 09 - Mr. Jefzwang: one has gotten it yet.

i will reveal answer by request only, so the u guys can continue tackling it w/o me accidentally spoiling it 4 u.

06:14:13 Mar 5th 09 - Mr. Dargoth:

He buys in Indian Rupees and sells in American Dollars?

1 rupee = 0.019 american dollar

06:18:06 Mar 5th 09 - Mr. Dargoth:

Or buys in USD and sell in EUR

edit: USD should be Rupee

06:45:40 Mar 5th 09 - Sir Struddle:

I actually have two:

1. A very wealthy farmer has three sons.  On his death bed he informs the sons that he will give the farm and all his riches to the wisest of the three.  He informs the three sons that whoever can fill a warehouse will get the farm.  He hands each son a gold coin.  The eldest son takes the coin and runs and buys some grain.  It only fills the corner.  The middle son thinks for a few minutes and then goes and buys feathers.  It fills another corner.  The youngest son sits quietly and thinks for a long time.  He goes to the market and buys something and returns to warehouse.  The items he returns with fills the warehouse and the youngest son is given the farm.  The items the boy bought fit in his pocket what are they?

2. If a number two pencil is so great why is it number two?

06:57:15 Mar 5th 09 - Sir Hirgon Tegalad:

1) Smokebombs!

07:10:12 Mar 5th 09 - Mr. Jefzwang:

u know what my riddle seems to have been forgotten already so ill just give the answer:

if u dont wanna know avert ur eyes--

the man used to be a billionaire.  his overcharitable actions reduced him to a millionaire. 

07:18:31 Mar 5th 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

2. If a number two pencil is so great why is it number two?

<object width="445" height="364"><param name="movie" value="

07:45:33 Mar 5th 09 - Mr. Jefzwang:

.................i really have no comment to make.  and i agree with the bug.  that was f*cked up.

08:41:33 Mar 5th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

The boy bought air :)

14:00:34 Mar 5th 09 - Sir Struddle:

So far no one has gotten my riddle(s) correct.......  I will give a hint for the first one.  There are a total of three answers you will need to completely solve it.....

14:04:38 Mar 5th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

I know the answer! The boy bought soap, a bucket and a bubble blower. He used the bucket to get water from the well, did some soap in it and put that mixture in the bubble blower. With the blower he made a lot of bubbles and managed to fill the entire warehouse with bubbles :D

17:08:34 Mar 5th 09 - Mr. Amazement:

The boy buys a ho and then the warehouse gets filled with customers...

Then the boy becomes a pimp and doesn't need his father's riches, cuz he's rich enough...

06:49:34 Mar 6th 09 - Mr. Jondrus Baz Jesek:

This is kinda out there, but is it an egg?

09:29:14 Mar 6th 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

   He bought a lightbulb and filled it with light, duh   


  -i think

09:37:51 Mar 6th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

I actually have two:

1. A very wealthy farmer has three sons.  On his death bed he informs the sons that he will give the farm and all his riches to the wisest of the three.  He informs the three sons that whoever can fill a warehouse will get the farm.  He hands each son a gold coin.  The eldest son takes the coin and runs and buys some grain.  It only fills the corner.  The middle son thinks for a few minutes and then goes and buys feathers.  It fills another corner.  The youngest son sits quietly and thinks for a long time.  He goes to the market and buys something and returns to warehouse.  The items he returns with fills the warehouse and the youngest son is given the farm.  The items the boy bought fit in his pocket what are they?

He bought a candle(s) and matches, and lit the candle(s) in the warehouse, thus filling it with light.

10:28:20 Mar 6th 09 - Sir Struddle:

Wyzer got every part of it correct.  Awesome job. =D

My second "riddle" is still up for grabs though......

11:33:26 Mar 6th 09 - Mr. Syphillis:

never call supahfly just a 'bug' :D Jefzwang. Ps whats your answer

11:33:26 Mar 6th 09 - Mr. Syphillis:

never call supahfly just a 'bug' :D Jefzwang. Ps whats your answer

11:59:42 Mar 6th 09 - Mr. Syphillis:

Nvm Jefzwang, I saw u allready posted to answer

16:59:54 Mar 6th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

A number 2 pencil is number 2 yet great, simply because number 1 should always be an evil loonatick. Just look at Austin Powers ;)

17:34:37 Mar 6th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

2 is a type of pencil? like HB

18:54:36 Mar 6th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Being in first place means that you're arrogant.

It's better to be in second place because you did well but don't have the arrogance problem.

I was bored.

22:35:39 Mar 6th 09 - Mr. Testing:

i guess that means demonslayer scientist is always in first place :O

05:52:05 Mar 7th 09 - Mr. Jefzwang:

&nb*beep*an was driving alone in his car when he spun off the road at high speed. He crashed through a fence and bounced down a steep ravine before the car plunged into a fast flowing river. As the car slowly settled in the river, the man realized that his arm was broken and that he could not release his seat belt and get out of the car. The car sank to the bottom of the river. He was trapped in the car. Rescuers arrived two hours later, yet they found him still in the river, but alive. How come?

06:00:09 Mar 7th 09 - Mr. Hannibal:

The river isn't deep enough to drown him. Riddle only says fast flowing, not deep.

08:58:14 Mar 7th 09 - Mr. Amazement:

He evolved and grew gills

Car did not fill with water

It was a river of beer and he drank it all

Or maybe Mr. Phelps is just amazing?

14:10:20 Mar 7th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

This riddle is tooooo easy. The guy was a scoobadiver on his way to the beach but, because he fills very uncomfortable chaning into his gear when others are around, he did so at home. Because he was already geared up, the guy could simply stay on water for several hours, breathing trough his oxymask ;)

23:43:07 Mar 7th 09 - Mr. Jefzwang:

hannibal got it.

there are 6 eggs in a basket.  6 ppl come and each take an egg.  how is there still one egg in the basket? 

00:13:59 Mar 8th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

Two people take the same egg!

I have the best lateral thinking puzzle in the world! Women

00:38:25 Mar 8th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

Well Seloc, I've been thinking for hours now but I really don't see the answer to it :(
Can you give me a hint? :)

01:27:23 Mar 8th 09 - Mr. Testing:

4 men locked themselves in a megasafe, as a experiment, they told no one to open it until 1 month had passed, they had enough food and water for 1 month. Friends opened exactly when they were supposed to, but all men were found as if they had been dead for 4 weeks, how did they die?

[this is so easy...]

01:36:00 Mar 8th 09 - Mr. Brian The Cruel:


01:40:16 Mar 8th 09 - Mr. Brian The Cruel:

there are 6 eggs in a basket. 6 ppl come and each take an egg. how is there still one egg in the basket?

Last person took the basket too

01:54:46 Mar 8th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

A mute man walks into a shop, he makes two rings around his eyes to show that he wants sunglasses. The shopkeeper gives him a pair of sunglasses, they are paid for, and the mute man walks off.

A blind man walks into the shop, how does he let the shopkeeper know that he wants an umbrella?

03:10:27 Mar 8th 09 - Mr. Dargoth:

He asks the shopkeeper for an umbrella 

17:44:56 Mar 9th 09 - Mr. Jefzwang:

good job brian

A little girl was warned by her guardian never to open the cellar door or she would see things that she was not meant to see. One day while her guardian was out she did open the cellar door. What did she see?

18:10:52 Mar 9th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

Acting on an anonymous phone call, the police raid a house to arrest a
suspected murderer. They don't know what he looks like but they know
his name is John and that he is inside the house. The police bust in on
a carpenter, a lorry driver, a mechanic and a fireman all playing
poker. Without hesitation or communication of any kind, they
immediately arrest the fireman. How do they know they've got their man?

20:12:31 Mar 9th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

his name is on his jacket?

21:01:26 Mar 9th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

Nope :)

23:23:04 Mar 9th 09 - Mr. Jefzwang:

"Acting on an anonymous phone call, the police raid a house to arrest a
suspected murderer. They don't know what he looks like but they know
his name is John and that he is inside the house. The police bust in on
a carpenter, a lorry driver, a mechanic and a fireman all playing
poker. Without hesitation or communication of any kind, they
immediately arrest the fireman. How do they know they've got their man?"

the rest of 'em are women.

btw, nobody has gotten mine yet (about the girl in the cellar)

00:07:45 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Testing:

way to many choices for both of them

10:22:13 Mar 10th 09 - Lord Azaruc:

@ Jefzwang: the cellar?

16:42:42 Mar 10th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

Maybe the girl was inside the celler and wasn't allowed to see the outside?
Or there was a secret stash of goldbars in the cellar and the girl was a convicted fellon!

17:04:28 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

Nothing as she hadn't turned the light on!

14:24:56 Mar 12th 09 - Mr. Testing:


A girl was sleeping, she was woken up by thumps on here roof, she went to the window and saw lots of dark shapes hurling things up, she opened the window to shout at them but something came hurtling into her face from the window, it was white.

what was it the dark shapes were throwing?

14:27:59 Mar 12th 09 - Lord Azaruc:

Hail or snow

and the dark shapes were the clouds then

14:42:45 Mar 12th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

Well obvioulsy it had snowed the day before so the guy next door was trying to blow away the snow with a leafblower. However he did not realise that the day before he had accidently dropped an open bag of baseballs on the grass. When blowing with his leafblower, he blew away the frozen and snowcovered balls at an enormous speed and rate, making the girl believe it was hail hitting her in the face and thereby making the correct answer to Testing's question; Hail!

21:22:37 Mar 12th 09 - Mr. Testing:

nope to either, give up?

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